Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока "Путешествие по памятным местам Шекспира и Пушкина"

Конспект урока "По памятным местам

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МАОУ СОШ №59 «Перспектива» г. Липецка

Конкурс методических разработок

молодых учителей Липецкой области

«Мастерская успеха»


Номинация «Лучший сценарий праздника, мероприятия»






Внеклассное мероприятие

по английскому языку и литературе 

«Литературное путешествие в Британию и Россию»

6 класс (11-12 лет)



Автор: Стаценко Ирина Владимировна

учитель иностранного языка













Цели мероприятия:

1.     Приобщение к культуре страны изучаемого языка и культуре России, расширение кругозора.

2.     Привлечение внимания к классической литературе и чтению.

3.     Активизация разговорной речи.

4.     Ориентирование детей на самостоятельное извлечение информации и организацию мероприятия.


Подготовка мероприятия.

К данному проекту привлекаются учащиеся 6 класса. Учащиеся делятся на две большие группы. Одна группа проводит виртуальную экскурсию в родной город В. Шекспира Стратфорд-на-Эйвоне, другая группа – виртуальную экскурсию в государственный музей-заповедник А.С. Пушкина «Михайловское». Каждая группа получает конкретные задания по подготовке мероприятия. Распределение внутри группы производится по принципу добровольности, инициативности и самодеятельности учащихся.

Задания для первой группы:

1.     Найти краткую биографию писателя

2.     Найти информацию о родном городе писателя (памятники, музеи и другие памятные места, выяснить проводят ли фестивали или праздники, связанные с именем Шекспира)

3.     Составить план экскурсии

4.     Написать рассказ экскурсовода

5.     Подготовить оформление виртуальной экскурсии (презентация, костюмы, др.)

6.     Выбрать отрывки из произведений Шекспира, прочитать их на английском и русском языках

   Задания для второй группы:

1.     Найти краткую биографию писателя

2.     Найти информацию о государственном музеи-заповеднике А.С. Пушкина «Михайловское»

3.     Составить план экскурсии

4.     Написать рассказ экскурсовода

5.     Подготовить оформление виртуальной экскурсии (презентация, костюмы, др.)

6.     Выбрать отрывки из произведений Пушкина, прочитать их на английском и русском языках


Каждую группу курирует преподаватель иностранных языков, задача которого направлять работу учеников, корректировать языковой материал. Учитель может помочь в поиске информации, дать детям распечатанные тексты,  ссылки на следующие Интернет-ресурсы:






Ход мероприятия

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear friends. Today we have a special meeting. During this meeting, we will make imaginary journeys to literary places of Great Britain and Russia. The places we are going to visit are connected with the names of the greatest writers W. Shakespeare and A.S. Pushkin. Before we begin our travelling, I would like you to share your expectations about today’s journeys.

Pupils: I think/suppose/hope I will …/ it will be …

(Добрый день, дорогие друзья. Сегодня у нас необычная встреча. Сегодня мы совершим с вами воображаемое путешествие по литературным местам Великобритании и России. Эти места связаны с именами выдающихся поэтов В. Шекспира и А.С. Пушкина. Перед тем, как мы начнём наше путешествие, мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы подумали и сказали, что вы ожидаете от нашей поездки.)  

Teacher: So, we see. Let’s begin. To get to the birthplace of W. Shakespeare, we stand up and repeat after me the following words:

(Давайте начнём. Чтобы добраться до места рождения Шекспира, мы встаём и повторяем слова: (читается детское стихотворение-считалочка)

Up, down, up, down

Which is the way to Shakespeare’s town

Where? Where?

Up in the air

Close your eyes

And you are there!

Экскурсия в Стратфорд-на-Эйвоне

(Ученики первой группы выступают в качестве гидов – текст в приложении, иллюстрации в презентации)

Pupil: (…) This is the end of our tour. We hope you enjoyed it.

Teacher: Thank you very much. I think it was wonderful. And you?

Pupils:Дети выражают своё впечатление об экскурсии.

Teacher: Let’s remember and enjoy Shakespeare’s sonnets.

Pupil: Чтение сонетов или отрывков из других произведений Шекспира на русском и английском языках.

Teacher: It’s time to visit the State museum-reserve of Alexander Pushkin «Mikhailovskoye».

Экскурсия в государственный музей-заповедник А.С. Пушкина «Михайловское»

(Ученики второй группы выступают в качестве гидов – текст в приложении, иллюстрации в презентации)

Pupil: (…) Come to visit us too!

Teacher: Thank you for such an interesting tour. It evokes a desire to remember Pushkin’s works, doesn’t it?

Pupil: … Чтение стихотворений или отрывков из других произведений Пушкина на русском и английском языках.


Teacher: Today we have  touched the literary heritage of these two great poets. Compare, what people do to save this heritage in Britain and Russia? What do you think such literary tours can attract attention to literature and reading? What about you? Did it inspire you to take a book and to read?

 Let’s check up how informative our literary tour is for you. Answer the questions.

I am glad that you have learnt a lot of new. Of course, real journey to these places will let learn more details and get bright impressions. I hope it will happen.

(Итак, сегодня мы прикоснулись к литературному наследию двух великих поэтов. Сравните, что делают люди для сохранения этого наследия в Великобритании и России. Как вы думаете, могут ли такие литературные туры привлечь внимание к литературе и чтению? А у вас возникло желание взять книгу и почитать?

Давайте проверим насколько познавательным стало для вас наше литературное путешествие. Проведение викторины (смотри приложение).

Я рада, что вы узнали много нового. Но узнать ещё больше деталей и получить более яркие впечатления вы сможете, конечно, только посетив эти места. Надеюсь, это произойдет.)







Экскурсия в Стратфорд

Pupil 1: Welcome to Stratford-upon-Avon! A town in Warwickshire, central England, on the River Avon, famous as the birthplace of William Shakespeare.

This is where the Shakespeare story began. William Shakespeare was born in this house and lived here until he was old enough to marry and spend the first five years of family life here with his new wife, Anne Hathaway. Shakespeare's Birthplace is a fascinating house that offers a tantalizing glimpse into Shakespeare's early world.

John and Mary Shakespeare were wealthy enough to own the largest house on Henley Street. This was the house where William Shakespeare was born and lived until his mid-twenties, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of his family. When Shakespeare was growing up there were no newspapers or magazines, and certainly no computers or social media. The primary method of communication was simply to talk, so Shakespeare’s world was full of sound and the house would have been full of voices!

Pupil 2: John Shakespeare lived and worked in this house for fifty years. When he married Mary Arden she came to live with him and they had a total of eight children, including their third eldest, William. In 1568 John became the Mayor of Stratford, which was the highest elective office in the town. On Sunday, dressed in his fine red robes, he would have been escorted to Holy Trinity church to attend mass. It was because of his father’s status as Mayor that William was privileged enough to have attended the local grammar school to begin his education. This is the schoolroom where Shakespeare was educated, as many people believe. It is still in use.

Pupil 3: There is so much to see and do at Mary Arden's Farm! Step back in time for all the sights, smells and sounds of a real Tudor farm and explore the house where Shakespeare's mother, Mary Arden, grew up. Experience the daily routine, skills and crafts that the young William would have known from visits to his grandparents in the 1570s and try your hand at some of them for yourself. 

Pupil 4: Discover where the young William Shakespeare courted his future bride Anne Hathaway at her picturesque family home. Anne Hathaway's Cottage is a thatched farmhouse containing many original items of family furniture, including the Hathaway Bed. It is nestled within stunning grounds and gardens, overflowing with fragrant blooms and traditional shrubs.

Pupil 5: This is the Holy Trinity Church where Shakespeare was buried. Visitors coming to Stratford admire the beauty of the church and honour his memory. It’s interesting that he died on his birthday, 23 April, 1616. 

Pupil 6: Another memorials to William Shakespeare are theatres. This is  the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford. The present building was constructed in 1932. The first building was opened on Shakespeare’s birthday in 1879 and destroyed by fire in 1926. A lot of events take place in this theatre during Shakespeare’s festivals which lasts from April to September. Every year a lot of people come to Stratford for the Festival season.

We can’t but say about the Globe Theatre in London. Watch a short video about it.

Pupil 7: This is the end of our tour. We hope you enjoyed it.

Экскурсия в государственный музей-заповедник А.С. Пушкина «Михайловское»

Pupil 1: The State museum-reserve of Alexander Pushkin «Mikhailovskoye» is a unique monument of Russian culture of national significance. In Russian history Mikhailovskoye, Trigorskoye, Petrovskoye, Pushkinskie Gory (or Holy Hills) are well known as the memorial Pushkin’s places, connected with life and creative activity of the poet.  In 1899, Mikhailovskoye was purchased from the poet's son, Grigory Pushkin, by the state. Many members of the Academy of Science supported that idea. The first attempt to immortalize Pushkin's memory in the Pskov area was the opening in 1911 of a colony of elderly writers and teachers in Mikhailovskoye. In 1918 the building on the estates of Mikhailovskoye, Trigorskoye and Petrovskoye were destroyed by fire. On March 17, 1922, the Soviet government declared Mikhailovskoye, Trigorskoye and Pushkin's grave at the Svyatogorsk monastery to be a state reserve.

Pupil 2:  Alexander Pushkin Museum-reserve suffered severe damage in the Second World War. In 1946, post-war restoration and repair work began in the museum-reserve. In 1995 the reserve was renamed the Mikhailovskoye Pushkin State Memorial Museum-reserve of History, Literature and Natural Landscape and its grounds extended to 9,713 hectares by the addition of estates which had belonged to the poet's friends, relatives and acquaintances, namely, Golubovo, Lysaya Gora, Voskresenskoye and Deriglazovo, and the ancient sites of Vrev and Velye. On 6 December of the same year following a decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the museum-reserve was included in the state list of the most valuable items of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation. To commemorate the bicentenary of the poet's birth a number of measures have been taken, including repair and restoration work, reorganization of the museums, new acquisitions for the museums and publishing activities.

- Pushkin’s grave and the Gannibal-Pushkins’ necropolis: the 16th to 19th –century ensemble of Svyatogorsk monastery; 
- the estates of Mikhailovskoye, Trigorskoye and Petrovskoye with memorial parks, and estates of the poet’s relatives, friends and neighbours in which fragments of buildings have survived -Voskresenskoye, Golubovo, Deriglazovo and Lysaya Gora; 
- the ancient sites of Voronich and Savkino and the historical part of Velye village (also the ancient site) 
- the Mill-in-Bugrovo village museum;

On the territory of the museum-reserve, there are also some ancient Slav burials of the 7th to 10th century.

Pupil 3: On 12 January, 1742 most of the land which made up Mikhalovskaya Guba was granted in perpetuity by decree of Empress Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great, to Pushkin’s great-grandfather, Abram Petrovich Gannibal, known as “the Negro of Peter the Great”, for his services to Russia. The poet first visited the family estate just after graduating from Tsarskoye Selo lycee and was enchanted by the natural beauty of the place, the poetry of the peasant life and the aura of the past. From 1824 until the end of his life, Pushkin made frequent visit to Mikhailovskoye, where he also spent two years in exile. Mikhailovskoye became for him a place of intensive poetic creation. He wrote no less than 100 poems there and worked on chapters of “Eugene Onegin”, “Boris Godunov”, “The Gypsies” and “Count Nulin”. During his exile there his loyal friends from the lycee Ivan Pushchin, Anton Delvig, and Prince A. Gorchakov, visited the poet. 

This is the main house (PUSHKIN HOUSE-MUSEUM). Built by poet’s grandfather in the late 18th century this house was relatively small compared with the neighbouring estates. In his poem “To a House Goblin” the poets calls it “my modest parental abode”, and in a letter to his brothers "the Mikhailovskoye log cabin». It has five rooms and an entrance hall. Due to numerous alteration, fires and destruction wrought by two wars, very little remains from Pushkin’s day in Mikhailovskoye (as also in Trigorskoye and Petrovskoye). The actually buildings and the layout of the rooms are a modern reconstruction, and the display is structured mainly on memorial and literary-artistic basis. Unfortunately very few Pushkin memorabilia have survived. Next to the dining room is Pushkin’s study. This room has been restored to its appearance in Pushkin’s day thanks to various documents of the time and reminiscences of contemporaries who visited Mikhailovskoye. In the middle of the study was a writing desk. By the writing table is an old leather armchair with a high back, an exact copy of the one Pushkin used. This armchair is from the Trigorskoye collection and was presented to the Pushkin House-Museum in spring 1964 by relatives of the Osipov-Vulfs. Next to it is Anna Kern’s small footstool, covered with light brown velvet which has faded with time. The Pushkin memorabilia in the study include his iron stick. Pushkin often took such a stick with him when he went for walks.

Pupil 4: The “Nanny’s house” stands only a few yards from the main house, in the shade of an old maple tree, and is concealed almost up to the roof by bushes of lilac, yellow acacia and jasmine. This wing contained the bathhouse, but when the family came to Mikhailovskoye for the summer, the nanny lived in a room in this bathhouse. The “Nanny’s house” was the only building of Pushkin’s day at Mikhailovskoye that survived after the fire of 1918. The display here is mainly connected with Pushkin’s nanny and the construction of the traditionally Russian steam bath.

Pupil 5: Let’s have a walk in Mikhailovskoye park, created by Pushkin’s grandfather, Osip Gannibal, has survived well. The park is divided into two halves, east and west, by the central drive, an avenue of firs that begins at the decorative circular flowerbed by the main house. At the opposite end of the avenue from the house is the private chapel on a small hill known as Poklonnaya Gora. Services were held in the chapel on family celebration and St Michael’s Day only. To the right of the avenue of firs a path leads past the “park attraction”, the “Parnassion hills” and the small pond with a humpback bridge, to the Black (Gannibal) Pond, one of the most picturesque spots in Mikhailovskoye Park. On the left of the avenue of firs, in the middle of the park, is a wooden hexagonal summerhouse with a shortish spire, restored on the site of a summerhouse. Four small paths radiate from it. One of them, the birch path leads to a small pond covered with duckweed. And it is from this pond that one of the park’s most beautiful avenues begins, the avenue of limes or “Kern avenue. From the east end of the “Kern Avenue”, between the edges of the park, which merges with forest here, and the orchard a path leads to the “Isle of Seclusion”. It is a small island with group of pines, birches and limes in the middle of a round pond. Pushkin is said to have been fond of this secluded spot.

Pupil 6: Bugrovo is a village, located halfway between Mikhailovskoye and Svyatogorsky Monastery. The village in Pushkin’s time was small. It had only three houses. On the edge of the village during a long period there was a water mill. The first written mention of «the mill of the Svyatogorsky monastery of the Assumption on the bank of the small River Lugovka» dates from 1761.

When Pushkin lived in Mikhailovskoye, the mill had an impressive form and allocated against the background of other village constructions. Among local peasants, memoirs on Pushkin visits to Bugrovo have been kept. S. Geitchenko has written down memoirs from words of a well-known peasant Prokha, whose ancestors had been eyewitnesses of Pushkin’s visits to Bugrovo: «Pushkin had a habit to spend time together with house-serfs, singing songs, especially the one about a white birch. He liked to run to Bugrovo water mill. Sometimes absolutely grey from flour, he would look just like the old miller himself».

Pupil 7: There is one more museum complex named «The Pushkin village» on the other side of the river Lugovka. Pskovian villages in the 19th century were not big. Very often settlements of one or two houses were called «a village». Pushkin paid attention to this feature in his elegy «I visited again» (1835): «...Along the sloping shores // the huts are scattered wide...» «Scattered» as small grains... In the Bugrovo museum, a specific «image» of a village typical for Pushkin time is revived. There is a log hut on the hillock. A covered shed typical of this local area is to the right, a homestead with a number of constructions: a barn, a stable, a povet’ (a canopy for putting away carts, sledges, etc. under the roof) are to the left. Behind the house at a small pond, there is a Russian bath. Further, there is a sel’nick (a storage place for hay and straw) and the large-scale country construction – a barn with a drying house.

Pupil 8: Museum «Bugrovo village mill» was founded in 1986. It became the last museum restored by Semen Geitchenko, it was his «swan-song». The author has done the main thing. On the historical place a small museum complex including a miller’s house and a model of a watermill has appeared. On March 17, 2007, the museum complex «Bugrovo» was opened after the end of restoration and renovation works provided by the plan of preparation to the 200th anniversary of Alexander Pushkin’s birthday. Nowadays museum complexes «The Pushkin village» and «The mill in the village Bugrovo» are the stages for theatrical performances and educational programs for the guests of the Pushkin Museum-Reserve.

Pupil 9: Now we are in Svyatogorsk monastery. In the 19th century, the monastery became associated with the name of Alexander Pushkin. Living in Mikhailovskoye, the poet would come here to the graves of his ancestors, whose memory he treasured, and at times of creative searching. During his work on “Boris Godunov”, he strove for the utmost historical authenticity in the portrayal of his character, studying the chronicles, Karamzin’s “History of the Russian State” and local sources, such as the archive and library, which was in a small attic room in the monks’ quarters. It contained the monastery’s chronicle with a record of the monastery’s first father superior attending the Assembly of the Land in 1598, which elected Boris Godunov to the throne. Pushkin liked to visit the Svyatogorsky fairs, where he listened to the vivid and colorful language of the peasants and wrote down “from first-hand” the most interesting and characteristic expressions. The visits to fairs (held on the territory of the so-called Trading Court), observation of local people and visitors to the monastery, meetings with “fool-in-Christ”, and wanderers’ tales about events of long ago were undoubtedly reflected in the characters of “Boris Godunov”.

Pupil 10: In her memoirs Akulina Skoropostizhnaya, the daughter of the Voronich priest, describes Pushkin’s visit to the Holy Hills fairs. “Sometimes he would dress up like a peasant and go off to the fair in the village. Looked like a real muzhik, he did, in his coat with the round collar and a red silk sash round his wait… Wherever there was a crowd of common folk, there he was too… but they saluted him, didn’t catch on that it was their own master mixing with them.” The account of another contemporary of Pushkin’s A.D. Skoropost, the sexton at the church in Voronich, is also interesting: “A.S. Pushkin was fond of going wherever there was a crowd of beggars. He used to mix in and sing all sorts of refrains with them, joke with them and write down what they were singing…”

The family cemetery of the Gannibal-Puskins at the monastery contains the graves of the poet’s grandfather Osip Abramovich Gannibal, his grandmother Maria Alexeyevna, mother Nadezhda Osipovna and father Sergei Lvovich. His younger brother Platon, who died in 1819, was probably buried inside the Assumption Cathedral. Svyatogorsky Monastery also became the poet’s last resting place. On 6 (18) February, 1837 after a requiem service in the south chapel of the Assumption Cathedral conducted by Archmandrite Gennady, the poet was buried by the apse wall in the presence of A.I.Turgenev, Nikita Kozlov and two ladies from Trigorskoye, Yekaterina and Maria Osipova. Four years later a memorial monument commissioned by Pushkin’s widow and trustees and executed by A.M. Permagorov, St Petersburg master of monumental works was erected on the poet’s grave. It bears the inscription: “Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin born in Moscow 26 May, 1799, died in St Petersburg 29 January, 1837”.

Pupil 11: But Pushkin is always alive for us. We are all grateful to him for each line of his works Pushkin is not only a great poet for us. He is a perfect man combining brilliant talent with civil courage and moral integrity. His name is associated with our love for Motherland, and the best in our life. Every summer in June thousands of people visit the Pskov land. They come here to the village of Mikhailovskoye, to the wonderful festival of poetry, to see the places where he lived and worked. We hope you will do it too.   

Quiz. (Викторина)

1.     What street did Shakespeare’s parents live?

2.     How many plays did he write?

3.     What great play was written in 1601 by W. Shakespeare?

4.     What church was Shakespeare buried in?

5.     When did W. Shakespeare die?

6.     Where was Pushkin born?

7.     Who was Pushkin’s great grandfather?

8.     When did he visit Mikhalovskoye for the first time?

9.     What is included in the state museum-reserve?

10. What did he write there during the exile?

11.  What did Pushkin do to learn the life of peasnts?

12.  Where did he get material during the writing of “Boris Godunov?”

13.  Where is Pushkin buried in?







Список литературы

1.     Английский язык. 2-11 классы: внеклассные мероприятия/ авт.-сост. Т.Д. Андросенко и др. – Волгоград: Учитель, 2014.

2.     Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. Английский язык. 6 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2013.

3.     Дзюина Е.В. Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке. 5-9 классы. – М.: ВАКО, 2013.


1.     http://www.shakespeare.org.uk/

2.     www.britannica.com

3.     www.encyclopedia.ru

4.     www.pushkin.ellnik.ru

5.     www.wikipedia.org

6.     video on-line http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/britain-great/literature-great-part-1







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Секретарь-администратор (делопроизводитель)

500/1000 ч.

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Немецкий язык: теория и методика преподавания в профессиональном образовании

Преподаватель немецкого языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 13 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Повышение мотивации и эффективности обучения иностранному языку с помощью интерактивных тренажеров (на примере английского языка)

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 280 человек из 53 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 1 071 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Итальянский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Учитель итальянского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 75 человек из 26 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 124 человека


Психология детей и подростков с дромоманией

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 21 человек из 18 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 14 человек


Современные подходы к духовно-нравственному воспитанию дошкольников

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 13 человек


Классики и современники: литературные портреты и психология творчества

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 22 человека из 17 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 15 человек