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Экологические проблемы города Новочеркасска

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«Экологические проблемы города Новочеркасска»






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2015-2016 учебный год.

Ход мероприятия

1.     Звучит песня в исполнении Майкла Джексона «Песня Земли»

2.     Вступительное слово ведущего.

Good day, dear friends. I’m an editor of oral magazine “Ecological problems of Novocherkassk” and I’m glad to see you here. At first I’d like to give some information about Novocherkassk .  The floor is given to the journalist …. .

3.     Звучит песня о Новочеркасске.

4.     Презентация о Новочеркасске.

Novocherkassk  is one of the biggest towns in Rostov region. It is situated on the banks of two rivers – the Tuzlov and the Aksai. It’s population is about 200 000 people. The town was founded by ataman Platov in 1805. The main monument to the founder of the town is on the central square named after him.

Novocherkassk  is an industrial town. There are a lot of plants, factories, private firms and even an electric power station in it.

Novocherkassk  is a scientific and educational centre. About 20 000 young people are the students of two higher schools Novocherkassk  State Institute of Reclamation Engineering and the South Russia State Polytecnic University and some colleges.

Dominating in the town panorama is Voznesenski Army Cathedral designed in new Bizantine stele by Academician A. Yashchenko. Its erection lasted for 100 years from 1805 to 1905. Near the Cathedral there is a monument Yermak, the conqueror of Siberia. Other famous sight is the Museum of Don Cossacks’ History. There you can see pictures by famous Don painters such as I. Krylov and N. Dubovskoy. The buildings of the Drama Theatre and te Ataman’s Palace attract with their beauty. Two Triumph Arches symbolize the victory of Russian Army in the Patriotic War of 1812. The residents of Novocherkassk love their town, take care of it and are happy to receive tourists from all over the world.


5.     Ведущий: As you see Novocherkassk  is an old historical town and it is very beautiful. But today we are discussing one of the most urgent problems for our town. It is the problem of ecology.

Ecology is science about nature and about relations of man with it. Practically, it is a science studying whether we, human beings, keep our common house, our planet the Earth, in a good state and how we use the gifts it is giving us: water, air, land, plants, animals and minerals.

Ecology is science which studies the relationship between all forms of life on our planet with its environment.

Today you’ll get the latest information about ecological situation of our town. And the first page of our oral magazine is devoted to the problem of  water. I’ll give the floor to the leading journalist.

6.     Презентация -  вода

Good day, my name is…… and I’m the journalist. I would like to tell you about the problem of water in our town.

As you know water is life. The existence of the great concentration of population in our present day cities would be impossible without the availability of water. A city with a restricted water supply is a city of restricted growth.

As you have just known Novocherkassk  was founded in 1805 and from the early days it suffered from water shortage. Water was brought by water carriers from the nearby rivers. Industrial development was not possible without reliable water supply.

In 1864 a new waterworks system was built in Novocherkassk. It was designed by the outstanding engineer Nikolay Belolubsky, born in Taganrog. Water intake structures were located in the Aksaiskaya stanitsa.  2 billion liters of water were delivered to the town every day. That waterworks system was the tenth in Russia. It was called one of the best engineering works of the time.


The aim of my presentation is to show the present-day situation in Novocherkassk waterworks.

Nowadays the waterworks are facing many problems; they need reconstruction. Environmental pollution is inevitable, and surely the purity of drinking water cannot be guaranteed. In order to make this water consumable, it is processed in many ways. The water from rivers and lakes is treated in large water treatment plants. Some methods give the basic treatment to the polluted water. There is a 5 step pre-treatment process for water purification:

Step 1 – Cleaning. The tanks in which water is stored and pipes through which it is brought in, should be thoroughly cleaned.

Step 2 – Screening. In this step, substances like huge stones, plastics are filtered.

Step 3 – Storage. The water is stored in reservoirs for biological processing and also a source in case of drought.

Step 4 – Pre-conditioning. The hardness of water is treated in this step by adding sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3).

Step 5 – Pre-chlorination. In this step, chlorine is added to the water to eliminate the biological organisms from the tanks and pipes.


After the pre-treatment , water has to undergo several more treatments to make it consumable. The following processes are usually carried out in the water treatment plants:

Ph adjustment. The Ph level of neutral water is 7. If water traveling through  the pipes is acidic, lime is added to increase its ph.

Flocculation. It is the process of removing turbidity present in the water. The water is made clear and colorless.

Sedimentation. In sedimentation, the floc that precipitates from the water is separated. The sludge formed after the treatment settles at the bottom of the sedimentation basin.

Filtration. This is the last step for the removal of dirt. Sand filters are used for  the filtration. The topmost layer is of carbon, where the organic impurity is removed.

Removal of chemical impurities. This is process of removal of  hazardous chemicals substances and elements like lead, nitrite and arsenic.

Disinfection. Chlorine and other chemicals like ozone and hydrogen peroxide are added to water to kill disease-causing bacteria and viruses.

Water from the supply plants travels through large pipes to the residential areas. Hence, many residential complexes have purification systems installed locally.

Some of the home-based water purification methods are:

Boiling. It is the most basic form of water purification. Water is boiled for about 10 minutes. This method may kill the pathogens in water but it cannot filter the harmful chemical elements.

Chemical purifiers. Iodine, potassium and chlorine are some of the chemical purifiers. They are available in the tablet form in the market and have to the added to water.

Distillation. In distillation, water is heated till it evaporates. The vapour is then cooled and allowed to condense  in the cooler surfaces. Water droplets from the condensed vapour are collected to obtain distilled water.

Commercial filters. Individual homes may have some water filters. Commercial filters make use of many processes like reverse osmosis, ion exchange, activated carbon, adsorption, micro-porous, adsorption, micro-porous filtration, photo-oxidation to purify water.

Our body is made up of water and it is essential for us to consume pure water to maintain our health.


7.     Ведущий: The second page is devoted to the ecological problems that connected with industry.

My name is…… and I’m the journalist too. I would like to tell you about the industrial pollutions.

Novocherkassk  is one of the industrial towns in Russia, where large-scale enterprises of world importance are concentrated, therefore it’s impossible to avoid problems of environmental pollution, but it is possible to fight against these problems. In general industrial enterprises pollute environment in the town, namely: Novocherkassk Thermal Power Station, Novocherkassk Electrode Factory, Novocherkassk Electrolocomotive Plant .  Let’s examine the table!

Table – Pollution of Atmosphere



             Gross emission of pollutant, tons/year










Novocherkassk Thermal Electric Power Station

(НчГРЭС – Новочеркасская городская электростанция)










Novocherkassk Electrode Factory

(НЭЗ – Новочеркасский электродный завод)










Novocherkassk Electrolocomotive Plant

(НЭВЗ - Новочеркасский электровозостроительный завод)












You see Novocherkassk Thermal Electric Power Station made 38853, 9 tones of everyday waste in 2008 and it increased to 84916,92 in 2016.

Novocherkassk Electrode Factory

Novocherkassk Electrolocomotive Plant


On the whole, in 2016 more than 364 million rubles were spent by the enterprises of the town to solve ecological problems. The problem of reusing solid waste is still one of the topical for the town. In Novocherkassk about one million tones of  industrial and 60 000 tones everyday waste are made annually.

8.     Ведущий:The third page is devoted to greenery of our town.

My name is…… . I would like to tell you about one of the main problems of our town. It is the planting of greenery. At first I want to tell you about the situation of our parks and grove.

Alexandrovskiiy park

The authorities of  Novocherkassk always considered about its planting of greenery, because the step was around this town. And now there are a lot of parks and groves in our town. But some of them have become the question of commercial interest. The problem with parks and recreation areas in the town is really a very cute problem.

For example, Alexandrovskiiy park. It was installed on the vast vacant land at the beginning of 1850s by the order of Ataman Homutov and  was used during the different festivals. Alexandrovskiiy park became the favourite place for residents. For a long time this park was a very beautiful and loved place . But now a part of Alexandrovskiiy park is occupied by an entertainment centre and by a private hotel. For many years our authorities have been trying to return these plots of land to public property but in vain.


Children park

Look at the Children park near Moskovskaya Street. It was the most popular place for children as it had a small zoo, a railway and a lot of recreation facilities. There was an open-air scene where different dancing and singing performances took place.

 Children park is one of the safest places for young mothers with toddlers because of its enclosed piece of recreation area. But now it is a private property. People wonder why it is closed for public and are the town council prospects concerning this park?


But now I would like to give the floor to my assistant.


Good day, my name is…… and I’d tell you about the unique historical object of greenery in Novocherkassk.


Grove “The Red Spring”

It is the grove “The Red Spring”. The grove had been planted above 130 years ago, in 1880 by the initiative of the famous forester F. F. Tikhonov and was named “Krasnokutskaya” in honour of Army Ataman N. A. Krasnokutskiyi. Later it was renamed into “The Red Spring”. Since that time the grove became the most favourite place for citizens of this town.

There were difficult times in the history of grove. During the occupation in the Great Patriotic War the grove was burnt by fascists. But the new plantings were made in 1949.

And now there is the urgent problem of grove. It is the issue of protection of our grove “The Red Spring” from cutting out and using its territory as a construction site will be raised. It is known this topic is widely discussed in Internet by the citizens of our town.

9.     Ведущий:The fourth page is about the importance of trees in people’s life and I give the floor to other my assistant.

Good day, my name is…… and in conclusion I must say some words about importance of greenery for any cities and towns.

There are obvious disadvantages to cutting down trees. Trees provide much of oxygen people breathe and essential habitat for animals. Besides trees help to create a pleasing landscape and are integral part of many of the world’s areas of natural beauty.

The trees absorb greenhouse gases and produce oxygen. The less trees there are  the less efficient the planet is at sustaining a balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide, both of which are necessary to maintain life of plants and animals.

Trees have a tough life in cities. They face heavy streets from storms, insects, air pollution, road salt, low-quality soil and even reckless drivers. Yet the benefits of a healthy tree pollution are vast, from the numerous environmental qualities the aesthetic value that comes with a green canopy in a city park or a long busy street.

10. Ведущий: And the last page of our magazine is about recycling.

Trash, rubbish, waste… The problem of rubbish is very important. Every day you take your rubbish out, don’t you? Look…

Approximate Decomposition Time in a Landfill.


-         traffic tickets                                                        

-         banana peel                                                           

-         woolen socks                                                         

-         wooden stakes                                                       

-         wax paper cups                                                      

-         painted wooden stakes                                         

-         tin cans                                                                  

-         aluminum cans and plastic bottles

-         glass containers


1 month

up to six month

1 year

4 years

5 years

13 years

100 years

up to 500 years




Aluminum cans

Making aluminum from recycled aluminum uses 90 less energy than making aluminum scratch. In 2013 alone, aluminum can recycling saved more than11 billion kilowatt hours of electricity, enough to supply the residential electric needs of  New York City for six month. The energy saved from one recycled aluminum can will operate a television set for three hours. If you throw an aluminum can out of the train window, it will still litter the Earth up to 500 years later. When you loss out one aluminum can you waste as many energy as if you’d filled the same can half full of gasoline and poured it onto the ground.

Recycle aluminum cans!

Plastic bottles

Fact: People use 2.5 million plastic bottles every year. These bottles can’t be recycled and won’t  ever degrade. So buy milk or juice in cartons, then recycle them.

Fact: It takes a whole tree to make about 500 paper grocery bags. But plastic bags are worse because they can’t be recycled, and the plastic will never decompose.

     Use paper, not plastic!

Newspapers and magazines

Recycled paper could easily be substituted for virgin paper in many cases without any loss of quality. Making newspapers from “old” paper uses 30% to 55% less energy than making paper from trees; and it reduces air pollution by 95%.

Old batteries

Fact: People throw 2.5 billion pounds of batteries a year. Toxic chemicals in batteries can be released into the environment, especially if they are burned.

Save your old batteries and take them to a recycling centre!

Pick up litter

Fact: Litter is not only ugly, but it can be harmful to wildlife. Small animals can get hurt on sharp cans or broken bottles. Pick up litter you see as you are walking! Throw away trash. Recycle bottles and cans!

Take care of your motherland!


Ведущий: It was the last page of our magazine and I think you’ve got very interesting and important information about the ecology in our town because every citizen must know ecological situation in his town to try to do his best to improve it.











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