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Комплекс заданий олимпиадного характера по английскому языку (9 класс)

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Комплекс заданий олимпиадного характера

по английскому языку

для учащихся 9 класса

                                                                       Назарова Юлия Федоровна,

учитель английского языка МБОУ Алгасовской СОШ Моршанского района Тамбовской области



1. «Аудирование»


Task 1

Listen to Chris speaking about his job and choose the best alternatives :

1. Chris is

A. a manager.

B an engineer

С a technician

5. Chris would like                    

A. to change his job for a simpler one.

B.  to change his job for one with higher qualification requirements.

C.   to change his working place but not his job.

2. Chris doesn't like his job because

A. he has to do things which he doesn't know well.

B.  he doesn't like his colleagues.

C.  his job is not what he expects it to be.

6. In his new job he

A. is prepared to earn less money.

B. would like to earn more money.

C. would like to have the same salary

3. Chris feels under stress because

A.  he is asked to do tasks which are impossible to do.

B.   he does lots of engineering.

C.   he has to work at night

7. Chris thinks it won't be easy to find a job he wants because

A. he doesn't have enough qualification to do it.

B.  the employers might think he is lazy.

C.  he has too high a qualification for such a job

4. He has noticed that his colleagues

A.  are becoming more experienced.

B. are becoming less healthy.

C.  are becoming less interested




Task 2

Listen to an interview with Alex Dixon.  Mark these statements as Т (true), F (false) or NS (not stated).

8. Alex starts writing a book from the end because it's important to know where "it's going".

9. The characters usually develop as Alex is writing the book.

10. He loves his series character a lot.

11.Alex sometimes gets bored with his series character as well as the place and time.

12. He's writing a historical novel at the moment, because he's very interested in the genre.

13. While writing, it's important to remember the meaning of each word.

14 A character is made up of speech and action, according to the author.

15. The characters ask questions and the author answers them.

16. Alex writes a lot of e-mails, memos etc  to communicate with his friends and readers.

17. Alex likes meat.


Использованные источники:

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников, 2015























































2. «Чтение»

Task 1 Read the text and do the tasks below.

Parents and teens at peace

Most young people say their home lives are carefree, according to a new survey

Тhe evidence may not be obvious in some households. But four out of five young people in Britain now get on with their parents, contradicting the popular image of angry teenagers locked in their room after endless family rows.

A new study into teenage attitudes reveals that their family life is more harmonious than ever before: more than half of 13 to 18-year-olds get on with their brothers and sisters; and one in three has not argued with parents during the past 12 months. 85% of 13 to 18-year-olds agree with the statement ‘I’m happy with my family life'. A majority said their lives were 'happy', 'fun' and 'carefree'. Only one in 10 said they had a very poor relationship with their parents. However some arguments do still occur. The most common family flashpoints are 'tidying up' and 'household chores'.

'We were struck by just how positive today's young  people seem to be about their families,' said Nick Rand of the Future Foundation. They're expected to be rebellious, but actually they want a car and material goods and worry about whether their school is serving them well. There's more discussion and negotiation between parents and children and a greater expectation of children's right to participate in the family decision-making process. This generation of parents is much more likely than 30 years ago to treat their children as "friends".' 'My parents are happy to discuss things with me and make compromises,' says 17-year-old Daniel Lazell from Billericay. They know I go to the pub or which girl I'm going out with. As long as they know what I'm doing they're fine. I'm happy with family life. When we sit down to dinner in the evening we all chat.' Relaxation of controls on young people is reflected throughout society. In the 1960s newspapers were scandalised when Prince Charles, then a schoolboy, ordered a cherry brandy in a pub. Forty years later Prince Harry had to confess to drug use to generate a similar level of anxiety.

Psychologist Oliver James comments: 'Our surprise that teenagers say they get on well with their parents comes because of a brief period in our history when they were identified as different beings. The idea of teenagers rebelling and breaking away from their parents is a very 1960s thing.'

Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1.   Most  teenagers in the survey had not argued with their parents during the past year.

2.   Parents and teenagers continue to have disagreements about doing jobs at home.

3.   Young people are less materialistic than they used to be.

4.   Nowadays there is more equality in the relationship between parents and children.

5.   What Prince Charles did in the 1960s would not be a scandal in Britain now.

6.   According to Oliver James, teenagers have always rebelled against their parents.

Fill in the following percentages with reference to teenagers.

10% - 15% - 33% - over 50% - 80%

7…..get on with their parents.

8.___get on with their brothers and sisters.

9.___get on very badly with their parents.

10.___have not argued with their parents for a year.

11.___are not happy with their family life.

Использованные источники:


Всероссийская олимпиада школьников, 2015.


Key Task1.





































Task 2

Read the text. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (8-13). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.


The most famous schools in Britain are private boarding schools, such as Eton College, Harrow School, Rugby School, and Winchester School. These famous private schools, founded during the Middle Ages, are theoretically open to the public, but in reality are attended by those _______1________.

Many of Britain’s leaders have attended these private schools, which cater to the wealthy and influential _______2________. A variety of other schools are also private, including kindergartens, day schools, and newer boarding schools. Private schools that take pupils from the age of 7 to the age of 11. 12, or 13 are called preparatory schools. Private schools that take older pupils from the age of 11, 12, or 13 to 18 or 19 are often referred to as public schools. Only 7 percent of British students attend those schools.

In England, Wales, and Northern Ireland the education systems are similar. The majority of the students attend schools ________3______. These include state schools, voluntary schools, and self-governing or grant-maintained (GM) schools that receive funds directly from the government rather than local authorities.

At the age of sixteen, _______4________ students are tested in various subjects to earn a General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). They should take Advanced Level examinations, commonly known as “A" Levels ________5_______.

Scotland has comparable qualifications. About a third of British students leave school as soon as possible after turning 16, usually taking lower-level jobs in the workforce.

Those _______6_______ may pursue either further education or higher education. Further education is largely vocational. Students may also stay in school until age 18 to prepare for higher education.



A.      who stay in school past the age of 16

B.      if they wish to go on to higher education at a university

C.      which are called comprehensive schools

D.      who can afford the fees

E.      prior to leaving school

F.      but also offer some scholarships to gifted poorer children

G.      which are wholly or partly supported with public funds


Использованные источники:

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по английскому языку. 2012 год

Key Task 2














Task 3

Read the article “Will we all have to leave home?”. Choose the correct parts of sentences (A-G) to complete gaps 1-6. There is one EXTRA part of a sentence you do not need to use.


A.   Which would orbit the Earth and provide wonderful living conditions

B.    Although the give different reasons

C.    Which means we will have to go even further afield

D.   Because the average life of a species rarely exceeds 100,000 years

E.    Which is as long as homo sapiens has walked the face of the Earth

F.     Ever since Jules Verne wrote From the Earth to the Moon in 1865

G.   Which is an idea being explored by NASA



Will we all have to leave home?

(Brian Clark takes a look at what the future holds for mankind)


The idea that human beings will eventually colonise space has been at the heart of science fiction 1____ . Lovers of this type of fiction have always been captivated by the idea of travelling through space and discovering the perfect unspoilt planet to colonise and create the ideal existence for humanity, the idea has never been taken but seriously - until now.

Professor Stephen Hawking has recently argued that, if the human species is to survive, then we should start planning for the ultimate move. He fears that life on Earth is facing an increasing risk of being wiped out by a disaster such as sudden global warming or a genetically engineered virus. It is a prospect that hardly bears thinking about.

Other experts have echoed Hawking's beliefs, 2____. They point out that we are rapidly exhausting the Earth's resources while the population continues to grow. Within one hundred years or so, if present trends continue, they predict that our planet will have been reduced to a barren wasteland. With nothing left in the larder, we shall all have to leave home, and there will be no return.

However, just how realistic is such a move? Given the known laws of the universe, travelling to a planet capable of supporting human life remains an impossibility. Even the journey to Alpha Centauri, the nearest star beyond our sun, would take about 100,000 years,3____.

To make matters worse, no planets matching the conditions required for human survival have been identified orbiting our nearest neighbour. To find such a planet we will have to go even farther afield. One possible candidate has been discovered circling a star 15 light-years away. Unfortunately, it would take more than 300,000 years to get there, and there are no guarantees that it can support life as we know it.

Cleary then, unless scientists come up with a for us way to travel faster than the speed of light, we shall have to look for alternative solutions. One idea, first proposed by scientist Gerald O'Neill in the 1970s, would be to construct gigantc aluminum tubes 4_____. This seems an unlikely option. The only space station to have been built so far, at enormous cost, can support only six people at a time, and they require supplies from Earth.

A more realistic possibility is to build a permanent base on the moon, perhaps as a stepping stone for voyages to other planets, 5____. Unfortunately, it would be difficult to sustain life on an airless, lifeless rock. Specialists also note that bones and muscles would, in the long term, waste away in the low gravity.

There is no doubt that our planet is struggling under the burden of humanity. Some experts claim that we are living on borrowed time already, 6____. However, that does not mean that we should just wring our hands in despair. History shows that man has an incredible capacity to adapt and survive. It is worth remembering that only a few years ago things that we now take for granted, such as instant communications through the Internet, would have seemed impossible. Perhaps we shall soon see the dreams of science-fiction writers become reality after all.

Использованные источники: http://www.centrobrrostov.ru/index.php?id=10:8&Itemid=5&option=com_k2&view=item


Key. Task 3
















3 «Лексика/Грамматика»


Change the words in brackets to complete the text:

London has many (1)______(attract). There is never a shortage of things to see and do. Whatever you (2) _______(decision) to do, set out early as the summer months can be very busy. Most attractions are (3)_______ (easy) accessible by public transport. Travel over ground wherever possible to (4)______(enjoyable) the many sights en-route. Sightseeing (5)____ (tourist) pass all the main sights and are an excellent way to get to know London - especially if this is your first (6)____(visitor).

The cost of staying in London can be very (7)_____ (expense). There are places, however, that offer reasonably priced and friendly (8)_____ (accommodate).There are youth hostels, university and college residences, small B&Bs and hotels to (9)_____ (choice) from. Evening is the time London really comes to life and when the city often looks at its most (10)______(beauty). London's weekly (11)________ (entertain) guide Time Out is a good source of information on clubs, dances, live bands and nightlife.


Использованные источники:  Всероссийская олимпиада школьников. 2015 год.





























4. «Страноведение»


1.What is the official name of the country whose language you study?

1.    Great Britain

2.    England

3.    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2.How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?

             1.  four      

   2.  three

                   3.  two

 3. What is the capital of Wales?

           1. Edinburgh

2.    Cardiff

3.    Liverpool

4. What is the capital of England?




5. What is the state system of the United Kingdom (the UK)?

1.    constitutional monarchy

2.    a parliamentary  republic

3.    a limited monarchy

6.  What is the symbol of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

                 1.a bald  eagle


                 3a rose

7. What is the name of the British national flag?

1.    the Union Jack

2.    the Saint Andrew’s Cross

3.    the Saint David’s Cross

8. What is the emblem of England?

1.a shamrock

2. a red rose

3.a leek

9. What chambers does the British Parliament consist of?

                 1.the Senate and the House of Representatives

                  2.the House of Lords and the House of Commons

                  3.the Cabinet of Ministers and the Shadow Cabinet?

10. Where does the British Premier live and work?

1.    at 10 Downing Street

2.    in the Houses of Parliament

3.    in Buckingham Palace

11. What is the most important airport in Great Britain?

1.Heathrow Airport

2.Gatwick Airport

3.Stansted Airport

12. What is the school-leaving age in the United Kingdom?



3. 18

 13. What universities have the highest academic reputation in the United Kingdom?

1.     Oxford University and Cambridge University

2.     London  University  and Bristol University

3.     Red-brick universities

14.  What is the London residence of Queen Elizabeth II?

1.    the Tower of London

2.    Windsor Castle

3.    Buckingham Palace

15. Where are British kings crowned?

1.    in St. Paul’s Cathedral

2.    in Westminster Abby

3.    in Canterbury Cathedral

16. The ravens  are a famous sight of …

1..the Tower of London

2.London Zoo

3.Covert Garden

17.What is the Scottish national costume for men?

1.the tuxedo

2.the bearskin

3.the kilt

  18. What lake does the famous Scottish monster in?

1.Lough Erne

2.Loch Lomond

3.Loch Ness

19.What country is called a land of castles and princes?


2.Northern Ireland


   20.  What is the name – the patronymic and the surname – of the present English Queen?

1.Elisabeth George Windsor

2.Queen  Elizabeth Bowes Lyon

               3. Queen Victoria Consort



Использованные источники:


Ключ к заданию:

1-3                    11-1

2-1                    12-1

3-2                    13-1

4-2                    14-3

5-1                    15-2

6-3                    16-1

7-1                    17-3

8-2                    18-3

9-2                    19-3

10-1                  20-1


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