Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалы"Education in Kazakhstan" план урока

"Education in Kazakhstan" план урока

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Date:         Group: Ш-1    Lesson: #5

Theme: Education in Kazakhstan


Aim: Informing pupils on an education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Educational Development of informative abilities of pupils by means of lingvocultural information. Expansion of an outlook of pupils due to receiving new knowledge of a subject

Developing: Development of conceptual forms of thinking through development of features of language consciousness during the work with lexical material

Bringing-up: to improve ability to work in collective: to listen carefully the interlocutor, it is polite to react to requests and questions of the interlocutor, to enter communication.

Aids: test tasks, board, dictionary.

                                                               The plan of the lesson:


Greeting and duties report Good morning, children! Who is on duty today? Class sit down, please.
What day of the week is it today? Who is absent? 


Well start talking about school with the Chinese proverb:

Teachers open the door but you must enter by yourself.

Прочитать китайскую пословицу громко и попросить учеников повторить их хором за учителем. Затем найти русский эквивалент пословицы.

How do you understand this proverb? You can speak in Russian.

Do you agree with it?

What does school mean to you?

How do you understand the words a good education?

Do you need a good education?

Can you say that you are a hard-working and serious pupil?

I want you to answer some questions about school and to compare your answers with the answers of the students of Sernur school 1.

What do students cannot go to school without?

What do our students say if they dont want to do homework?

What is the most popular subject?

What would our students like to change in school?

3.Checking the home task

4.New theme

Reading and Speaking

Education in Kazakhstan


The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan protects the right to access to kindergarten [Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Article 30] Children typically start kindergarten at age 5. As of 2004, there were 100 kindergartens in the nation (83 public, 4 directly under the Ministry of Education, and 13 private) and 135 856 children enrolled in kindergartens (or 63% of the total number of 5-year and 6-year olds in the nation). All kindergartens are currently expected to teach both Kazakh and Russian, and most emphasize one language over the other.

Primary school

Primary school in Kazakhstan starts at age 6 and runs from years 1 5. Classes typically run in two sessions, from 8 until 1 and from 1 until 5, with students either going to class in the morning or in the afternoon. All primary schools are state-owned and primary and secondary education are constitutionally protected rights.4 The curriculum includes x, y and z.

The curriculum for both primary and secondary school is established by the Ministry of Education, with little choice left up to the individual schools. Textbooks are sold in bookstores throughout the country and are purchased by the students themselves.

Primary school is provided free to all citizens and residents of Kazakhstan and parents typically pay only for extra-curricular activities such as sports programs, music programs, and sometimes lab equipment or other special equipment.

Answer the questions

a) When do children start going to school in Kazakhstan?

b) What stages is Kazakhstan education divided into?

c) What types are state schools divided into?

d) What can you say about private schools?

e) How many years of study are compulsory in our country?

f) What do many young people do after leaving school?


Выпиши ключевые слова, относящиеся к теме Education.

a)A minority of private schools, domestic science, comprehensive;

b)A doll, enjoy, today, expensive, study;

c)Compulsory, a reception class, table;

d)Private, comprehensive, sweet, a sofa.

Прочитай и переведи следующие предложения:

a) Comprehensive schools develop the talents of each child.

b) They offer a wide choice of subjects, from art to modern languages and computer studies.

c) Grammar school is secondary school taking about 3 percent of children.

d) In grammar school students can choose which subjects languages they wish to study.

Grammar The Past Simple.

1.Вспомни и выпиши из текста правильные глаголы- Regular verbs и неправильные глаголы- Irregular verbs в форме прошедшего времени. 

Regular verbs: ____________________________________

Irregular verbs: ___________________________________


2. Представь Past Simple в виде схемы Карта памяти.

3. Переведи предложения.

1) We worked in Madrid last month.
2) In Paris the weather wasnt better than in London.
3) She lived there with her family.

4.Выбери и выпиши глаголы в форме прошедшего времени.

1) Did he lived / live with his parents?
2) She goed / went to the cinema last weekend.
3) We didnt met / meet them at the station.
Преобразуй глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Simple.
1) She (leave) ______ the baby in the shop.
2) I (meet) ______ many people last week.
3) We (learn) ______ French at school.

Распознай сходства и различия между Past Simple и Present Simple и заполни таблицу.
Past SimpleBoth (
сходства)Present Simple

5.Assesment and Conclusion
Consolidation of the lesson Home task Express your opinion Evaluation
I give 5 for
I give 4 for
I give 3 for
What kind of lesson today? (bad, good, scientific, interesting) Did you like this lesson?
Our lesson is over!
Good bye, children!



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