Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыWater pollution 11 класс

Water pollution 11 класс

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Класс: 11

Предмет: Английский язык

Тема урока:  Загрязнение воды

Цель урока: -закрепление умений и навыков применения ИКТ в работе  по теме Water pollution”.

Задачи :

-          Обучающая:обобщить знания учащихся по теме Conditionals и активизировать употребление лексики по теме Pollution, продолжить формирование навыков говорения, письма и аудирования;

-          Развивающая : развивать речевые умения учащихся, внимание, память, познавательную активность, умение работать самостоятельно и в группе; расширять кругозор обучающихся;

-          Воспитательная: воспитывать культуру работы в группе по достижению общей цели, умения выслушивать и уважать мнение других, прививать любовь и уважительное отношение к природе;

Формы реализаций целей: беседа, монолог, самостоятельная  и групповая работа, познавательная информация  в ходе урока.

Тип урока: Урок закрепление 

Используемые материалы: учебник, ноутбуки, интерактивная доска,раздаточный материал(карточки по теме), тетрадь, электронный учебник.


Ожидаемый результат:учащиеся свободно ориентируются в использований условных предложений на практике а также внедрению лексического минимума по разделу.

Этапы урока

Установки учителя

Действие ученика


Организационный момент

Good morning. Sit down, please!I’m glad to see you! Today we have many guests and we are glad to see them too. Let’s begin our lesson.

Who is absent? What day is it today?


Students greet teacher prepare for the lesson

1 мин

Психологический настрой

Выход на тему


Круг пожеланий

I wish

Деление  на три группы:


What do you see in these pictures?

Can you guess the theme of our lesson?

Students devide into 3 groups using pictures.

Guess the theme of the lesson

4 мин



“Farm waste in the UK”

      The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food publishes a Code of Good Agricultural Practice for the Protection of Water. This gives guidance to 1…….  on, among other things, the planning and management of the disposal of their farm 2…… . Similar codes on 3…  and 4 …. ………. are also published. In addition, the Ministry offers farmers free advice on  5………  issues.The independent Advisory Committee on Pesticides makes recommendation to ministers about the safety of new 6………. and reviews the use of existing ones.

Sea Pollution

        Pollution from ships is controlled under international agreements, which cover matters such as oil discharges and disposal of 7…….. British laws implementing such agreements are binding not only on all ships in British waters, but also on British ships all over the world.

       Modern day 8 …..  ……… is on the increase as a result of too many people too many cars and burning too much 9 …… …. .

       In some cities there has been an attempt to 10…… the number of cars on the road at any one time by allowing alternate days driving only. In some cities-Hamburg, Athens-all cars are halted when pollution indices 11 …. above a certain 12 …… .





soil protection




urban pollution

fossil fuel




Взаимопроверка  (флипчарт 2)



10 мин



Чтение  текста с полным понимание и его обсуждение по следующей схеме:

S1;    S1              S2;  discuss in the group


Ø Do you have such problems in Kazakhstan?

Ø How should we protect the environment?

Ø What do you do to protect the environment?  (флипчарт 3)

Students scan the text  individually then discuss  it in pairs, in  groups.


5 мин





Pollution (by Tom Lehrer)

If you visit American city
You will find it very pretty
Just two things of which you must beware
Don't drink the water and don't breathe the air
Pollution, pollution
They got smog and sewage and mud
Turn on your tap
And get hot and cold running crud
See the halibuts and the sturgeons
Being wiped out by detergents
Fish gotta swim and birds gotta fly
But they don't last long if they try
Pollution, pollution
You can use the latest toothpaste
And then rinse your mouth
With industrial waste

Students sing a song (the song consists of words which Students know from the previous lesson)

2 мин




1st  conditional

2nd conditional

3rd conditional




















1.       If you I have time I will help you.

2.       If I go to Astana I will see Baiterek.

3.       If I were president I would save the nature.

4.       If I had lived in the 20th century I would have saved our environment.

5.       If I had been in the youth eco-parliament I would have helped to care our world

6.       If it gets warm we will go to the picnic.

7.       If I had money I would protect environment.

8.       If I had had a magic stick I would have protected nature.

9.       If I were a boy I would play football.

Электронный учебник Unite 12 Conditionals


 Students work in groups make a table in the poser, choose suitable sentences.





Students work individually using Laptop, fulfill the task.


10 мин



Ситуативные карточки (Situation cards)

If I….

Students choose a ticket, read the beginning of the sentence and make the ending .

  5 мин


Online test englsecrets.ru/grammatika/conditional-sentences.html

Conditional sentences

1. If they … that it is important, the work … really soon.

a) Will see, will be finished

b) See, would be finished

c) Saw, will be finished

d) See, will be finished

2. They promise they … us if they … something interesting.

a) Will phone, find out

b) Would phone, fond out

c) Phone, find out

d) Will phone, would find out

3. If the temperature … high enough, the reaction usually … .

a) Won’t be, stops

b) Isn’t, stops

c) Won’t be, will stop

d) Isn’t, would stop

4. If you … twenty years younger, what … in this situation?

a) Would be, would you do

b) Would be, you would do

c) Were, would you do

d) Were, you would do

5. Ann … a better job if she … any foreign language.

a) Would have, spoke

b) Would have, would speak

c) Had, spoke

d) Would had, spoke


6. If you … so late yesterday, there … any problems with the boss.

a) Hadn’t come, wouldn’t be

b) Hadn’t come, wouldn’t have been

c) Didn’t come, wouldn’t be

d) Didn’t come, wouldn’t have been

7. How … to the airport if you … your father’s car tomorrow?

a) Would you get, don’t have

b) Would you get, didn’t have

c) Will you get, didn’t have

d) Will you get, don’t have

8. Harry … a composer if he … to the best music teacher.

a) Wouldn’t become, didn’t go

b) Wouldn’t become, hadn’t gone

c) Wouldn’t have become, didn’t go

d) Wouldn’t have become, hadn’t gone

9. You … able to finish your last project unless your friends … you.

a) Wouldn’t have been, had helped

b) Would be, helped

c) Would have been, hadn’t helped

d) Wouldn’t be, didn’t help

10. If Alan … more carefully, he … in hospital now.

a) Had driven, wouldn’t have been

b) Drove, wouldn’t be

c) Had driven, wouldn’t be

d) Drove, wouldn’t have been

Результаты оцениваются следующим образом:
— 0-5 баллов — «плохо»
— 6-7 баллов — «удовлетворительно»
— 8-9 баллов — «хорошо»
— 10 баллов — «отлично»


   Students work individually make the test and write down the result in the list

5 мин


Сбор урожая Картинки по запросу ежик с яблоком картинки

Students fulfill stickers

1 мин





Listening the text and fill the gaps


Grammar task


Situation Cards


Online test










Total 12 points1




“2”-5 and  less





“2”-39 and less


“5”-I make sentence  very quickly

“4- I make sentences but not so quickly. I need time to think

“3”- ”- I know the forms of conditional sentence but haven’t  enough vocabulary

“2”-I don’t know how to make sentences in conditional


“5”-10 points

“4”-8-9 points

“3”-6-7 points

“2”-0-5  points

Count your points and put your mark


Students count points and put marks



1 мин

Домашнее задание

P 107 ex 18 project work: write an essay/prepare a poster.

P 108    Active Vocabulary learn be ready for dictation;



Students write down home task in their diaries

1 мин
















































Listening the text and fill the gaps


Grammar task


       Situation Cards


           Online test












Total 12 points1




“2”-5 and  less





“2”-39 and less


“5”-I make sentence  very quickly

“4- I make sentences but not so quickly. I need time to think

“3”- ”- I know the forms of conditional sentence but haven’t  enough vocabulary

“2”-I don’t know how to make sentences in conditional


“5”-10 points

“4”-8-9 points

“3”-6-7 points

“2”-0-5  points

Count your points and put your mark






















Listening the text and fill the gaps


Grammar task


       Situation Cards


           Online test












Total 12 points1




“2”-5 and  less





“2”-39 and less


“5”-I make sentence  very quickly

“4- I make sentences but not so quickly. I need time to think

“3”- ”- I know the forms of conditional sentence but haven’t  enough vocabulary

“2”-I don’t know how to make sentences in conditional


“5”-10 points

“4”-8-9 points

“3”-6-7 points

“2”-0-5  points

Count your points and put your mark




















Картинки по запросу ежик с яблоком картинки





If I go to a rain forest, I………………………………




If I look after the world, I …………………………………………..






If  we plant trees every year, ……………………………………..





If I study well,,……………………………………………..





If I were a president,……………………………..




If I had had a magic stick ,…………………………….





If I had a magic stick,………………………………..





If we don’t protect the wildlife,it………………………..




You were very busy yesterday. You had to stay at home. But if you had been free, you (come) to the lesson.






You didn’t tell your teacher the truth. Now you are sorry. But if you had told the truth, your teacher (understand) you.




If you hadn’t failed the exam, you (take) the job of a translator.














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Психология и педагогика в работе с подростками

5 ч.

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8 ч.

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