Учитель: Кудряшова Татьяна Васильевна
Тема урока: “What do you know about seasons?”
Урок “What do you know about seasons?”разработан по учебнику М.З.Биболетовой для учащихся 3 класса
Это урок закрепления и обобщения знаний по данной теме. Так как говорение на иностранном языке, особенно в монологической речи, представляет большую трудность для учащихся, в урок включен опорный конспект и примерный текст монологических высказываний учащегося по теме. Опорный конспект позволяет учащемуся произносить монологическую речь плавно, без запинок и сбоев, растормаживает сам процесс говорения, делая речь свободной.
Задачи: 1. Закрепление лексико-грамматических навыков по теме «Месяцы года и сезоны», «Порядковые числительные»
2. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи с помощью опорного конспекта
3. Проверка понимания содержания услышанных предложений
Организационный момент
Good morning, children! How are you? OK. Let’s start our lesson, my dears. We’ll speak about seasons and months today. You know each season is beautiful, each season is fun. But at first let’s train our tongues.
Фонетическая зарядка
Итак, Miss Chatter проснулась, задула свечку [w] [w] [w] . Осмотрела свой дом [s] [z] [s] [z] [s] [z]. Затем подмела в доме [∫] [ ∫] [∫] . Cделала зарядку [d] [t] [d] [t] [d] [t]. Умылась. Выглянула в окно и увидела за окном дождь. Она сказала дождю:
Rain, rain, go away,
Come again another day
Little children want to play!
Now repeat after me.
Речевая разминка
Do you want to play, Anya?
Do you want to play snowballs?
Can you swim well?
Are you brave?
Can you make a snowman?
Do you like to skate in the forest?
Do you like to ski in the park?
Do you like winter?
Would you like to speak English well?
Are you strong?
Very good children!
Актуализация лексико-грамматических навыков (повторение названии месяцев, времен года, порядковых числительных)
So, the 1st task for you:
Read the transcription
[m α: t∫] [n ou \v e m b ə]
[\eı p r ə l] [\ɔ: g e s t]
[\f e b r uə r i] [s e p \t e m b ə ]
[ʤ u \l aı] [d i \s e m b ə]
[m ei] [ɔ k \t ou b ə]
[ʤ u: n] [\ʤ æ n j uə r i]
Match the words with the transcription
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Name months which have 30 days. По опорному конспекту
(30 days have September,
April, June and November
All the rest have 31.
Excepting February alone,
Which has 28 days clear
And 29 in each leap year)
Put these words into 4 groups and name them:
winter months, spring months, autumn months, summer months. Great!
Now riddles. Listen to me, please. Guess what season is this?
When days are cool
When we eat apples
And go to school
When children ski
And Grandfather Frost
Brings the New Year Tree
When nights are short
And children have plenty of
fun and sport
Boating and swimming
all day long
Will make us well and strong.
Right you are! Thank you!
When birds make their nests
This is the season
We all like best
Look at the blackboard, children! What word is unnecessary (Какое слово лишнее)
autumn, second, winter, spring, summer
June, July, January, August
first, second, one, fifth, twelfth
to make a snowman, to ski, to play snowballs, to ride a bike
Good! Thank you, me dears!
7) Let’s do the crossword now and answer the questions below.
2. The 6th month of the year.
4. The 4th month of the year.
6. The 1st month of the year.
The 2nd month of the year
3. The7th month of the year
4. The 8th month of the year
5. The 5th month of the year
Are there apples in the trees in January?
Can we swim in December?
Can we skate and ski in January?
What can we do in July?
When can we see the first flowers?
When can we see brown and red leaves of the trees?
5. Физкультминутка
Good, children! Let’s have a break.
Clap, clap, clap your hands!
Clap your hands together
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet!
Stamp your feet together.
Wash, wash, wash your hands!
Wash your hands together.
Ride, ride, ride your bikes!
Ride your bikes together.
Match, match, match to bed!
Match to bed together.
6. Закрепление лексико-грамматических навыков
Тренировка навыков монологической речи.
The trees are not green in winter. They are white in winter
We can’t see flowers in winter. We can see flowers in spring.
We can’t make a snowman in summer. We can make it in winter.
We can’t see apples on the trees in winter. We can see apples on the trees in autumn.
We can’t swim in the river in winter. We can swim in the river in summer.
It isn’t hot in winter. It’s cold and frosty in winter.
There are 4 seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter
(Summer months are June, July, August. It is hot in summer. We can swim and play football)
7. Контроль понимания содержания услышанных предложений.
Тест на понимание. Поставить знак «+», если предложение соответствует действительности. Если не соответствует, то знак «-»
There are 3 seasons in a year.
Spring begins in May and is over in March.
The weather in spring is warm.
Summer months are June, July, August.
The weather in autumn is hot.
Winter begins in December and is over in April.
September, April, June and November have thirty days.
Children ski and skate in summer
January is the first month of the year.
There are 11 months in a year
8. Подведение итогов урока.
That’s all for today. Good bye, my dear friends.
Домашнее задание: рассказать о любимом времени года.
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