Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока №6 по элективному курсу английского языка на тему "Бизнес - курс" (9 - 11 классы)

Конспект урока №6 по элективному курсу английского языка на тему "Бизнес - курс" (9 - 11 классы)

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Хотелось бы знать, есть ли      I wonder if there is any
у Вас хоть какая-нибудь      
chance that you could
возможность снабдить
             supply us with ...

Я был бы рад узнать ...

Будьте добры, сообщите, пожалуйста ...

Пожалуйста, сообщите, если ...

Не будете ли Вы так любезны сообщить мне

Мы будем очень призна­тельны, если Вы сможете известить нас ...

Я был бы весьма благода­рен Вам, если бы Вы сообщили, что ... и когда ...


Будьте добры, сообщите как можно скорее, желаете ли Вы ...

Не будете ли Вы столь любезны объяснить нам, как обстоят дела с ...

Хотелось бы знать, не сможете ли Вы дать мне информацию о ...


Мы надеемся, что Вы напишете нам относитель­но Ваших интересов.

I would be glad to know ... Could you please tell me ...

Please let me know if ...

Would you be kind enough

to let me know...

We would be very much

obliged if you could

inform us ...

I would be grateful if you

could let me know what ...

and inform me when ...

Would you please let me know as soon as possible whether you would be willing to ...

Would you please be kind enough to let us know how things stand with ...

I wonder if you could give me some information about ...


We hope that you will write to us concerning your interest.



You may be assured that

I will make ...

We shall do our best to ...

Пишу для того, чтобы спросить, может ли Вас заинтересовать покупка ...


Будем признательны, если Вы сообщите нам, заинтересованы ли Вы по-прежнему в ...

Можно ли что-нибудь предпринять по этому поводу?

Для нас важно получить информацию о том, как наша продукция встречена рынком.

Привлекает ли Вас эта идея?

Был бы признателен, если бы Вы прислали мне с обратной почтой Ваш каталог и прейскурант...


Просим выслать нам предложение, назначив наиболее выгодные условия и скидку за платеж наличными.


Ссылаясь на Ваше объявление в ..., я был бы рад получить...



Поскольку вопрос безотлагателен, просим Вас дать ответ с обратной почтой


Мы намереваемся ...                 We intend to

I am writing to ask whether you might be interested in buying ...

We should be grateful if you would let us know whether you are still interested in...

Is there anything that can be done about this?

It is important to us to receive information on how our products are received in trade.

Does the idea appeal to you?

I should be grateful if you would send me by return your catalogue and price-list of...

Please send us an offer quoting your best terms and discounts for cash payment.


With reference to your adver­tisement in ... I should be pleased to receive ...


As the matter is urgent will you please let us have a reply by return?

 Я имею удовольствие

сообщить Вам, что... Настоящим сообщаю,   

что ... Настоящим

удостоверяется, что ... Обратите, пожалуйста,

внимание, что ...

Ставлю Вас в известность,


Пишу, чтобы подтвердить,

что ...

Как Вы увидите из ...

Как Вы знаете из предыду­щей переписки ...

Я бы хотел сообщить Вам,

что наша фирма

намеревается ...

 Обращаем Ваше внимание

на тот факт, что ...

 В ответ на Ваш телефон­ный запрос сообщаю,

что ...

Я, разумеется дам Вам

знать, если ситуация


Возможно, мне следует

отметить, что ...

Можете быть уверены, что я предприму ...

Мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы ...

Будьте уверены, что я…

I have the pleasure of

informing you that ...

This is to inform you that ...

This is to certify that ...

Please note that ...

Please take due note that ...

I am writing to confirm ...

As you will see from ...

As you know from previous


I would like to inform you

that our firm is intending

to ...

We wish to draw up your

attention to the fact that ...


In reply to your telephone

enquiry I wish to advise

you that ...

I shall, of course, let you

know should the situation


 Perhaps I should mention

Please rest assured that I …


that ...




Если Вам нужно что-нибудь еще, пожалуй­ста, сообщите.

Не стесняйтесь, пожа­луйста, сказать, если мы можем быть полезны Вас чем-нибудь.

Сообщите, пожалуйста, если Вам потребуется дальнейшая информация или помощь.

Если возникнут

какие-либо вопросы, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь обратиться к нам.

Если Вам необходимы дальнейшие подроб­ности, я, разумеется, буду счастлив снабдить Вас ими.

Мы будем рады отве­тить на любые техничес­кие вопросы относительно ...

Я надеюсь, все идет хорошо с ...



Я надеюсь, Вы не будете возражать ...

Мы очень надеемся, что Вы придете к положи­тельному решению относительно ...

 If you need something else, please let me know.

Please do not hesitate to let us know if you require any other information.

Please let me know if you require any further information or assistance.

Should any questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Should you require further details, we would, of course, be happy to supply this upon request.

We will be glad to answer any technical questions on the ...

I hope that all is going well

with ...


 I hope you will not mind ...

We hope very much that you will come to a positive decision on ...

Мы полагаем, что Вы приложите все усилия для...

Мы рассчитываем на Ва­ше внимание к вопросу.

Я надеюсь, что буду иметь новости для Вас довольно скоро.

Я надеюсь, что не достав­лю Вам много хлопот, если ...


Я искренне надеюсь, что Вы сможете помочь мне в этом деле.

Мы рассчитываем полу­чить вскоре Ваши дальнейшие   пред­ложения.

Я рассчитываю на сотрудничество с Вами в этом новом предприятии.



Любезно просим выслать нам


Просим сообщить нам о ...

Просим заметить, что ...

Просим оплатить ...

Мы хотим, чтобы вы выслали нам ...

Пожалуйста, укажите Ваш почтовый индекс, номера телефона и телекса.

Прошу принять необходи­мые меры для ...

Сделайте, пожалуйста, все возможное, чтобы при­вести это дело к скорому положительному финалу.

We expect you to use every

effort to ...

We trust your kind attention

on the matter.

 I hope to have further news

for you before too long.

I do hope I am not putting

you to too much

trouble if ...

I sincerely hope you will

be able to help me in this


We look forward to

receiving your further

proposals soon.

I look forward to

cooperating with you on this new venture.


We kindly ask you to

send us ...

 Please inform us about ... Please take notice that ...

We request to pay ...

We would like you to

send us ...

Please indicate your

post-code, telephone and

telex numbers.

 Please  take  all  necessary

measures for ...

Please do your best to bring

this matter to a fast

positive end.





Вышлите нам, пожалуйста, срочно ... в соответствии с нашим контрактом.

Хотелось бы знать, не можете ли Вы оказать мне любезность.

Мы будем благодарны, если Вы сообщите Ваше решение относительно ...

Просим у Вас некоторую дополнительную информацию о ...

Мы бы попросили обеспечить нас ...

Я был бы очень

признателен, если бы Вы выслали мне согласно пункту 6 договора ...

Мы были бы весьма

благодарны, если бы Вы могли подтвердить, что ...

Очень любезно с Вашей стороны ...


Пишу, чтобы поблагода­рить Вас за ...

Позвольте воспользо­ваться случаем, чтобы поблагодарить Вас за ..

Благодарим за столь большой вклад в ...

Я высоко ценю Вашу доброту ...

Хочу выразить мою благодарность за все Ваши усилия ...

Please send us urgently ...

in accordance with our


 I wonder if you could do me a favour.

We will appreciate your

informing us of your

decision concerning ...

We ask you for some

additional information

about ...

We would kindly request to

provide us with ...

I would appreciate very

much if you would send me

according to Clause 6 of

the agreement......

We would (should) be most

grateful if you could

confirm that ...

It is very kind of you to ...

I am writing to thank you

very much for ...

May I take this opportunity

of thanking you for ...

Thank you for contributing

so much to ...

I sincerely appreciate your

kindness ...

I wish to express my

appreciation for all your

efforts ...

Я очень благодарен Вам за помощь.

Благодарю за сообщение, что ...

Благодарю за приглашение посетить офис Вашей фирмы и за возмож­ность познакомиться с её персоналом.

Пишу, чтобы поблагода­рить ещё раз за Ваше гостеприимство и выра­зить, как я был рад увидеть Вас.


К сожалению ...

К сожалению, меня не было — я был в деловой поездке в ...

Я очень сожалею, что причинил Вам столько беспокойства.

Я с сожалением узнал из Вашего письма, что ...


Сожалею, что на сегодня у меня нет для Вас лучших новостей.

Боюсь, что ...

С сожалением сообщаю, что ...

К сожалению, вынужден сообщить Вам, что...

К моему великому сожа­лению, я должен извес­тить Вас, что у меня не было возможности...

I am most grateful to you for

helping me.

Thank you for letting me

know that ...

Thank you for inviting me to your firm office and

introducing me to its staff.

This is to thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and to tell you how much I enjoyed seeing you.


Unfortunately, ... Unfortunately, I have been out on business in ...

I am very sorry to have

caused you so much


 I was very sorry to learn

from your letter

that ...

 I am sorry that I have no

better news for you


I am afraid that ...

 I am sorry ( I regret) to say

(to inform) that ...

I regret to inform you

that ...

To my great regret I must

inform you that it has not

been possible for me to ...







I take pleasure of ...

We are delighted that ...

 I shall be happy to discuss

with you ...

I am pleased to send you a

copy of...

We were very pleased to

hear that you have

decided to undertake ... We are most pleased that

you want to buy ...

Приношу свои (наши)

извинения за ...

Приносим извинения за ... Примите, пожалуйста,

мои извинения за ..

Хочу принести свои самые

искренние извинения за

то беспокойство

(неудобство), которое

это, возможно,

причинило Вам.

Прошу извинить за то, что

долго не отвечал на

Ваше письмо.

Должен извиниться за

задержку, которая

произошла не по нашей


Я искренне сожалею,

что не пришел ...

Я очень виноват в том,

что ...

Извините, но я не могу

помочь Вам в этом деле.


С удовольствием ...


 Мы очень рады, что ... Буду счастлив обсудить

с Вами ...

Рад выслать Вам

экземпляр ...

Нам было очень приятно

узнать, что Вы решили

предпринять ...

Мы очень рады, что Вы

пожелали купить...

My (our) apologies for ...

We offer an apology for ... Please accept my apologies

for ...

I wish to offer my sincere

apologies for the trouble

(inconvenience) it may

have caused you.

I am sorry for taking so long to answer your letter.

I must apologize for the delay which was entirely outside our control.

I sincerely regret not coming

to ...

I am extremely sorry that ...

I am sorry, but I cannot be of assistance to you in this matter.

Я был восхищен, узнав ...

Было бы действительно

замечательно ...

Мы рады сообщить, что

можем оставить за

Вами ... ь опреде­ленных затруднений.

Мы не удовлетворены предложенными Вами условиями.

Я очень огорчен данным обстоятельством и надеюсь, что Вы объясните мне эту весьма странную ситуацию.

Настоящим письмом я заявляю категорический протест против ...

Я боюсь, мы должны расторгнуть договор, поскольку ...

В ответ на Вашу просьбу прилагаем к данному письму экземпляр каталога и надеемся, что он окажется полезным Вас.

I was delighted to hear the

news that ...

 It would be truly

wonderful to ...

We are glad to say that we

can reserve for you ...


We are not happy about the terms you suggested.

I am very disappointed about this fact, and hope that you can help me to clear out this very strange situation.


By this letter I emphatically protest against ...

I am afraid we must cancel the agreement as ..


In reply to your request we enclose herewith a copy of our catalogue, and we hope you may find it useful.





at first sight apparently at first, when seen for the first time. At first sight the contract seemed normal. at once immediately, very soon. Would you come to my office? At once, please.

back against the wall in a very difficult situation. We didn't come to any conclusion with our potential customer, but our back's not against the wall.

back and forth movement from one position to another (also backwards and forwards, and to and fro). Letters had been passing back and forth between two companies for weeks. behind time (or schedule) later than arranged, expected or planned. The meeting is running behind the schedule so we'll have to leave some items until the next morning. to be in the dark not to know, to be without information. We are still in the dark as to our competitors' intentions. to be in the picture to know, to have information. "Do you know about the new import legislation in this country?" "Yes, thank you, I'm fully in the picture". to be on the floor to be poor. His business plans have failed and he is on the floor now.

better safe than sorry it is better to be too careful than to take risks. Every stage of the process is checked three times, it's better to be safe than sorry.

big cheese someone who is important. My boss is big cheese.

bit by bit gradually. If you examine the process bit by bit you'll see it's not really so complex.

blue-collar workers factory workers (from the blue colour of their working clothes). He started his career as a blue-collar worker.

blueprint a detailed plan of future action. They discussed the economic blueprint at the meeting. brass hat a high official or manager. The brass hat told me to explain my position.

breadwinner a person who earns most of the money. In our family my father is a breadwinner. to break new ground to enter a new area of discovery or knowledge. The recent agreement between the company and the unions has broken new ground in industrial relations.


brown goods — electrical equipment for use in the home

(radios, TV-sets, etc.).

can of worms an unpleasant or complex situation which

people don't wish to deal with. The investigation has opened

up a real can of worms.

to come to the point to arrive directly at the focus, or

most important part of a speaking or writing activity. You've

been speaking for twenty minutes without coming to the


to cost the earth to be very expensive. Training is essential

but it needn't cost the earth if you take advantage of our

special price.

cowboy an unqualified person in business. I'd like to find

the cowboy that built this house. It's falling down.

to cut corners to follow a quick but risky route to an

object. In this company we don't cut corners; we produce a

high-quality, reliable product.

a dead end a path going nowhere.  The research

programme had looked promising, but all the test led to

dead ends.

dinosaur a person or an organization that is not up to

date with modern events and conditions. Our manager is a

dinosaur, he doesn't know modern technology.

double-dutch incomprehensive talk. I couldn't understand

a word, it was double-dutch to me.

double-edged having two different, often contradictory

purposes or meanings. Using medicines is double-edged.

eleventh hour the very last moment. He always does

things at the eleventh hour.

the fact of the matter is (that) the truth is; the most

important thing is. The fact of the matter is that the real

reason is industrial action.

the facts speak for themselves the known facts of a

situation clearly show the answers to any questions about

them. The facts spoke for themselves — this was a case of


fall guy a person who tends to be deceived in business

deals. It's no surprise this fall guy has been double-crossed.

first and foremost firstly and most important. First and

foremost is to decide on a replacement for the production


fly-by- night company a company which is not reliable

or which may disappear to avoid paying debts. It turned out

to be a fly-by-night company.

to focus on to concentrate on. Let's focus on production


to fold up (a business) to bring a business to an end. The

business decreases and we are likely to fold up.

to foot the bill to pay on behalf of someone, sometimes

unwillingly. If they want our business, they'll foot the bill

for lunch.

for and against in agreement with and contrary to. The

government has carefully considered all arguments both for

and against the new airport.

for the most part mainly, generally, on the whole. For

the most part I agree with you.

game plan strategy and tactics for achieving a target.

The marketing game plan this year is to identify gaps in the

market and to fill those gaps.

to get down to business to begin to talk seriously. Let's

get down to business at once.

to get to the bottom of to find the cause of or the answer

to a problem or question. Our engineers are trying to get to

the bottom of the matter.

to give and take to make compromises . All relationships

call for an element of give and take.

a giveback a reduction in salary when business is in

difficulty. When the company had some problems several

employees offered a giveback to help the manager.

to go ahead to make progress, to move forward. This is a

go-ahead company.

to have an open mind to be mentally flexible. We have

an open mind on our ideas.

hit and miss unsystematic; random; relying on chance.

The experiment went wrong because of hit-and-miss methods.

to hold good, to hold true to continue to be consistently

or constantly correct. Does the offer you made last week

still hold good?


house-cleaning reorganization of a business. The new manager wants to reduce the amount of people in his firm and do the house-cleaning.

in accordance with following the terms or requirements. Payment must be made within twenty-eight days, in accordance with the contract.

in a nutshell briefly, to summarize in a few words. In a nutshell, prompt and effective action must be taken. in connection (with) about, concerning, relevant to. I'm phoning in connection with your letter. in future starting from this (or that) time, from now (or then) on. You are late again. In future you should come on time.

in the black operating in credit, in profit, or with a cash surplus. We're in the black on paper but not in reality. in the future at. or during some future time. I shall hope to see you again at some time in the future. in general / in particular speaking generally (they may be used together or separately). Today, I'd like us to consider marketing in general and European marketing in particular.

the ins and outs (of) all the details. Our brochure explains the ins and outs of how to operate the equipment. in the long run — over or after a long time. We cannot maintain this position in the long run unless we improve our marketing.

in time soon or early enough, not too late. The fire-lighters arrived just in time.

to keep one's hand in to stay in practice. Even though he's retired he still goes into the office once a month to keep his hand in .

to keep up with the Joneses to compete with one's neighbours by buying the same expensive things. He got a BMW to keep up with the Joneses.

last but not least introducing the next item on the list, which, although the last, is not less important than the others. We need to think about how much capital we want to raise and, last but not the least, how we're going to get it. the long and the short of it to summarize the main, basic


facts or result. The long and the short of it that we need

greater production capacity.

to make headway to make progress in spite of any

problems. Some headway has been made in cutting costs.

to make up one's mind to decide. I haven't made up my

mind yet whether to accept the offer or not.

more or less approximately. One kilogram is more or

less equivalent in weight to 2.2 English pounds.

nine time out of ten almost always. Nine time out of ten

our customers are completely satisfied.

off the cuffwithout prior preparation. I can't answer it

off the cuff.

old hat out of date, old fashioned. Nobody believes in

payment any more. It's old hat these days.

on behalf of as representative or spokesman for. I shall

be attending the meeting tomorrow on behalf of the finance


on paper — in theory. The new design looks good on paper,

nobody knows whether it will work .

on the face of it as seems at first. The contract looks OK

on the face of it but we'll check it in any case.

on the one hand...on the other (hand) in contrast. We,

on the one hand, want to maintain existing production levels

with a reduced workforce, while you, on the other, want to

increase both production and labour force levels.

on time exactly at the right time, not late. Goods normally

leave the factory on time.

to plan (to think) ahead to prepare for the future, to

make calculated future arrangements. The purpose of this

meeting is to plan ahead for next year's marketing strategy.

to put in the picture to give information. Today we are

going to put you in the picture.

to put one's heads together to consult and work together

to solve a problem. Let's put our heads together to see if we

can come up with situation.

red-letter day a special occasion. It was a red-letter day

for us.

to result from to be the cause. We hope that some

progress will result from our discussion.


to result in to be (or to have as) the result. The

experiment resulted in success.

a safe bet almost one hundred percent certain. If you

want a good lawyer, mine's a safe bet.

to see eye to eye (with) to agree, compromise or

cooperate by first appreciation the other's thoughts and

needs. I think we're both trying to see eye to eye with each


to sleep on it to take a short time to think something over

before coming to a decision. You don't have to decide now.

Sleep on it and let us know tomorrow.

to smooth out (also to iron out, to straighten out) to

remove problems or difficulties by discussion or action. We're

having some problems with the new machines but we're

trying to smooth them out.

to split hairs to disagree or ague over something

unimportant. Our first impression was that the other side

was just splitting hairs.

to spotlight to put special focus or attention on a person

or thing (can also be used as a noun). I'd like to put the

spotlight on the sales manager for spare parts.

to tie up loose ends to finish matters that are still to be

dealt with. The main contract is done, it's a question of tying

up the loose ends.

time out a pause or interval during some activity. We

need to take the time out to check our methods.

the tip of the iceberg the small, visible part of something

much larger, the greater part of which cannot be seen. The

recent financial scandal on the stock market was just the

tip of the iceberg.

tongue in cheek jokingly, not meant to be taken seriously.

He said it tongue in cheek so I didn't believe him.

to toy with an idea to think about an idea without really

intending to put it into practice. He toyed with the idea of

going to Africa.

vicious circle a negative situation in which any action

leads only to further negative results. Companies continuing

to produce goods in a dying market, are creating a vicious




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Курсы со скидкой

Курс профессиональной переподготовки


Экскурсовод (гид)

500/1000 ч.

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания с применением дистанционных технологий

Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 80 человек из 28 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 53 человека

Курс повышения квалификации

Английский для специальных целей (ESP)

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 117 человек из 50 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 460 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Психологические методы развития навыков эффективного общения и чтения на английском языке у младших школьников

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 180 человек из 47 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 813 человек


Успешая команда: опросы, сторис

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Психологическая помощь и развитие детей: современные вызовы и решения

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Психология развития личности: от мотивации к самопониманию

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 84 человека из 27 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 34 человека