Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему "ЕГЭ задание 4. Обучение сравнению картин с изображением животных"

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "ЕГЭ задание 4. Обучение сравнению картин с изображением животных"

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Презентация на тему «ЕГЭ задание 4.Обучение сравнению картин с изображением...

    1 слайд

    на тему
    «ЕГЭ задание 4.Обучение сравнению картин с изображением животных»

    Выполнила учитель
    английского языка
    МБОУ «Гимназия №1»
    г. Чебоксары
    Симакова В.А.

  • Задании 4 - сравнить две фотографии на основе предложенного плана. Время на...

    2 слайд

    Задании 4 - сравнить две фотографии на основе предложенного плана. Время на подготовку – 1,5 мин.

    give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
    say what the pictures have in common
    say in what way the pictures are different
    say which of the animals presented in the pictures you'd prefer
    explain why

  • I’d like to compare and contrast these two pictures.
In the first picture we...

    3 слайд

    I’d like to compare and contrast these two pictures.
    In the first picture we can see An ANIMAL, doing smth. and in the second picture we can see AN ANIMAL, doing smth.
    These pictures have a lot in common…
    Animals Both pictures show (wild/ domestic) animals ; lions/ pride of lions/
    Place Animals in both pictures are in the field/ at the zoo / in the grasslands OR in their natural habitats / in the wild/
    OR are kept in captivity
    Age In both pictures we can see young / mature animals
    Action Animals in both pictures are eating, sleeping or roaming freely
    These pictures are also different in many ways …
    In the first picture we can see lions while in the second …

  • 4 слайд

  • A prideA flockA swarmA packA litterA herdA colony/ a schoolA pod

    5 слайд

    A pride
    A flock
    A swarm
    A pack
    A litter
    A herd
    A colony/ a school
    A pod

  • 6 слайд

  • 7 слайд

  • 8 слайд

  • Natural habitatsdesertjunglesteppeoceangreenland/meadowpolewetlandssavannahfo...

    9 слайд

    Natural habitats

  • MAN-MADE HABITATS            Zoo          FARMNATURAL PARKAquarium

    10 слайд


  • ANIMAL HOMESchicken -coop        cow - cowshed        bee - hive         hors...

    11 слайд

    chicken -coop        cow - cowshed        bee - hive       horse - stable
    dog - kennel sheep -   pen        pig - pigsty

  • ANIMAL HOMESsquirrel - hollow                             fox -hole         ...

    12 слайд

    squirrel - hollow            fox -hole             bat - cave
    ant -anthill         bear– den bird - nest  

  • ACTIONS to graze     to galop

to peck at seeds...

    13 слайд

    to graze to galop

    to peck at seeds
    to hop

    to butt to crawl

    to crouch

    to float in the sky

  • to skipto roll in the mud to swing on vinesto feedto educateto biteto fluff u...

    14 слайд

    to skip
    to roll in the mud
    to swing on vines
    to feed
    to educate
    to bite
    to fluff up
    to chase

  • Study the pictures.
In 1,5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast them:

    15 слайд

    Study the pictures.
    In 1,5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast them:
    1) give a brief description (action, location);
    2) say what the pictures have in common;
    3) say in which way the pictures are different;
    4) say which of the animals presented in the pictures you’d prefer to observe;
    5) explain why.
    You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.

  • These pictures have a lot in common…Firstly…Secondly…Animals    Both pictu...

    16 слайд

    These pictures have a lot in common…
    Animals Both pictures show (wild/ domestic) animals ; lions/ pride of lions/
    Place Animals in both pictures are in the field/ at the zoo / in the grasslands OR in their natural habitats / in the wild/
    OR are kept in captivity
    Age In both pictures we can see young / mature animals
    Action Animals in both pictures are eating, sleeping or roaming freely
    These pictures are also different in many ways …
    In the first picture we can see lions while in the second …

  • I’d like to compare these two pictures depicting wild animals.

    17 слайд

    I’d like to compare these two pictures depicting wild animals.
    In the first picture we can see a school of dolphins swimming in the sea.
    And in the second picture we can see a herd of zebras grazing in the grasslands.
    These pictures have a lot in common. Firstly, both pictures show animals in their natural habitats. And secondly, in both pictures we see mature animals.
    These pictures are also different in many ways. The most obvious difference is that the picture on the left shows sea animals, whereas in the picture on the right we can see exotic African animals. As we can see the animals are doing different things. The dolphins are swimming, while the zebras are roaming freely.
    Personally, I would probably prefer to observe zebras because they are very gracious, besides, they have an unusual striped coloration. I think they are fantastic!
    That’s all I wanted to say.

  • Adjectives to describe animalsLoyal                                        ca...

    18 слайд

    Adjectives to describe animals
    Loyal calm
    Funny helpful
    Clever herbivorous[hɜːˈbɪvərəs]
    Gracious ferocious [fəˈrəʊʃəs]
    Fluffy agile [ˈæʤaɪl]
    Dangerous poisonous [ˈpɔɪznəs]
    Exotic tiny

  • Study the pictures.In 1,5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast them:1)...

    19 слайд

    Study the pictures.
    In 1,5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast them:
    1) give a brief description (action, location);
    2) say what the pictures have in common;
    3) say in which way the pictures are different;
    4) say which of the settings presented in the pictures you’d prefer;
    5) explain why.

  • Study the pictures.In 1,5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast them:1)...

    20 слайд

    Study the pictures.
    In 1,5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast them:
    1) give a brief description (action, location);
    2) say what the pictures have in common;
    3) say in which way the pictures are different;
    4) say which of the animals presented in the pictures you’d prefer to have as a pet;
    5) explain why.

  • Study the pictures.In 1,5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast them:1)...

    21 слайд

    Study the pictures.
    In 1,5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast them:
    1) give a brief description (action, location);
    2) say what the pictures have in common;
    3) say in which way the pictures are different;
    4) say which of the animals presented in the pictures you’d prefer;
    5) explain why.

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Краткое описание документа:

Данная презентация поможет учителю в обучении выполнения задания №4 в ЕГЭ по английскому языку - сравнение картин с изображением животных. В ней также представлен богатый материал на повторение и закрепление лексики для описания картин с животными. Имеются дополнительные задания для закрепления темы.

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