Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект отрытого урока "Healthy way of life"

Конспект отрытого урока "Healthy way of life"

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                                                              Demonstration lesson

Theme: Healthy way of life.

Цель урока: систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по теме «Healthy way of life.».

Задачи урока:


- совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком;

- обобщить лексический материал по теме «Health» и закрепить в игровой форме;

- расширить кругозор учащихся по выбранной теме;


-  познакомить учащихся с рекомендациями по ЗОЖ.


 - развивать коммуникативные умения и навыки говорения, просмотр видео по теме;

- развивать творческие способности учащихся;

- развивать память, внимание и мышление;

- развивать умения высказывать свое мнение и делать выводы;

- развивать навыки взаимопонимания и сотрудничества.


- воспитывать  привычку к  здоровому образу жизни:

- воспитывать умения внимательно слушать и уважать мнения одногруппников ;

- стимулировать интерес к изучению английского языка, вовлекая их в коллективную творческую деятельность.

Форма урока: урок-викторина.

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, аудиозапись, магнитофон, раздаточный материал (карточки с кроссвордом, карточки «Health Code», «A Magic Flower»), докторский халат и принадлежности, микрофон и призы.

Teacher: Good morning  my dear students and dear guests! Today we have a demonstration lesson, and our theme is - “Healthy way of life”.

Teacher:Today our meeting is devoted to a very important problem. As you know some people are healthy, some people are unhealthy. Health is the most precious thing in people’s life. We can’t buy health, but we can do a lot to keep it. In order to be healthy we should follow some special rules. The series of pictures on the screen will help you to guess what we are going to discuss today.

Teacher: Look at the black board please, there are three pictures on it, you have to describe pictures.

What can you see in the first picture?

What can you see in the second picture?

What can you see in the third picture?

Teacher: Now look at all these pictures at once. What do they represent?  What  are we going to speak about?

Student:  I think we are going to speak about  health.

Teacher: Right you are. So today we are going to talk about our health, about what we should do to be healthy .


   And  let’s have a competition. We need 2 teams . And we need Jury members for it. Each correct answer must be estimate 5 points.

If the teams have a mistake, jury members have to do minus one point.

 we have to divide into two teams, we have two cards with Kazakh animation’s hero “ALDAR KOSE” and English animation’s hero “SHREK”. Please students choose the cards.


Teacher: Look at the screen, there are 5 main rules of our competition.

1. Traffic lights 

2. Rule: listen to the task

3. Doing the task quickly

4. Listening each other

5. Keep silent!


Our dear students look at me and tell me: Do you have cards with three colors? RED, Yellow and Green? It is our traffic lights.

If you understand the task, you have to show GREEN color, if you don’t understand show RED color and if you understand 50-50% show YELLOW color Understand?

 Let’s start our competition!

Task 1.  Greeting and presentation of your team. (Name of team and motto) 3 min (Video clip for guests). Do you understand?

-Present your team please 1 min.

А.Ж:Task 2. Jumbled proverbs. 3 langueages. 5 min

Jumbled Proverbs about health.

Do you know any proverbs about health? I have a very unusual competition for

you. T. It is called “Jumbled Proverbs”. Each team will get the words for two

proverbs about health. And you must put the words in a logical order. Which

team will be the first?

Do you understand?

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Health is better than wealth.

You are what you eat. 

Eat to live, not live to eat. 

A sound mind in a sound body.

Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет. Кто рано

встает, тому Бог подает.

Кто яблоко в день съедает, у того доктор не бывает.

Здоровье дороже денег.           

Скажи мне, что ты ешь, и я скажу, кто ты.

Есть, чтобы жить, а не жить, чтобы есть. –тамақ

В здоровом теле здоровый   дух – дені саудың жаны сау

Jury members team’s points please.


Teacher: Let’s go on our competition.

Task 3. Who is the best actors !There are  2 dialogues. You have to read and present these dialogues. 5 min. Do you understand?

TV show “All Star Secrets”


Journalist: Hello! I am Bajan Esentaeva. And our special guests on a special show “All Star Secrets”. Please, welcome Kairat Nurtas and Gennady Golovkin !

Hello, Kairat! Hello, Genna! You two look fantastic! You are really the picture of health. My first question is for you, Genna. What is your secret of keeping fit?

GOLOVKIN: That’s true that I hardly ever suffer from anything. In professional sport a lot of time is taken up by physical exercises. They help to develop strength.

Journalist: Any special diet?

GOLOVKIN: It depends. Sportsmen have regular meals, but we use little meat and sometimes we have to keep to a diet.

Journalist: Kairat, do you agree that sport helps to keep fit?

Kairat:: I don’t think so. To be healthy is not necessary to become a sportsman. You may go in for sports just for pleasure when you have free time.

Journalist: You are a very busy artist, aren’t you? Do you have enough time to take care of your body?

Kairat: Unfortunately, not. I try to go to the gym and fitness centre regularly. On Saturday afternoon I usually play tennis and go for a run.

Journalist: Well, I see. Kairat, could you give some advice to those students  who don’t care much about their health?

GOLOVKIN: Err... I don’t know. Students, be active! Our life is boring and stressful when it is calm.

Journalist: Thank you very much.


At the Dentist’s

Student: Hello, doctor! May I come in?

Doctor: Hi! Come in, please. Sit down. What’s your name?

Student: My name is Erlan

Doctor: Your age?

Student: I am 17.

Doctor: What’s the matter?

Student: An awful toothache, doctor.

Doctor: An awful toothache? Let me see. Open your mouth, please. Wider, please. Your teeth are OK.

Student: Oh, doctor, an awful toothache. I can’t go to the college.

Doctor: Oh, you can’t go to the college.. Now I see. I’ll take your tooth out. Madina, give me my instruments. (Входит медсестра в белом халате, изображающая медсестру, и вносит на подносе щипцы)

Nurse: Is it what you want, doctor?

Doctor: Yes, it is. Thank you.

Nurse: My pleasure.

Student: Oh, doc, what’s that? My tooth is OK. I’ll go to the college Bye, doctor. Bye.

Doctor: (берет в руки щипцы, и обращаясь к зрителям, говорит): A very good instrument for lazy students.


Teacher: Look at the screen please, there is a crossword, I read a sentence, you have to give a correct answer. Do you understand?

Task 4.  I read the sentence, if you know the answer please hand up. Crossword “DRILLS FOR SKILLS”


1.Type of sport with using the gloves.

2. Popular kind of sport in our country (using a ball).

3. A Ki

nd of sport, when sportsmen move on skates.

4. Type of sport, where you must throw the ball in a basket.

5. Rhythmical gymnastics.

6. Sport in which, two teams try to hit hockey goal in the gate.

7. Kind of sport, where playing with rackets.

8. The sport of jumping into water.

9. The use of bicycles for sport.

10. The sport involving performance of exercises requiring flexibility, agility, coordination, and balance


Jury members team’s points please



Teacher:Task 5. TV definitions. There are two videos with 2 definitions (Sartina ), every team has to listen the video question and has to give the correct answer, but you don’t tell the answer, you have to glue the answer on the paper. Do you understand?  5 min

Teacher:Task 6 Domino  You have to do correct Domino. Do you understand?

Jury members team’s points.

Teacher: Task 7.  

“Health Code.”

 Now I will give each team a leaf sheet with a list of recommendations which

we should follow or shouldn’t follow to be healthy. Your task is to make Health

Code. The first team will discuss and tell us what we should do to be healthy

and the second team will tell us what we shouldn’t do.


What we should do to be healthy

Take regular exercises

Get up early and go to bed early

Wash your hands before eating

Do sports

Clean your teeth twice a day

Sleep enough

Take a shower

Eat more fruit and vegetables


What we shouldn’t do to be healthy


Keep to a diet


Watch TV too long

Drink Coke

Skip meals

Surf in the Internet all day long

Eat too many sweets

Eat between meals


 Keep to a diet


 Take regular exercises


 Get up early and go to bed early


 Wash your hands before eating


 Smoke


 Watch TV too long


 Do sports


 Clean your teeth twice a day


 Sleep enough


 Drink Coke


 Take a shower


 Skip meals


 Surf in the Internet all day long


 Eat too many sweets


 Eat between meals


 Eat more fruit and vegetables.                      


T. Are you ready? We’ll start with the things which we should do.


T. And the second team will tell us what we shouldn’t do.


Teacher: Task 8 . “Keyboard” Nowadays every people can use the keyboard, look at the screen please there is a keyboard of modern  mobile phone. There are 10  pictures and numbers. You have to find correct numbers and pictures.

Do you understand?




















































Teacher: Task 9. Who is the first.

                                        Read a riddle


1. It is a fruit. It is red or yellow, sometimes green. It is very tasty. Children like to

eat it very much. …apple

2.  It is a vegetable. It is orange. It is sweet. It is good for vegetable soup or salad.

It is good to eat. …carrot

3. It is white or brown. It is good to eat with meat soup or vegetable soup. It is

good to eat with butter or jam. It may be toast….bread

4.  It is a very tasty thing. Everybody usually buys it for a birthday party. …cake

5.  It is white. It is oval. It is good to eat for breakfast. It comes from a hen. …egg

6.  It is a drink. It is white. Children like to drink it. It comes from a cow. …milk

(каз.рус.12 шт)


Task 10 Magic hearts


 Teacher: Our lesson has come to an end. (Reflection) I see that you know much about the main rules of keeping fit. And I hope that you will continue to take care of your health. Thank you for your work. Please, jury members   count teams points. And we have music pause for you.  How many points do you have? …Our congratulations! You all deserve excellent marks!
















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