Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект внеклассного мероприятия «The Country of White River»

Конспект внеклассного мероприятия «The Country of White River»

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Сценарий внеклассного


«The Country of White River»






учителя английского языка

Гилёва Г.Д.

Хамитова М. В.,

ГБОУ Республиканский лицей-интернат  

Дуванского района РБ













                    «Региональный компонент на уроках английского  языка»


    Актуальность данной темы заключается в том, что дополнив культурологическое содержание уроков английского языка национально-региональным компонентом, мы способствуем формированию социокультурной и межкультурной компетенции учащихся.

Обучение иностранному языку с учетом национально- культурологической специфики способствует диалогу культур не только на региональном уровне, но и на международном.

    В настоящее время бурно развиваются процессы национального самосознания народов.

В целях сохранения своей национальной индивидуальности языка и культуры, идет целенаправленное использование регионального компонента на уроках иностранного языка, что стимулирует интеллектуальную, эмоциональную сферы личности учащихся.

    Наша школа имеет статус лицея-интерната и большое внимание уделяется изучению родного языка (башкирского языка).

    Мы считаем, что в условиях нашего лицея использование регионального компонента при обучение иностранному языку, безусловно повышает эффективность возрастных особенностей, уровня их языковой подготовки и современных творческих приемов развития личности школьников.

    Одной из форм введения регионального компонента на уроке - лекционно-реферативная. Конечные цели здесь различны:

        -разработка и проведение экскурсий;

       -подготовка к ролевой игре;

       -организация «заочной»экскурсии по родным местам.

    Другая форма введения – предметно-ситуативная. Ее основу составляют речевые ситуации, которые обьединены чаще всего единой сюжетной линией и базируются на особенностях регионального содержания.

     Мы активно используем региональный компонент в нашей внеклассной работе. Нами было проведено внеклассное мероприятие на тему «The Country of White River» (Страна Белой реки), где по сценарию наши башкирские дети принимают делегацию из Великобритании. Целью было ознакомление иностранной делегации с Башкортостаном, традициями и обычаями родного края.Для проведения данного мероприятия мы использовали различный материал. Мероприятие прошло на хорошем языковом уровне и было высоко оценено жюри и гостями. Такая работа конечно же способствует созданию положительной мотивации учения  и побуждает у учащихсяпознавательный интерес.

    Таким образом, реализация регионального компонента в процессе изучения иностранного языка в нашей школе создает все предпосылки не только коммуникативной активности учащихся, но и способствует общекультурному развитию и дает дополнительные возможности в решении образовательных, воспитательных и развивающих  задач.


Цели и задачи:


1.     Обобщение изученного материала ло теме «Bashkortostan».

2.     Активизация навыков диалогической и монологической речи.

3.     Развитие навыков говорения в процессе творческого обшения учеников друг с другом и учителем на основе изученной темы.

4.     Развитие  интереса у учащихся к культурному наследию своей Родины, расширение по сравнению с базовым уровнем знаний учащихся о традициях и обычаях, существующих в Башкортостане.

5.     Повышение мотивации к изучению языка.

6.     Активизация творческих способностей при подготовке к проведению мероприятия.

7.     Повышение культурного уровня учащихся, развитие фантазии и воображения.

8.     Развивать умение пользоваться сетью Интернета как сркдством получения информации.

9.     Формировать навыки сотрудничества, коллективного взаимодействия.

10.Воспитание достойного гражданина Башкортостана.





1.     магнитофон;


2.     национальный музыкальный инструмент ( курай );


3.     национальные костюм;

4.     предметы национального быта башкир;

5.     символика республики: герб, флаг;

6.     выставка фотографий (достопримечательности республики);

7.     выставка работ учащихся ( рефераты, проектные работы).






















                                    «The Country of White River»

                          So play my kurai,

                          Mellow, marsh-need recorder,

The soul of my people, of your song exhorter.

The shell that you weave.

Their sweet magic be witching

Owe to dear Mother Earth, ever enriching us.

A friend my hurt healed

With your cadence Elysian:

Away passed the pain, as I to it listened

Before me arose

Visions far-seeing, had’ ant;

Gone now were the snows-

Tender flowers blossomed fragrant.

Now saw I before me the Ural’s crags hoary

And waters

Flamed scarlet in sun’s crimson glory.

With friends cherished dearly,

My heart fills to cheer me.

So play my kurai,

Folk flute of Bashkiria.

                                                                   Musa Djalil


   Bashkortostan is a famous beautiful region of Russia in the Ural mountains, at the cush of Europe and Asia.

   More than 600 rivers and 800 lakes trim the beauty of the republic’s nature. Many of them, including the longest-the Ural and the Agithel belong to the Caspian basin. Bashkortostan is rich in forests covering over the third of its area. The predominant species are birch-tree, conifers, lime-tree, oak and maple. It is the lime-tree that makes Bashkir honey world-famous. Our ancestors would go in search of bee colonies in the forest and either kept them there, or cut out that part of the hollow tree where the bees had their hive and carried it nearer to their homes. Bashkir honey has great curative properties it won gold medals at the world exhibition in Paris in 1900.Bashkir scientists continue to discover new properties of honey and their bee products.

   The land of Bashkiria is well known for its hardly horses and extension koumiss industry. Sergey Aksakov says the following: “The invigorating koumiss was ready and everyone who, could drink- from a baby to an aged man-drank their fill of this healing, beneficial, Herculean drink and all ailments of the hungry winter and even of old age itself gradually disappeared miraculously: the pinched faces became rounded, and the hollow pale cheeks acquired a healthy glow”. Koumiss has a taste all its own which cannot be companied with anything else.

   Historical and cultural monuments, a wealth of literary works, folk arts all combine to make Bashkortostan culture rich and varied. Every country has its outstanding people who have contributed immensely to the prosperity of their native land. Among them are well-known statesmen, public figures, scientists, doctors, writers, military leaders, actors and engineers. There are outstanding people well-known not only in our country, but all over the world too. Best works of authors Musa Gali, Mashit Gafury, Nazar Nazhmi, Mustai Karim have been translated into many foreign languages. Bashkir people are considered to be people with large, kind, courageous hearts that are eager to make the native land prosperous. Welcome to Bashkortostan!


Bедущий I. Good afternoon, dear friends!

Welcome to the Country of White River.

Bедущий II. Today we have quests from London and we are very glad to see them. Let’s get acquanted with each other!

My name is…

BI. Dear friends, what is the purpose of your visit?

Tom. We have a bit of information about your republic. And  we would like to know more about your history and culture.

BI. Well, and today you’ll have such  opportunity.

BII. At first we are going to tell you about Bachkortostan. (Alina)

- Our republic is one of the largest sovereign republics among other republics within the Russian Federation. It is situated at the foot of the South Urals. Its total area is 143 thousand square kilometres. In the South Bashkortostan borders on the Orenburg region, in the west  it borders on the Tatar Republic, in the northeast – Sverdlovsk region, in the north – Udmurt Republic and the Perm region, in the east – Chelyabinsk region.

There are more thousand rivers in Bashkortostan. Bashkortostan is rich in beautiful lakes. The Shulgan Tash cave is one of the famous ancient caves. Our republic is rich in forests. Bashkortostan is rich in oil, natural gas, coal, copper, soda and other mineral resources.


- The population of Bashkortostan is 4 million people.

More than 80 nationalities live and work there. Bashirs and Russians, Tatars and Ukranians, Chuvashes and Maris are united in one large family here.

Bashkortostan is a parlamentary republic. The head of the State is the President. The legislative power is Kurultai. The deputies of Kurultai are elected by the people 5 years. The national flag has 3 stripes on it. There is a golden emblem – the flower of the kurai on it.


Ufa is the capital of Bashkortostan. Ufa is situated on the banks of the aghithel and Karaithel rivers.

It is a political, economical and cultural centre of the Bashkortostan Republic.

Ufa was founded in 1574. Ufa today is a maj or industrial, agricultural, scientific and cultural centre of our Republic. Its population is overb1,100000 people.

Ufa is the centre of science and education too. There are a lot of Universities, lyceums, qymnasiums, secondary schools and kindergartens.

There are many theatres, the Opera and Ballet Theatre, the cincus, dozen of cinemas and cultural centres.

There are many monuments and museums and other places of interest in Ufa.



We think that you are interested in our culture and history, aren’t you?

Tom: Yes, sure.

Pete: What is the total area of you republic?

Mike: What is the Kurultai of Bashkortostan?

Ann: What is your National Hero?

Kate: How many nationalities are there in Bashkortostan?


1.     The total area of our republic is 144 thousand sq. km.

2.     The Kurultai of Bashkortostan is the state Assembly.

3.     The national hero of the Bashkir people is Salavat Ulaev.

4.     There are more about 80 nationalities in our republic


BI. Thank you, boys and girls. And now, Rose will recite the poem about Bashkortostan

(Rose recites)


BII. Thank you, Rose. Well done.

BI. Now friends, do you want to know more about our traditions and customs?

English pupils: Yes, certainly.

BI. Now, listen to Albina then.



Bashkir people have their own traditions and customs. They carefully keep them. It’s something like abig fair with many different competitions  and games. Usualle Sabantuy is celebraled inspring Some of the most important events on  Sabantuy are the sports and war games where young people compete in fi ghting and shoting. Horse racing is one of the best and most interesting  events in Sabantuy. The winner receives the race prize.

Besides, not only the Bashkirs celebrate this holiday now, but all people who live in Bashkortostan.

BII. Thank you, Albina.

English pupils:How interesting! But we have no Sabantuy in England.

BI. Dear friends, have you ever heard about Bashkir Honey? Listen to Lilya, please.

(Lilya)                                       Bashkirian Honey

The  Bashkir region is rich not only with oil, woods, but also with honey. For a long time beekeeping was a widespread trade here. Bashkirs had dealt with honey and wax long ago.

Long ago people respected and took care of honey bees.

The lime honey is more popular among the population. Bashkir lime honey is very delicious and very nourishing. Bashkir honey is not only a floral elixir of the Ural fields it is honey that embodiments for every beekeeper the native country with woods, mountains, fields and meadows.

 BII. Thank you, Lilya. Dear quests, help yourself, please!

(угощают медом)

English pupils: 1. What tasty honey!

2. What sweet honey!

3. I love it!

BI. Regina will tell you about our national drink “kumis”. Regina, please.




Bashkorts have been long known for their kumis. Earlier, kumis was made and thenstored in a sack made from the lesther of cuttle. Now it is stored in a wooden cask. This cask is made from lime wood.

For a long time Bashkorts were occupied with horse milk and is brewed in a special way. How it is made, people say, is a secret. Every master hastheir ownsecret of cookins the drink, but the common recipe is the same

Sometimes the milk of goats is added to the kumis.

 Sometimes the cask is shook up before opening. It is a tradition that new quests were always greeted with a cup of kumis.

Kumis helps to treat different illnesses.

Bashkorts have used it from acient times.

BII. Thank you, Regina. You can try our national drink.

English pupils: Is it like Cola? Is it sweet?

BI. Help yourself, please. (пробуют)

BII. Do you like it?

English pupils: Oh, no, it is so sour! I don’t like it!

BII. But it is very useful for health.

BI. Have you ever heard about our national musical instruments?

Kate: Yes, I know. It is kurai.

BII. Shamil knows everything about this instrument because he can play the kurai proffessionaly.


(Shamil)                                                 Kurai

Among all the national musical instruments of the Bashkir people, the most famous and popular is the kurai. In the kurai is the soul of the people, their dreams, their loves, and life’s power. If the Ural for the Bashkirs is the symbol of their native land and native country and the poet and national hero Salavat Ulaev is the symbol of talent and heroism. The sound of the kurai depends on the length of the instrument and from  the breath going into the instrument.

Now, the Bashkir kurai is a very popular instrument. But not all people can play it Only those who have a good deep breath and who have a good ear for music can play the kurai.

BI. Thank you, Shamil!

BII. Let’s play  the kurai!

(играет на курае)

BI. Why won’t you play the kurai? Will you?

Nick: May I?

(пробует играть)

Oh, no. I can’t. It is very difficult.

BII. Dear friends, do you like games?

English pupils: Yes, of course.


BII. Yuliana, say some words about Bashkort Games.


Bashkort Games

Bashkort games include elements of theatre and drama.The activities were to be executed with songs and other parts incorporated dancing motions. Greeting games developed dramatic dialogue Games such as “ I’ll take a bird”, “I’ll conceal a shawl”, “ Are there bears and wolves?”, and “Camel” developed oration and creative activity. Most games were played at different festivals and ceremonies. Holidays were spent nicely and mainly held during the summer. Competitions were held in fighting, running, horce racing. The different jolly games were adapted from these competitions.

For example the jolly games consisted of fighting with sacks, running with an egg on a spoon, running in sacks, climbing a soapy perch and others.

Bashkort games are accompanied with songs, dances and hoirs.

BI. Yuliana, thank you.

BII. Zoya’s story is about our folk dances.

Guests: How interesting!



Bashkir Folk Dances

I am Zoya and I like to dance very much. One of the most popular dance ensembles is the Bashkir Folk Dance Ensemble.

In 1953 this ensemble received its first international audience acclaim at the world Youth and Student Festival in Bucharest.

Masters of Bashkir dance have visited nearly all the countries in western Europe. They were received with unfailing acclaim in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Bulgaria and Finland.

Solo Dancers went on quest tours to countries on the American continent and Scandinavia.

Bashkort Folk Dances are different, bright and beautiful.

BI. Thank you, Zoya.

BII. Girls, let’s dance.

(танцуют башкирский танец)

Guests: What nice dresses! You look great! What a wonderful dance! Thank you, girls.

BI. The epic legend of the Bashkir people is “ Ural- Batur”.

It correlates to world – famou s saga s such as “ Kalevala”, “ Beowulf”, and “ Manas” as cultural monuments of paramount importance and instruments of studying national cultures;

Only “ Ural – Batur” is still unknown to a wide readership.


Listen to Rose, please.

(she receites)

Humai said:

“ Now that  I’ve heard you.

Have perceived now your intention.

Your day – dream may come true, jeget,

For I’ll call the folk to gether,

Call a maidan, the folk meeting,

That your baturhood be tested.

That a ccording to your deserts

I may theat you thereafter.

From afar will come my white steed

That my mother has bequated me.

If you prove to be a batur,

Akbuzat will recogrize you,

Will regard you as his equal.

If you prove to be a batur,

Prove by catching, riding, drawing

From his saddle the s word of damask.

Manage it and Iwill give you

Akbuzat, my wedding present,

As your sweet heart, as your lover,

And my father then will match us

Thus it was she spoke to Shulgan.


When from heaven down a star flew,

In her bird’s attire Humai

Promptly on the Earth descended,

As she got the grievous message.

On the lips she kissed her husband

Dead upon the ground lying.

“ I have found your dead, my Ural,

SoIdid not hear your last words

And could not relieve your sorrow.

Young was I when I first saw you,

Fell in love with  you, with joyance

Stripping off my bird’s attire.

When you warred aganst the wicked

For the welfare of the people

And for good to reign in all lands

When you took the sword of damask,

Straddled Akbuzat, the white steed,

I was then the happiest woman.

BII. Thank you, Rose very much.

Guests: Well done, Rose!

Good job!


You did it, Rose!


B1. Another Bashkort musical instrument is Dombra.

Vika, your story, please.



The Baskir liked and still likes music. They can make folk music instruments out of anything, kurai, kubyz and dombra are the traditional and most popular Bashkir instruments.

The dombra is a Turkish musical instrument. The Bashkir dombra differs from other Turk dombras in the number of strings The Bashkir dombra has four strings. Other dombres has seven string, the Kazah dombra has six and the Kirgiz has four. The dombra was principally used by the poest or sesens. The dombra was for a long time forgotten. The techniques of playing if was lost.

B2. Thank you, Vika. Gulnaz can play the dombra. Listen to her, please.

(играет на домбре)

B1. Thank you, Gulnaz. Who wants to play the dombra?

Guests: Oh, no your instruments are very difficult for us.

B2. Our meeting is almost over. And we hope that you have learned more interesting about our Republic of Bashkortostan.

B1. Did you like it?

Guests: Yes, we did. We liked it a lot.

Tom: If you visit our country, you will get to know more information about our traditions and customs.

B2. Let’s sing a song together.

(поют «Солнечный круг»)

Bright, blue the sky,

Sun up on high

That was the little boy’s picture

He drew for you,

Wrote for you too,

Just to make clear what he drew.

May there always be sunshine,

May there always be blue sky,

May there always be Mummy.

May there always be me.

B1. Well, we hope to meet you again some day. Now we say “ Good – bye to you”.

В2.We shall miss you badly, dear guests.

Guests: We were given a warm reception. See you soon. Many thanks.




1.     “English” М.А.Хасанов.

2.     “ This is Bashkortostan” Е.А.Бобкова, Г.Г.Нуриахметов.

3.     Газета « Дайжест» №3 2005г.

4.     Газета « 1 сентября» №4 2005г.

5.     Журнал «Ватандаш» №8 2003г.

6.     «My Homeland is Baskortostan» Е.А.Бобкова. Учебное пособие.-Бирск, 2001г.



















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