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Исследовательская работа " Подрастковый стиль"

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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение


Лицей №4 г. Данков Липецкой области

                                                   Лицейское научное общество

                                                                        «синяя птица»





Конкурс исследовательских работ


«первые шаги в науку»



Секция: языкознание




Тема проекта: « Подростковый стиль»











                                                                                                      Авторы проекта

                                                                                                                        Дегтерева Татьяна,   

                                                                                                                         Ульянова Кира.

                                                                                                                                      10а класс

                                                                                                       Руководитель  Черных Н.И.

                                                                                                       учитель английского языка













г. Данков




1.      Введение                                                                                                       стр. 2

2.      Анализ литературы                                                                                       стр.3

3.      Основная часть

·        Субкультуры

§  Хипстеры                                                                               стр. 4

§  Треш                                                                                       стр. 4-5

§  Кавай                                                                                      стр. 5

§  Готы                                                                                        стр. 6-7

·        Школьная форма                                                                               стр. 7-9                          

·        Опрос                                                                                                  стр. 9-11

·        Критерии при выборе одежды подростком                                    стр. 11-12

·        Деление одежды по назначению                                                      стр. 12-13

4.      Вывод                                                                                                              стр. 14

5.      Библиографический список                                                                          стр. 15

6.      Приложение                                                                                                   стр. 16-18















Relevance of the chosen subject.

We have chosenthis subject as now it is  the most actualfor us. We have faced this problemmore than once We would like to form our style that is an important component of a social status of the person in  thesociety.

Purpose: to study problems of teenager’s  style and to find ways of their decision.


- to collect information

- toanalyze the received data

- to determine the main criterion at a clothes style choice by the teenagers

-  to interview  teenagers

-  to get acquainted with various subcultures

- to learn the relation of teenagers to a school uniform

- clothes division in different situations

- to formulate solutions of the found problems



1.The teenager depends in a clothes choice very much on people surrounding him or her, their opinion.

2.  Fashionable tendencies have also great impact on their choice.

3. Teenagersoften copy styles of the idols.

Subject of research - clothes style.

Object of research - the teenager.







Analysis of the Literature.


In our work we have used online resources, and we have studied several books on the subject and on the basis of the information we have done  the project.

























For today's teens the most important thing - do not get lost in the crowd and not look like everyone else. To do this, not only girls but also boys dye their hair in incredible colors and wear incredible outfits that frustrate and puzzle their parents. Psychologists recommend not to put pressure on children, forcing them to wear what you like. In adolescents, their quirks, and engaging in a certain age, they feel the need to express themselves to others. Therefore, some are beginning to study hard or play sports, while others find an outlet in clothes.

The modern style of teenagers - this variety of different fashion trends. In the streets of big cities can often be found boys are more similar to the girls, and young damsels dressed in dark rocker outfits. To show their inner experiences and reveal through dress, young people have all possibilities for this. We will explain the main features inherent to a particular style.


Let’s consider some of the subcultures Hipsters, Trash, Kawai, Goths.


Hipsterscombines teens who love to spend time aimlessly, taking photos, wearing bright things. Their style is reduced to copying the street fashion of major European cities. Their clothing is particularly bright colors - bright shoes, leggings or very skinny jeans, shirts and t-shirts in a cage with a picture of rock bands, big sunglasses in the color rim. The most important is to be in the top, to be fashionable, no particular paradigm.

Hipsters are always divided into two types - «cool» and «hot».

«Cool» hipsters - quiet, absorbed in thought, and put their time in the bar with the silent friends. «Hot» hipsters - outgoing, slightly crazy, open, emotional, running from bar to bar, and in the eternal search for new contacts and ideas.Percentage of «cool» and «hot» - fifty-fifty.

Look - skinny jeans, mustache, beard, increased attention to the hair, or the lack of it, in a cage shirts, t-shirts and t-shirts with "print", skinny, glasses, Moleskine notebook, IPhone, etc.

The term «hipster» (from «to be hip» - «to be in the know ') emerged in the 1940s in the jazz environment of New York. Then all who swam "against the current", calling themselves hipsters and, therefore, took the jazz style of life - from clothing and manner of speaking to sexual behaviors. American novelist Norman Mailer in his 1956 essay "The White Negro" as defined hipster existentialist, who live their lives, surrounded by death (this is primarily manifested in the social setting of the Second World War), and thus prefer to separate from society and live by their own rules. In the 1990s, the concept of visibly transformed - hipsters began to call young people - the middle class who are keen on alternative culture, independent music, fashion, among them a lot of vegetarians and vegans, they use the new-fangled gadgets and preferably do creative professions - artist, designer, Journalist, musician, etc.




Teens do not tolerate the standards do not recognize borders and do everything possible to get lost in the gray crowd and it clearly shows the teenage style thrash.

Trash - the irony of the world and its standards. Teen puts everything that is unavailable, incorrect, vulgar and unacceptable for a modern society.

Trash - the irony of all that surrounds teen for the direction characterized incongruous combinations on the verge of vulgarity.

Word of trash - translated as junk. This word in America called "white scum of society" who do not want to accept society is what it is and the principles, rules and regulations that were established in the community, they just do the opposite! This subculture - the consequences of youth extremism and puberty! That is, when children are not yet able to recognize more than two shades of a phenomenon, they divide the world into two parts in black and white. And with the return of the transitional period and will have the right of rebellion - the more radical the better. That is, if in a fashion that is glamour - representatives subculture trash dressed in exactly the opposite - anti-glamour! If you need to do so - the representatives of the subculture trash did not as it should and that's all.

Subculture of trash - a kind of rebellion or protest against stereotypes and rules against social norms and popular culture.

To put it even easier to trash subculture - the opposite of mass culture in the society, culture society. And if you specifically if a society accustomed to homely tones in makeup and clothes, good music, and restrained behavior pattern: study-work-family-house ... etc. that the representatives of all the trash subculture should be exactly the opposite! Acidic, pink, makeup terrifying music to create unpleasant howling vocals, such as clothing ... in general, all the way around! Any frame and any rules are ignored and sent to hell. Because for trash framework and regulations are unacceptable at all. Most of the rejection of any of the rules expressed in clothing, such as:

• A combination of not corresponding things

• Piercing and tatuerovki

• Many accessories, such as gold or with cartoon characters, tiaras

• Prints, Leopard and the same cartoons ...

• Colored hair, "raccoon", false eyelashes and dreadlocks, also harnesses, etc.



Many confuse trash with subculture but they are different in nature! Representative subculture trash being singled out mainly brightness and originality may even brutality and unpredictability and energy. 



Is now considered the most fashionable style Kawai.Primary translation of the word - cute, adorable, fluffy and soft traditional style Kawai more inherent girls, they  are more liberated in choosing clothes and a desire to emphasize their individuality and difference from others.

Feature of this style of clothing can notreplaced, it is so personalized that the image can not be repeated, you can create your own, at least unique in order to look kawai need a sewing machine, second hand shop or studio where you can sew clothes for his sketches, unusual clothing from expensive shops.

A striking example of the style Kawai are long bright sweater stretched over trousers, a pair of sneakers, one blue, one purple, short skirt combined with lace panties to her knees. Lace can be as gloves, skirts, collars and other details. The clothes should be combined bright and neutral colors. Each nail color in different bright colors, the mobile phone must be in a cover- small animals.Different bright accessories, badges.

In fact style encourages this kind of infantilism and unwillingness to become an adult, original art of this trend to remain a child . Teenagers love hentai comic about the adventures of various beings.

In my opinion  thesethreeare themostpopularstyles ofbrightatthemoment, although thecharmofteenager’s fashionable diversity.

Although the founders believe Kawai exclusively for the Japanese, even in Primorye teenage many fans of a band living on principle - be creative, bright, and very sweet.



Goths(born Goths, from the English. Gothic in the sense of the barbaric, rude) - subculture that originated in the late 70's of the XX century, the UK-based punk movement. Gothic subculture is varied and not uniform, however, for all its representatives to some extent characterized by a particular interest in the image and gothic music. Originally a youth, now the world's subculture is represented by people aged 14 to 45 years and older .

The development of the Gothic subculture was closely linked to the evolution of the musical genre of gothic rock. It reached its peak in the first half of the 1980s, when the widespread popularity gained artists like Bauhaus, Southern Death Cult, Siouxsie and the Banshees, and others. Significant influence on the London club had a Gothic Batcave. By 1983 it was already possible to say that a new subculture finally established .

In the second half of 1980 and during the 1990s gothic subculture gained considerable fame, which led to its division into several relatively independent streams . Despite this, she continued to grow and today is a diverse, complex system of separate directions . To date, the Gothic subculture distributed mainly in Europe and North America and to a lesser extent - in Asia and Australia . It has a well-developed social and information infrastructure - published thematic magazines, supported sites, regular gothic music festivals .

The main components are the gothic subculture fashion and gothic music. Gothic fashion is very diverse and includes a number of specific areas, but the similarities to most of them is the dominance of black color in clothing, the specific attributes and special make-up . By Gothic music usually refers gothic rock, death rock and dark wave, but this concept may also include certain derivative genres, such as gothic metal . On the development of Gothic influenced certain works of literature and film, and later elements themselves subcultural aesthetics began to penetrate the mass art . Particularly closely related to the gothic subculture of vampire-themed

One of the psychological foundations of gothic was "passive", the aesthetic protest against the prevailing cultural attitudes . For most of the subculture characterized by some common traits (e.g., isolation), but no single ideology Goths have . Despite the fact that the Goths in general negative attitude to modern society, they are able to successfully integrate into it . Within the subculture have developed their own rules and standards, has developed an attitude to religion , a special understanding of femininity and masculinity , specific views on interpersonal relationships .

Gothic subculture constantly criticized from different perspectives. The media often replicated distorted and negative image of the Gothic ; from conservative social circles and religious organizations to the subculture often expressed different charges, more often than not veracious . In many countries, including those considered to be developed, the Goths are regularly confronted with hostility from others, and sometimes even victims of aggression .

APPEARANCE, symbols and paraphernalia

In general we can say that most of the Goths wear black clothes, paint their nails, hair, eyes and lips in black . Although this description is not suitable for all Goths, but most of them look that way. Variety in the appearance of the Goths must be mentioned as the desire for artistry and self-expression. "Gothic style" is quite diverse. The following is a description of the main elements of which it is created.

Corsets - are of two types: similar in appearance to the corset of times past (made of velvet, brocade, can be of different colors) and corsets, close to the aesthetics of sadomasochism (built using modern materials - latex, vinyl and leather, mostly black). In aesthetics kibergotov sometimes used corsets fluorescent plastic. Often, made to order or purchased in special shops Gothic. Dresses and skirts - very different, often created based on "historical" costume - with lace, lace or colored inserts in the bodice, sometimes using double skirts. They are made primarily of velvet, silk, brocade, chiffon, guipure. The colours are different, but is dominated by black, burgundy and purple. Sometimes the dresses are made of modern materials: latex, vinyl, can be both short and long, mostly narrow, sometimes the bottom of the skirt and top dresses can be trimmed with artificial fur or feathers, mostly black, often for decorative purposes decorated chains, buckles , rings. Sometimes wear skirts and males. The sleeves and neckline jackets and tops are often decorated with lace. In addition to the style of old sweaters are made with modern design - with cuts on the sleeves, a variety of laces (arm, back, bodice), with rings, chains. Tops meet as velvet, and latex, vinyl. Dominant colors - black, purple, also decorated with rings, necklaces, laces, buckles. Common kind of gothic clothing - jackets, mesh, worn by both sexes, are both with sleeves or without, often with lacing in front and on the sleeves, mainly from artificial materials, different types of texture, usually black. Sometimes we use "fur" jackets, faux fur, long pile, mostly black. Although there are other, often extravagant colors: white, pink, light green.


What people wear says a lot about who they are and what they do. It is not surprising that teenagers are so concerned about their clothes. However, their parents think that following fashion is a waste of time.

From my point of view, it is important to look smart and attractive. We cannot go through life with the same hairstyle or make-up. I believe it is also necessary for teenagers to follow fashion. When you are up with fashion, you feel confident. Nevertheless, I feel that looking clean and tidy is even more important than looking stylish. What is more, everyone should find their own style to express their individuality.

Many adults do not understand why teens spend so much time and money on their clothes. Moreover, they are often quite old-fashioned and do not accept modern trends in clothing. They say that fashion comes and goes but classical style remains. I can not agree with them because teenage fashion is quite specific. Nobody likes to dress in styles that are too old for them, and it is no fun being teased because of it.

In conclusion, I would argue that modern lifestyle forces us to look stylish because people judge us by our clothes. Therefore I think we should learn how to look nice.


We figured out what clothes teenagers prefer to wear every day outside of school, and now for the life of the school, where many schools have introduced school uniforms.






School uniforms.

 School uniforms - service uniform for students during their time at school and at official school activities outside of school.

The need for school uniforms

There are different points of view on, whether the standard form students. Main opinions and supporting their arguments are as follows.

Although wearing school uniform is not compulsory anymore, it continues to be a subject of heated debate between teachers and schoolchildren.

On the one hand, it is believed that pupils who wear school uniforms perform better academically in school. It is true because children are often so focused on their wardrobe that it distracts them from learning. In addition, experts claim that teenagers who wear school uniforms behave more appropriately in the school environment. What is more, lots of pupils are often teased because they do not wear expensive designer clothes to school. So those students whose parents cannot afford stylish clothes will feel more comfortable.

On the other hand, children hate wearing the same clothes all the time because it stifles their self-expression and remove their individuality. Besides, most school uniforms are formal and rather uncomfortable, especially in hot weather, whereas children need to feel comfortable in order to maximize learning. Uniforms can therefore deter academic success. Moreover, although school uniforms cost less than trendy children’s clothing, they increase the amount of clothing parents will have to buy for their children.

To conclude, when both sides of the argument are looked at, I would argue that the best solution would be to design a cheap comfortable uniform that allows children to wear individual items so as to express their individuality.


The arguments for school uniforms

• School uniforms, as well as any form, discipline, leading to cohesion, promotes development in the students a sense of community, teamwork, common cause and having common goals.

• Form eliminates (or at least, limit) the possibility of competition between students (and their parents) in clothes, significantly reduces the visual difference between students from families of different material well, preventing delamination on a "rich / poor."

• A single standard form if it is taken at the state level, ensures that the clothing students will meet sanitary requirements and adversely affect their health.

• If there is a single form, its production could be earmarked to subsidize, maintaining low prices and poor shooting from the burden of the cost of educating children.

Arguments against school uniforms

• Shape - the egalitarian element of education and training.

• Form deprives students the opportunity to express their individuality in clothing, is a means of deindividuality of school students.





School uniform in different countries

The largest European country in which there is a school uniform is Great Britain. In many of its former colonies form has not been canceled and after independence, such as India, Ireland, Australia, Singapore and South Africa, Cyprus and Hong Kong.

In France, there was a school uniform policy in the years 1927-1968. In Poland - until 1988.

In Belgium, the school uniform is only in some Catholic schools, and private schools based British. Typical clothing - pants and skirts in dark blue, a white or light blue shirt and a tie.

Germany does not have a school uniform policy, although there is a debate about its introduction. Some schools have introduced a unified school clothes, not the form as students can participate in its development. Characteristically, even during the Third Reich students do not have a single form - they come to school in casual wear, in the form of Hitler (or other children's organizations).

In Russia, the history of school uniforms began in 1834, when it was approved by the general system of civil uniforms of the Russian Empire, including those for secondary schools. Regulation on the form of high school for girls was approved in 1896. In 1918, the gymnasium form of pre-revolutionary Russia was considered a bourgeois relic and canceled. In 1948, during the general "obmundirivaniya" school uniform was again made compulsory. Compulsory school attendance form in Russia was canceled in the spring of 1992.

In the U.S. and Canada, there are school uniform in many private schools. In public schools, there is no single form, although in some schools introduced a dress code (English dress code).

In Cuba, the form is mandatory for all students in schools and higher education institutions.

For most middle and high schools in Japan is considered to be a mandatory school uniform. Each school is their own, but in reality the options are not many. This is usually a white shirt, a dark jacket and trousers for boys and a white shirt, a dark jacket and skirt for girls, or a sailor fuku - "sailor suit". A large bag or briefcase is also used. Primary school, usually dressed in the usual children's clothing. School uniform - black jackets for boys and sailor girls - is just a copy of the British naval forms of the beginning of XIX century.

Our school has also introduced a mandatory uniform, it includes a white top, black bottom, and an icon with the logo of the school.


We conducted a survey on "Teen Style" students' 11 "A" and 10 "A" grades.


1.How do you feel about school uniforms?

A) good

B) bad

B) neutral

2. How to dress to school?

A) in the form

B) casual clothing

B) sportswear

D) No answer

3. How do you see a school uniform?

A) strict

B) free

B) No Answer

  4. Which style do you prefer?

A) Classic

B) sports

B) that in fashion

D) there is no specific style

5. What do you prefer to wear for the holidays?

A) dress / costume

B) jeans, T-shirt / shirt

B) still

6. Who do you prefer to buy clothes?

A) with parents

B) with friends

B) one (s)

D) when both

7. Do you listen to the taste of the parents?

A) Yes

B) do not always

B) no

8. Whether your tastes are similar to the parent?

A) Yes

B) do not always

B) no

9. Whether your tastes are similar with the taste of your friends?

A) Yes

B) do not always

B) no

10 What is your determining the choice of clothes?

A) Beauty

B) easy

B) price

D) style

D) brand

E) Quality

11. What colors would prefer to dress?

A) bright / acid

B) quiet / pastel

B) colored / with pictures

D) No answer

12. What did you go to school with?

A) Portfolio / Backpack

B) bag

Based on the results we have compiled a table.

See Appendix 1

And also on the basis of the survey, we have learned how high school students apply to a school uniform in our high school.

See Appendix 2

Criteria for the choice of teenager’s clothes

Conditionally we included teens aged from 12 to 16.

By this age, the child has already formed the certain range of interests, hobbies and preferences in the models, and also his own style. Of course, the age and interests, and the style will be adjusted and changed, but the basic framework is already in place.

That line of clothing purchased inner feeling of the child and will be the main criterion for the selection of teenage things. Styles, colors and cuts are to be selected with the active participation of the child, taking into account his wishes.

In future having their independent choice children will start buying things by themselves.

Together with the child should grow up and his clothes. The closer the children get to the age of youth, the more things have to match the adult clothes. If in 12 years, backpacks and jackets with their favorite cartoon characters are forgiven, then as you get closer to the age of 16-17 they should be withdrawn.

It is the same with hardware: instead of shirts on the buttons should choose products with buttons, instead of sneakers with Velcro better buy a child a pair of shoes or boots with laces.

True, with this you can not go against the preferences of the child. In the event of any "conflict of interest" to look for a compromise that would satisfy both parties: the parents, and, of course, the very young person.

Our survey also confirms that children prefer to choose their own clothes, and only some of them listen to the taste of the parents.

See Appendix 3


The division of clothing on purpose.

Depending on the purpose and use in various spheres of activity abilities of modern clothing is divided into household, sports (for professional and Amateur Sport), manufacturing, entertainment.

Household clothes - the clothes that a person is wearing at home and in school.

Sportswear - special clothing for sports. This significantly different clothes for professional athletes, from sportswear to no athlete. In the professional clothes as taking into account requirements of a particular sport, such demands as newestandlatest materials and technology are very important, which can later be changed with  the clothing for consumers. In the 1970 the concept of "clothes for sports and recreation", associated with the transformation of sports clothing into the clothes not only for active but also passive recreation appeared.

Uniforms - a form indicating membership in certain organizations. The most important thing of the uniform is the sign function. In today's world form is much rarer than, for  example, in the XIX century. Uniforms were wearing by schoolboys and students at schools.

Domestic clothing worn by modern men, is divided into:

• daily

• elegant

• home

• website (for work and leisure).

Casual wear is designed to work and various activities ( scientists would, walks, visits to exhibitions, etc.). Character and style of casual wear depend on the nature of human activity, a way of life that he leads. Since the life of modern man is extremely diverse, even casual wear is diverse. Every man makes the clothes to his individuality, to show his relations o the world and yourself. But it is possible to determine, perhaps, the most important requirement, which we present to the clothes: it should be convenient and comfortable, and should correspond to the situation in which we are.

Style casual clothing and the extent to which the latest fashion trends depend on the personal choice is individual.

Previously, there were fairly clearboundseparatingeverydayclothesandelegantclothes: ineverydaysuitsanddressesused todefinitefabric, minimumofdecorativefinishes, discreetcolors, androwusedclothingfabricwithdistincttextures (silk, barHut , satin, brocade), decorativetrim (embroidered silk, gold, lice, sequins, appliques, lacetrimming, etc.), jewelry.

In modern clothes such strict separation does not exist, frequent use of non-traditional fabrics in modeling of everyday clothing (satin and velvet), applique lace on leather jackets, embroidery, transparent fabrics, etc. In contrast, in fancy clothes, we often see a fabric that previously applied only in modern tops and casual clothes: dresses, hand-knitted or made of denim, long skirts made of tweed or mohair, classic suit of leather, denim or printed fabric. In the modern fashion  variable boundaries between different product groups practically blurred designated probation. And yet, we can still define  share basic requirements that must be considered when modeling  casual clothes: comfort, efficiency, simplicity of form, the possibility of combining different elements suit.

Since the beginning of 1970.in everyday clothes dominated sets, appearing  concepts are "rational" or "Basics", consisting of different shaped  things related to a single range (skirts, pants, blouses ,sweaters, vests, jackets, etc.) and go well together.

Elegant clothes - the clothes for special occasions: a variety of celebrations, receptions, parties, visits to the theater. Elegant clothes create a special festival atmosphere .

Elegant clothes designed for: home celebrations, visiting theatres and concert halls, official

events (first, awarding pre  mission, etc.), formal receptions, the New Year, prom, wedding, etc.

Modern fashion peculiar to the traditional approach to modeling elegant clothes and unconventional. Some designers deny the importance of dividing the clothes on the elegant and casual (minimalists and deconstructionists). But traditions are kept in elegant clothes a certain destination: the wedding (still dominated by white plaid Rule bride, although this tradition was only in the beginning of XIX century.) tail for official celebrations (for example, for a man in such cases as mandatory QS  king, for women - long dress), for official functions (in this case, especially clothing defined protocol). As in everyday clothes, the degree of fashionable elegant clothes depends on its purpose and the personal choice of its owner.

Clothes for rest, clothes for sports, walking, relaxing by the sea (including clothes for the beach), for visiting discos and night clubs. The basic requirements for clothing for the rest: its functionality and convenience and the ability for everyone to show their individual vision. Therefore, there are so many elements from sportswear and knitwear.

Indoor clothing - clothing that the person is wearing at home, leisure and work. In modern home clothes you can  see the same pattern as in other assortment groups - erase differences from everyday wear and leisure wear: traditional gowns, gowns, aprons are replaced by the same universal things - jeans and leggings, knitted shirts and sweaters. Probably the only still unshakable tradition - comfortable indoor footwear (slippers, flip flops, etc.).

The modern wardrobe has changed in general. Previously dominated by situational approach to the formation of a fashionable man's wardrobe - for each case required special clothing. Now instead of situational approach popular idea of ​​rational wardrobe consisting of sets and rich things. In addition, the actual game and approach to building a wardrobe - it may contain items of different styles that can help a person to change his image as an actor to change them  power of theatrical costumes. This attitude to clothing can help  make life more interesting and diverse.

We also tried to determine the best selling fashion style in adolescents. We came to the conclusion that most teenagers do not have a certain style and they prefer to wear things that are trendy this season.

See Appendix 4

Based on the survey, we have found out the determinants of the choice of teenager’s clothes.

So, we conclude that the determining factors are the beauty and convenience, and the less important are the style and quality. The latest point occupies brand and price.

See Appendix 5


Through our project, we found out that differences between parents and teenagers can be prevented while choosing clothes. You have to be tolerant to each other, discuss issues, take into account tastes and hobbies of your child.

Remember: that being a teenager is one of the most difficult period of life, it is a period of formation personality. During this period, the teenager is in search of himself, his style, interests and tastes. It is important not to pressure your child and try to help him with friendly advice.


























Библиографический список.

1.      Иванова Н. Л., Конева Е. В., Коряковцева О. А. Психология современного подростка: поведенческие проблемы, воспитание толерантности. Методические указания. Ярославль. Изд-во Центра “Ресурс”, 2001. 


3.      Интересы и потребности современных детей и подростков

Автор: Б. З. Вульфов, Ю. В. Синягин, Н. Ю. Синягина, Е. В. Селезнева

4.      Как помочь подростку войти во взрослую жизнь

Автор: Татьяна Орлова

5.      Кризис подросткового возраста

Автор: Т. М. Простакова

6.      Подросток в современном мире. Заметки психолога

Автор: А. И. Подольский, О. А. Идобаева, Л. А. Идобаев



















Appendix 1.

Variant of answer































































































Appendix 2.















Appendix 3.















Appendix 4.














Appendix 5.

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Менеджер по туризму

Менеджер по туризму

500/1000 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Специфика преподавания французского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

72 ч. — 180 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 120 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Специфика преподавания итальянского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 36 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Основные методики в области преподавания испанского языка

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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Подготовка менеджеров по продажам: аспекты телефонных переговоров

10 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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Методические навыки и эффективность обучения школьников на уроках литературы

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Стартап: стратегия, развитие, и инвестиции

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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