Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыГлобализация - как принять не потеря себя?

Глобализация - как принять не потеря себя?

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Урок в 11 классе по теме: Глобализация - как принять не потеря себя?


Цель урока: определить степень влияния глобализации на нашу жизнь, положительные и отрицательные стороны  этого влияния.


-воспитательная: воспитание чувства патриотизма и интернационализма, видения себя как гражданина мира.

-развивающая: развитие критического мышления.

-обучающая: развития навыков чтения, говорения и аудирования.


Оборудование: УМК, компьютер, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал.

Лексический материал: по теме глобализация.

Форма урока:

ролевая игра, класс делится на 3 группы: глобалисты, антиглобалисты и независимые эксперты. В ходе урока глобалисты и антиглобалисты , опираясь на факты, предложенные независимыми экспертами, должны принять резолюцию по данной проблеме.

Ход урока:

1.      Организационный момент.

2.      Целеполагание.

3.      Актуализация знаний.

4.      Основная часть.

1)      Выполнение упражнения на распределение: выбрать из предложенных фактов относящиеся к глобализации и распределить их по трем группам: в экономике, в политической и социальной жизни, в области культуры и образования(5 мин.)

2)      Выступление независимых экспертов по теме: влияние глобализации на экономику (презентация).Высказывание глобалистов в защиту и антиглобалистов против данного влияния.

3)      Работа с текстом по теме «Глобализация в политической  и социальной сфере», выполнение заданий по тексту, высказывание глобалистов и антиглобалистов.

4)      Влияние глобализации на культуру и образование. Упражнение на аудирование      ( прослушивание информации и выполнение упражнения к нему); выступление глобалистов и антиглобалистов.

5)      Обсуждение будущей резолюции по проблеме и создание резолюции.

6)      Выступление независимого эксперта о соцопросе жителей Озерного (факты, выводы, диаграмма).

5.       Заключительная часть, итоги.


Подробный ход урока

Этап урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика


Организационный момент.


-Good morning, children. Sit down, please. I’m very glad to see you.

-Good morning, teacher.




-First of all I want you to answer my question: What topic have we been discussing during a few previous weeks?

- Why is this topic so popular nowadays?


- Today we’ll have the final lesson on this topic. What do you think we’ll do at this lesson?






- All of you are right and as we are actually going to discuss GLOBALISATION. Today we’ll have a very unusual lesson as now you are not schoolchildren anymore but representatives of globalists and antiglobalists. We also have the experts who will give you us all the information we need. We’ll discuss some very important problems and try to come to some resolutions.

- We’ve spoken about globalization.)




- It’s so popular because globalization influences people’s lives all over the world

-We’ll probably systemize our knowledge;

-I think we’ll discuss advantages and disadvantages of globalization;

-we’ll come to some conclusions on this topic;

-we’ll try to work out our attitude towards globalization



Актуализация знаний.


- Now I’d like you to answer some question:

-What things do you associate globalization with?



- What does globalisation mean?










- So, what is a more general definition of globalization?



- That’s right, you did it! Now let’s remember in what spheres of our life globalization reveals itself.

- That’s right.


- As for me I associate it with foreign goods in our shops, international organizations, foreign films, fast food ,same music everywhere, automobiles…


- G. means that most countries depend on each other;

-people in different countries may have the same problems;

-you can buy your favourite fizzy drinks in any country; people in different countries drive the same cars, wear the same brands of clothes and listen to the same music.

- Globalisation is a rapid increase in international trade, cultural exchange and interdependence of the countries all over the world.


- G. reveals itself in the economy, in the political and social life, in culture and education. 


Основная часть

- the task is: read through the ideas below, select from the following facts and put them in the appropriate column below,

- That’s great, you did it brilliantly. And now we’ll dwell on each of these items and try to find out the advantages and disadvantages of G. in economy, politics and culture as globalists and antiglobalists have different opinions on it. So let’s turn to our experts and learn how local companies become global. – exp.1: (report 1, presentation1)

- Thank you very much. It’s great.


 And now I want you to answer the question:  What are advantages and disadvantages of globalization in economy? (+ & -)


















- That will do. And now we’ll talk politics. Take card 1 with the texts: “Is there a safe seat in the boat if it goes down?” The task is: read the text and put the missing parts of sentences to the appropriative place. (2). The text is rather difficult?

-Let’s check your answers. Well, you did it!

- And now let’s discuss what is good or bad in globalization in politics. (+&-)











































- I know that globalisation in culture and education attracts you most of all and now you’ll see a short film about wonderful world of entertainments. Please watch the film and answer the questions.

- Well, it was just beginning as all of you know quite well all advantages and disadvantages of globalization in culture and economy. (+&-)






















- Our discussion is coming to the end we are to work out a resolution:  how to cope with globalization. What are your conclusions? Please, look through the list below and choose those ones that you find essential.

- I think, now  one of you can print it on the computer.

- And now when we’ve discussed all the items and took the resolution I must admit that you did everything brilliantly as you know a lot about very serious things and you can see their advantages and disadvantages, it’s great. You should know that our experts have asked some people what they thought about globalization and how it influenced their lives. Now you will see the results of their survey


-Thank you very much; it was very unexpected and interesting.


- You see, many people have no idea what globalization is and they don’t care about it. Well, it’s their choice but you are representatives of  the future generation, it’s you who will live in the global village so you must know much, learn foreign languages and get interesting professions. Only then you will be successful. But you shouldn’t forget our motherland, our native tongue, our history and culture.  Good luck!

Ученики выполняют задание на распределение(с использованием интерактивной доски, прил.1)









(Эксперты представляют презентацию, прил.2)



- Globalisation makes the local companies dependant on the economic situation in the world.

-Globalisation increases competition among companies.

-Globalisation can ruin local companies.

-Globalisation can create new jobs and increase employment.

-People can buy food, cosmetics, electronics and all of their favourite brands everywhere.

-Russian companies have investors, customers or partners abroad.

-Global companies are quite independent on the local authorities.

-Global companies can have serious influence on local governments.

-The national economy becomes dependant on other countries.

-In the global economy people of different nations interact more intensively.

-People can lose their jobs as the local companies can become bankrupt.

-People in removed regions can have goods of good quality.

- (ученики выполняют задание по чтению: восстановление недостающих частей предложения, прил.3)






- In the case of a local conflict or a natural disaster people can count on international help.

-There are some international laws which should be observed by all countries.

-In case of aggression, a country can appeal to the world community for help and support.

-Individual person can appeal to international organizations if his rights are not observed in his own country.

-Nations become less independent since the world community can tell them what to do.

-Sometimes countries can be forced to do things that don’t go with their national immediate interests.

-The world community can control and stop some dangerous industries in sovereign countries.

-The sovereignties of countries are getting more and more limited.

-When the political forces of different countries cooperate, it often helps avoid military conflicts or prevent them from spreading further.

-If countries have similar social or environmental problems, it’s easier to come to the right decision together. For example, they can work out common programmes to deal with oil pollution.

-International political organizations have a powerful impact on the economic development of countries. -They can remove trade and investment restrictions or stimulate other’s countries’ economies.



-( ученики смотрят видеосюжет и отвечают на вопросы,  прил.4)





-The more people of different nations have in common, the easier communication is.

-The traditions and languages of minor nationalities gradually die out.

-The young people of many countries are fans of the Internet.

-People can enjoy not only their nation’s cultural achievements but all the cultural treasures of the world.

-Different nations adopt the same moral and family values.

-All big cities of the world are becoming more and more alike.

-People can feel at home whatever country they are in since they listen to the same music, watch similar TV programmes and shop in the same supermarket.

-Much of global language stimulates information exchange.

-Similar educational standards promote student exchange.


- (учащиеся обсуждают будущей резолюции по проблеме и создание резолюции, прил.5)
















-(эксперты представляют результаты соц.опроса по глобализации, прил.6)



Заключительная часть, итоги

I think that all of you have worked hard and you marks are the following:

Your home task for the next lesson is: write a short article about globalization for our local newspaper, so that people could learn more about it.




Приложение 1

Select the following facts and put them in the appropriative column below.

1.       A lot of students from Russia study in other countries.

2.       There are a lot of goods with foreign names that have been produced within Russia.

3.       You can hear the same music and watch the same films in whatever country you happen to be.

4.       To produce certain goods, companies often import spare parts and raw goods.

5.       You can buy the same soap and toothpaste in whatever country you are.

6.       Students from different countries can work together on some international projects.

7.       If there is a conflict in one country, leaders of other countries try to influence one side of the conflict or the other.

8.       There are international organizations which regulate economic processes at a world level. Some people adopt foreign food, customs and lifestyle.

9.       There are a lot of international organizations which regulate relationships between countries.


In the economy

In the political and social life

In culture and education














Приложение 2

From local to global

Setting up a business is a complicated process. It consists of several stages. If a company wants to produce some goods, it has to buy materials and to employ workers. If the company does not have enough money to buy materials and pay the workers, it needs to find an investor to supply it with the money. The company also has to find customers to sell the goods to. If a company is not able to sell the produced goods, it will inevitably collapse.

If the company manages to sell the produced goods, it can pay back the investor, buy more materials and employ more workers. That, in turn, enables the company to produce more goods and to give back more money to the investor.

In this way the company grows bigger and bigger. At some point the company starts to buy materials from several suppliers and not only within its own country. It can buy materials abroad and can sell the goods to foreign customers as well. It can employ not only people of its own country, but the foreigners if they have the right qualifications. To get closer to distant customers or to the suppliers, the company sets up new companies in other countries and produces the same goods there.

Gradually, the company starts to see the whole world as its customers and suppliers, and does not care about boundaries and nationalities. Other things are very important for the company now: 1) its product should be recognizable worldwide as the product of this company; it should be the same all over the world wherever it is produced; 2) the goods should be of the same quality.

There are a lot of examples of global companies. Everyone has heard about McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Ford, Boeing, and Samsung. The number of global companies is growing rapidly. People often don’t identify their names with their original countries. You can come across Proctor & Gamble or Microsoft in any region of the world. Actually, they are no longer national companies. They work in the global economy.

Businesses need to grow to be successful. However, this doesn’t mean that small companies will die out. They have their own niche in the market and have every chance to succeed as well


Приложение  3

Is there a safe seat in the boat if it goes down?

There is no doubt that the main goal of any nation is stability, safety and welfare of its citizens. It may seem ___________1__________, the nation can enjoy a life which is free of problems and risks.

However, it is not like that. There are no calm spots in a rough sea. When the world faces global problems, like wars, social and environmental problems, a country cannot avoid being involved. World War II was a striking example of this – even the countries that declared that they did not want to be involved, like Switzerland, or hadn’t planned to take part in the conflict, like France,________2_________ , like the United States, were still deeply affected by it.

In the case of war in the 21st century there will be no battlefields or safe zones at all. Today’s arms are far-reaching and a nuclear exchange would leave no chance_______3___________. The civilians would actually be at as much risk as the military.

We can see the effects of globalization in the social arena as well. One can’t be rich and happy among the hungry and miserable. Now the range in development and living standards in different countries is huge. While 15 percent of the population of the Earth enjoys living in the richest countries,  ___________4______________. This causes instability and unbalance in the world. Extremist leaders take advantage of these situations and provoke social or national conflicts. Flows of illegal emigrants from poor countries move to more developed countries, bringing unemployment, criminal and religious problems with them.

It is evident that in the age of high technology and global integration_____________5____________. Instead, the world tends towards one integrated community. Thus, political instability in one country, a local military operation or an unpopular political decision can cause a chain reaction and affect many countries.

Nowadays most politicians and ordinary people think that the threat doesn’t come from any particular country or any particular nation. Today’s conflicts are the conflicts of many nations. Terrorism is a clear illustration of this as it affects _________6_________________, politicians and kids, people of any religion or belief. Terrorism can’t be stopped by one country alone. We can fight terrorism only through international cooperation.

a).     or were very far away from the battlefield

b).    all countries and all people – rich and poor

c).    that if the government makes good laws and cares for their people

d).    to regulate relationships between nations

e).    the boundaries cannot properly divide or protect countries any longer

f).     15 billion people live in absolute poverty

g).     for anybody to escape disaster














Приложение  4

Видеосюжет о влиянии глобализации на культурную жизнь людей

Приложение  5


1.      Globalisation is inevitable so we cannot prevent it from influencing our lives.

2.      Russia should develop its national economy and ignore the process of globalization.

3.      Young people should get good education, learn foreign languages, travel abroad as well as preserve their mother tongues, history and culture.

4.      People can watch foreign films and listen to foreign music but they shouldn’t ignore their own cultural achievements.

5.      Russia shouldn’t care about what’s going on in other countries..

6.      Our country needs well-educated broad-minded specialists in different fields of science to become a powerful and independent state.

7.      People of different nationalities and countries should solve global problems together.

Приложение  6

Презентация социологического опроса по глобализации:

Last week we asked people to take part in our survey and to answer 4 questions about globalization. To our great surprise many people refused to participate in the survey because they had no idea what globalization is. Those who agreed gave us the following answers:

1.       Does globalisation influence economical, political and social life of the country?

 -20 percent answered: NO; 20 percent answered: IDON’T KNOW; 60 percent answered: YES.

2.         Should people try to stop globalisation trends in Russian economy?

-50 percent answered: NO; 5 percent answered: I DON’T KNOW; 45 percent answered: YES.

3.       What are advantages of globalization?

-Unity of peoples;

 Joint solution of problems;

-The emergence of mutual;

-Increased competition;

-Improving the quality of Russian products;

-Underdeveloped countries participate in the production of brand goods;

-Location of industries in different countries;

-Improving the living standards of society;

 Social growth.

4.       What are disadvantages of globalization?

-Loss of the country's culture;

-disappearance of the original traditions;

-Rise in unemployment;

-loss of individual traits of culture;

-the crisis in the country;

-Monopoly industries;

-Decrease of our own economy.


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