Инфоурок Иностранные языки Конспекты"Australia we haven’t known" (8 класс)

"Australia we haven’t known" (8 класс)

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Date: _____                                                                                                            Form: ______

The theme:   "Australia we haven’t known"


1.      to revise the material on the topic;

to develop students’ intellectual abilities according to the topic;

2.      to develop skills in reading, listening, writing;

to teach students to express their opinion;

to develop students’ skills and habits of prepared and unprepared speech (individually, in pairs and groups);

3.  to teach to respect traditions, customs and to understand the culture of the country.                    


The cassette player, copies of the text materials to give out, pictures of the views of Australia, playfields and dice for games, material for application, placards for the word power game, language support, proverbs, sheets of paper to make up sentences, Belmont’s portrait and his poem about Australia, Australian dollars for game, magnets. 

 The type of the lesson: a combined lesson



Сабақтың барысы

    1.Warm – up:  (смСлайд № 1)

       Teacher:       Good morning boys and girls! I’m glad to see you in fine mood.

       Pupil:           I’m glad to see you in fine mood too!

       Teacher         At our lesson we’ll try to find out how does the geographical position influence the  

                             people’s lives?   Then we’ll learn about Australian’s wildlife, the most peculiar     feature in Australia’s animals and what are the consequences of being situated in the south hemisphere.

                            Now You are welcome to Australia! (см.  Слайд № 2)

     2. phonetic drill  (Слайд2 )

[ t ]  - [ d ]  desert, coast, flat, deep, vast, island, due to the fact.

[∂]-[Ө]  that , thank, that’s why, thanks, thanks to the fact.

  [ w ]  - world, wash, washed by, would.


     3.New words:        (Слайд № 4)    

Give me these geographical names with right articles. Задание выполняется в группах по 3-5 человек. Заполняется карточка и сдается для проверки учителю.

St. Petersberg                                              America

Elbrus                                                          Atlantic Ocean

Caucasian Moun­tains                               

Crimea                                                         North Africa

Black Sea                                                     Caspian Sea

Holland                                                        Mediterranean


4. Audition:

Teacher:  We learned a lot about Australian animals and now let’s see a film. Having seen the film you should do the test a change the right answer. ( Слайд3 )







1.Where do kangaroos live?   3. How many babies do they usually have?

a) New Guinea                                                      a) three

b) Wales                                                              b) two

c) Scotland                                                          c) one


2. What do kangaroos eat?                                4. How many kilograms do kangaroos                     

                                                                            weight ?

a) bananas and kiwis                                          a) fifty

b) grass and leaves                                            b) seventy

c) mice and grass                                               c) ninety


Teacher: For answering the others questions we should see the film about Australia. Let’s see the film.    


Traditional skyscrapers and not very tall buildings like the famous Opera Theatre in Sydney, resembling a windblown sail, are being built in Australian cities today. Vacationing in Australia is quite diverse (you can do a lot of things during your vacation in Australia): sea cruises in yachts and motor launches, fishing, windsurfing and play golf. When you get tired of that, you can go diving and watch life underwater or enjoy the picturesque of the coastal mountains from a sports plane.


5. Teacher: Now you know much about Australia. Remember all the information and try to realize it. Answer the questions using cause and effect relations:

1. What is the capital of Australia?

2. What is the official language in Australia?

3. Who discovered Australia?

4. What is the national symbol of Australia? 

5. What unusual animals and plants are there in Australia?

6. Who are the native people in the country?

7. When and where were the Olympic Games held?

8. What city is called Paris of the Pacific?

9. Who was the first to discover Australia?


6. Reading the text. Then choose the correct answer. (Слайд №13, 14)

1). Australia was discovered by ---.

a). Cook, b). Columbus, c). Miklukho-Maclay.

2). The first settlers in Australia were ---

a). soldiers, b). English prisoners, c). aborigines.

 3). People of --- nationalities live there.

a). 500, b). 200, c). 50.

4). Australia is located in --- hemisphere.

a). northern, b). southern.

5). It is--- in Australia now. Wht is the largest oo in Australia?

a). winter, b). autumn, c). summer, d). spring.

6). The best-loved animal in Australia is ---.

a). kangaroo, b). koala, c). dingo.



7. Group work. Teacher: I invite you to play a game «Tell us about Australia». Each group will put questions to each other. (Слайд № 15)


The 1st group:

1). When was Australia discovered?

2). Who were the natives of the continent?

3). When did the aborigines come to the island?

4).Who were the first settlers of the continent?

5). Why did it happen that British prisoners became the first settlers?

6).What is the capital of Australia?

7).Which are the largest cities of the country?

8). Can you tell why Canberra but not Sydney or Melbourne though they are much larger was made the capital of the nation?


The 2nd  group:


9). What can you say about the climate of Australia?

10).If you had a chance to go to Australia now what clothes would you take? Why?

11) You know that Australians are great sport lovers. What is the most popular sport in Australia?

12).What sport events took place in Australia? (addition about our kabardian sportsman Murat Kardanov,the Sydney Olimpic champion in wrestling).

13). What is the official language of the country?

14). What are the national colours? Where can you see the national colours?

15).What animals can you see on the Australian coat of arms?

16).What is the largest Zoo in Australia? Where is it?

 ( Слайд №13,14 )

 Group work: (Слайд № 16, 17)

For the 1st group - Teacher: You know that the Idiom is a phrase which means something different from the meaning of separate words that are part of it. E. g. to pull to pieces – тас-талканету.You will be given idioms, you must give their definitions in English or in Kazakh.
1. A fat cat – somebody rich and powerful, қолы ұзын
2. Like cat and dog – fighting badly, ит пен мысық сияқты
3. To give a black look – to look angrily, қабағынан қар жауды
4. To feel blue – to be in a bad mood, сіркесі су көтермеу
5. A white elephant – expensive, unuseful present,
6. In thin ice – in unsafe or risky position,
7. Up in the air – undecided, uncertain,
8. Walking on air – very happy, төбесі көкке жету
9. Tight place – in a difficult position,
For the 2nd  group - 
Teacher: There are many riddles in every language. English language also has riddles. Your task is to solve the riddle.
1. What goes through a door but never goes in or comes out? – wind
2. What is it that doesn`t ask questions but must be answered? – a telephone
3. I go at night and all day long. And yet I never go away? – a clock
4. I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water. What am I? – a map
5. What falls on the water but never gets wet? – shadow
6. What is it that man cannot live without? – a name
7. They look at one another all the time but never meet? – a ceiling and a floor
8. We are four brothers living under one roof. – a table
9. Why can`t the world ever come to an end? – because it is round
10. What star is not seen in the sky? – a film star

8. Teacher's words: Great Russian writers Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov and Konstantin Balmont wrote much about Australia. They liked this country very much. In their imagination Australia was a very exotic place for rest and relaxation. K. Balmont was lucky. He happened to visit Australia. And when he saw the country with his own eyes he was greatly disappointed because he saw not only the country of his imagination but the reality of life there: noisy roads, smoky air and poverty. And under this imagination he wrote a very nice poem which he called " Australia".


9. Summing up. - What countries are described? Find out what country it is then put on the map. (Слайд № 18)



10. “True or False” (Слайд № 19)

 a)      Australia is the smallest continent. It is the 6th in size after Russia, Canada, China, the USA and Brazil.

b)      For the first time Australia was discovered by Dutch travelers. But they didn’t like this land and came back to Europe. Captain Cook hosted the British flag in 1770.

c)      Australia is situated in Asia. It’s washed by the Arctic and the Atlantic oceans.

d)      The Urals are in Australia. They are the highest mountains. The Volga is the longest Australian river.

e)      Australia is an unusual country. It has different climatic regions, from warm to tropical and subtropical. The sun shines all the year round. January is the hottest month in the country.

f)        Australia is the country of sports. Ice-hockey is the national sport game in Australia, because ice-hockey was born there.

g)      Green, white and blue are the colors of the Australian flag. It looks like the French flag because people from France were the first settlers in Australia.

h)      Australia is famous for unusual birds, animals, plants, trees, flowers. A kangaroo is a symbol of the country.


11.  Home task: Writing an essay about the country

12. Conclusion.

I’m quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today.  I’m pleased with your answers and work. Thank you for your participation. Thank you for today’s lesson.. I hope our dreams will come true. And one day you will visit Australia you’ll see this exotic country with your own eyes. Good bye.




















Сабаққа өзіндік талдау


Сабақтың тақырыбы: Ұмытылмас Аустралия елі


         Мақсаты: Оқушыларды Аутралия елімен таныстыру. Топпен жұмыс жүргізе отырып әр – түрлі тапсырмаларды орындауға талаптандыру. Жаңа білімді меңгерту. Оқушыларды сыни тұрғыдан ойлауға, еркін сөйлей білуге, өз ойын жеткізе білуге, ортақ шешім шығаруға баулу.

Күтілетін нәтиже: Сын тұрғыдан ойлау арқылы тақырыпты меңгеруі, топтық диалогта өз ойын еркін жеткізіп, ортақ шешім шығаруға үйренуі, танымдық белсенділігі артып, білімін іс жүзінде қолданып, іскерлік қабілеттерінің дамуы.

Сабақ түрі: жаңа сабақ

Модульдер: Блум таксономиясын қолдану (Білу, түсіну, қолдану, талдау), АКТ, СТОү, ТжДОЖ, диалогтық оқыту, ОЖЕСО, оқыту және оқудағы жаңа тәсілдер,оқытудағы басқару және көшбасшылық, оқыту үшін бағалау және оқуды бағалау.

1.                 Ұйымдастыру кезеңі – 2-3 мин.

2.                 Тіл дамыту. Фонетикалық жаттығу орындату

3.                 Жаңа сабаққа кіріспе – 1-2 мин.

4.                 Жаңа сабақ – 15-20 мин.

5.                 Жаңа сабақты пысықтау, қорыту – 4-5 мин.

6.                 Үй тапсырмасына даярлық – 2-3 мин.

 Жаңа сабақ түсіндіру кезінде оқушыларға алдымен видео көрсетілді. Содан соң оқушылар өз ойларын білдірді. Екі топ бір – біріне сұрақтар қойды.

Оқушыларға тақырыпты кеңінен түсіну мақсатымен мәтін ұсынылды. Мәтінді оқып болған соң тест орындады. Екі топқа екі түрлі тапсырмалар берілді. Оқушылар барлық тапсырмаларды жақсы белсенділікпен орындады. Тапсырмалар арасында оқушылар сергіту сәтін орындады. Гаухар атты оқушы К.Белмонттың «Австралия» атты өлеңін оқып берді. Жаңа сабақты пысықтау бөлімінде оқушыларға мәтіндегі қандай ел екенін тауып сол елдерді картадан көрсету тапсырмасын орындау ұсынылды.  

         Сабақ соңында «True or False» тапсырмасын орындады. Бұл тапсырмаларда оқушылардың жаңа тақырыпты меңгергендері анықталды.

Үйге тапсырмалар берілді. Әр топ басшысы өз топ мүшелеріне баға беріп, мұғалімнің қорытындысымен бағаланды. Сабақ жақсы деңгейде өтілді. Берілген тапсырмалар слайд арқылы көрсетді.



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