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Intellectual game " Who gets a million?"

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"Приозерск қаласының №1 жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі" КММ







кімге бұйырады?"


                                                   Жауапты мұғалімдер: Душмуратова Ф. С.

                                                                                            Утешова А. Т.



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2015-2016 оқу жыл

Өткізілетін күні: 20.04.2016ж.

Іс-шараның тақырыбы: "Who gets a million?' (Миллион кімге бұйырады?)

Мақсаты: Оқушылардың зеректік қабілетін дамытып, ой-өрісін кеңейту, білімге деген құштарлығын арттыру, озық ойлы оқушыны анықтау.

Teacher: Good day, dear guests! You are welcome to our intellectual game "Who gets a  million?".  First of all, let`s invite our competitors of the game.

1. Mukhiyadin Zhansaya

2. Kusainova Merei

3. Kaldybai Maksat

4. Musataeva Zhasmina

5. Kaskyrbaev Magzhan

6. Shabanbaev Azikhan

7. Amankulov Askar

Today all of you have a good chance to improve your English during the competition. I have invited juries to count the points. The members of our jury are …

1. Eralieva Z. G.

2. Kenzhegulova K.G.

3. Tolegenova A. Sh.

Rules of the game.

-During the game you can get three promotions. (helps)

1.     You can get the help from spectators. ( audience)

2.     You can get the help from your friend. ( relatives)

3.     You can choose the answer on fifty/ fifty.

- You should answer  only one question. If somebody can`t answer the  questions next of you will have a chance to answer. Do you understand rules? Are you ready?  If you are ready let`s begin our game. Good luck, clever competitors!

1. The first task "Riddles". This task costs 1000 (one thousand points)

1. This is the season

When fruit is sweet,

This is the season

When school-friends meet. (Autumn)

2. This is the season

When children ski

And Grandfather Frost

Brings the New Year Tree. (Winter)

3. This is the season

When snowdrops bloom

When nobody likes

To stay in the room.

This is the season

When birds make their nests,

This is the season

We all like best. (spring)

4. This is the season When vegetables grow,

I come to the garden

And make water flow. (Summer)

5. This is the season

When nights are short

And children have plenty

Of fun and sport.

Boating, swimming

All the day,

With a merry song

On a sunny day. (summer)

6. This is the season

The trees are green,

Blue skies are seen,

All the birds sing. (spring)

7.This is the season

The snow is falling,

The wind is blowing,

The ground is white,

All day and all night. (winter)

8. This is the season

The summer is over,

The trees are bare,

There is mist in the garden

And frost in the air. (autumn)

9. This is the season

The sun is shining,

The flowers are blooming,

The sky is blue,

The rains are few. (summer)


2. The second task "Translators" This task costs 10000 (tenthousand  points)

1. What is English for "Жазғы демалыс"?(summer holiday)

2. What is English for "Қызықты жерлер"?(interesting places)

3. What is English for "Мектеп кеші"?(school party)

4. What is English for "Жақсы жаңалық"? (good news)

5. What is English for "Керемет ауа райы"?(wonderful weather)

6. What is English for "Сабақ кестесі"?(timetable)

7. What is English for "Ақылды балық"?(clever fish)

8. What is English for "Әдемі қыз"?(beautiful girl)

9. What is English for "Жаман адам"?(bad man)

10. What is English for "Бақытты жанұя"?(happy family)

3. The third task "Countrystudy" This question costs 100 000 (one hundred  thousand points)

1. Which country is the largest in the world?

2.What are the colours of the flag of Kazakhstan?

3. Who discovered America?

4. What is the capital of England?

5.Who was the first president of the USA?

6. How do people call New York?

7. When is the Independence day of Kazakhstan?

8. When was N.Nazarbaev born?

9. What was the first capital of Kazakhstan?

4. The next task "Think and answer'' . This question costs 300000 (three hundred thousand points).

1. He is  a brother of your father or your mother.

2. She is your mother`s daughter.

3. She is a mother of your father.

4. He/She is a teacher of your classmates.

5. He is a son of your parents.

6. He is your mother`s husband.

7. She is your grandfather`s wife.

8. They are parents of your mother and father.

9. She is a sister of your mother or father.

5. The next task costs 600000 (six hundred  thousand points).

1. Are there 30 days in November?

2. What month comes after February?

3. Is it cold in summer?

4. What are the names of  winter months in Russia?

5. How many seasons are there in Great Britain?

6. What is the hottest season of the year?

7. How many months are there in a year?

8.  Where Can you see a shark?

9. Where can you catch a bus?

6. The next task costs 800000 (eight hundred  thousand points).

1. East or west ...                                      a) is a friend indeed

2. A friend in need...                                b)than voice

3. Better late...                                          c) like home

4. A dog is...                                             d) than money

5. The first wealthy is....                           e) man`s best friend

6. There`s no place....                               f) handsome does

7. Handsome is as                                     g)home is the best

8. Actions speak louder...                          h) healthy

9. Love is more important...                       i) than never

7. The end task costs 1000000 ( million points)

1. The auxiliary verb of Present Simple?

2. The auxiliary verb of Past Simple?

3. The auxiliary verb of FutureSimple?

4. The auxiliary verb of Present Continuous?

5. The auxiliary verb of Past Continuous?

6. How do we use the verb "to be" in the Present Simple?

7. How do we use the verb "to be" in the Past Simple?

8. Which words are modal verbs?

         Dear children, you were very activity and smart. Thank you ver much for your game.

         Until our jury will add up the points of the game let`s invite our dancers.

Thanks a lot, dear girls. So let`s invite our juries.

The game "Who gets a million?'' is over. Good bye!















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