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Грамматический материал по теме Complex object

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The Complex Object


Complex object употребляется:


1.После глаголов выражающих желание:

                              Verb +                                    somebody +                        Verb

I     want/ wish/ like/ would like                her                             to cook


I want her to cook breakfast. – Я хочу, чтобы она приготовила завтрак.

I would like my friends to be happy.Я хотел бы, чтобы мои друзья были счастливы.

Do you want me to open the window.Вы хотите, чтобы я открыл окно?

She didn't wish the students to smoke here.Она не желала, чтобы студенты курили здесь.



2.После глаголов выражающих предположение:          

                                           Verb +                                somebody+           Verb

I           expect/ consider/ suppose/ believe         them           to come


We expected them to come in two day. Мы ожидали, что они придут через два дня.

I believe this book to be interesting. Я считаю, что эта книга очень интересна.

The teacher considered the text to be too difficult for them.

Учительница считала, что текст слишком труден для них.



3.После глаголов, выражающих знание, утверждение, сообщение о чем-либо:      

                                                Verb +                                                   somebody +      Verb

I           know/ think/ report/ claim/ declare/ find/ show         her          to cook


We know her to be a good actress.Мы знаем, что она хорошая актриса.

We know him to have been a good painter.Мы знаем, что он был хороший художник.

He declared the train to arrive at 5 o'clock.Он заявил, что поезд прибывает в 5 часов.



4.После глаголов, выражающих принуждение:          

                     Verb +            somebody+           Verb

I           make/ have         him                do

I           force                  her                  to cook


He made me do this work. – Он заставил меня сделать эту работу.

I shall have them come in time.Я заставлю их прийти вовремя.



5.После глаголов, выражающих запрет, разрешение, просьбу:       

                                 Verb +                              somebody +                        Verb

I           let                                                 them                       come in

I           allow/ permit/ ask/ disallow         her                          to stay here


Let me do it. – Позвольте мне сделать это.

He disallowed us to stay here. Он запретил нам оставаться здесь.









6.После глаголов, требующих дополнения с предлогом:       

                    Verb +          somebody+             Verb

I           wait for              her               to tell

I           relay on             them            to arrive



I waited for her to tell me everything.Я ожидал, что она мне все расскажет.

We rely on them to arrive on Tuesday.Мы рассчитываем, что они приедут во вторник.




7. После глаголов, выражающих физическое восприятие и ощущение инфинитив употребляется без частицы to.

               Verb +                                                                                  somebody +      Verb/Verb + ing            

I       see/ notice/ watch/ hear/ listen to/ feel/ observe           him               do/ doing                  [*****]/ [--*--]



·         В случае совершенного действия используется конструкция:

Someone + did + дат. местоим + infinitive


I saw her go out. – Я видел, как она вышла.

I heard her sing.  – Я слышал как она спела.

I heard him open the door. Я слышал, как он открыл дверь.



·         Если в этой конструкции мы используем пассивный залог, то перед инфинитивом используется частица to


She was seen to go out.



·         Если длительное действие, то используется конструкция:

Someone + did + дат.местоим + verb + ing


I saw Ann waiting for a bus.Я видел, что Анна ждала автобус.

I heard her singing.Я слышал ее пение.

I heard him opening the door. – Я слышал, как он открывал дверь.



8.Помимо этого Complex Object может быть использован с Participle II, которое придает обороту пассивность:


I want all the letters written now. - Я хочу, чтобы все письма были написаны сейчас.













Exercise 1. Open the brackets and use the Complex Object.

Model: He expected (they, arrive) at 5. — He expected them to arrive at 5.

1. Do you want (they, stay) at the hotel or with us?

2. I'd like (the professor, look through) my report.

3. Do you want (I, show) you the sights of the city?

4. We expect (he, arrange) everything by the time we come.

5. I want (she, tell) me the news in brief.

6. He expected (the meeting, hold) in the Red Room.

7. I would like (they, fix) an appointment for me for Tuesday.

8. We want (she, introduce) us to the president.

9. I don't want (they, be late) for dinner.

10. He expected (she, invite) to the party by the Smiths.

11. I'd like (the dress, buy) by Saturday.

12. I don't want (she, treat) like Alice.

13. We considered (he, be) an honest person.

14. I don't like (she, prevent) me from doing it.

15. I suspect (he, help) by her.


Exercise 2. Combine the sentences using the Complex Object.

Model: I did not see him. He entered the house. — I did not see him enter the house.

1. They did not notice us. We passed by.

2. He heard her. She was playing the piano.

3. He saw her. She burst into tears.

 4. I felt her hand. It was shaking.

5. He hasn't heard us. We called his name.

6. They haven't seen the accident. It occurred at the corner.

7. I heard them. They were arguing.

 8. She heard the footsteps. They were dying away.

9. She felt something. It was crawling around her neck.

10. We many times heard him. He told this story.

11. She noticed the expression of his face. It changed suddenly.

12. I heard somebody. He mentioned my name.

13. I felt something hard. It hurt my leg.


Exercise 3. Change complex sentences into sentences with the Complex Object.

1. I did not expect that she would forget about my birthday.

2. She saw how the children were playing in the park.

3. Do you know that he went abroad two days ago?

4. I like to watch how she dances.

5. She could hardly believe that he had been rescued.

6. He expects that everybody will be ready to do this work.

7. I don't like when the children are late for dinner.

8. Don't consider that he is a hero. He is an ordinary man.

 9. I've heard how he was arguing with his father.

10. I suspect that he has taken my money.

11. She likes to watch how the sun sets.

12. I hate when people shout at each other.

13. They suppose that he will cope with this work.

14. I've heard how she was crying.

15. We expect that he will solve this problem soon.


Exercise 4. Open the brackets and use the proper form of the Complex Object.

1. Where is Nick? — I saw (he, talk) to Kate a few minutes ago.

2. Parents always want (their children, be) the best.

3. I wouldn't like (such valuable presents, give) to me.

4. I noticed (he, write) something and (pass) it to Alice.

5. We suppose (they, apologize) to us.

6. She watched (the stars, sparkle) in the dark sky.

7. I did not expect (he, behave) in such a way.

8. We don't want (our planet, pollute).

9. I heard (he, work) in his study at night.

10. They expected (he, buy) a more expensive car.


Exercise 5. Make sentences to the model.

a)    Model: I believe that Van Clibern is a great pianist. – I believe Van Clibern to be a great pianist.

            1. He believes it is a mistake.

2. I consider that this business is very profitable.

3. I don’t expect you will understand me.

4. They know that he is a responsible person.

5. We consider that he is a good professional.

6. She regards that he is a superman.

7. We all think that he is a gentleman.

8. They consider that it is the right decision.


b)      Model: Does Charlie play golf? – No, I have never seen (heard, saw, noticed) him play golf.

1. Did he get on that Glasgow bus this evening?

2. Did you ever see Pat’s smile?

3. Did your brother really pat the dean on the shoulder?

4. Did you notice how this boy parked his car near our house?

5. Did you hear that George broke the Safety Code?

6. Did you see how Dylan was deliberately knocked down by another football-player?

7. Did you notice a beautiful girl who drove Nick to the station?

8. Did you watch how Jack was entertaining the guests last night?

9. Did you see him when he stopped for dinner at the pub?

10. Did you hear that he bought a new stereo?


c)    Model: Ann didn’t have money. (Jim/lend) – Ann wanted /wished /expected Jim to lend her some.

1. Someone told Sue I was going to visit her. (it / to be a surprise) 2. My parents were upset when I left home. (me / to stay with them) 3. Everybody tried to persuade Tom to play tennis. (Tom / to play tennis) 4. There will be a football match between Scotland and England soon. (England / to win) 5. In your place I would tell the police about it. (you / to inform) 6. She received a letter, but nobody knew who it was from. (anybody / know) 7. Tom was sure Jane would be late. (Jane / not to come in time) 8. Jack asked me to post the letter. (me / to post it) 9. He advised me to take an aspirin. (me / to take an aspirin) 10. Nobody is allowed to smoke in our office. (anyone / not to smoke) 

Exercise 6. Translate into English using the Complex Object. 

1. Я не ожидал, что этот полицейский будет таким невежливым (impolite) человеком. 2. Мы бы хотели, что­бы вы доставили (deliver) товары к концу июня. 3. Я ожидал, что ее пригласят туда. 4. Они не ожидали, что его спросят об этом. 5. Я слышал, как его имя несколько раз упоминалось на собрании. 6. Он не заметил, как мы подошли к нему. 7. Вы видели, как они над чем-то смея­лись? 8. Мы не ожидали, что об этом объявят (announce) по радио. 9. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы она сказала нам, что она будет делать сегодня вечером. 10. Я думаю, что сегодня вы услышите, как она поет. 11. Когда он услышал, что его сын плачет, он встал и пошел в детскую комнату (nursery). 12. Я бы хотел, чтобы никто не брал мои вещи. 13. Он хочет, чтобы мы пришли к нему сегодня. 14. Я хотел бы, чтобы вы подождали меня здесь. 15. Он хочет, чтобы его сын стал врачом. 16. Хотите ли вы, чтобы он вам помог? 17. Я никогда не слышал, как он говорит по-французски. 18. Он не слышал, как я постучал в дверь.19. Я слышал, что он уже вернулся домой. 20. Я никогда не видел, как он плавает.

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