Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииБрэйн - ринг "Знаешь ли ты англо-говорящие страны?"

Брэйн - ринг "Знаешь ли ты англо-говорящие страны?"

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       Good afternoon, dear teachers and students. I am glad to see you. Welcome to our competition “Brain Ring”. I am sure you like to watch this game on TV and know its rules. But I have changed it a little. The winners will be chosen by our judges. I want this game to be fair. The theme of the competition is “Do you know English-speaking countries?”  This competition will show your achievements and your knowledge. Be active, honest and helpful and you’ll be sure to win. Taking part in the competition are ninth - form students. Let them introduce themselves.  (Представление команд)

       Let’s begin the first round.



The first round.

     2 pupils from each team.

Will you mention English-speaking countries in turn? Work as hard as you can! I’ll give you 1 minute for this kind of work. Every country you name earns you 1 point. You are welcome!

The second round.

     2 pupils from each team.

The next competition is called “Emblems and capitals”. The teams must put cards with the names of the countries and emblems and capitals. Captains, take your envelope, please!







The third round.


  Dear friends! Now we’ll see whose captain is the best. Answer my questions, please.


1.    The largest city in Wales is: a) London; b) Canberra; c) Cardiff; d) Oxford.

2.    Washington is named after: a) the 1st state in America; b) the river; c) the first president  in America; d) the writer.

3.    Name the holiday which belongs only to American people: a) Halloween; b) Independence Day; c) Christmas; d) Mother’s Day.

4.    Abraham Lincoln. Who was he? a) the 16th American President; b) the Prime Minister; c) the King; d) a writer.

5.    The US President’s term is: a) 2 years; b) 4 years; c) 6 years; d) 3 years.

6.    The national symbol of the USA is: a) the bald eagle; b) the Statue of Liberty; c) the turkey; d) the Mayflower.

7.    How many stripes are there in American flag? a) 7; b) 6; c) 5; d) 13.

8.    On the  4th of July Americans celebrate: a) Thanksgiving Day; b) Independence Day; c) Christmas; d) Mother’s Day.


9.    The head of the British State is: a) the King; b) the Queen; c) the Prime Minister; d) the President.

The fourth round

   Your next task is: Put these countries in alphabetical order: Australia, Canada, England, Germany, New Zealand, Russia, Scotland, Wales. 


The fifth round

    Every team gets a card with a long word. You must make other words from the letters it contains. The letters may be used in any order. I give you 5 minutes. The winner is the team that finds the largest number of the word.



The sixth round

   Do you know English proverbs? Chose the Russian equivalent!

1.    A great ship asks for deep waters.

2.    It is raining cats and dogs.

3.    Make hay while the sun shines.

4.    Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

5.    East or West, home is best.

6.    The longest day must have an end.


1.    Скучен день до вечера, коли делать нечего.

2.    Не буди лиха, пока спит тихо.

3.    Куй железо, пока горячо.

4.    В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

5.    Дождь льёт как из ведра.

6.    Большому кораблю – большого плаванья.


The seventh round

    Make up a story (6 sentences)! Use Past Simple.

  1. to suffer (suffered) from limited fresh water – страдать от недостатка воды;     
  2. to meet ( met) unique wildlife – познакомиться с уникальной дикой природой;
  3. to ride (rode) a camel – ехать на верблюде;
  4. to overcome (overcame) many difficulties – преодолеть много трудностей;
  5. to come (came) for help;
  6. to learn (learned) new ways of doing things – учиться использовать вещи поновому.

The eighth round

    Pronounce the tongue twister three times!

1.    Betty Botter bought a bit of butter.

But she said: “This butter’s bitter

If I put it in my batter,

It will make my batter bitter.

2.    If a dog chews shoes

What shoes would he choose to chew?

Too few for sure.

You are a choosy shoe – chewer.

3.    All I want is a proper cup of coffee

      Made in a proper coffee pot.

      I may be of my dot

      But I want a cup of coffee

      From a proper coffee pot.


The ninth round

Translate the poem into Russian!

The Monkeys and the Crocodile.

Five little monkeys

Swinging from a tree,

Teasing Uncle Crocodile

Merry as can be.

   Swinging high, swinging low,

   Swinging left, swinging right:

   “Dear Uncle Crocodile,

   Come and take a bite!

Five little monkeys

Swinging in the air:

Heads up, tails up,

Little do they care.

swinging – качаясь, размахивая;

teasing – дразня;

merry – веселый;

a bite – укус;


a tail – хвост;

to care – заботиться.

            And now I give a word our judges. …

         Dear friends! It’s a pity but our competition has just finished. Thank you for coming and taking an active part in the games. You are really industrious. You know a lot about English-speaking countries. And I’m sure that your good knowledge of English will help you in your future life.



Questions for fans


1.  I have 4 legs but I can’t walk.                          (a chair)

2.  I am tall and green, I am in the garden.          (a tree)

3.  It doesn’t have legs but it jumps.                    (a ball}

4.  It doesn’t have legs but it goes.                       (a clock}

5.   It’s not a man, it’s not a woman, but it teaches us.    ( a book)

6.   Five sons with one name.                                (fingers)

7. Two brothers, but they don’t see each other.     (eyes)

8.  It’s white and cold and sweet. All children like it.  (ice – cream)

9.   It gives us milk and butter too. It’s very kind and likes to moo.   (a cow)

10.  My face is black, as black as night, on it with chalk all pupils write.

                                                                                 (a blackboard)















  SCOTLAND                                         LONDON                 A SHAMROCK   

  WALES                                               BELFAST                 A DAFFODIL

  NORTHERN IRELAND                         CARDIFF                 A RED ROSE

  ENGLAND                                           EDINBURGH            A THISTLE






  SCOTLAND                                         LONDON                 A SHAMROCK   

  WALES                                               BELFAST                 A DAFFODIL

  NORTHERN IRELAND                         CARDIFF                 A RED ROSE

  ENGLAND                                           EDINBURGH            A THISTLE







  SCOTLAND                                         LONDON                 A SHAMROCK   

  WALES                                               BELFAST                 A DAFFODIL

  NORTHERN IRELAND                         CARDIFF                 A RED ROSE

  ENGLAND                                           EDINBURGH            A THISTLE







New Zealand, Wales, Canada, Scotland, Australia, Russia, Germany, England.



New Zealand, Wales, Canada, Scotland, Australia, Russia, Germany, England.




New Zealand, Wales, Canada, Scotland, Australia, Russia, Germany, England.



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Ментальная карта знакомит с национальными видами спорта в англоязычных странах. Можно много полезного выявить в этой работе. Отлично формирует познавательные навыки учащихся. Учитель по желанию может представить детям более подробную информацию о представленных видах спорта в 2 частях данной ментальной карты. Можно например провести дискуссию . Чем отличаются слова соккер и футбол... и т.д.

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Ментальная карта знакомит с национальными видами спорта в англоязычных странах. Можно много полезного выявить в этой работе. Отлично формирует познавательные навыки учащихся. Учитель по желанию может представить детям более подробную информацию о представленных видах спорта в 2 частях данной ментальной карты.

Можно например провести дискуссию . Чем отличаются слова соккер и футбол... и т.д.

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