Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока по английскому языку "Достопримечательности Санкт-Петербурга"

Конспект урока по английскому языку "Достопримечательности Санкт-Петербурга"

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Тема: «Достопримечательности родного города»


Преподаватель: Ласкина Зоя Владимировна

Дисциплина: Иностранный язык (английский)

Специальность: 43.02.14 «Гостиничное дело»

Тема урока: «Достопримечательности Санкт-Петербурга»


Цели урока:

·         Образовательные: Способствовать совершенствованию навыков монологической и диалогической речи по теме «Путешествие», грамматических навыков употребления времени Present Simple и Past Simple. Расширять кругозор.

·         Развивающие: Развивать культуру диалога, оперативной памяти, навыки монологической речи, развивать внимание.

·         Воспитательные: Воспитывать уважение к чужому мнению, патриотизм, интерес к истории и достопримечательностям родного города, умение работать в команде.

Тип урока: Урок-игра

Форма занятия: Практическое обучение (практическое занятие)

Формы работы: групповая, индивидуальная, фронтальная

Дидактический материал: раздаточный материал (распечатки с упражнениями и заданиями), доска, проектор, презентация «Достопримечательности Санкт-Петербурга», видеозапись «St.Petersburg Vacation Travel Guide», большие цветные фотографии с видами Санкт-Петербурга

Использованные технологии: информационно-коммуникативные, развивающее обучение


Формируемые компетенции:

Общие: ОК 01. Выбирать способы решения задач профессиональной деятельности, применительно к различным контекстам.

ОК 02. Осуществлять поиск, анализ и интерпретацию информации, необходимой для выполнения задач профессиональной деятельности.

ОК 04. Работать в коллективе и команде, эффективно взаимодействовать с коллегами, руководством, клиентами.


Краткий план урока:

1. Организационный этап (3-4 мин.)

2. Представление команд (3-5 мин)

3. Разогрев (3-4 мин)  

4. Основная часть (70-80 мин)

            1) «Scrambled Words» (4-5 мин)

            2) «Matching sights» (5-6 мин)

            3) «Matching phrases» (10-12 мин)

            4) «Choose the best variant» (5-6 мин)

            5) «Find the facts about St Petersburg» (6-7 мин)

            6) Подготовка к просмотру видео о Санкт-Петербурге (4-5 мин)

            7) «Visual travel to St Petersburg. Part 1» (6-7 мин)

            8) «Visual travel to St Petersburg. Part 2» (7-9 мин)

            9) «Visual travel to St Petersburg. Part 3» (6-7 мин)

            10) «Show the way» (15 мин)

5. Подсчет баллов по каждой команде. Интерактив. (5-6 мин)

6. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок (3-4 мин)

7. Информация о домашнем задании (3-4 мин)


Структура урока:


1. Организационный этап. (3-4 мин) (слайд 2)

Приветствие, сообщение темы, цели, установка на активную мыслительную и соревновательную деятельность.


Good afternoon, dear students. Sit down please and prepare for our lesson. (Студенты рассаживаются по командам, готовятся к уроку.)


We live in one of the most beautiful and greatest cities in the world – Saint Petersburg. Every year thousands of tourists arrive to our city. Your future profession is connected with socializing, working with people, working in a team, you also have to know a lot about different sights and activities. Today we are going to study sights of Saint Petersburg in an unusual way – we are dividing into three teams and playing different games. Our games are studying words, checking grammar rules, listening and speaking.

You are getting points for each task. At the end if the lesson members of the team with the best results are getting “5” for working, other students are getting “4”. And the most important thing is that every person in every team should work and answer. You can do it one by one.


2. Представление команд (домашнее задание). (3-5 мин) (слайд 3)

Идет представление команд. Максимум — 3 балла за представление.


You first task is to introduce your teams in a creative way. You have not more than 3 minutes, you can get 3 points at most.


Примерная схема представления:

The captain of our team is…

We are… (name of the team)

Our motto is…. (девиз)

3. Разогрев. (3-4 мин) (слайды 4-17)

Повторение основной лексики по теме «Город», «Объекты в городе». На презентации — фото различных объектов, задача студентов — назвать, что это такое (музей, улица и т.д.).


Now you will see some places in the city, your task is to name them. Name only kind of the place.


Список слов для повторения:



art gallery













4. Основная часть (игровая) (70-80 мин)


            1) «Scrambled Words» (3-4 мин) (слайд 18)

Каждая команда получает конверт, в котором слова с перепутанными буквами по теме «Город». Задача студентов — составить слова правильно. Команда получает по 1 баллу за каждое правильно составленное слово. (см.Приложение 1)


You've got the envelops with the first task - «Scrambled Words». Try to make the letters in a proper way. You can get 1 point for each word. You have 4-5 minutes.


            2) «Matching sights» (5-6 мин) (слайды 19-20)

Каждая команда получает список из 10 достопримечательностей Санкт-Петербурга, задача студентов — соединить первую и вторую половину названия каждой достопримечательности. Команда получает по 1 баллу за каждое правильно составленное название. (см.Приложение 2)


You've got the lists with different sights of Saint Petersburg. Find the first and the second part of each name. You can get 1 point for each word. You have 5-6 minutes.


            3) «Matching phrases» (5-6 мин) (слайды 21-22)

Работа с текстом. Команды получают текст (см.Приложение 3) и задание к нему. Первое задание — соединить начало и конец фразы из текста. Команда получает по 1 баллу за каждое правильно составленное словосочетание. (см.Приложение 4)


Now we are going to work with a text about St Petersburg. There are three tasks to the text. The first task is matching the beginning and the ending of the phrases from the text. You can get 1 point for each correct phrase. You have 10 minutes.


            4) «Choose the best variant» (4-5 мин) (слайды 23-24)

Работа с текстом. Второе задание — выбрать правильный вариант, чтобы получилось связное предложение из текста. Команда получает по 1 баллу за каждое правильно составленное предложение. (см.Приложение 5)


The second task is finding the right variant to finish the sentences. You can get 1 point for each correct sentence. You have 6 minutes.


            5) «Find the facts about St Petersburg» (5-6 мин) (слайды 25-26)

Работа с текстом. Третье задание — найти нужную информацию из текста, чтобы закончить предложения. Команда получает по 1 баллу за каждое правильно составленное предложение. (см.Приложение 6)


The third task is finding necessary numbers in the text. You can get 1 point for each correct phrase. You have 6 minutes.


            6) Подготовка к просмотру видео о Санкт-Петербурге. (4-5 мин) (слайды 27-28)

Перед просмотром разобрать со студентами новые слова, которые встретятся в видео. Список слов будет на слайдах в презентации, также выдается на каждую команду отдельно.


Our next task is watching one interesting video about St Petersburg. Let's study some new words before watching.


Список слов:

nestle – примоститься, уютно устроиться

spread out — простираться

wealth – богатство, изобилие

picturesque – живописный, яркий

glittering – сверкающий, блестящий

gild – покрывать позолотой, украшать

royalty – царственные особы

rival – соперничающий, не уступающий

cobblestone – булыжник, брусчатка

legacy – наследие, наследство

reflect – отражать

strolling – прогулка

pour – литься, вливаться

gem – драгоценный камень, драгоценность

dome – купол

gateway – ворота, выход

tradesmen – торговцы, ремесленники, мастера

treachery — вероломство

hydrofoil – судно на подводных крыльях, ракета

sumptuous – роскошный, великолепный

soaring – парящий, головокружительный

spire – вздыматься, подниматься

opulent – пышный, процветающий

spectacular – эффектный, блистательный

testament – завет, свидетельство


            7) «Visual travel to St Petersburg. Part 1» (6-7 мин) (слайд 29)

На каждую команду выдается список достопримечательностей. Задание: посмотреть видео и отметить те, которые прозвучат. За каждую правильно названную достопримечательность команда получает 1 балл. (см.Приложение 7)


Now your task is to watch the video and find the sights you will hear in the list. Your team can get 1 point for each correct sight.


            8) «Visual travel to St Petersburg. Part 2» (7-9 мин) (слайды 30-31)

При повторном просмотре видео выполняется небольшой тест с вариантами ответов. (см.Приложение 8)


Now let's watch the video one more time. Your task is to find the right answer for each question. Your team gets 1 point for each correct answer.


            9) «Visual travel to St Petersburg. Part 3» (6-7 мин) (слайд 32)

Задание по итогам просмотра видео: даны предложения с пропущенными словами, студенты должны заполнить пропуски. За каждое правильное предложение команда получает 1 балл. (см.Приложение 9)


The last task is to fill in the gaps in the sentences from the video. There necessary words here, before the task.


            10) «Show the way» (15-20 мин) (слайды 33-38)

Каждая команда получает карту центра Санкт-Петербурга и 2 диалога с описанием дороги к одной из достопримечательностей. Задание: вставить пропущенные слова с помощью карты и устно разыграть диалоги. За каждый правильно составленный диалог команда получает 1 балл. (см.Приложение 10)


Our last task for today is to make dialogues. Each team gets a map of the centre of St Petersburg and 2 dialogues with gaps. Fill in the gaps with the help of the card and give the right way to these sights. Then you must roleplay the dialogues by heart. You can get 1 point for each correct dialogue. You have 15 minutes.


5. Подсчет баллов по каждой команде. Интерактив. (5-6 мин) (слайды 39-41)


Thank you for your active working. Now let's count your points.


Если останется время: запасные задания. (см.Приложение 12)


6. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок  (3-4 мин) (слайд 42)


Мини-викторина. (см.Приложение 11)


7. Информация о домашнем задании. (3-4 мин) (слайд 43)


Составить и оформить рекламную брошюру о Санкт-Петербурге.



Приложение 1.


«Scrambled Words»

Каждая команда получает конверт, в котором слова с перепутанными буквами по теме «Город». Задача студентов — составить слова правильно. Команда получает по 1 баллу за каждое правильно составленное слово.


Список слов для задания:











(Ответы: street, museum, palace, square, bridge, castle, gallery, cinema, cafe, theatre)



Приложение 2.


«Matching sights»

Каждая команда получает список из 10 достопримечательностей Санкт-Петербурга, задача студентов — соединить первую и вторую половину названия каждой достопримечательности. Команда получает по 1 баллу за каждое правильно составленное название.




the Alexander




the Winter

 of Our Savior on the Spilled Blood

the Palace


the Bronze


the Mikhailowski




St Isaac's


The Peter and Paul


The Church




the Alexander




the Winter


the Palace


the Bronze


the Mikhailowski




St Isaac's


The Peter and Paul


The Church

 of Our Savior on the Spilled Blood



Приложение 3.



Saint-Petersburg and its places of interest


St. Petersburg was founded in 1703 by Peter the Great as the “Window of the West”. It was the capital of Russia from 1712 up to 1918. The new capital of the Russian Empire grew in wealth and beauty. In 1914 it became Petrograd and later was renamed after Lenin. Now it is the second largest city of our country. Its population is about five million people. St. Petersburg is a big industrial, cultural and scientific center. It has many educational establishments. There are more than 80 museums, over 20 theatres, a lot of exhibitions, clubs, universities, colleges, schools and parks in St Petersburg.

It lies on the banks of the beautiful Neva River and on 42 islands. The city is cut by many canals. The Neva flows through the middle of the city and is spanned by a great number of bridges. That’s why the city is often called the Northern Venice. The climate of St. Petersburg is mild but rather damp as it is situated near the Gulf of Finland and the lake Ladoga.

The city is famous for its beauty. The city was designed as a future capital of Russia. The streets of the city are symmetrical and long, many buildings are unique masterpieces of art. The Winter Palace, the Russian Museum, St. Isaac’s Cathedral, the Peter and Paul’s Fortress, the Admiralty building attract thousands of tourists. The main street in the city is Nevsky prospect. The most beautiful and largest square is Palace Square. It is the place where concerts and festivals take place.

The State Hermitage in St. Petersburg is one of the world's best art museums. It is the largest fine arts museum in Russia. It is said that it will take more than 11 years to stand just one minute before each of more than 3 million exhibits. One of the most interesting museums is the Russian Museum where you can see wonderful collections of beautiful works by famous Russian painters.

St. Petersburg has a very beautiful underground. The first line was built in 1955. New lines of metro are being built to connect the far off parts of the city.

There are many wonderful monuments in the city. The most famous is a monument to the city's founder Peter I called «The Bronze Horseman».



Приложение 4.


«Matching phrases»

Работа с текстом. Команды получают текст и задание к нему. Первое задание — соединить начало и конец фразы из текста. Команда получает по 1 баллу за каждое правильно составленное словосочетание.




1. was founded

2. population is

3. St. Petersburg is

4. lies

5. The Neva flows through

6. is spanned by a great number of

7. is cut by

8. is often called

9. is famous for

10. buildings are

11. to attract

12. a monument

c. about five million people

e. a big industrial, cultural and scientific center

b.  to the city's founder

g. the Northern Venice

h. the middle of the city

k. its beauty

l. unique masterpieces of art

n. many canals

o. on the banks of the Neva River

d. bridges

a. in 1703 by Peter the Great

p. thousands of tourists




1. was founded

2. population is

3. St. Petersburg is

4. lies

5. The Neva flows through

6. is spanned by a great number of

7. is cut by

8. is often called

9. is famous for

10. buildings are

11. to attract

12. a monument

a. in 1703 by Peter the Great

c. about five million people

e. a big industrial, cultural and scientific center

o. on the banks of the Neva River

h. the middle of the city

d. bridges

n. many canals

g. the Northern Venice

k. its beauty

l. unique masterpieces of art

p. thousands of tourists

b.  to the city's founder


Приложение 5.


«Choose the best variant»

Работа с текстом. Второе задание — выбрать правильный вариант, чтобы получилось связное предложение из текста. Команда получает по 1 баллу за каждое правильно составленное предложение.



1.St. Petersburg was founded in _____.

a) 1703 by Peter the Great    

b) 1866 by Elisabeth II         

c) 1917 by Lenin

2. St. Petersburg was founded as _____.

a) the «Window of the West»           

b) the «Door of the Country»           

c) the «Entrance of the House»

3. Its population is about _____ people.

a) five thousand         

b) ten million             

c) five million

4. The climate of St. Petersburg is _____.

a) sunny         

b) mild but rather damp        

c) beautiful

5. The city is often called _____.

a) the Eternal City     

b) the Third Rome     

c) the Northern Venice

6. The city was designed as _____.

a) a capital of Leningrad regions

b) a historical place

c) a future capital of Russia

7. Palace Square is the place where _____take place.

a) races

b) funerals

c) concerts and festivals

8. The main street in the city is _____ prospect.

a) Navy

b) Neva

c) Nevsky

9. The State Hermitage in St. Petersburg is one of the world's best _____ museums.

a) rarities

b) art

c) sculpture


Ответы: 1 - 1703 by Peter the Great, 2 - the «Window of the West», 3 - five million, 4 - mild but rather damp, 5 - the Northern Venice, 6 - a future capital of Russia, 7 - concerts and festivals, 8 – Nevsky, 9 -  art


Приложение 6.


«Find the facts about St Petersburg»

Работа с текстом. Третье задание — найти нужную информацию из текста, чтобы закончить предложения. Команда получает по 1 баллу за каждое правильно составленное предложение.




1. St. Petersburg was founded in _____ by Peter the Great.

2. The first line of underground was built in_______.

3. There are about _____ art objects in the largest museum in Russia.

4.  It was the capital of Russia from _____ up to _____.

5.  In the _____ century the city was renamed after Lenin.

6. You need more than _____ years to visit exhibits of the State Hermitage.

7. Admiralty building attracts _____of tourists.

8. Its population is about ____ million people.

9. There are more than _____ museums in St Petersburg.


Ответы: 1 — 1703,

2 — 1955,

3 – 3 million,

4 – 1712 / 1918,

5 – 20th,

6 – 11,

7 – thousands,

8 – 5,

9 – 80.


Приложение 7.


«Visual travel to St Petersburg. Part 1»

На каждую команду выдается список достопримечательностей. Задание: посмотреть видео и отметить те, которые прозвучат. За каждую правильно названную достопримечательность команда получает 1 балл.


Список достопримечательностей:

the Palace Square

St. Petersburg State University

the Alexander Column

the Winter Palace

The Menshikov Palace

the Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood

The Mariinsky Opera and Ballet Theater

Kazan Cathedral

St Isaac’s Cathedral

the Admiralty

The State Hermitage Museum

Gostiny Dvor

the Peter and Paul Fortress


«The Bronze Horseman»

the Great Cascade

The Cruiser "Aurora"


Smolny Cathedral

the Catherine Palace

The Palace Bridge

the Summer Palace and Gardens

the Michalowski Castle

Summer Garden

the Rostral Columns



the Palace Square

the Alexander Column

the Winter Palace

the Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood

Kazan Cathedral

St Isaac’s Cathedral

the Admiralty

the Peter and Paul Fortress


the Great Cascade

the Catherine Palace

the Summer Palace and Gardens


Приложение 8.


«Visual travel to St Petersburg. Part 2»

При повторном просмотре видео выполняется небольшой тест с вариантами ответов.



1. What is the heart of historic Saint Petersburg?

a) Square of Arts        b) Palace square                     c) Ostrovskogo square

2. Who designed the Winter Palace?

a) Catherine the Great            b) Peter the Great       c) Aleksandr I

3. Where are extraordinary mosaics?

a) in St. Isaac's Cathedral       b) in the Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood

c) in Kazan Cathedral

4. How old is St. Isaac's Cathedral?

a) more than 200 years           b) 100 years                c) more than 100 years

5. Which sea is St Petersburg a year-round gateway to?

a) the Baltic Sea                     b) the Northern Sea    c) the Okhotskoe Sea

6. What is the oldest church in the city?

a) Kazan Cathedral                b) St. Isaac's Cathedral          c) the Peter and Paul Cathedral



1. Palace square

2. Catherine the Great           

3. in the Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood

4. more than 100 years

5. the Baltic Sea        

6. the Peter and Paul Cathedral


Приложение 9.


«Visual travel to St Petersburg. Part 3»

Задание по итогам просмотра видео: даны предложения с пропущенными словами, студенты должны заполнить пропуски. За каждое правильное предложение команда получает 1 балл.




 Imperial, draw-bridges, original, visitors, pumps, islands


1. St Petersburg lies on the Neva River banks and some _____

2. St Petersburg is truly Russia’s _____city

3. Most _____ start their adventures right in the heart of historic Saint Petersburg.

4. The Peter and Paul Fortress is St Petersburg’s _____citadel.

5. There are more than 60 fountains running without _____in Peterhof.

6. One of the most famous St Petersburg sights are _____ that are especially beautiful during the white nights.

Ответы: 1 islands, 

2 — Imperial,

3 — visitors,

4 — original,

5 — pumps,

6 — draw-bridges



Приложение 10.

«Show the way»

Каждая команда получает карту центра Санкт-Петербурга и 2 диалога с описанием дороги к одной из достопримечательностей. Задание: вставить пропущенные слова с помощью карты и устно разыграть диалоги. За каждый правильно составленный диалог команда получает 1 балл.


Полезные выражения:

Can you tell me the way to the bank?

(Excuse me,) do you know the way to ...?

Of course.

Yes, sure.

Turn left / right at the ...

Take the first / second turn into...

Turn into Beech Road.

Go straight on for about ...

Go along King's Road. It’s on the left / right.

It's at the end of the road.

You must go across the bridge to get to…

Walk until you get to the bridge.

Go across the road and post office is in front of you.




1) You are on the Split of Vasilyevskiy Island. You need St Isaac's Cathedral.

go straight on,  on the left,  way,  turn right,  go across,  welcome


- Excuse me, do you know the _____ to St Isaac's Cathedral?

- Of course. You must _____ the Palace bridge to get to the Palace square. Then _____ into Admiralty prospect and _____. The cathedral is _____.

- Thank you very much!

- You are _____. Good luck!



- Excuse me, do you know the way to St Isaac's Cathedral?

- Of course. You must go across the Palace bridge to get to the Palace square. Then turn right into Admiralty prospect and go straight on. The cathedral is on the left.

- Thank you very much!

- You are welcome. Good luck!


2) You are near the “Gostiny Dvor” metro station. You need Summer Garden.

tell, 15 minutes,  left, on your left, go along, right


- Excuse me, can you _____me the way to Summer Garden?

- Yes, sure. Turn _____ and _____Nevsky prospect until you see the Fontanka River. Then turn _____ and go along the Fontanka until you see the Moika River. The garden will be _____.

- Is it far from here?

- About _____.

- Thanks a lot!

- Not at all.



- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Summer Garden?

- Yes, sure. Turn right and go along Nevsky prospect until you see the Fontanka River. Then turn left and go along the Fontanka until you see the Moika River. The garden will be on your left.

- Is it far from here?

- About 15 minutes.

- Thanks a lot!

- Not at all.


3) You are near the “Sadovaya” metro station. You need Kazan Cathedral.

on the left,  right,  go straight on,  know,  left


- Excuse me, do you _____ the way to Kazan Cathedral?

- Of course. Turn _____ and go along Sadovaya street to Nevsky prospect. Then turn _____and _____ for about 7 minutes. The cathedral is _____.

- Thank you very much!

- You are welcome. Good luck!



- Excuse me, do you know the way to Kazan Cathedral?

- Of course. Turn right and go along Sadovaya street to Nevsky prospect. Then turn left and go straight on for about 7 minutes. The cathedral is on the left.

- Thank you very much!

- You are welcome. Good luck!


4) You are on the Palace square. You need the Russian Museum.

Not at all, in front,  go along,  Excuse me,  go across, far


- _____, can you tell me the way to the Russian Museum?

- Yes, sure. _____ Nevsky prospect and take the 4th turn into Square of Arts. _____ the garden. The Russian Museum will be _____ of you.

- Is it _____ from here?

- About 20 minutes.

- Thanks a lot!

- ______.



- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Russian Museum?

- Yes, sure. Go along Nevsky prospect and take the 4th turn into Square of Arts. Go across the garden. The Russian Museum will be in front of you.

- Is it far from here?

- About 20 minutes.

- Thanks a lot!

- Not at all.


5) You are near the “Vasileostrovskaya” metro station. You need “The Bronze Horseman”.

luck, “The Bronze Horseman”, on the right, into,  the Neva River,  along


- Excuse me, do you know the way to ______?

- Of course. Go _____ the 6th and 7th lines to _____. Go across the bridge and turn left _____ Angliiskaya embankment. The monument is _____.

- Thank you very much!

- You are welcome. Good ______!



- Excuse me, do you know the way to “The Bronze Horseman”?

- Of course. Go along the 6th and 7th lines to the Neva River. Go across the bridge and turn left into Angliiskaya embankment. The monument is on the right.

- Thank you very much!

- You are welcome. Good luck!


6) You are near the “Nevsky prospect” metro station. You need the Peter and Paul Fortress.

about,  on the left, can, across, along, see


- Excuse me, _____ you tell me the way to the Peter and Paul Fortress?

- Yes, sure. Go _____ the Griboedova canal until you _____the field of Mars. Go _____ the field and then go across the bridge. The fortress is _____.

- Is it far from here?

- _____ 20 minutes.

- Thanks a lot!

- Not at all.



- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Peter and Paul Fortress?

- Yes, sure. Go along the Griboedova canal until you see the field of Mars. Go across the field and then go across the bridge. The fortress is on the left.

- Is it far from here?

- About 20 minutes.

- Thanks a lot!

- Not at all.



Приложение 11.

1. Where is the Alexander column installed?

a) in the Winter Palace

b) near the Zoo

c) on the Palace square

2. What is the second name of the Winter Palace?

a) the Hermitage           

b) The Russian Museum

c) The Kunstkammer

3. Continue the phrase “The … Horseman”

a) Gold

b) Saint

c) Bronze

4. What is the second name of the Mikhailowski Castle?

a) Mikhailowski Castle

b) Inzhenerniy Castle

c) Red Castle

5. How many times was Saint-Petersburg renamed?

a) Three times

b) Seven times

c) Two times

6. What is the longest prospect in Saint- Petersburg?

a) Prospect Obukhowskoi Oboroni

b) Nevsky Prospect

c) Prospect Bol’shevikov

7. What is the main square of Saint-Petersburg?

a) Senate square

b) Admiral square

c) Palace square

8. What colour is the second line of Saint-Petersburg’s underground?

a) green

b) blue

c) purple

9. How many lines does Saint- Petersburg’s underground have?

a) 5

b) 4

c) 6

10. When was Saint-Petersburg renamed in “Leningrad”?

a) In 1942

b) In 1937

c) In 1924


Приложение 12.


Запасное задание (на конец пары): Соединить название достопримечательности на русском и английском.


the Rostral Columns

Мариинский Театр оперы и балета

The State Hermitage Museum

Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет

The Admiralty

Меншиковский дворец

Kazan Cathedral

Ростральные колонны

The Mariinsky Opera and Ballet Theater

Гостиный двор

St. Petersburg State University

Пушкин (Царское Село) и Павловск

The Menshikov Palace


Gostiny Dvor

Государственный Эрмитаж

The Cruiser "Aurora"

Смольный собор

Pushkin (Tsarskoye Selo) and Pavlovsk



Дворцовый мост

Smolny Cathedral

Казанский собор

The Palace Bridge

Крейсер «Аврора»


Запасное задание (на конец пары):  соединить название и описание достопримечательности.


The Peter and Paul Fortress

When Peter the Great reclaimed the lands along the Neva River in 1703, he decided to build a fort to protect the area from possible attack by the Swedish army and navy. The fortress was founded on a small island in the Neva delta on May 27, 1703 and that day became the birthday of the city of St Petersburg.

The State Hermitage Museum

The largest art gallery in Russia and is among the largest and most respected art museums in the world.

The Alexander Column

The monument to the Russian military victory in the war with Napoleon's France. Named after Emperor Alexander I, who ruled Russia between 1801 and 1825 (during the Napoleonic Wars), the column is a terrific piece of architecture and engineering.

The Admiralty

One of the first structures to be built in St Petersburg. It was designed to be a dockyard, where some of the first ships of Russia's Baltic fleet were built (some with the participation of Tsar Peter himself who, was an expert in shipbuilding).

"The Bronze Horseman"

An impressive monument to the founder of St Petersburg, Peter the Great, stands on Senatskaia Ploschad' (Square), facing the Neva River. The monument was built by order of the Empress Catherine the Great an inscription on the monument reads in Latin and Russian: Petro Primo Catarina Secunda - To Peter the First from Catherine the Second.

St Isaac's Cathedral

The dome dominates the skyline of St. Petersburg and its gilded cupola can be seen glistening from all over the city. The cathedral was under construction for 40 years (1818-1858), and was decorated in the most elaborate way possible.

The Mariinsky Opera and Ballet Theater

The building and its marvelous 1,625-seat auditorium were severely damaged during the 900-day Siege of Leningrad, but later restored in 1944. Since then the theater has maintained its excellent reputation, particularly for classical ballet.

Kazan Cathedral

Constructed between 1801 and 1811 by the architect Andrei Voronikhin, was built to an enormous scale and boasts an impressive stone colonnade, encircling a small garden and central fountain.

Gostiny Dvor

A huge department store, which is being gradually turned into a shopping mall, since a significant part of its 164,690 sq. feet. of trading space is rented out to smaller shops. Constructed between 1757 and 1785, has a reputation for being one of the world's first shopping malls and occupies a whole city block on Nevsky Prospekt.

Nevsky Prospect

St. Petersburg’s main avenue and one of the best-known streets in Russia. Cutting through the historical center of the city, it runs from the Admiralty to the Moscow Railway Station and then, after a slight kink, to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery.


An immensely luxurious and beautifully preserved Imperial estate, founded in 1710 by Peter the Great on the shore of the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea). It combines several ornate palaces, a number of beautifully landscaped parks and a dazzling array of magnificent statues and fountains, lending it the epithet "The Russian Versailles".

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