Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока в 8 классе "В храме природы"

Конспект урока в 8 классе "В храме природы"

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Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

средняя общеобразовательная школа № 4 г. Никольска Пензенской области







Учитель английского языка

Мельникова Юлия Викторовна






г. Никольск






Тема:    В храме природы


Задачи урока:


1. Учебный аспект

1) совершенствовать умения употреблять ранее изученные лексические единицы и грамматические структуры по теме «Употребление определённого артикля с географическими названиями»


2) выявить уровень сформированности умений читать и кратко передавать  содержание прочитанного с опорой на план в форме ключевых слов


3) совершенствовать умения аудировать, выписывать заданную информацию и систематизировать её в форме таблицы


4) проверить уровень сформированности умений вести диалог-побуждение к действию


2. Развивающий аспект

1) развивать языковые, речемыслительные, познавательные способности учащихся


2) развивать творческие способности учащихся, способность анализировать, умения и навыки исследовательской работы


3) развивать коммуникативные умения и навыки

3. Образовательный аспект

1) расширять кругозор учащихся и повышать уровень их общей культуры


2) увеличить объём знаний об особенностях географического положения и природы англо-говорящих стран, России и Пензенской области


4. Воспитательный аспект

1) воспитывать чувство нравственности, чувство любви и бережного отношения к природе


2) воспитывать культуру общения в коллективной деятельности


Оснащение урока:

Интерактивная доска, музыкальное сопровождение, презентация слайдов


Ход урока:

  1. Приветствие команд


Ведущие: Good morning, dear guests! Good morning, dear friends!

                  Today we have an unusual lesson. We shall speak about nature.

                  Do you think that nature is a church? We’ll try to prove it.

                  We have three teams today. Meet them:

                   Squirrels, Swallows, Daffodils.


Team 1.   Hello, dear friends! We are happy to meet you today and wish you good luck!

We are squirrels.

Squirrel, squirrel in the park,


Your tail is like a question mark.


Your little nose is black and bright;


Your eyes are glimmering with light,


When you run, you run in jumps,


Up the trees, around the stumps,


Over the grass and clover, then


Scooting up the trees again.


Squirrel, squirrel, stop and see


What I brought along with me:


Something that brown and sweet,


Something that you like to eat.


Squirrel, don’t you understand?


Here’s a peanut in my hand.

Team 2.  Hello, dear friends! We are swallows. We are glad to see you and have a

                competition with you. Best wishes and good luck!


Eight little swallows get ready to fly


The weather is cold,


There are clouds in the sky.


Eight little swallows are ready to go


Away from the winter, the ice and the snow.


Eight little swallows, as brave as can be,


Spread out their strong wings to fly over the sea.


Eight little swallows fly night in the sky


We’ll come back next springtime,


But now it’s “Goodbye”.


     We are not saying “Goodbye” to you, we are saying “Hello” and “Good afternoon” to




The swallows are wheeling


About the sky,


So high!


“Swee-e-e! Swee-e-e!”


Is what they cry.


Then they flutter,


And swoop and fly


“We are here!


And summer is near!”


To me they cry.


Team 3.  Hello, dear friends! We are daffodils. We wish you to have nice time and good



I wandered lonely as a cloud


That floats on high o’er vales and hills,


When all at once I saw a crowd,


A host, of golden daffodils;


Beside the lake, beneath the trees,


Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.


Continuous as the stars that shine


And twinkle in the Milky Way,


They stretched in never-ending line


Along the margin of a bay;


Ten thousand saw I at a glance


Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.


The waves beside them danced; but they


Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:


A poet could not but the gay,


In such a jocund company;


I gazed – and gazed – but little thought


What wealth the show to me had brought;


For oft, when on my coach I lie


In vacant or in pensive mood,


They flash upon that inward eye


Which is the bliss of solitude;


And then my heart with pleasure fills


And dances with the daffodils.




 2. Защита эмблемы


Team 1.  It is interesting to know

-         the lion has the smallest heart of all animals

-         tortoises live 140 years

-         fish live 60 years or longer

-         insects live only one year or even one day

-         a bee flies 10 km an hour for nectar and 6 km an hour when it carries nectar

-         fish sleep under the water and don’t close eyes. Why? They have no eyelids

-         the horse and the dog are the cleverest among the domestic animals.

          You see how different the world of animals is!

            People, protect animals and fish!


Team 2.  There many animals and birds in our district. We should not make noise. If we

               Don’t keep public paths in the countryside birds and animals will be

               frightened. We are proud of our classmates who made some birds feeders last

               winter and filled them with food.

               Children, take care of birds and animals!


Team 3.  Paper comes from trees. If we don’t recycle paper, a lot of trees will be

              destroyed. The countryside is spoiled. People cut lots of trees down. Fires are

              started. We like flowers very much, but people should not pick wild flowers.

              If trees are destroyed and people pick flowers, birds and animals may become


               People, don’t harm plants! Children, plant trees and flowers!

3. Конкурс «Домино»


Ведущий:  Let’s play a little bit. The game “Domino”. You can see some cards on the

                 blackboard. If you arrange them in a proper way, you’ll be able to read the

                 names of animals and flowers. Your time is limited.









  Fauna                           Flora                               Fauna                           Flora














































































                 Your time is over. Read and check up your words.



4. Конкурс капитанов


Ведущий:  Each team has a captain. Captains, are you ready to compete? We invite you

                 to go to the blackboard. You have one minute to determine and to mark parts

                 of speech. Who will be the first?



1. exploration (n)

1. ecological (adj)

1. opportunity (n)

2. attractive (adj)

2. carefully (adv)

2. infamous (adj)

3. damage (v,n)

3. research (v, n)

3. education (n)

4. geographical (adj)

4. pollute (v)

4. biological (adj)

5. humanity (n)

5. attraction (n)

5. talkative (adj)

6. impossible (adj)

6. possibility (n)

6. hurt (n, v)

7. protect (v)

7. creative (adj)

7. amazingly (adv)

8. correctly (adv)

8. inhuman (adj)

8. destroy (v)


5. Грамматический конкурс


ВедущийNature is not only animals and plants. We suggest you to read and learn

                 about geographical features of English-speaking countries. At the same time,

                 put the definite article where it is necessary. You have got 3-4 minutes.





…Canada has an area of nearly 10 thousand sq km. In … west it is washed buy …Pacific Ocean and in …east – by … Atlantic Ocean. There are many islands in …north of …Canada.

…Canada has mountains, high plains and low plains. …Rocky mountains run parallel to …Pacific Ocean. There are also mountains which run parallel to Canada’s east coast, in …Labrador and …Baffin Islands.

… Canada is a country of lakes. Besides the five Great Lakes which lie between … Canada and …USA, there are other large lakes: …Winnipeg, …Great Bear Lake, …Great Slave Lake. The largest rivers of …Canada are …Mackenzie, …Yukon, …St Lawrence River.

… Canada has several climatic regions. …north of the country is tundra with great forests in …south. There is much rain in …east and in …west, but less in the centre.

The capital of …Canada is …Ottawa. Other important towns are …Montreal, …Toronto, …Winnipeg, …Vancouver, …Quebec.


…Australia is a federal state within the Commonwealth. Its territories are the continent of … Australia, the island of …Tasmania and a number of smaller islands.

The continent of … Australia is mostly a great plain with mountains in …east and in …south-east. Most of the continent is covered by deserts.

The greatest rivers are …Darling and …Murray. A number of short rivers flow from …Australian Alps and …Blue Mountains into …Pacific Ocean.

…Australia has several climatic regions. There are tropical forests in …north-east. The climate in …west is very dry and gets very little rain. In … south-east and in … east the winds bring rain in winter.

There are five big cities in … Australia: …Sydney, …Melbourne, … Adelaide, …Perth, …Brisbane. The capital of the country is … Canberra.



Ведущий:  Look through the texts ones again and say what new information you have

                 learnt about the climate, the largest rivers, the highest mountains.

                 (the plan is on the blackboard)

6. Аудирование и создание диалогов по прослушанному


Ведущий: Do you remember the capitals of these countries?  Name them.

                 Now listen to the weather forecast and fill in the table.


The temperature

The weather










(Включить аудиозапись)






Ведущий: Using the information from the tables discuss the weather in one of the

                capitals and invite your friend somewhere.

                Captains, choose the card with the flag.

                 Squirrels are in …

                 Swallows are in …

                 Daffodils are in …


7. Презентация проектов


Ведущий:  Our teams did research and made mini-projects about geographical and

                   natural records of the English-speaking countries, Russia and Penza region.

Географические и природные рекорды Пензенского края..ppt


8. Подведение итогов


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