Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока английского языка «Ecology and modern technologies. Problems, solutions» (10 класс)

Конспект урока английского языка «Ecology and modern technologies. Problems, solutions» (10 класс)

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Лопатина Любовь Борисовна
учитель английского языка
МБОУ «Николаевская СОШ» филиал «Новообинская СОШ» Петропавловского района Алтайского края
номинация: «Сценарий урока»
тема: «
Ecology and modern technologies. Problems, solutions»
апрель 2022г.

Сценарий урокаролевой игры

"Ecology and modern technologies. Problems, solutions"

 (слайд № 1) (Заставка передачи «Место встречи»)

(видео № 1) https://youtu.be/rfARaccxt_4 (музыкальная заставка «Место встречи»)

Teacher: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, our friends from the 10th form!

Today we are greeting you in our studio "Meeting Place" on a very burning occasion. Attention to the screen!

 (видео № 2) https://youtu.be/239nA4i8UO0

Teacher: (Обращаясь к 10 классу) Well, now, boys, how do you think what our discussion will be about?

Pupil 1: I think the theme will be about ecology.

Pupil 2: To my mind the lesson will be not only about the ecology, but about the environmental problems.

So, as you guessed, today's discussion will be devoted to the topic "Ecology and modern technologies. Problems, solutions"

Today we have  some guests:

1. A Representative of the international organization "Green Peace" - Alex Green

2. A friend of the famous girl - activist of the green movement Greta Thunberg - Pontus Wernbloom

3. Top manager of one of the industry companies of Gazprom Corporation - Valeria Skulova.

In the modern world, industrial production issues often face environmental pollution problems. The development of modern technologies, of course, provides for the restoration or construction of some kind of treatment facilities, but is this really the case. One of the serious environmental protecting organizations "Green peace" is trying to monitor this problem. Please, Mr. Alex Green. (слайд № 2)

Mr. Alex Green: Hello! I’m Alex Green. I’m from the organization "Green peace".   The organization "Green peace" is an international independent association of people who is constantly  fighting for the preservation of life on the planet. Our organization lives thanks to the financial assistances of individuals and charitable events.

Valeria Skulova: (слайд № 3) Excuse me for interrupting you, but do you really think that the development of modern industry presupposes untouched nature, pristine forests, clean ocean waters? But there is a growing population on the planet, it needs to be fed, warmed, given shelter? Gazprom is a global energy company.

We see our mission in providing consumers with natural gas, other types of energy resources and products of their processing in a reliable, efficient and balanced manner. Gazprom's set of special measures is aimed at minimizing the negative impacts of production processes on natural resources - water and land, keeping atmospheric air and biodiversity in good condition, and reducing the amount of production waste.

Pontus Wernbloom (interrupts): Excuse me, please, can I find out what kind of transport you came here by?

Valeria Skulova: Excuse me, what do you mean? I arrived on my own Gazprom plane, as I consider this type of transport to be the fastest.

Alex Green: I personally drive an electric car, because it is the most environmentally friendly form of transport.

Valeria Skulova: May I ask if it seems to me or am I wrong, but I have seen Mr. Pontus Wernbloom on the cover of a magazine or on a TV show somewhere. But you were with some girl?

Pontus Wernbloom: (слайд № 4)Yes, it was my friend, Greta Thunberg - Swedish environmental activist who has gained international fame and recognition for promoting the opinion about the inevitable existential crisis for humanity as a result of climate change. Greta's obsession was climate change. Various strikes took place in schools on Fridays.

Valeria Skulova: Mr. Green, you say that your organization exists on the money of sponsors, but here, for example, the Rockefellers, one of the richest families on the planet, on the one hand, are engaged in charity, and on the other hand, they develop industry in countries, sometimes not really caring about the environment. And I also want to ask Mr. Pontus Wernbloom, I wonder who Greta Thunberg 's parents are?

Pontus Wernbloom: (слайд № 5) Her father is an actor, her mother is an opera singer. Her parents fully support us and have made a donation. (слайд 6)

Valeria Skulova: What a creative family! Why did Greta suddenly become interested in the problems of the world ecology?

Pontus Wernbloom: Greta started her career at the age of 11. We learned that people use too many aerosols, because of this ozone holes are formed, we are against climate change!

Alex Green: Yes, I heard her speech at the UN.

Valeria Skulova: And what is the point, I'm sorry, I'm not really aware…

Pontus Wernbloom: She performed twice at the UN. (слайд 7)

(выступление Греты Танберг на заседании ООН)

(видео № 3)  https://youtu.be/w7HppElE00M

Alex Green: Yes, indeed, the climate is changing. Everyone can see it. But I, as a representative of Green Peace, am very concerned about the fires that occur in different parts of the planet. This year Greece, Italy, and Russia were on fire. But forests are the lungs of the planet.

Valeria Skulova: Well, we certainly have nothing to do with this.

Pontus Wernbloom: But you cut down forests when you run pipelines to Europe!

Valeria Skulova: Of course, this is still a necessity, but we have a program to restore forests.

Alex Green: I hope you have special projects to restore the nature of the planet.

Valeria Skulova: (слайд № 8) Well, of course! Although Greta Tumberg's dreams of planes not flying, trains not running, we could observe in 2020, when the planet was numb from the coronavirus. It was wild and uncomfortable!

Pontus Wernbloom: But people have become closer to nature and the planet has rested from such a transport load!

Alex Green: Our organization stands for the rational use of natural resources.

Valeria Skulova: But you don't always react adequately!

Pontus Wernbloom: I think everything has to be balanced. (слайд № 9) My friend Greta represents the extremely aggressive forces of the fighters for the purity of nature, ecology. I have repeatedly told her about this.

Teacher: Yes, today we have come to an agreement that everything on the planet should be balanced. People will not be able to live without modern technologies, and nature needs to be helped to recover after the active exploitation of its natural resources.

We are all citizens of Planet Earth and rely on it for food, air, water and much more, so not only is it our responsibility to care for the environment, it’s also in our best interests! So, how much effort are you making to reduce your impact on the environment? Are you a bright green citizen or more of an embarrassing shade of red?

To the end of our program, I would like to find out whether you are followers of Green Peace at heart or not. Please fill out this small questionnaire. And draw conclusions for yourself. (раздаются анкеты)

You may use the letters A,B,C.

A means – Always

B means – Sometimes

C meansNever

(проводится анкетирование См. Приложение 1. По мере готовности анкет ребята присоединяются к  просмотру заключительного видеоролика)

(видео № 4)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMJ5pMJC-0Q

Teacher:  Are you a green citizen? What is your answer? Most A, B or C? Count it! (ребята считают ответы на буквы A,B,C и приходят к выводу, кто в большей степени является «зеленым» )

Most A,B or C? Read it! Good of you!

Well, now, boys! Were you right that our discussion would be devoted to some environmental problems?

Pupil 1: I think we are creating the world we live in with the help of modern technology.

Pupil 2: As Franklin Roosevelt said a nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.

Teacher: Now, look at this! (слайд № 10) Don’t blow it - good planets are hard to find!

(слайд № 11) Thank you for your attention, for your taking part in our discussion. I hope that you will be good green citizens? Because it is your future, it will be your life, it will be your life on your Planet! Thank you! Good bye!

This is the end of our program "Meeting Place". See you soon!

(Слайд 12) Информация об авторе презентации «Meeting Place»


1.     презентация «Meeting Place»

2.     (видео № 1) https://youtu.be/rfARaccxt_4 (музыкальная заставка «Место встречи»)

3.     (видео № 2)  https://youtu.be/239nA4i8UO0 Экология (Проблема Земли) - Ecology (The problem of the Earth)

4.     (видео № 3)  https://youtu.be/w7HppElE00M  Выступление Греты Тунберг на саммите ООН по климату - на английском языке с русскими субтитрами

5.     (видео № 4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMJ5pMJC-0Q  Проблемы окружающей среды на английском.




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Краткое описание документа:

Конспект (сценарий) урока представляет собой встречу представителей "Газпрома", друга Греты Тумберг и "Зеленого движения". Идет обсуждение экологических проблем, смотрят выступление Г.Тумберг на заседании ООН, делают выводы. В конце в качестве рефлексии заполняется анкета, которая обсуждается всеми учащимися.

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