Инфоурок Английский язык Научные работыЭлективный курс по теме «Ecology» для учащихся 8 классов.

Элективный курс по теме «Ecology» для учащихся 8 классов.

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Элективный курс по теме «Ecology» для учащихся 8 классов.









 Курс утвержден (где, когда и кем).

Автор курса


















1.ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА………………………………………………3




5. УРОКИ ЭЛЕКТИВНОГО КУРСА…………………….……………………..11


7.БИБЛИОГРАФИЧЕСКИЙ СПИСОК………………………………………...99























   Новая структура и содержание образования в средней школе направлены на выполнение основной миссии современного образования – создание необходимых условий для самореализации и самоопределения личности школьника. В формировании экологического воспитания современной школы важное значение имеют не только предметы естественнонаучного цикла, но и такая учебная дисциплина, как иностранный язык.

   Исследования в области географии, биологии, экологии и других областях деятельности человека свидетельствуют об особой роли экологического воспитания. Воспитывающие и развивающие функции экологии определяют непрерывное экологическое воспитание школьника.

      Программа курса рассчитана на 17 часов,  на  1 год обучения в 8 классе.

Предлагаемое тематическое наполнение и планирование элективного курса носит рекомендательный характер.

   Разработанный элективный курс основан на государственном стандарте и не противоречит его основным функциям: обеспечения права на полноценное образование; сохранения единства образовательного пространства страны; гуманизации образования.

   Целью данного курса  является способствование воспитанию личности, понимающей и способной активно решать экологические проблемы.

   Предметом курса являются экологические проблемы и пути их решения.

   В связи с этим возникают задачи курса, которые позволяют:

1)    Раскрыть значение экологических проблем существующих  как в России, так и в англоязычных странах;

2)    Ознакомить учащихся 8 классов с современными экологическими проблемами и путями их решения;

3)    Повысить интерес к изучению английского языка.

   При изучении курса применяются следующие педагогические технологии и методики:

1)    Критическое мышление;

2)    Информационные технологии;

3)    Метод проектов;

4)    Обучение в сотрудничестве.

   После поставленных задач, учащиеся данного курса должны:

- знать                                                                             - уметь

а) какие экологические проблемы                  а) высказывать свое мнение по

    существуют в России и в                                данной проблеме;

    англоязычных странах;                               б) вести беседу на английском

б) пути решения экологических                         языке по данной теме;

    проблем.                                                     в) написать реферат;

                                                                           г) разработать и защитить

                                                                           проект по 1 из предложенных

                                                                           тем курса;

                                                                        д) написать официальное

                                                                           письмо, с целью поднять и

                                                                           обсудить 1 из экологических


                                                                           е) работать с аутентичными


Каждое занятие данного курса – это и теоретический, и практический материал. Курс снабжен видеоматериалами.

   Структурная модель последовательности занятий имеет  блочное построение, что дает возможность в каждом новом разделе выбирать новое содержание.

   Позиция педагога на протяжении всего элективного курса может изменяться. Педагог может выступать в роли «консультанта», «эксперта», «информатора» или «равноправного участника» занятия.

   Формы и методы, используемые на занятиях:

·        лекция

·        беседа

·        занятие-путешествие

·        сообщения учащихся

·        разгадывание кроссворда

·        тестирование.

   Результатами программы курса являются: расширение кругозора учащихся посредством элективного курса по английскому языку по теме «Ecology» и формирование чувства бережного отношения к природе.























Таблица 1

Тематическое планирование уроков  английского языка по теме «Ecology»



Количество часов

Вид занятий

Оборудование, наглядность

Что должен знать?

Виды контроля

1. Is the Earth a Dangerous Place?


Практическое занятие

Доска, карточки со словами по теме, презентация

Лексику по теме

Контроль чтения текста по теме


Надпись: 6 


2. Pollution of the Environment.


Практическое занятие

Доска карточки со словами по теме, фильм «To Live or not to Live?», презентация

Лексику по теме

Контроль аудирования    (тексты по теме); письма (написание письма по поводу загрязнения окружающей среды в органы местного самоуправления)

3. How to Prevent Pollution? (3Rs: Recycle, Reduce, Reuse)


Практическое занятие


Лексику по теме

Защита проекта “How to Reuse Litter” (изготовление коллажей из бытового мусора)


4. Endangered Animals


Практическое занятие

Доска карточки со словами по теме, фильм «Our Planet Earth», предметные картинки

Лексику по теме

Контроль монологического высказывания по теме “Pandas: adorable and endangered


5. Nature Court



Надпись: 7


Деловая игра


Костюмы для деловой игры


Лексику по теме

Контроль умения вести беседу по теме, высказывать собственное мнение, отстаивать свою точку зрения



6. Be kind to Nature – Save the Earth


Практическое    занятие

Изготовленные учащимися плакаты по теме

Лексику по теме

Контроль высказывания своей точки зрения по темам









   Тема 1) «Is the Earth a Dangerous Place?» состоит из 4 учебных занятий, и включает в себя рассмотрение таких природных катаклизмов как засуха, наводнение, цунами, землетрясение, извержение вулканов.


   Тема  2)«Pollution of the Environment» изучается в течение 6 часов. На учебных занятиях рассматриваются различные виды загрязнения окружающей среды, такие как загрязнение воздуха, воды, почвы.


   Тема 3) «How to Prevent Pollution?» состоит из 2 учебных занятий, на которых рассматриваются способы предотвращения загрязнения окружающей среды.


   Тема 4) «Endangered Animals» изучается в течение 2 часов. Учащимся предоставляется материал о животных, находящихся на грани исчезновения.


   Тема 5) «Nature Court» изучается в течение 2 часов, и представляет из себя деловую игру «Суд природы над человеком».


   Тема 6) «Be Kind to NatureSave the Earth» является заключительной, и изучается в течение 1 часа. Занятие является итоговым.











   Уважаемые коллеги, мы предлагаем вашему вниманию элективный курс по теме «Ecology» для учащихся 8 классов, который позволит ознакомить их с экологическими проблемами современного мира и некоторыми путями их решения, расширит кругозор учащихся, вызовет чувство ответственности за «братьев наших меньших» и позволит ощутить и оценить краски окружающего мира.

   Элективный курс даст возможность продолжить работу по экологическому воспитанию учащихся.

   При работе над данным курсом, учащиеся расширяют свой словарный запас, используют метод учебного проекта, учатся отстаивать собственное мнение, делать официальный запрос, принимать участие в деловой игре, а также выполнять творческие задания в рамках темы.

   В настоящее время основная цель обучения иностранному языку – это формирование необходимого и достаточного уровня коммуникативных умений у учащихся.

   Советы данные ниже, основаны на положениях материалов Совета Европы, озаглавленных «Коммуникативность в обучении современным языкам», а также известного методиста Е.Н. Солововой.

   Данных рекомендаций следует придерживаться учителям иностранного языка на учебных занятиях, и при использовании элективных курсов в частности.

Рекомендации преподавателю


   1. Предлагайте своим студентам такие темы, тексты, задачи, в которых содержится новая для них информация и которые близки им по контексту деятельности.

   2. Апеллируйте к их опыту, знаниям, эмоциям и чувствам.

   3. Чаще используйте различные языковые и речевые игры, проблемные задания и элементы соревнования.

   4. По возможности обеспечивайте учащимся право выбора тем, текстов, заданий и т.д.

   5. Поощряйте нестандартные решения учащихся, даже если эти решения приводят к использованию незнакомого языкового материала и провоцируют много ошибок, а также не совпадают с вашим или общепринятым мнением.

   6. Показывайте примет речевого взаимодействия, вежливого отношения к оппоненту, готовности к решению возникающих проблем. Чаще хвалите своих учеников, при этом используйте различные оценочные коммуникативные приемы (как вербальные, так и невербальные).

   7. Варьируйте использование индивидуальных, парных, групповых форм работы на уроке. Именно в процессе совместного выполнения учебных заданий можно моделировать условно-коммуникативные и реальные коммуникативные ситуации на уроке.

   8. не ставьте нереальных задач перед учениками, шире используйте содержательные, языковые и речевые опоры с учетом индивидуальных особенностей учащихся.

   9. Создайте партнерские отношения. Не бойтесь делегировать часть своих полномочий студентам, в этом случае появляется чувство коллективной заинтересованности и ответственности за результат.

  Желаем успеха!

С уважением автор.




























































Класс: 8


Тема: Earthquakes


1.а) Обеспечить введение и первичное  закрепление новых слов по теме “ Earthquakes ”.

    б) Продолжить работу по формированию навыков в разных видах речевой деятельности: говорение и чтение.

2. Продолжить работу по развитию памяти и внимания.

3. Обеспечить расширение кругозора учащихся по использованию страноведческого материала урока по теме «Earthquakes».

4. Продолжить работу по экологическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оборудование: учебник и наглядности (слова с переводом на карточках).




Содержание учебного материала

Методы, формы












































































































Организационный этап урока

-- Stand up. Hello, boys and girls.


--I’m glad to see you. My name is Yulia Yurievna. Sit down.

 Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?


What date is it today?

-- It’s the  __th of ____  .

What day of the week is it today?

-- It is _______.

Who is absent?


              Основное содержание урока

Nowadays we have a lot of nature disasters which are dangerous and deadly for us. These disasters can destroy our houses, seriously hurt and even kill. What is the cause of them?

Let’s read the story.

First look at the board. Let’s read and translate some words. Read after me.

Ecology [i:'koləd i] – экология

A relationship [ri'leiƒnƒip] – отношение

The environment [in'vaiərənmənt] – окружающая среда

To include [in'klu:d] -  содержать

A population [popju'leiƒn] - население

Harmony ['ha:məni] – гармония

The resource [ri'so:s] -  ресурс

An influence ['influəns] -  влияние

To increase [in'kri:s] -  увеличивать

To damage ['dæmid ] -  наносить ущерб

An earthquake ['3:θkweik] – землетрясение

A tornado [to:'neidəυ] - торнадо

A volcano [vol'keinəυ] - вулкан

A flood [flΛd] – наводнение

A drought [draυt] – засуха

A tsunami[tsu' na:mi] - цунами


What’s the English for наводнение (землетрясение, вулкан…)?

Start reading and translating the text, please.

"Ecology" is a very popular word today. But what does it mean? Ecology is a science which studies the relationship between all forms of life on our planet and the environment.

This word came from Greek "oikos" which means home. The idea of home includes our whole planet, its population, Nature, animals, birds, fish, insets and all other living beings and even the atmosphere around our planet.

For thousands of years people lived in harmony with the environment and it seemed to them that the resources of nature had no end. With the industrial revolution our negative influence on Nature began to increase. Large cities with thousands of steaming, polluting plants and factories can be found nowadays all over the world. In these ways we damage our planet. As the result there are a lot of earthquakes, tornadoes, floods etc on the Earth. These results are dangerous for people.


Good. Now answer my questions, please.

1.     What does Ecology study?

n  Ecology is a since which studies the relationship between all forms of life on our planet and the environment.

2.     What did people do for thousands of years?

n  For thousands of years people lived in harmony with the environment.

3.     What happened with the industrial revolution?

n  With the industrial revolution our negative influence on Nature began to increase.

4.     What is the result of our industrial revolution?

n  As the result there are a lot of earthquakes, tornadoes, floods etc on the Earth. These results are dangerous for people.

As we have said there are a lot of earthquakes, tornadoes, floods etc on the Earth. We’ll start with earthquakes.

We’ll read the text “The Yungay Earthquake”

“I was in school,” said Juan. “On the blackboard, in big white letters was the date – May 31st 1970. The letters stared to dance in front of my eyes.”

“Were you asleep?”

“No, I looked of the window. There was a noise, like a big lorry in the street. But outside there were only a few empty cars.”

“What made the noise?”

“It was coming from the ground. The cars started to jump up and down. Then the classroom clock fell off the wall and the window broke.

I was afraid. I ran out of school and into the street. As I was running, the houses started to fall down. The ground was moving under my feet. I knew then…”

“Knew what?”

“I knew that it was an earthquake. I ran to the fields. I could hear bangs and screams behind me. I only turned round when I got to the second field.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. Nearly all buildings were on the ground. In front of me, the earth was moving up and down like a sea.”

“What did you do?”

“Nothing for a while. Then I heard another sound, like great guns. It came from the mountains, I looked up and the nearest mountains began to fly at me!

I ran away and swam across the river. On the other side, I stared to run again. A great wind carried me along. Then earth and snow fell on top of me…”


“Yeas, mountain snow. The earthquake broke off a large piece of the mountain.”…

“How many died?” asked Mark.

“50 000 died and another 100 000 people were hurt. Nearly a million lost their homes – that is one out of 13 people in Peru. I think it was the worst earthquake ever.”

Mark looked in his notebook again.

“There was an earthquake in China in 1556. It killed 830 000 people. In 1932, in Japan, 142 000 people died.”

I’ll give you pictures of the text. Your task is to put them in the right order.

What do these figures refer to?

142000, May 31st 1970, 100.000, 13, 1556…

Now answer the questions:

1. When did the Yungay earthquake take place?

-- May 31st 1970.

2. How did it begin?

-- The letters stared to dance in front of his eyes. There was a noise, like a big lorry in the street. The cars started to jump up and down. Then the classroom clock fell off the wall and the window broke. The ground was moving under his feet.

3. What happened whit the boy?

-- He ran to the fields. He ran away and swam across the river.

Now find 5 verbs and 5 nouns to describe the earthquake. (Stared to dance, to jump up and down, was moving, to hurt, to kill; the noise, the ground, bangs and screams, sound, wind).




Заключительный этап урока

Now open your day books. Your h\w is to learn the words.













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Класс: 8


Тема: “Volcanoes”


1.а) Обеспечить введение и первичное  закрепление новых слов по теме “ Volcanoes ”.

    б) Продолжить работу по формированию навыков в разных видах речевой деятельности: говорение и чтение.

2. Продолжить работу по развитию памяти и внимания.

3. Обеспечить расширение кругозора учащихся по использованию страноведческого материала урока по теме «Volcanoes».

4. Продолжить работу по экологическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оборудование: учебник, и наглядности (слова с переводом на карточках, презентация).




Содержание учебного материала

Методы, формы





































































Организационный этап урока

-- Stand up. Hello, boys and girls.


--I’m glad to see you. My name is Yulia Yurievna. Sit down.

 Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?


What date is it today?

-- It’s the  __th of ____  .

What day of the week is it today?

-- It is _______.

Who is absent?


Основное содержание урока

What were we speaking about at the previous lesson?

n  An earthquake.

What verbs do we use when we speak about it?

n  Stared to dance, to jump up and down, was moving, to hurt, to kill.

Today we’ll speak about volcanoes. Look at the screen. There you can see some pictures of volcanoes.

Look at the board. There you can see some words.

Let’s read them after me.

A volcano [vol'keinəυ] - вулкан

Ash[æſ ] -  пепел, зола

Earth's crust['ə:θs krΛst] – земляная кора

Hotspot ['hotspot] – горячий источник

Rocky ['roki] – горный

To damage ['dæmid ] -  наносить ущерб

To shake - трясти

An earthquake ['3:θkweik] – землетрясение

A tornado [to:'neidəυ] - торнадо

A volcanic eruption [vol'keinik i' rΛpƒn ] – извержение вулкана

A flood [flΛd] – наводнение

A drought [draυt] – засуха

A tsunami [tsu' na:mi] - цунами

Good. Now read one by one.

What’s English for….?

Look at the board.

There you can see some phrases. Your task is to choose the correct phrases for volcanoes.

n  to damage houses, a lot of water, ash on the ground, a mountain with a hole, the dark sky, not enough water, no life.

Translate my sentences, please.

1.     Землетрясения извержения вулканов очень опасны для человека.

Earthquakes and volcano eruptions are very dangerous for man.

       2. Землетрясение – это неожиданная тряска земли.

An earthquake is a sudden shaking of the ground.

3        вулкан – это большая гора.

A volcano is a big mountain.

 I’ll give you some cards with the sentences.

Your task is to fill the gaps with necessary words.But first let’s read some words from the text. Read after me.

Surface ['sə:fis] - поверхность

Ash[æſ ] -  пепел, зола

Converging [kən'və:d iŋ] - сходящийся

Stretching [stretƒiŋ] - протяженность

Earth's crust['ə:θs krΛst] – земляная кора

Rocky ['roki] – горный

The text.

A volcano is a planet's surface or crust, which allows hot magma, ash and gases to escape from the surface.

Volcanoes are generally found where tectonic plates are converging.

By contrast, volcanoes are usually created where two tectonic plates slide past one another.

Cards. (planet's, magma, surface, found, converging, usually, two)

1.     A volcano is a __(planet's) surface or crust, which allows hot ___(magma), ash and gases to escape from the ____(surface)

2. Volcanoes are generally ___(found) where tectonic plates are ___(converging)

3. Volcanoes are ____(usually) created where __(two) tectonic plates slide past one another.

Let’s check. Read and translate.

Now translate my sentences, please:

1.     Вулканэто земляная поверхность.

A volcano is a planet's surface.

2. Обычно вулканы возникают, где 2 плиты натыкаются друг на друга.

Volcanoes are usually created where two tectonic plates slide past one another.

Заключительный этап урока

Now open your day books. Your h\w is to read and translate the text “Vesuvius”













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The Volcano Vesuvius.


   One million people now live and work in the crowed, noisy city of Naples in Italy. Few of them lift their eyes to look up the great volcano, Vesuvius, which rises, nearly 1,300 metres high, to the east of the city.

   In the year AD 79, nearly 2,000 years ago, the people of the busy town of Pompeii hurried about their lives without thinking of Vesuvius. Pompeii is twenty kilometers south-east of Naples, and it is only ten kilometers from the great volcano. At that time, Pompeii was a rich own of 20,000 people with a busy port.

   Then, on the 24th of August, AD 79, everything changed for ever. In the middle of the morning, the earth began to shake, cups fell off tables, and holes appeared in the ground. People remembered the disastrous earthquake that had hit the town 17 years before. Was this the beginning of another earthquake?

   Dogs started to bark, birds flew away, and a strange silence seemed to hang over the town. At midday, a great cloud of ash rose up out of Vesuvius and into the air. That afternoon, with a terrible noise a thousand times louder than thunder, the top of the volcano was blown twenty kilometers into the air, and sheets of flame lit up the darkened sky. Vesuvius was erupting!

  People panicked and tried to escape. But for many, it was too late. In two days, the town was covered in four metres of ash and stones. About two thousand people were killed by the cloud of hot gases and ash.

   The small port of Herculaneum, which lies between Vesuvius and the sea, met a more violent death. After the first eruption of Vesuvius, many people of Herculaneum had left the town.

   However, on the 25th of August, the day after the first eruption, Herculaneum was suddenly covered by a violent river of hot ash and mud. In a few hours, the town was buried under twenty metres of hardened rock from the volcano.

   In some ways, this eruption of Vesuvius was just like any other disaster caused by volcanoes. People died miserable deaths. So why do we remember this eruption of Vesuvius as something special?

   In Ad 79, Pompeii and Herculaneum were controlled by the great city of Rome. We know much about Rome and its people, through books written in the Latin Language. Virgil and Pliny were famous writers of that time. In fact, there were two writers named Pliny. Pliny the Elder was killed during the eruption of Vesuvius. He was the uncle of Pliny the Younger, who survived and wrote a detailed description of the disaster.

   The eruption of Vesuvius killed people suddenly. Then the mud covered their bodies.

   In the remains of Pompeii and Herculaneum, archaeologists have discovered the houses and streets of the two towns. They have also found the theatres, the bars and the town baths. For example, in the open-air theatre of Pompeii, the bones of dead gladiators have been discovered.

    So the disaster which hit the people of Pompeii and Herculaneum in AD 79 has given us a very real lesson in the history of Italy and the Roman people.


















Класс: 8


Тема: Tsunamis


1.а) Обеспечить введение и первичное закрепление новых слов по теме “ Tsunamis ”.

    б) Продолжить работу по формированию навыков в разных видах речевой деятельности: говорение и чтение.

2. Продолжить работу по развитию памяти и внимания.

3. Обеспечить расширение кругозора учащихся по использованию страноведческого материала урока по теме «Tsunamis».

4. Продолжить работу по экологическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оборудование: учебник, и наглядности (слова с переводом на карточках, презентация).



















































































































Содержание учебного материала



Организационный этап урока

-- Stand up. Hello, boys and girls.


--I’m glad to see you. Sit down.

 Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?


What date is it today?

-- It’s the  __th of ____  .

What day of the week is it today?

-- It is _______.

Who is absent?


Основное содержание урока

Let’s start with checking your home task.

      1. Did you like the text?

      2. What new facts have you learnt from the text?

3. Where is the Volcano Vesuvius situated?

4. How many people live in Naples?

5.     Where is the city of Pompeii?

6.       What kind of town was Pompeii nearly 2,000 years ago?

7.     What happened in Pompeii on the 24th of August, AD 79?

8.     How did the earthquake start?

9.     How did the citizens of Pompeii behave? Were they quiet or did they panic?

10. In 2 days the town was covered in 4 metres of ash and stones, wasn’t it?

11. How did the people of the town die?

12. Were the citizens of Pompeii the only victims of the volcano?

Today we’ll speak about another natural disaster. But first let’s revise them.

Look at the board. 1. Your task is to match the word and its translation.

An earthquake                         наводнение

A tornado                                засуха

A volcano                                землетрясение

A flood                                    вулкан

A drought                                цунами

A tsunami                                   торнадо

2. Read and translate.

3. All together.

4. What’s English for….?

What were we speaking about at the previous lessons?

-- Earthquakes, volcanoes.

Give some characteristics of an earthquake and a volcano. Use phrases from the board.

a planet's surface(V), to jump up and down (E), a sudden shaking of the ground (E), buildings were on the ground (E), the dark sky (V), no life (V, E), sound, like great guns (E), a big mountain(V), ahs and mud (V).

Read them and translate.

I’ll give you the cards with the puzzles. Your task is to guess what it is and write down the whole sentences.

____ (An earthquake) is a sudden shaking of the ground.

____ (A tornado) is a very violent wind.

_____ (A volcano) is a mountain with a hole called a crater in the top.

_____ (A drought) is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water.

And now listen to me.

___ (A flood) is a large amount of water which covers a place that is usually dry land.

___ (A tsunami) is huge waves, again caused by an earthquake, but this time under the seabed. What is it?

-- A tsunami.

Yes, you are right. And today we’ll speak about a tsunami. Look at the screen. There you can see some pictures of tsunamis.

Listen to me. I’ll read you the text about it. Your task is to listen to me carefully. I’ll read twice. And then you’ll do the task. You can make some notes.

First let’s read some new words from the board.

Earthquake-prone ['3:θkweik proun] -  склонный к землетрясениям, сейсмический

To withstand [ wið'stænd] – устоять

Seismic activity [ saizmik ək' tiviti] – сейсмическая активность

Pipe – труба

Cable [ 'keibl] – кабель

To rip apart [ 'rip əpa:t] – разрывать в клочья

Explosion [ ik' spəu n] – взрыв

 Seabed [ 'si:bed] – морское дно

Jet [ d et] – реактивный самолет

Coastline [ 'kəustlain] – береговая линия

Sea level [ 'si: levl] – уровень моря

To measure [ 'me ə] – измерять

Richter scale [ 'riktə skeil] – шкала Рихтера

Read these words one by one.

Whats the English for измерять (морское дно, кабель, взрыв) etc? Now let’s read the text about tsunami.


A tsunami is a chain of huge waves, again causes by an earthquake, but this time under the seabed.

   Tsunami waves can be very long (as much as 100 kilometres) and there may be an hour between them.

   They can move very fast, too, sometimes at the speed of 800 kilometres an hour. So if an earthquake happened in Los Angeles, a tsunami could hit Tokyo quicker than you could fly between the cities by jet.

When a tsunami reaches the coastline, it slows down but its height grows. There have been tsunamis as high as 30 metres above sea level! No wonder they are so dangerous.

   The Christmas weekend tsunami of 2004 is probably the most destructive in history.

   It was caused by an earthquake in the Indian Ocean measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale. The huge waves crashed into several Asian countries and thousands of people lost their lives.

What do these numerals mean?

2004, 9.0, 100, 800, 30.

How much time between the waves of tsunami?

What could hit a tsunami?

What tsunami is the most destructive in history?

What was the cause of the tsunami?

What happened to people?


Заключительный этап урока

Now open your day books and write down your h/w - to retell this text.

Методы, формы

















































































































Класс: 8


Тема: Drought


1.а) Обеспечить введение и первичное  закрепление новых слов по теме “ Drought ”.

    б) Продолжить работу по формированию навыков в разных видах речевой деятельности: говорение и чтение.

2. Продолжить работу по развитию памяти и внимания.

3. Обеспечить расширение кругозора учащихся по использованию страноведческого материала урока по теме «Drought».

4. Продолжить работу по экологическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оборудование: учебник, и наглядности (слова с переводом на карточках, презентация).




Содержание учебного материала

Методы, формы










































Организационный этап урока

-- Stand up. Hello, boys and girls.


--I’m glad to see you. My name is Yulia Yurievna. Sit down.

 Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?


What date is it today?

-- It’s the …th of …  .

What day of the week is it today?

-- It is …

Who is absent?


Основное содержание урока

What disasters do you know?

n  A Drought, An earthquake, A volcanic eruption, A tsunami.

Which of these disasters is the most dangerous? Why?


Which disaster happens most often in the world from your point of view?


And today we’ll speak about a drought.

First let’s read some words from the text.

Read after me. All together.

Extend [iks’tend] - простираться

Deficiency [di’fiſənsi] - недостаток

Persist [pə'sist] – оставаться

To damage ['dæmid ] -  наносить ущерб

Occur [ ə'kə:] - случаться

Average ['ævərid ] – в среднем

Now I’ll give you the cards with the text of a drought. Your task is to fill in the gaps.


A drought is an ___ (extended) period of months or years when a region notes a ___ (deficiency in) its water supply. Generally, this occurs when a region receives consistently __ (below) average fall. Although droughts __ (can) persist for several years, even short droughts can ___ (cause) significant damage and the local___ (economy).

(extended, deficiency in, below, cause, economy, can)

Read your text and translate.

Ok. And now what adjectives can we use to describe a drought?

n  Dangerous, awful, dry …

Now I give the pictures of some disasters. ( на ряд) Your task is to describe the picture, but not to name the disaster; the others will guess what disaster it is.


Заключительный этап урока

-- Now open your day books. Your h\w is to write a short composition “Which disaster is the most dangerous? And why?”












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T-P1, P2…





T-P1, P2…









































Класс: 8


Тема: “Why is pollution so dangerous?”


1.а) Обеспечить введение и первичное  закрепление новых слов по теме “ Why is pollution so dangerous?”.

    б) Обеспечить развитие навыков чтения новых слов по теме.

2. Обеспечить контроль монологического высказывания по тем.

3. Обеспечить расширение кругозора учащихся по использованию новых слов по теме.

4. Продолжить работу по экологическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оборудование: доска и карточки с текстом.





























































































Организационный этап урока

-- Stand up. Hello, boys and girls.


--I’m glad to see you. My name is Yulia Yurievna. Sit down.

 Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?


What date is it today?

-- It’s the …th of….

What day of the week is it today?

-- It is ….

Who is absent?



Основное содержание урока

Now look at the board. Your task is to match the word with the translation.

Water                  Земля

To pollute           Мусор

Land                 Окружающая среда

Nature                  Защищать

Earth                      Вода

Rubbish                Исчезать

Environment          земля

To disappear          Загрязнять

To protect               Природа

Now translate my sentences:

1.     Каждый день люди загрязняют окружающую среду.

n  Every day people pollute the environment.

Repeat, please.

2.     Загрязнение стало всеобщей проблемой.  

n  Pollution has become a universal problem.

Repeat the 1st 2 sentences, please.

3.     К счастью есть такие люди, которые думают о будущем нашей планеты.

Repeat the 1st 3 sentences, please.

n  Fortunately there are people who think about the future of our planet.

Repeat the 1st 4 sentences, please.

Your homework was to retell the text “Pollution”. I’m listening to you. (3 человека)

Today we’ll read another text about pollution.

First let’s read the words from the text.

Support [ sə'po:t] - поддержка

Foam [foum] – пена

Cause [ko:z] - причина

Chemical waste ['kemikəl weist] – химический выброс

To destroy [ dis'troi] - разрушать

Litter [ 'litə] - мусор

Fume [fju:m] - выброс

Scientist ['saiəntist] - ученый

Prediction [pri'dikƒn] – предсказание

Read one by one.

Look at these words and phrases. 7 of them are in the text. Which ones do you think they are?

-human beings

- do research on

- a lot of litter

- damage

- chemical waste

- pollute their home

- be empty of fish

- alarming predictions

- solve a problem

- What amazing wildlife!

- human beings


Let’s read the text.

It’s a wonderful world we live in. For thousands of years the Earth has given support to all forms of life – human beings, animals, birds, insects and plants.

   But now human beings are killing our planet.

   Many species of animals and birds have disappeared. Millions of animals die every year because man has polluted their natural homes. Besides, every year people cut down more trees, built more roads, and use more land for farming.

   The country air, once clean and fresh, now may be polluted by power stations and factories. Some of our rivers are now empty of fish. And in some rivers you can even see a thick foam caused by chemical waste.

   All over the world the forests are disappearing. People cut the trees down because they need wood and paper or new places for farming and houses. Forests the size of Belgium are destroyed every year. It’s an international disaster. Even if new trees are planted, it takes many years for them to grow.

   Go to the seaside and you’ll see the pollution around you. There is a lot of litter on the beaches. Some of it was left by people and some was brought by the water.

   Pollution is very dangerous for people, wildlife and the environment.

   We live among litter and wastes which we have created ourselves – fumes of cars etc. People don’t just pollute the environment. They pollute themselves with cigarettes, alcohol and junk food.

   There are some of the world’s most serious environmental problems. And it’s no good pretending they don’t exist – they do. What’s more, they are getting worse all the time! What will happen if we don’t try to solve these problems? Scientists have made predictions and they are alarming.   


Answer the following questions:

1.     Why have many species of birds and animals disappeared?

2.     Are rivers polluted?

3.     Why are forests disappearing all over the world?

4.     What are the most serious environmental problems now?

The next task is to find in the text the phrases that have similar meanings to the following:

People, die out, unhealthy food, rubbish, damage, gases.

The next task is to write the captions for the paragraphs of the text.


Заключительный этап урока

Now open your day books. Your h\w is to write 6 questions to the text.










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T-P1, P2






















Класс: 8


Тема: “Land and water pollution”


1.а) Обеспечить введение и первичное  закрепление новых слов по теме “Land and water pollution ”.

    б) Обеспечить развитие навыков чтения новых слов по теме.

2. Обеспечить контроль монологического высказывания по тем.

3. Обеспечить расширение кругозора учащихся по использованию новых слов по теме

4. Продолжить работу по экологическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оборудование: доска и карточки с текстом.








































































Организационный этап урока

-- Stand up. Hello, boys and girls.


--I’m glad to see you. Sit down.

 Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?


What date is it today?

-- It’s the …th of….

What day of the week is it today?

-- It is ….

Who is absent?




Основное содержание урока

Let’s start our lesson with your home work.

You’ll ask you friend and she\he will answer your questions.

Now look at the board. Your task is to put the missing letters to the words and write the translations.

To di_ap_ea_





To prot_ _t


Today we’ll speak about pollution.

First let’s watch the film about pollution in Britain.

Answer my questions:

1. Why did the government create National Parks?

-- The government created National Parks to protect the environment.

2. Where did the Industrial Revolution change the face of the British countryside?

-- In the Midlands and the north of England.

3. What do factories do?

-- Factories pollute land, water and air.

4. How long has pollution been a problem in Britain?

-- Pollution has been a problem in Britain since the 19th century.

Say if the statements are true or false:

1. Four thousand people died in 1965. F

2. The government has introduced laws to control pollution. T

3. There are 27 million cars, vans and lorries in Britain. T

4. London became famous for its sunny weather. F

What can you say about water and water pollution?

Do you think water pollution is more dangerous than land pollution?


Now listen to me. I’ll read some information about these kinds of pollution. You can make some notes.

First let’s read the words after me.

Catastrophe[kə'tæstrəfi] - катастрофа

Nuclear power ['nju:kliə  'pauə] – ядерная мощь

Threaten [θret] - угрожать

Lead[ li:d] – вести (к)

Contaminate [kən'tæmineit] – загрязнять

Listen to me.

Big cities face the environmental catastrophe.

For example, air pollution is caused by the great number of cars. Nuclear power plants threaten air, water and land. The necessity to employ all the inhabitants of the city leads to the creation of new factories that produce not only goods, but wastes and smog as well. Pollution of water by both industrial and domestic users creates the problem of water deficit. Water contaminated in big cities runs to the major rivers that then flow into oceans and seas.

Now answer my questions:

1.     What kinds of cities face the environmental catastrophe?

2.     What is the cause of air pollution?

3.     What kinds of users create pollution?

4.     What is the result of their activities?

5.     Where do rivers flow into?

Now I’ll give you the pictures illustrating land pollution and air pollution. Your task is to write captions for them and prove your idea in some sentences. Then we’ll compare and choose the most interesting picture caption and proof. You’ll have 3 minutes to think.

Your task is to draw a picture illustrating land and water pollution. Write captions for them.


Заключительный этап урока

Now open your day books. Your h\w is to learn the new words and bring your pictures with the captions.













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T-P1, P2…





T - P1, P2…




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Класс: 8


Тема: Air pollution


1.а) Обеспечить введение и первичное  закрепление новых слов по теме “Air pollution ”.

    б) Обеспечить развитие навыков чтения новых слов по теме.

2. Обеспечить контроль лексики по теме  Land and water pollution

3. Обеспечить расширение кругозора учащихся по использованию новых слов по теме

4. Продолжить работу по экологическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оборудование: презентация, фильм и карточки с текстом.








































































Организационный этап урока

-- Stand up. Hello, boys and girls.


--I’m glad to see you. Sit down.

 Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?


What date is it today?

-- It’s the …th of….

What day of the week is it today?

-- It is ….

Who is absent?


Основное содержание урока

Let’s start our lesson with your home work.

First let’s check your pictures with the captions. Come out, show them and read the captions. Others will listen to you and ask questions. (4 человека).

The next task was to learn the words. Open your excises books and write down the date and the word “Dictation”.

The 1st word is ядерная мощь (угрожать, загрязнять, вести к, катастрофа).

Today we’ll speak about another kind of pollution.

First guess it. Your task is to put the letter instead of the number.

Air pollution is dangerous for people.






























2 4 0   1 3 5 5 7 9 4 3 6   4 8   11 2 6 10 12 0 7 8   13 3 0    1 12 3 1 5 12

Yes, you are right. Today we’ll speak about air pollution.

What are the causes of air pollution?

n  Factories, cars are.

Look at the screen. Let’s look at some pictures about air pollution.

Let’s read the text about air pollution.

First read the new words after me.

Poisonous [‘poiznəs] – ядовитый

Coal [ koul] – каменный уголь

Escape [is’keip] – убежать

Illegal [i’li:gəl] -  незаконный

Lead [led] – свинец

The acid rain [ ði ‘æsid rein] – кислотный дождь

Deposit [di’ posit] – осаждаться

Burn [bə:n] – сжигать

Tiny particles [ ‘taini ‘pa:tiklz] – крошечные частицы

Exhaust fumes [ig’zo:st fju:mz] -  выхлопные газы

The air around us can become polluted as a result of our activities. Coal is burnt and smoke is produced. These can make the air we breathe dirty and unpleasant. Sometimes the air becomes poisonous.

   In 1952 many people died in London as a result of air pollution. This pollution came from coal fires in people’s homes and from power stations. It combined with the winter fog to form a poisonous smog:


There was still weather at the time which meant the smog could not escape. After this disaster, a law was passed which made it illegal to burn coal in parts of cities called smokeless zones. This law was called The Clean Air Act.

   The Clean Air Act has stopped much of the smoke pollution in cities, but city air is often still dirty.

   The most dangerous pollution is cars lead. Tiny particles of this very poisonous metal come from car exhausts. Even small amounts can affect the brain and nervous system of people.

   Factories also pollute the air. Some factories produce pollution all the time. Other factories may usually give out little or no pollution, but can cause huge pollution problems when there is an accident.

Your task is to write the plan to the text.

Ask one of your friends and she\he answer these questions.

Translate my sentences:

1.     Воздух вокруг нас становится загрязненным в результате нашей деятельности.

-- The air around us can become polluted as a result of our activities.

2. В 1952 году много людей умерло в результате загрязнения воздуха в Лондоне.

-- In 1952 many people died in London as a result of air pollution.

3. Самым опасным загрязнением является свинец машин.

 --The most dangerous pollution is cars lead.

4. Некоторые заводы загрязняют  воздух все время.

-- Some factories produce pollution all the time.



Заключительный этап урока

Now open your day books. Your h\w is to learn the new words and write why air pollution is dangerous for people.













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T – P1, P2…




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T-P1, P2…






































Класс: 8


Тема: Noise pollution


1.а) Обеспечить введение и первичное  закрепление новых слов по теме “Noise pollution ”.

    б) Обеспечить развитие навыков чтения новых слов по теме.

2. Обеспечить контроль лексики по теме  Noise pollution

3. Обеспечить расширение кругозора учащихся по использованию новых слов по теме

4. Продолжить работу по экологическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оборудование: карточки с текстом.





















































Организационный этап урока

-- Stand up. Hello, boys and girls.


--I’m glad to see you. Sit down.

 Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?


What date is it today?

-- It’s the …th of….

What day of the week is it today?

-- It is ….

Who is absent?




Основное содержание урока

Let’s start our lesson with your home work.

Open your excises books and write down the date and the word “Dictation”.

The 1st word is каменный уголь (кислотный дождь, выхлопные газы…)

Today we’ll speak about noise pollution. Look at the board and say what words describe it.

A kind of pollution, city, disaster, dirty, unpleasant, too loud,

Poisonous, Catastrophe, Dangerous.

Let’s watch the film about noise pollution.

Translate my sentences:

Шум вокруг нас.

Noise is around us.

Шум грузовиков делает жизнь людей неприятной.

The noise of lorries make life of people unpleasant.

Repeat 1st 2 sentences.

Громкий шум не только неприятен, он заставляет людей болеть.

Loud noise is not just unpleasant – it can make people ill.

Repeat 1st 3 sentences.

Repeat the words after me.

Expose [ iks' ouz] - подвергать

Deaf [ def] - глухой

ear plugs [iə plΛgz] – затычки для ушей

drugs [drΛgz] – успокоительные средства

Now let’s read the text about noise pollution.

Although noise is not a chemical and cannot be seen like a broken-down car, it is a kind of pollution. Noise is around us, wherever we live, and we do not notice it most of the time. The noise of lorries and of airplanes flying low overhead make life unpleasant for thousands of people. Loud noise is not just unpleasant - it can make people ill.

People who are exposed to loud noises all the time run to risk of going deaf if they do not use ear plugs. Some people become very nervous because of the noise from traffic. They may have to take drugs to get to sleep at night.

Correct the statements:

Noise makes people happy. F

People enjoy noise of airplanes. F

People become nervous because of the noise from traffic. T

Loud noise is deadly for people. T

People may have to take alcohols to get to sleep at night. F



Заключительный этап урока

Now open your day books. Your h\w is to think about the importance of all kinds of pollution.













P1, P2…




T-P1, P2…





T - P1, P2…




T-P1, P2…
































Класс: 8


Тема: “A letter to a deputy”


1.а) Обеспечить повторение фраз по теме  “A letter to a deputy ”.

2. Обеспечить развитие навыков письма.

3. Обеспечить расширение кругозора учащихся по написанию официального письма на английском языке.

4. Продолжить работу по экологическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оборудование: презентация и доска.














































































Организационный этап урока

-- Stand up. Hello, boys and girls.


--I’m glad to see you. Sit down.

 Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?


What date is it today?

-- It’s the …th of….

What day of the week is it today?

-- It is ….

Who is absent?




Основное содержание урока

Today we’ll speak about all kinds of pollution. What can you say about them? Are they dangerous?

--Yes, they are.

What can you say about water (land, noise) pollution?

What words are associated with land (water, air) pollution?

What can you say about the environment of our town?

Let’s look at the screen. There you can see some pictures of rubbish in our town. (Презентация)

Do you like them?

--No, we don’t.

It is dangerous and unpleasant to live among rubbish. We should protect nature and ourselves.

Where can you see rubbish in our town?

n  In the streets, in the parks…

Today we’ll learn how to write an official letter to our deputies.

In the letter we’ll speak on the problem of rubbish in our city and try to find a solution to it.

First read the statements which will help us.

I think we should… because…

I think… would be better because…

Personally, I think \ don’t think it’s a good idea because…

On one hand…, but on the other hand…

Read some phrases which will help us.

Protect from pollution – защищать от загрязнения

To be polluted by – быть загрязненным чем-то

Antipollution laws – законы против загрязнения природы

To protect the environment – защищать окружающую среду

The pollution of the environment – загрязнение окр.среды

Environmental problems – проблемы окружающей среды

Translate my sentences (презентация с предложениями):

1.     Мы должны защищать природу от загрязнения.

n  We must protect nature from pollution.

2.     Загрязнение окружающей среды – это важная проблема.

-- Pollution of the environment is the main problem.

3.  Нам следует иметь больше законов против загрязнения окружающей среды.

-- We should have more antipollution laws.

4. Сегодня природа загрязнена различными отходами.

-- Today nature is polluted by different wastes.

Read these sentences once again and write them in your excises books.

Now let’s see the example of how to write our letter.


5. Verhnyaya St.

Miass 110520


7 November 2009

Dear deputy,

Our city used to be one of the cleanest cities in the Urals. Unfortunately the situation has changed today. One can see piles of the rubbish in the streets; forests, banks of the Miass River, shores of our amazing lakes are polluted.

Rubbish bins are net emptied regularly, that’s why people throw rubbish everywhere.

From our point of view the problem needs immediate solution. We suggest that people littering in the streets should be punished. Local anti-pollution laws must be passed and they must require               . We also think that there is must be more rubbish-bins in the yards. There should be more public advertisements act keeping the city clean.

We think all these measures will help to make our city a better place to live.


Pupils of the 8”A”

School №17.



Заключительный этап урока

Now open your day books. Your h\w is to write your letters.












Т -P1, P2…




T-P1, P2…





T - P1, P2…




P1, P2…






















































Класс: 8


Тема: Recycle, reduce, reuse


1.а) Обеспечить введение и первичное  закрепление новых слов по теме “ Recycle, reduce, reuse ”.

2. Обеспечить развитие навыков чтения новых слов по теме.

3. Обеспечить расширение кругозора учащихся по использованию новых слов по теме

4. Продолжить работу по экологическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оборудование: доска
































































Организационный этап урока

-- Stand up. Hello, boys and girls.


--I’m glad to see you. Sit down.

 Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?


What date is it today?

-- It’s the …th of….

What day of the week is it today?

-- It is ….

Who is absent?


Основное содержание урока

Let’s start our lesson with your home work.

I’m listening to your letters. (3 человека, другие – сдают тетради на проверку)

We were speaking about pollution. What kinds of pollution do you know?

n  Water pollution, air pollution…

We know it is dangerous but people have found solutions to this problem. They are recycling, reducing and reusing.

Read after me

Recycle [ ri' saikl] - перерабатывать

Reduce [ri'dju:s] - уменьшать

Reuse [ri'ju:s] – вторично использовать

What can people reduce?

n  Electricity, gas, water…

What can people reuse?

n  Newspapers, paper, boxes…

What can people recycle?

n  Bottles, cans, paper…


Now read some facts about rubbish in different countries.

1. In Britain, each family throws out one tonne of rubbish each year.

2. 90% of this rubbish goes into ‘landfill’ sites – big holes in the ground in places far away from the city centers.

3. Britain only recycles 2% of all rubbish.

America produces 160 million tones of rubbish and recycles 10%.

4. Holland recycles 62% of all bottles.

5. Canada recycles 26% of all waste paper.

What do these figures refer to?

90%, 2%, 160 million tonne, 10%, 62%, 26%

The next text is called “Why throw away so much?”

Read and translate.

Many countries bury and forget about millions of tons of rubbish every year. It is known that in one year, a European family with two children throws away about 50 kilos of paper, and about 60 kilos of plastic.

The Green World reports say that in one year the average person throws away: about 70 drink cans.

But we don’t have to throw away all our waste paper, glass, metal and plastic. We can also recycle a lot of it. In fact waste can be wonderful stuff.

Many things that we throw away can still be useful. In fact it’s possible to recycle 80% of domestic rubbish. We can recycle most kinds of paper, glass, metal and plastic. But only 4% recyclable material is actually recycled. Recycling is expensive. But it saves trees and energy and protects the environment from pollution.

Answer my questions:

1.     What can people do with rubbish instead of throwing it away?

2.     Why is recycling important nowadays?

3.     How much of recyclable material is actually recycled?



Заключительный этап урока

Now open your day books. Your h\w is to make a project called “Don’t throw away! Reduce!!!” Create in group of 3-4 pictures of old things like empty cans, bottles, old socks and tights, paper, packets, boxes etc. and describe them. You can use some sentences and word combinations from the text. Mind your grammar. Your projects can be serious or humorous.











Т - Cl









T - Cl





P1, P2…

































































Класс: 8


Тема: Dont throw away! Recycle!!!”


1.а) Обеспечить закрепление слов по теме “ Dont throw away! Recycle!!!”.

2. Обеспечить развитие творческих способностей учащихся при выполнении проектного задания по теме.

3. Обеспечить расширение кругозора учащихся по использованию новых слов по теме

4. Продолжить работу по экологическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оборудование: презентация.



















Организационный этап урока

-- Stand up. Hello, boys and girls.


--I’m glad to see you. Sit down.

 Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?


What date is it today?

-- It’s the …th of….

What day of the week is it today?

-- It is ….

Who is absent?


Основное содержание урока

Let’s start our lesson with your home work.

First let’s look at the screen. There you can see some pictures called “Litter Lasts”. (Презентация).

What materials did you use?


Now you are welcome with your projects.


Заключительный этап урока

Your projects were brilliant.












Т -P1, P2…




T-P1, P2


























Класс: 8


Тема: African elephants


1. Обеспечить введение и закрепление новых слов по теме “African elephants”.

2. Обеспечить развитие навыков чтения новых слов по теме.

3. Обеспечить расширение кругозора учащихся по использованию новых слов по теме

4. Продолжить работу по экологическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оборудование: презентация.

































































































Организационный этап урока

-- Stand up. Hello, boys and girls.


--I’m glad to see you. Sit down.

 Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?


What date is it today?

-- It’s the …th of….

What day of the week is it today?

-- It is ….

Who is absent?



Основное содержание урока

For every species that is living today, maybe a thousand more have lived before and became extinct. The top reason for animals becoming extinct is because of loss of habitat. Many rainforests are being destroyed, along with the hundreds of animals which live them, for space to build homes for the increasing size of the human population and because of hunting by man. For example the elephant, the dingo, the panda etc.

Today we’ll read some interesting facts.

First look at the board. Let’s read them after me.

Trunk [trΛŋk] – хобот

Tusk [tΛsk] – бивень

Herd [hə:d] – стадо

Ivory[‘aivəri] – слоновая кость

Hide[haid] – шкура, кожа

Whale[weil] – кит

Giant[‘d aiənt] – великан

Poacher[poutƒə] – браконьер

Read one by one.

Now read and translate the text about elephants.

The elephant is the largest animal that lives on land. Among all animals, only some kinds of whales are larger. A male African elephant can be four metres tall and can weigh six tons. The female is smaller, of course.

Elephants have larger ears than any other animal, and their tusks are the larger teeth.

The elephant can do a lot of things with its trunk. It can uproot a heavy tree and it can also pick a grape without breaking it. With its trunk, an elephant can smell, touch, stroke, feed, drink and take a shower. It also uses its trunk to communicate with other elephants.

The elephant’s trunk has about 40,000 muscles! That is why it bends so easily.

An elephant never stops growing throughout its life. The older it is, the fatter and heavier it becomes.

The elephant eats “green food”, that is: grass, green leaves, and parts of young trees. It can eat 300-400 kilos a day, and drink 150-200 litres of water.

Elephants spend the day grazing, sleeping and bathing. They are very playful in the water and are wonderful swimmers.

The elephant is probably the most intelligent animal next to the dog and it has a very good memory. Elephants in a circus, for example, learn to do a lot of tricks and they will repeat them as often as the trainer wishes, even after a long period of time.

Elephants show great sympathy to one another, often helping another elephant in trouble. If a member of the herd is ill, the whole herd will stop until it is well again.

During their lifetimes, elephants can use up six complete sets of teeth. Then, when they are old, they use up their last set of teeth and can no longer feed and in this way they die of hunger.

But nowadays in Africa there are hardly any elephants which die in this way.

Now there is a quicker death. Men in fast jeeps, armed with rifles and machine-guns, approach the elephants, surround them and shoot them.

Some elephants manage to escape. Other stay, unable to move, spreading their huge ears. These are the mothers who try to protect their children.

Why do men kill elephants? Because they have something that is very valuable: ivory. Poachers kill elephants, cut off their tusks and leave their bodies to rot in the African heat.

A lot of things can be made of elephant ivory: bracelets, piano keys and billiard balls. The hide is used to make bags, cases, boots and gloves.

In 1979, about 1,300,000 elephants lived in Africa. In the early 1990s, there were only about 600,000. Scientists are afraid that elephants may become extinct by the early 21st century.

In 1989, governments of 79 countries agreed to ban all trade in ivory. Unfortunately, as long as people buy ivory, poaching will continue and elephants will be in danger.

Look at the board. What do these numerals refer to?









Answer the following questions with the information from the text.

1.     Is the elephant considered to be the largest animal that lives on land?

2.     What things can an elephant do with its trunk?

3.     What does the elephant eat?

4.     How do elephants spend the day?

5.     What do people make of elephant ivory and hide?

Now open your excises books. Write down the date. I’ll give you’re the cards with the task. The task is to find the wrong word(s) in the sentence and write the right one in.

1.     The elephant’s trunks are their teeth.

2.     Elephants use their tusks to communicate.

3.     Elephants live in flocks like birds.

4.     If an elephants is trapped, the others leave it alone.

5.     Elephants have something that is very valuable: hide.

6.     Governments of all countries all over the world agreed to ban all trade in ivory.

Collect your excise books.



Заключительный этап урока

Now open your day books. Your h\w is to write a plan of the text. Use the sentences from the text and find some facts that prove its extinction.












Т –Cl




T-P1, P2…




















































































Класс: 8


Тема: Pandas


1.а) Обеспечить введение и закрепление новых слов по теме “Pandas ”.

   б) Продолжить работу по формированию навыков в разных видах речевой деятельности: говорение и чтение.

2. Продолжить работу по развитию памяти.

3. Обеспечить расширение кругозора учащихся по использованию новых слов по теме

4. Продолжить работу по экологическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оборудование: карточки с текстом и заданиями, доска.





















































































































Организационный этап урока

-- Stand up. Hello, boys and girls.


--I’m glad to see you. Sit down.

 Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?


What date is it today?

-- It’s the …th of….

What day of the week is it today?

-- It is ….

Who is absent?


Основное содержание урока

Let’s start our lesson with your home work.

First read the sentences showing elephants are in danger.

Now read your plans.

Good. Today we’ll speak about another animal. It is a panda.

Now you’ll work in groups (2groups). I’ll give you the cards with the words. Your task is to make up one or two sentences with these words.

1)Lovely                 2)People love                  

Nice                             The striking (поразительная) thing                           

White and black   Eat bamboo stems

Large and huge            Excellent swimmers            

Friendly                        In danger

The next task for you is to connect your sentences together in the right order. After that you will have a story about panda.

Let’s check. Read, please. (Pandas are lovely. People love them because they are nice. The striking thing about panda is white and black color. They eat bamboo stems. That’s why they are large and huge. Pandas are excellent swimmers. They are friendly. Nowadays they are in danger.)

Now read and translate the text about pandas.

First read the words from the text after me.

To take drastic measures [,dra:stik me əz] – принимать решительные меры

Reproductive rate [,ri:prədΛktiv ,reit] – уровень рождаемости

To rear [riə] – растить

Cub – детеныш

Mammal ['mæml] - млекопитающее

To wipe out – уничтожать

To confine [kən'fain] – ограничивать

Rosy ['rəuzi] – розовый, радушный

To drive away – выгнать

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) – Всемирный фонд защиты природы

Conservation [,konsə'veiƒn] – охрана

Action plan – план действий

To preserve [pri'z3:v] – сохранять

Life-sentence – пожизненное заключение

To breed in captivity ['bri:d in kæp'tiviti] – размножаться в неволе

Read one by one.

Now read and translate the text.

Pandas used to live in China and Vietnam, and there were plenty of them. Nowadays less than 1000 pandas are left in the wild and over 90 pandas live in zoos. No one, even people who spend their whole lives studying pandas, knows for sure why pandas continue to disappear, although drastic measures have been taken to protect them. Yet, there are some explanations.

Firstly, pandas have strikingly low reproductive rate. Strange as it may seem, a female panda may bear, at most, seven-eight cubs in her lifetime. Rearing panda-cubs is very difficult. They are born absolutely helpless and unusually small.

Another explanation lies in pandas’ eating habits. Pandas strictly follow their bamboo diet, so when one part of the forest dies out there is a very real danger that with it will go the pandas. Human activity has wiped out many bamboo forests, and now pandas are confined to a few mountain ranges in western China.

The story of panda-human relationship is far from being rosy. People have destroyed bamboo forests and driven pandas away from the places they lived in. But now people are trying to save pandas. The World Wildlife Fund and the Chinese Government developed a conservation action plan. They try to preserve and if possible to increase panda population. Also there are plans to grow pandas in zoos. Pandas do not breed in captivity, still in several zoos panda cubs have been born. The progress in increasing panda population is slow yet promising.

At any rate, we can hope that it’s not too late, and that pandas have a good chance to be saved and we’ll have a chance to see them and to show them to our children- alive.

Answer my questions:

1.     Where do pandas live?

2.     What can you say about the characteristics of panda?

3.     How many pandas live in zoos?

4.     What can you say about panda cubs?

5.     What is the cause of disappearing of panda?

6.     Why do people destroy the forests? What are the causes for it?

7.     Why have pandas low reproductive rate?

8.     What do people do to panda’s preserve?

Now open your excise books. Your task is to write if the statements are true or false.

1.     Pandas used to live only in China. F

2.     More than 90 pandas are left in the wild. F

3.     Panda-cubs are born helpless and unusually small. T

4.     The story of panda-human relationship is terrible. T

5.     In the past people destroyed pandas’ places. T

6.     Now people don’t think to save pandas. F

Hand in your excise books.

The next task is to continue the sentences:

1)    Pandas strictly follow their bamboo diet because…(They eat only bamboo. Bamboo is delicious for them.)

2)    Because of following their bamboo diet pandas are in danger because… (People are cutting the forests. They eat bamboo and live in these forests)

3)    People want to grow pandas in the zoo because… (Pandas have strikingly low reproductive rate.)

4)    I think we’ll have high reproductive rate because… (People try to increase panda’s population.)

Now translate my sentences into English:

1.     Сейчас около 90 панд живут в зоопарках.

Nowadays over 90 pandas live in zoos.

2.     Они едят бамбуковые стебли. Вот почему они огромные.

They eat bamboo stems. That’s why they are large and huge.

3.     История отношений между человеком и пандой далеко недружелюбные.

The story of panda-human relationship is far from being rosy.

4.     Люди разрушают бамбуковые леса из-за этого пандам приходиться уходить с тех мест, где они жили.

People have destroyed bamboo forests and driven pandas away from the places they lived in.

5.     Всемирный фонд дикой природы и японское государство стараются сохранить и по возможности увеличить популяцию панд.

The World Wildlife Fund and the Chinese Government try to preserve and if possible to increase panda population.

6.     Прогресс в увеличении популяции панд идет медленно.

The progress in increasing panda population is slow yet promising.


Заключительный этап урока

Now open your day books. Your h\w is to retell the story of pandas. You can use your sentences, which you’ve made up at the beginning of the lesson, too.











Т -Cl








P1, P2…






































































































Класс: 8


Тема: Natures Judge Upon Society


1.а) Обеспечить введение и закрепление новых фраз по теме “ Natures Judge Upon Society”.

   б) Продолжить работу по формированию навыков монологического и диалогического высказываний.

2. Продолжить работу по развитию памяти.

3. Обеспечить расширение кругозора учащихся по использованию новых фраз по теме

4. Продолжить работу по экологическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оборудование: карточки с текстом, костюмы и плакаты.















Организационный этап урока

-- Stand up. Hello, boys and girls.


--I’m glad to see you. Sit down.

 Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?


What date is it today?

-- It’s the …th of….

What day of the week is it today?

-- It is ….

Who is absent?


Основное содержание урока

Let’s start our lesson with your home work.

First answer my questions:

1.     What common characteristics do pandas have?

2.     How many pandas live in zoos?

3.     Why are pandas in danger?

 Who wants to start? (2-4 ученика)

Today we’ll start the preparation to the game “Nature’s Judge Upon Society”. For this we need costumes and postcards. Today we’ll start to read and translate the text. Now let’s try to play it.



Заключительный этап урока

Now open your day books. Your h\w is to prepare for the game.











Т -P1, P2…




T-P1, P2…






























Nature’s Judge Upon Society

1.     Secretary

Ladies and gentlemen, dear guests and students! Today we’re going to examine the relations of man with nature. Stand up, the hearing is about to begin.

2.     We’re listening to the case about the ecological problems of our planet, the environment’s pollution. Nature charges Society, Man with polluting the air, the Earth and water. But at the same time, Society is a power, that can drain swamps, revive dead waters and irrigate the deserts. Man discovers unknown treasures of Nature. I want you to investigate this case impartially, to listen to both sides, witnesses and to pass a just sentence.

3.     Nature is asked.

4.     Nature.

Since ancient times, Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with the environment, and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. Unfortunately, later our technological civilization, thinking only of material goods, succeeded in destroying Nature and creating the ecological crisis on our planet.

5.     Mankind is invited.

6.     Mankind.

About two hundred years ago, man lived in greater harmony with his environment because industry was still undeveloped. Today the situation is quite different.

7.     The judge.

Now we shall listen to the first witness.

8.     The first witness.

Every ten minutes, one kind of animal, plant or insect disappears. If nothing is done about this, over one million species will disappear in 20 years from now.

9.     The second witness.

The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following. If nothing is done about this, one day nothing will be able to live in the sea.

10. The third witness.

The tropical rain forests, which are the home of half the Earth’s living things, are being destroyed. If nothing is done about this, they will disappear in 20 years.

11. The judge.

(К адвокату Природы) – Are there any things that have a negative influence on man’s health?

12. Nature’s Barrister.

Farmers often spray chemicals on crop to protect them against pests. These chemicals are called pesticides. Scientists have found that these pesticides often end up in our food. Pesticides can course health problems, especially for kids.

13. The judge.

(К адвокату Общества)

What is being done by man to prevent these problems?

14. Society Barrister.

Here is the good news: the governments of different states are helping farmers to find ways to protect crops without using many pesticides.

15. The next witness is invited.

16. The 4th witness.

If may seem funny to you, but man needs protection and care as much as animals do. People’s habitats – their homes, towns and cities – must be kept ecologically clean. In the places where people drink poisoned water, eat bad food and breathe polluted air, they suffer from serious diseases; their children are born weak. No medicines prescribed by doctors can help them. This problem becomes more and more serious with every passing day. The modern way of life when people have little physical activity, use cars instead of walking, watch television for many hours, and work on computers is turning them into legless creatures. We have to change the situation for the better.

17. The floor is given to mankind’s barrister.

18. Mankind’s Barrister.

You see, I must solve a rather difficult problem – to justify mankind’s activity on our planet. I shall begin from different discoveries, which made brighter the labour and life of man. It’s difficult to imagine our life without electricity. We wouldn’t have lights, radios or television in our flats. We wouldn’t be able to use the underground, trams and trolleybuses. We also know that it’s very necessary to use x-rays in medicine.

19. The High Court leaves the hall for deliberation.

20. The High court has admitted that there are global problems between the relations of Man with Nature. In order to solve these problems, Society must promote education about the environment by creating programs for students of all ages. We must try to make people more aware of environmental issues.

We are all part of the natural environment, and need to be responsible for our interactions with our environment.

We must recognize the importance of our planet’s natural systems and variety of life. We need to think about our part in the environment and how our actions, such as our use of water, production of rubbish and energy consumption, can directly destroy our wildlife and natural habitats.

21. The judge.

If we don’t begin to change our behavior, we will have no world to live in. you can cycle, walk or ride a bike, plant a tree and appreciate the beauty of the nature around you.

So, in spite of everything, we believe that the Earth is our common home, a big green home. And its inhabitants – people, animals and birds – need to live in peace and harmony. (All together.)




Класс: 8


Тема: “ Nature’s Judge Upon Society ”


1.а) Обеспечить контроль новых фраз по теме “ Natures Judge Upon Society”.

   б) Продолжить работу по формированию навыков монологической и диалогической речи.

2. Продолжить работу по развитию памяти.

3. Обеспечить расширение кругозора учащихся по использованию новых фраз по теме

4. Продолжить работу по экологическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оборудование: карточки с текстом, костюмы и плакаты.















Организационный этап урока

-- Stand up. Hello, boys and girls.


--I’m glad to see you. Sit down.

 Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?


What date is it today?

-- It’s the …th of….

What day of the week is it today?

-- It is ….

Who is absent?


Основное содержание урока

Let’s start our lesson with our project.



Заключительный этап урока

You are very good actors.










Т -Cl
































Класс: 8 Учитель:

Тема: “Be kind to nature ”


1.а) Обеспечить повторение пройденного материала по теме “ Be kind to nature ”.

2. Продолжить работу по развитию памяти.

3. Обеспечить расширение кругозора учащихся по использованию новых фраз по теме (фразеологизмы)

4. Продолжить работу по экологическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оборудование: карточки с текстом и заданиями, доска, презентация.








































































Организационный этап урока

-- Stand up. Hello, boys and girls.


--I’m glad to see you. Sit down.

 Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?


What date is it today?

-- It’s the …th of….

What day of the week is it today?

-- It is ….

Who is absent?


Основное содержание урока

At the last lesson we played the game“Nature’s Judge Upon Society”. Did you like it?


What did you learn from this game?


As for me it was a brilliant game with brilliant actors. Today we have the last lesson on the topic. I want you to revise all the information which we have studied.

Last time we spoke about ecological problems: pollution of the environment, how to prevent pollution, endangered animals etc. We spoke about relationship between man and nature. Then we found solutions to these problems.

Today I’ve fetched some pictures showing some wonderful sceneries. (Презентация)

Now let’s read the poem. First listen to me.

Now you’ll read line by line. (к каждой строчке картинка)

What have they done to the seas, my friends?

What have they done to the seas?

What have they done to the rivers, my friends?

What have they done to the trees?

What have they done to our land, my friends?

This land which is ours from birth.

What have they done to our forests, my friends?

What have they done to the Earth?

What have they done to the skies, my friends?

Skies that are blue and so clear.

What have they done to the skies, my friends?

What have they done to the air?

We can see lots of beautiful pictures of nature. We should keep it clean and take care of it.

Of course, we should think about animals, our “little brothers”. Let’s see some pictures showing wild animals. (Презентация)

What can you say about endangered animals?


What should we do?


Today we’ll do a quiz.

Here’s an animal quiz, which will refresh your memory on some key words as well as the names of about 150 animals. You only need to remember those words that you may need to use. You just need to recognize the other ones. Try to learn the most general terms, in particular. Select the correct answer to each question. 

There are a lot of phraseological units containing animals names both in English and in Russian.

Do you know any of them?


Look at the board. There are some of phraseological units on the board. First let’s read them after me.

When pigs fly                                    Бери быка за рога

Lucky dog                                               Гордый как петух

As proud as a peacock             Когда рак на горе свистнет

Take the bull by the horns                               Счастливчик

As fast as a rabbit                                     Придержи коней

To hold one’s horses                             Быстрый как ветер

Quiet like a mouse                             Скользкий как угорь

Slippery as an eel                                   Тихий как мышка

Swims like a fish                                        Пить как птица

Drinks like a bird                                    Плавать как рыба

Your task is to match phraseologisms with their own translation.


Заключительный этап урока

Thank you for your work.



































































































































































Is the Earth a Dangerous Place?


Earthquakes and Killer Waves

What is an Earthquake?

   We all know, even if we haven’t experienced it ourselves, that during an earthquake the ground shakes, lots of buildings fall down and sometimes cracks appear in the earth. But what makes an earthquake happen?

   Planet Earth is covered with a thick crust. The crust is cracked into more than 20 sections – a bit like the shell of a boiled egg when you tap it with a spoon. These cracked sections are called tectonic plates and they are always on the move. They move very slowly, but with incredible power. When the plates rub against each other or collide with each other, an earthquake happens.


Massive Destruction

   Earthquakes happen all the time in all parts of the world but we don’t notice of them because they are small. But big earthquakes are really dangerous. They can make buildings fall down, set off landslides and do other deadly things.

   Have you heard about the Rift Valley in Africa? It was created by repeated earthquakes over thousands of years, which opened up the ground to from an enormous trench. The trench is so deep and wide that it can be seen from the moon!

   The highest death toll caused by an earthquake was in China in 1556 when at least 830,000 people died. China also holds the records for the greatest number of deaths from an earthquake in recent times.



   A tsunami is a chain of huge waves, again caused by an earthquake, but this time under the seabed.

   Tsunami waves can be very long (as much as 100 kilometres) and there may be an hour between them.

   They can move very fast, too, sometimes at the speed of 800 kilometres and hour. So if an earthquake happened in Los Angeles, a tsunami could hit Tokyo quicker that you could fly between the cities by jet.

   When a tsunami reaches the coastline, it slows down but its height grows. There have been tsunamis as high as 30 metres above sea level! No wonder they are so dangerous.

   The Christmas weekend tsunami of 2004 is probably the most destructive tsunami in history. It was caused by an earthquake in the Indian Ocean measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale. The huge waves crashed into several Asian countries and thousands of people lost their lives.





















Global Warming Controversy

   Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans, which in turn causes changes in climate.

   The global warming controversy is a long-running dispute about the ways humans affect global climate.


Causes of global warming

   According to numerous measurements the Earth’s average atmospheric rose 0.6±0.2 degrees Celsius in the 20th century. According to different scenarios, the temperatures on the planet are expected to rise by 1.5-2 degrees by the end of the century, that’s what the optimists say. The pessimists believe there’ll be a 6-degree increase. The climate changes will lead to local emergencies in many regions. For example, the melting of the permafrost will damage the towns built on piles and all the infrastructure of the Russian Far North. That 6-degree temperature surge is not an assure for Moscow, but it will bring about droughts in the Volga region that could be a catastrophe.

   Causes of global warming are usually grouped into 2 general categories – human-induced warming and natural climate variability.

Human influence on the Earth’s climate.

   Only a small minority of scientists discount the role that humanity’s action have played in recent warming. The prevailing scientific opinion on climatic change is that most of the warming observed over the past 50-60 years is attributable to human activities.

   Increasing amount of carbon dioxide and other so-called “greenhouse gases” are considered to be the primary causes of the human-induced component of warming.

   While compounds such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are found in nature, human activities also create emissions of these gases.


Natural climate variability

   Some scientists maintain that climate change is a natural occurrence and would continue unabated even if all human activity on the planet ceased immediately. They say that global warming is not due to anthropogenic activities.

   The climate of the earth has varied considerably since its formation and there have always been warming and cooling cycles. In the carboniferous period, millions of years ago, when nature was in full blossom the concentration of carbon dioxide was 10 times higher than the level some environmentalists try to scare humankind with.

   There is evidence that there were several ice ages in the past – the last one is thought to have ended only 12,000 to 15,000 years ago.

   However, humanity has increasingly modified the environment and added large amounts of pollutants to air, especially since the beginning of the industrial revolution. 
















Pollution of the Environment


Litter is a problem in our cities

   Litter is garbage – like food, paper and cans – on the ground or in the street. Where many people live together, litter is a problem. People don’t always pet their garbage in the garbage can. It’s easier to drop a paper than to find a garbage can for it. But litter is ugly. It makes the city look dirty, and it spoils the view.

   The wind blows papers far away. Often they are difficult to catch. When they blow against a fence, they stay there. This fence is a wall of garbage.

   Litter is a health problem, too. Food and garbage bring animals, which sometimes carry disease.

   Some people want to control litter. They never throw litter themselves, and sometimes they work together in groups to clean up the city. In most places litter is against the law. The law punishes people who throw garbage on the streets. They usually pay a fine, and occasionally they go to jail.

   Tow famous sayings in the United States are: “Don’t be a litterbug!” and “Every litter bit hurts!”












How to Prevent Pollution?


Clean Air for the City.

   At the beginning of 1988 the citizens of Nizhny Tagil, a large metallurgical and engineering center in the Urals, got together to discuss the painful question of pollution. According to the town sanitary-epidemiological station some 658,000 tons of harmful substances – nearly 2 tons per person – are discharged every year into the air. The main polluter is the Nizhny Tagil iron-and-steel plant. Some time ago it was decided to build a new coking plant there. And it was built in a hurry, the design was poor and the system for cleaning and trapping harmful substances was left unfinished. When the new coking plant went into operation, it became even harder to breathe in the city.

    The Komsomols of Nizhny Tagil initiated the movement “Clean Air for Our City”. The City Party Committee, the City Soviet and the City Komsomol Committee drew up a detailed plan of measures necessary to improve the ecological situation in Nizhny Tagil.

   At the meeting held in 1988 various proposals were put forward. The plan to improve the ecological situation was supported. In particular, it was demanded that the new coking plant should operate according to the norms set to protect the environment.

   The idea of the meeting was not just to draw attention to the difficult situation, it was also to urge all those who wish to keep their city’s air clean to take some action.








The Struggle for the Protection of Lake Baikal.

   More than 20 years ago a pulp-and-paper factory was built on the shore of Lake Baikal, though scientists disapproved of the project. They warned that the purification system was imperfect, but the factory continued to function. As a result, about 1,500 million cubic metres of industrial waste water have been discharged into the lake, that is, more that 50 per cent of the world’s purest water have been ruined. The whole ecological system of the lake has changed greatly. Growth rates of Baikal fishes and seals have slowed down, some organisms found in no other place but Lake Baikal are disappearing. Trees are dying from the dust and gas blow-outs of the factory.

   It was the problem of Lake Baikal that made our people think seriously about the principles of man-nature relations. After many discussions on Lake Baikal resolutions and laws on environmental protection began to appear. However, the decisions on the protection of Lake Baikal adopted at that time did not solve the problem.

   In an atmosphere of glasnost scientists, writers, Party officials, workers – all those who are not indifferent – put the problem of Lake Baikal sharply in the press. A special government commission has been set up to work out new, optimal and efficient measures for the protection of the lake. Lake Baikal and its shores have been declared a specially protected zone of the country. Strict control will be exercised over any economic activity around the lake. The State Forestry Committee will take care of the forests around Lake Baikal.









Endangered Animals


Australian Endangered Species.

   No one will ever see a paradise parrot fly across the sky again. Paradise parrots are extinct. Extinction is forever.

   Since the settlement of Australia by Europeans in 1788, thirty species of mammals and birds and about 100 species of plants have become extinct. A further 57 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs and fish, many hundreds of species of invertebrates, and 209 plants are considered endangered and could become extinct within ten to twenty years.

   The main cause of extinction is the destruction of habitats. A habitat contains all that a living thing needs to survive: space, light, water, food and shelter. Habitat destruction may occur when vegetation is cleared for agriculture, forestry, cities, mines or roads. It can also occur when swamps are drained or rivers are damped to store water. About fifty species of introduced animals live in the wild in Australia. These animals prey on native animals or compete with them for food and shelter.

   Today we have a far greater understanding of the threats our wildlife faces than did the early settlers. Yet still we have created added threats such as urban and industrial development, pollution, and pet and fur trade. Parrots, for example, are illegally transported overseas. Often the parrots cannot adapt to the new environment and die.

   People are the only animals with the power to save endangered species. But, why save a species? Without a variety of species, the earth may not be inhabitable by humankind. Plants and animals help to maintain the chemical balance of the atmosphere. Forests help to regulate water supplies. Plants and animals help to make soil. They provide food and control pests and diseases. They also provide a constant source of wonder and enjoyment.




Nature Court


What have they done to the seas, my friends?

What have they done to the seas?

What have they done to the rivers, my friends?

What have they done to the trees?

What have they done to our land, my friends?

This land which is ours from birth.

What have they done to our forests, my friends?

What have they done to the Earth?

What have they done to the skies, my friends?

Skies that are blue and so clear.

What have they done to the skies, my friends?

What have they done to the air?

























Be Kind to Nature – Save the Earth


Innocent Killers.

   This fence is endless. It goes over sand dunes, past salt lakes, across plains, up and down hills. It is the world’s longest fence. The Australian Dog Fence is nearly 1,600 kilometres longer than China’s Great Wall! The fence looks great. It’s 5,292 kilometres long and more that 1,8 metres high, with small wire mesh on the bottom. This unusual construction attracts many tourists from all over the world. The most curious people go up and touch it, children try to climb. The Australian Dog Fence exists for only purpose: to stop dingoes from killing sheep.

   What is this creature, this dingo, this ruthless killer, that threatens Australian farmers? The dingo looks like a small wolf. It has strong legs and body, a long muzzle, ears, pointed at the tips and a bushy tail. This animal is about 50 centimetres high. The dingo is reddish in colour and often has white paws and white tip of the tail.

   The dingo is the only large mammal native to Australia that is not a marsupial. It is believed that the dingo didn’t originate in Australia.

   Dingoes are very good at hunting. They can hunt anything from kangaroos to rabbits. But their main food is sheep. Sheep are slow, stupid and have nowhere to hide. It’s so easy for dingoes to hunt them! But even being hungry, a wild dingo has never been known to attack a human.

   The dingo is now the major pest in Australia. The war against dingoes started in 1788, when the settlers brought merino sheep to the country. In 1830 the authorities payed 2 shillings for one head.  Some farmers tried to poison the dogs, but it didn’t work. In 1960 the construction of the Dog Fence was finished. The fence is keeping the whole country viable. Without it there is no business, no jobs.

   Different people in many countries protest again the extermination of dingoes. Many people in Australia try to protect them. But Australian farmers the dingo represents everything that is dark and dangerous on the continent. They kill them, set traps and poison them. No sympathy. No remorse.

   Let’s hope that people will be able to find a more humane approach to this problem.





























Movement to Save the Aral Sea and Lake Balkhash.

   More than 30 years ago the Aral was a bright blue sea with a let of fish. The Central Asian rivers Amudarya and Syrdarya supplied it with water. But then the water of the rivers was diverted to cotton plantations. As a result, the level of the sea has dropped 13 metres and the shores have gone back 70-80 kilometres. The exposed seabed has turned into a desert which sends 70 million tons of salty dust into the atmosphere every year. The disaster in the Aral puts in a dangerous position the health and lives of nearly three million people living by the sea.

   If no immediate measures are taken, the Aral Sea will disappear by the year 2010. What can be done to correct the situation? This question was discussed at a press conference which took place in Alma-Ata. It was organized by the Committee to save the Aral Sea and Lake Balkash. The Committee consists of scientists, writers, head of ministries of Kazakhstan and other state.

   The public, in its own way, expressed concern for the fate of the Aral Sea and Lake Balkash. Account №1700979 was opened at the State Bank. Individual persons and whole enterprises and organizations began making contributions.

   The Aral will be saved by the high ecological standards mentality and intelligent decisions.


















The World of Nature.


   This experiment was carried out by the Zoology Department at Oxford University and set out to test the ability of Betty, a New Caledonian crow, to make simple tools.

   A male and female crow were given a choice between a straight garden wire and a hook in order to lift a small bucket of food from the bottom of a plastic tube. After the male bird took the hook, Betty the female crow bent the tip of the straight wire to make a replacement. This was an amazing achievement as Betty had been kept in a laboratory for 2 years by the ecology research group and had never seen garden wide before.

   In the next stage the birds were set the same challenge – to retrieve the bucket of food, but this time the researchers only provided straight wires. In 9 out of 10 trails, Betty bent the wire and pulled up the bucket. To bend the wire she sometimes stuck one end into a sticky piece of tape wrapped around the bottom of the tube or held it in her feet, then pulled the tip with her beak.

   This species of crow is very skilful at making tools and often uses sticks and leaves in the wild. However, the fact that this bird had the ability to make the right implement for the job from unfamiliar materials, as this study proved, shows unheard of animal intelligence, say the researchers.                                      


Project Delphis

   These studies were undertaken by Earthtrust, an international research and educational organization, in Hawaii as part of Project Delphis. The main objective was to conduct scientific research in order to find evidence that dolphins are extremely self-aware. In addition, Earthtrust aims to raise global awareness about dolphins and to improve conservation efforts worldwide.

   Although it has been well-recorded that dolphins are large-brained social creatures, having the capacity for self-awareness is an even more revealing sign of intelligence. In the past only man and a few apes were thought to possess this faculty.

   As with previous research carried out in this area on man and apes, self-awareness is measured by marking a subject, then observing the animal’s reaction to a mirrorimage – touching himself indicates self-awareness, whereas touching the mirror shows social behavior suggesting the subject is investigating another individual.

   Five bottleneck dolphins were ‘marked’ by putting zinc oxide on their sides and then their behaviour was videotaped through a one-way mirror. Control experiments were also conducted in order to:

A.   compare ‘marked’\ ‘unmarked’ behaviour

B.    compare mirror behaviour to behaviour with a real stranger through a barred gate

C.    compare dolphins watching themselves on TV and in the mirror.

   In the project the dolphins looked in the mirror then twisted and turned a lot revealing that they seemed to have seen the zinc oxide mark and therefore suggesting that they are self-aware. If this is the case, then such evidence provides a significant insight into animal intelligence and apes had demonstrated the capacity for self-awareness.



















Библиографический список

1.  Методическая мозаика  // М. – 2003, - № 1. – С.  23.

2.  Методическая мозаика  // М. – 2004, - № 1. – С. 6.

3.  Методическая мозаика  // М. – 2004, - № 2. – С. 10.

4.  Методическая мозаика  // М. – 2005, - № 5. – С. 8.

5.  Методическая мозаика  // М. – 2006, - № 1. – С.11.

6.  Методическая мозаика  // М. – 2008, - № 7. – С. 24.

7.  Методическая мозаика  // М. – 2007, - № 1. – С. 6, 16,  20.

8.  Методическая мозаика  // М. – 2007, – № 2. – С. 15, 19,25.

9.  Методическая мозаика  // М. – 2007, – № 3. – С. 20.

10.  Методическая мозаика  // М. – 2007, –№ 5. – С. 16.

11.  Методическая мозаика  // М. – 2007, –№ 6. – С. 21.

12.  Методическая мозаика  // М. – 2007, –№ 7. – С.20.

13. Clockwork – Москва // Просвещение. – 1991, – №5. – С. 10.

14. Clockwork – Москва // Просвещение. – 1991, – №7. – С. 17.

15. Clockwork – Москва // Просвещение. – 1991, – №8. – С. 8.

16. Clockwork – Москва // Просвещение. – 1991, – №10. – С. 12.

17.  Drought  [Электронный ресурс]. - Электрон. текстовые данные (152 bytes). – М. : 2008. – Режим доступа: http://www.Wikipedia. .ru/ droughts /2004/0416/htm. Monday,  17 July 2009  17:23:04

18. Earthquake [Электронный ресурс]. –Электрон. текстовые данные (502 bytes). – М. : 2008. –Режим доступа : http://www.Wikipedia. .ru/ earthquake/2004/0416/htm. Monday,  17 July 2009  17:23:04

19.  Speak Out – Москва // ГЛОССА. – 2000, - №4. – С.20.

20.  Speak Out – Москва // ГЛОССА. – 2000, - №6. – С.22.

21.  Speak Out – Москва // ГЛОССА. – 2001, - №5. – С.18.

22.  Speak Out – Москва // ГЛОССА. – 2002, - №1. – С.20

23.  Speak Out – Москва // ГЛОССА. – 2002, - №2. – С.18.

24.  Speak Out – Москва // ГЛОССА. – 2002, - №3. – С. 18.

25.  Speak Out – Москва // ГЛОССА. – 2002, - №5. – С.18.

26.  Speak Out – Москва // ГЛОССА. – 2005, - №5. – С.26.

27.  Speak Out – Москва // ГЛОССА. – 2006, - №5. – С.28.

28.  Speak Out – Москва // ГЛОССА. – 2006, - №5. – С.20.

29.  Speak Out – Москва // ГЛОССА. – 2006, - №4. – С.17.

30.  Tornado [Электронный ресурс]. –Электрон. текстовые данные (137 bytes). – М. : 2008. – Режим доступа:http:/www.Wikipedia. ru/ tornado.htm.Sunday, 5 Jul 2009 16:41:21

31.  Volcano [Электронный ресурс]. –Электрон. текстовые данные (137 bytes). – М. : 2008. – Режим доступа:http:/www.Wikipedia.ru/ volcano.htm.Sunday, 5 Jul 2009 16:45:21





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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Учитель английского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3950 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 1550 человек из 85 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 4 460 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Педагогическая деятельность по проектированию и реализации образовательного процесса в общеобразовательных организациях (английский язык)

Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3950 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 32 человека из 17 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 18 человек


Психологическая помощь и развитие детей: современные вызовы и решения

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Экономика и управление

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе


Концепции управления продуктом и проектом: стратегии и практика.

10 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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