Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока английского языка по теме "Экология Донецка" ( 10- 11 класс)

Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Экология Донецка" ( 10- 11 класс)

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Практическая работа №1(сценарий урока и приложение с ИП)

Мультимедийный   урок

по теме:   «Environmental Protection».

« Let  us save the Earth."    9-й класс.  (слайд-1)

Учитель английского языка – Пудак Раиса Леонидовна.


Тип урока: обобщающий.


Образовательные технологии: личностно-ориентированная технология, проектная и мультимедийная технологии.


Цели: формирование обобщённых знаний по теме и оперирование ими. закрепление пройденного материала по теме, активизация навыков  чтения текстов с различными учебными стратегиями (skimming, scanning),  навыков говорения, контроль навыков аудирования.


  • Учебный аспект: систематизация, обобщение и закрепление пройденного материала по теме, активизация навыков  чтения текстов с различными учебными стратегиями (skimming, scanning),  навыков говорения, контроль навыков аудирования.
  • развивающий аспект: развитие личностной активности учащихся, развитие способности к анализу, обобщению и формулированию собственных выводов.
  • Психологический аспект: радость совместного труда, создание ситуации успеха.
  • Воспитательный аспект: прививать учащимся бережное  отношение к окружающей среде, воспитывать активную жизненную позицию, формировать потребности и способности к сотрудничеству, сотворчеству, содружеству  и взаимопомощи при работе в паре и группе, создавать духовную общность между учеником и учителем.
  • Практический аспект: коллективная экспериментальная практическая работа по изготовлению   бумаги в бытовых условиях.



  • наглядный материал по теме: картинки, плакаты.
  • Рефераты, проектные работы учащихся по теме.
  • плакаты с высказываниями великих людей, народная мудрость об охране окружающей среды.
  • Презентация работы ученицы Кутьи Анастасии «Natural disasters» (приложение).
  • Интерактивный плакат (приложение).


Учебный материал:

1.    Оксана Карпюк. Английский язык. Учебник для 9-го класса. Тернополь, «Издательство «Астон»,  2009 год.

2.    Карточки (раздаточный  материал-HOs)

3.    Текст для аудирования.

4.    Интерактивные Плакаты (ИП)







Teacher:  How do you do children?  I hope you are OK and ready to work today well and   enthusiastically.   

Warm-up: (Pupils and teacher say together)

     These are our hands. These are our heads.

     These  are our hearts. We are here.

     Nice atmosphere.

     And a nice weather.

     Let us clap our hands .(All are clapping hands)

     Let us work together!                                 


Introduction  the theme of the lesson.



Today we have our conclusion lesson on the topic “Environmental protection».

The subject matter of today’s lesson is “Let`s save the Earth”. And I do hope this problem concerns all of us - me and each student of our class.

Look at the apple. Imagine it’s our Earth. I’m cutting it into 4 pieces. Three quarters of the Earth surface is water and only 1/4 is land. One half of it is habitable. The rest of the land is the deserts, mountains, frozen ice-caps and other places where people cannot live in.  And now there is one of more serious problems  for people living in cities –pоllutions of the environment  in all three spheres:  air, water and land. 

Now I want you to listen to the text about the environment in our city Donetsk. After listening we`ll do the tasks in order to check your listening abilities and understanding  of the text.


In the Donetsk region lives almost one million people ( 969 247). The density of population is 191 people per 1 square km. 90% of the population lives in towns and urban type settlements. Here are concentrated almost 2000 industrial enterprises, using about 300 mineral resources.      

 High concentration of industrial, agricultural and transport

 infrastructure in combination with the high density of the population have created a tremendous amount of pressure on the   biosphere - the largest in Ukraine and Europe. Donetsk region is one of the most ecologically                     dangerous regions of Ukraine.

The most acute problems of the region are the pollution of land, air and water, the accumulation of danger waste.

But all this is a pernicious wobble can be reduced if to observe the cleaning of our streets, throwing trash in the garbage can, take care of fauna and flora and etc. It is no wonder that on the background of all this problem of Donetsk, our city is called the city of million roses! We call it so because  there are many flowers, especially roses, trees, bushes along the streets, in parks and gardens of our native city Donetsk.









Teacher – Dear pupils, you have listened to the text about the environmental situation in our city Donetsk.   Now I`ll give you cards.                  Your task is to tick  «TRUE»  or  «FALSE»  to  ten  statements of  the text  you  have  heard  just  now. Work independently and quickly. When you finish, give me you cards.  3-5 minutes for you. Start, please to work.


                                                          CARD   FOR  CHECKING   LISTENING.                       (слайд -3 –задание)      

                                                                                                                                                  (слайд 4 –ответ)         






This text is about people of Donetsk.




The population  of DONETSK  is  two million people .




The density of population  is 91 people per one square kilometers.




Almost 200 industrial enterprises use about  300 mineral  resources.




Donetsk region is one of the most ecologically

dangerous region.      




The most acute problem is the pollution of water.




The most acute problem is the pollution of land.




All these problems can`t be solve.




But all this a pernicious wobble can be reduced.




Our city  is called the city of million roses.







Key:  1-F,   2-F,  3-F,  4-T,  5-T,  6-F,  7-F,  8 – F,  9-T, 10-T.


  Vocabulary   work:

а) Give English equivalents to the following Russian words and word-combinations:

  • защищать окружающую среду;
  • решать экологические проблемы;
  • загрязнение воздуха, воды, почвы;
  • выбрасывать тонны вредных веществ;
  • промышленные и ядерные отходы;
  • отравлять моря и реки;
  • тропический лес


B) Give the Russian equivalents to the English words and word – combinations:

  • to be in danger;
  • to recycle the garbage;
  • to become extinct;
  • to reuse plastic bottles;
  • acute problems with the region
  • oxygen;
  • remember the three Rs;
  • environmental  protection.

      .     ultra-violet

                                                                                                         (слайд 5-задание)

с) Match the words with their definitions:                              (слайды 6-17 –ответы

1. Ecology

a) A gas in the atmosphere. The gas that we breathe in.

2. Environment

b) The gas that we breathe  out.

3. Flora

c) The study of how living things interact with each other.

4. Fauna

d) This is the atmosphere between 10 km and 60 km above the Earth. The ozone stops a lot of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

5. Habitat

е) When the land, sea or air becomes dirty or poisonous.

6. Pollution

f) Part of sunlight.

7. Carbon dioxide

g) A place that provides animals and plants with food, water and shelter.

8. Oxygen  

h) The wise use of the environment.

9. Ozone layer

i) It means simply what is around us.

10. Ultraviolet radiation

j) All the plants that grow in a region.

11. Conservation

k) The animals of a region.

12. Acid rain

l) Rain containing acid.


Key: 1-с,  2-i,  3-j,  4-k,  5-h,  6- e,  7-b,  8-a,  9-d,  10-f,  11-g,  12-l.                                         

Reading: (checking homework).    Let`s work with the home text.  What`s the Page?   Open  the books on the page 136. The task  is to read the text  and answer the questions.

                 Pupils read home text  - ex.5  page 136-137.

                Questions to answer:           

1.     What organization is this text about ?

2.     What is the aim of the WWF (World Wildlife Fund)?

3.      Where does the WWF gets money  from ? 


Teacher:  Just now we have read and summarized the last text from our book  about  the environmental protection.  You know that every ten minutes one kind of animals, plants and insects disappears.  The seas and rivers are in dangers. The tropical forests are being  destroyed. If nothing is done about all these,  the life on the planet may disappear  too. We`ve learned much about the protection of the environment, nature  on our planet –the Earth. But do you remember the law  of  three  Rs? I`m sure you do. Remind me please.                                    


                               THE LAW OF THREE Rs:      -   REUSE

                                                                                  -RECYCLE                                          Now I want to suggest you, dear pupils, to do an experimental and practical work together. Imagine – you and I made a kind of corporation of making own paper from  trash paper. We all the workers of the paper mill (small factory). We`ll try to make  our own paper. Look at the scheme.   

  SCHEME OF  MAKING PAPER                                  (слайд 18)



                            STEPS OF MAKING PAPER

1.             Tear the trash (макулатура)  and old paper into very small pieces and put it into a sauce-pan.

2.             Pour (залейте)  the paper with warm water and mixed it  with your hands till you get a kind of  « kasha»  which is called «pulpa» (пульпа)

3.             On the second sauce-pan put a piece of cotton fabric, fixed it with 4 pincers (прищепками).

4.             Pour the «pulpa»  on the piece of fabric of the second sauce-pan and with the help of your hands make the «pulpa» as a thin layer (слой).  

5.              Then take off  4 pincers, put the piece of fabric with «pulpa» on the old newspaper,  cover it with the second piece of fabric  and an old newspaper.

6.             Began to dry  (сушить)   your «pulpa» with the hot iron.                                                                                                                                                   


Don`t forget to switch off the iron while you`ll dry the paper!


7.  Accurately take off both newspapers and both pieces of fabric and your paper is ready. Try to make such paper again at home and bring  it for the next lesson.



                   CONGRATULATIOHS!!!  OUR PAPER IS READY !!!

     We`ve made 100% recycled paper in everyday life conditionsUsing recycled                       trash  paper saves the trees. Only think! 


1 tonn of recycled paper saves 10 – 17 trees !

You remember that only ¼  of the Earth is land and inhabited, and only this part  of the planet gives us food and shelter over our heads. So we must love our Earth, keep it clean and nice and save it.  You should know that not only people make damages to the planet, but the nature itself.


 Presentation of project work.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

                                                                                                              (слайд 19)

Let us see the presentation of  the  project work  «Natural Disasters» which was done by  Nastya  Kutya. We will not speak  much  today on this project work because we`ll  learn this  topic in the tenth   form in detail. Today we`ll see electronic variant of project work.  You`ve made the project works as well but in the form  of posters. They were nice and I liked them very much.  Now we`ll watch  the computer`s variant and share the opinions.                                                                                                                                   


Teacher asks some questions:

What is Nastya`s  project  work about?

How many natural disasters  were mentioned in it?

Can you name some of them?  (Chelyabinsk meteorite, storm in Britain,  tornado, flood)...

Did you like the project work? Why?



1.Find 2-3 sayings about nature.

2.  Write  8 sentences what you can do to help our Earth and the environment in our city Donetsk.


Today we tried to make the conclusion on the topic « Environmental  protection»  and saving  our planet –  the Earth.

I am sure,  you`ll never pollute the environment,  where you live, study, work, walk  or play.

 Everything is in our hands and I want you to read and remember these words:

Don` t pollute the water,

Don`t  pollute  the land,

Don`t pollute the air,

And our Motherland !

The Earth is our MOTHERLAND,

Let`s  keep it clean and nice !

Thank you for the lesson. You were active and creative today. Good bye.


P.S.   Интерактивные  Плакаты (ИП) прилагаются


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