Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программы"About Kazakhstan" 8 class

"About Kazakhstan" 8 class

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About Kazakhstan
Emblem and Flag of Kazakhstan. Republic of Kazakhstan. Information on Kazakhstan. Kazakh language. Population of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is a wealth of frosty mountain peaks, sparkling glaciers, softly rustling evergreen forests, huge rocky canyons bridged by colorful rainbows, emerald mountain lakes, wild rivers, poetic sunrises, and unique plant and animal life.
Kazakhstan is the birthplace of ancient Eurasian civilizations, the motherland of nomadic people, and an important part of the Great Silk Road (1,400km).
Kazakhstan is the motherland of the great philosopher and founder of sufism, Khodja Akhmed Yassawi, whose mausoleum and mosque survive in the ancient town of Turkestan. There are twenty-seven thousand ancient monuments throughout the nation: The Saks Burial Mounds (6th-3rd centuries B.C.), Golden Man of Issyk, and countless others.

Kazakhstan flagNational Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a piece of right-angled cloth of a sky-blue color with a picture of a golden sun with 32 rays in the center, sitting above a soaring steppe eagle. The flagstaff has a vertical line of national ornamentation. The picture of the sun, its rays, eagle and ornament are gold in color. The width/length ratio of the flag is 1:2.


Kazakhstan emblemNational Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted on June 4, 1992. The authors of the emblem are Zhandarbek Melibekov and Shota Ualikhanov. About 245 projects and 67 description designs of the future arms took part in the final competition.

The National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an image of shanyrak, the upper dome-like portion of a yurt, against a sky blue background which irradiates (in the form of sun rays) uyks (supports) set off by wings of mythical horses. The circle shape of the Emblem is a symbol of life and eternity. The shanyrak symbolizes the well-being of family, peace and calm.

A design very similar to the Kazakh shangyraq is used in the flag of neighboring Kyrgyzstan; it is known as "tunduk" in Kyrgyz.

The colour version of the National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of two colours: gold and sky blue. The golden color corresponds to the light, clear future of the Kazakhstani people, and the blue sky colour is a symbol of the aspiration to peace, goodwill, friendship and unity with all people.

The name of the country in Kazakh, KA3AKCTAH, is in the lower part of the coat of arms.

National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan >>>

Information on Kazakhstan

Area: 2 724 000 sq.km
Population: 17 028 000 (june, 2013)
Capital: Astana
Major languages: Kazakh, Russian
Religions: Islam, Christianity
Monetary unit: Kazakhstan tenge
Internet Domain: .kz

The Republic of Kazakhstan is a presidential democracy; a secular, stable and social state whose highest values are its people and their lives, rights and freedoms.

The Republic of Kazakhstan lies directly between Europe and Asia, between 45° and 87° of East longitude, 40° and 55° of North latitude.

It stretches from the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea and the Volga plains to the mountainous Altai and from the foothills of the Tien Shan in the south and southeast to the West Siberian lowlands in the north. The size of the territory places Kazakhstan ninth in the world, after Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brazil, Australia, India and Argentina.

In the east, north and northwest, Kazakhstan borders with Russia (6,477km). In the south it borders with the states of Central Asia: Uzbekistan (2,300km), Kyrgyzstan (980km) and Turkmenistan (380km). In the southeast it borders with China (1,460km). The total extent of Kazakhstan's borders is nearly 12,200km, including 600 kilometers along the Caspian Sea in the west.

Kazakhstan lies in the center of the European and Asian continents, and is approximately equal distance from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. More than a quarter of the land consists of a portion of the gentle steppes that stretch from central Europe to Siberia. The rest of the republic reflects the beauty of forests, mountains, rivers, lakes and reservoirs. The natural landscape is enhanced by thousands of plant and animal varieties found from the northern forest steppes to the high southern mountains.
More on the geography of Kazakhstan >>>

Kazakhstan has an extreme continental climate. It is characterized by irregular distribution of precipitation in its various regions. In certain years, spring arrives from south to north over a period of 1.5 - 2 months. When it is spring sowing time in the south, the northern area is still covered with snow and blizzards blow through frequently.

The land of Kazakhstan is rich in soils. The greater part of the forest-steppe zone is chernozem, which turns to dark-chestnut, light-chestnut and brown soils in the south. There are gray-soil lands in the deserts and semi-deserts, replaced by mountain soils in mountain zones. Crossing the territory of Kazakhstan from north to south you will encounter many different climatic zones, each with its own flora and fauna.

Kazakhstan is also rich in natural resources. In short, 99 of the 110 elements of the Mendeleev Periodic Table are found in the depths of Kazakhstan. For the present time, 60 elements are being extracted and utilized: chromium ore, tungsten borides, phosphorites, molybdenum, bauxites, asbestos, manganese, coal, oil, gas, titanium, magnesium, tin, uranium, gold and other non-ferrous metals and minerals.

Topography Kazakhstan is known for an extremely diverse topography: from high snowy mountains to steppes, semi-deserts and deserts. The lowest spot is the Karagie lowland (-132m) and the highest point is Khan-Tengri Peak (7,010m).

Flora and fauna
Flora and Fauna: Thousand rare species of plants and animals, including the turanga and black ash trees, brown bear, pink flamingo, snow leopard, and steppe antelope (Saigak). Many of these animals and plants are native to Kazakhstan. Thus far, 155 mammals, 480 bird species, some 150 different fish and more than 250 medicinal plants have been counted.

Political structure
In 1991, Kazakhstan became independent. According to the Constitution, the president is the Head of State and the Chief Executive. The highest legislative body is a two house Parliament.

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Since April, 1990 the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been Nazarbayev, Nursultan Abishevich.

Population of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan's population includes many ethnic groups, each with their own language and culture, brought together through a shared history. The largest ethnic groups are Kazakhs and Russians. The main religions are Islam and Christianity. Population is over 15 million: Kazakh 63,6%, Russian 23,2%, others (over 100 nationalities) 13,2%.
More information on Kazakhstan's population >>>

Kazakh Language
The official language of Kazakhstan is Kazakh, a Turkic language. State organizations and local governmental bodies also use Russian. The government encourages citizens to study and speak several languages. Everybody has the right to use their native language and the right to choose their language for communication, study and work. This contributes to people of various ethnic origin and religions living and working peacefully in the country.

Diversity of religions; most prevalent are Islam and Christianity.

Almost 60 percent of Kazakhstan is urbanized, the highest level of urbanization among the republics in Central Asia. Almaty, the southern capital, is the largest city with more than 1.5 million residents. It is followed in size by Astana (500,000), Karagandy (436,000), Shymkent (360,000), Taraz (330,000), Oskemen (311,000) and Pavlodar (300,000).

Since 1997 Astana.

Largest city
Almaty was the capital until 1996. These days, Almaty is a major tourist, social, cultural, economic and financial center.

6 hours ahead of GMT (Almaty, Astana). Time difference with New Delhi is half an hour behind.

Public holidays:
January 1,2 - New Year
March 8 - International Women's Day
March 22 - Nauryz Meyramy
May 1 - Kazakhstan National Unity Day
May 9 - Victory Day
July 6 - Day of the Capital
August 30 - Constitution Day
December 16 - Independence Day

There are other religious holidays with varying dates:
Ramadan Khait
Kurban Khait

Culture of Kazakhstan
Kazakhs are an extremely hospitable people. If you come to a Kazakh home unexpected you will be received as if you had been invited. Since early childhood, principles of respect for guests and older people, as well as peacefulness and tolerance, are instilled in every Kazakh, and these are the national features of Kazakh culture and tradition.

Kazakh culture is a Eurasian culture, which belongs to both the East and West, without being Eastern or Western, remaining original, which is characteristic of the vast majority of Indo-European civilizations. There are many fascinating places of interest in Kazakhstan, and importantly, no political or ethnic conflicts.
More information on Kazakh culture >>>

Customs and traditions
Since ancient times, Kazakhs have carefully preserved and passed down through generations their traditions of hospitality, respect for elders, peace and tolerance.
More information on Kazakh Customs and traditions >>>

National cuisine
Kazakh national cuisine reflects the nature of its people, its history, customs and traditions.
Since ancient times, hospitality has been the most distinctive feature of the Kazakh people.
More information on Kazakh national cuisine >>>

Kazakhstan is a market-economy state. The national economic policy aims to create the conditions for the socioeconomic development of the country.
For some years the economy of Kazakhstan has been developing very quickly, at a rate similar to China. The basis of this boom is business related to oil, gas and other raw materials. At the same time, however, the rest of the economy has been developing quickly, making the base of the national economy broader and more diverse.
Kazakhstan economic overview >>>

Kazakhstan  TengeKazakhstan currency
The official currency of Kazakhstan is the Tenge, one of which is equal to 100 tyin (theoretical). It was introduced on the 15th November, 1993.






















National Symbols

“The Republic of Kazakhstan shall have its state symbols — the flag, emblem and anthem. Their description and order of official use shall be established by the constitutional law.” - Article 9 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

National Flag


National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a piece of right-angled cloth of sky-blue colour with a picture of a golden sun with its 32 rays in the centre, under them - a soaring steppe eagle. Flagstaff has vertical line with national ornament.The picture of sun, its rays, eagle and ornament are of golden colour. Width/length ratio of the flag is 1:2.

National Emblem


National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a picture of a Shanyrak ( the cupola of a yurta) on a blue background, from which uyks (body bracket) like sun rays are being radiated in framing of wings of mythical horses. At the bottom of the emblem there is an inscription “Kazakhstan”. National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is of two colours: golden and blue-and-sky-blue.

National Anthem

Text of Zhumken Nazhimedenov, Nursultan Nazarbayev

Music by Shamshi Kaldayakov


Sky of golden sun,
Steppe of golden seed,
Legend of courage -
Take a look at my country.

From the antiquity
Our heroic glory emerged,
They did not give up their pride
My Kazakh people are strong!

Oh my people, oh my country,
I am the flower raised by you,
I am the song stream on tour lips, 
My farther land — My Kazakhstan!

The way was opened to the posterity
I have a vast land.
It's unity is proper,
I have an independent country.

It welcomed the time
Like an eternal friend,
Our happy is country,
Such is our people.












The USA and Kazakhstan partnership in the 21 century

admin · Янв 25th, 2014 · 0 Comment

QAZUSAОблыс: Қарағанды
Қала: Сәтбаев
Мектеп: “№27 жалпы орта білім беретін мектебіКММ
Мұғалімнің аты-жөні: Тажибаева Айжан Ахатқызы
Сабақтың тақырыбы: The USA and Kazakhstan partnership in the 21 century

The theme of the lesson: The USA and Kazakhstan partnership in the 21 century

- to teach pupils to speak about the USA and Kazakhstan;
- to develop the speech habits of pupils; to get information and facts from the history of the USA and Kazakhstan to be more friendly, to develop the friendship between the countries;
- to educate pupils to love our motherland.

Visual aids: the map of the USA and Kazakhstan, symbols, an interactive board, slides and pictures.

The plan of the lesson.

I. Organization moment.
a) greeting

b) conversation with the duty.
II. The check – up of homework

Teacher:  At the last lesson we talk about International partners  of Kazakhstan and The USA. And you must prepare the information about it. We divided into two groips:  1 group: Kazakhstan

2. group: The USA

Answer the teacher`s question: to the group:  The USA

1. Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated? (in central Asia)

2. What is the size of KZ.? (the area is 2.753 square km)

3. What can you say about the population of our country? (about 16)

4. Who is the head of the state? (the president)

5. When did Kazakhstan become an independent state? (in 1991)

6. What are the symbols of the state? (national flag, emblem and anthem)

7. What does the blue color of the flag symbolize? (freedom, independent)

8. What is represented on the state flag? (sun, falcon, ornament)

9. What kind of state is KZ? (independent, democratic)

to the group:  The Kazakhstan

1. Where is the USA situated?

2. What is the size of USA?

3. What can you say about the population of this country?

4. Who is the head of the state?

5. When did USA become an independent state?

6. What are the symbols of the state?

7. What does the 50 stars of the flag symbolize?

8. What is represented on the state flag?

9. What kind of state is USA?


1.     It is situated in the central part of the North American Continent.

2.     The total area of the country is more than nine million square kilometers.

3.     The population of the country is about 265 million people.

4.     Barak Obama, head of the State is the President, who is elected every four years.

5.     The United States is a democratic federal republic.

6.     National flag, emblem and anthem

7.     The 50 stars of the flag symbolize of 50 states in the USA

8.     The flag of the United States of America is called “Stars and Stripes”. There are three colours on the flag- red, white and blue. Americans are proud of their flag and display it in many places.

9.     The United States is a democratic federal republic.

Project:                        Kazakhstan


Landscape            Population         Climate


1.     Project:                                               USA



Landscape            Population         Climate

III. The introduction of the new theme.
Teacher: Children, today we also will speak about the USA and Kazakhstan.

Partnership in the 21 century.And to talk about the Coca – Cola business in Kazakhstan.

1.     I.                  Please answer the questions:

2.     Do you like drinking Coca-Cola?

3.     Do you drink Coke?

4.     Do you like this drink?

5.     Do you know anything about the company that produces Coca-Cola?

A.     II.               Work with new words:

Brand – белгі

Beverage – сусын

Community – қауым, орта

Operate – іс жасау

Authorize – рұқсат ету

Distribution – бөлу, тарату

Joint venture – бірлескен (кәсіпорын)

Non-alcholic – спиртсіз

Alcholic – спиртті

1.     Work with the text: The Coca- Cola business in Kazakhstan

Group investigation:

1.     Reporting – retelling this text in short.

2.     Researcher -  in detail to master main event and to characterize

3.     Questions are a compiler – to prepare main questions

4.     Founder of foot-notes – to find aphorism and saying

5.     Depicting artist – to describe the event

6.     Mediator  - to establish a connection event today’s by life



1.     Conclusion: Dear boys and girls! Today we’ve fixed our knowledge of Kazakhstan and the USA. Did you like the lesson?

Complete the semantic map.


I know

I have learnt

I want to know





Home work: Ex.3-4 p137

New words









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