Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока в 10 классе по теме "Школа"

Конспект урока в 10 классе по теме "Школа"

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Конспект открытого  урока в 10 « А» классе по теме « Школа».


Цель урока: обобщить знания учащихся по теме  « Школа»

Задачи урока: 1.совершенствование навыков чтения и аудирования

                            2.активизация лексики в устной речи

                            3.развитие навыков устной речи

                            4.воспитание интереса и уважения к культуре и образу жизни других стран

Оснащение урока: интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал, презентация в Power Point


                                                                   План урока.


I.Организационный момент. Приветствие, объяснение цели и задач урока.

Teacher: “Good morning! Glad to see you!  Today we are going to continue speaking about school and education. We’ll revise what we’ve already learned : do exercises on vocabulary, read and share our opinion with each other. Then we are to get new information about education in Britain, watch a video about some unusual  schools in the world.  So, we have a lot to do today. Let’ start.“

II. Cтадия вызова.

Teacher: “Look at the screen and read the following proverbs and  wise thoughts of outstanding people. Try to translate them into Russian.”

Knowledge itself is power.    (Francis Bacon)

The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet.   (Aristotle)

Teachers open the door, but you must enter yourself.  ( Chinese proverb)

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. ( Chinese proverb)

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.  (Nelson Mandela)


 T.”I wonder what you think of these ideas. Please choose any you like and explain it to us.”

Ученики читают, переводят и объясняют значение высказываний.


Учитель предлагает учащимся сказать, какие ассоциации возникают у них, когда они слышат слово «Школа».

1.T. “ Well,  what unites these statements is knowledge which you get at school. That’s why now  I want to ask you what associations come into your mind when you hear the word   “ School”.

P1 P2: “ Knowledge/ homework/ exams/ etc.


Ученики высказывают свое мнение по данным утверждения.

3. T.:”And now let’s revise vocabulary on the theme. Take, please ,Card 1.”

 Card 1. Match the  word or phrase with the definition.

1.nursery school   

a) a school that teaches the skills necessary for a particular job   

2.primary school     

b) elective classes                               

3.vocational school    

с)  to  be regularly at school         

4. secondary school  

d)  the money you pay for being taught            

5. term  

e)  necessary classes                 

6. curriculum      

f)   to be absent at school without any reason                    

7. compulsory     

g)  a school for children of 3 to 5                       

8. optional       

h) a  program of study in school or college                      

9. to attend school  

i)  to be unsuccessful at exams        

10. to miss school     

j ) to get good results for exams        

11. to pass exams    

k) fixed or limited period of time in education                  

12. to fail exams     

l)  school for children of 5-11

13. fee

m) school where children go after primary school              


III. T.:”Well done! And what about our school? How can you define it?

S1S2:” Comprehensive/co -educational

T.:”Our  next task will be reading a text about schools in England. But there are a few phrases which need to be explained.”

Учитель объясняет новую лексику, затем ученики приступают к чтению.

T.:- “a residential trip” - a trip which lasts more than a day & you have to stay for a night, e.g. at a hotel

 -   “board & lodgings”-                        meal and a room provided when you are on a trip

-   “charge” –                                          a certain amount of money for smth., e.g. extra classes

-  “admission arrangement” –          rules of enrolling at school

Now  take Card 2.  Read the text and do the task.

While reading put a tick (V) next to the known information and plus (+) if the information is new for you.

Card 2. Mark the statements True / False.

 1. State schools are run by the government. (T)

2. Children in primary schools are supposed to do their homework by their own. (F)

3. Children are used to having homework since nearly the first days at school. (T)

4. All students at state schools take part in school  time activities free. (T)

5. Children after a primary school have to take a test to enter a secondary school. (F)

6. After a primary school students have to study only at the nearest secondary school. (F)

7. Comprehensive schools and grammar schools are usually co- educational. (F)

8. Admission arrangements in all schools are the same. (F)

9. Independent schools are funded from taxes. (F)


 T.:” What new information did you get from the text?”

IV. Просмотр видеосюжета.


T.:” And now it’s time to watch a video. Be attentive and try to remember as much information as possible.

But first of all I’d like to explain you some expressions and words.


-“to be prone to”- likely to experience smth. unpleasant

-“ to be sparse” – to be small in number or amount

-“to dub ”- to give someone an unofficial name


Ученики смотрят видео, а затем отвечают на вопросы.

Card 3. Answer the questions.


1.What caused the appearance of boat schools in Bangladesh?

2. Why weren`t  local schools  able to work during the flood?

3.Whose initiative was to open boat schools?

4.How many boat schools exist in Bangladesh?

5.How do boat schools operate?

6.Why  is Brooklin school called “ free”?

7. What rights do children have at this school?

8.What is the role of a teacher at the lesson?

9. Is there any division at school?

10.Where is the School of the Future located?

11.What differs this school from the ordinary ones?

12.Are there any restrictions for studying in this school?


V. Презентация.

T.:” But there are much more unusual schools around the world and now Anna and Varya will tell us about some of them.”


Ученицы показывают презентацию и рассказывают о школах.


T.:” Which school do you like most? Why?”

Would you like to study in one of such extraordinary schools or you prefer our school?”




2.T.:” As you probably know  Dasha and Zoya conducted a survey among both students and teachers to find out  how you refer to our school. Now they ‘ll tell us about the results of their survey.”

VI. Рефлексия.

T.:” What do you think of our lesson? What did you learn? What do you like?


VII.Домашнее задание. Read  the text about the education in the USA p…..

 T.:” Thank you for the lesson.








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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:


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  • Knowledge itself is power.   (Francis Bacon)
The roots of education are bitte...

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    Knowledge itself is power. (Francis Bacon)
    The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet. (Aristotle)
    Teachers open the door, but you must enter yourself. (Chinese proverb)
    Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. (Chinese proverb)
    Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. (Nelson Mandela)

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admission arrangement

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to be sparse
to dub

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