Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыГИА (ОГЭ): тесты для самоподготовки.

ГИА (ОГЭ): тесты для самоподготовки.

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PRACTICE TEST 1....................................................... 2

PRACTICE TEST 2....................................................... 8

PRACTICE TEST 3..................................................... 14

PRACTICE TEST 4..................................................... 20

PRACTICE TEST 5..................................................... 26

PRACTICE TEST 6..................................................... 32

PRACTICE TEST 7..................................................... 38

PRACTICE TEST 8..................................................... 44

KEYS TO PRACTICE TESTS............................................... 50

LISTENING TAPESCRIPTS................................................. 58

INTERLOCUTOR'S CARDS................................................. 74







EXPRESS PUBLISHING - 2011 -  PROSVESHCHENIYE                                                                      PDF REMAKE  -  2011



PART 1  LISTENING                                                  РАЗДЕЛ 1    АУДИРОВАНИЕ


1.  Вы услышите 5 высказываний о личных достижениях. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-5 и утверждениями A-F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды, Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


Match the SPEAKERS (1-5) with the STATEMENTS (A-F)


                 A     The speaker nearly gave up their challenge.

                 В      The speaker liked the idea of helping others.

                 С     The speaker was too busy to overcome a problem.

D                The speaker admits to having a bad habit.

E                The speaker wanted to do something exciting.

F                 The speaker didn't accept what someone told them.
















2. Вы услышите разговор двух друзей Клэр и Винсента, которые только что посмотрели пьесу. В заданиях А1—A4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


CIRCLE the correct variant (1-3).


A1 What did Claire like the least about the play?

1.    the conversation

2.    the set and costumes

3.    the plot

A2 Vincent thinks the plot is...

1.              predictable

2.              unpredictable

3.              well developed A3 What was Claire surprised by?

1.              how the play ended

2.              how good the lead actress was

3.              how slow-paced the story was A4 What type of play did they see?

1.    an old classic

2.    a comedy

3.    a tragedy



PART 2 READING                                                              РАЗДЕЛ 2     ЧТЕНИЕ

1. Прочитайте информацию для туристов с Интернет сайта об историческом городе Стратфорд на Эйвоне в Англии. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и текстами 1-5. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


Match the HEADINGS (A-F) with the TEXTS (1-5).


                 A      What to do                                        D      Significant buildings 

                 В       How to get then?                             E      Why Stratford is famous 

                 С      A brief history of the town            F       Places to stay


1.                Stratford-upon-Avon is set m the beautiful rural Warwickshire countryside, on the banks of the river Avon. The town is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Britain. Known as the birthplace of William Shakespeare, Stratford has much to offer the visitor. In the pedestrianised part of the town centre you will find a lovely house and neat garden surrounded by a small wood, where Shakespeare was born in 1564. The life and times of Shakespeare can be experienced in this little town.

2.                There are many treasures a visitor will find strolling about the town. In Church

Street you will find the grammar school where Shakespeare was educated. Nash House and New Place, where he lived from 1597 until his death in 1616 are nearby. Another famous home and perhaps one of the most photographed cottages in England is Anne Hathaway’s cottage, where she lived before marrying Shakespeare in 1582. A trip to Stratford would not be complete without taking a short stroll to Ноlу Trinity Church, where William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway are buried.

3.                The Avon River adds greatly to the picturesque setting of Stratford. It's a great spot for a picnic, where you can watch the swans and tour boats glide by.

Take a traditional ferry boat ride across the river to enjoy a riverside walk with openair entertainers and much more. Appreciate the works of Shakespeare live at the famous Royal Shakespeare Theatre on the river. A dinner cruise is another delightful way to spend the evening.

4.                A visitor to Stratford will find a wide variety of accommodation: everything from hotels and a youth hostel in town to countryside farmhouses. There are various tour companies available to guide you around town. Restaurants, pubs and teahouses are scattered about the town that cater to every taste. Stop by the tourist information centre for information on what Stratford has to offer.

5.                You can visit Stratford by car (one hour’s drive from London) and the town has two large car parks available. Another option is by coach, in which case you can also book a one day package tour from London. British Rail provides services from London and other locations around Britain to Stratford. The train station is conveniently located in the centre of town, a short walk from the tourist information centre, where you can plan an unforgettable visit to Stratford-upon-Avon.


















2.  Прочитайте текст о Зубной фее. Определите, какие из приведѐнных утверждении А5—

А8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют                 (2

- False) и о чѐм в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 - Not stated).


For each statement (A5-A8) choose 1 - TRUE, 2 - FALSE or 3 - NOT STATED


While you are asleep she comes to your room in the middle of the night. She is small with wings and she can fly. She takes the tooth you have left under the pillow and leaves a small amount of money. She quickly disappears with the tooth. This is the myth of the Tooth Fairy.

Children get their first visit when they are aged between 5 and 7 and losing their first teeth. Normally, by the age of 12 all of the 20 baby teeth are gone and the Tooth Fairy no longer appears.

In medieval times it was the custom m many parts of the world to celebrate the loss of a baby tooth with some kind of ritual. For example, the 8th century Vikings had a 'tooth fee', a small gift given to children when they lost a tooth. The tradition of the Tooth Fairy as we know it today, however, with her nightly visits, became popular m America in the early 1900s. She has been the subject of various books, films and even a radio series. In the USA Tooth Fairy Day is celebrated on 28th February.

Why is she such a popular fairy? Obviously, children love the excitement of finding money under their pillow m the morning. Not only that, but losing teeth can be a frightening experience, where the Tooth Fairy comforts the child with a little reward. Celebrating the loss of a tooth marks an important moment m growing up. For all these reasons even when children understand that their parents are the ones who creep into their room, they continue to 'believe' in the magic of the Tooth Fairy.

So what do you suppose happens to all those little teeth? Some people say the Tooth Fairy uses them to build a castle or make pretty jewellery, while others point to the sky, where she has placed them as stars.


              A5      The Tooth Fairy makes her visit when you are in bed.

1. True        2. False      3. Not stated

              A6       The Tooth Fairy only visits children who are 5 to 7 years old. 

1. True        2. False      3. Not stated

              A7       America is the only part of the world that believes in the myth today.

1. True        2. False      3. Not stated

              A8      Children sometimes feel scared when they lose a tooth.

1. True        2. False      3. Not stated


PRACTICE TEST 1                                                          РАЗДЕЛ 3    ЛЕКСИКА И ГРАММАТИКА





Прочитайте приведѐнные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В3-В14, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию В3-В14. 


1.  Transform the words in CAPITAL LETTERS to fill in the gaps (B3-B9)


One winter evening Lena and her brother Harry B3  ........................  

........................video games while their mum and dad were watching TV. The living room was very cosy with a nice log fire and everyone was happy. Then it started raining outside and the wind was strong and stormy. The sky B4....................................... by flashes of lightning and the thunder was deafening. Suddenly, all the lights

went out and the electrical appliances stopped B5 ............................ .         WORK 

"Now what are we B6 ....................................................?" asked Dad, who wanted B7 ............................... a football match on TV. He went off in search of candles, but unfortunately they didn't have any.

"No problem." said Mum. "I  B8 ................. just .........................  our old gas camping lamp and stove in one of the kitchen cupboards." Half an hour later everyone was drinking hot tea and eating slices of  toasted bread which Mum cooked in front of the log fire! They told each other funny stories, as the butter ran down their fingers.

Everyone said that they B9 ..........................................  themselves so

much for ages, even if Dad had missed the football match. Then  suddenly the lights came on again and everything was back to normal.


2.  Transform the words in CAPITAL LETTERS to fill in the gaps (B10-B14)


Jerry stared worriedly out of the window. He had been up studying  most of the night and now his exam was about to start Even though he  had revised the same things again and again, he wasn't at all sure how  B10 ......................................... he would be. It had been his decision to lake this B11 ................................ programming course, but that didn't mean he wasn't eager to pass. In fact, he wanted to get a good mark as  he had hopes of becoming a software B12 ............................ . This was Jerry's golden opportunity but he felt his hand shaking as he picked up his pen to write his name on the paper. The exam was particularly   

B13............................. as he knew his future career might be at stake. He took a deep breath as he opened the exam paper that was handed to him. This was the moment of truth. Then he gave a little gasp of

B14................................. . He knew the answers to all the questions; BELIEF all last night's revision had paid off. He was going to do just fine!




PART 4 WRITING                                                              РАЗДЕЛ 4    ПИСЬМО


Для ответа на задание С1 используйте отдельный чистый лист. 

При выполнении задания C1 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным на отдельном чистом листе. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. 

Обратите внимание на необходимость соблюдения указанного объема письма. Письма недостаточного объѐма, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объѐм, не оцениваются.



C1      You have 30 minutes to do this task


You have received an email from your English-speaking pen friend Sandra


... On 31st October I celebrated Halloween with my friends. It's a special celebration here with games and fun. We dress up as ghosts and witches and visit people's homes to play 'trick-or-treat'. 

What celebration do you like best in your country? 

What exactly do you do to celebrate if? 

How does it compare in popularity with other celebrations there? ...  

Write her an email and answer her 3 questions.

Write 80-100 words.

Remember the rules for writing letters/emails.















PART 5 SPEAKING                                                         РАЗДЕЛ 5     ГОВОРЕНИЕ


Вы получите карточку, на которой представлены два задания для устного ответа: С2 - тематическое монологическое высказывание, С3 диалог-расспрос. Окончание выполнения каждого задания определяет экзаменатор. Во время проведения этой части экзамена идѐт постоянная аудиозапись вашего ответа.






Give a 1.5-2 minute talk about your home lifeRemember to say:

   what things you do to help out at home

   how you spend your free time at home

   what you like about your home and why


You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes

The examiner will listen until you have finished.  Then she/he will ask you some questions.




TASK 2                                                                           (2-3 MIN)


You want to treat your best friend to a surprise meal at a foreign restaurant.  Your friend doesn't like spicy food and prefers meat to fish. 

You have £50 to spend for both of you. 

Your neighbour has recently tried two new restaurants in your area. 

Talk to your neighbour to get further information. Ask your neighbour about:

   the type of food served

   the atmosphere and decor

   the cost


You start the conversation.

The examiner will play the part of your neighbour.  Remember to:

   be active and polite

   ask the questions and find out all the information you need

   decide on the restaurant you will go to and give reasons                                     for your choice



PART 1  LISTENING                                                РАЗДЕЛ 1    АУДИРОВАНИЕ


1.  Вы услышите 5 высказываний о здоровом образе жизни. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-5 и утверждениями A-F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды, Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


Match the SPEAKERS (1-5) with the STATEMENTS (A-F)


                 A     The speaker talks about taking a break.

                 В     The speaker explains we need a good night's sleep.

                 С     The speaker talks about the need for companionship.

D                The speaker has changed their diet.

E                 The speaker says what you drink is important. F          The speaker enjoys a home-based activity.
















2.  Вы услышите разговор двух друзей Шэрон и Райэна о боулинге. В заданиях А1—А4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.  Вы услышите запись дважды.


CIRCLE the correct variant (1-3).


A1 What does Sharon think of Derek?

1.    He's polite and friendly.

2.    He's friendly and decent

3.    He's pleasant and funny.

A2 Who has left the team?

1.    Andy

2.    Tony

3.    Sharon

A3 What has Sharon invited Derek to?

1.    a game night

2.    a bowling night

3.    a talent night

A4 Who has seen Derek play?

1.    a star player

2.    Andy

3.    Sharon's co-worker



PART 2 READING                                                                 РАЗДЕЛ 2    ЧТЕНИЕ


1.  Прочитайте информацию, которую учитель дает учащимся, впервые собирающимся в круиз по реке Темзе в Лондоне. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и текстами 1-5. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


Match the HEADINGS (A-F) with the TEXTS (1-5).


                 A      An unusual view of London                    D      A home to kings

                 В       A sailor and his ship                                E       Student sportsmen 

                 С       Understanding the river                           F       Understanding students


1.           As you know, we are going on a river cruise on the Thames this afternoon.    

I would like to give you some information before we set off for central London. The Thames is the most famous river in England and is full of history. The river is tidal which means that if we travel with the flow of the water in the centre of the river we can go quite fast. For larger vessels, however, if they travel against the flow of the river, they may double their journey time. The level of water also changes according to the tides.

2.                The Thames is also home to the Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge Universities which takes place every spring. It is a very popular race with about a quarter of a million people watching from the banks of the river. The two teams race against each other by rowing their boats from Putney to Mortlake. However, they have to take into consideration how fast and rough the water is in the middle of the river. Sometimes you can go faster when you're not taking advantage of the centre current if it is too strong.

3.                The Thames harbours some historic vessels. The one we're going to see today is a replica of the Golden Hind, a 16th century ship captained by Francis Drake. It is believed to be the first English ship to have sailed around the world, a remarkable feat considering how small the ship was. It was on this ship Francis Drake was knighted 'Sir Francis Drake' by Queen Elizabeth I.

4.                Another famous attraction is the London Eye. It looks just like a big wheel that you find in a fairground. Basically, it is an observation wheel that revolves. The only difference is that you stand in capsules which go around with the 'Eye'. It is 135 metres high which means that when your capsule gets to the top, you have the most wonderful panorama of the River Thames and London itself.

5.                We will also be able to see the Tower of London which is a famous historic landmark. This building has been a fortress, a royal palace and even a prison - for people of status and royalty, of course. However, the Tower of London is also wellknown for two other important reasons. The first is that it has housed the Crown Jewels since 1303. The second reason is the ravens that live at the Tower. It is said that if the ravens ever leave the Tower, the British monarchy and kingdom will fall.


















2.  Прочитайте текст о двух британских писателях и их детективных персонажах. Определите, какие uз утверждении A5-А8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чѐм в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительно/о. ни отрицательного ответа (3 - Not Stated).


For each statement (A5-A8) choose 1 - TRUE, 2 - FALSE or 3 - NOT STATED


Sir Arthur Соnan Doyle was a Scottish doctor and author who is remembered for his stones about Sherlock Holmes. He studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh and it was during his student years that he began writing short stories. His first novel, which introduced the character Sherlock Holmes, was called A Study in Scarlet and was published m 1867.


Sherlock Holmes was the creation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, but many people of the time believed he was a real person because in the novels he lives at a realistic address - 221b Baker Street. London. He is an amateur detective, chemist and violin player. When he solves a case, he uses his excellent powers of observation and medical knowledge, assisted by his friend Dr. Watson.


Agatha Christie was an English crime writer whose detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple have earned her the title of "Queen of Crime". She also wrote short stories and plays; one of her plays, The Mousetrap, started in 1952 and is still running today in London's West End.


Miss Marple is a sweet old lady who lives in an English village. She likes knitting and gardening and people regard her as a little confused. However, when it comes to solving a crime, she has a sharp logical mind. She often solves crimes that leave the police mystified. Agatha Christie's other detective creation is Hercule Poirot who is from Belgium. He is famous for his moustache and his egg-shaped head; he solves crimes by using the power of his brain.




Arthur Conan Doyle wasn't a doctor.

1 True        2 False      3 Not stated


Sherlock Holmes was real.

1 True        2 False      3 Not stated


Agatha Christie lived in a village. 1 True        2 False      3 Not stated


Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot were detectives. 1 True        2 False      3 Not stated


PRACTICE TEST 2                                                                    РАЗДЕЛ 3   ЛЕКСИКА И ГРАММАТИКА




Прочитайте приведѐнные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В3-В14. так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию В3-В14.


1.  Transform the words in CAPITAL LETTERS to fill in the gaps (B3-B9)


It was getting late and Liz still had two miles to go before she  

B3 ............................ home from the office. "Why did they have to go  ARRIVE 

on strike today? It will take me ages to get home," Liz mumbled to  herself as she walked down a dark side street. The transport strike   

B4 ..................................... at midday and would continue till midnight.  BEGIN It was now 7.00 pm and already dark enough to make Liz feel a little  frightened. Finding a taxi was impossible. She could hear footsteps  behind her and decided to walk faster. Then she heard someone   

B5 ...................... her but she couldn't make out what they were saying.  CALL  She had left her mobile phone at work by mistake, so she couldn't call  for help. In a panic, she started to run.   

Whoever it was, they B6 ...................................... closer!  

"Liz, wait a minute." the voce shouted. Liz turned round and was  glad to see a familiar face. Out of breath, the voice said, "I thought I  would never catch you up! " It was Liz's friend Sara from the office.  "Sara! You scared me to death! I  B7 ............................who it was".

"I wanted to give you your phone. It was on your desk. Are you  waking home, by the way?" Liz said she was.

"Well, there's no need. I  B8 ......................... home by my brother  DRIVE  today because of the strike. If you wait five minutes, he B9 ..................

and pick us up.  

  2 .  Transform the words in CAPITAL LETTERS to fill in the gaps (B10-B14) As а child I loved reading story books. It took you into another world;  one of fantasy where there was no school or homework. I remember  one particular book from my B10 ................................... very well. CHILD

It was called The Wind in the Willows and the B11 ..............................  ILLUSTRATE

were wonderful. The book was full of colour and the characters, which  were all animals, were very B12 ...................................... towards each FRIEND

other. The characters were a water rat, a toad, a mole and a badger  who all behaved just like humans. Mole, Badger and Ratty the water  

rat are very relaxed, lovable characters. Toad is very B13 .................... WEALTH  but often gets into trouble because he loves trying new hobbies. At  one point Toad ends up losing his B14 .......................... but fortunately POSSESS everything works out well in the end.





Для ответа на задание С1 используйте отдельный чистый лист. При выполнении задания C1 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным на отдельном чистом листе. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание на необходимость соблюдения указанного объѐма письма. Письма недостаточного объѐма, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объѐм, не оцениваются.


C 1 You have 30 minutes to do this task


You have received an email from your English speaking pen friend Tom.


... I can't wait till next weekend! There's going to be a barbecue in the village square: there'll be a band there, too. So... Good food and good music. 

What do you do at the weekends where you live? 

Is there a cinema near you? Do you often go out?  ...


Write him an email and answer his 3 questions

Write 80-100 words. Remember the rules for writing letters/emails.






















Вы получите карточку, на которой представлены два задания для устного ответа:     С2 - тематическое монологическое высказывание, СЗ - диалог расспрос. Окончание выполнения каждого задания определяет экзаменатор. Во время проведения этой части экзамена идет постоянная аудиозапись вашего ответа.





Give a 1.5-2 minute talk about fashion. Remember to say:

whether you follow the latest fashions or not

what clothes you like to wear when you go out

whether clothes are too expensive for teenagers You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes. 

The examiner will listen until you have finished.  Then she/he will ask you some questions.




TASK 1                                                              (2-3 min)


Your school is going to introduce some optional new subjects,  and you are interested in taking one of them. 

Your parents can pay £10 per week. 

You are free on Mondays and Tuesdays from 5 to 7 pm.

Before making a decision ask your teacher about

   what new subjects are available and how they will be taught

   what days and times they are offered

   the cost of lessons


You start the conversation. 

The examiner will play the part of the teacher.  Remember to:

   be active and polite

   ask the questions and find all the information you need

   decide on the subject you want to take and give reasons    for your choice




PART 1 LISTENING                                                    РАЗДЕЛ 1     АУДИРОВАНИЕ


1. Вы услышите 5 высказываний о том, как собираться в поездку. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-5 и утверждениями A-F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.  Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


Match the SPEAKERS (1-5) with the STATEMENTS (A-F)


A                     The speaker advises being careful where we pack our things.

B                     The speaker explains the need to pack a variety of clothes.

С       The speaker says we should avoid the cost of overweight luggage. D        The speaker says we may pack something we don't use.

E       The speaker says holiday preparations involve more than packing.                           F      The speaker thinks it's important to keep packing simple.















2. Вы услышите разговор двух друзей Шейлы и Пола о благотворительном забеге. 

В заданиях А1-А4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


CIRCLE the correct variant (1-3).


A1 What's Sheila doing on Saturday?

1.    studying for exams

2.    running in a race

3.    going to the cinema

A2 Who is trying to raise money?

1.    Sheila's school

2.    Sheila's friends

3.    professional athletes

A3 What is the charity in aid of?

1.    athletes

2.    African wild animals

3.    dolphins

A4 What's the prize?

1.    a pair of trainers

2.    a cool T-shirt

3.    sweatbands


PART 2 READING                                                                РАЗДЕЛ 2    ЧТЕНИЕ


1.  Прочитайте информацию из буклета о безопасности на кухне. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и текстами 1-5. Занесите свои отлеты в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


Match the HEADINGS (A-F) with the TEXTS (1-5).


                A      Treating injuries correctly                       D  Keeping work surfaces clean

В       Protecting food from going bad    E       Storing dangerous substances С           Avoiding fire hazards                               F       Handling equipment safely


1.                One of the most common dangers in the kitchen is allowing pans with cooking fat or oil to overheat and burst into flames. If this happens, cover the pan with a damp cloth or a blanket. Never use water in this situation as it will turn into boiling steam and splatter you with hot oil. It is also necessary to check all electrical appliances regularly and repair any damage. Old electricity systems may need to be completely replaced.

2.                A second major safety hazard in the kitchen is knives. Knives should always be kept sharp as a blunt instrument will not cut through food easily. The extra effort needed to cut something may cause an accident. Always point the knife away from you and not towards your fingers. If you drop a knife, let it fall. Most people instinctively try to catch it, which is a dangerous thing to do. Likewise, avoid storing knives in drawers or putting them in a sink full of washing-up water, where they may not be seen.

3.                Most kitchens have a variety of chemical cleaners to hand. Some of them can be harmful, especially when mixed together. The result could be an explosion or the release of poisonous gases. As a general rule, it is better not to keep such products in the kitchen where they can come into contact with food. If you do have to do so, make sure that they are on shelves lower than foodstuffs. In that way, if they leak, they won't get onto the food. 

4.                A knowledge of basic food hygiene is also important. Certain foods, such as raw chicken, eggs or seafood are particularly sensitive to temperature. Hot foods need to be kept at a temperature of above 65 degrees С and cold foods need to be below 5 degrees С. Place a good thermometer in your fridge so you can take regular temperature readings. Remember, too, always cool down food before placing it in the fridge. Otherwise it will increase the temperature and spoil the other food in there.

5.                In spite of taking precautions, accidents may occur in the kitchen and you need to know what to do in such cases. Cuts should be washed under running cold water, then dried and dressed with a plaster. If the cut is deep, bandage it to reduce bleeding and call the doctor immediately. Do not apply cream to burns or scalds. Instead, place them under cold water or use an ice pack. This will help reduce blistering of the skin.














PRACTICE TEST 3                                                                                                                                   РАЗДЕЛ 2     ЧТЕНИЕ  

2. Прочитайте текст о старинном велосипеде с колѐсами разного диаметра. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждении А5-А8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чѐм в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 - Not stated).


For each statement (A5-A8) choose 1 - TRUE, 2 - FALSE or 3 - NOT STATED.


The penny-farthing bicycle, with its huge front wheel and tiny back wheel, has become the symbol of cycling in the Victorian era. It takes its name from the old British penny and farthing coins, one much larger than the other. In England James Starley started making these bikes in about 1870. Then in 1878 in America Albert Pope began producing the Columbia Bicycle, modelled on the penny-farthing.

These new bikes became extremely popular in both places. They were a great improvement on the older bicycles, known as boneshakers. The front wheel of the penny-farthings measured up to 1.5 metres across, so they could go much faster. The plain wooden wheels of the boneshaker were covered in iron and the rider received a great shaking as he travelled over the rough roads. The new bikes were all metal and the wheels had rubber tyres.

In spite of this increased comfort, the penny-farthing was still quite dangerous to ride. Its shoulder-high seat made getting on and off very difficult. Not only that, but with the large front wheel the bike often overturned. Even a small stone in the road could throw the rider to the ground. Going downhill many cyclists were thrown forwards over the handlebars and 'came a cropper', that is, were seriously injured or even killed.

By the 1890s penny-farthings had almost disappeared. They were replaced by the modern bike we know today with gears and a chain. Today, however, many enthusiasts collect these old machines and companies make modern versions. Every February riders gather in the quiet village of Evandale in Tasmania for the National Penny-farthing Championship. It's the world's biggest annual event devoted to racing antique bikes. Fans come from Australia, New Zealand, the USA, England, Ireland, Holland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Singapore and Japan.  


Starley's and Pope's bikes were similar in design. 1 True        2 False      3 Not stated


The boneshaker was made entirely of wood. 1 True        2 False      3 Not stated


Riders had difficulty in keeping their balance on a penny-farthing. 1 True        2 False      3 Not stated


The National Penny-farthing Championship is the world's most popular cycling  event.

1 True        2 False      3 Not stated




РАЗДЕЛ 3     ЛЕКСИКА И ГРАММАТИКА Прочитайте приведенные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В3-B14, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию В3-B14.


1.  Transform the words in CAPITAL LETTERS to fill in the gaps (B3-B9)



Mаrtha was fourteen and she still B3 ................................. to swim.

Her cousins Fran and Oliver were good swimmers and she felt  jealous of them. One hot Saturday they went to the beach. Fran and  Oliver B4 ............................. and splashing about in the water while PLAY Martha was sitting on the sand watching them. "Come on in, the water's  lovely!" laughed Fran.  "You B5 ................................ in the sun too SIT

long". Martha knew they were making fun of her. She searched in her  bag, found her swimsuit and went to change.  

As the water lapped her feet she thought. "I  B6 .............................. SHOW them! The sea isn't very deep here. It's only just above my knees. If I  start going to the bottom, I can just stand up". Bravely she pushed  forward into the sea and started to make swimming movements. To her  amazement, her body B7 ........................................... up by the mater.  HOLD 

'I B8 .............................................. !" she cried. She couldn't believe it SWIM was so simple.  

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" said Oliver coming over with Fran to  congratulate her.

"I never thought I'd find the courage to do it." replied Martha   

B9 ........................................... back at them.



2.  Transform the words in CAPITAL LETTERS to fill in the gaps (B10-B14)


On the nights of 6th end 7th April, 2000 the people of southern          

Finland saw a truly wonderful sight. The Aurora Borealis, or

Northern Lights, as they are known, lit up the skies with the        B10 ........................... display in living memory. Hundreds of excited people left their beds in the middle of the night to go outside and look. The sky was full of B11 ................................... shapes in purple, red and blue. One B12 ...................................... used up 19 rolls of film! He said he had never seen such a        B13 ............................... display. People once thought that these lights were caused by the arctic fox spraying up snow with its big bushy tail and starting fires in the sky. More B14 .......................... we've discovered it's because particles from the surface of the sun get into the earth's atmosphere.

PART 4   WRITING                                                            РАЗДЕЛ 4   ПИСЬМО


Для ответа на задание C1 используйте отдельный чистый лист. При выполнении задания С1 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным на отдельном чистом листе. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертам. Обратите внимание на необходимость соблюдения указанного объема письма. Письма недостаточного объѐма, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объем, не оцениваются


С1     You have 30 minutes to do this task.


You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Joel.


... I got a cute pet dog fur my birthday last week. Her name is Sandy and she's three months old. You said you have a pet. What is it?  How do you look after it? What other pets would you like to have? ...


Write her an email and answer her 3 questions.

Write 80 -100 words. Remember the rules for writing letters/emails.



















PART 5 SPEAKING                                                      РАЗДЕЛ 5    ГОВОРЕНИЕ


Вы получите карточку, на которой представлены два задания для устного ответа: 

С2 тематическое монологическое высказывание, СЗ - диалог-расспрос. 

Окончание выполнения каждого задания определяет экзаменатор. 

Во время проведения этой части экзамена идѐт постоянная аудиозапись вашего ответа.




TASK 1                                                                            (1-2 MIN)


  Give a 1.5-2 minute talk on tourism

  Remember to say

                     what tourists can see and do in your country

                     what souvenirs they can buy

                     what country you would like to visit as a tourist and why   You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes. 

  The examiner will listen until you have finished.    Then she/he will ask you some questions.







TASK 2                                                                           (2-3 MIN) 



You plan to enter one of the yearly competitions organised by your school. 

Your parents can pay a £ 10 entry fee. 

You have time to prepare or train for the competition all day on Saturdays.

Before making a decision ask the competitions organiser about:

  what the competitions are and what they involve

  whether the school provides any training sessions

  whether there is an entry fee or any other requirements You start the conversation.

The examiner will play the part of the competitions organizer. Remember to:

  be active and polite

  ask the questions and find out all the information you need

  decide on the competition you will enter and give reasons for your choice





PART 1 LISTENING                                                РАЗДЕЛ 1     АУДИРОВАНИЕ


1.  Вы услышите 5 высказываний о мобильных телефонах. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-5 и утверждениями A-F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. 

В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.  Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


Match the SPEAKERS (1-5) with the STATEMENTS (A-F)


A      The speaker feels that mobile phones are not worth their high cost.

В       The speaker believes that mobile phones stop children from learning to interact socially.

С       The speaker talks about the possible effect of mobile phones on hearth.

D                 The speaker feels that mobile phones distract children from their studies.

E                  The speaker believes that mobile phones are a convenient means of communication.

F                  The speaker feels that children must learn that they have to work for what they want to buy.















2.  Вы услышите разговор двух подруг Зои и Лауры о компьютерах. В заданиях A1—A4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.  Вы услышите запись дважды.


CIRCLE the correct variant (1-3).



Why has Laurie come over?

1.   to visit

2.   to help

3.   to work


What is the cause of the problem?

1.   The screen isn’t working.

2.   The computer won't save.

3.   Something has overheated.


What does Laurie have?

1.   His own laptop.

2.   His own shop.

3.   His own office


What is Zoe going to do?

1.   go to the office

2.   make notes

3.   print some pages




PART 2 READING                                                                 РАЗДЕЛ 2     ЧТЕНИЕ

1. Прочитайте информацию для учащихся, собравшихся посетить государственный музеи Эрмитаж. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и текстами 1-5.  


Match the HEADINGS (A-F) with the TEXTS (1-5).


          A          The city of Kiev                              D           Collections from the classical world 

          В           An outstanding artist                      E       Learning in more detail

          С          History and information                 F       Connections with old Russia


1.                Welcome to the State Hermitage Museum. The museum is actually six buildings which can be found along the banks of the River Neva in the centre of St. Petersburg. One of the buildings, built by Francesco Rastrelli between 1754-62, used to be the Winter Palace of the Russian Tsars. It has taken more than two and a half centuries to collect the works of art on display. There are over 3,000,000 items which present the development of culture and art from the Stone Age to the 20th century.

2.                The Hermitage Museum is also actively involved in archeological sites of ancient Russian towns. The earliest objects have been linked to the city of Kiev, which was the centre of ancient Rus from the 11th to 13th centuries. Many of these items are made of iron, stone, bone and glass. These objects give us a lot of useful information about the culture and way of life of rural communities. The best items in the collections come from the town of Pskov m north-west European Russia; some of the leather and wooden objects are in excellent condition.

3.                The Mediterranean world is also represented with items showing the culture and art of Greece and Rome. The earliest pieces date from 2,000 ВС and the latest from the 4th century AD. The collection of painted vases from Attica, Corinth and Samos in Greece is among the best examples of this art in the world. The sculptures and small figures from the Roman period are also an important collection and include portraits of famous Roman emperors and statesmen as well as ordinary women and children.

4.                The Hermitage has works of the famous Dutch painter, Rembrandt, from different periods of his life. Several are considered to be amongst his masterpieces. The earliest painting dates from 1631 and the latest from the end of Rembrandt's life. Many of the paintings are portraits of unknown people taken from Rembrandt's circle of friends; other subjects Include classical mythology and scenes from the Bible.

5.                The Hermitage has many educational services on offer and there is great competition for places on the courses. For those students who would like to study art in depth, there are societies and clubs which are free of charge but students have to pass an interview before they are offered a place. International programmes encourage the study of historical and cultural relations of Russia and Western European countries. There are computer classes on art and CD ROMs can be purchased from the museum shop. The Hermitage website is extremely comprehensive and you can study art here on its virtual tour.
















PART 2 READING                                                                                                                      РАЗДЕЛ 2   ЧТЕНИЕ


2.  Прочитайте текст о регионе Эверглейдс во Флориде. Определите, какие из приведѐнных утверждений А5-А8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чѐм в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 - Not stated).


For each statement (A5-A8) choose 1 - TRUE, 2 - FALSE or 3 - NOT STATED.


The Florida Everglades are located in southern Florida, USA and are one of the largest wetlands in the world. The area is the last remaining subtropical wilderness in the United States. It is actually a river, or wetland which consists of wide, shallow, slow-moving water. Nicknamed 'the river of grass,' the Everglades are home to an unusual plant called sawgrass. In some areas the water is barely visible because the grass is so thick.

Several hundred years ago, the Everglades covered almost a third of the state of Florida. In 1947 President Truman declared the area the Everglades National Park, which ensured protection of its unique plant and animal habitats. Today the Everglades are half of their original size. State and national authorities are committed to restoring and protecting this national treasure.

The Everglades National Park is home to fifteen endangered species including the Florida panther. It is the only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles exist side by side. Sadly, the American crocodile and other species are endangered due to loss of habitat and alteration of water flow to the park. Other wildlife in danger of extinction includes butterflies, rodents and birds; during the 1940s the Red Cockaded Woodpecker was unable to be saved.

However, the Endangered Species Act of 1973 has given a measure of legal protection for the wildlife there. The Act also realises that various species of plant life and fish have educational, historical and scientific value. Because the physical boundaries of the National Park do not guarantee that a species will survive, the South Florida Research Centre has been studying how changes outside the park can influence the delicate balance of nature inside the park's boundaries. This research may lead to a brighter future for many rare and endangered species.



The Everglades is nicknamed 'the river of grass'. 1 True        2 False      3 Not stated


All the animals in the Everglades are endangered. 1 True        2 False      3 Not stated


Alligators and crocodiles do not exist alongside each other in the Everglades. 1 True        2 False      3 Not stated


The Everglades National Park guarantees survival of a species. 1 True        2 False      3 Not stated



PRACTICE TEST 4                                                                                        РАЗДЕЛ 3    ЛЕКСИКА И ГРАММАТИКА




Прочитайте приведѐнные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В3—В9 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию В3-В9.


1.  Transform the words in CAPITAL LETTERS to fill in the gaps (B3-B9)


Anna was excited. She held the envelope tightly in her trembling hands.  

She B3 ..................................... a long time for this moment. "It must be WAIT  the results of the competition I  B4 ........................ three months ago," she ENTER thought. She called to her mother who was in the kitchen. 'Mum, can you  come here for a minute, please?" Anna's mother came quickly. "What's  the matter, Anna?" she asked. "You're as white as a sheet."  "Mum, remember the competition in the newspaper to win a holiday?  

Well, here are the results. I can't open the envelope. I am too excited!"  

Anna shouted.  "I  B5 ............................... it for you." Anna's mother said. OPEN  Anna gave her mother the envelope, she opened it carefully and read what  

it said. "Anna, I'm sorry, you B6 ................................ the first prize of a NOT WIN  holiday to Paris. Now what else does it say here. Oh yes." Anna's mother  continued reading. Anna was having difficulty in B7 ............................... HOLD back her curiosity.  "What is it?" she asked impatiently.  

"Wow, Anna, you B8 .......................... the second prize of a brand new AWARD  computer!" her mother answered. Anna was very happy. She B9 ............... HAVE never ....................... a computer before. "Excellent!" shouted Anna, "This  is better than a holiday for sure!" She had a beaming smile as she picked up the phone to call her best friend Alexandra.


2.  Transform the words in CAPITAL LETTERS to fill in the gaps (B10-B14)


     The Pennine Way in England is a 270-mile walk that takes you into          

B10 ................................ countryside. In high and wild places the journey ISOLATE  can be extremely B11 .................................. . The walk starts in the Peak DANGER

District National Park and ends on the borders of Scotland. The Pennine  

Way is full of B12 ……………………....... interest. Along the route you HISTORY can visit the home of the Bronte sisters, who wrote Jane Eyre and  Wuthering Heights. Further along the walk, you enter a huge area of the  

Pennines that was once home to every kind of mining B13 ...................... . ACTIVE 

On a mountainous walk that lasts several days, you are certain to  

experience а B14 .............................. of British weather. This means that VARY you have to pay attention to your choice of equipment and know how to  read a map as well as making the appropriate arrangements for accommodation.

PART 4 WRITING                                                               РАЗДЕЛ 4   ПИСЬМО


Для ответа на задание C1 используйте отдельный чистый лист. При выполнении задания С1 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным на отдельном чистом листе. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертам. Обратите внимание на необходимость соблюдения указанного объема письма. Письма недостаточного объѐма, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объем, не оцениваются


С1     You have 30 minutes to do this task.


 You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Kathy.


… so that was when I realised there was a page of a newspaper stuck to my shoe! How embarrassing! Have you ever had an embarrassing moment?  Where were you? What did you do about it?  …


Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.

Remember the rules for writing letters/emails.




















PART 5  SPEAKING                                                   РАЗДЕЛ 5     ГОВОРЕНИЕ


Вы получите карточку, на которой представлены два задания для устного ответа: 

С2 тематическое монологическое высказывание, СЗ - диалог-расспрос. 

Окончание выполнения каждого задания определяет экзаменатор.  Во время проведения этой части экзамена идѐт постоянная аудиозапись вашего ответа.




TASK 1                                                                            (1-2 MIN) 


Give a 1.5-2 minute talk on books. Remember to say:

   whether you prefer reading books or newspapers and why

   how often you read books and if they are modem or classic literature

   whether or not people should read more books

You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.









TASK 2                                                                            (2-3 MIN) 


Your school has received a £ 2,000 grant from the Ministry of Education. 

The school wants to spend it on improving school facilities. As a student, you have been asked for your opinion on which facilities the money should be spent on. Before making a decision ask the head teacher about

   which improvements the school is considering

   how they will benefit the school

   when the improved facilities will be ready You start the conversation. 

The examiner will play the part of the head teacher. Remember to:

   be active and polite

   ask the questions and find out all the information you need

   decide on which facility needs to be improved and give reasons for your     choice.




PART 1 LISTENING                                                 РАЗДЕЛ 1     АУДИРОВАНИЕ


1.  Вы услышите 5 высказываний о развлечениях. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1—5 и утверждениями A—F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


Match the SPEAKERS (1-5) with the STATEMENTS (A-F)


A  The speaker recommends entertainment for its relaxation value.

В  The speaker refers to simpler times.

С  The speaker talks about entertainment for the brave

D       The speaker says the cost of entertainment puts people at a disadvantage.

E        The speaker refers to the wider choice of entertainment now available.

F        The speaker mentions a form of entertainment which has more than one benefit.

















2. Вы услышите разговор двух друзей Софи и Фредди о покупке подарка. В заданиях А1-А4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.  Вы услышите запись дважды.


CIRCLE the correct variant (1-3).


A1     What does Sophie want from Freddie?

1.               To help her collect money.

2.               To give her his spare money.

3.               To lend her his pocket money. A2         What can't Sophie remember?

1.   What sort of teacher Mrs Nash was.

2.   How to solve algebra problems.

3.   The reason they had to stay after class

A3     Why do they decide against perfume as a gift?

1.               It doesn't last long

2.               They don't think she wears it 3. It's not a very original idea. A4       Why do they decide on a portrait?

1.   They know an artist.

2.   She buys paintings on holidays.

3.   She goes on painting holidays.





PART 2 READING                                                                  РАЗДЕЛ 2    ЧТЕНИЕ

1.  Прочитайте статью из спортивного журнала о стадионе Уэмбли в Англии. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и текстами 1-5. 

Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


Match the HEADINGS (A-F) with the TEXTS (1-5).


                 A      Not that simple                      D      A clever design

                 В       A long history                       E       An expensive mistake

                 С      Interesting facts                     F       More than one function


1.      As far back as the 1880s, the site on which London's Wembley Stadium now stands was home to sports. The original Wembley Park Leisure Grounds had football and cricket pitches, a running track and some beautiful gardens. The first stadium on the site, the old Empire Stadium, opened in 1923 and continued to be one of Britain's main sports venues until it closed in 2000. With the beginning of the new millennium, it was time to design a new stadium more suited to the needs of modern sports, 2. Visitors to the new Wembley Stadium, opened in 2007, are usually impressed. Standing almost four times higher than the old Empire Stadium and covering twice the area, the most stunning feature at Wembley is its roof. The roof can be operated to slide open and closed so that the seating area is protected when the weather is bad. In good weather the grass on the pitch receives plenty of sunlight. The roof is supported by a spectacular 133-metre-high arch, the largest of its kind in the world.

3.               The building programme had its problems, however. Apart from rising building costs and various delays, there were a number of accidents. Two occurred in March 2006. First, a long piece of steel in the roof shifted position dangerously and dropped by about half a metre; 3,000 workers had to stop work temporarily and leave the stadium. Then the sewer pipes underneath the stadium were badly damaged and took months to repair. Eventually the stadium was completed on 9th March 2007, two years later than originally planned.

4.               Wembley Stadium is owned by the national Football Association and hosts international football matches on England's home ground. The English domestic cup finals are also held there and it has hosted the UEFA Champions League final a record five times so far. Apart from that, Wembley is a favourite venue for music concerts. Top names like Coldplay, Metallica and Madonna have appeared there. The 2007 Live Earth concert was also a major attempt to raise people's awareness about the future of our planet.













5.               The new Wembley has some fascinating statistics. It seats 90,000 spectators and is the largest stadium in the world with every seat under cover. The distance round the outside is 1 kilometre and the span of its famous arch is longer than the Eurostar trains which travel under the sea from England to France. The most fascinating statistic has to be that Wembley Stadium contains 2.618 toilets, which is more than any other  venue in the world.



PRACTICE TEST 5 PART 2 READING                                                                                 РАЗДЕЛ 2   ЧТЕНИЕ



2. Прочитайте текст о фестивале «Алые паруса». Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А5 - А8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чѐм в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3  -  Not stated).


For each statement (A5-A8) choose 1 - TRUE, 2 - FALSE or 3 - NOT STATED


Welcome to the St. Petersburg White Nights Festival. It's organised by the city every year and is free to the public. If you haven't been there before, you won't be disappointed. The nights at this time of year are very short and you'll see some fabulous coloured skies. You're also going to be treated to some magnificent fireworks displays and hear lots of music, both classical and modem. And all this on the banks of the Neva River with the stately buildings brightly lit up.

But that's not all. Tonight it's the Scarlet Sails celebration and you're in for a huge spectacular show. Scarlet Sails, or Alye Parusa in Russian, is the grand finale of the festival. Amidst all the fireworks and music, a tall old-fashioned sailing ship with red sails proudly goes forth on the river. This symbolises the end of the school year. Students from all over the world are there for the fun. Pirate 'battles' are enacted on the Neva, and there are rowing competitions and motorboat races.

Scarlet Sails originates in the novel of that name by the Russian author Alexander Grin. He was inspired when he saw a model boat in a toyshop window. His book appeared in 1923, followed by a film in 1961. Both are still enormously popular. They tell the story of a young girl named Asole who meets a wizard. He tells her that one day a ship with red sails will come and take her away to a new and happier lie. This fairytale has come to symbolise an entrance to adult life and new prospects. Today in Russia a special chorus of over 200 children, the 'Scarlet Sails', sings and plays musical instruments. Their prizewinning performances are recognised internationally and are an important part of the musical culture here.

So sit back and enjoy the show. The festival and the Scarlet Sails event are attended by over one million people each year, making it one of Russia's most important celebrations.



The sun never sets during the White Nights Festival. 1 True        2 False      3 Not stated


Students take roles as pirates.

1 True        2 False      3 Not stated


Alexander Grin got the idea for his book from a toy boat. 1 True        2 False      3 Not stated


The film ‘Scarlet Sails’ has a different plot than the book. 1 True        2 False      3 Not stated


PRACTICE TEST 5                                                                   РАЗДЕЛ 3     ЛЕКСИКА И ГРАММАТИКА




Прочитайте приведѐнные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В3—В14. так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию В3-В14.


1.  Transform the words in CAPITAL LETTERS to fill in the gaps (B3-B9)


Peter's mother was a very busy woman. She was out at work all day.  When she came home she had to cook dinner for Peter and his dad. Peter  

always wanted a sweet alter his meal but he B3 ................................. one NOT GET  because his mother never had time to make one. Sometimes she remem- bered  B4 .............................. a cake home. Other times she forgot. BRING

"You  B5 ..................... just ......................... to do without," she told Peter HAVE then.  "Vernon's mum bakes cakes and biscuits every week," grumbled  Peter.   "I don’t care!" replied his mother. "Vernon's mum doesn't have to  go out to work".  When Peter visited his friend Vernon one evening,  

Vernon  B6 ............................ homemade apple pie. He gave Peter a slice. EAT  It was delicious. "My mum B7 ..................... always ............................... ,"  WORK complained Peter, "so she never makes us any sweets." The next evening,  after school, Peter took Vernon to his home where a surprise was waiting  for them. "What's that chocolate smell?" said Vernon as they entered the  hall. A large chocolate cake B8 ............................... and left on the kitchen BAKE table together with a note: "I  B9 .............................. shopping. Back soon. GO Enjoy the cake! Mum".   "Wow!" said Vernon, between mouthfuls, "This  is even better than Mum's apple pie!"


2.  Transform the words in CAPITAL LETTERS to fill in the gaps (B10-B14)


Aunt Maggie was going to be 60 on 16th September. Her daughter and  son-in-law were planning a surprise birthday party for her. "We'll tell her  it's just a dinner at home." said Karen, "and then we can bring everyone 

round'.  It seemed like a great idea and Karen sent out the B10 .................... INVITE  The guests went told to keep the party a secret. All Aunt Maggie knew was  

that Bob was cooking his B11 .................................... - roast duck.             SPECIAL

"But you don't need to go to all that trouble," Maggie insisted. "Let's go for  a nice day trip instead. It's my treat!"    

Karen and Bob were B12 ......................................... . Thirty friends and HORROR B13 ....................................... were coming on the 16th. What were they RELATE going to do?        

In the end they had to tell Aunt Maggie about the surprise.                                  

"Why didn’t you say so B14 ...........................................?" said their aunt.   EARLY

"I thought a meal for three would be too quiet. I just love parties!"                    


PART 4 WRITING                                                              РАЗДЕЛ 4    ПИСЬМО


Для ответа на задание С1 используйте отдельный чистый лист. При выполнении задания C1 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным на отдельном чистом листе. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание на необходимость соблюдения указанного объема письма. Письма недостаточного объѐма, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объѐм, не оцениваются.



C1     You have 30 minutes to do this task.


You have received an email from your English-speaking pen friend George.



... Last week my school played a football match against another school team. We won and there was a big celebration! Next week I'm playing basketball in a friendly game. What sports are popular in your country? Which ones do you like to watch? Do you play a sport? ... 



Write him an email and answer his 3 questions.

Write 80-100 words. Remember the rules for writing letters/emails.
















PART 5 SPEAKING                                                         РАЗДЕЛ 5    ГОВОРЕНИЕ


Вы получите карточку, на которой представлены два задания для устного ответа: 

С2 тематическое монологическое высказывание, СЗ - диалог-расспрос. 

Окончание выполнения каждого задания определяет экзаменатор.  Во время проведения этой части экзамена идѐт постоянная аудиозапись вашего ответа.




TASK 1                                                                            (1-2 MIN)  


  Give a 1.5-2 minute talk on transport.   Remember to say:

                   how you usually travel to school

                   what public transport is like in your area

                   what problems cars can create   You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

  The examiner will listen until you have finished.   Then she/he will ask you some questions.








TASK 2                                                                            (2-3 MIN)  


You live in a small city flat and you and your family want to take a week's summer break in the countryside. You want some reasonably priced accommodation. You are not interested in sports or other energetic activities, you just want to relax. Before making a decision ask the travel agent about:

   types of accommodation available and the facilities they offer

   where they are located and how you can reach them

   the cost

You begin the conversation. 

The examiner will play the part of the travel agent.  Remember to:

   be active and polite

   ask the questions and find out all the information you need

   decide on the holiday accommodation you will stay at and give reasons for your choice




PART 1 LISTENING                                                 РАЗДЕЛ 1     АУДИРОВАНИЕ


1.  Вы услышите 5 высказываний о стиле жизни. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1—5 и утверждениями A—F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


Match the SPEAKERS (1-5) with the STATEMENTS (A-F)


A       The speaker wants to move house.

В       The speaker prefers a peaceful way of life.

С       The speaker lives in a city.

D                 The speaker thinks nice surroundings are important.

E                  The speaker has an active social life.

F                  The speaker has a busy lifestyle.

















2.  Вы услышите разговор доктора и пациента. В заданиях A1-A4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


CIRCLE the correct variant (1-3).


A1     What does the doctor tell Suzy?

1.               She has to wear a plaster cast.

2.               She has broken her arm.

3.               She has sprained her wrist. A2     How did the accident happen?

1.   She fell down a hill.

2.   Her brakes didn't work.

3.   She was going too fast.

A3     What treatment does Suzy need?

1.   A stay m hospital.

2.   A couple of weeks at home.

3.   A plaster and a sling.

A4     When can Suzy start training again?

1.   next month

2.   at the weekend

3.   in 24 hours





PART 2 READING                                                                  РАЗДЕЛ 2    ЧТЕНИЕ


1.  Прочитайте текст об известных фокусниках Зигфриде и Рое.  Установите соответствие между заголовками А-F и текстами 1-5. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


Match the HEADINGS (A-F) with the TEXTS (1-5).


                 A      Increasing success                 D      An unusual combination

                 В       The tricks revealed               E       A final comeback

                 С      Developing interests            F       Forming a partnership


1.                When one thinks of the stunning world of magic, the great duo Siegfried and Roy definitely comes to mind. What made their show special was the fact that lions and tigers were included in the tricks performed. Millions of people flocked to see these illusions, especially in the three decades of their act in the magical city of Las Vegas, America.

2.                Growing up in a small town in Germany, Siegfried discovered magic at an early age and taught himself from a book he bought with some money he found on the street. He began to perform magic. Roy also grew up in Germany and spent much of his youth at a zoo developing a passion for and a unique relationship with the cheetahs and tigers there.

3.                They met in 1957 while working on a German ocean liner. Siegfried began performing magic for some of the passengers. The two became friends and Siegfried was given his own show on the ship with Roy as his assistant. Roy, who had secretly brought a cheetah named Chico on board, introduced the big cat into the act. For the next few years the pair travelled Europe and their act evolved into bigger, more spectacular illusions with more wild cats.

4.                As their act became more impressive, the pair booked a Monte Carlo casino where their big break came. A representative of a large Las Vegas casino saw the act and invited them to perform in Las Vegas. They became so popular that a casino was actually built around their act and their own specially designed theatre was built. They had a cast and crew of over 250 and did over 5,000 performances.













5.                On 3rd October, 2003 during a show at the casino in Las Vegas Roy was injured when a white male tiger named Montecore picked him up by his neck and carried him offstage. According to Roy, the tiger was instinctively trying to protect him as a tiger would its cub. Roy was severely injured and doctors said he would never walk again. The show stopped. Over the next few years Roy underwent physiotherapy, fired by the determination to walk again. Not only did he manage to walk again, the famous duo returned to the stage for one last goodbye performance in 2009 with the tiger Montecore as part of the act. They performed one of their world famous illusions in which Siegfried and Montecore magically switch places from within separate, locked see-through boxes.




PART 2 READING                                                                                          РАЗДЕЛ 2   ЧТЕНИЕ


2. Причитайте текст о езде на собаках. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений A5-A8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False)  и о чѐм в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 - Not Stated).


 For each statement (A5-A8) choose 1 - TRUE, 2 - FALSE or 3 - NOT STATED


Before the days of air travel, many arctic regions were often frozen and therefore cut off from the rest of the world during the long winter months. Dogs pulling sleds was the only means of transport and the key to survival for people living in the great white north. Back in 1910 an Alaskan sled trail covering over 1.000 kilometres was constructed to bring mail, food and other necessities to isolated villages. Starting at the remote northerly village of Nome it passed south through Iditarod at about the halfway mark and eventually reached the sea at Seward.

In 1925 dog sledding history was made when there was an outbreak of a deadly disease in Nome. The villagers were in desperate need of a medicine that would stop the disease, but had no way of getting this medicine to the village except by the Iditarod Trail on dog sled. Starting a little north of Seward in the city of Anchorage, 150 dog sleds and 20 mushers (drivers of the sleds) passed the precious medicine along this harsh trail in blizzard conditions. They arrived at Nome alter a recordbreaking five and half days and the village was saved due to the courage and strength of the dogs. Their achievement is known today as the 'Great Race of Mercy'.

The dogs and their mushers instantly became local heroes and one dog in particular, Balto, became one of the most famous dogs in American history as he lead the final sled into the village. His statue is still one of the most popular tourist attractions in New York City's Central Park.

Today the tradition of dog sledding and the Great Race of Mercy is honoured in the famous Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in which dog sleds from all over the world race each other on this famous journey.


A5    Dog sledding was the only option for transporting the medicine to the village of Nome.

1. True        2. False      3. Not stated

A6     The dogs and their drivers became famous throughout America.

1. True        2. False      3. Not stated

A7     The dog Balto pulled the heaviest sled into the village.

1. True        2. False      3. Not stated

A8     The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race is an international competition.

1. True        2. False      3. Not stated


PRACTICE TEST 6                                                                   РАЗДЕЛ 3     ЛЕКСИКА И ГРАММАТИКА




Прочитайте приведѐнные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В3—В14. так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию В3-В14.


1.  Transform the words in CAPITAL LETTERS to fill in the gaps (B3-B9)


The theatre was full. It seemed eveкyonу B3 ................................. to see the play. Melinda stood nervously at the side of the stage as she  looked out at the crowd from behind the curtain. Backstage her drama  teacher was giving directions while others were running about with costumes and set decorations. Melinda B4 .......................................... all the excitement, as she couldn't stop B5 ……………………….......  about how much she wanted to be an actress. She said to herself decisively, "Tonight is the night. I  B6 ...................................... to everyone what a great actress I am". Melinda had big plans for her future. By this time next year, she thought, I  B7 ................................. at one of the biggest drama schools. Suddenly Melinda felt someone pushing her. It was her drama teacher. 

"Go, you're on," she whispered to Melinda. Melinda walked onto the stage and stopped abruptly under the bright lights. She couldn't move or speak. She B8 ..................................... by fear. It felt like the other actors and the audience B9 ...................................... at her for hours when she heard a voice, her mother's, say "I believe in you, dear. You  can do it".  Melinda took a deep breath and began to say her lines.



2.  Transform the words in CAPITAL LETTERS to fill in the gaps (B10-B14)


     Do you believe in ghosts?  The Tower of London in England is 

B10 .................................... full of them. The tower, a former jail and APPARENT 

place of execution, is home to many ghosts and is one of the most  haunted places in Britain. Most of the ghosts were during their  

lifetime B11 ........................................ by their enemies in the tower's       PRISON

jails. The ghost of Queen Ann Boleyn, the wife of King Henry VIII,  is often seen walking the tower at night. Ann was beheaded in the  tower by her husband in 1536. Another ghost of a queen, Lady Jane  

Grey, makes her B12 ............................................  on  the anniversary      APPEAR

of her death each year at the tower. B13  …………...…………. other      VARY

ghosts have been reported, including the B14 ….………………….. MYSTERY figure of a bear; an unsuspecting guard spotted it when he was on  duty and tried to fight it, not realising the bear was a ghost!


PART 4 WRITING                                                             РАЗДЕЛ 4    ПИСЬМО


Для ответа на задание С1 используйте отдельный чистый лист. При выполнении задания C1 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным на отдельном чистом листе. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание на необходимость соблюдения указанного объема письма. Письма недостаточного объѐма, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объѐм, не оцениваются.


C1    You have 30 minutes to do this task.


You have received an email from your English-speaking pen friend Mary.



... I really like this film because it is a comedy and makes me laugh. 

The actors are very funny and the plot is interesting. 

What is your favourite film? What type of film is it? Why do you like it? ...


Write her an email and answer her 3 questions.


Write 80-100 words. Remember the rules for writing letters/emails.


















PART 5 SPEAKING                                                         РАЗДЕЛ 5    ГОВОРЕНИЕ


Вы получите карточку, на которой представлены два задания для устного ответа: 

С2 тематическое монологическое высказывание, СЗ - диалог-расспрос. 

Окончание выполнения каждого задания определяет экзаменатор.  Во время проведения этой части экзамена идѐт постоянная аудиозапись вашего ответа.





        TASK 1                                                                          (1-2 MIN)  


 Give a 1 5-2 minute talk on teenagers using computers

 Remember to say

   how often teenagers use computers in your school or at home

   what they use them for

   what problems are created by their use


 You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes. 

 The examiner will listen until you have finished.   Then she/he will ask you some questions.






TASK 2                                                                         (2-3 MIN)  


Your English speaking pen friend is paying you a visit in your home town tomorrow night for one night only. You must decide what you will do while           he is visiting. You live in the town centre and you and your friend don't want           to spend more than £20 each.


Before making a decision ask the officer at the tourist information centre about

   the choice of activities available

   the time and place

   the cost


You begin the conversation.

The examiner will play the part of the tourist information officer. Remember to:

   be active and polite

   ask the questions and find out all the information you need

   decide on the activity you will do and give reasons for your choice




PART 1 LISTENING                                                РАЗДЕЛ 1     АУДИРОВАНИЕ


1.  Вы услышите 5 высказываний о праздниках. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1—5 и утверждениями A—F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


Match the SPEAKERS (1-5) with the STATEMENTS (A-F)


                                A      The speaker talks about а wedding.

                                В       The speaker describes a seaside festival.

                                С      The speaker talks about a party.

D                 The speaker describes a two-day festival.

E                 The speaker talks about an ancient festival. F            The speaker talks about a flower festival.

















2.  Вы услышите разговор двух друзей Макса и Люка о туристическом походе. В заданиях А1-А4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


CIRCLE the correct variant (1-3).



What is the weather forecast?

1.   fine

2.   windy and rainy

3.   rough and cold


How many times has Luke been camping?

1.   never

2.   once before

3.   lots of times


Why is Luke happy that Jamie and Ben are coming?

1.   They have a fantastic tent.

2.   They've been camping before.

3.   They know how to put up a tent.


What is Max going to take on the trip?

1.   mosquito repellent

2.   a small gas cooker

3.   a torch and batteries




PART 2 READING                                                                 РАЗДЕЛ 2    ЧТЕНИЕ


1. Прочитайте информацию из путеводителя о знаменитых достопримечательностях. Установите соответствие между заголовками A - F и текстами 1- 5. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз.  В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


Match the HEADINGS (A-F) with the TEXTS (1-5).


                A      A change of direction                     D      Protecting a nation

В  A mysterious structure   E  Ancient amusements С  Dividing a nation    F  An isolated wonder


1.                Hadrian's Wall in the UK was built by the Emperor Hadrian in AD 122 and it stretches a distance of 73 miles from the east coast of northern England to the west. When completed, it was 15 feet high and there were castles built at intervals along its length. This was the most heavily defended border in the Roman Empire. Historians believe that the wall separated the warring tribes to the north of the wall from those south of the wall.

2.                The Roman Coliseum is the largest amphitheatre ever built in the Roman

Empire. It was built between 70-80 AD and stands in the centre of Rome. It can seat 50,000 spectators. It was used for gladiatorial games as well as mock sea battles and dramas based on classical mythology. The emperor Domitian had a basement built and it was here that fighters waited their turn in almost total darkness before appearing in the arena to provide entertainment for Rome.

3.                Stonehenge is the most well-known stone circle in Britain. It was built between

3100-1100 ВС but there is no evidence to identify who actually built the monument. The stones were placed in such a way that they increase in size towards the centre of the circle. Most of the stones weigh 4 tons and were brought to the site from miles away, other stones in the circle weigh between 25 and 40 tons. Nobody knows how these stones were transported to the site.

4.                The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a bell tower in the Italian city of Pisa. It is famous all over the world because the tower is not straight but leans to one side as if it is going to fall over. Work started on the tower in 1173 but the tower started leaning immediately to the southeast because the foundations were badly laid in loose soil below the ground. The tower now leans to the southwest and still attracts a lot of tourists every year.













5.                Known to the Chinese as ‘the Long Wall of 10.000 Li’, the Great Wall of China is a series of walls begun in 5th century ВС and these were linked up under Qin Shi Huang in about 220 ВС. The wall has towers at intervals along its length which were used to send signals to warn of any invasion. In the eastern part, the wall was built out of bricks and stones but in the western section, less durable materials such as grass and soil were used.





PART 2 READING                                                                                         РАЗДЕЛ 2   ЧТЕНИЕ


2. Причитайте текст об Аппалачской тропе в Соединенных Штатах Америки. Определите, какие uз приведенных утверждений А5-А8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие те соответствуют (2 - False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа     

(3 - Not Stated).


For each statement (A5-A8) choose 1 - TRUE, 2 - FALSE or 3 - NOT STATED


The Appalachian Trail is a track which extends from Springer Mountain in the state of Georgia, in the south of the United States, travels through several other states and ends in the northern state of Maine at Mount Katahdin. The trail is fairly recent in origin. In 1921 Massachusetts forester Benton Mac Kay had the idea of connecting a series of farms and wilderness camps for city dwellers to enjoy. Two years later the first section was opened.

At around 2.178 miles long, the Appalachian Trait is America's longest marked footpath. It takes about 5.000.000 footsteps to walk the entire length of the trail. It is also home to more than 2,000 rare, threatened and endangered species of plant and animal life.

The trail has more than 250 shelters and camp sites available for walkers. The shelters are about a day's walk apart and are often near a water source. Walkers can also take their own tents if they do not wish to use one of the shelters.

One of the largest animals on the trail is the American black bear which inhabits all the regions covered by the Appalachian Trail. However, the black bear usually avoids humans and is easily frightened away by loud noises. There are other dangers along the trail, including poisonous rattlesnakes, which are commonly found in the state of Connecticut.

You can take your pet dog with you but it must be on a lead at all times. Similarly, fires can only be lit in certain areas, usually near the shelters along the way. Additionally, no cars, bicycles or horses are allowed in the wilderness areas. Walkers are encouraged to take their rubbish home; continued observation of these simple rules will help protect the beauty of the Appalachian Trail for everyone to enjoy.


A5     The Appalachian Trail exists only in two states.

1. True        2. False      3. Not stated A6    Walkers must stay in a shelter.

1. True        2. False      3. Not stated

A7     Rattlesnakes pose a hazard to walkers on the trail.

1. True        2. False      3. Not stated A8    Fires can only be lit at night.

1. True        2. False      3. Not stated


PRACTICE TEST 7                                                                   РАЗДЕЛ 3     ЛЕКСИКА И ГРАММАТИКА




Прочитайте приведѐнные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В3—В14. так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию В3-В14.


1.  Transform the words in CAPITAL LETTERS to fill in the gaps (B3-B9)


It was the summer holidays and Jack was bored because he B3 .............. NOT HAVE ...................... anything to do. He decided to phone his best friend, Sam.  "Hi, Sam. It's Jack. What are you up to?" Jack asked, B4 ....................... TRY to sound cheerful. 

"Oh, hi Jack. I was going to go for a walk by the river. Would you like  to join me? I'll meet you in about five minutes at the post office," Sam  suggested.  "That's great. See you there!' Jack answered. As he put on  his jacket and left the house, he wondered what the afternoon would be  like. Hopefully, something B5 ............................. to ease the boredom HAPPEN 

of the holidays. He B6 ............................................. along the pavement WALK when suddenly he heard a voice scream from inside the post office,  "Stop thief!" Jack turned around and saw a man running towards him.  

Jack reacted quickly, ran towards the man and clasped his legs in a  rugby tackle.         

The man hit the ground hard but the bag in his hand B7 ................ THROW

..…………………. into the air by the force of Jack pulling him down. 

The post office manager said, "Nice work, young man. I B8 .................. CALL  already ................................ the police". At that moment Sam appeared.  

"Wow, Jack'" he cried. "This B9 .......................................... a great MAKE story. Let's phone the local newspaper!"


2.  Transform the words in CAPITAL LETTERS to fill in the gaps (B10-B14)


     At 7.15 am on 30th June 1908, there was an unexplained event.             

     An object B10 ................................. than the morning sun flew BRIGHT  through the atmosphere over Siberia and then there was an enormous  

B11  ................................ some 5 miles above the surface of the earth.   EXPLODE

The blast was felt hundreds of miles away and there were reports of  strange colours in the sky from all over northern Europe. In some  villages in Siberia, the B12 ............................ ran into the streets in INHABIT

panic. Weeks after the event, investigators who went to the site became  sick and complained of burning sensations in their bodies. But what  

caused such massive B13 ...................................... ? For many years the DESTROY  scientific community thought it was a meteorite, but there is now  evidence which suggests that it could have been a B14  .......................... POWER jet of fluid which suddenly shot up from the depths of the earth. 

PART 4 WRITING                                                             РАЗДЕЛ 4    ПИСЬМО


Для ответа на задание С1 используйте отдельный чистый лист. При выполнении задания C1 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным на отдельном чистом листе. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание на необходимость соблюдения указанного объема письма. Письма недостаточного объѐма, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объѐм, не оцениваются.


C1     You have 30 minutes to do this task.


You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Sophie.


... and that was when we became friends. Sandra was so kind to me that day. I'll never forget her generosity. Do you remember when someone was kind to you? What happened? Did you became friends or were you already friends? ...


Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.

Write 80-100 words. Remember the rules for writing letters/emails.




















PART 5 SPEAKING                                                         РАЗДЕЛ 5    ГОВОРЕНИЕ


Вы получите карточку, на которой представлены два задания для устного ответа: 

С2 тематическое монологическое высказывание, СЗ - диалог-расспрос. 

Окончание выполнения каждого задания определяет экзаменатор.  Во время проведения этой части экзамена идѐт постоянная аудиозапись вашего ответа.





        TASK 1                                                                          (1-2 MIN)   

Give a 1.5-2 minute talk on holidays.  Remember to say:

   how you would ideally spend your time on holiday

   what kinds of holidays are popular in your country

   what sort of problems you can have when on holiday


You have to talk for 1.S-2 minutes. 

The examiner will listen until you have finished.  Then she/he will ask you some questions.






TASK 2                                                                         (2-3 MIN)  


Your geography teacher has decided to take some students on a 3-day field trip.

Your teacher has two choices but wants the students to decide. 

You are Interested in some form of outdoor activity. 

You want to keep the cost as low as possible. 

Before making a decision ask your teacher about:

          what you will do on the trip

          how you will travel there

          where you will stay and eat You start the conversation. 

The examiner will play the part of the teacher.  Remember to:

          be active and polite

          ask the questions and find out all the information you need

          decide on the destination for your field trip and give reasons for your choice




PART 1 LISTENING                                                 РАЗДЕЛ 1     АУДИРОВАНИЕ


1.  Вы услышите 5 высказываний о запомнившихся моментах жизни. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1—5 и утверждениями A—F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.  Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


Match the SPEAKERS (1-5) with the STATEMENTS (A-F)


                 A      The speaker describes a funny incident.

                 В       The speaker felt proud of an achievement.

                 С      The speaker felt very frightened.

D                 The speaker describes an embarrassing incident.

E                 The speaker felt very nervous about doing something. F           The speaker received a pleasant surprise.















2. Вы услышите разговор двух друзей Стеллы и Гарри о школьной поездке на летних каникулах. В заданиях А1-A4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


CIRCLE the correct variant (1-3).


                 A1    How long was Gary in England?

1.   a summer

2.   two weeks

3.   three weeks

                 A2    What is special about Portsmouth?

1.   It's a city on an island.

2.   It's got a great navy.

3.   Charles Dickens lived there.

                 A3     What does Gary say about the lessons?

1.   They were in the afternoons.

2.   They involved practice with shopkeepers.

3.   There was lots of speaking practice.

                 A4    What did Gary do in London?

1.   He saw all the sights.

2.   He ate out in the evening.

3.   He did some shopping.




PART 2 READING                                                                 РАЗДЕЛ 2    ЧТЕНИЕ


1. Прочитайте информацию из путеводителя о британской гуманитарной организации Оксфэм. Установите соответствие между заголовками A - F и текстами 1- 5. 

Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз.  В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


Match the HEADINGS (A-F) with the TEXTS (1-5).


              A        Where our work is                                              D      How to get involved

             В         Origins of Oxfam                                                E      What we do

              С        On-line services and information                     F    A vision for the future


1.                ‘Oxford Committee for Famine Relief ’ is where the name Oxfam comes from. It is a charitable organisation which was set up in 1942 in the United Kingdom. It was the idea of social activists and Oxford academics and their aim was to help people whose lives had been ruined by war. At first, Oxfam concentrated on people in Europe but then decided to send parcels of food and clothing to people all over the world. Oxfam America was founded in 1970 in response to the humanitarian crisis in Bangladesh.

2.                Oxfam is present in various spots throughout the world that are in need of assistance, development and change. Many different projects and relief efforts are being undertaken in parts of South America, Africa and Asia. Countries throughout the world are experiencing the results of our programmes and are beginning to develop their potential. Because we work with regional charity and aid groups in an area, our work is able to bring about results in quick and efficient ways.

3.                Fighting poverty and improving living conditions in areas in desperate need is Oxfam's main aim. There are programmes in more than 70 countries and Oxfam works with local people to help improve their lives. Oxfam also trains health workers, sets up schools or maintains waters supplies. However, one of the immediate targets of Oxfam is to respond to emergencies, providing food and shelter to people who have lost their homes through floods, hurricanes and war.

4.                Fight climate change, donate books to be sold in our shops, recycle with us, volunteer in shops or help with fundraising; these are just some of the things you can do with Oxfam to help create a better world. We offer volunteer internships where you will work on a specific project and become a very active part of our organisation. Our strength lies in our people and we appreciate and support the members of our team.

5.                Check out our website for further information about who we are, our campaigns for change, how to volunteer or donate to the cause. Here you will learn about current emergencies in the world and what projects are underway in different countries. Check for job vacancies with Oxfam. You will also find our shop where you can buy products and support the Oxfam effort.
















PART 2 READING                                                                                         РАЗДЕЛ 2   ЧТЕНИЕ


2. Прочитайте текст о зимнем карнавале. Определите, какие из приведѐнных утверждений А5-А8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чѐм в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).


For each statement (A5-A8) choose 1 - TRUE, 2 - FALSE or 3 - NOT STATED


Whether you like cold or hot weather, everyone will admit snow can be fun!

There's plenty of it around in Canada. It's a central part of the festivities in Quebec City, when people celebrate winter at the delightful Carnival de Quebec. This twoweek festival, the largest winter festival in the world, happens every year in the months of January and February. Many carnival-goers stroll the snowy streets wearing a traditional sash around their waists and blowing red plastic trumpets in the spirit of the festivities. Bonhomme, a cheerful snowman, is the official symbol and mascot of the carnival. A beautiful ice castle is built for him and lit up with thousands of lights every night. Visitors can tour the castle, which includes ice furniture and a dungeon!

The carnival offers fun-filled winter activities such as sled rides, ice climbing, snowmobiling, ice sculpting and even ice fishing. Children in particular love the snow slides and snow tunnels at the ice palace. The most popular event at the carnival is the canoe races down the partly frozen St Lawrence River. Large crowds cheer their favourite teams as they paddle through heavy ice to the finish line. Ice bathing is an unusual activity at the carnival with participants taking baths in the snow in just their swimming costumes. Of course, snowball fights are a regular part of the festivities. Evenings are full of splendour with spectacular night parades, concerts and delicious food such as maple sugar sweets. The carnival is a true winter wonderland to be enjoyed by young and old alike. Just remember to dress warmly; it can get a bit chilly.


             A5      Quebec's winter carnival lasts for two months.

1. True     2. False    3. Not stated

             A6       The ice castle has many furnished rooms.

1. True     2. False     3. Not stated

             A7       А Many people watch the canoe races.

                                                  1. True     2. False       3. Not stated

             A8       People of all ages cart have fun at the Quebec Winter Carnival.

                                                 1. True       2. False     3. Not stated


PRACTICE TEST 8                                                                  РАЗДЕЛ 3     ЛЕКСИКА И ГРАММАТИКА




Прочитайте приведѐнные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В3—В14. так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию В3-В14.


1.  Transform the words in CAPITAL LETTERS to fill in the gaps (B3-B9)


My first attempt at B3 ............................. for my family was a disaster. My mother had broken her arm and wanted to visit her sister tor a few days of rest.

"Relax, Mum. I know what I B4 ..................................... in the kitchen.

I've got some great ideas for meals for Dad and Simon!" I announced.

Mum B5 ................................. at me. "Well, if you're sure?" "No problem. You go to Aunt Molty's," I added. 

Mum left the house and I set to work immediately.

We B6 ........................................... a lovely oven dish tor Christmas. 

I could use it to cook a casserole.

"It's just meat, potatoes and vegetables in the oven," I thought.

"I  B7 ......................................... one before but it seems easy."

When everything was prepared I put the pot in the oven. Two hours later I returned and went into the kitchen, where it felt very hot. The  oven door was wide open and my wonderful casserole was still uncooked. I couldn't believe it! It was five o'clock and the hungry men B8 ...................................... home to eat at any minute!

Suddenly I had an idea. "I know. I B9................................... something

from the local restaurant and tell Dad and Simon I cooked it!"                    


2.  Transform the words in CAPITAL LETTERS to fill in the gaps (B10-B14)


The brown bear is one of the most popular animals in Russia. It is 

considered the B10 ................................. symbol and it was voted the   NATION

mascot of the 1980 Olympics. This animal is a favourite character in  fairy tales and cartoons and although the brown bear may seem fierce  at times, it is actually а B11 ………………..……….. creature. This is   PEACE the same species of bear that lives in the United States.   

The  B12 ............................................. bear population it Russia is in   LARGE Kamchatka and is 12,000 strong. Recently the bears have faced a  

number of B13 .................................. problems. One of these has been   ECOLOGY  a drop in the number of salmon which the bears B14 ..........................   NORMAL eat. As it becomes harder for bears to forage in the wild, some are now  approaching villages where they can find a possible source of food.

PART 4 WRITING                                                             РАЗДЕЛ 4    ПИСЬМО


Для ответа на задание С1 используйте отдельный чистый лист. При выполнении задания C1 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным на отдельном чистом листе. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание на необходимость соблюдения указанного объема письма. Письма недостаточного объѐма, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объѐм, не оцениваются.


C1     You have 30 minutes to do this task.


You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Natasha.


...  I couldn't believe it when I won the school painting competition. Everyone was watching when I stood up to accept my prize. I felt nervous but wry proud, too. Have you ever had an exciting moment in school?  What happened? How did you feel? …


Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.


Write 80-100 words. Remember the rules for writing letters/emails



















PART 5 SPEAKING                                                         РАЗДЕЛ 5    ГОВОРЕНИЕ


Вы получите карточку, на которой представлены два задания для устного ответа: 

С2 тематическое монологическое высказывание, СЗ - диалог-расспрос. 

Окончание выполнения каждого задания определяет экзаменатор. 

Во время проведения этой части экзамена идѐт постоянная аудиозапись вашего ответа.





        TASK 1                                                                          (1-2 MIN)  


Give a 1.5-2 minute talk on entertainment in your area.

Remember to say

   whether there are enough entertainment facilities in your area

   if you would like to see any improvements to the facilities or not • what kinds of entertainment are most popular with young people


You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes. 

The examiner will listen until you have finished.  Then she/he will ask you some questions.






TASK 2                                                                         (2-3 MIN)  


It is the end of the school year and your class wants to hold a party to celebrate. Your teacher has made enquiries about venues. You can spend £10 per person. Students are short of CDs and may need to buy or borrow some.  Before making a decision ask your teacher about:

   the venue and cost of hire


   decorations and music


You start the conversation. 

The examiner will play the part of your teacher. Remember to:

   be active and polite

   ask the questions and find out all the information you need

   decide on the venue for the party and give reasons for your choice








Task 1   B1

1 - В       2 - D       3 - F        4 - E       5 - A

Task 2

A1 - 2      A2 - 2       A3 -  1       A4 - 3


Task 1  B2

1E        2 D           3А        4 F       5B

Task 2

A5 - T     A6 - F         A7 - NS      A8 - T


Task 1

В3   were playing

B4   was lit up 

B5   working

B6   (going) to do

B7   to watch

B8   have just found

B9   had not enjoyed

Task 2

B10 successful 

B11 optional

B12   designer     

B13   frightening 

B14   disbelief 



PAPER 4    WRITING - С1 Suggested Answer Key


Dear Sandra,

Halloween sounds like great fun!

My favourite celebration here is Maslenitsa or Pancake Day. We eat lots of Russian pancakes, called blini. There's lots of musk, dancing and theatre. Maslenitsa welcomes the coming of sunshine in the spring and at the end of the festival a figure representing winter is burnt on a bonfire. There's still plenty of snow around to play snowballs.

Other popular celebrations are New Year, especially for young children, and Victory Day, a huge national celebration with parades held on 9th May in honour of the victory over Nazism in 1945. I personally like Pancake Day best. Write soon. 







Task 1 - B1

1 - D       2 - A      3 - F        4 - E       5 - С

Task 2

A1 - 3      A2 - 2       A3 - 2      A4 - 3


Task 1

1- С       2 - E            3 - В        4 - A       5 - D

Task 2

A5 - F      A6 - F         A7 - NS    A8 - T


Task 1

B3   arrived 

B4   had begun 

B5   calling 

B6   were getting


B7   didn't/did not know

B8   'm / am being driven 

B9   ‘ll / will come

Task 2

B10  childhood

B11  illustrations

B12  friendly


B13   wealthy

B14   possessions





Suggested Answer Key


Hi Tom,

Thanks for the email. Hope you’ll have a good time next weekend.

Wall, I usually go to the cinema on Saturdays with friends if there's a good film on but we have to get the bus to town. That takes about half an hour. On Sundays I often go swimming, as we live near a river, but that's in the summer. In the winter I play football for my team at a local sports school. I have a lot more studying to do during the winter, but I always make time to go skating when the weather is frosty.          

I just love it! 

Write soon. 







  TEST 3




Task 1 - B1

1- B       2 - E        3 - А           4 - F        5 - D

Task 2

A1 - 2     A2 - 1       A3 - 2            A4 -  1


Task 1 - B2

1- С       2 - F        3 - E       4 - В       5 -  A

Task 2

A5 - T     A6 - F      A7 - T     A8 - NS


Task 1

B3   hadn’t /had not learnt /learned  

B4   were playing

B5   've/have been sitting

B6   ‘ll / will show  B7   was held 

В8   ‘m / am swimming 

B9   smiling

Task 2

B10   best         

B11   dramatic    

B12   photographer 

B13   colourful

В14   recently


PAPER 4   WRITING - C1  Suggested Answer Key


Dear Joel,

Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear about your puppy. I'm sure you're having fun with her.

My pet is a big white fluffy cat. His name is Peter and he's nearly a year old. Our neighbours next door gave him to us. He's quite easy to look after as he doesn't need taking for walks. I just lead him twice a day and keep his fur brushed.

I'd also like to own a parrot. They are very colourful but I also like the way they can talk. I would train my parrot to say some funny things! 

Hope to hear from you soon. 






PAPER 1    LISTENING                                                                 

Task1 - B1

1- С       2 - E     3 -  F       4 - В    5 - D

Task 2

A1 - 2     A2 - 3        A3 -  2       A4 - 1

PAPER 2    READING                                                                    

Task 1 - B2

1- С       2 - F      3 - D        4 - В     5 - E

Task 2

A5 - T     A6 - NS       A7 -  F       A8 -  F

PAPER 3    GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY                            

Task 1

B3   'd/had been waiting

B4   entered

B5  ‘ll / will open

B6   have not won 

B7   holding

B8   have been awarded 

B9  ‘d/had ... had

Task 2

B10   isolated 

B11   dangerous

В12   historical 

B13   activity

В14   variety



Suggested Answer Key

Dear Kathy, 

Thanks for your letter. It made me laugh!

Well, something real1у embarrassing happened yesterday when I was out shopping.          I was standing at the bus stop waiting to catch the bus home. It was hot so I went into a nearby shop to buy an ice cream. As I was coming out, ice cream in hand, I saw my bus disappearing up the road. I started running like mad to catch it up. Instead,                   I tripped and the ice cream landed on the coat of a woman coming the other way.               I apologized but I was so embarrassed.

Write soon.  Masha TEST 5


PAPER 1    LISTENING                                                  

Task 1    B1                                                                          

1 - B      2 - C       3 - D        4 - F       5 - A

Task 2                                                                                    

A1 - 2     A2 - 3      A3 - 1      A4 - 2

PAPER 2    READING                                                     

Task 1 - B2                                                                           

1 - B       2 - D      3 - A       4 - F        5 - С

Task 2                                                                                    

A5 - F      A6 - NS       A7 -  T     A8 - F


Task 1


B3   did not get

                   B7  is working

B4   to bring

                   B8  had been baked

B5  will  … have

                   B9  have gone

B6   was eating


Task 2


B10  invitations

B12  horrified                       B14   earlier

B11  specialty   

B13  relatives / relations




Suggested Answer Key


Hi George,

Nice to hear from you. Congratulations on winning the match!

Football is probably the most popular sport in my country, with both professional and amateur players. Some of my friends play for the youth team at our local sports school. I often go and cheer them up. In fact, I prefer ice hockey, which is also a famous national sport. I play it two or three times a week and it’s my dream to join the men's national ice hockey team one day. I like swimming, too. At weekends my family and I go on trips to a river where we swim. It's great fun! Write again soon. 










PAPER 1     LISTENING        

Task 1    B1

1- С       2 - В      3 - А         4 - F        5 - E

Task 2

A1- 3     A2 -2      A3 -  3       A4 - 1

PAPER 2      READING           

Task 1 - B2

1- D       2 - С      3 -  F          4 - A       5 - E

Task 2

A5 - T      A6 - F       A7 -  NS     A8 - T


Task l

B3   had come                

B4   did not notice 

B5   thinking 

B6   am going to prove                       

B7   will be acting 

B8   was frozen

B9   had been staring

Task 2

B10   apparently

B11   imprisoned

B12   appearance 

В13   various  

B14   mysterious  



Suggested Answer Key

Dear Mary,

Good to hear from you. I've seen your favourite film and I really enjoyed it.

My favourite film is (500) Days of Summer. It's a romantic соmedy. Tom works as a writer in a greeting cards company, where he meets Sumner. Their relationship has many ups and downs: Tom falls in love but Summer prefers just to stay friends. Eventually, she marries someone else. At the end of the film, Tom meets another girl who tells him her name is Autumn!

I like this film because the acting is great and there are lots of fumy moments.

Also, the ending is not what you expected. If you haven't seen it, you should go!   Take care.  Olga




PAPER 1    LISTENING                                                                         

Task 1 - B1

1 - E       2 - D        3 - А         4 - В      5 - С

Task 2

A1 - 2      A2 -  1      A3 - 3        A4 - 2

PAPER 2    READING                                                                            

Task 1 - B2

1- С       2 - E        3 - В        4 - A       5 - D

Task 2

A5 - F      A6 - F      A7 - T           A8 - NS

PAPER 3    GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY                                     

Task 1

B3   did not have

B4   trying

B5   would happen

B6   was walking


B7  was thrown 

В8 have … called

B9 will make

Task 2

B10   brighter     

B11   explosion     

B12   inhabitants    

B13   destruction 

B14   powerful




Suggested Answer Key


Dear Sophia,

Thanks for your letter. Your story was lovely. 

I have a good story about my last visit to the cinema.

On Saturday evening Alex and I went to see the latest Twilight film. We went to the ticket office and Alex paid his money, but I couldn't find minе. I must have lost it, which is so typical of me! I was terribly disappointed, as I'm a big Twilight fan. But guess what? A boy behind us in the queue, Ivan, раid for me! Ivan and his friend sat with us in the cinema and we had a great time.

Now Alex and I often go out with Ivan and his friends at weekends. Write soon.





PAPER 1    LISTENING                                  

Task 1 - B1                                                            

1 - D       2 - С         3 - A        4 - F       5 - E

Task 2                                                                    

Al -  1      A2  - 1      A3 -  3        A4  - 1

PAPER 2    READING                                     

Task 1   B2                                                            

1 - В       2 - A        3 - E       4 - D       5 -  С

Task 2                                                                    

A5 - F      A6 - NS    A7 - T      A8 - T 


Task 1                                                                    

                 B3  cooking                       B7 have not made

B4  am doing                    B8 would be coming

                 B5  looked                          B9 will order

                 B6  had been given                   

Task 2                                                                    

B10   national    B12   largest               B14   normally B11   peaceful    B13   ecological            



PAPER 4    WRITING - C1 Suggested Answer Key


Hi, Natasha.

Thanks for your letter. Congratulations on winning the painting competition. You must be delighted.

Last year the Mayor of our town visited our school. It was a big event! Our class had prepared a project on water conservation. I was chosen to present it in the assembly hall. I was terrified up on stage in front of so many people. All the school was there and all the parents, too. Everyone clapped at the end of the presentation and the Mayor shook my hand.

It was a great honour, but I must admit I felt relieved when it was over! Keep in touch.











Speaker 1:   When my friends asked me to take part in a marathon to raise money for a children's charity, I was completely unfit. I had just four months to get into shape, but I was determined to do it! The training was hard at first but I didn't give up. Gradually, I got stronger and slowly built up my speed. The big day finally came and I completed the whole 26 miles, with the crowd cheering excitedly. And later on, when we donated the money for the needy kids, I felt so happy to be doing something worthwhile.


Speaker 2:   I was worried that I was becoming a TV addict. I spent hours every evening watching all kinds of rubbish. Even at mealtimes, I had a programme playing in the background. I was really hooked. Then I decided to challenge myself. Could I go a whole week without turning the television on? It seemed impossible, but I tried to keep myself busy; I went for long walks, read books and even tidied all the kitchen cupboards! At the end of the week I realised I didn't actually miss it at all!


Speaker 3:   When I injured my legs in a car accident, the doctor said I wouldn't walk again, but I refused to listen to him. I'm a film director and I had a great idea for a new film. Nothing was going to stop me! After six months of physiotherapy, I knew I wasn't working my legs hard enough. I made a habit of taking a few slow painful steps every day with the help of a stick. Each day I pushed myself a little further. A year later, to my doctor's amazement, I'm walking around my film set!


Speaker 4:   I love high-adrenalin activities, so I try any extreme sport that comes my way - bungee jumping, white water rafting, you name it. Then someone suggested skydiving! Jumping out of a plane at 15.000 feet sounded like the ultimate thrill. The day arrived and the instructor and I were getting ready to jump. Suddenly my legs turned to jelly, my heart started pounding and my mouth went dry. With the help of my instructor, though, I overcame the panic attack. Next thing, I was flying through the air at a hundred miles an hour!


Speaker 5:   Everyone knows me at the driving test centre. That’s because I have taken my driving test five times! Each time I got so nervous I kept making silly mistakes, failure is hard to accept, but I was such a bag of nerves I was ready to quit. Then I saw an advert for relaxation classes. They were a bit expensive, but I decided to enroll. I learnt breathing exercises and how to think more positively. Feeling more relaxed and confident, I applied to take my test for the fifth time. And guess what?  I passed?





Claire:       Oh. I'm glad that's over. It honestly wasn't my kind of thing. All that melodrama and boring dining table conversation. 

Vincent:  Really? You must have completely different taste from me. It had me on


the edge of my seat.


Look, the set and costumes were amazing, I'll give you that. It really transported you back into the 19th century. But the plot was awfully predictable.


Oh come on! The story had some very unexpected twists and turns. I thought the lead actress...  What's her name - Vera Styles, is very talented, too. You could see she had really immersed herself in the part and her character was well developed. I think the director did a fine job.


You're right about the lead actress: she played her part very well. But that’s about all you can say. The story was just so slow-paced. It was enough to make you fall asleep at some parts. 


Well, I’d have to disagree with you. And I thought the ending was a great surprise, when the real murderer was revealed. 


Yes, I suppose that was a bit of a surprise …. 


Besides, it was also about the characters and what they felt. A play wasn’t just about the story, you know…


That's just the point. I found it much too sentimental and corny. When I go to the theatre I want to have a good laugh. Perhaps I just don't get these tragedies. 


Well, I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy it. Next time let’s try a comedy.


Yeah, you know we both get on better with those!


Ok, The 39 Steps is playing at the Windmill Theatre next month; it’s a comedy version of the old classic. Do you fancy going? 


Definitely! That would be great. I always like remakes, and if it's comedy, even better! 


Right. I'll book tickets, then.  











Speaker 1:      I knew I had to do something to break my unhealthy eating habits!  My friends often asked me to go with them to eat hamburgers and usually we had a fizzy drink, like a Coke. I started putting on weight and decided to act! Now I eat the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. It has really made a difference. I look and feel much better and I enjoy life more; I'm slimmer because I'm eating less calories and healthier because the five-a-day diet helps protect you from heart disease and other illnesses. 


Speaker 2: You might think that going for an afternoon nap is a lazy thing to do. In fact experts say it usually is good for you.  A short sleep during the day of, say, 30 minutes refreshes and relaxes you. Your stress disappears and you get back to work with twice the energy! I make sure I don't sleep for too long in the afternoon, though. More than 45 minutes makes me feel exhausted when I wake up. The key is to keep it short.


Speaker 3:  Following a strict diet to keep in shape is not for me. Instead, I prefer to make exercise part of my daily routine. But you won’t catch me going to the gym! Far too boring. Six months ago I bought an exercise bike and set it up in my living room. Now I can entertain myself tuning in to my favourite TV channel while I'm cycling. That's much more fun than running on a treadmill in the gym! Having a shower afterwards in your own bathroom is much nicer, too!


Speaker 4:  Did you know that the human body is around 60% water? That means we need to consume two to three litres of it a day. It keeps your skin looking good and it flushes all the toxins out of the body that could otherwise cause headaches. What’s more, it can protect us from getting arthritis in the joints, which can be very painful. A glass of water half an hour before a meal means you don't overeat and it helps your system work more effectively to absorb nutrients. 


Speaker 5: Why do they say a dog is a man's best friend? There's no limit to the reasons. Dogs put you in a good mood and reduce your stress levels. They're even better than human friends because they don't criticise you or judge you. They help you make social contact, because taking a dog out into the park often means other people start chatting with you about him. I take my dog out regularly for half an hour every day. That way. I'm always sure of a brisk healthy walk.





So, have you met the new neighbours yet? 


Yes, I met them last night. They seem friendly enough.


Have you met their eldest son? His name’s Derek.


No, I haven’t. What’s he like? 


Well. I only met him briefly. He was very pleasant - even offered to drive me home with my groceries.


That was very polite. We could do with a few decent neighbours. 


Yeah, not like that grumpy Mr Bryant next door. He’s so rude.


Anyway you didn’t tell me much about Derek, only that he's pleasant ... 


Yes, and he had such a great sense of humour. I’ve invited him to our bowling night on Friday, if that’s OK with you. 


Yes, sure. We could do with some extra talent on our team, we haven't won a game for a month. 


I know. Tony does his best…   But honestly, he can't get the ball to roll straight, let alone knock the pins down! 


Mmm.. Our problem starred when Andy left the team.


Yes, it's a shame he had to move away. The Northampton team are very lucky to have him. 


True. Our loss is their gain, as they say. Has Derek ever been bowling before, by the way?


As a matter of fact he used to bowl for another team in Nottingham where he lived. Apparently he’s very good. 


Really? How do you know? 


There's a girl at work who's from Nottingham. She's seen Derek play there. 


A star player at last! So we stand a chance of actually getting a good score. I wonder if he's as good as Andy!


Let's hope so. Do you know which team we're playing on Friday night? 


No, but we got the programme here. Let's have a look. It’s the Nottingham All Stars.


What? That might be Derek's old team. Let’s go and ask him. 











Speaker 1:  I never seem to get it right when I pack my suitcase. I go for a seaside holiday with lots of light summer clothes, and then it's freezing. Or else I'm off to the mountains to catch some snow, only to find the sun is blazing and I don't need thick jumpers! It's so frustrating when that kind of thing happens. Indeed, deciding what to pack can be quite a nightmare. In future, I'll be more organised and bring one of everything. I don’t care how much it weighs…


Speaker 2:  Whenever I go on holiday. I always make a checklist so I don't forget anything. I don't just mean packing, though that needs quite а bit of thought. It's all those little jobs you have to remember before you leave, like locking windows or cancelling newspaper deliveries. A few minutes extra trouble before you set off can put your mind at rest. Then you can sit back and enjoy your holiday with no worries. After all, you don't want to encourage thieves, do you?


Speaker 3:  With air travel nowadays, you have to remember the things you can and can't take in your hand baggage. Rules have become much stricter because of security issues. Last summer I made a silly mistake. I suppose I just wasn't thinking.     I packed an expensive pair of nail scissors in my hand luggage at the last minute, only to have them taken from me going through security, I was so annoyed! I should have put them in my suitcase, you see…


Speaker 4:  You know how it is… You pack one nice outfit in your case so that you have the right clothes for going somewhere special. Women have more trouble than men, I think, because they have to find all the matching accessories - a bag, shoes, jewellery and so on - and before you know it your case is full. All that trouble for an outfit you only wear once or maybe twice. Now I make a point of only packing the basics.


Speaker 5:  It always happens... To me, anyway. You take a book with you to read and then you never get round to it. I find you're either too busy seeing the sights or going out with friends. And even when you do get a few spare moments, there always seems to be something more interesting to do; just sitting on your hotel balcony and enjoying the view, for instance. So now I never bother with books. They're just an extra weight in your suitcase1







Mi, Sheila. What have you been up to lately? 


Hello, Paul, I haven't seen you for ages. Nothing much, actually …


Me neither. Too busy studying for exams. 


Yeah, thank goodness they're over at the end of this week!


If you're interested, there's a good film on at The Rex on Saturday. Do you fancy going?


Sorry. Paul, but I'll be busy then. I’m going on a fun run. 


A fun run? What's that? 


You know, it's a race to raise money for a good cause.


I see. Who are you going with? 


Actually, my school is organising it. Quite a few of my classmates are taking part. Why don't you come along? 


Well, that depends. How long is it? 


Only 5 kilometres. You don't need to be a professional athlete, just be reasonably fit, if you feel tired you can stop for a rest. 


Well, that’s a relief! You know I’m not that good at running. What’s the charity for? 


We're соllecting money for an African wild animal fund.


Oh, right. Our school has been collecting for 'Save the Dolphin'. We didn't think of a fun run, though.


So. Are you coming on Saturday, then?


Count me in! 


OK, see you at the school at 9 o’clock sharp.


If it's that early, we could still go to the Rex, couldn't we?


That depends on how exhausted you’ll be in the evening!


OK, we’ll see how we feel. What shall I wear, by the way, shorts and a T shirt? 


Yes. And there's a prize of a new pair of trainers for the runner with the coolest T-shirt. 


 Great! My T-shirt with the gorilla on the front will be just the thing! 


Don't forget to wear a sweatband, it gets pretty hot when you're running and you don't want the sweat dropping into your eyes. 


Sheila, you think of everything.. But I haven't got a sweatband.


I’m sure I can find you one of mine - I might even have one with giraffes on it to go with your T-shirt.








Speaker 1: The latest thinking seems to be that mobile phones are harmless to children. There is a report in the newspapers today that states that mobiles don't damage brain cells. Even those earlier studies that suggested there might be a problem said that children would have to use their mobiles for several hours a day in order to be at risk. Mind you, it's probably still a good idea to limit the number of calls you make.


Speaker 2:  I have bought my children cheap mobile phones because I feel that it is a pracbca1 way for me to keep in touch with them. Sometimes they're late home from school, or they want to stay a bit longer somewhere. I can contact them at any time, which is a great relief. Also, if the kids are in trouble, they can call for help. I know people say that children with mobiles are easy targets for robbers but I don't think that’s true. From what I've heard robbers are only interested in expensive phones.


Speaker 3:  My son has been asking me repeatedly to buy him the latest mobile with all the newest gadgets. He tells me that his friends have the current favourite but I honestly think that paying that kind of price would just be spoiling him. I have told him that he will have to earn the money by doing some chores around the house.      I think it is important to teach him about the value of money at an early age.


Speaker4:  I am worried that my son lives in a private world with his mobile phone and I find it extremely hard to control his mobile phone use. He's an expert at texting and spends his afternoons sending and receiving hundreds of messages. He also spends hours alone in his bedroom talking on the phone or playing games. I'm worried that it's making him antisocial. He’ll soon begin to forget what good manners are.


Speaker 5:  I refuse to buy my child a mobile phone. I believe that phones draw her attention away from her lessons. There are enough distractions as it is - the TV. the Internet and so on - without having another one. Mobile phones are a particular nuisance in schools, too. I have heard my daughter say that children just put them on silent mode and secretly text or play games at the back of the classroom,








Hi, Laurie. Thanks for coming round. 


Hi, Zoe. Tel me what happened exactly.


Well. I switched on the computer, started working and about five minutes later the screen went blank.


ОK. Let’s have a look, the screen seems to be working so I'll take а look at the inside of the laptop.


I’ve been working on the computer a lot lately.


Did you save your work? 


No, but I didn't know that the computer would stop working. Please don't tell me I've lost my work. It's due in the editor’s office tomorrow!


Don't panic yet. Here’s the problem, something has overheated inside the laptop. 


Can you fix it quickly?


I'll try. It may take a couple of hours. I’ll have to take it back to my shop. If you haven't saved your work, it might not be in the memory.


Oh no! I printed four pages of my work two days ago but I've done a lot more since then. What am I going to do?


Have you still got your notes from your work? If you have, you can take the printed pages and your notes, go to the office and work from there.


Great idea! I’ve put my notes somewhere. Ah. Here they are on top of the ones I printed. You're a real friend, Laurie. Thanes а lot.


No problem. I’ll take the laptop to my shop and fix it. I’ll test it before I phone you. Can I contact you on your mobile at the office? 


Of course, no problem. I’ve learnt a lesson today.


What's that?


Always save your work on the computed.









Speaker 1: I can’t understand why so much money has to be spent on entertainment these days. It’s become big business. But I don't believe people enjoy themselves any more now than their ancestors did. Instead of paying a huge bill at a fancy restaurant or something like that, people in the old days were content with less. They were quite happy to sit around the fire telling stories, playing music or having a game of cards. I think they had just as much fun as people today, and with leas expense.


Speaker 2: I’ll never forget when my parents took me on my first visit to a funfair. I was amazed at the number of rides like the rollercoaster and the big wheel. Up there you can see the whole city spread out about 100 metres below. You think you're going to fall out and it's really scary! I still love going. When people tell me they can't understand why I enjoy frightening myself to death, I just laugh. After all, it’s all about the thrill of facing your fears!


Speaker 3: Because of the educational value of entertainment, it's my view that the theatre and concerts should have cheaper tickets. That way everyone would be able to afford to go and find out about local and foreign culture in an enjoyable way through the arts. Unfortunately, the price of seats at these events is so high these days you have to think twice about splashing out on a ticket, which I think is really unfair. That’s why I missed seeing my favourite band last month… 


Speaker 4: "Don't play video games' They're too violent They’ll harm your eyes. You'd be better off playing a sport and getting some exercise. What about your homework? It's antisocial to spend so many hours on your own."  - That's all you seem to hear about computer games, from parents, anyway. But in fact they can actually help to develop reading, spelling and coordination skills. And believe it or not, they've been used to distract children from painful medical treatments and even as a form of physiotherapy if you've injured your arm! 


Speaker 5: Entertainment is not really just down to going out and spending money, for me, at least. It can be simply anything that helps you get away from your stressful daily routine. There's nothing quite like getting out in the garden and tending your plants or having a few good friends around and cooking a nice meal for them. I must admit, my personal favourite is lying in bed on a Sunday morning with an interesting book end not being in a rush to get up!




Oh hello. Freddie. How’re things' I've just been collecting some money for Mrs. Nash's retirement present. Can you spare a little something from your pocket money?


Yes, of course. Here you are, Sophie. She's the best maths teacher the school's ever had, isn't she? We’ll all be really sorry to see her go after nearly thirty years.


Yes, she was excellent at her job, although she strict and a bit impatient at times.


Do you remember that time she made us stay in after class and solve algebra problems?


 Sure do. Саn’t remember why though. Anyway do you have any ideas what we should buy her?


Well, I know she likes hockey. They say she was a brilliant player in her day, too. Perhaps we should get her a hockey stick.


 Don't be ridiculous, Freddie! What’s the point of buying her a hockey stick when she doesn’t play anymore? She'd probably appreciate a gift for the house - you know, like a nice set of saucepans or something.


Now you're being ridiculous - that sort of thing would remind her of housework instead of a relaxing retirement. She should have something more personal.


Ok, point taken. I think jewellery would be a mistake, though. Never seen her wear arty in class, have you?


No. I suppose not. What about a wristwatch? 


Well. It's hardly an original present. You know what I mean.. Watches and clocks to symbolize happy times and all that…


Perfume, then…


No, not permanent enough. Finish the bottle and there's nothing left.


Well, what do you suggest, then? I've come up with three ideas - it’s your turn.


Hmmm… I know she's into paintings. She always brings back a souvenir picture of places she goes on holiday.


Really? That's it then. You know Bob, the chap who paints portraits?


You mean in the artist’s studio in the town? 


Right! We can pay him to paint Mrs Nash's portrait.


What a fantastic idea! Let's go and ask Mrs Nash when she would be available for a first sitting! 



                                                                                                                                                                              PAPER 1                      




Speaker 1: A lot of people complain about the traffic where I live, but I can't say I mind it, really, and I like the fact that there is always something to do after work. I live in a flat in the centre and although it is very small and the neighbours sometimes make a lot of noise, it's conveniently close to the library where I work and the shops, so it's not too bad. I only wish things were more affordable.


Speaker 2:  I suppose after a difficult day at work, all I want to do is relax and just take it easy. I might get into a nice warm bath and listen to music through my headphones or go for a long evening walk. In winter I often just curl up in an armchair in front of the fire with a good book. At the weekends I enjoy gardening. I wouldn’t want a large garden, though. I'm quite happy just pottering around on my balcony looking after the plants there. Some people are always on the go, but that's just not for me.


Speaker 3:  I hardly ever get to see my friends as most of them live on the other side of town, it's a difficult area to get to by public transport and I don't drive. That means I'm lucky if I see them once every six months or so. I don't have a problem with my surroundings - there are some very pretty parks around here. My neighbours are all right, too, but I feel rather isolated here. I miss going out and having everything I need nearby. I think it was a mistake to come here and I am going to look for a new place soon.


Speaker 4:         There are just never enough hours in the day. From the minute I wake up in the morning, it’s non-stop with work all day and then my evening classes to get a Master's degree. There's a lot of reading, as you can imagine, so I don't really have time to go out much, or pay attention to what's going on in the area. But I don't mind. I prefer to make a point of going to bed early so I have plenty of energy to keep up with everything I have to do each day.


Speaker 5: I'm always out with my friends. We like going to the cinema or going shopping. You find such lovely shopping centres about nowadays that you always come home loaded with goodies.  I look forward to going out at the weekends when I can stay out late. My friends and I often go to parties or concerts. In the summer we are always at the beach and often stay there late just talking for hours. I can't stand staying home, it’s much more fun to be out with people you know.





What does the X-ray show, doctor? Will I have to wear a plaster cast?


Fortunately, Suzy, you haven't broken your arm, but your wrist is badly sprained. You also have a deep cut on your knee. What happened?


Well. I was riding my bike down a hill. I tried to slowdown by pressing the brakes, but they didn't work. I lost control of my bike and fell. A friend brought me to hospital.


I see. Well, you're fortunate, you won't have to stay in hospital. I’ll put some antiseptic cream and a plaster on the cut. Then you can go home. But you'll have to wear a sling on your arm for a couple of weeks.


What? No! I have the big game at the weekend. It’s the final. I can’t miss it.


I'm afraid you will have to. Your wrist needs to heal properly.


But I’ve been training for months - the team are counting on met.


Let me tell you, young lady, you’re very lucky you weren't more seriously injured in the accident. Now if you want to get the use of your hand back without complications, you'll take my advice.


I suppose you're right, doctor.


The nurse will be here in a moment to show you how to wear the sling. Have you ever worn one before? 


No, I have not.


Well, it’s nothing really. Just a little inconvenient when you want to wash and dress.


Will I have to wear it twenty four hours a day?


I’m afraid so. As I said, it’s a serious sprain, it's a wonder you didn’t break your wrist.


I’ll just have to be patient, I suppose. But I should be all right for training next month, shouldn't I? 


I don't see why not. Oh, and one other thing, Suzy…


Yes, doctor? 


Have someone fix those brakes on your bike.


Don't worry. I am having them repaired today…






Speaker 1: I love boats and when I went on holiday to China I saw the most amazing festival. It was the Duanwu Festival, otherwise known as the Double Fifth because it is traditionally held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar. It is most well known, though, by the name of the Dragon Boat Festival. The dragon boats race each other and are decorated like dragons with colourful heads and tails. The tradition of dragon boat racing started about 2.000 years ago to honour Qu Yuan, who was a loyal supporter of China. Of course, nowadays, the sport is internationally recognised.


Speaker 2: I’m from India and each year in early March we celebrate Holi. On the first evening of the festival we light fires to keep away evil spirits. Everybody loves the second day because we throw coloured powder and water over everyone, this represents energy, joy and life. Everyone is covered with vivid orange, yellow, red, blue, green and purple. It’s best if you wear white clothes because the colours look great, you know, like a rainbow! It may sound messy but it’s a great way of bringing people together!


Speaker 3: I'm always anxious about being invited to one of these celebrations because I never know what to wear. It's not only the happy couple who are under the spotlight. It's everybody. Honestly, I'd be happy in casual clothes but it's traditional to dress up. I've spent many evenings phoning my friends and discussing what colour to wear. White is forbidden, of course. That's only for the bride. Most countries seem to have that rule, don't they? Anyway, I’ll have to buy something soon, the ceremony is in two weeks!


Speaker 4:  My friend lives in a large city on the coast. When I visited her last summer, they were holding a festival along the waterfront. The weather was glorious so we headed off to the port to see what was going on. There was a replica of a 15th century ship as well as the Tall Ships' Race. There were other exciting things such as free sailing lessons and beach theatre, where they perform plays from all over the world. It lasted four days and it was wonderful.


Speaker 5: It's great meeting friends and having a good time. One of my friends got married recently. After a month abroad on honeymoon, she and her husband are now back and settled into their new house. They have decided they want to arrange a small get-together for a few close friends to celebrate their first home. I don't want to turn up empty-handed. I’ll probably bake a cake and buy some flowers to wish them good luck. Actually, I'm really looking forward to seeing my friends again and having a good time laughing and dancing.




So, Luke, are you all set for our camping trip next week?


Oh yes. I can’t wait! Are you sure the weather's going to be fine? The weather forecast said there might be strong winds and rain.


Luke, if you're going to go camping, things have to be a little rough, otherwise there's no challenge. We’re going to ехреrience the great outdoors!


I know, Max, but it's my first time camping and I don't want to catch cold.

It’s alright for you. You've been camping lots of times and you never get ill.


That's because I know how to deal with different weather conditions. Look, don’t worry about the weather. It’ll be fine, I’m sure. By the way, Jamie and Ben are definitely coming with us so it should be good fun.


That's good. They went on a camping trip with you last year, didn't they?


Yes, they'd bought this fantastic new tent with separate rooms inside, it  was great.


So we’ll have lots of help putting up the tent, then? I’ve heard that's the hardest part. 


Oh yeah. Jamie and Ben know what they're doing.


And I don't, I suppose you mean…


Only kidding.


OK, OK... I can take a joke. What about mosquitoes, by the way? Do you think they’ll be a problem?


Well, they might... Especially if the weather's warm.


Right. I’m taking some mosquito repellent, just in case.


Ugh, you’ll stink the tent out.


Never mind that, it’s better than feeling itchy! How are we gonging to cook? 


I'm taking a small gas cooker plus waterproof matches so we can still use them if they get wet.


That’s a good idea. I didn’t know there were such things. Do I need to bring any equipment? 


Make sure you bring a good torch and extra batteries for emergencies. Don't forget your sleeping bag and some warm clothes. Oh, and a small pan we can use for cooking.


Ok, anything else? 


Yes, relax! 






Speaker 1:  It was absolutely dreadful. Everyone was staring at me. I turned bright red and wished I were a thousand miles away. I could never have imagined walking out on stage to receive my degree in front of all those people only to fall flat on my face. People tried not to laugh, but I guess I must have looked pretty amusing. My mum says I'm making a fuss about nothing. She thinks I should be proud to have been awarded a first class grade. But she didn’t have to hear all the jokes about it afterwards from the other students.


Speaker 2:  My heart was beating like mad. It was so dark that I couldn't see a thing. I managed to find matches and light a candle. I knew I was alone in the house, so what were those noises coming from upstairs? Now when I think back on it I’m so ashamed. It was silly to have been so terrified. I crept slowly up the stairs holding a frying pan and as my brother came around the corner I almost hit him with it. Fortunately, I recognized who it was just in time, or he could have had a very nasty bump on his head. Looking back, I can see the funny side of it but at the time I was scared to death.


Speaker 3:  The whole thing was hilarious. I told Jane I would be waiting at the park bench by the duck pond wearing а blue hat. I arrived late and saw her walking towards the bench, then suddenly she hugged a stranger wearing a blue hat. The stranger stood up, staring at Jane in shock. Then Jane spotted me walking towards her and we both laughed! After all, it was a simple mistake, so nothing to be ashamed about.


Speaker 4:  Саll it luck or chance, it was an amazing coincidence. My friend Paul had been looking for a job for some time. I hadn't seen him for at least a month. Then one morning at work I looked up from my desk and there he was right in front of me with a big smile on his face. I was so astonished. I didn’t know what to say. He had not only got a job at the same company as me but I was thrilled to hear we would be working together, too. It's strange how things turn out sometimes.


Speaker 5:  I’ll never forget the feeling of stage fright. This was a big step for me. I mean the thought of talking to a crowd that large made my stomach chum. As I was waiting, I began to sweat and my legs felt weak. Thoughts like "What am I doing here?" or "I can’t do this" were racing through my head. Just when I was ready to turn around and run off the stage, they announced my name. I smiled anxiously and walked over to the microphone. Surprisingly enough, it went okay, but I definitely don't want to go through that again!






Hi, Gary. How are you? 


Oh, hi, Stella! I'm fine, thanks. And you?


Very well, thank you. Actually, if you've got a moment, I'd like to ask you some questions about your summer school trip to England last year. 


The one thing I can tell you is that I had a fantastic time! I'd love to go back there.


My parents want to send me to England this summer and I want you to tell me what you thought of it. I think you said you were going to Portsmouth?


Yes, I stayed there for two weeks but I wish I had booked for three, it was so nice. 


Where's Portsmouth, exactly?


It's a city by the sea, on the south coast of England. Actually, it's a city on an island and it’s the only one in the UK. It has a great naval tradition and Charles Dickens was born there.


That's interesting. What were the lessons like? Did you have lessons all day?


No, my group had lessons in the morning and the afternoons were free for activities. The lessons were good, very interactive. We had lots of speaking practice, my English improved a lot. The local shopkeepers didn't know any Russian, as you can imagine, so I had to speak English.


So did you go on any trips? You know I like shopping, I mean, was there time for personal shopping in department stores?


Yes, of course! I went on shopping tours into Portsmouth and I also went on a trip to London which was excellent! We saw all the famous sights.


How far is Portsmouth from London and how did you get there?


Well, we got there by coach, it only took about two hours. We left in the morning and came back in the late afternoon in time for our evening meal.


What was Portsmouth like? Were the shops expensive?


Portsmouth was great. The shops were very modern and if you looked you could find some good bargains. Some students even bought laptops and mobile phones. The girls bought clothes and make-up. 


That sounds good to me. I’ll tell my parents I want to go.







TEST 1                                                                                 INTERLOCUTOR'S CARD 


What’s your favourite subject in school?   Why do you like it? 


TASK 1   HOME LIFE                                                                (2.5 - 3 min) Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving the talk.

1.                What things do you do to help out at home?

2.                How do you spend your free time at home?

3.                What do you like about your home?                   All these ideas must be covered. Finally, you must ask each student the following question:

If you could change one thing about your home, what would it be?

Skills to be tested

The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

   speak at length elaborating on the took

   produce coherent utterances

   give reasons

   use accurate grammar structures and a good range of appropriate vocabulary  


TASK 2                                                                                                 (2 - 3 min)

You are the students neighbour. After the students greeting, start the conversation with:  Hi! What exactly would you like to know?

You have got the following information about the two foreign restaurants



Type of food served

Atmosphere & Decor


•   El Dorado


Mexican restaurant

• tacos with a variety of spicy fillings • Spanish and other European dishes also available

                     modern, bright and cheerful décor


                     loud rock music

• £35 for two

•   The Samurai


Japanese restaurant

                     deep-fried seafood or vegetables

                     traditional sushi prepared with raw fish

                     relaxing and quiet

Japanese-style décor


                     soft jazz from live pianist

• £50 for two


To finish the conversation ask                Which restaurant will you go to? 

Skills to be tested

The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

   elicit the needed information by asking question

   maintain and conclude the conversation

   be active and polite

   make decisions and give reasons for their choice

TEST 2                                                                               INTERLOCUTOR'S CARD



What kind of music do you listen to?      Do you often listen to music? 


TASK 1           FASHION                                                                  (2.5 - 3 min) Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving the talk

1.                Do you follow the latest fashions or not?

2.                What clothes do you like to wear when you go out?

3.                Do you think that clothes are too expensive for teenagers?  All these ideas must be covered.

Finally, you must ask each student the following question: 

Would you like to become a fashion designer? Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

   speak at length elaborating on the topic

   produce coherent utterances

   give reasons

   use accurate grammar structures and a good range of appropriate vocabulary 


TASK 2                                                                                               (2 - 3 min)

You are a teacher at a school which is introducing optional new subjects. 

After the student's greeting, start the conversation with: Hello. What information would you like to know?


You have got the following information about the proposed new subjects



How taught


Cost of lessons

•  Spanish


                     grammar • conversation and listening

                     composition and exams

• Wednesdays and Thursdays 

6 - 8 pm

• £ 10 per week • all course books and audio equipment provided free

• photography

• theory and practice followed by exams

• Mondays 

5:30 - 6:30 pm

                     £ 5 per week

                     students provide their own cameras and other photographic equipment


To finish the conversation ask           Well, which subject have you decided on? 

Skills to be tested

The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

   elicit the needed information by asking questions

   maintain and conclude the conversation

   be active and polite

   make decisions and give reasons for their choke

TEST 3                                                                               INTERLOCUTOR'S CARD


What sort of area do you live in? Do you like living there? 


TASK 1            TOURISM                                                           (2.5 - 3 min)

Let the student talk for 1 5-2 minutes

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving the talk.

1.      What can tourists see and do in your country?

2.      What souvenirs can they buy?

3.      What country would you like to visit as a tourist and why? 

All these ideas must be covered

Finally, you must ask each student the following question. 

What can we learn from visiting a foreign country? Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

   speak at length elaborating on the took a produce coherent utterances

   give reasons

   use accurate grammar structures and a good range of appropriate vocabulary 


TASK 2  

You are a school competitions organiser. After the student's greeting, start the conversation with:    Hello. What information would you like to know?


You have got the following information about the yearly school competitions:



What is involved

Training sessions

Entry fees / other requirements

• essay competition

• writing an essay on topics such as science, culture, education, the arts and ecology

• writing workshop on Saturdays  10 am - 12 noon

   £10 entry fee

   essay word length

1.000 words

• music competition

• playing a set piece of a classical composer of your choice (piano, violin or guitar) • students' own compositions also acceptable

• music workshop on Saturdays  10 am - 4 pm

                     no entry fee

                     students have to supply their own instruments

To finish the conversation ask:   So which competition have you decided to enter?

Skills to be tested

The student is expected to demonstrate the ability to:

   elicit the needed information by asking questions

   maintain and conclude the conversation

   be active and polite

   make decisions and give reasons for their choke

TEST 4                                                                              


Do you want to go to university or would you prefer to find a job when you leave school?  Would you like to study or work abroad?


TASK 1             BOOKS                                                                    (2.5-3 min)

Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving the talk.

1.                Do you prefer reading books or newspapers?

2.                How often do you read books? Do you read classic or modern literature?

3.                Should people read more books or not?  All these ideas must be covered.

Finally, you must ask each student the following question  Why do you think people do not read books very often?

Skills to be tested

The student is expected to demonstrate the ability to:  - speak at length elaborating on the topic 

-   produce coherent utterances a give reasons

-   use accurate grammar structures and a good range of appropriate vocabulary 


TASK 2                                                                                               (2-3 min) You are the head teacher of your school. After the student's greeting, start the conversation with:                       Hello. What information would you like to know? You have got the following Information about the facilities that need improving


Improvements needed

How they will benefit the school

Expected completion date

- computer laboratory

- new laptops, filters for screens, chairs, laser printers, ink, paper

- computer lab is useful for teaching many different lessons - make lessons more interesting

- very quickly-within two weeks

- science laboratory

- new safety equipment (gloves, goggles, fire extinguishers}, test tubes, interactive whiteboard, computer

- students will have the chance to improve their practical skills in science subjects

- as soon as possible but exact date uncertain



To finish the conversation ask             Well, which facility have you decided on? 

Skills to be tested

The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to

-   elicit the needed information by asking questions

-   maintain and conclude the conversation

-   be active and polite

-   make decisions and give reasons for their choke

TEST 5                                                                             




Who do you get on best with in your family? Why is that? 


TASK 1            TRANSPORT                                                            (2.5-3 min)

Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving the talk.

1.   How do you usually travel to school?

2.   What is public transport like in your area?

3.   What problems can cars create? 

All these ideas must be covered.

Finally, you must ask each student the following question

How can using public transport more often help the environment?

Skills to be tested

The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

   speak at length elaborating on the topic

   produce coherent utterances

   give reasons

   use accurate grammar structures and a good range of appropriate vocabulary  

TASK 2                                                                                               (2-3 min)

You are a travel agent. After the student's greeting, start the conversation with: Hello. How can I help you?

You have got the following information on holiday accommodation:




Location / Transport


3-star hotel

- comfortable rooms with private bathroom  - outdoor restaurant and swimming pool

-                     near a popular ski resort

-                     on a main bus route


£ 25 per person per night

modern campsite

-                     free use of open-air barbecue

-                     fully equipped sports and leisure centre

-                     near a lake

-                     can only be reached by car

£ 6 per person per night

(includes the charge

for one tent)


To finish the conversation ask: 

So which holiday accommodation do you think you'd like to stay at? 

Skills to be tested

The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

   elicit the necessary information by asking questions

   maintain and conclude the conversation

   be active and polite

   make decisions and give reasons for their choice


TEST 6                                                                              



What sports of hobbies do you like doing?  When do you do them? 


TASK 1           COMPUTERS                                                            (2.5-3 min)

Let the student talk for 15-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving the talk:

1.                How often do teenagers use computers in your school or at home?

2.                What do they use them for?

3.                What problems are created by their use?  All these ideas must be covered.

Finally, you must ask each student the following question: 

What high-tech device or gadget would you like to have?

Skills to be tested

The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

   speak at length elaborating on the topic

   produce coherent utterances

   give reasons

   use accurate grammar structures and a good range of appropriate vocabulary  


TASK 2                                                                                                (2-3 min) You are an officer at a tourist information centre. After the student's greeting, start the conversation with:  Hello. What information would you like to know?

You have got the following information about activities going on the night the student is asking about:






• ballet - Swan Lake performed by the

Mariinsky Ballet


• 9 pm

• National Theatre - half hours’ drive from town centre

•  £ 25 a ticket

• concert - Russian classical musk

• 6 pm 

• History Museum  in town centre

•  £12 a ticket (includes entrance to Museum, which is open till 10 pm that evening)


To finish the conversation ask:        So which activity are you interested in? 

Skills to be tested

The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

   elicit the needed information by asking questions

   maintain and conclude the conversation

   be active and polite

   make decisions and give reasons for their choice

TEST 7                                                                             INTERLOCUTOR’S CARD 



What job would you like to do in the future? 

What qualifications do you need to do this job? 


TASK 1        HOLIDAYS                                                                (2.5-3 min)

Let the student talk for 1 5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving the talk.

1.   How would you ideally spend your time on holiday?

2.   What kinds of holidays are popular in your country?

3.   What sort of problems can you have when on holiday? 

All these ideas must be covered. Then you must ask each student the following question: Why do you think it's important for us to have holidays?

Skills to be tested

The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

   speak at length elaborating on the topic

   produce coherent utterances

   give reasons

   use accurate grammar structures and a good range of appropriate vocabulary  

TASK 2                                                                                             (2-3 min)

You are a geography teacher. After the student's greeting, start the conversation with:

Hello. What information would you like to know?

You have got the following information about the 3-day field trip:


Trip Destination




• the Black Sea

                     study the coast and rocks in the area


• coach - cheap if 10 students travel

• stay in a local school (free of charge) • eat in cafes (tend to be more expensive tourist area)

• the Caspian Sea

                     study the quality of the water and the effect of industry on the environment

                     photography sessions

• coach - reasonable price if 20 students travel

                     stay in a local school (free of charge)

                     eat in cafes (some fairly cheap ones available)


To finish the conversation ask: 

Well, which destination have you decided on tor the field trip? 

Skills to be tested

The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

   elicit the necessary information by asking questions

   maintain and conclude the conversation

   be active and polite

   make decisions and give reasons for their choice

TEST 8                                                                              INTERLOCUTOR'S CARD 



How do you ideally like lo spend the weekends? 

Do you spend much time with your parents at weekends? 


TASK 1           ENTERTAINMENT                                                  (2.5-3 min)

Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving the talk.

1.   Are there enough entertainment facilities in your area?

2.   Would you like to see any improvements in these facilities?

3.   What kinds of entertainment are most popular with young people?  

All these ideas must be covered.

Finally, you must ask each student the following question  Do you think people spend too much time watching TV7

Skills to be tested

The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

   speak at length elaborating on the topic

   produce coherent utterances

   give reasons

   use accurate grammar structures and a good range of appropriate vocabulary  


TASK 2                                                                                               (2-3 min)

You are a teacher and your class wants to hold an end of year party.

After the student's greeting, start the conversation with Hello. What information would you like to know?

You have got the following information about venues


Venue/Cost of hire




the Star Hotel 


£15 per person

included in the price - hot and cold buffet

- hotel can provide basic equipment  - student DJ

- school can provide some decorations - students can make their own


the village hall


£8 per person

£4 per person 

- cold buffet only


-                     local musician has offered to DJ for free

-                     has his own equipment/CDs

- village hall has lots of decorations for every occasion


To finish the conversation ask:    Well, which venue shall we have the party at? 

Skills to be tested

The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

   elicit the necessary information by asking questions

   maintain and conclude the conversation

   be active and polite

   make decisions and give reasons for their choice


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Краткое описание документа:

ОГЭ (ГИА) по английскому языку – один из группы экзаменов по иностранным языкам в 9-м классе. По структуре, сложности и типу заданий практически идентичен экзаменам по немецкому, французскому и испанскому языкам. Экзамен является необязательным для сдачи, но его результаты потребуются выпускникам для продолжения обучения в профильных классах старшей школы (10 и 11-й классы).

Структура теста ОГЭ (ГИА) по английскому языку

Разделение заданий в структуре экзамена осуществляется на основе различных тем знания языка:

  • часть 1 – задания по аудированию, всего 5 заданий, включают в себя как вопросы с кратким ответом так и с выбором варианта ответа; 
  • часть 2 – задания по чтению текста и ответу на вопросы, аналогичные вопросам по аудированию, всего 5 заданий;
  • часть 3 – грамматические задания – предполагают краткий ответ на поставленный вопрос – 12 заданий;
  • часть 4 – самостоятельное написание текста письма в ответ англоязычному другу;
  • часть 5 – устный ответ на вопрос и диалог с экзаменатором на заданную тему, продолжительность ответа – 6 мин., подготовка к ответу примерно 10 ми Общие сведения ОГЭ (ГИА) по английскому языку

    Время проведения экзамена – 90 мин. + время устного ответа примерно 6 мин. и подготовки к нему 8–10 мин. (также может добавиться время ожидания очереди ответа).
    Разрешенные материалы – звуковоспроизводящая и звукозаписывающая аппаратура для аудирования и записи ответа на устный вопрос.
    Минимальный балл (соответствует тройке): 29.
    Максимальный балл – 70.
    Количество заданий – 25.

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков: английский, немецкий, французский

Учитель иностранного языка

500/1000 ч.

от 8900 руб. от 4450 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 102 человека из 41 региона
  • Этот курс уже прошли 222 человека


Эффективные стратегии продаж: воронка, агрегаторы и мессенджеры

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Теория вероятности и комбинаторика в современной математике

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Эффективные коммуникационные стратегии в образовательной среде: от управления до мотиваци

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе