Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Знаменитые люди Британии" (6 класс)

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Знаменитые люди Британии" (6 класс)

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Конспект урока по английскому языку в 6 классе

Famous British people”


Цели: УМК «Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием»/ “Enjoy English”, учебник для 6 классов общеобразовательных учреждений под редакцией Биболетовой М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубаневой Н.Н..– Обнинск: Титул, 2014.

Тип урока: Комбинированный

Цель урока: Повторение  изученного страноведческого материала, введение новой лексики по теме «Известные люди Великобритании», совершенствование навыков аудирования и устной речи.


Познакомить учащихся со знаменитыми людьми Великобритании;

Закрепить изученный ранее страноведческий материал;

Воспитать уважение и интерес к стране изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: Карточки со знаменитыми личностями, карточки с опорным лексическим материалом, колонки, компьютер.

Ход урока


I. Организационный момент. Приветствие (3 минуты)

T.: Good morning, pupils.

P.: Good morning teacher.

T.: I am glad to see you all. Who is on duty today?

P1: I’m on duty today.

T.: Ask questions, please!

P1.: What’s the date today? What day of the week is it today? Who is absent today? What did you do yesterday? What are you doing now? What will you do tomorrow?

P.: Answer questions.

T.:  Thank you very much. Sit down, please!       

II. Основная часть урока. (3 минуты)

 Постановка целей и задач урока. Карточки с достопримечательностями Великобритании.

T.:  So now look at the cards, please. I’d like you to tell me what country it is.

P. Great Britain.

T.:  Right you are. Let’s remember some facts about Great Britain.

  • What is the official name of the country?
  • What is the capital of the UK?
  •  What river is London situated on?
  • How many countries does the UK consist of?
  • Who is the queen of the UK?

P.: Answer the questions.

T.:  Yes, well done. Elizabeth the 2nd is the queen of the UK. She is very popular in the UK. Try to guess what are we going to talk about today?

 P. About famous people.

T: Good for you. Right! Today the topic of our lesson is “Famous British people”. By the way,what famous British people do you know?

P.: William Shakespear, M. Thatcher.

III Речевая разминка. Введение лексики (18 минут)


T: Before talking about these people, let’s do the phonetic exercise. I’ll say the names and you all repeat after me. Let’s start.

Baroness Margaret Thatcher, Robert Burns, Fred Perry, Eleanor Farjeon, Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Paul McCartney, Lord Horatio Nelson

P.: Repeat after the teacher.

T: Do you remember how they look like? Open your books, please, at page 104 ex. 116. Let’s look and read the names.

What were all those people? What were their jobs?

 P. Sir Issac Newton was a scientist…

T.: Great. Find the information about these people in the exercise 116 p. 104  and match the pictures of famous people with the letters.

P. Read the text and match.

T: Excellent. What was Robert Burns famous for? What was……famous for…?

Blackboard: ___was famous for_______

P.: Robert Burns was famous for his poems.


T: And what other jobs do you know?

P. Policemen, sportsmen….

T: There are some more jobs in ex. 117 p. 105. Please, read and translate the words.

P.: Read and translate the words.

IV.  Развитие навыков аудирования. (4 минуты)

T: Find Ex 118 p. 105, please. You can see three pictures. What are these people’s jobs?

P: Answer.

T: Let’s listen to three dialogues and match each dialogue with one of the photographs. And we will also be able to check if you are right with the jobs.

V. Составление собственного диалога (7 минут)

T: Good. Now you are to make up your own dialogues. Look at the board. You can use the words and phrases in your dialogues.

Blackboard: a favourite person, well-known, try to guess, take part, awards, receive, to star, talented, is famous for, maybe, is named after

P: Make up the dialogues

VI. Поиск и выделение необходимой информации, смысловое чтение (6 мин.)

T: Do you like music? What is your favourite singer or a group?

Ps: Give their answers.

T: As for me, I like «The Beatles». I’ve got some information about this group but it is not full. You are to fill in the gaps in the cards. Work in pairs, please. You have 6 minutes.

There are some extra words

popular, are proud of,  admire, was fond of, was famous for, are full of, was born, song

«The Beatles» is the most 1)…...group in rock music history. One of «The Beatles» was John Lennon. He 2)……… in Liverpool in 1940. He 3)…………music. He formed pop group «The Beatles» in 1962. John Lennon was the Beatles’ heart. He 4)………… his songs «Woman», «Imagine», «Yesterday». People 5)…………them. Most of them were about love. British people 6)………him.

T: Now let’s check this task. Look at the board, please. There are the right answers.

VII. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия (2 минуты)
сегодня я узнал…
было интересно…
было трудно…
я выполнял задания…
я понял, что…
теперь я могу…
я почувствовал, что…
я приобрел…
я научился…
у меня получилось …
я смог…
я попробую…
меня удивило…
урок дал мне для жизни…
мне захотелось…

VIII. Выставление оценок (1 минута)
IX. Домашнее задание (1 минута)

T.: Thank you for your work at the lesson. Your homework will be to write a small composition about one of the famous people of Great Britain. (8-10 sentences) The lesson is over. Goodbye!

















I. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning, my dears. Take your sits.

II. Ход урока:

Сообщение темы урока. Самостоятельное выделение и формулирование познавательной цели. (3 мин)

Teacher: (Слайды 2-3)

Look at the blackboard and answer the question: What do you see? Yes, it is the map of Britain.

Who is this woman? Yes, she is the Queen Elizabeth the 2nd .

How did you recognize her? Yes, because she is famous.

Is she one who is famous in Britain? No, she isn’t. There are a lot of famous people who are famous for something. Our Topic today is Famous British people.

So welcome to our tour from Russia to Britain. I hope our trip will be merry and interesting.

During the lesson you will get coins with the image of the British queen. The more coins you will have, the better mark you will get.

Фонетическая зарядка. Мотивация к деятельности: развитие навыков произношения. (4 мин)

Teacher: So, children, let’s train tongues. Here is our motto. (Слайд 4)

New things to learn,

New friends to meet,

New songs to sing,

New books to read,

New things to see,

New things to hear,

New things to do

In this new school year!

Task 1Речевая разминка. Введение лексически, обработка словосочетаний. Проговаривание словосочетаний с последующим переводом. (3 мин.)

Teacher: Now let’s review our language luggage (Слайд 5):

it’s worth, to be rich in, to be tired of, to be free, to be proud of, and to be full of

Task 2.  Активизация лексических и грамматических навыков. Развитие умения соотнести имеющуюся информацию с предложенной. (4 мин.)

Teacher: You can see two columns of words on the blackboard. Can you match the words from the first column and the second one to make up the word combinations?

(Слайд 6)

1.      London is worth a) noise

2.      London is rich in b)his plays

3.      Londoners are proud of c) visiting

4.      He is tired of d) trees and flowers

5.      St. James Park is full of e) their culture

6.      Shakespeare is famous for f) parks and garden

The key: (Слайд 7) самопроверка

1. c London is worth visiting.

2. f London is rich in parks and garden.

3. e Londoners are proud of their culture.

4. a He is tired of noise.

5. d St. James Park is full of trees and flowers.

6. b Shakespeare is famous for his plays.

Task 3Совершенствование лексическо-грамматических навыков. Осознанное построение речевого высказывания в устной форме. (5 мин.)

Teacher: Say what these people are famous for. (Слайд 8)

A. Christie

is famous for

the wonderful colours in his pictures

D. Defoe

his novel « Robinson Crusoe»

C. Chaplin

his films

J. Turner

her detective stories

W. Shakespeare

his books «The Hobbit», «the Lord of Ring»

J. Lennon

his theory of evolution

M. Twain

his songs

J. Tolkien

his poems and plays

C. Darwin

his adventure stories

The key:

·         Agatha Christie is famous for her detective stories.

·         Daniel Defoe is famous for his novel «Robinson Crusoe».

·         Charlie Chaplin is famous for his films.

·         Joseph Turner is famous for the lovely colours in his pictures.

·         William Shakespeare is famous for his plays and poems.

·         John Lennon is famous for his songs.

·         Mark Twain is famous for his adventure stories.

·         J. Tolkien is famous for his books «The Hobbit», «the Lord of Ring».

·         Charles Darwinis famous for his theory of evolution.

Режим работы: фронтально. (Слайды 9-17)

Физкультминутка. Песенка «The Hokey Cokey song» (Слайд 18)3 мин

Task 4.  Развитие навыков аудирования. Слушание, поиск и выделение необходимой информации, смысловое чтение (6 мин.)

Teacher: It is time to listen to the text and fill in the gaps. (Слайд 19)

There are extra words

detective, was born, writer, was based was fond, popular, are proud of

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a famous English ________. He ____________in 1859. He __________of reading and writing stories. When he was 32 he wrote his first __________story about Sherlock Holmes. The character of Sherlock Holmes _______________on a detective called Joseph Bell. When the story was published, he immediately became_________. British people ___________Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes.

The key: (Слайд 20) Самопроверка

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a famous English writer. He was born in 1859. He was fond of reading and writing stories. When he was 32 he wrote his first detective story about Sherlock Holmes. The character of Sherlock Holmes was based on a detective called Joseph Bell. When the story was published, he immediately became popular. British people are proud of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes.

Task 5. Развитие навыков понимания прочитанного. Класс делится на 2 группы. Группа 1 выполняет задание А, группа 2 – задание В.

A) Элементы технологии критического мышления. (4 мин.)

Teacher: Say true or false and prove (Слайд 21):

1. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a famous English singer.

2. He was fond of art.

3. When he was 32, he wrote his first detective story about Robinson Crusoe.

4. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wasn’t popular.

5. Russian people are proud of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

6. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is famous for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes.

The key (Слайд 22):

1. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a famous English writer. (False)

2. He was fond of reading and writing stories. (False)

3. When he was 32, he wrote his first detective story about Sherlock Holmes. (False)

4. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was popular. (False)

5. British people are proud of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. (False)

6. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is famous for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. (True)

B) Поиск и выделение необходимой информации на основе умения отвечать на вопросы. (4 мин.)

Teacher: Answer the following questions (Слайд 23-24):



Who was a famous English writer?

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a famous English writer.

When was he born?

He was born in 1859.

What was he fond of?

He was fond of reading and writing stories.

When did he become popular?

When the story was published, he immediately became popular.

What stories did he write?

He wrote detective stories.


Who are proud of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?

British people are proud of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Task 5. Make up a dialogue. Индивидуальная работа - Составить диалог из предложенных реплик.

Pupil 1:

‒ Hello! How are you? What are you doing?

‒ What is on?

‒ It is the legend of the cinema! Charlie Chaplin, some episodes with him.

‒ I know it. Let’s watch together.

‒ He is famous for his silent black and white movies.

‒ I thought that he was an actor in the theatre, wasn’t he?

‒ Hi, fine. I am watching TV.

‒ I don’t know anything about him. Tell me, please. What is he famous for?

‒ Yes, he was. That’s why I like to watch his films. You know I am fond of theatre.

The key:

‒ Hello! How are you? What are you doing?

‒ Hi, fine. I am watching TV.

‒ What is on?

‒ It is the legend of the cinema! Charlie Chaplin, some episodes with him.

‒ I don’t know anything about him. Tell me, please. What is he famous for?

‒ He is famous for his silent black and white movies.

‒ I thought that he was an actor in the theatre, wasn’t he?

‒ Yes, he was. That’s why I like to watch his films. You know I am fond of theatre.

‒ I know it. Let’s watch together.

Pupil 2:

‒ It is one of the most popular British group! I can’t believe you do not know it. It is “The Beatles”.

‒ What are you listening to?

‒ I like this music. How did the “Beatles look like”?

‒ In 1960, when their first song appeared.

‒ When did they become popular?

‒ I have a photo! Look!hello_html_654e0734.jpg

The key:

‒ What are you listening to?

‒ It is one of the most popular British group! I can’t believe you do not know it. It is “The Beatles”.

‒ When did they become popular?

‒ In 1960, when their first song appeared.

‒ I like this music. How did the “Beatles look like”?

‒ I have a photo! Look!hello_html_654e0734.jpg

Task 6. Поиск и выделение необходимой информации для составления собственного высказывания. (6 мин.)

A famous person

Teacher: Speak about Arthur Conan Doyle, using the box. (Слайд 25)

is famous for

is the pride of

became popular

was born in

was fond of

The key (примерный ответ):

·         Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is famous for detective stories about Sherlock Holmes.

·         He was born in 1859.

·         He was fond of reading and writing stories.

·         He immediately became popular, when the first story about Sherlock Holmes was published,

·         Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the pride of British people.

Home task: learn story about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by heart. (Слайд 26) (1 мин.)

III. Подведение итогов. Саморефлексия (1 мин.)


Цели: Обобщение изученного материала по теме «Известные люди», актуализация страноведческого материала, совершенствование навыков устной речи.


Познакомить учащихся со знаменитыми людьми Англии;

Обеспечить активизацию изучаемого материала в ситуациях реального общения;

Воспитание уважения и интереса к стране изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: Презентация Power Point, карточки с опорным лексическим материалом.

Тип урока: Завершающий по теме

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

1. Приветствие.

T.: Good morning, boys and girls.

P.: Good morning teacher.

T.: I am glad to see you at the lessons. Who is on duty today? Make a report, please!

Дежурный ученик докладывает о дате, дне недели, погоде, отсутствующих.

Т.:  Thank you. Let’s start our lesson!

II. Основная часть урока.

1. Постановка целей и задач урока.

Today we continue speaking about the UK and its famous people. First of all, let’s warm up and answer the questions about the country we’re talking about (слайд 2)

  • What is the official name of the country, which we call Great Britain?
  • Who is the queen of the UK?
  • What is the official Queen’s home in London?
  • What is the capital of the UK?
  •  What river is London situated on?

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы о Великобритании

2. Thank you! So now, tell me what British famous people do you know? (перечисляют)

Now, look at the slide and help me to match the names and the surnames (слайд 3)

  1. Charles              a. Chaplin
  2. Margaret          b. Christie
  3. John R.R.          c.  Shakespeare
  4. Joseph              d. Defoe
  5. William              e. Darwin
  6. Daniel                f. Thatcher
  7. Agatha               g. Tolkien
  8. Charlie               h. Turner

3. Good! Do you know how these famous British people look like? Look at the photos and guess who they are! (слайды 4 и 5, учащиеся называют имена изображенных на фотографиях знаменитостей)

4. Well done! I see that you are tired. Let us have a rest. Do you like rebuses? Look at the slide and guess the puzzles (слайды 6 - 9)

5. That’s good! And now you see different phrases on the slides. Read them aloud and say who they are about. (слайды 10 - 16) Учащиеся читают информацию вслух и называют известного деятеля.

6. Good! I see you know much about British famous people! So now, tell us about any of these people you like using the information from your cards.

Выход в речью Учащиеся составляют монологическое высказывание об известных британских деятелях, опираясь на информацию на карточках.

2. Окончание урока, домашнее задание.

T.: Thank you for your work at the lesson. Your hometask will be to write a small composition about one of these people. The lesson is over. Good bye!


Тема урока "Famous people of Great Britain". УМК М.З. Биболетовой

Тема: « Famous people of Great Britain » в 6-м классе по УМК М.ЗБиболетовой.

Цели: Обобщение изученного материала по теме «Известные люди», актуализация страноведческого материала, совершенствование навыков аудирования и устной речи.


  • Воспитывать интерес к стране изучаемого языка, уважение к известным людям.
  • Актуализировать лексику к теме, учить делать сообщения по теме.
  • Развивать логическое мышление и память в процессе выполнения подстановочных упражнений.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, магнитофон, диск с песней, карточки.

1 . Организационный момент

T.: I am glad to see you at the lessons. Let’s begin our lesson. Look at the screen. Here are some sights. Could you name the city? (London). What sights can you see? What country is London the capital of? What famous people of Great Britain do you know? So what topic are we going to discuss at the lesson?

2.  Постановка целей и задач урока.

The topic of our lesson is «Famous people of Great Britain». I want you to speak about famous British people. The question we will answer is “There are many famous people in Great Britain, aren’t there?”  But first of all let’s revise what we know about these people.

3. Match the English words and their Russian equivalents. 

  1. Painter
  2. Scientist
  3. Writer
  4. Architect
  5. Teacher
  6. Musician
  7. Poet
  8. Politician
  • музыкант
  • политик
  • поэт
  • художник
  • ученый
  • писатель
  • учитель
  • архитектор

4. Finish the sentences.
Example: He can run very well. He is a .... – He is a famous runner.

  • Isaac Newton discovered some important laws of physics. He was a well-known ......
  • My friend can swim very well. He is a good ......
  • His elder sister works at school, she is a ......
  • Charlotte Bronte wrote novels about love and hate. She is a .......
  • « I don’t want to play the violin. I don’t want to be a ....... » - the boy cried.
  • J. Turner drew ruined abbeys and castles. He was a ......

 5. Find the second part of the name. 

  1. Charles
  2. Margaret
  3. John R.R.
  4. Joseph
  5. William
  6. Daniel
  7. Agatha
  8. Charlie
  • Chaplin
  • Christie
  • Shakespeare
  • Defoe
  • Darwin
  • Thatcher
  • Tolkien
  • Turner

6. Say what these people are famous for.

I give you 1 minute to think it over.

A. Christie

is famous for

the wonderful colours in his pictures

D. Defoe

his novel « Robinson Crusoe»

C. Chaplin

his films

J. Turner

her detective stories

W. Shakespeare

his books «The Hobbit», «the Lord of Ring»

J. Lennon

his theory of evolution

M. Twain

his songs

J. Tolkien

his poems and plays

C. Darwin

his books

7. Look at the screen. Do you know these people?  What are these people known for?

I will tell you about any famous man or woman. You must guess who she/he is.

  1. He was born in London in 1889. Later he lived in the USA. He was a film actor. He had a funny way of working. (Charlie Chaplin)
  2. She was born in 1891. She wrote the 75 detective stories. She died in 1976. She was known as the Queen of Crime. (Agatha Christie)
  3. A well known British Politician. She was the first woman Prime Minister of Britain. She was called “An Iron Lady”. (Margaret Thatcher)
  4. A great English scientist. He studied many different kinds of plants and animals. He built up his own theory of evolution. (Charles Darwin)
  5. He was a British flag officer famous for his participation in the Napoleonic Wars, most notably in the Battle of Trafalgar, during which he lost his life. His monument stands in the centre of Trafalgar Square. (Horatio Nelson)
  6. She is the Queen of sixteen independent countries and their territories. She holds the crown of each country separately, but she lives in the United Kingdom. She has reigned for 58 years (in 2010) . (Queen Elizabeth II)

8. What do you know about Charlie Chaplin? Would you like to know some more information about Charlie Chaplin? Today we’ll learn his biography. But first let’s remember some words.

1)Фонетическая отработка новых слов.

Repeat after me



moved to

was married


2) Работа в парах.

I give you the text. You must not only read the text but fill in the gaps. Use the words from the screen.  

Work in pairs. You have got 5 minutes.

Charlie Chaplin.

Charlie Chaplin was born on the 16th of April in 1889 in Switzerland.

In 1913 he moved to the USA.

He made his first film in 1914.

The film was called “Making a Living”.

In his career Chaplin won two Oscars.

Charlie Chaplin was married four times and had ten children.

 In 1952 he moved to London.  

He died on the 25th of December in 1977.

3)Фронтальная работа.

Are you ready? But first, let’s have a rest. Stand up. Now let’s check this task. Look at the screen. Read the question and answer it.

Now we are going to do the next task. Do you know “the Beatles”? It’s a famous British group.

9. Fill in the gaps. There are two extra words.

are proud of, popular, was fond of, was famous for, admire,  are full of, was born, song

«The Beatles» is the most 1)…...group in rock music history. One of «The Beatles» was John Lennon. He 2)……… in Liverpool in 1940. He 3)…………music. He formed pop group«The Beatles» in 1962. John Lennon was the Beatles’ heart. He 4)………… his songs «Woman», «Imagine», «Yesterday». People 5)…………them. Most of them were about love. British people 6)………him.

10. Speak about famous British people using the box.

Now I suggest you to listen and sing all together the song of «The Beatles» «Yellow submarine»

Домашнее задание: Speak about any Russian man or woman whom you admire.

Charlie Chaplin.

Charlie Chaplin was born on the 16th of April in 1889 in ____________.

 In 1913 he _________________ the USA.

He made his first _________ in 1914.

The film was ___________   “Making a Living”.

In his ____________ Chaplin won two Oscars.

Charlie Chaplin ________________four times and had _________ children.

 In 1952 he moved to_____________.  

He died on the 25th of December in 1977.

Charlie Chaplin.

Charlie Chaplin was born on the 16th of April in 1889 in ____________.

 In 1913 he _________________ the USA.

He made his first _________ in 1914.

The film was ___________   “Making a Living”.

In his ____________ Chaplin won two Oscars.

Charlie Chaplin ________________four times and had _________ children.

 In 1952 he moved to_____________.  

He died on the 25th of December in 1977.


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