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Buried Treasure (an old tale)

Read, ask questions, retell

An old peasant had a large garden with many fruit trees. He was also the father of three strong, but lazy sons. They helped him very little in his work. Every morning before the sun was hot the peasant began to work in the garden. And every afternoon he had a rest in the garden under a tree.  There came a time when the peasant could no longer work among his trees, for he was very, very old.  One day his three sons gathered in his room to hear the reading of the will.  `` l leave to my sons my garden and the treasurew which lies buried there. The three sons looked at one another. ``Treasure!`` they exclaimed. ``Treasure buried in the garden!  If we hire others to dig there, they may steal our treasure from us. We must work in the garden until we find it.``So the sons divided the garden into theree parts and began to work harder than every before. They dug from one end of the garden to the other end, but they could not find the treasure. That year, however, the fruit trees brought so much fruit, that when the three sons sold the fruit they got much money. It seemed to be a fortune.  When they divided the money , one of them said, ``lndeed, our digging has brought us a treasure. Our father was very wise.``And, so each year their digging broght them a treasure.

Buried treasure-спрятанное сокровище                               will-завещание

Hire-завещать                                                                        fortune-удача,состояние

For=because                                                                            peasant-крестьянин

Steal-воровать                                                                        nolonger-больше не

Sell-продавать                                                                        dig-копать

Gather-собирать                                                                     leave-оставить

I. finish the sentence:

1. An old peasant had…a) three strong and hardworking sons

b) two  strong, but lazy sons.

c) three strong, but lazy sons.

2. The peasant began to work in the…  a)early in the morning.

b) in the afternoon.

c)late in the evening.

3.The peasant couldn’t work any longer for…a)he was ill.

b)he was very old.

4.He left to his sons…a)his money    b)his garden  c) his clothes

5.When the sons heard about the treasure they were…   a) sad    b)angry  c)happy

6.The three sons…     a)found a box full of money.

b) didn’t  find anything.

c)found an old coin.

7.When the they sons sold the truit…

a)they gat little money.

b)theygat much money.

c)theydodn`t get any money.


Match the word on the left with the word on the right (according to the story):


2.couldn`t           b.sons










III.Put ``a\an``, ``the`` or(-) into the gaps:

1.Every morning before____sun was hot the peasant began to work in the garden.

2.There came a time when____peasant could no longer work.

3.I leave to____my sons my garden and the treasure.

4.Every afternoon he had____rest in the garden under a tree.

IV.Put the verds bellow into correct column (mind the pronunciation of “-ed”);

[t]    [d]  [ld]

Helpen, buried, exclaimed, woeked,divided, followed,gathered,looked,ended,hired,lived.


Answer the questions:

1.what was there in the peasant`s garden?

2.why didn`t peasant`s sons help him?

3.when did the peasant begin his work?

4.the peasant was very old,wasn`t he?

5.what did he leave to his sons?

6.why did the sons dig the garden themselves?

7.did they find the treasure?

8.how did they get much money?

What is the moral of the story?

a)an apple a day kepps doctor away.

b)east or West-home is best.

c)he that eat the fruit must climb a tree.


Read and translate the text. Ask questions. Retell the text.

The easiest question

A teacher was asking Tom a lot of questions. But his knowledge was very poor and he couldn`t answer any of them. The teacher asked him questions on geography and history of Great Britain and the USA. She wanted to know what parts the United Kingdom consisted of, what were the emblems of  England, Scotland, and Wales. Tom did not know. He looked very unhappy. The teacher then decided to ask him some very easy questions. “please tell me when was the Great Fire of  London?”  tom shook his head. He didn`t know the answer. “who was the first President of the United States?” continued the teacher. She thought it was the easiest question possible. But Tom couldn`t answer it either. He thought for a long time, but didn`t say anything. The teacher got very angry and shouted, “George Washington!” the student got up and began to walk to his seat. “Come bach!” the teacher said. “I didn`t tell you to go.” “Oh, i`msorry,the student said.” I thought you called the next student.”

I. find the correct answer:

1.tom`s answer were…        a)excellent         b) satisfactory        c)poor

2.he looked…       a) happy        b) unhappy       c)ill

3.the questions of the teacher were…..      a) important      b)difficult   c)easy

4.the teacher was very….     A)angry      b)glad           c)famous

5.the student walked to…      a)the shop     b)his friend     c)his seat

II.Word-order. Make up sentence.





III.Put “a\an”, “the”, or(-) into the gaps.

1… teacher asked him questions on…geography and…history of…Great Britain and…USA.

2.Please tell me when was..Great Fire of… London?

3.Shewandet to know what wew… emblems of …England, …Scotland and… Wales.

IV. Fill in the correct prepositions: 1.to____long time

2.  questions______geography

3. to consist_____three parts

4. to walk____a seat

5. the emblems______England, Scotland, Wales

V. Give the antonyms to the following woeds:

Poor-         long

Happy-       possible-

Easy-      angry-

First-     lazy-

VI. Write comparatives and superlatives:

Difficult     angry-

Happy     many-

Iong-      good-

Easy-     poor-

VII.Make the following sentences negative:

1.the teacher asked him questions on geography and history and of Great Britain and the USA.

2.A teacher was asking Tom a lot of questions.

3.He thought for a long time.

4.The student got up and began to walk to his seat.

VII.Mather the speaker and the utterance:

“George Washimgton

“Who was the first President of the USA?

“l didn’t tell you to be.”                                         A teacher

“l thought you called the next student.”

“Oh, I’m sorry!”                                                       A student      

“Come back!”

What is the moral of the story?

a)east or West, home is best.

b)no news is good news.

c)live and learn.

Read the text, retell it and draw the pictures.


A Good Lesson

Once a rich Englishwoman called Mre Johnson decided to have a birthday party. She invited a lot of guests and a singer. The singer was poor, but he had a very good voice.  When the sinder came to Mrs. Johnson`s house he saw a lot of guests who were eating,joking,laughing, and talking, loudly. Mrs. Johnson came out to him, and he thought she was going to ask him to join them, when she said,”We`re glad, sir,that you have come. You will be singing after dinner, i`ll call you as soon as we`re ready to listen to you. Now will you go into the kitchen and have dinner,too,please?” The singer was very angry. At first he wanted to leave Mrs. Johnsou`s house at once,but then he decided to stay and teach her and her rich guests a good lesson.  When the singer went into the kitchen, the servants were having dinner, too. He joined them. After dinner, the singer thanked everybody and said, “Well,nowi`m going to sing to you, my good friends.” And he sang them some beautiful songs. Soon Mrs. Johnson called siner.  “Well,sir,we`re ready.” “Ready?” asked the singer. “What are you ready for?”  “To listen to you, ” said Mrs. Johnson in an angry voice. “Listen to me?” but l have already sung, and l`m afraid l shan`t be able to sing any more tonight.” “Where did you sing?”   “ln the kitchen. I always sing for those I have dinner with.”

I.Answer the following questions:

1.how many main characters are there in this text?

2.why did Mrs. Johnson invite the poor singer?

3.which of them is positive and which of them is negative? Why?

4.why didn`t the singer leave the house at once?

5.what part of day did the action take place in?

6.who did the singer some beautiful songs for?

II.Read the words and find the “odd one out”:

a)thought tonight laugh fight

b)once woman come some

c)readyeat please teach

III.place the correct preposition in the blank.

Choose from the list: with,in,to,after,of,for.

1.she invited a lot-guests and a singer.

2.you will be singing –dinner.

3.now you will go-the kitchen and have dinner.

4.l always sing-those l have dinner-.

5.she said this-an angry voice.

IV.put the verds into correct column according to the pronunciation of “-ed”.

[t]    [d]    [ld]

Called, decided ,invited,laughed,talked,ended,asked,shouted,joined,listened,wanted,stayed,passed,cried,thanked.

V.change the following sentences from Active onto Passive Voice:

1.a rich woman invited a lot of guests to a birthday party.

2.a poor singer taught her a good lesson.

3.he sang some beautiful songs to the servants.

4.Mrs. Johnson sent the singer into the kitchen.

VI.find the English rquivalents in the text:

Называть,хороший голос, говорить громко, присоединиться к ним, как только, сразу, рассерженным голосом, выйти к нему,послеобеда,сначала,побагодарить всех.

VII.define the tense:

Decided, were eating, thought, are glad,have come, will call, was angry, joined,went, were having dinner, sang, have sang, sing, shan`t be able, have dinner.

What is the moral of the story?

a)never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

b)a cat may look at a king.

c)it`s never too late to learn.



A “Poor” Family.

It was a little American boy`s first day a new school. As his mother said goodbye to him, she said, “Don`t tell anyone we are rich”.

    “All right,Mun” he said.

    The first task the teacher gave each schooldoy was to write about his family. The rich boy remembered what his mother had said and wrote:

    “My family is poor. We live in a poor house in a poor district. My father says that it is better to be poor that to be rich because rich poaple have a very difficult life . They must always think about getting more money and they don`t get much sleep.

    Everybody in our house is poor. The maids are poor, the chauffeur is poor, so are the watchman and the gardener”.

New words:

Maid-прислуга, горничная




Working with Vocabulary and Grammar

I.How do you know rules of reading? Which of the words in each line is the Odd One Out?

[i:] sleep,better, be, eacher, people, teacher.

[^] must, much, money, huge, Mum

[el] they, maid, said, gave, day.

II.Which of the words below should be written with the double lettersoo,ll,tt,ff, ee?

Te--, sch—l, a--, li—le, g—dbye, p—r,be—er, di—icult, ge—ing, sl—p, chau—eur.

III.Fill in the missing prepositions:

The first day_ anew school:

To say goodbye_ him:

To write_ his family:

To live_ a poor house;

To think_ getting more money.



IV.Write comparatives and superlatives of the following adjectives:

Poor    --------- ---------

Rich  ---------  ----------

New --------  --------

Little ------ -------

Much ------- -------

Difficult ------- -------

V.Give the three forms of the following irregular verds:

To say     to remember

To write     to tell

To give    to think

To get    to slepp

VI.Answer the questions;

1.where did the little boy go for the first time?

2.what did his mother say to him?

3.whateas the first task at school?

4.did the boy remember his mother`s words?

5.why do rich people have a difficult life?

What is the moral of the story?

1.all is will that ends well.

2.liars need good memories.

3.where there`s a will, there`s a way.








Read the text and retell it.           Having a Best Friend.

Have you got friends?

How long have you known each other?

What do like to bowhwn you are your friends?

    A story tells that two  fiends were walking through the desert. During some point to the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face.

Thew one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand “Today my best friend slapped me in the face”.

    They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friens saver him. After he recovered from the near drowing, he wrote on a stone ‘Today my best friend saved my life’.

    The friend who had slapped and saved his best fiend asked him, “After l hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?” the other friend replied “When someone hurts us we should write it down on sand where winds of forgivenss can earse it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it.”

New words:

To argue-спорить    mire-трясина

Toslap-давать пощечину    toerase-стирать, подчищать

To stick-вязнуть   to engrave-гравировать

I.read aloud the sentences which are true to the text.

1.two friends were walking througt the forest

2.they had an argument.

3.one friend slapped the other one in the back.

4.they found an oasis, where they decided to drink water.

5.they decided to take a bath in the oasis.

6.two friends began to fight.

7.one of them wrote on the stone that his best fried had slapped him.

8.one of them wrote in the sand thet his best friend had slappend him.

9.if someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone.




II. Spelling task. Underline the silent letters in the following words from the text:

Example: know.

Two, walk  ,through, wrote, where, stick, why, should, who.

III. Put in some\someone\ something\anything\etc.

1.during … point of the journey they had an argument.

2.without saying…he wrote in the sand “Today my best friend slapped me in the face.”

3.”When…hurts us we should write it down in sand”.

4.whene …does…good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it.

IV.underline a more general word:

a)sand, oasis,desert,stone.

b)walk, slap, erase, engrave, do.

C) ask,say, answer, reply.

V.choose the correct madalverd and explain;

1.the other friend replied “When someone hurts us we may\should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness should\can erase it away.”

2.but, when someone does something good for us, we may\must engrave it in stone where no wind should\can every erase it.”

VI.ask each other the following questions:

1.who is this story about?

2.where were two frinds walking?

3.why did one of them slap the other?

4.did they fight?

5.what did the friend write in the sand?

6.why did one friend have to save the other one?

7.in what cases must people engrave in stone?

VII.which sentence from the text is the best moral of the story?

Choose one of the proverds as a title to the text.

1.everything is good in its season.

2.two heads are better then one.

3.out of sighe, our of mind.


Read the title and say all the ideas that come to your mind. Exchange ideas.

The Disobedient Son

  Once there was a rich farmer in a village. He had a lot of lang, cattle, money and many servants. He had to sons. He led a happy life with them. After few years,theyouger of the two sons became unhappy.    He asked his father for his share of property. His father advised him not demand like that. His mother also advised her son to be so.  But, he would not listen  to his father`s words. He got his share and them. He had a huge amount with him. Once he got much money, he got bad company of friends.  With this amount, he travelled to a distant country where he did all he wished. He had another dad company of friends there as well. Because of this,he fell into evil ways. All the money was gone. He became poor. At that time,no one helped him out of bad company. Soon, he fell into debt. Then he understood his mistake and returned to his country and to his parents. He afterwards abeyed his parents and led a happy life.

Moral: we should obey our parents.

Obey-слушать debt-долг

Disobedient-непослушный          demand-требовать

Amount-сумма, количество       share-доля

Property-имущество                    evil-злой, вредный, дурной

I. choose the correct answer:

1.a farmer had…     a)three sons     b)one son       c)two sons

2.a) two sons…     b)a farmer… c)a family                        led a happy life

3.a younger son got…   a)a great           amount with him. b) a small c)an average

4.he…     a) earned       his money. b) saved c) spent

5.his friends…  a) helped       him b) betrayed c)respected

6.the son understood…      а) his friends  b) his parents c) his mistake.

II. what’s the word?

1. a rich farmer had two…(ssno)

2. one of his sons wanted his share of…(tpeporry)

3. he got bad…(oncmypa)

4. he fell into…(viel) ways

5. then he became…(ropo)

6. at least he understood his…(simkate)

7.we all should…(eydo) our parents.



III. mather  the synonyms:











IV.put these sentences in a logical order and use them to retell the story.

1.he became poor.

2.the son sold his share.

3.he understood his mistake.

4.the son asked for his share of property.

5.he obeyed his wished.

6.he did all he wished.

7.he returned to his country.

Which proverb is also the moral of the story?

1.easycome,easy go

2.tastes differ

3.honesty is the best policy                







Bad temper

There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.

The first day, the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindied down. He discovered is was easier to hold his temper then to drive those nails into the fence.

    Finally the day came when the boy bidn`t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the boy was fimally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.

    The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, “You have done well,my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say thinge in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it our. It won`t matter how many times you l`m sorry. The wound is stall there. ”

A werbal wound is as bad as a physical one.

New words:

Temper-характер, нравdrive-вбивать

Nail-гвоздь dwindle-уменьшаться

Hammer-вбивать suggest-предлагать


Anger-гнев                   wound-рана

I.say true or false:

1.a little boy`s frend gave him a bag of nails

2.the boy had driven 37 nails into the chair

3.he understood that is was easir to hold his temper than to drive those into the fence.

4.the father suggested the boy to hammer more nails into the fence

5.the boy couldn`t pull out all the nails

6.the boy`s father taught him to hold his temper.

II.define the tense in each sentence and ask questions:

1.he learned to control his anger

2.you have done it well

3.the fence will never be the same

4.there once was a little boy who had a bad temper

5.when you say things in anger, they leave a scar

6.the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence

III.1.active or Passive?



1.his father gave him a bag with nails

2.all the nails were pulled our by him

3.the father led his son to the fence

4.he must hammer nails into the fence

5.the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence

IV.find a word that differs from others by grammatical category.

Example: he you his l (his is a possessive pronoun, other pronouns are personal)

1   gave   suggested   took   lost

2   boy   nail   man   hand

3   will   did   put   had

4   how   that   when   who

V.answer the questions:

1.what did the father give to his son?

2.why did the father give a bag with nails?

3.how many nails had the boy driven the first day?

4.when did he learn to control his anger?

5.what was suggested to the boy by his father?

6.what were angry words compared with?

VI.what do you do when are angry? Can you hold your temper? What is the moral of the story?

1.a cat in gloves catches no mice

2.where there is a will, there ia a way

3.many words hutr more than sword.




Read  and translate the text.

Positive Vision

    One teacher had two disciples. One of them had an auspicious positive vision and he always sought out good points from anything he observed while the other one had an inauspicious vision and always found out some negative or faults from his observations.

    One day, the teacher went out to a park with both the disciples. They came across a mango tree from which some ripe and juicy mangoes were hanging. Then, he asked the first one, “My dear child, what do you think of this mango tree?”

     The disciple answered instantly, “Teacher, in spite of people hitting this tree with stones, it gives us sweet and juicy mangoes. It feels hurt but still it gives us truits. I wish all human beings learn this important message from the mango treeto share their belongings even if they have to suffer for this.”

   After that, the teacher asked the same question to the other disciple. The student aggressively answered, “Teacher, this mango tree is not good and will not give mangoes by itself but only when we his it with stones and sticks. Therefore,we should hit it hard to get sweet mangoes from it. It is also clear from this tree that in order to get good fruits from others, we need to be violent.”

    This story shows us that any situation depends on how we interpret it. Always develop a vision that can find out something good even from a bad thing or person. Everybody has definitely something that can be appreciated, we only need to apply  positive vision and appreciate others.



Auspicious-благоприятный            instantly-немедленно

Seek-искать                                     belonging-принадлежности

Observe-наблюдать                         violent-сильный, яростный

Inspiteof-несмостря на                   dependon-зависеть

Interpret-толковать                   appreciate-оценивать

I.choose the correct answer:

1.the action took place in the… a)street.   B)forest   c)park

2.the teacher asked two disciples…  a)many questions

b)one and the same question

c)no questions

3.the second disciple answered… a)quickly



4.mango trees give us fruits if we… a)water them

b)pick them

c)hit them

II.who said this?


First disciple-F

Second disciple-S

“lt feels hurt but staill it gives us fruits.”          T     F     S

“What do you think of this mango tree?”

“We should his hard to get sweet mangoes from it.”

“We need to be violent”

“All human beings should learn to share their belogings even if they have.”


Read the sentences with modal verds and each sentence write their function

(permission,ability,obligation,prohibition,necessity or lace of necessity, advice,possibilityetc)

1.mango trees share their belongings even if they have to suffer for this.”

2.we should hit is hard to get sweet mangoes from it

3.in order to get good fruits from others we need to be violent

4.always develop a vision that can find out something good even from a bad thing or person

5.everybody has definitely something that can be appreciated,we only need to apple positive vision and appreciate others.

Find the sentence in the text which expresses the moral of this story. Read and retell the text.

The lad and the fox.

    Once upon a time there was a little lad,who was on his way home through a thick forest. When he came to a lake he caught sight of a fox, lying on the top of a big stone so fast asleep that did not know the lad had seen him.

    “lf l kill that fox,” said the lad,taking a heavy stone in his fist, “and sell the skin, l shall get money for it. With that money l shall buy some rye seed, and that rye l shall sow in father`s field at home. When the people pass by my field of rye they`ll say, Oh,what splendid rye that lad has got! Then l shall say to them, “l say,keep away from my rye! But they won`t heed me. Then l shall shout to them, l dsay keep aeay from my rye! But still they won`t take any notice of me. Then l shall cry with all my might, keep away from my rye! And then they`ll listen to me. “The lad screamed so loudly that the fox woke up and run the forest. The lad did not even get as much as a handful of the fox`s hair”

New words:

Lad-парень                             keep away- держать в отдалении

Rye-рожь                                notice-замечать

Splendid-великолепный        with all my might-изо всех сил

Deed-дело, поступокscream-кричать

Heed-обращать внимание       sow-сеять


I. Look through the text and fill in the table. Compare your words with those of your classmates.

Nouns     adjectives    verds

1                            1                  1

2               2                 2

3               3                 3

4               4                 4

5               5                 5

II.Word-order. Make up sentences.





III.grammar. find the odd

Was   seen   came   woke

Money   stone   fox   field

For   with   of   that

Father`s field   fox`s hair   he`s got   boy`s name

IV.define the tense:

1.once upon a time there was a little lad

2.the lad had seen him

3.”with that money l shall buy some rye seed.”

4.”what splendid rye that lad has got!”

5.”but they won`t take any notice of me”.


V.say: True,False, or Don`t know.

1.it was a little lad,who was on his way home.

2.he saw a fax running through the forest

3.the fox noticed the lad.

4.there were three cuds of the fox.

5.the lad did`t want to kill the because of the couds.

6.the lad wanted to kill the fox with the stone.

7.the lad`s name was Tamerlan.

8.the fox woke up and run away.

VI.answer the questions:

1.who was on the way home?

2.whom did the lad see?

3.did the fox notice him?

4.what was the fox doing?

5.how did the lad want to kill the fox?

6.why did the lad want to sell the fox`s skin?

7.why didn`t the lad catch the fox?

Whay is the moral of the story?

1.to kill two birds with one stone

2.to work the left hand

3.to sell the bear`s skin before one has caught the bear.

·         Do you know this bird?

·         Have you ever seen the bird?

·         Why is this bird called a forest doctor?





Read the text and discuss it. Give your title to this story.

An old tale.

Once a little old woman baked cakes in her oven. She had on a black dress and a small white apron. A red cap was on her head. A poor old man came to her kitchen door and said, “l am hungry,goodwoman,please give me one of your cakes.”The old woman said, “These cakes are too large for you. I shall bake you a little cake.” So she made a very little cake and put it into the oven. But the cake began to grow bigger and bigger. “This cake is too large,” said the old woman. Then she made a tiny cake and put it into the oven. But it bigan to grow bigger too. “I shall not give you this cake,” said the old woman, “it is too large for you.”Then she made tiny cake again and put it into the oven.But that cake began to grow bigger and bigger.“I don`t want to give you and cake,”said the old woman. “I shall eat them but not you. Go away.” So the poor old man went away hungry. Now comes the strangest part of this story. As the old woman began to eat her cakes she began to grow smaller and smaller. Her nose became a sharp bill. She looked at her arms. And ehat did she see? She saw black wings.  She looked at her black dress and white apron. But they all were feathers. Now she was a bird. You can see this little bird.shr hops up into the tree and looks for worms.you will know her when you see her. People say that the old woman who did not want to give one tine cake to a poor old man is a woodpecker now.  New words:        Oven-печь, духовка.Bill-клюв Apron-фартукwing-крыло   Tiny-крошечныйwoodpecker-дятел Worm-червь, червяк.      Feather-перо I.match the antonems:

Little    white

Black    small

These    woman

Man    go away

Big    that

Come     large

This    those

II. comparatives and superlatives of adjectives:








III.find the synonyms to the following words in the text:

Tiny, testacy, very, to wear, to place, to jump, a beak, totell, astove, to search.

IV.find the odd word:




V.put the sentences in a logical order:

1.she made a very little cake.

2.she began to eat the cake.

3.a poor man asked her for a cake.

4.she turned into a woodpecker.

5.but that cake began to grow.

6.an old woman baked cakes.

7.she didn`t give the big cake to a man.

VI.put the questions to the underlined words:

1.once a little old woman baked cakes in her oven.

2.a red cap was on her head.

3.a poor old man came to her kitchen door.

4.she put the cake into the oven.  5.the poor old man went away hungry.

VII.Use the verds in the Present Sinple Tense:

1.a little old woman baked cakes in her oven.

2.she had on a black dress and a small white apron.

3.a red cap was on her head.

4.a poor old man came to her kitchen door.

5.he asked for a cake.

6.the woman didn`t want to give it.

7.the man went away.

What is the moral of the story?

1.a covetous man is good to none but words to himself.

2.a good name is better than richer.

3.a friend in need is a friend indeed.













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