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Дидактические материалы к учебнику 10 класса, раздел "Лексика"

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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение      средняя общеобразовательная школа № 29                                                   имени Героя Советского Союза П.С.Кузуба станицы Петровской муниципального образования Славянский район










Дидактические материалы по английскому языку для 10 класса, раздел «Лексика»










                                                              Автор: Головко Наталья Николаевна,

                                                              учитель английского языка высшей

                                                              квалификационной категории













2021 год

Пояснительная записка


Данные дидактические материалы составлены к учебнику по английскому языку для 10 класса серии “Rainbow English” авторы О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева и предназначены для текущего и (или) итогового контроля усвоения лексического материала по всем разделам учебника.

 Задания составлены в виде предложений с пропусками, куда нужно вставить пропущенные слова или фразы в правильной форме (если это необходимо). Слова для справок даны перед заданием.  Каждое слово или фразу можно употребить только один раз.

 Задания по лексическому минимуму каждого раздела составлены в двух вариантах, задания к IV разделу – в трех вариантах.

Задание предусматривает предварительную подготовку учащихся дома и в школе (заучивание лексики и отработку лексического материала в ходе нескольких уроков (количество уроков по усмотрению учителя в зависимости от уровня языковой подготовки учащихся). Материал можно использовать для индивидуальной работы с учащимися во время уроков и во внеурочное время.




























Unit I. Step 2. SB.ex.5, p.11-12

Grade 10. Variant I.

Fill in the gaps an appropriate word in the right form to complete the sentences:

male, to admit, so far, familiarity, precious, to have something in common with smb, to solve, to beat, out of the blue, to appreciate

1.     John is very selfish. He wants everyone ___________his views.

2.     The task was rather difficult, but I managed to ____________it.

3.     We are twins, that’s why we ___________________.

4.     Yesterday I met him on the corner of the street. I didn’t expect our meeting. It was ______________.

5.     _______________ is impolite behavior to someone you don’t know very well, sometimes it makes people think you don’t respect them.

6.     My friend and I are fans of football. Tonight, we are going to watch the match. We are really hope Brazil _____________Germany to get the final.

7.     Some teenagers are afraid of their families ______________them.

8.     My sister wants to have female gunny-pig, but when we came to the pet shop there were only ___________ones.

9.     A ____________golden ring was stolen from a museum yesterday.

10. Do you have any information about Nick? -  No, I have no information about him _________.

Answers: 1. to admit, 2. solve, 3. have a lot (something) in common, 4.out of the blue, 5. Familiarity, 6. will beat, 7.don’t appreciate, 8. male, 9. precious, 10.so far


Grade 10. Variant II.

Fill in the gaps an appropriate word in the right form to complete the sentences:

male, to admit, to a certain extent, familiar, preciousness, to have something in common with smb, to solve, to beat, out of the blue, to appreciate

1.     John is very selfish. I don’t want ___________________with him anymore.

2.     Last Saturday we were on a picnic. We hoped to have a good time, but ____________it started heavy rain.

3.     A lot of people all over the world ___________crossword puzzles.

4.     Yesterday at the party I heard a _____________ voice. I looked around and saw an old friend of mine.

5.     Elena Isinbaeva used to ___________Olympic records of other sportsmen.

6.     Why are you angry? You were right and I _____________ it.

7.     When you become a grown up, you start _______________happy moments of your childhood.

8.     They say golf is traditionally a ____________sport activity.

9.     St Basil Cathedral is a real architectural ____________ of  Moscow.

10. ______________, it is a difficult decision.

Answers: 1. have anything in common, 2. out of the blue, 3. solve, 4. familiar, 5. beat, 6. admit, 7. appreciate, 8. male, 9. preciousness, 10. To a certain extent



Unit I. Step 8. SB.ex.5, p.36-37

Grade 10. Vocabulary. Variant I.

Fill in the gaps with suitable words and phrases in the right form: capable, level, raise, research, bare necessities, income, single, tend, according to smth, key, senior citizens.

1.     – What is your monthly ___________? – About 50 thousand rubles.

2.     Covid -19 is especially dangerous for _________________.

3.     Migrants made the __________of crime very high in some European countries.

4.     Scientific _____________ show the resistance and adaptation of some viruses to the environment.

5.     John is very greedy. He saves every _________penny.

6.     I can’t open the door because I have lost my _________.

7.     I am going to visit a foreign country and I ___________to visit Norway.

8.     _____________to the article, a lot of people try to have a healthy way of life.

9.     When in the university, J. Tolkien was a very _________student.

10.  Pupils should ___________up their hands if they want to answer.

11. Economic situation in the country is rather difficult as a lot of people don’t have money for their _____________.

Answers: 1. income, 2. senior citizens, 3. level, 4. researches, 5. single,6. key, 7.tend, 8. According, 9. capable, 10. raise, 11. bare necessities


Grade 10. Vocabulary. Variant II.

Fill in the gaps with suitable words and phrases in the right form: capable, level, raise, research, bare necessities, income, single, tend, according to smth, key, senior citizens.

1.     I think you should have some rest as your work has a high _________of stress.

2.     Sociologists say that there are more __________people nowadays then they were some years ago.

3.     It’s a very ambitious project but you are ____________to achieve good results.

4.     ______________should stay at home to protect themselves from Covid-19.

5.     The boy was afraid because his mum suddenly ___________her voice.

6.     Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world. His annual __________is very high.

7.     Never give your car __________to your brother! He drives too bad.

8.     He is rather shy. He ___________to avoid communication with other people.

9.     The latest ___________ show that economic situation in the country is improving.

10.  How much money do you need for your __________________?

_______________to the latest news they have a new president in the USA

Answers: 1. level, 2. single, 3. capable, 4. Senior citizens, 5. raised, 6. income, 7.key, 8. tends, 9. researches, 10. bare necessities


Unit II. Step 2. SB.ex.4, p.58

Grade 10. Vocabulary

Variant I

Fill in the gaps with suitable words and phrases in the right form: peer, affection, attitude, experience, increase, rejection, remain, be aware, establish

1.     What is your ____________to smoking? - It’s strongly negative.

2.     Do you know John has stopped smoking? – Really?  Well, I think his __________ of this harmful habit will be good for his health.

3.     Some teenagers are fond of extreme sports and it makes them popular with ___________.

4.     Charity organizations are ____________to raise money for some useful activities, for example to help disable people.

5.      One should be careful when choosing a friend, as a deep _____________for somebody is dangerous sometimes.

6.     Our country has ___________the import of food products.

7.     Most companies want to hire people with a work ______________.

8.     He is seriously ill. I think he should ____________in hospital.

9.     I hope you _____________of the facts.

Answers: 1. attitude,2. rejection,3. peers, 4. established, 5. affection, 6. increased, 7. experience, 8. remain, 9. are aware.



Grade 10. Vocabulary

Variant II

Fill in the gaps with suitable words and phrases in the right form: peer, affection, attitude, experience, increase, rejection, remain, be aware, establish

1.     I believe children feel strong and deep ______________for their mothers from their birth. 

2.     Those who have a positive _____________to their lives are happy.

3.     It was rather difficult task but at the same time a very important ______________.

4.     If you feel unwell you should _____________at home.

5.     Do you know who _____________these organizations?

6.     If you have harmful habits, you ___________your health’s risk.

7.     Some of my ____________have problems with their parents.

8.     It’s a very serious suspicion. _______you _________of the facts?

9.     Do you know that the full ______________of eating meat and fish can course different diseases?


Answers: 1. affection, 2. attitude, 3. experience, 4. remain, 5. established, 6. increase, 7. peers, 8. Are…aware, 9. rejection



Unit III. Step 2. SB.ex.2, p.113-114

Grade 10. Vocabulary. Variant I.

Fill in the gaps with suitable words and phrases in the right form: feature, attend, crowd, crowded, overcrowded, convenient, rush hour, traffic jam, suburb, scream, swear.

1.     A good student ___________classes regularly and never misses them without reason.

2.     We wanted to take a bus to get to the market but we couldn’t as it was __________.

3.     It’s become harder to get to necessary place in ___________s, so some people prefer using bikes.

4.     I know you are a perfect liar! Don’t ________! I don’t believe you!

5.     He is a very popular actor, you can always see him in a ___________of fans.

6.      ___________are common on the roads in big cities.

7.     They are constantly late because they live in the ___________.

8.     I wouldn’t like to live in a city because ___________streets scare me.

9.     It’s very ___________for me to do the shopping online.

10. The present was so awesome that Lisa __________with delight.

11. (in the shop) Excuse me, can you explain me characteristic __________ of this vacuum-cleaner?

Answers:1. attends, 2. overcrowded, 3.rush hours, 4. swear, 5. crowd, 6. Traffic jams, 7.suburb, 8. crowded, 9.convinient, 10. screamed, 11. features

Grade 10. Vocabulary. Variant II.

Fill in the gaps with suitable words and phrases in the right form: feature, attend, crowd, crowded, overcrowded, convenient, rush hour, traffic jam, suburb, scream, swear.

1.     To be a good sportsman and achieve best results you should ______trainings regularly.

2.     Yesterday we spent 10 hours in our car, because we were in the _________.

3.     We couldn’t enter the hall as it was __________, there were no free seats.

4.     ___________s of London were dangerous for people in the past, there were lot of robbers and criminals.

5.     ___________is a period when lots of people hurry at work in the morning and come back home in the evening.

6.     A plane is a very ___________ and fast way of travelling.

7.     This actor isn’t very popular. You are unlikely to see him in a _________of admirers.

8.     My boss is rather hot tempered. Yesterday he __________in anger because I did something wrong.

9.     I wouldn’t like to live in a big city because I don’t like __________streets and shopping centers.

10.  I have just read the book and can tell you about main __________of the characters.

11.  As a rule, the Queen __________on Bible during her coronation.

Answers:  1. attend, 2. traffic jam, 3. overcrowded, 4. Suburb, 5. Rush hour, 6. convenient, 7. crowd, 8. screamed, 9. crowded, 10. features, 11. swears.



Unit III. Step 7. SB.ex.5, p.137

Grade 10. Variant I.

Fill in the gaps an appropriate word in the right form to complete the sentences: population, poison, shortage of smth, poisonous, acid rains, condition, evident, oil spills, save, nuclear, recycle, lack of smth.

1.     Factories throw a lot of ______________ substances into the atmosphere.

2.     As a result, toxic substances cause the danger of ________________.

3.     In a desert there are no ______________to grow gardens.

4.     _______________stations are the most powerful but they are the most dangerous as well, if something goes wrong.

5.     We must ___________our planet because it’s the only place where human beings can survive.

6.     It’s ______________ that people have faced a pollution crisis.

7.     Some cities have a _______________more than three million people.

8.     ________________are extremely dangerous for water animals as they can’t breathe clean air.

9.     We should ___________waste, for example, paper.

10. Australia has ___________of water.

11. Nowadays we don’t have a ____________of different goods.

12. We ____________forests, fields, rivers and oceans with industrial waste, chemicals, soot, etc.

Answers:1. poisonous, 2. acid rains, 3. conditions, 4. Nuclear, 5. save, 6. evident, 7. population, 8. Oil spills, 9. recycle, 10. a lack, 11. shortage, 12. poison


Grade 10. Variant II.

Fill in the gaps an appropriate word in the right form to complete the sentences: population, poison, shortage of smth, poisonous, acid rains, condition, evident, oil spills, save, nuclear, recycle, lack of smth.

1.     People must prevent the threat of _______________war.

2.     We have been damaging nature by changing the ecological_____________ for a long time. Let’s stop it!

3.     People try to ____________animals from death by making nature reserves.

4.     ________________are extremely dangerous for water birds, as they lose their ability to fly.

5.     People in some African countries have a_____________of food.

6.     In Chine they have a lot of factories which _____________waste.

7.     It is an _____________fact, that we are responsible for preserving our planet for future generations.

8.     _______________water caused the death of different plants in this area.

9.     Dangerous mixture of pollutant gases and water in the atmosphere falls on the Earth as ______________.

10. Some plants and insects can be very ________________! Be careful!

11. Scientists note constant _______________growth.

12. Factories and plants pour toxic waste into the rivers and lakes and _____________them.

Answers: 1. nuclear, 2. conditions, 3. save, 4. Oil spills, 5. shortage, 6. recycle, 7. evident, 8. A lack of, 9. acid rains, 10. poisonous, 11. population, 12. poison.


Unit IV. Step 2. SB.ex.3, p.169

Grade 10. Variant I.

Fill in the gaps with missing words in the right form: tie, have troubles, amazing, divide, slip, pour, awake, on board, set out, sick,

1.     Australia has an _______________ unique wildlife.

2.     We are planning to _____________on a long voyage.

3.     John is a walking disaster! He always ____________with the law.

4.     How could you break your arm? -  I ___________on a wet floor.

5.     We are welcome you _____________of our plane. Hope you’ll enjoy the flight.

6.     Jane was so upset that tears ______________down her face.

7.     He is far from the top of our class. He can’t even ____________four ___two.

8.     I’m often feel __________when I am at sea.

9.     Yesterday I was going to be late, so my mum kept me ____________.

10. She has two little children so she almost feels __________to them.

Answers: 1. amazing, 2. set out, 3. has troubles, 4. have slipped, 5. on board, 6.   were pouring, 7. divide… by, 8. sick, 9. awake 10. tied


Grade 10. Variant II.

Fill in the gaps with missing words in the right form: tie, have troubles, amazing, divide, slip, pour, awake, on board, set out, sick,

1.     Sit down, I’ll ___________you some drink to relax.

2.     If you are together with your friends, you should ____________everything __________you.

3.     After a short stay at home they ____________on a new journey.

4.     When you see awesome nature of Canada, you’ll get _____________experience.

5.     I don’t think I will _____________with them.

6.     Yesterday we were so excited by the news that we couldn’t sleep, we _____________.

7.     Mother didn’t let her daughter go to the party, that’s why she had to _____________the house.

8.     _____________of the “Titanic” there was everything to get pleasure to the passengers.

9.     People often feel ___________when they are travelling.

10. The police caught the criminals and ___________their hands behind their backs.

Answers: 1. pour, 2. divide… among, 3. sat out, 4. amazing, 5. have troubles, 6. were awake, 7. slip, 8. On board, 9. sick, 10. tied,

Grade 10. Variant III.

Fill in the gaps with missing words in the right form: tie, have troubles, amazing, divide, slip, pour, awake, on board, set out, sick,

1.     Jules Verne tells about _____________travelling to the centre of Earth in one of his books.

2.     He is very selfish. He constantly ___________________ with other people.

3.     A lot of people ____________with coronavirus for several weeks.

4.     It’s a common thing when a class ______________small groups.

5.     It is ______________with rain now. Take the umbrella.

6.     A robber managed to ________________the guard at the entrance.

7.     I can’t leave this place as I feel ___________to my home and my relatives.

8.     There was only one person ______________of spaceship Vostok I in 1961.

9.     When are we going to ______________on journey? – Next week, I think.

10.  Yesterday night my neighbours upstairs were so noisy that I couldn’t sleep and lied ___________ in my bed.

Answers: 1. amazing, 2. has troubles, 3. have been sick, 4. divide into, 5. pouring, 6. tie, 7. sick, 8. on board, 9. set out, 10. awake







Cписок использованной литературы


1.     Английский язык. Базовый уровень.10кл.: учебник/О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева, К.М.Баранова.- М.:Дрофа, 2018.-246

2.     Ягудина А. Английский язык. Лексический минимум для ЕГЭ и ОГЭ - Ростов-н/Д.:Феникс,2019.-206с.


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Дидактические материалы составлены к учебнику по английскому языку для 10 класса серии “Rainbow English” авторы О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева и предназначены для текущего и (или) итогового контроля усвоения лексического материала по всем разделам учебника.Материал можно использовать для индивидуальной работы с учащимися во время уроков и во внеурочное время.

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