Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока "English-speaking countries" (7класс)

Конспект урока "English-speaking countries" (7класс)

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Конспект открытого урока в 7-м классе по УМК Биболетовой  М. З.«Enjoy English, 7 класс»


Тема урока: Знакомство с англо-говорящими странами.


Образовательные цели и задачи:

·    Активация  лексико-грамматических умений и навыков.

·    Формирование общеучебных умений и навыков (умение слушать друг друга, кратко излагать  свои мысли).

·    Совершенствование навыков чтения и аудирования.

·    Расширение кругозора учащихся о странах изучаемого языка.


Воспитательные цели:

  • Решение задач нравственного воспитания (толерантность – в диалогической и монологической речи).
  • Интернациональное  воспитание учащихся.


Развивающие цели:

·    Развитие речевых умений учащихся и языковой догадки.

·    Развитие самостоятельности в учебной деятельности.

·    Развитие творческих способностей и ассоциативного мышления.


         Образовательные технологии и методики: игровые, здоровьесберегающие, коммуникативное   обучение иноязычной культуре, ИКТ, групповые, педагогика сотрудничества.

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийная доска,  картинки с изображением Дома Оперы в Сиднее,   

                           карточки с аутентичным текстом для чтения, карты англо-говорящих стран и Канады.




                                                               Ход урока.


  1. Организационный момент и приветствие.


T: Good morning, dear pupils! It`s great pleasure to see you again.

P-s: Good morning, dear teacher! We are glad to see you too.

T: How are you?

P-s: We are fine, thanks! And how are you?

T: I`m OK, thank you! You may take your seats.


  1. Сообщение целей урока.


T: What foreign countries do you know?

P1: I know Great Britain, The USA, France.

P2: I know Italy, Spain, Germany.

T: Well, and what languages do people speak in these countries?

P3: People speak English in Great Britain.

P4: People speak French in France.

P5: People speak German in Germany, etc.

T: I agree with you. People speak different languages in different countries. But in many

     countries people speak English. It has become an international language nowadays.

     And countries where people speak English as their native language are called English-

     speaking countries. Today we shall have a talk about English-speaking countries. By

     the end of the lesson we should guess the crossword about these countries.


На доске записана тема урока и нарисован кроссворд.






              3             2



           E N G L I S H




К концу урока кроссворд должен быть разгадан и заполнен.



       5         U

       N        S

       E   3    T     2

       W C    R  the

       Z  A 1 A   U

       E N G L I S H

       A A R I    A

       L D E A          

       A A A

       N     T

       D     B







Показывается  слайд 1 с картой англо-говорящих стран, но без названий стран.


  1. Фонетическая разминка.


T: In order to guess the first word in our crossword you should read these words on the

     blackboard and find the ‘odd’ word in each group. Read the words, please.


Слайд 2.

[t] – flat, sweet, apartment, indeed, autumn.

[  ] – candy, thanks, Great Britain, language, that.

[w] – word, equivalent, while, travel, when.


 Учащиеся по очереди читают эти слова.


T: Well done. Which is the ‘odd’ word in each group? Why?

P1: In the first line the ‘odd’ word is ‘indeed’ because it hasn`t the sound [t].

P2: In the second line the ‘odd’ word is ‘Great Britain’ because it hasn`t the sound [  ].

P3: In the third line the ‘odd’ word is ‘travel’ because there isn`t the sound [w] in it.

T: You are all right. Can you guess the first word in our crossword?

P4: Yes, we can. It is ‘Great Britain’.


Ученик вписывает в кроссворд слово ‘Great Britain’. Показывается слайд 3.


  1. Обобщение сведений о Великобритании путём ассоциаций.


T: What associations connecting with the word ‘Great Britain’ do you have?

P1: London.

P2: Big Ben.

P3: Trafalgar Square.

P4: Eggs with bacon.

P5: Golf, cricket.

P6: Island, etc.


Учащиеся подходят к доске и пишут названные слова вокруг слова ‘Great Britain’.





                                                                           Golf, cricket



                                            G R E A T    B R I T A I N

                                                                                                                Big Ben




                            Trafalgar Square


                                                                                     Eggs with bacon



             T: So what can you say about Great Britain looking at the blackboard?

 P7: Great Britain is situated on the island. The capital of Great Britain is London.

       In the centre of London there is Trafalgar Square. Big Ben is a name of the biggest

       clock on one of the towers of the Houses of Parliament. British favourite food is

       eggs with bacon, tea with milk, or ‘white’ tea, and oatmeal porridge. Englishmen like

        playing cricket and golf.


  1. Совершенствование навыков аудирования.


T: I see you know Great Britain well. But what about other countries? If you want to

     guess the second country in our crossword  you must know the biggest cities of this

     country. So, watch the extract of the film and say what city is shown and how people

     call it.


 Слайд 4. Просмотр эпизода о Нью-Йорке из фильма “The USA” .


T: What city have you seen?

P1: New York.

T: How do people call it?

P2: ‘Big Apple’.

T: You are right. And now agree or disagree with me. Ellis Island and New York gave

    European emigrants new hope, a new home, often a new name and always a new life.

P3: It is true.

T: Yes. The Statue of Liberty has been there since 1856.


P4: I disagree. The Statue of Liberty has been there since 1886.

T: The German engineer G. Eiffel designed the Statue of Liberty.

P5: No, it is false. The French engineer G. Eiffel designed the Statue of Liberty.

T: OK. New York consists of five parts: Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and


P6: I agree. 

T: Manhattan is the biggest part of New York.

 P7: Yes, it is true.

T: The legendary streets Broadway and Whitehall are in New York.

P8: No, I can`t agree. The legendary streets Broadway and Wall Street are in New York.

T: The Central Park is surrounded by tall buildings and busy streets.

P9: I agree.

T: Well done. Who can enter the second word in the crossword? And don`t forget to put

    the definite article before the name of the country.


Ученик вписывает слово ‘The USA’ в кроссворд. Слайд 6.


  1. Ролевая игра «Урок географии в американской школе».


         T: Have you ever been to American schools?

         P-s: No, we haven`t.

         T: Then I invite you to visit a lesson of geography in one American school. This is a young

              teacher of geography. Her name is Miss Bell.


        Одна из учениц исполняет роль учителя географии Miss Bell, другие учащиеся – 

        ученики американской школы. На доске висит карта Канады.


        Miss Bell: My name is Miss Bell. I am your new teacher of geography. It`s time to begin 

                         our lesson. Today we shall speak about Canada. Canada is very beautiful; it has

                         woods and lakes, plains and mountains. Who wants to tell about mountains of


        P1: I`d like to tell you about mountains of Canada. The Rocky Mountains run parallel to the

              Pacific coast. There are also mountains, which run parallel to Canada`s east coast, to

              Labrador, in Baffin Island.

          Ученик показывает горы Канады.

       Miss Bell: Very good, thank you. And now Jane will tell us about lakes of Canada.

        Jane: Canada is a country of  lakes. Besides  the Great Lakes – Lakes Superior, Huron,

                  Erie, Ontario – there are many other very large lakes, for example, Great Bear Lake,

                  Great Slave Lake and lake Winnipeg.

          Ученица показывает озёра Канады.

       Miss Bell: All right. And who wants to tell us about rivers of Canada?

       Mike: I`d like to tell you about rivers of Canada. Canada also has many rivers: the

                 Mackenzie, the Yukon, the St. Lawrence River and others. The Mackenzie flows into

                 the Arctic Ocean, the Yukon flows into the Atlantic Ocean, the St. Lawrence River

                 flows into the Pacific Ocean.

           Ученик показывает на карте реки Канады.

       Miss Bell: Good for you! Thank you, children! Our lesson is over.


       T: Thank you very much, Miss Bell, pupils. Your lesson was interesting and cognitive.

            And why do we speak about Canada?

       P2: Because Canada is English-speaking country.

       T: You are right. Now you may write the third word in our crossword.


        Ученик вписывает третье слово ‘Canada’ в кроссворд. Слайд 7.


  1. Проверка домашнего задания. Развитие навыков селективного чтения.


 На стене висит фото Дома Оперы в Сиднее. На партах у учащихся лежат карточки

      с текстом “Sydney Opera House”, который они должны были прочитать дома. Слайд 8.


T: The next word in the crossword is connected with the text you`ve read at home. What is

      the text about?

P1: The text is about the Opera House in Sydney.

T: All right. Look at this photo of the Opera House, please. The building is very beautiful

     and unusual, isn`t it? Would you like to visit it?

P2: I would because it is very interesting and I want to look it inside.

P3: I like exotic buildings and the Opera House is quite unusual so why I`m interested in it.

T: OK. So read out sentences from the text to prove my statements. Many people can easily

      recognize Sydney Opera House.

P4: “Sydney Opera House was opened in 1973. Since then it has appeared on T-shirts,

      postcards, in books, on travel programmes and in millions of photo albums.”

T: There were some problems during building of the Opera House.

P6: “Work first started on the Opera House in 1957. The Australian government gave Utzon

       $7 million and just four years to finish it. Unfortunately, there were lots of delays as well

       as money problems, so the Opera House wasn`t actually finished until 1973.”

T: You can see many different performances and artists there.

P7: “There are five main concert halls used for a wide variety of performances including

      classical, opera, pop and jazz. Artists as different as Pavarotti and the pop group INXS

      have performed there, and the largest hall can seat 2.679 people.”

T: Excellent! And now answer some my questions. What is unusual about Sydney Opera


P8: It has got an unusual roof which looked like palm tree fronds.

T: How long did it take to build the Opera House?

P9: It took 16 years old (from 1957 till 1973) to build  Sydney Opera House.

T: Why do you need to book tickets in advance?

P10: Because the best seats are hard to get and they are very expensive!

T: You are right. And I hope if you ever visit Sydney you will trip to the Opera House.

     But where is Sydney situated?

P11: Sydney is situated in Australia.

T: Of course. I think you can easily enter the next country in our crossword.


Учащийся вписывает слово ‘Australia’ в кроссворд. Слайд 9


  1. Контроль сформированности лексических навыков.


T: We have only one unguessed word in our crossword. And we need to remember

     words which you learnt at the previous lessons. Look at the blackboard, read the

     words and spell them in your copy-books.


Ученики читают транскрипции слов, написанные на доске, и пишут эти слова

в тетрадях.



[`f  rin]                              

[‘skai skreip ]

[ k     ‘ru: ]

[ i ‘z  tik]

[nju:`zil nd]

[t bi:’sitjueitid]

[ik’saiti ]


T: Now, pupils, exchange the copy-books and check the words. Is it all right? Are there any mistakes? What word do we fill in the crossword?

P1: New Zealand.


Ученик вписывает слово ‘New Zealand’ в кроссворд. Слайд 10.


  1. Подведение итогов урока, объяснение домашнего задания, выставление оценок.


T: So we`ve filled in our crossword and you can name English-speaking countries. They 


P1: They are Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

T: That`s right. And why do we call them English-speaking countries?

P2: People living there speak English as their native language.

T: OK. You worked hard at the lesson. And I am sure you know English-speaking

     countries now. At home you will think of which  English-speaking countries

     you’d like to visit and why.  It`s ex. 36, p.42  in your text-books. Also you should do ex. 13, p. 57       in written form and ex.5, p.13  in Work Book. Thank you for your work. Your marks are excellent. Our lesson is over. See you later.


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