Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока по теме "Условные предложения"

Конспект урока по теме "Условные предложения"

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T: Conditional Sentences Моdule 8c   8 класс


Образовательная: Совершенствование и систематизация грамматических навыков устной речи по теме «Conditionalsentences» посредством различных видов упражнений. Повторение времен английского глагола.

 Развивающая:Развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме «sport »; развитие мышления, внимания, воображения.

Воспитательная:Воспитание  творческих способностей учащихся на материале темы.



T: Good morning, dear students. I’m glad to see you. How are you?


T: Do you like the weather today? Do you like when it rains? As for me, I like reading or watching interesting films when it rains. What do you like doing when it rains? (Students ask questions to each other)

T: What do you do if it is sunny?

What will you do when summer holidays come? (Students ask questions to each other)

Put the verb into the right form. (условные предложения 1 типа, реальное)

1.      He (be) surprised if he (get) а “5” in English.

2.      If I (not/be), I (go) to the concert.

3.      If my friend (come) to see me, I (be) very glad.


-Translate the sentences into English.(слайд №1)

Я сделаю это, если будет свободное время.

I will do it if I have free time

Я сделал бы это, если у меня было свободное время

Если я увижу её, я ей расскажу эту историю.

If I see her I will tell her this story

Если бы я увидел её, я бы рассказал её эту историю.

Он не напишет тест, если не выучит правило.

He will not do well  the test if he doesn’t learn the rule

Он не написал бы тест, если бы не выучил правило.

(У учащихся возникает проблема с переводом предложений во второй таблице)

S1. I can’t translate the sentences in the second table.


T: Why can’t you translate them? Are they different?

S. Yes? They are different. We didn’t study this material.

T: Right you are. They are both conditional sentences. But there are real conditional sentences and unreal conditional sentences. Whichsentencesarereal (unreal)?

4.Целеполагание, планирование

Thetopicofourlessonis“  Conditionals   ”. The topic of our lesson is  (Un)realConditional Sentences and our main aim is to study the rule,to repeat and practice such sentences in different exercises,to do a test


5. Открытие нового знания. Получение информации в ходе поискового чтения

Ex1 p 126  Readthejokes. Which of the underlined sentences refers to:
• a general truth?

 • a probable situation in the future?

• an imaginary situation in the present/ future?

• an imaginary situation in the past?
1-Does this bus stop at the lake?

-Ihopeso. Ifitdoesn’t, therewill beabigsplash (будетмногобрызг) (a probable situation in the future)

2 – Ifoneandonemakestwo what does two and two make?
(ageneraltruth =общеизвестная правда).
Еслиодиннаодиндаетдва, тодванадвачтосколькобудет?
-whydoyoualwaysanswertheeasyquestions and ask me the difficult ones?
3 – Didyourmumpromisedsthifyoutidiedtheroom?
(an imaginary situation in the present/future)
-No, but she promised if I didn’t.
4  -
Ifyouhad helpedme with my h\w, theteacherwouldn't have been angry at me  (an imaginary situation in the past)небылбытакзолнаменя
-But it wouldn’t have been right


Read the table. Are there similar structures in your language?

- Zero Conditional expresses the situations that are always true if something happens.- Conditional 1 is real, because it is used for real - or possible - situations. 

Conditional 1 is formed by the use of the present simple in the if - clause and future simple in the result clause.

 Conditional 2 is often called the "unreal" conditional because it is used for unreal оr impossible situations. This conditional provides an imaginary result for a given situation.

Conditional 2 is formed by the use of the past simple in the if - clause and  would + infinitive in the result clau- Conditional 3 often called the "past" conditional because it expresses only past situations with unreal results.

Conditional 3 is formed by the use of the past perfect in the if clause and would + the present perfect in the result clause.

Ex 2 p126


Ex 3 p 126 Expand the sentences. Use if or when.
1 winter comes/days get shorter
> When winter comes, days get shorter

2 If/when you heat metal, it expands (нагреваетеметал, онрасширяется).

3 If/when iron gets wet. Itrusts (железо становится влажным, оно ржавеет).

4 If/when you don't water plants, they die (неполиваетерастения, погибают).

5 If/when you heat water to I00degrees Celsius, it boils (нагреваетедо 100 градусов, кипит).

6 If/when you drop ice on water, it floats (роняетеледнаводу, онплывет).

7 If you come, we can talk about it (придете, можемпоговорить).

8 When they meet, they will discuss oil details (встретятся, обсудятнефтяныевопросы).


Ex 4 p 126 Read the box. Then, rewrite the sentences using unless.
unless = if not (
покане = еслине)
1 If we don't get tickets, we won't see the concert.
> We won't see the concert unless we get tickets.
2 If you aren't sure she's at home, don't go.>Don't go unless you are sure she's at home.
3 You can't fix(
починить) it if you don't know how to do it.>You can't fix it unless you know how to do It.
4 You can't sit here if you don't have a reservation. (
есливынебронировали) >You can’t sit here unless you have a reservation.
5 If you don't leave now, you'll miss the bus. >You'll miss the bus unless you leave now.
6 If we don't pay the bill, the electricity will be cut off.>The electricity bill will be cut off unless we pay it.


Ex 5 p 127 What are you doing this weekend? Use the ideas to discuss with your partner.

weather be warm/go to the beach
our car get fixed/go on a trip
gallery be open/go to an exhibition
get tickets/go to a pop concert
this new film be on/ watch it at the local cinema
be in the mood/tidy up my room

> A: What are you doing this weekend?
B: It depends. If the weather is warm, we'll go to the beach. What about you?
A: I haven't really decided, but if I get tickets, I'll go to a pop concert.


A: What are you doing this weekend?

B: It depends. If I get tickets, I'll go to a pop concert. What about you?

A: I haven't really decided, but if I'm in the mood(будувнастроении) ,I'll tidy up my room.


Ex 6  p 127Use the ideas to make sentences.
How would you spend this weekend if... -> If I suddenly caught a cold, I would stay in bed.

2 If the weather was great, I would go to the beach

3 If my parents were on a business trip, I would invite some friends round (пригласилдрузей).

4 If I had an exam on Monday, I would spend some time studying (провелвремяучась).

5 If all my friends were away, I would spend the weekend with my family (друзьяуехали).

6 If it was my birthday, I would have a party

Ex 7 p 127 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. What type of conditional is each sentence?
1 If you boil water, it........turns to steam.
превращаетсявпар(Type 0)
2 She would be upset if she........lost  her earrings. (Type 2)
3 If you study hard, you........will pass the exam. (Type 1)
4 IfI were rich, I........would go on a cruise around the world. (Type 2)
5 You will become a better player if you.....practise more. (Type 1)
6 If my team........played better, they could win the cup.
онибывыиграликубок.(Type 2)
7 They'll be disappointed if you........do not  come .
расстроятся, еслинепридете(Type 1)
8 Ice melts if you........heat it.
тает, еслинагреваете. (Type 0)


Ex 8 p 127 Describe the pictures. Use the third conditional to suggest what could have been done to stop these things from happening.чтоможнобылобысделать, чтобыпредотвратитьэтивещи.

If the man had left his house earlier, he wouldn't have missed the bus (Еслибымужчинапокинулсвойдомраньше, онбынеопоздалнаавтобус).

If the player had practiced more, he wouldn't have lost the match


Ex 9 p127 Write a sentence for each situation. Use conditionals type 2 or 3.
1 The accident happened because he didn't see the red lights.
> If he had seen the red lights, the accident wouldn't have happened.
2 It's raining, so we can't go to the park. If it wasn't raining, we could go to the park.
3 We didn't enjoy the school trip because the weather was bad.

If the weather hadn't been bad, we would have enjoyed the school trip
4 I don't know her phone number, so I can't call her. If I knew her phone number, I would call her.
5 Nobody told me that Mary was in hospital, so I didn't visit her. If someone had told me Mary was in hospital, I would have visited her.
6 This PC game is very expensive, so I won't buy it. If that PC game wasn't very expensive, I would buy it
7 I have to study for my exams tonight, so I can't meet you.

If I didn't have to study for my exams tonight, I would meet you.
8 I didn't go to Laura's party, so I didn't meet her cousin.

If I had gone to Laura's party, I would have met her cousin



8. Домашнее задание

Ex 10 p 127 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

1 If I visit London, I will see the tower of London and the British museum (ЕслияпосещуЛондон, яувижуЛондонскийТауэрибританскиймузей).

2 If it stopped raining, we could go for a walk to the park (Еслибыдождьпрекратился, мыбымоглипойтинапрогулкувпарк).

3 If I hadn't eaten that much, I might have tried the desert (Еслибыянеелтакмного, ясмогбыпопробоватьдесерт).

4 If I find his phone number, I will try to call him (Еслиянайдуеготелефонныйномер, япопытаюсьпозвонитьему).

5 If I leave on time, I can stop by your house and return your books (Еслияуедувовремя, ямогуостановитьсяутвоегодомаивернутькниги).

6 If I found a wallet in the street, I would definitely bring it to the police station (Еслибыянашелнаулицекошелек, ябыопределеннопринесеговполицейскийучасток).

7 If I hadmorefreetime, I wouldreadmorebooksandsurftheInternet (Если бы у меня было больше свободного времени, я бы читал больше книг и лазил в интернете).

8 If I had seen you, I would have stopped and talked to you


Ex 11 p 127 Start a chain story and continue it.
> T: If Sue hadn't woken up late ...
S1: ... she would have caught the school bus.
S2: ... If she had caught the school bus, she ....

S3:... she would not have been late for class... (она бы не опоздала на урок).

S4:... If she had not been late for class.... (Если бы она не опоздала на урок).

S5:... her teacher would not have gotten angry with her and sent her to the principal's office... (ее учитель не стал бы злиться на нее и не отправил бы ее в кабинет ректора).

S6:... If she had not been sent to the principal's office,...(Если бы ее не отправили в кабинет ректора).

S7:... she would have attended music class... (она бы посетила класс музыки).

S8:... If she had attended music class,...(если бы она посетила класс музыки).

S9:... she could have entered the music contest... (она могла бы попасть на музыкальный концерт).

S10:...If she had entered the music contest... (если бы она попала на музыкальный концерт).

S11:... she might have won... etc (онамоглабывыиграть).



























Выполнение заданий по образцу. (образец на экране)

Put the verbs into the right form.

1.      If he (work) hard, he (write) a test well.

2.      If he (be) a famous singer, he (get) many flowers.

3.      My friend (be) in trouble, I (not/help) him.

4.      We (not/translate) this test if we (not/have) a dictionary.

5.      We (drink) tea if he (not/buy) coffee.


Put the verbs into the right form.

1.      If it (not/be) cold, we (play) hockey.

2.      She (not/be) clever if she (not/read) so much.

3.      You (not/feel) so bad if you (not/smoke) too much.

4.      I (be) glad if he (come) to my place.

5.      If he (learn) the poem he (not/get) a bad mark.

Закрепление материала в парах.( каждая пара получает задание, затем обмениваются)

1 пара

1.      I (phone) her if I (knew) her telephone number)

2.      If it (snow), the children (play) snowballs.

3.      If you (not/do) exercises every day, you health (be) worse.

4.      What you (do) if the (not/come)?

2 пара

1.      I (not) do this if (not/ask) me.

2.      We (go) for a walk if it (not/rain).

3.      She (be) a much better student if she (not/be) so absent-minded)

4.      He (not/swim) in the sea every day if he (not/live) in the South.

Контроль знаний.

        I.            Выберите правильный вариант.

1. If I don't feel/didn’t feel bad, I would stayat home.

2. It will/would be hard to find a hotel if we arrivedlate.

3. The alarm would ring if there were/will be a fire.

5. I would/will be surprised if they got married.

6. Would you goto the party if they invite/invited you?

7. If I am/were late this evening, he would be disappointed.

8. What would we do, if it rains/rained?

II. Раскройте скобки, образуя условные предложения II типа.

1. If I (not/see) John, I (not/tell) him your news.

2. If she (want) to talk, she (ring up).

3. He (be) very pleased if it (be) really true.



















Grammar Check


Ex 1 Match the parts of the sentences, then identify the type of conditional that is used in each sentence.
1 We can’t go to the gallery –               C) if you don’t come with us.
2 Tony might have fixed your computer – F) if you had asked him.
3 When it’s cold, -                                    E) people wear warm clothes.
4 If we don’t do our homework, -        G) our teacher gets upset.
5 We wouldn’t have lost –                 A) if we had played better.
6 If they hadn’t left late, -                 H) they would have arrived on time.
7 I can’t help you –                          D) if you don’t tell me what the problem is.
8 He can borrow my MP3 player –  B) if he promises to return it soon.

Ex 2 p 153 Complete the sentences, using if or unless.
1 We can’t play golf unless it stops raining.
2 If they beat this team, they will win the tournament.
3 You can’t go skydiving if you’re afraid of heights.
4 If it rains, the match will be cancelled.
5 We can go to the football game unless it's on Friday because I have a tennis lesson.
6 Unless you’re over 18, you can’t enter the competition


Ex 3 p 153 Match the items in column A with those in column B in order to make correct type 0 conditional sentences, as in the example.
1 Pour cooking oil into a glass of water.=c It floats to the top of the water
2 Leave iron out in the rain.=e It rusts
3 Add six and seven.               f You get thirteen.
Сложите 6 и 7
4 Drop a pebble in water.=     a It sinks.
5 Mix red and yellow.           d You get orange..
6 Burn coal.=
                         b It produces black smoke..

 Ex 4Write a sentence about each of the situations below using the ideas and the second conditional, as in the example.
• have a laptop/work away from the office
• Mum not chat on the phone/help me with my homework
• not windy/go sailing
• rain heavily/easier to drive
• have more money/buy a yacht

If Mum didn't chat on the phone, she could help me with my homework. (Если бы мама не разговаривала по телефону, она бы помогла мне)

If it was not windy, we could go sailing. (могли бы пойти под парусом)

If it wasn't raining heavily, it would be easier to drive. (было бы легче ехать на машине)

If I had more money, I would buy a yacht. (купил яхту)


Ex 5 p 153 Complete the sentences. Then discuss in pairs.

1 If I found a wallet in the street, I would return it to the police.

2 If I met a celebrity, I would ask for their autograph. (попросил автограф)

3 If I didn't have enough money to get the bus home, I could get a ride with my friend's mother. (денег, чтобы доехать домой на автобусе, я бы поехал с мамой моего друга)

4 If I were on holiday and lost my passport, I would go to my embassy for help. (был в отпуске \пошел в свое посольство за помощью)

5 If I had only one wish, I would wish for world peace. (одно желание, пожелал мир во всем мире)

6 If I were the president of my country, I would stop corruption. (остановил коррупцию)


Ex  6    Rewrite the sentences using conditionals type 3.

1 If he had been hungry, he would have eaten dinner.

2 If I had seen Ann, I would have told her about the party.

3 If he hadn't been very tired, he wouldn't have stayed in. (не остался бы дома)

4 If she hadn't left from home late, she wouldn't have missed her bus.

5 If they had taken an umbrella, they wouldn't have got wet.

6 If they hadn't left the camera at home, they would have taken photographs.

7 If she hadn't gone to the party, she wouldn't have met a lot of people.

8 If the weather hadn't been great, we wouldn't have gone to the beach.


Ex 7 Complete the sentences by putting the verb in brackets in the correct form.
1 If he had taken a map with him, he would not have got lost.
2 What would you do if you were locked out of your house?
3 If the rival team scores this point, they will win.
4 If you take up jogging, you will become fitter.
5 If we had played better, we could have won the championship.
6 He wouldn’t have accidents so often if he drove more carefully.
7 Unless you bring the right equipment, you can’t go rock climbing.
8 Can you buy me a magazine if you go to the newsagent’s?
9 If a player is injured during a match, he goes off the pitch.
10 Ifyourunfast, youwill  win  the   race.


Ex 8 Complete   the     sentences

1 If I didn't have a headache, I would go to the party.

2 If my parents had more free time, they could organize the house.

3 If I travelled abroad, I would visit all the famous monuments.

4 If I were you, I would study more often.

5 Unless I study harder, I won't do well on the exam.

6 My friend agrees, unless the time and day changes for the concert

7 If we had played better, we would have beaten the other team.

8 If my parents had enough money, we might go on vacation.

9 Unless we have a ticket, they won't let us in. (Если у нас не будет билета, они не впустят нас)

10 If I get up early, I will go for a jog before breakfast.(я пойду бегать перед завтраком)


Ex 9 Look at the advertisement and the letter and then fill in the blanks with the verbs in brackets using the correct Conditional.
Adventure holidays
• try something different every day
• feel the excitement of adventure sports
• variety of water sports available
• equipment available for hire
• experienced instructors
Dear Carl,
I saw this ad in the paper and I thought that if you still 1) wanted to go on an adventure holiday, you 2) might be interested in taking a look at it.
You 3) could do lots of exciting things there, if you 4) decided to go. If you 5) want to try new activities you 6) can use the equipment and instructors that are available.
My friend Sam told me that he had booked a holiday with Sun/un last year and he was very happy. He said that he 7) would have stayed longer if he 8) had more time. I 9) can give you his number so you can ask him a few things, if you 10) like, but if I 11) were you I 12) would call the travel agency for more information.
Best   wishes,

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