Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока английского языка с презентацией по теме "Погода" 4класс (контроль чтения) к учебнику "Rainbow English"

Конспект урока английского языка с презентацией по теме "Погода" 4класс (контроль чтения) к учебнику "Rainbow@

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • The Weather

    1 слайд

    The Weather

  • Describe the weather in the picture

    2 слайд

    Describe the weather in the picture

  • What do you feel before the lesson?- bad
- so-so
- 50-50
- dullfine

    3 слайд

    What do you feel before the lesson?
    - bad
    - so-so
    - 50-50
    - dull

  • What's the 
weather like today?weather

    4 слайд

    What's the
    weather like today?

  • 5 слайд

  • Работа в группахДополни предложения:
She likes …
It is …
There were no …

    6 слайд

    Работа в группах
    Дополни предложения:
    She likes …
    It is …
    There were no …
    Victoria was …
    But today her family …

  • Read the sentences in the right orderThe day was sunny, dry and warm.
It was...

    7 слайд

    Read the sentences in the right order
    The day was sunny, dry and warm.
    It was not windy.
    Today the weather is not very good.
    Look at the table!
    All the family are in her house.

  • Discribe the weather today/ yesterday

    8 слайд

    Discribe the weather today/ yesterday

  • It,s  time to have a rest

    9 слайд

    It,s time to have a rest

  • 10 слайд

  • 11 слайд

  • 12 слайд

  • Weather
Warm   hot
 change rain blow
Everything is good in its season

    13 слайд

    Warm hot
    change rain blow
    Everything is good in its season

  • РефлексияFine!
 so-so …

    14 слайд

    so-so …

  • РефлексияDo you like our lesson?

 If you do please, show me the sun.


    15 слайд

    Do you like our lesson?

    If you do please, show me the sun.

    If you don’t please, show me the cloud


 Thank   you  for  
 the  lesson!

    16 слайд

    Thank you for
    the lesson!

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за 6 месяцев

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Выбранный для просмотра документ кн для чтения 4кл.pdf




О. В. Афанасьева И. В. Михеева




к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой




удк 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ-922


Афанасьева, О. В.

А94 Английский язык. 4 класс : книга для чтения к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой / О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева. — М. : Дрофа, 2016. — 71, [1] с. : ил. — (Rainbow English).

ISBN 978-5-358-15519-0

Книга для чтения является составной частью УМК по английскому языку для 4 класса авторов О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой серии «Rainbow English».

Она содержит сказки, стихи, песенки, снабженные различными заданиями, и предназначена для совершенствования навыков учащихся в чтении и устной речи.

удк 373.167.1:811.111

ББК 81.2Англ-922

            ISBN 978-5-358-15519-О                                                                                            0000 «ДРОФА», 2016

o Ilp0'-1VITaV1 TeKCT O ceMbe (Emily). noaytvlaöl VI CKaXV1, KaKVle 1-43 YTBepxaeHVIV1 nocne TeKCTa BePHbl, a KaKL,1e HeT. CKaXV1 Yes L,1JIL.4 No.

Emily and Her Family

Emily, the elf, has a big family. You know her sister Emma, but you don't know her parents Tom and Meg and her grandparents Sam and Victoria. They don't live with Emily in Green Wood. They live near Long Lake in an old house under a big tree.

In summer Emily and Emma go to Long Lake to meet their parents and grandparents. They swim in the lake and fly in the wood. They are very happy together.

1)  Emma is Emily's sister.

2)  Emily and Emma have parents but they have no grandparents.

3)  Tom and Meg live near Long Lake.

4)  Emily and Emma go to Long Lake in autumn. 5) The elf family like to be together.

KaK Tbi AYMaeLIJb, KaKoe L-43 ABYX 03ép Ha3blBaeTCR Long Lake?


                       1.                                               2.

CKaXV1, HTO cervibR 3J1bCPOB MOXeT AenaTb B03ne 03epa. norv1Hv1, "TO OHVI Bn0JIHe COBpeMeHHbl.

Emma, Emily, Tom, Meg, Sam, Victoria

They can...

O Sa6YLIJKa BVIKTopVIA (Victoria) Macro HYITaeT BHYHKaM CKa3KV1 no BeqepaM. npoqmal.i VI Tbi 0AHY V13 3TVIX CKa30K.

The Princess and the Brave Boy

A young princess [pnnl ses] lives inllpvmuecca a castle [ ika:sl] high in the moun-3aMOK, ropbl tains [Imaunünz]. The princess is very beautiful and rich [ritf] but she is60raTb1ii not happy: she is lonely [Ilounli].OAUHOKMii

A lot of young men try to help the princess but they can't. The mountains are very high...

One day a young boy says: "I can go and help the beautiful princess." He is not a prince and he is not rich but he is very brave [brelv]. He goesxpa6pb1ü up [AP] and up the mountain. He isBBepx hot and tired, hungry and thirsty but he doesn't stop [stDp].ocrra1--1aBJIHBaTbCfl

Suddenly [ I sndnli] the boy sees a BHe3a11H0 big strong bird. He grabs [græbz] the xBaTaerr bird's legs and flies with it into the sky. The bird's nest is near the princess's castle. Now the boy is by its5 door. He is very happy. He sees the beautiful girl and falls [fo:lz] in love. BJIK)6J1qerrCfl

She falls in love too. She thanks the boy. Now they are husband and wife and live together high in the mountains. They are very happy.

BcnOMHV1 C06blTVIR CKa3KV1 VI CKaXV1, B KaKOM nop9AKe AOJ1>KHbl cneAOBaTb 3TV1 YTBepxaeHL4R.

a)    The young boy is tired, hot, hungry and thirsty.

b)    The princess lives high in the mountains.

c)    The bird's nest is high in the mountains.

d)    A lot of young men can't help the princess.

e)    The princess and the young boy are very happy.

f)      The boy is not rich but he is very brave.

B 3TOM qeTBePOCTVILUVIV1 nepenYTaHbl BCe CTP0HKM, KPOMe nepBoV1. PaccTaBb VIX no nopRAKY.

a)      That's my mother, that's my father (1)

b)      My two cousins and

c)      My brown doggy friend d) My little sister, my big brother 6

A. Ilp0HL,1Talh TeKCT V13BeCTHOV1 aeTCKOLä neceHKY1.


A farmer has a dog

And Bingo is his name,

And Bingo is his name, o!


And Bingo is his name,

A farmer...



(clap [klæp]) -I-N-G-O

(clap) -I-N-G-O

(clap) -I-N-G-O



And Bingo is his name,



A farmer...

(clap, clap) -N-G-O

(clap, clap) -N-G-O

(clap, clap) -N-G-O

And Bingo is his name, o!

A farmer...

(clap, clap, clap) -G-O

(clap, clap, clap) -G-O

(clap, clap, clap) -G-O And Bingo is his name, o!

A farmer...

(clap, clap, clap, clap) -O

(clap, clap, clap, clap) -O

(clap, clap, clap, clap) -O

And Bingo is his name, o!

A farmer...

(clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)

(clap, clap, clap, clap, clap) (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap) And Bingo is his name, o!

B. nonp06yVITe BMeCTe noa06paTb cnoVITe eä.

npoqv1TaV1 onncaHL•qe KJIOYHeCCbl (Lady Clown) VI

This is Lady Clown. Her hat is blue blouse is blue and orange. Her boots belt is dark green. Her socks are red is by a grey chair with a big purple her hands.

K 3ToV1 neceHKe VI

pacKpacb KaPTVIHKY.

and green. Her are purple. Her and brown. She and red ball in

Harry Goes to Long Lake

As you know, Harry, the troll, lives in Green Hill. Harry has a very good friend. Her name is Emily and she is an elf. Today Harry's day begins very early. He gets up, takes a shower and has breakfast. After breakfast he rides his bike to Long Lake where Emily's parents and grandparents live. Harry likes to go to Long Lake. He likes to be with Emily and her family. Emily's mother Meg usually cooks nice food. Emily's grandfather Sam teaches Harry to fish and Emily's grandmother Victoria knows a lot of fairy tales. Now Harry, Emma and Emily are sitting near Victoria and listening to a new fairy tale.

1) Harry's day begins .


     a) late                  b) early

2) Harry takes a . . . .

c) very early

     a) shower             b) hot shower

3)    Harry ... to Long Lake.

a)      drives a car

b)      rides his bike

c)      runs

4)    Meg cooks .             

c) cold shower

a) well b) not very well      knows a lot of fairy tales.

c) little

     a) Meg                  b) Ann

c) Victoria

rappvl (Harry) oaancfi norOCTVITb B cervibe 3MVIJIV1 Ha cneayou-w•1Lä aeHb. CKa>KV1, MTO Aena}0T APY3bR B pa3Hoe BpeM51 CYTOK. Tbi MOxeU.1b noc>aHTa3mpoBaTb.

06pa3eg•. It is 3 0'clock a.m. Harry is sleeping and Emily is sleeping too.

1)   It is 9 0'clock a.m.

2)   It is 10 0'clock a.m. .

3)   It is afternoon. . . .

4)   It is 3 0'clock p.m.

5)   It is 8 0'clock p.m. .

[IpoHL'1Ta151 npo ce6fi BTopY}0 CKa3KY 6a6YUJKV1 BYIKTOPVIL,I VI OTBeTb

Ha Bonpoc B KOH14e CKa3KV1.

Little Red Hen

Little Red Hen and her yellow chicks live on the farm. One day she sees five grains [gremz]. She is very happy. "Cluck, cluck, cluck," says Little Red Hen. "I can have a lot of bread [bred] from these grains. But xne6 I can't do this work alone [a l loun]." OAHa


Little Red Hen goes to her friend Little White Duck for help. "Quack, quack, quack," says the Duck, "I can't help you. I'm swimming in my little lake. I don't have time to help you."

Little Red Hen goes to her friend Big Brown Cow for help. "Moo, moo, moo," says the Cow. "I can't help you. I'm eating my green grass [gra:s]. I don't have rrpaBa time to help you."

Little Red Hen goes to Little Grey Dog for help. "Bow-wow, bow-wow, bow-wow, " says the Dog. "I can't help you. I'm playing with my tail."

Little Red Hen goes to Big Black Cat for help. "Mew [mju:], mew, mew," says the Cat. "I can't help you, Little Red Hen. I'm drinking my milk. I don't have time to help you. But I can watch your chicks for you."

"Cluck, cluck, cluck," says Little Red Hen. "Thank you, Big Black Cat, but my chicks are coming with me. They are my helpers. "

Little Red Hen and her chicks do all the job. It's autumn now. The plants are big and tall. Now Little Red Hen can bake [belk] a lot of bread for her family.mcrretlb But all her friends come to her house to eat the bread.

Little Red Hen looks at her friends and11 says: "No, no, no! You are bad friends.

This bread is for me and my chicks."

I think Little Red Hen is right [ralt].lipaBa And what do you think?

 CKaXV1, KaKV1e 3BYKb4 V13aa}OT repovl CKa3KV1 "Little Red Hen", cpaBHVI VIX C pycCl<VIMV1.


1)  Little White Duck .

2)  Big Brown cow .

3)  Little Grey Dog . . . 4) Big Black Cat . . .

                  BblqePKHV1 no OAHOMY JIVILUHeMY cnoBY "3 Kaxaoro pnaa.

1)  bread, breakfast, milk, egg, lemon

2)  begin, take, wash, home, finish

3)  ant, horse, cat, dog, turtle

4)  player, runner, skier, skater, shower

5)  home, house, nurse, hungry, happy

A. [IpoHYITaV1 cnoBa nonYJIRpHoV1 aeTCKOV1 neceHKVl.

Illis Is the Way

This is the way_ I wash my face, Wash my face, wash my face.

This is the way I wash my face,


So early in the morning.

This is the way I brush my teeth, Brush my teeth, brush my teeth.

This is the way I brush my teeth, So early in the morning.

This is the way I comb [koum] my hair,

Comb my hair, comb my hair.

This is the way I comb my hair, So early in the morning.

This is the way I always dress, I always dress, I always dress, This is the way I always dress, So early in the morning.

This is the way I go to school, Go to school, go to school.

This is the way I go to school, So early in the morning.

B. nonp06yv%lTe BMeCTe noa06paTb MenoAV1}0 K 3ToV1 neceHKe VI cnoVITe eä.

OTBeTb Ha BonPOCbl, HT06bl Y3HaTb O ce6e 60J1bUJe.







1) Do






2) Do






3) Do






4) Do






5) DO






6) DO


ride a bike?




7) DO or

you play ping-pong tennis?




8) Do






9) Do


listen to music?




10) DO


read books?




11) Do


play the piano?




12) Do you play football or basketball?




13) Do you get up early in the morning?




14) Do you house?

help about the




15) Do you

do sport?




16) Do you

watch films?





Сосчитай, сколько очков ты набрал(а), и узнай свой результат.

                     1—5:      нужно меньше лениться!

6—13: тебе нужны новые увлечения.

14—20: твой результат идеален.

21—26: подумай, не слишком ли много у тебя занятий.

27—32: тебе необходимо больше отдыхать.

VI CKaXV1, KaKan Me6eflb eCTb B cnaJ1bHe BVIKTOpnm. noayrvlai, KaKoe 3arnaBv1e MOXHO aaTb 3TOMY TeKCTY.

Emily and her grandmother Victoria are at home. The house where Victoria and her husband live is very cos_y. It is not very big. They have two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs. Their living room and kitchen are downstairs. Emily, their granddaughter, often comes to grandparents to help her granny and grandad.

V i c t o r i a: Emily, dear, where are my specs? They are usually on the table by my bed but today I can't see them.

E m i I y: Oh, Granny, I'm doing the living room i downstairs and I can't help you now. Are your specs on the shelf?

V i c t o r i a: No, they aren't.

E m i I y: Are they in the cupboard?

V i c t o r i a: No, they aren't.

E m i I y: Are they under the armchair?

V i c t o r i a: No, they aren't.

E m i I y: Can they be behind the sofa?

V i c t o r i a: They aren't behind the sofa. I don't know what to do.

np0HL,1TaV1 OKOHqaHV1e amanora 3Mv1JIV1 VI BVIKTopVIL,1 VI CIG)KVI, rae 3MVIJIV1 Hauna OHKYI CBOeLi 6a6YLUKV1.

E m i I y: OK, I'm coming upstairs. Not on the shelf, not in the cupboard, not under the armchair, not behind the sofa. Where are your specs? Oh, here they are, on the floor, in the middle of the carpet.

V i c t o r i a: Thank you, Emily dear. Now I'm ready to read to you a new fairy tale.

o np0HL,1TaV1 npo ce6fl TPeTb10 CKa3KY 6a6Y1.UKV1 BVIKTOPVIVI VI CKa)KV1,


1)  The lion and the mouse live in the jungle.

2)  The mouse is white.

3)  The mouse is weak but brave.

4)  The lion doesn't like the mouse.

5)  Under the net the lion is happy. 6) The mouse is a good friend.

The Lion and the Mouse

A little grey mouse lives in a big jungle  She has a lot of friends and loves to run and play with them.

                                 1 to do the room            y6nparrb KOMHarry

A lion lives in the jungle too. He is big and strong but he has no friends. He looks down at all animals. One bright afternoon, when the lion is sleeping in the sun, the little grey mouse runs near him and wakes [welks] him up. Now the lion is not17 happy at all. He is ready to eat the little mouse.

"Oh, please, Mr Lion, don't eat me," says the little grey mouse, "I'm thin and I'm small. I'm not pleasant to eat at all. And you know what? I can help you one day."

"What? You can help me? How can a small and weak animal help me, the king?" says the lion. But he is not hungry and he likes the brave mouse. "OK," he says. "Run away [alwel] but never wake me up again."

"Oh, thank you, Mr Lion, " says the little grey mouse and runs away. In a few days early in the morning the mouse runs under a big green tree and she hears [hiaz] the lion's cry [krai], "Oh, help me! Help me!"

The little grey mouse is ready to help the lion. She runs and runs and sees her friend and her king under a big net. The lion is very sad. He doesn't know what to do. But the little mouse knows that. "I can help you," she says and begins to make [melk] a hole [haul] in the net. The hole is very big. Now the lion can run home.

"Thank you, little Mouse," says the lion. "Now I know how good it is to have friends. Friends can always help you."

CKaXV1, B KaKOM nopfiAKe cneayeT  cneAY}0L14L.qe YTBepxaeHV19, HT06bl OH" COOTBeTCTBOBanV1 TeKCTY CKa3KV1 "The Lion and the Mouse".

a)    The mouse sees the lion under the net.

b)    The lion is ready to eat the mouse.

c)    The little grey mouse runs near the sleeping lion.

d)    The mouse makes a hole in the net.

e)    The lion and the mouse live in a jungle.

f)      The lion can run home.

Ilp0HYITaV1 3T0 CTVIXOTBOPeHV1e, a 3aTeM nocTapaL.icR noBTOPVITb ero, He rnqan B TeKCT.

To the Cuckoo

Cuckoo, cuckoo, what do you do?

In April I open [ loupon] my bill

In May I sing all day

                           In June I change my tune                                        necmo

In July away I fly

                         In August away I must.                                                 r

A. np0Hb,1TaV1 cnoBa nonynnpH0Li aeTCKOV1 neceHKV1.

The Muffin Man

Oh, do you know the muffin [ Imnfin] man, the muffin man, the muffin man? Oh, do you know the muffin man, Who lives in Drury Lane?

Oh, yes, I know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man. Oh, yes, I know the muffin man, Who lives in Drury Lane.

Now two of us know the muffin тап,двое из нас the muffin тап, the muffin тап. Now two of us know the muffin тап, Who lives in Drury Lane.

19 Now three of us know the muffin тап, трое из нас the muffin тап, the muffin тап.

Now three of us know the muffin тап, Who lives in Drury Lane.

Now we all know the muffin тап, the muffin тап, the muffin тап. Now we all know the muffin тап, Who lives in Drury Lane.

В. Попробуйте вместе подобрать мелодию к этой песенке и спойте её.

D А. Прочитай информацию о Лондоне и его традициях в прежние времена.

1.            Drury Lane [ldrori l lern] это название одной из улиц в Лондоне. Улица известна тем, что на ней находится один из старейших лондонских театров. Слово lane часто обозначает узкие извилистые улицы в городе или тропинки в загородной местности.

2.            В Англии словами muffin тап в былые времена называли пекарей, которые пекли и продавали с лотков горячие булочки. Булочки было принято есть, намазав их маслом и/или джемом.

В. А какие лакомства продавали лоточники в прежние времена в России?




                  5.                            6.                         7.

a) The teddy is next to the doll.


b) The teddy is in the bed.


c) The teddy is under the bed.


d) The teddy is behind the cupboard.


e) The teddy is in the middle of the room.


f) The teddy is on the chair.


g) The teddy is in front of the car.



np0HYITaV1, KaK BblrJ1fiAVIT caAVIK 6a6yu-lKV1 BVIKTOPVIVI, VI CKaXV1, gero He xBaTaeT Ha 3TOM pL,1cyHKe.

Victoria's Garden

Emily's grandmother Victoria has a little garden near Green Wood. She likes her garden a lot. There are some roses and a lot of ferns in the garden. Near it there are apple trees and plum trees. There is a little fish pond there too. Every morning Victoria feeds the fish and watches them when they are swimming and jumping in the clear water. In hot summer Victoria waters her little garden and it always looks green, tidy and beautiful. Victoria and her husband Sam come to the garden in the evening, sit on a low bench and speak about their children and grandchildren.

o np0HL,1TaV1 npoaonxeHme TeKCTa O caAL.•1Ke 6a6YLLlKL.4 BL4KTOPV1b1 VI CKa>KV1, KaKoe "3  YTBepxaeHYIV1 BepH0.

1)                     Victoria's grandchildren like her apple jam.

2)                     Victoria's grandchildren like her apple pie. 3) Victoria's grandchildren like her ice cream.


Victoria's Garden

Emily, Emma, Harry and their friends like to come to Victoria's garden and have tea together at the low table under a green fern. They usually drink tea with plum or apple jam or with some apple pie. Victoria can bake apple pie very well. Sometimes they eat hot apple pie with cold ice cream. They all love it. After tea Victoria often tells her granddaughters and their friends interesting fairy tales. Here you can see one

of them.

o Ilp0HL4Ta1ä npo ce6fi qeTBépTY}0 CKa3KY 6a6Y1.LIKv1 BVIKTOPhV1.

Stone Soup

A soldier [Isaol±a] is coming home to his family after a big war [wo:]. He BOüHa is hungry but has no food to eat. "I'm so hungry I can eat stones," he says.

Now the soldier sees a small house. There is a tidy garden near it. A woman is watering the flowers in the gar- 110JIHBaerr den.

"You have a nice garden. Let me rest 1103BOJ1b Ml--le here, please, " says the soldier to the OTAOXHYTb woman who lives in the house.

"I can let you rest here," says the woman, "but I can't feed you. There's no food in the house."

"No food?" asks the soldier. "That is very sad. But I can help you. I have a magic  stone and I can make [melk] some very good soup from it. Give me a pot of hot water."

Now the woman gives him a pot of hot water. Our soldier puts a stone in the pot and begins to cook.

"The soup is nearly ready," says the soldier after some time. "Can you give me some beans [bi:nz] to put them in the pot?" he asks. "Yes," says the woman. So, the beans go into the pot too.

"Can you give me some meat [mi:t] to put it into the pot?" asks the soldier again. The woman gives him some meat. It goes into the pot too.

A lot of men and women see the soldier in the woman's garden. "What is he doing?" they ask. "He is making soup from a stone," the woman says. And the soldier asks the men and women to give him some food to make the soup better ['beta]. They all give him the little he asks for and that food goes into the pot too.


3D.: rrpnrorro-






Now the soup is ready, it is very good and there is a lot of it. So, they all eat it and thank the soldier for his "magic" stone soup.

Pewvl, Kal<aq Mopanb 60J1bLue Bcero K cl<a3Ke "Stone Soup", VI CKaXL,1 noqeMY.

a)    Soldiers never go hungry.

b)   Stone is good to make soup.

c)    Sometimes evenl stone can help you.

OTBeTb Ha BonPOCbl no CKa3Ke.

A. Who says it?

1) You have a nice garden. 2) I can let you rest here. 3) Give me a pot of hot water. 4) The soup is nearly ready. 5) What is he doing? 6) He is making soup from a stone.

B. Who does it?

1) Who lives in a small house? 2) Who sees a woman in the garden? 3) Who is watering the flowers? 4) Who asks for food and rest? 5) Who puts a stone in the pot? 6) Who eats stone soup?

Ilpoqv1Talä 3araAKY VI nonp06yV1 eé OTraaaTb. OTraAKY Tbi MO)KeLUb HajiTV1 Ha 0AH0Li V13 3TVIX KaPTVIHOK.

There is a little green house,

And in the little green house

There is a little brown house, And in the little brown house There is a little yellow house,

And in the little yellow house

                          There is a little white house,          3.

And in the little white house

                     There is a little heart [ha:t].                   cemet1K0

1 even ['i:vn] — Aa%-ce

A. npoqv1TaV1 CJ10Ba nonynnpHoV1 aeTCKOL71 neceHKv1.

There Is a Room in My House

There is a room in my house.

It's a very fine room,

It's a very fine room indeed [In l di:d].

 B caMOM Aene,                                                                         




There's a bed in a room.

In a room in my house, It's a very fine bed indeed.

There's a lamp by my bed.

In a room in my house,

It's a very fine lamp indeed.

There's a cupboard by my lamp, By the bed in a room in my house, It's a very fine cupboard indeed.

There's a table by the cupboard, By the lamp, by the bed, In a room in my house.

It's a very fine table indeed.

There's a chair by the table,

By the cupboard, by the lamp, By the bed in a room in my house, It's a very fine chair indeed.

There's a person [ I P3:sn] on a chair,

By the table, by the cupboard,

By the lamp, by the bed,

In a room in my house,

It's a very fine person indeed.

There's a person on a chair,

By the table, by the cupboard,

By the lamp, by the bed,

In a room in my house,

That person on a chair is me.

B. nonp06yVITe BMeCTe noa06paTb MenoAVIK) K 3T0bi neceHKe VI cnoVITe eä.


er. Emily is thinner and Harry is fatter, but he is stronger than Emily. Emily is weaker.

Harry eats a lot. He likes his food. He enjoys ham and cheese sandwiches and eggs. Emily is not a big eater. She likes to eat sweets, chocolate and jam.

Harry enjoys afternoon sleep and doesn't like to sing or dance. Emily sings and dances a lot. Now you see they are not alike at all. But they can be very happy when they are together. It is wonderful to have a good friend.

Ilp0HL,1TaL7 TeKCT el.uä pa3 VI pewv•l, KaKOLi '43 3arOJIOBKOB nyqwe K HeMY noAXOAVIT.

a)    They Live in the Wood

b)   Two Friends

c)    He and His Good Friend

nocM0TpL,1 Ha KaPTVIHKV1 VI CKaXVl, KaKV1e BaPV1aHTbl B npeanoxeI-IMAX 1—6 BePHbl.

Harry's house is bigger/smaller than Emily's.

2)   Emily's bike is newer/older than Harry's.

3)   Emily's family is bigger/smaller than Harry's.


4)   Harry's kitchen is cleaner/dirtier than Emily's.

5)   Harry's garden is narrower/wider than Emily's.

6)   Emily likes her tea hotter/colder than Harry.

                                Ilpoqv•1TaV1 npo ce651             CKa3KY 6a6YUJKV1 BL,IKTOPYIYI.

The Magic Ring


So he goes travelling and comes to a small town. He sees two farmers. The farmers are chasing [ l tSe1s11J] a1'OHfl1-OTCH (aa) dog. "Give me the dog," says Johnny (that is the boy's name). The farmers give him the dog.

Then Johnny sees a woman chasing a cat. "Give me the cat," he says. The woman gives him the cat and the three travel together.nyrre111ecTBywr

After some time they see a man and a snake [snelk]. The man is chas-3Mefl ing the snake. "Give me the snake," says the boy. "OK, you can have it," answers the man. So the three happy animals and Johnny travel on together.


The snake lives in the Snake King's castle and is the King's favourite. She takes her new friends to the Snake King. He is happy to see his friend again and gives Johnny a magic ring as a present. "Rub [rnb]110TpM the ring," says the King, "and you can have all you would like."

So, Johnny thanks the King and goes home with his new friends. There he gives his father a bigger house with a nice garden, a cow, some horses, pigs and sheep. Johnny is rich now. He thinks he can mar-xe1--1UTbCfl

 [ imæri] the princess. She is very beautiful.

The princess doesn't love Johnny. But he is rich and he has the magic ring. So, she says "yes" to Johnny. Johnny is happy. The beautiful princess would like to have the magic ring. She steals [sti:lz] it and runs torpaAéT her father. What can Johnny do? He understands the princess is not good and doesn't love him.

Johnny asks his friends, the dog and the cat, to bring [bril)] him thenpvmecrrvl magic ring. The dog and the cat run

to the princess's castle and bring Johnny the ring. Johnny rubs his magic ring and says, "I wouldn't like to be rich. I wouldn't like to marry the princess. I would like to be happy again."

PaccTaBb 3TV1 YTBepxaeHL,1R B normqecK0M nop9AKe. Ecnvl HYXHO,


npoqv1TaV1 CKa3KY eulä pa3.

a)    The dog and the cat run to the princess's castle.

b)   Johnny and the three animals go to the Snake King.

c)    Johnny sees two farmers.

d)   Johnny gives a new bigger house to his father.

e)    The woman gives Johnny a cat.

f)     The princess steals the magic ring.

A. npoqvna"l cnoBa nonynnpH0V1 aeTCKOV1 neceHKV1. noaapaicq AOiTV1 AO eé KOH14a.

Miles from Home

We're ninety-nine miles l from home.

We're ninety-nine miles from home.

We walk a mile; we rest awhile2 .

We're ninety-eight miles from home.

We're ninety-eight miles from home. We're ninety-eight miles from home.

We walk a mile; we rest awhile.

We're ninety-seven miles from home.

We're ninety-seven miles from home. We're ninety-seven miles from home.

We walk a mile; we rest awhile.

We're ninety-six miles from home.

1         mile [mall] MVIJIH (oDHa cyxonymnaa MUJLfl pa6Ha 1 609 M)

2         awhile [alwall] — 3D.: HeMHOPO

We're ninety-six miles from home. We're ninety-six miles from home.

We walk a mile; we rest awhile.

We're ninety-five miles from home.







B. nonp06Yl,iTe BMeCTe noa06paTb MenoAV110 K 3TOLä neceHKe VI cnoviTe eä.

npoqv1TaV1 CTVIXOTBopeHV1e VI 3aKOHHV1 ero.

This Is the Key of the Kingdom l

This is the key of the kingdom: In that kingdom there is a city.

In that city there is a town.

In that town there is a street.

In that street there is a lane [leln].

In that lane there is a y_ard [ja:d].

In that yard there is a house.

In that house there is a room.

In that room there is a bed.

On that bed there is a basket [ Iba:sklt].

In that basket there are some flowers.

Flowers in a basket. Basket on the Bed in the . . .

         Room in the . . .

                   1 the key of the kingdom [ ik10dam]        I-cmotl 0T I-COPOJ1eBCTBa

House in the

Yard in the

Lane in the

Street in the .

Town in the

City in the

Of the kingdom this is the key.

np0HL4TaV1 TeKCT VI pet-um, KaKaq KaPTVIHKa Morna 6bl CJIYXVITb K HeMY.

My name is John Brown. I'm eighteen. I have three brothers. They are all younger than me. We live with mum and dad in a block of flats.

Ilp0HL,1Tavi TeKCT VI CKaXV1, noqeMY aeHb poxaeHL,19 BVIKTOPVIVI npa3AHY}0T B AOMe. r10AYMaV1, KaKoe 3arnaBne MOXHO 6blJIO 6bl ,qaTb 3TOMY TeKCTY.

Today is Victoria's birthday. All the family are in her house. Victoria has a lot of presents, flowers and a big box of chocolates. She likes chocolates very much. Now her granddaughters are singing the birthday song for their granny.

Look at the table! There are a lot of tasty things on it. You can see a big birthday cake, some grapes, apples, oranges and Victoria's favourite hot chocolate.

Today the weather is not very good. It is windy and rainy. There are a lot of clouds in the dark sky. There is no sunshine.

But yesterday the weather was fine. There were no clouds in the clear blue sky. It was not windy. The day was sunny, dry and warm. Victoria was in her garden.

But today her family don't want to go there. They want to be in the living room where it is so cosy. And Victoria is ready to read a fairy tale to her granddaughters as she always does before they go to bed.

noctv10Tp1,1 Ha pncyHOK VI CKaXV1, B HéM 01UV16C51 XYAO>KHVIK: H TO 6blJ10, a Hero He 6blJIO Ha crone y 6a6YWKV1 BblKTOPVIV1.


np0HL4TaL71 npo ce6R wecTY}0 CKa3KY 6a6YLUKV1 3arnaBL4e MOXHO npMAYMaTb 3Tovi CKa3KV1?



One bright day the Wind meets the Sun and says, "I'm stronger than you, Sun." "No, you are not," answers the Sun. "I am stronger than you."

They don't know who is right but they want to know it. Then the Sun says, "Wind, can you see that man down there? He has a warm coat on. Can you make him take off hisgacrraBwrb coat?"

"Yes," says the Wind. "I can do that. It's very easy [ I i:zi]. Now you3T0 oqeHb nerK0. can see that I am stronger than you, Sun." So the Wind begins to blow.

It blows, and blows, and blows. But what's the result [rllzndt]? "Oh! How cold that wind is!" says the man. The man doesn't take off his coat. More than that, he puts on his scarf [ska:fl and his hat. The Wind begins to blow stronger. The man can't37 stand on his feet, but he doesn't take off his coat, he doesn't take off his hat and his scarf. He is cold. The Wind says, "No, I can't make the man take off his coat. Now you try [tral]. "

The Sun smiles and begins to shine in the sky. It gets warmer and warmer. Now it is hot. The man is very hot in his warm coat and he opens up his coat, takes off his scarf and his hat. Now the Sun is brighter and hotter. Soon [su:n] the man is so hot that he takes off his coat.

           CKaXV1, KaKv1e YTBepxaeHVIR COOTBeTCTBY}OT TeKCTY CKa3KV1.

1)                        The Wind says he is the strongest of all.

2)                        The Sun says he is stronger than the Wind.

3)                        The Wind is stronger than the Sun. 4) The Sun is stronger than the Wind.

Kal<aq Mopanb 60J1bl.ue Bcero noAXOAVIT K 3ToV1 CKa3Ke?

1)     The Sun is the strongest of all.

2)     Kindness [ I karndnls] works better than406poTa force [fo:s].CHJ1a 3) The man likes the Sun more than the Wind.

o nocJIYL.uaV1 VI np0HL,1TaLi 3T0  a 3aTeM noaapaücR ero nOBTOPVITb, He rnnan B TeKCT. LITO MOXHO V1306pa3VITb B KayeCTBe mnmoapauv1L,4 K 3TOMY CTVIXOTBopeHV1}O?

The Clouds

White sheep, white sheep, 38 On a blue hill.

When the wind stops,

You stand still. HerlOABH%CHO You walk far away

When the winds blow:

White sheep, white sheep, Where do you go?

D A. npoqv1TaV1 cnoBa nonynqpH0L51 aeTCKOV1 neceHKV1.

If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands! (clap-clap) If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands! (clap-clap) If you are happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands! (clap-clap)

If you are happy and you know it, slap your knees! (slap-slap) If you are happy and you know it, slap your knees! (slap-slap) If you are happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, If you are happy and you know it, slap your knees! (slap-slap)

If you are happy and you know it, stamp your feet! (stamp-stamp) If you are happy and you know it, stamp your feet! (stamp-stamp)

If you are happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, If you are happy and you know it, stamp your feet! (stamp-stamp)

If you are happy and you know it,39 snap your fingers! (snap-snap) If you are happy and you know it, snap your fingers! (snap-snap) If you are happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, If you are happy and you know it, snap your fingers! (snap-snap)

If you are happy and you know it, say OK! (0-K)

If you are happy and you know it, say OK! (O-K) If you are happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, If you are happy and you know it, say OK! (O-K)

If you are happy and you know it, do all five!

(clap-clap), (slap-slap), (stamp-stamp),

(snap-snap), (O-K)

If you are happy and you know it, do all five!

(clap-clap), (slap-slap), (stamp-stamp),

(snap-snap), (O-K) If you are happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, If you are happy and you know it, do all five! (clap-clap), (slap-slap), (stamp-stamp),

(snap-snap), (O-K)

B. nonp06y51Te BMeCTe noa06paTb Menoavno K 3TOL.i neceHKe VI cnoVITe eé.



1)     Which letter of the ABC has a lot of 6YKBa water?

2)     What has a face and two hands but

40                          no arms or legs?                                    pyKu,• 1--101M

3)      Which month has twenty-eight days?

4)      What flowers have two lips?

5)      Four children and their dog are walkmg under a small umbrella but they 30HT are not wet. How? np0M0Kmne


a)    Tulips.

b)   All of them.

c)    It is not raining.

d)   A clock.

e)    The letter C.


npoqv1Tav%1 TeKCT VI CKaXV1, "TO HOBOro Tbi Y3Han "3 Hero o Tponne.

Harry, the troll, lives in Green Hill. He's Emily's good friend. Sometimes when summer comes, Harry travels to Grandma Victoria's place to visit her and her granddaughters. Harry travels on his bike and always has a lot of nice presents for Victoria and the girls. Usually they are some flowers for Victoria and sweets for Emma and Emily. Harry is a funny troll. He never talks a lot but he likes to listen: he is a very good listener. Harry enjoys Victoria's tales. He can listen to them all day longl . He likes to ask questions too.

Now Harry is visiting Emily's family. Emily is happy to see him. They are talking about tomorrow and you can read what they are saying.

npoqv1TaV1, o qéM roBOPfiT apY3bfi, VI OTBeTb Ha Bonpocbl nocne TeKCTa.

H a r r y: What are we going to do tomorrow?

E m i I y: What would you like to do?

H a r r y: I'd like to go to the lake in the middle of the wood. It's hot. I'd like to take a swim.

E m i I y: Good! We'll swim in the lake and have a picnic there. I'll make sandwiches and a pie.

H a r r y: What will we drink?

E m i I y: We'll drink juice and water.

H a r r y: What pie will you make?

E m i I y: I'm going to make an apple pie.

1 all day long — I-xeJ1b1ii ,aeHb

H a r r y: Can you make a cherry pie? You know it's my favourite.

E m i I y: OK. I'll make your favourite cherry pie.

H a r r y: Thank you. And what will we do in the evening? Are you going to ask Victoria to read a fairy tale to us?

42 E m i I y: I'll do it. This evening granny will read to us the best story of all, you'll see. H a r r y: That's wonderful.


1)   Where is the lake?

2)   What are the friends going to have after they swim in the lake?

3)   What pie does Emily make?

4)   Are they going to drink tea?

5)   What are they going to drink?

6)   What will the friends do in the evening?

O Ilp0HYITaV1 npo ce651 ceAbMY}O CKa3KY 6a6YUJKV1 BVIKTOPVIVI.

The Princess and the Pearop0111MHa

A young prince wants to marry. He travels here and there, visits a lot of places but there is no girl he would like to have for his wife. So he is very sad. He can't meet a true [tru:]HaCToaruafl, princess.ncrrum-laa One dark night the weather is very bad. It is windy and rainy. The king, queen and the prince are in their warm and cosy castle. They are waiting for their dinner. Suddenly they see a young girl at the door of the castle. The girl is cold, water is running down her face.


"Good evening," says the girl. "Can I, please, come in? I am so cold."

"What is your name, young lady [Ileidi] asks the king.

"I am Fran, " she answers. "My father is King


"Then you are a princess?" asks the queen.

"A true princess," answers the girl. She has dinner with the family and they see how good she is and like her manners [ Imænaz] very much. The prince begins to think she is the best girl in the world [w3:ld].

"But is she a true princess?" thinks the queen. She wants to know it. The queen puts twenty mattresses Marrpacbl [ Imætrlslz] on Fran's bed and under twenty mattresses she puts a small pea.

In the morning the queen sits at the breakfast table with the king and the prince. Fran comes to the table too. She doesn't look very good.

"What's the matter, child?" asks the king.

"It was a very bad night, " answers the girl.

"I didn't sleep at all. My bed was not comfortable."

The queen is very happy. Now she knows that Fran is a true princess. "I'd like to talk to you," she says to her son. "Fran is a true princess.

Only [ l aunli] true princesses can be soTOJ1bKO delicate [ i dellkat]. There were twenty3D.: He%CHaa,

44 mattresses on her bed. A small peaxpymcafl was under them. And the princess couldn't sleep at all! Fran can be your wife!"

Now the prince is the happiest man in the world. "Will you marry me?" he asks Fran. She says "yes." Now they are husband and wife.

CKaXV1, KaKV1e V13 3TVIX Y'TBepxaeHL4V1 COOTBeTCTBY}OT coaepxaHV1}0 CKa3KV1 "The Princess and the Pea".

1)                     The prince is going to marry Fran.

2)                     Fran is a true princess.

3)                     The king and the queen don't like Fran.

4)                     The king, queen and the prince live in a castle. 5) Fran and the prince are going to travel.

npoqv1Tavi TeKCT VI OTBeTb Ha BonPOCbl, KOTOPble B HéM 3aaaHbl.

How to Put a Bell on the Cat?

All the mice who live under the kitchen floor meet to decide what they can do about the Cat who lives in the kitchen where there is a lot of45 bread, butter, milk and cheese. The cat is very quiet [ Ikwalöt]. It comes into the kitchen silently [ I sallontli] , and the mice can't always run away.

The mice don't know what to do about it. A young mouse stands up and says she has a very good plan. She says her plan will help them all to understand when the cat comes into the kitchen. She says they must hear when the cat comes in, then they can run away. The mouse says they must get a small bell and put it around [a lraund] the cat's neck [nek]. Then when the cat comes near, they will hear the bell. All the mice are happy. They say that the plan is very good. The clever young mouse is happy too.

Suddenly an old mouse stands up and says that the plan is not bad indeed, but she wants to know who is going to put the bell on the Cat. No mouse wants to do it. The old mouse says, "It's easy [ l i:zi] to make plans Jlérrnii, but not all of them work."

The mice think again and the little grey mouse says, "We can sing a sweet song together. The Cat will sleep to our song and we'll put the bell around his neck."

The big mouse with a long tail says, "We can write a letter to the Cat where we'll say that now all cats have beautiful bells round their necks. The Cat will like this idea [ali d10] and put the bell around his neck."

The fat mouse with a short tail says, "We know that the Cat loves

46 cream. We'll have some cream in our hole [haul]. The Cat' Il come and put Hopa its head [hed] into the narrow hole. Then we can put the bell around his neck."

Do you like the mice's plans? Do you think they can work?

A.   Ilp0HL,1TaV1 cnoBa nonynqpH0L.i aeTCK051 neceHKV1.

                     The More [mo:] We Are Together        60J1bL11e

The more we are together, together, together,

The more we are together, the happier we'll be.

For your friends are my friends,

And my friends are your friends.

The more we are together, the happier we'll be.

B.    nonp06yVITe BMeCTe noa06paTb Menoavno K 3TOLä neceHKe  cnoVITe eé.

npoqmaü cTapoe aHrJIMhcKoe CTVIXOTBopeHV1e VI 3aKOHHV1 ero, Bb16paB rlOAXOA9LUVIV1 BapL.aal-1T npeanoxeHHblX.

Black Sheep

            (1)          black sheep,

Have you any wool [wul]?I-nepcrrb

Yes, sir, yes, sir,47

                      Three (2) . full [fU1];                                 rlOJIHb1ü

One for the master [ ima:sta]X03flMH And one for the dame [dem] ,3D.: x03flüKa

              And one for the (3)          boy

                     Who lives down the lane.3D.: Ha                     ynnqe

             1) a) moo, moo                 b) baa, baa              c) mew, mew

2) a) bags

b) hats

c) caps

3) a) little

b) high

c) low

O np0HL'1TaV1 LUYTJIVIBble Bonpocbl VI OTBeTbl Ha HVIX.

1)      — What is the difference between pa.3Hnqa MeycAY an elephant and a plum?

 An elephant is grey.

2)      — How do you get an elephant into the fridge?

*            Open the door. Then put the elephant in the fridge and close the door.

3)      — How do you put a giraffe into the fridge?

*            Open the door of the fridge. Take the elephant out. Put the giraffe in and close the door.

4)      — How do you know there is an elephant in the café?

 Its bike is near the door.

5)      — What is more difficult than to rrpYAH0 put an elephant into a mini car?

*            To put two elephants into a mini car.

Supplementary [1]Material

Bbl npoqv1TanY1 ceMb CKa30K 6a6YUJKV1 BVIKTOPVII,I. Tenepb Bbl MOxeTe noc-raBVITb ManeHbKL.4e cneKTal<nv1 no n060V1 nnv•l Kaxaoöl V13 HVIX. Pacnpeaenv1Te pony-I, noAYMaüTe O KOCT}OMax VI He 3a6YAbTe,

"TO BaUJV1 MVIHV1-cneKTaKJIV1 nonyqaTc-9 XOPOLUO, TOJ1bKO ecnv•l Kax48 AblV1 BblYHVIT CBO}O ponb VI noaapaeTc51 CblrpaTb eä KaK MOXHO nyqwe.

The Princess and the Brave Boy

Castl : the narrator[2], the princess, the young boy, the bird.

Scene[3] One (the narrator, the young boy, the princess)

Narrator: A young and beautiful princess lives in a castle.

Princess (very sad): My castle is high in the mountains. It's wonderful. There are a lot of beautiful rooms in it. I'm rich but I'm not happy. I'm so lonely. (The princess leaves.)

Narrator: Our princess has no family. A lot of young princes want to visit the princess and be her friends but they can't because the mountains are very high.

Young boy (comes onto the stage): I'm not a prince. I'm not rich, but I want to help the princess, so I am going to the castle high in the mountains.

Narrator: So the young boy goes up and up the mountain.

Scene TWO (the narrator, the young boy, the bird)

Young boy: Oh, it's so hot in the mountains. I'm thirsty, I'm hungry, but I don't want to stop.

Narrator: Suddenly, the young boy sees a big strong bird.

Young boy: Hello, bird. Can you help me? Take me 49 to the castle where the princess lives.

Bird: OK. I can help you. My nest is near the castle where the princess lives. I know this place. She is a nice girl and she is very lonely.

(The bird takes the boy to the castle.)

Scene Three (the narrator, the young boy, the princess)

Narrator: Now the young boy is by the door of the castle. The princess opens the door, the boy is very happy.

Young boy: Good afternoon! I'm here to help you, to be your friend. You are so beautiful, and I think I love you.

Princess: I think I love you too. You're very brave and I'm not lonely now. Thank you.

Little Red Hen

Cast: the narrator,

Little Red Hen, First Chick,

Second Chick, Third Chick,

Little White Duck, Big Brown Cow, Little Grey Dog, Big Black Cat.

Scene One (the narrator, Little Red Hen, Little White Duck)

Narrator: Little Red Hen and her yellow chicks live on the farm. It is spring. One day the hen sees five grains.

Little Red Hen (showing the grains to her chicks): Cluck, cluck, cluck, I am very happy. In autumn I can have a lot of bread from these grains. Cluck, cluck, cluck. But I can't do this work alone.

Narrator: Little Red Hen goes to her friend Little 50 White Duck for help.

Little Red Hen: Cluck, cluck, cluck, dear Duck. I have five grains and I want to have a lot of bread but I can't do this work alone. Can you help me?

Little White Duck (swimming): Quack, quack, quack, I'm sorry but I can't help you. Can't you see? I'm swimming in my little lake. I don't have time to help you.

Scene TWO (the narrator, Little Red Hen, Big Brown Cow)

Narrator: Little Red Hen goes to her friend Big Brown Cow for help.

Little Red Hen: Cluck, cluck, cluck, dear Cow. I have five grains and I want to have a lot of bread but I can't do this work alone. Can you help me?

Big Brown Cow (chewing): Moo, moo, moo, I'm sorry but I can't help you. I'm eating my green grass. I don't have time to help you.

Scene Three (the narrator, Little Red Hen, Little Grey Dog)

Narrator: Little Red Hen goes to Little Grey Dog for help.

Little Red Hen: Cluck, cluck, cluck, dear Dog. I have five grains and I want to have a lot of bread but I can't do this work alone. Can you help me?

Little Grey Dog (playing with its tail): Bow-wow. Bow-wow, bow-wow. I'm sorry but I can't help you. Can't you see? I'm playing with my tail.

Scene Four (the narrator, Little Red Hen, Big Black Cat)

Narrator: Little Red Hen goes to Big Black Cat for help.

Little Red Hen: Cluck, cluck, cluck, dear Cat. I have five grains and I want to have a lot of 51 bread but I can't do this work alone. Can you help me?

Big Black Cat (drinking milk): Mew, mew, mew. I can't help you, Little Red Hen. I'm drinking my milk. I don't have time to help you. But I can watch your chicks for you.

Little Red Hen: Cluck, cluck, cluck, thank you, Big Black Cat, but I don't think it's a good idea. My chicks are coming with me. They are my helpers.

Narrator (to the audience): You see, Little Red Hen is very clever. She understands that Big Black Cat can eat her chicks. So Little Red Hen and her chicks do all the job.

Scene Five (the narrator, Little Red Hen, three Chicks,

Little White Duck, Big Brown Cow, Little Grey Dog, Big Black Cat)

Narrator: Spring is over. Summer is over. It's autumn now.

Little Red Hen: Now I have a lot of bread for my family. (Gives bread to her chicks.)

First Chick: Mummy, how nice your bread is!

Second Chick: Mum, I like this bread very much.

Third Chick: Mummy, I would like some more bread, please.

Narrator: All the Hen's "friends" come to her house to eat the bread.

Duck, Cow, Dog, Cat (together): We would like to have some bread too, Little Red Hen!

Little Red Hen: No, no, no! You are bad friends. This bread is for me and my chicks.

Narrator (to the audience): I think Little Red Hen is 52 right. And what do you think?

The Lion and the Mouse

Cast: the narrator, the lion, the mouse.

Scene One (the narrator, the mouse, the lion)

Narrator: A little grey mouse lives in a big jungle.

Mouse: I live in the jungle. I have a lot of friends and I love to run and play with them.

Narrator: A lion lives in the jungle too.

Lion: I'm a lion. I'm big and strong. I live in the jungle too. I have no friends. You know, I'm the king of all the animals in the jungle. They are weak, they aren't clever. I always look down at them. (The lion lies down to sleep.)

Narrator: One bright afternoon, when the lion is sleeping in the sun, the little grey mouse runs near him and wakes him up.

Lion: What's up? Who is here? Little Grey Mouse, why are you running near me when I'm sleeping? I don't like it at all. I'm ready to eat you.

Mouse: Oh, please, don't eat me, Mr Lion, I'm so sorry. And then I'm thin and I'm small. I'm not good

to eat at all. And you know what? I can help you one day.

Lion: What? You can help me? How can a small and weak animal help me, the king?

Narrator: Now the lion is not hungry and he likes the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

brave mouse.

Lion: OK, Little Grey Mouse, run away but never wake me up again.

Mouse: Oh, thank you, Mr Lion, bye-bye.

Scene TWO (the narrator, the mouse, the lion)

Narrator: In a few days early in the morning the mouse runs under a big green tree and she hears the lion's cry.

Lion (from under the net): Oh, help me! Help me!

Narrator: The mouse hears the lion's cry and stops. The little grey mouse is ready to help the lion when she sees her friend and her king under a big net. The lion is very sad.

Lion: Oh, Little Grey Mouse, I don't know what to do.

Narrator: But the little mouse knows that.

Mouse: Don't be sad, my king! I know what to do and I can help you. (The mouse starts making a hole in the net.)

Narrator: The mouse is making a hole in the net. Now the hole is very big and the lion can be free and


run home.

Lion: Thank you, Little Grey Mouse. Now I know how good it is to have friends. Friends can always help you.

Stone Soup

Cast: the narrator, the soldier, the woman,

5 farmers (men and women).

Scene One (the narrator, the soldier, the woman)

Narrator: A soldier is coming home to his family after a big war. He is hungry but has no food to eat.

Soldier: I have no food to eat and I'm so hungry

I can eat stones. (The soldier picks upl a stone.)

Narrator: Now the soldier sees a small house. There is a tidy garden near it. A woman is watering the flowers in the garden.

Soldier: Good morning, lady. You have a nice garden. Let me rest here, please.

Woman: I can let you rest here but I can't feed you. There's no food in the house.

Soldier: No food? That is very sad. But I can help you. I have a magic stone and I can make some very good soup from it. Give me a pot of hot water, please.

Narrator: Now the woman gives him a pot of hot water. Our soldier puts a stone in the pot and begins to cook.

Scene TWO (the narrator, the soldier, the woman)

Soldier: The soup is nearly ready. Can you give me some beans to put them in the pot?

                                                        1 to pick up                       110A1--1HMar1'b

Woman: [4]Yes, I have some beans. Here they are. Put them in the pot.

Narrator: So, the beans go into the pot too.

Soldier: The soup is nearly ready. Can you give me some meat to put it in the pot?


Narrator: The woman gives him some meat. It goes

into the pot too.

Scene Three (the narrator, the soldier, the woman, the men, the women)

Narrator: A lot of men and women see the soldier in the woman's garden.

Farmer 1: Who is he?

Farmer 2: Where does he come from?

Farmer 3: What's his name?

Farmer 4: He's new here.

Farmer 5: What is he doing?

Woman: He is making soup from a magic stone. Come and have a look. (The men and women come closer and look into the pot.)

Soldier: You, good men and good women, can you give me some food to make the soup better? (The men and women go away, then come back.) Farmer 1: Here is salt l .

Farmer 2: Here are some peas [5] .

Farmer 3: Here is a carrot [6] .

Farmer 4: You can have two tomatoes. Farmer 5: And here is some rice.

Narrator: They all give him the little he asks for and that food goes into the pot too.

Now the soup is ready, it is very good and there is a lot of it. So, they all eat it and thank the soldier for his "magic" stone soup.

56                       Farmer 1: Your soup is great, thank you.

Farmer 2: Thanks a lot.

Farmer 3: It's the best soup ever. Thank you, soldier.

Farmer 4: Very nice soup.

Farmer 5: Your stone can work magic indeed!

The Magic Ring

Cast: the narrator, the father, Johnny, the first farmer, the second farmer, the woman, the man, the princess, the dog, the cat, the snake, the Snake King.

Scene One (the narrator, the father)

Narrator: One father has three sons.

Father: My two sons, my older boys, are so clever. They are not at home now. They are travelling, and I think they are all right and happy now. I'd like to see them back home soon. My youngest son, Johnny, is not clever at all. He is at home with me.

Scene TWO (the narrator, the father, Johnny)

Johnny (coming): Father, where are you?

Father: That is Johnny calling me. I'm here, son, just near the house.

Johnny: Father, I would like to go travelling too. I want to become rich.

Father: All right, son. Go and come back rich and happy.

(The father and Johnny are hugging.)


Scene Three (the narrator, Johnny, the first farmer, the second farmer, the dog)

Narrator: So Johnny goes travelling and comes to a small town. He sees two farmers. The farmers are chasing a dog.

First farmer: You, bad dog, we don't want you here.

Second farmer: Go away and don't come back!

Dog: Don't chase me. I'm tired. Please, please stop.

Johnny: Give me the dog, please.

First Farmer: Take it. It's a bad dog.

Second farmer: Yes, take it. We don't want to feed it.

Johnny: Dog, dear dog! Let's travel together.

Scene Four (the narrator, Johnny, the woman, the dog, the cat)

Narrator: So, Johnny and his dog travel together. Then Johnny and his dog see a woman chasing a cat.

Woman: You, bad cat, where is my milk now?

Dog: Look, Johnny, a woman is chasing a cat.

Cat: Don't chase me. I'm tired! I don't know about your milk.

Johnny: Give me the cat, please. Don't chase it!

Woman: OK. Take it. It's a very bad cat. It drinks my cow's milk.

Johnny: Little cat, little cat, let's travel together.

Scene Five (the narrator, Johnny, the man, the dog,


the cat, the snake)

Narrator: The woman gives him the cat and the three travel together. After some time they see a man and a snake.

Dog: Look, Johnny, look!

Cat: The man is chasing the snake. Man: I hate snakes!

Snake: Don't chase me. I'm tired.

Johnny: Give me the snake, please.

Man: OK, you can have it.

Johnny: Come and travel together with us, little green snake.

Snake: You know, Johnny, I live in the Snake King's castle. My King loves me. Let's go to my King together.

Johnny: It's a good idea. I'd like to meet the King.

Narrator: So Johnny and the three happy animals travel together.

Scene Six (the narrator, Johnny, the dog, the cat, the snake, the Snake King)

Narrator: So, the snake takes her new friends to the Snake King. He is happy to see his friend, the little green snake again.

Snake: Good afternoon, King! These are my new friends.

Johnny, dog, cat: Good afternoon, sir!

Snake King: Oh, my dear snake, I'm happy to see you. I'm glad to meet your new friends. Johnny, take this magic ring as a present.

Johnny: Thank you, King, thank you very much.

Snake King: Rub the ring and you can have all you would like.

Scene Seven (the narrator, Johnny, the father, the dog, the cat)

Narrator: So, Johnny thanks the King and goes home with his dog and his cat.

Johnny: Father, I am back. These are my new friends. Dog, cat: Good afternoon! We are glad to meet you.

Johnny: I am rich now, Father. Now you can have a new house with a big garden.

Father: Thank you, son. I'd like a new house and a nice garden too.

Johnny: And you can have a lot of farm animals a cow, some horses, pigs and sheep.

Father: Thank you, son. You are rich now. I think you can marry the princess.

Johnny: Yes, I think I can. The princess is very beautiful.

Scene Eight (the narrator, Johnny, the princess)

Narrator: So Johnny goes to the princess.

Johnny: Hello, princess. My name is Johnny. I'm rich. I have a magic ring. I want to be happy and marry you.

Princess: Are you really rich? Do you really have a magic ring? I think I can marry you.

Narrator: But the princess doesn't love Johnny. She marries him because he is rich and because he has the magic ring. So, she says "yes" to Johnny.

Johnny: I'm the happiest man!

Princess: But now I would like to have the magic ring. Give it to me!

Johnny (giving her the ring): Take it, my dear.

Narrator: Johnny gives her the magic ring. The princess takes it and runs to her father. What can Johnny do?

Johnny: I understand now that the princess doesn't love me. I'm so unhappy!

Scene Nine (the narrator, Johnny, the dog, the cat)

Narrator: Johnny is very sad. But he has an idea.

Johnny: My dear dog, my dear cat! Go to the princess's castle and bring me my magic ring.

Dog, cat (together): Yes, master.

Narrator: The dog and the cat run to the princess's castle and bring Johnny the ring.

Dog: Here is your ring, master.

Narrator: Johnny rubs his magic ring.

Johnny: I wouldn't like to be rich. I wouldn't like to marry the princess. I would like to live with my family. I would like to meet a girl who can love me and I would like to be happy with her!

The Wind and the Sun

Cast: the narrator, the man, the Wind, the Sun.

                   Scene One (the narrator, the Wind, the Sun)                                           61

Narrator: One bright day in spring the Wind meets the Sun.

Wind: Hello, my friend! How are you?

Sun: I'm fine, dear Wind, thank you. I love spring. Spring is my time. In spring I'm strong and happy.

Wind: Strong? Do you know that I'm stronger than you, Sun?

Sun: No, you are not, I am stronger than you, a lot stronger.

Narrator: They don't know who is right but they want to know it. Then the Sun has an idea.

Scene Two (the narrator, the Wind, the Sun, the man)

Sun: I have an idea, Wind.

Wind: Well, what's your idea?

Sun: Can you see that man down there? He has a warm coat on. Can you make him take off his coat?

Wind: Yes, I can do that. It's very easy. Now you can see that I am stronger than you, Sun.

(The Wind begins blowing.)

Narrator: So the Wind begins to blow. It blows, and blows, and blows. But what's the result?

Man: Oh! How cold that wind is! And how strong! I'm happy I have this warm coat on.

Narrator: The man doesn't take off his coat. More than that, he puts on his scarf and a hat. Now the Wind begins to blow stronger. The man can't stand on his feet, but he doesn't take off his coat.

Man (shaking): I am so cold!

 62 Wind: No, Sun, I can't make the man take off his coat. Now you try.

Narrator: The Sun smiles and begins to shine in the sky.

Sun (performing magic): It's getting warmer and warmer. Now it is hot.

Narrator: The man is very hot in his warm coat. He opens up his coat, takes off his scarf and his hat. As the Sun gets brighter and hotter he takes off his coat.

Man (taking off his things): It's a warm sunny day, I love this weather.

Wind: OK, Sun, you win.

Sun: Kindness works better than force.

Narrator: Yes, kindness works better than force. Think about it.

The Princess and the Pea

Cast: the king, the queen, the prince, the girl (Fran).

Scene One (the king, the queen and the prince)

King: My dear son, you're a big boy now. It's time for you to have a wife.

Queen: Listen to your father. You're going to be king some day and every king has a queen.

Prince: I know. I'd like to have a wife but I want a true princess. I'm trying to meet a true princess but can't do it. There are no true princesses any more.   63

Queen: My poor boy!

Scene TWO (the king, the queen, the prince and the girl)

Girl: Please open the door. Can I, please, come in? Help me! I'm so cold and the night is so dark and rainy.

King: I'll go and open the door. The poor girl is asking for help.

Prince: No, dad. I'll do it. (To the girl.) Please come in. Who are you?

King: What's your name?

Girl: I'm Fran. My father is King Helmut.

Queen: Then you are a princess?

Girl: A true princess.

Queen (to the king): We'll see about it. (To the girl.) I'll take you upstairs to the visitor's room. You can change there and then come downstairs to have dinner with us.

Girl: Thank you.

Prince: That's a very good idea, mum.

Scene Three (the king, the queen, the prince and Fran at breakfast)

King (to the gir0: Good morning, child!

Queen (to the girl): Good morning, dear!

Prince (to the girt)'. You don't look very happy.

King: What's the matter, child?

Fran: It was a very bad night. My bed wasn't comfortable at all. I didn't sleep well.

64 Queen: It's wonderful! The girl is a true princess. Yesterday night I placed a little pea under 20 mattresses on the girl's bed. Only a true princess can be so delicate.

Prince: I'm the happiest man in the world! (To Fran.) Will you marry me, Fran?

Fran: Yes, I'll be happy to be your wife, dear Prince.

King: And we'll all live happily ever after.

Children's Poetry

Aoporme LUKOflbHL4KL4!

ManeHbKL,qe L.neaeBPbl, KOTOPble Bbl npoqv•1TaTb VI BblYHVITb HaV13YCTb, BXOART B 30J10TY}0 KonneK14V1}O  aeTCKOV1 no331,114. Bce OHVI B aapL,1HY Ha3blBaJIVICb «neCH9MV1 MaTYLUKV1 rycbl-

VIJIVI  MaTYUJKV1 ryCblHV1>) (Mother Goose Songs / Rhymes). 3araA0HHaR (>nrypa  CBOVIM npovlc0693aHa TOMY, I-ITO TPaAVIUVIOHHOV1 CKa3VITeJ1bHmqeV1 B npownorvl qacT0 6blna cTapyxa KPeCTb9HKa, nacwafi aepeBeHCKL.•1X rycei. neceHOK-CTVIUJKOB c06panocb 60nee TbiCRHV1. HeK0Topble V13 HVIX CMeLUHble, HeKOTOPble TporaTeJ1bHble, B HeKOTOPblX coaepxaTcR MYAPble HaaaBneHVIR. Bce OHM Bblpa3VITeJ1bHbl VI MY3blKanbHbl. Tenepb Bbl MoxeTe y6eAVITbCA B 3TOM carviVl.

Some Traditional English Poems to Learn

(from Mother Goose Rhymes)


Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king's horses and all the king's men Cannot put Humpty Dumpty together again.

The Black Hen

Hickety, pickety, my black hen,

She lays eggs for gentlemen;

Gentlemen come every day

To see what my black hen doth lay. Sometimes nine and sometimes ten, Hickety, pickety, my black hen.

A Pig

As I went to Bonner,

I met a pig

Without a wig

Upon my word and honour.

The Flying Pig

Dickory, dickory, dare,

The pig flew up in the air;

The man in brown soon brought him down, Dickory, dickory, dare.

The Cat and the Fiddle

Hey, diddle, diddle,

The cat and the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon;

The little dog laughed


To see such sport,

And the dish ran away with the spoon.


The cock crows in the morn

To tell us to rise,

And he that lies late

Will never be wise;

For early to bed,

And early to rise Is the way to be healthy, Wealthy and wise.

Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling

Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John

Went to bed with his trousers on;

One shoe off, and one shoe on,

Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John.

Hector Protector

Hector Protector was dressed all in green;

Hector Protector was sent to the Queen.

The Queen did not like him,

Nor more did the King;

So Hector Protector was sent back again.

Bat, Bat

Bat, bat,

Come under my hat,

And I give you a slice of bacon;

And when I bake,


I'll give you a cake

If I am not mistaken.

Ding, Dong, Bell

Ding, dong, bell,

Pussy's in the well!

Who put her in?

Little Tommy Lin.

Who pulled her out? Little Johnny Stout.

What a naughty boy was that,

To try to drown poor pussycat.

Who never did him any harm,

But killed the mice in his father's barn.

101101-1" K 3aaaHhRM


Reading Class One



1b, 2d, 3f, 4a, 5c, 6e.



la, 2d, 3b, 4c.

68                             1. 1) Yes; 2) No; 3) Yes; 4) No; 5) Yes.



Long Lake Ha3BaHV1e 03epa, V1306paxéHHoro Ha BTOPOVI KaPTVIHKe.



(sample): Emma can fly in the sky. Emily can cook dinner. Tom can ride his bike. Meg can listen to music. Sam can play a game. Victoria can help Emily to cook. They can dance and sing songs.

Reading Class Two

Ex. 1.

lc, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5c.

(sample): 1) Harry and Emily are getting up. 2) Harry is swimming in the lake and Emily is jumping into the lake. 3) Harry and Emily are playing in the wood. 4) Emily and Harry are eating. 5) Emily and Harry are watching

Ex. 3.

I think Little Red Hen is right / not right.

Ex. 4.

1) The duck says, "Quack, quack, quack." (KpR-KP9) 2) The cow says, "Moo, moo, moo." (MY-MY) 3) The dog says, "Bow-wow, bow-wow, bow-wow." (raB-raB) 4) The cat says, "Mew, mew, mew." (MAY-MRY) 5) Little Red Hen says, "Cluck, cluck, cluck." (KO-K0/KYAax-KYAax)

Ex. 5.

Little White Duck is swimming in the little lake. Big Brown Cow is eating its/her grass. Little Grey Dog is playing with its tail. Big Black Cat is drinking milk.

Ex. 6.

1) breakfast; 2) home; 3) ant; 4) shower; 5) nurse.

Reading Class Three

Ex. 1. 1) Furniture — table, bed, shelf, cupboard, sofa, armchair.

2) Title (sample): Victoria's Specs.

2. In the middle of the carpet on the floor.

3. True statements

4. le, 2c, 3b, 4a, 5d, 6f.

7. B. nnporvl, 6apaHKv1, 6y6nv1KM, rlPRHVIKL.4 VI AP.

Ex. 8. Ic, 2f, 3b, 4g, 5d, 6a, 7e.

Reading Class Four


Ha pvtcyHKe OTCYTCTBY}OT bench, fish pond.



Number 2.





A.           1) The soldier does. 2) The woman does. 3) The soldier does. 4) The soldier does. 5) A lot of men and women do. 6) The woman does.

B.            1) The woman does. 2) The soldier does. 3) The woman is. 4) The soldier does. 5) The soldier does. 6) The woman, the soldier and a lot of men and women do.



Number 3.

Ex. 8.

1) seventy; 2) fifty; 3) eighty; 4) ten; 5) eighteen;

6) forty; 7) fifteen; 8) twenty; 9) ninety; 10) thirty; 11) sixty.

Reading Class Five

I. They  like to play and to walk in the wood together. They make tea and drink it with bread and butter or jam. They can be very happy when they are together.

Ex. 2. b.

3. 1) bigger; 2) newer; 3) bigger; 4) dirtier; 5) wider; 6) colder.

Ex. 5. lc, 2e, 3b, 4d, 5f, 6a.

 7. Basket on the bed. Bed in the room. Room in the house. House in the yard. Yard in the lane. Lane in the street. Street in the town. Town in the city. City in the kingdom. Ex.

Reading Class Six



(sample): 1) The weather is not very good, it is bad. It is windy and rainy. There are a lot of clouds in the dark sky. There is no sunshine. 2) Victoria's Birthday




There is a birthday cake, some grapes, apples, orang-




es, hot chocolate. There are no tomatoes, cucumbers, ice cream, plums, chocolates.





(sample): The Wind and the Sun or Who Is Stronger?








(sample): the sky, clouds, the wind, hills, sheep.


Ex. 8.

le, 2d, 3b, 4a, ft.

Reading Class Seven

1. (sample): When Harry goes to Victoria, Emily and Emma, he has a lot of nice presents for them. Usually they are some flowers for Victoria and sweets for Emma and Emily. He never talks a lot but he likes to listen: he is a very good listener. Harry enjoys Victoria's tales. He can listen to them all day long. He likes to ask questions too.

Ex. 2. 1) It's in the middle of the wood. 2) They are going to have a picnic. 3) Emily makes a cherry pie. 4) No, they are not. 5) They are going to drink juice and water. 6) They will listen to Victoria's fairy tale.


7. 1b, 2a, 3a.

Reading Class One  

Reading Class Two



Reading Class Three  

Reading Class Four  


Reading Class Five


Reading Class SIX                                   Reading Class Seven .                                          


Supplementary Material     


       The Princess and the Brave Boy   


      Little Red Hen  


        The Lion and the Mouse    


Stone Soup



The Magic Ring  


The Wind and the Sun        


The Princess and the Pea

Children's Poetry   


 K 3aaaHhRM  '{TeH"R    


Серия «Rainbow English»

Учебное издание

Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна

Михеева Ирина Владимировна


4 класс

Книга для чтения к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой

Зав. редакцией Е. Ю. Шмакова

Редактор Е. И. Бухарова

Художественный редактор Л. П. Копачева

Художественное оформление О. М. Войтенко Технический редактор И. В. Грибкова

Компьютерная верстка С. А. Толмачева

Корректор Г. Н. Кузьмина


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[1] a cast [ka:st]  JIHAa

[2] a narrator [nal relto] paccKa3T-1HK

[3] a scene [si:n]         cueHa

[4] salt [so:lt] COJ1b

[5] peas [pi:z] ropox

[6] carrot [ i kærat] MOPKOBKa

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Открытый урок по
aнглийскому языку в 4 классе
по теме
"Погода.” Контроль домашнего чтения



учитель английского языка

Жуган О.Е


Цель: к концу урока обучающиеся должны суметь составить мини-высказывание по теме «Погода»


1.Формирование навыков ознакомительного поискового чтения

2.развивать умения систематизировать новые знания

 3.повторить лексические единицы по теме «Погода»

 4.повторить грамматическую конструкцию: It's…

  5.учить строить монологическое высказывание по теме «Погода» по образцу

Языковой материал: season, month, winter, spring, summer, autumn, sunny, windy, cloudy, snowy, hot, cold, foggy, rainy.Конструкция: It's…

Тип урока: комбинированный

Формы работы: групповая, парная, индивидуальная, фронтальная


1.     Учебник: Английский язык (Rainbow English) для 4 класса под ред. О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой

2.     Книга для чтения 4 класс УМК Rainbow English под ред. О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой

3.     Рабочая тетрадь 4 класс УМК Rainbow English под ред. О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой


Ò презентация в программе Power Point, видеоклипы http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVlcKp3bWH8

4.     раздаточный материал

5.     компьютер

6.     проектор

7.     картинки- комиксы  по теме «Погода», по теме сказки «Кто сильнее» https://yandex.ru/images/search?text=клипарт погода

Время: 40 мин

Количество обучающихся: 14

Этапы работы

Содержание этапа


Организационный момент

Приветствие обучающихся и гостей на уроке. Постановка цели урока и мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.

-обеспечить мотивацию и принятие обучающимися цели

-настроить обучающихся на положительные эмоции

На данном этапе используется метод организации учебный деятельности

Актуализация имеющихся знаний по теме «Времена года» и «Погода»

Речевая зарядка: слайд5

Ò - Good afternoon, children!                      Песенка: Hello, how are you? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVlcKp3bWH8


I'm glad to see you. We have an unusual lesson today. Many guests are visiting our lesson. Dear guests, we are glad to welcome you to our English lesson. (Добрый день, дети! Я рада вас видеть. У нас сегодня необычный урок. У нас на уроке много гостей. Дорогие гости, добро пожаловать на наш урок.)


Children, what date is it today? What day of week is it today? Who is absent?  How are you?

I hope you will be active, OK?


Слайд 2. Look at the picture and try to guess the topic of our lesson (дети отвечают)

Слайд3. What do you feel before the lesson?( выражают свое настроение)

Today we’ll read and speak about the weather.

Cлайд4 Беседа о погоде.

What is the weather like today?

- What season do you know?

What season is it now?

What month is it now?

How many seasons are in the year? What are winter months? -What are spring months?

-What are summer months?

-What are autumn months?



Фонетическая зарядка (слайд 2)


Look and repeat (видеоклип) (Simple English –Weather Exercise)



Основная часть

Контроль чтения.

Книга для чтения-4 кл

Reading Class six-p.35-36

Актуализация имеющихся знаний по теме «Времена года» и «Погода»









Слайд 6

Работа в группах

Карточки с заданием на столах учащихся

Слайд 7 Поставь предложения в правильном порядке согласно текста

Слайд 8


1.Lets read the text- 5мин для знакомства с текстом.

Answer my questions, please! (Ответьте на мои вопросы!)

 Do you like to read? What it the title of the text? Who has a birthday? Why is all the family in the house? What is on the table? What is the weather like today? What was the weather like yesterday? Who is Victoria?

2.Find the following sentences and the words in the text.

(найдите в тексте следующие слова и предложения)

Посмотри на стол; Вся семья в доме; Сейчас ее внуки поют песню «С днем рождения». Вкусные вещи; любимый горячий шоколад. В темном небе много облаков. День был солнечный, сухой и теплый. 

3. упр2, с.36 Посмотри на рисунок и скажи в чем ошибся художник.

4. Дополни предложения в соответствии с текстом.

She likes … .   It is … . There were no … . Victoria was … . But today her family … .

  5. Read the sentences in the right order.

The day was sunny, dry, warm.

It was not windy.

Today the weather is not very good.

Look at the table!

All the family are in her house.


6. Описание погоды с помощью картинок (сегодня/вчера)



Слайд 8, видеоклип

-предупредить и снять умственное утомление

Обучающиеся поют и указывают части тела, о которых поется в песне. Песня “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”. https://yandex.ru/video/search?


Закрепление учебного материала по теме «Погода»

-сопоставить графический образ слова с его иллюстрацией.

-тренировать лексические единицы по теме «Погода»


Вид взаимодействия: работа в парах

На данном этапе используются практический, словесный (рассказ, беседа)метод

8.     6. Описание погоды с помощью картинок (сегодня/вчера).Подобрать картинке согласно содержания текста  (раздаточный материал). https://yandex.ru/images/search?text=клипарт погода

7. Контроль выразительного чтения сказки «Кто сильнее» стр36-37упр3-5( чтение по ролям)

8. Изобразите сцены из сказок с помощью комиксов

(приложение) и перескажите их



Домашнее задание

-закрепить полученные знания по теме «Погода» в форме монологического высказывания

Ребята, мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы дома еще раз потренировались и на следующий урок рассказали мне о своем любимом времени года. Учитель раздает каждому обучающемуся план высказывания.



Подведение итогов урока

- подвести общие итоги урока

-проанализировать основные затруднения и их причины



Рефлексия слайд 14-15



Составление синквейна слайд12-13


Warm, hot

Blow, shine, rain

The sun is stronger then the wind


Do you like our lesson? If you do please, show me the sun. If you don’t please, show me the cloud (приложение)

Выбери настроение на конец урока.

So, you were very active today. Thank you for you work/. Просьба к детям оценить свою работу с помощью разноцветных кубиков: красный-5, зеленый-4, синий-3.

Учитель предлагает детям закончить фразу: «Сегодня на уроке я…» (Такой метод способствует глубокому осознанному усвоению знаний, самоанализу, рефлексии)

The lesson is over.




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Sun with Shades

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