Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока английского языка «Discover Australia» (Открываем Австралию)

Конспект урока английского языка «Discover Australia» (Открываем Австралию)

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МБОУ «Гимназия №11 им. С.П. Дягилева»

Лукьянова Елена Геннадьевна

Учитель английского языка

Конспект открытого урока английского языка

Тема: «Discover Australia» (Открываем Австралию)

7 класс

УМК Forward-7 под. ред. Вербицкой М.В.

Цель: формирование метапредметных и компенсаторных умений и навыков учащихся при работе с текстами социокультурной направленности.

Аннотация: Урок открытия нового знания предполагает использование активных форм работы с учащимися в целях развития метапредметных умений: воспринимать письменные и устные тексты, преобразовывать содержащуюся в них информацию, представлять информацию в сжатом виде, превращать линейный текст в нелинейный, а также компенсаторные стратегии переноса и языковой (контекстуальной) догадки.

Форма работы: фронтальная, групповая

Ресурсы: Карта Австралии, презентация PowerPoint, раздаточный материал, видеофрагмент, электронная доска



Этап урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся


1.Организационный момент





Good afternoon, dear friends.

Good afternoon students! How are you?

- We have some guests at our lesson.

-Today we'll have unusual lesson. We are going to travel today.

Do you like travelling?








3 min



A lead -in

- to establish a relaxed atmosphere

-to activate the students’ previous knowledge

-generate interest in the topic and set the scene of the lesson






Warming up

(mingling activity – “merry-go-round”)


- to revise the key vocabulary



-to maintain interest to learning the functional language






to give control practice of the key vocabulary







(5 min)


Look at the screen. There are some words which will help you to know the place to visit (destination)

What can you say about them?

What are they connected with?


What country are we going to speak about at our lesson?


What is the aim of our lesson?

What do you think?





Have you ever been to Australia?

What do you know about Australia?







During our trip to Australia we’ll find out the new information about it.

Now, we’ll find your partner for the trip to Australia.

You will work in two groups.

Please, stand up,

go out of the desk into the center of our classroom

and make two circles.


The first circle (inside one) will ask questions to students from the second circle

Your task is to find the person who has the same aim of the trip as yours.  /use the structure to be going to do smth, I’m going to visit A. because/

Ask questions: Why are you going to visit Australia?

You have 6 min



Are you going to work in groups or in pairs?

Are you going to write?

How much time do you have?

They check their answers in pairs and then in class.


Good job! Take a sit together with your partner, please.



We’ll pack our suitcases with useful words. These words will help you today.

SB p.17 ex. 8


Now we are ready for the trip. Let’s go!

Look at the screen. Watch the video carefully and tick true and cross false ideas in your list.





Swap your list with your partner and check it up.


Who has the same results? Put up your hands.

- Who has just one mistake?

- Who has two mistakes?

- Who has three and more mistakes?




They are connected with Australia.

They are Australia’s nicknames.












This country is situated in the southern hemisphere.

When it's midnight in Great Britain, it's the noon in this country.

Many people came to live there at the end of the 18th century.

The symbol of this country is "kangaroo".











I ‘m going to visit Australia because….

-          I’d like to see new places.

-          I’d like to learn foreign languages

-           I’d like to make new friends

-          I’d like to have a rest

-          I’d like to know new traditions








Students will work in pairs.



Students repeat difficult words.




1.      Australia is completely surrounded by water.(T)

2.      Australia has no exciting places to visit in. (F)

3.      It has the smallest desert. (F)

4.      The Natives have always lived in the cities. (F)

5.      They think the world is alive and they are only a part of it.

5 min

Слайд 1







Слайд 2









Слайд 3




5 min








Раздаточный материал –установочная фраза




Слайд 4






2 min








5  min

Раздаточный материал – предложения


Слайд 5























































































Well, to go to the new country we have to know as much as possible about it.

What useful things do we need to take with to the trip?


Yes, we have a map but it has some unknown spots.

Your task is: 1 person from your pair has to go to the map, look under the “spot”, memories the geographical names, come back to the partner and complete your own map.

You have 5 min

























Now we have a map.

As for the tour guide, there is one in your student’s books.


 SB p. 17 ex.6

WB p. 71 ex. 16

Scan the text about Australia quickly on page 17 of your SB and complete the table/ fact file about the country. You have 5 min


Swap your list with your partner and compare it you’re your information.

/What kind of sentences will you write down into the table long or short? /

Name of country



17 million

Aboriginal population

1-3 %

Capital city


Other major cities

Sydney, Melbourne

Names of federal states and other areas


Southern Australia

Western Australia

New South Wales





The Northern Territory

A federal district 


Head of state

Queen Elizabeth II




Australian dollar

Famous animals

Koalas, kangaroos, crocodiles




Answer the question, please. Are we ready now to visit Australia?

- Do we know enough about Australia?

- What do we know?



_________ consists of __states and ___territories.

____________ is the capital of Australia.

The _________ of the country is about ____ million.

Officially Australia is a part of ______, so, __________ is the Queen of Australia. 

The official language is ________.

The first people to live in Australia were ___________.

Australia has a unique wildlife: _____ and _____ live only in Australia.












The map, the tour guide leaflet/fact file


Mark on the map the states, territories, major cities and the capital.
















Name of country




Aboriginal population


Capital city


Other major cities


Names of federal states and other areas


Head of state






Famous animals















Two students will present their results




















One by one students do to the board and put the missing  information



Australia consists of 6 states and 2 territories.

Canberra is the capital of Australia.

The population of the country is about 17 million.

Officially Australia is a part of the UK, so, the British Queen is the Queen of Australia. 

The official language is English.

The first people to live in Australia were aborigines.

Australia has a unique wildlife: kangaroo and koala live only in Australia.



5 min

































7 min



Слайд 6


































Слайд 7


5 min



- Thank you for your work today. Let's remember what was the aim of our lesson?

Put up your hands who can tell the general facts about Australia and ready for travelling there?

- But it's not enough. Next our lesson we’ll continue to talk about the climate and wildlife of Australia.



Now           I know how to  speak about …

                   understand the information …

                   Say my opinion on ….

                   find necessary information


What emotions do you feel? Now I feel ….

+ happiness               - sadness

   joy                             fear




Слайд 8


3 min

Домашнее задание

Home task

Give a short talk about Australia, using information from the table.








2 min


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72/108/144 ч.

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