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Do you know Great Britain?

Конкурс №1: “Greetings

Команды представляют название, эмблему и приветствуют соперников.

Конкурс №2:  Блиц-вопросы “Do you remember?”

Каждой команде задается по 20 вопросов, на которые участники команд должны быстро дать ответы. Учитывается как количество правильных ответов, так и затраченное время.

Вопросы первой команде:

1.     How many parts of the country are situated on the island of Great Britain? (3)

2.     Where is Scotland situated? (in the North of Great Britain)

3.     What river is the capital situated on? (on the Thames)

4.     What people live in Wales? (The Welsh)

5.     What is the highest mountain in the country? (Ben Nevis in Scotland)

6.     Who is officially the head of the county (Queen Elizabeth II)

7.     What is the name of the Upper House in the British Parliament? (the House of Lords)

8.     What king began to use the “Round Table”? (King Arthur)

9.     What invaders sailed to Britain from Denmark and Norway? (the Vikings)

10. What is the main shipbuilding centre in Scotland? (Glasgow)

11. What is the most popular lake in Scotland? (Loch Ness)

12. What does the place –name Chester mean (from Latin: a strong camp for soldiers)

13. What language does the ending – ham come from? (from Anglo-Saxon “home”)

14. What is the name of the meridian separating the East and the West? (the Greenwich Meridian)

15. Who is the National Hero of Britain? The defender of the poor people? (Robin Hood)

16. What are the oldest English universities? (Oxford and Cambridge Universities)

17. When did England and Scotland unite? (1603)

18. What is the centre of the textile industry? (Manchester)

19. What is official residence of the Prime Minister? (Downing Street, 10)

20. What is the national Scottish costume called? (the kilt)

Вопросы второй команде:

1.     How many parts are there in the United Kingdom? (4)

2.     What is the name of the Channel separating Great Britain and France? (the English Channel)

3.     What is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh)

4.     What language do the people in Wales speak (the Welsh)

5.     What is the longest English river? (the Severn)

6.     Who is in fact the head of the country? (the Prime Minister)

7.     What is the name of the Lower House in the Parliament? (the House of Commons)

8.     Who was the leader of the Norman Conquest? (William the Conqueror)

9.     What was the native population of Great Britain? (the Britons and the Celts)

10. What is the main shipbuilding centre in the Northern Ireland? (Belfast)

11. What is the name of the forest which played an important part in the history of the country? (Sherwood Forest)

12. What does the place – name Lancaster mean (a camp for soldiers)

13. What does – by mean in the names of Derby and Grimsby? (from Danish: “town”)

14. What is the full name of the country? (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

15. What town was William Shakespeare born in? (Stratford-upon-Avon)

16. What was the most terrible prison in Great Britain? (the Tower)

17. Who was the father of King Arthur? (King Uther)

18. What is the biggest port of the country? (London)

19. How many official political parties are there in the country? (5)

20. What is another name of Wales? (a Land of Song)

Конкурс №3: “The Place – Names of Britain”

Участникам команд даются карточки с фрагментами старинной рукописи, из которых нужно составить названия английских городов. Это соревнование можно проводить на время: кто больше составит названий за данный отрезок времени. Самое большое количество городов  - 19 (Birmingham, Blackpoll, Bradford, Cambridge, Canterbury, Chester, Cleveland, Colchester, Ipswich, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Newport, Norwich, Nottingham, Oxford, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth)

Примерные фрагменты, написанные на карточках:




























Конкурс №4: “Captains Competition

Каждому капитану задаются по очереди 5 вопросов. Жюри учитывает не только правильный ответ, но и объяснения и дополнения по вопросу.

Вопросы капитану первой команды:

1.     Are all the people in Britain English?

2.     What was the king’s residence in the past?

3.     What is the national Scottish musical instrument?

4.     Whose emblem is the thistle?

5.     What do the British people celebrate on the 25th of December?

Вопросы капитану второй команды:

1.     What festival is held in Wales?

2.     What is the another name of the Houses of Parliament?

3.     What title has Prince Charles got?

4.     What is the emblem of Wales?

5.     What is there in the middle of Trafalgar Square?

Конкурс №5: “Say in One Word”

Задание: Назовите слова по их определениям

- a supreme lord, a man who has a lot of land and many people to serve him (the overlord)

- people who come to another country, begin a war to possess the land of another country (the invader)

- the head of the church, the chief bishop (the archbishop)

- name of the magic sword from the legends of King Arthur (Excalibur)

- a man who has superpower, a person skilled in magic (a magician)

- not being dependent on other people or countries (independence)

- a man raised to honorable military rank by a king, usually on a horse, well-armed, with a sword and a spear (a knight)

- a building designed to serve as both a residence and a fortress (a castle)

Конкурс №6: “Pantomime

Каждая команда должна без слов показать сценку из жизни короля Артура по одному из текстов домашнего чтения

(A.P. Starkov “English” (9 класс))

Противоположная команда должна догадаться, какой сюжет был представлен и дать небольшой комментарий на английском языке

Конкурс №7: “The Best Story

Командам предлагается составить по данным словам и фразам наиболее интересный рассказ.

Жюри учитывает количество использованных слов и участие всех играющих в рассказе. Команды получают следующие слова:

·        a castle

·        a queen

·        to be overlord

·        to be unhappy

·        to marry

·        to ride against

·        a king

·        a sword

·        a helmet

·        alive

·        to save to fight (for, against)

·        a knight

·        a princess

·        dead

·        a shield

·        a magician

·        to break

·        to hit

·        to capture

·        to kill

Конкурс №8: “А почему в Англии?”

Команды задают друг другу по 3 вопроса, которые начинаются словами «А почему в Англии?» и стараются дать на них остроумные ответы. Этот конкурс можно провести на родном языке, т.к. по-русски детям легко будет выразить юмор.

Конкурс №9: “Sing a Song

Завершающий музыкальный конкурс, на котором команды представляют подготовленные заранее песни на английском языке.

1.     команда поет песню “Are you going off to war, Billy Boy?”

1. Are you going off to war, Billy Boy, Billy Boy.

Are you going off to war, charming Billy?

Well I haven’t got the will for to murder and to kill.

I’m a young thing and ought not leave my mammy.

2. Did they tell you war’s a game, Billy Boy, Billy Boy.

Did they tell you war’s a game, charming Billy?

Yes, the tell me war’s a game – but it’s murder just the same!

I’m a young thing and ought not leave my mammy.

3. And who will pay the cost, Billy Boy, Billy Boy.

And who will pay the coast, charming Billy?

You and I will pay the cost, you and I will bear the loss

I’m a young thing and I Ought not leave my mammy.


2.      команда поет песню “Strangest dream”

1. Last night I had the strangest dream,

I’d never dreamed before,

I dreamed the world had all agreed

To put an end the war

I dreamed I saw a mighty room,

The room was fill of men,

And the paper they were signing said

They’d never fight again

2. And when the paper was signed

And million copies made,

They all joined hands in a friendly ring

And joyful songs were sung

And the people in the streets below

Were dancing round and round,

While swords and guns and uniforms

Were scattered on the ground

(Sing out, p. 163,167)

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Выбранный для просмотра документ Moscow is the heart of Russia.doc

Тема урока: “Moscow is the heart of Russia”


Задачи урока:

·        Провести практику в речевой деятельности: монологической, диалогической, аудирование; ознакомить учащихся с лексикой по истории Москвы; уметь проводить воображаемую экскурсию по Москве; уметь логически строить высказывания; активизировать известную учащимся лексику по теме “Holidays”; практика работы в группах

·        Развивать чувство любви и патриотизма; воспитывать уважение к истории своей Родины

·        Развивать мышление, творческую фантазию, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности; повышать удельный вес самостоятельной работы в школе и дома; развивать межпредметную связь (с историей), познавательный интерес учащихся.


Оснащение урока: слайды с видами Москвы, цветные иллюстрации, историческое лото, аудиозапись текста по истории города.


Ход урока:

Teacher: Good afternoon!

Pupils: Afternoon

Teacher: Sit down, please!

Teacher: Today we shall speak about Moscow. We’ll listen to the tape about the history of our capital and speak on this topic (Reads the words on the blackboard)

“Looking down on Moscow, we see at our feet the richest and most beautiful city in the world, a city as great as London and as magical as Rome”

These words will be a redline of today’s lesson. I suppose you agree with me. So let’s prove it. All of you dream of visiting London and let’s hope that sometimes our dream will come true, we’ll see one of the greatest cities in the worlds but we must be ready to answer questions about our city. Let’s remember what we know about Moscow. On the blackboard you can see some small topics and key words. Use them and say a few words on each of these themes.

I этап

The Capital of Russia

1147, was founded by, to be situated, population, total area

P1: Moscow is the capital of Russia. It was founded in 1147 by Prince Yuri Dolgorukii. Moscow is situated on the banks of the Moskva River. Its total area is about 900 square kilometers. The population of the city is over 8 million.

Teacher: Good. Now about Moscow as a political centre.

Political Centre

The seat of the Government, the Duma, all the ministries, foreign embassies

P2: Moscow is the seat of the Government the Duma. The President of Russia lives and works there. There are all the ministries and foreign embassies in Moscow. Many important political events are held in Moscow.

Teacher: Nice. Who wants to tell us about Moscow as an industrial centre?

Industrial Centre

Factories, plants, to produce, goods.

P3: We can say that different branches of industry are developing in Moscow. There are very many plants and factories in Moscow that produce motorcars, motors, TVsets, transformers, watches and other goods.

Teacher: Right you are. Now speak about Moscow as a cultural centre.

Cultural Centre

Museums, art galleries, theatres, libraries, parks.

P4: There are a lot of museums in Moscow. The largest ones are: the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov Gallery. The best known is the Bolshoi Theatre. There are also a lot of green parks and libraries in Moscow.

Teacher: Very good. Now let’s speak about education in our capital.

Educational Centre

Institutes, universities, young people, different countries

P5: We can say that Moscow is are educational centre. There are more than 50 institutes and several universities. Many young people from different countries come to Moscow to get a brilliant education.

Teacher: Good. The next topic is about sport and transport.

Sport and Transport Centre

Sport facilities, swimming pools, 1980 Olympic Games, railway stations, airports.

P6: There are a lot of sport facilities in Moscow, such as stadiums, swimming pools. And as you know the Olympic Games in 1980 were held in Moscow. Transport in Moscow is extensive. Here you can see all kinds of transport. To my mind Moscow’s metro is the most beautiful in the world. There are also 9 railway stations and airports in Moscow

II Этап

Teacher: And the last point is the sights of Moscow. When we go to London we shall take some pictures of Moscow, some photos or slides. Let’s suggest that our friends should walk along the streets of our Moscow.

На экране идут слайды с видами Москвы и учащиеся комментируют их. Примерные ответы учащихся:

P1: This is the Palace of Congresses. It is situated in the Kremlin. Many meetings and concerts take place there. It is a very nice building.

P2 Here you can see the University on Vorobyevy Hills. This university was founded by Michail Lomonosov, the first Russian professor.

P3: This is New Arbat Prospect. Old Arbat is the main street for folk holidays. It is a very nice place without transport. Kalinin Prospect is named New Arbat now.

P4: This is St. Basil’s Cathedral which is situated on Red Square. This Cathedral was bult in honor of the Russian victory over Kazan. St. Basil war buried near this Cathedral in the green tower.

P5: Here you can see one of the famous places in Moscow – Red Square. In 1941 from Red Square Soviet troops went to the front to defend Moscow from fascism.

P6: It is the Kremlin. The Kremlin is the heart of Moscow. Here you can see St. Basil’s Cathedral, a Tsar-Cannon and a Tsar-Bell and many other famous things.

P7: This is the monument to Pushkin which is situated on Tverskaya street. Many people come to this monument to show their love for one of the best Russian poets.

P8: Here you can see the Bolshoi Theatre. Bolsoi Theatre of Bolshoy Opera House, is the best-known theatre in Moscow. All visitors from Russia and other countries wish to get there.

III этап

Teacher: Thank you very much. I think that our guests have got a lot of information, but we haven’t told them about history. Let’s listen to the text and follow the course in history. After listening to the tape you will try to point out the main periods of the history of Moscow and ask questions on this topic.

The teacher switches on the tape with the text on the history of Moscow. Before listening the teacher may practice some difficult words.

History of Moscow.

Moscow was founded in 1147 by Prince Yuri Dolgorukii on the banks of the Moskva River. Ancient Moscow occupied the territory of the present – do Kremlin.

In the 13th century Moscow Prince Dmitri Donskoi defeated the Tatar hordes and Moscow became the symbol of the freedom and independence of the Russian people.

In the 16th century under Ivan the Terrible Moscow became the capital of the newly united state.

In 1712 Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg, but Moscow remained the heart of Russia.

In 1812 Moscow became the main target of Napoleon’s attack.

In 1918 Moscow is again the capital of new revolutionary Russia.

In 1941-1945 is the heroic struggle against Hitler’s troops. Russia and  Moscow played vital role in saving the world from fascism.


Pupils listen to the text twice. Раздается лото (датысобытия)

Teacher: Now you will work in groups. You should match the dates and the corresponding events. I will give you 2 minutes.


1147 – the foundation of Moscow

The 13th century – the defeat of Tatar hordes

The 16th century – the capital of united state

1712 – moving the capital to St. Petersburg

1812 – the main target of Napoleon’s attack

1918 – the capital of the revolutionary Russia

1941-194 – the heroic struggle against Hitler’s troops


Teacher: Now answer my questions. When was the Moscow founded?

P1: Moscow was founded in 1147

Teacher: Right you are. When were Tatar hordes defeated?

P2: Tatar hordes were defeated 13th century.

Teacher: Good. When did Moscow become the capital of the united state?

P3: Moscow become the capital of the united state in the 16th century

Teacher: Right. When did the capital of Russia move to St. Petersburg?

P4: The capital was moved to St. Petersburg in 1712.

Teacher: Well, when was Moscow the main target of Napoleon’s attack?

P5: Moscow was the main target of Napoleon’s attack in 1812

Teacher: Right your are. When did Moscow become the capital of revolutionary Russia?

P6: Moscow became the capital of revolutionary Russia in 1918

Teacher: Good. And the last date. When was the heroic struggle against Hitler’s troops?

P7: The heroic struggle against Hitler’s troops was in 1941-1945

Teacher: Very good. You have understood this text perfectly well and you know the history of your capital.

Teacher: Но на столе у меня осталась еще одна дата – 1997

P8: May I ask a question

Teacher: Of course, you may

P8: And what about 1997?

IV этап

Teacher: Well, tell me please was in 1997?

P1: In 1997 we celebrated the anniversary of Moscow’s Foundation

Teacher: Right you are. Now we shall play a little. You will write on the blackboard the word associated with the word “anniversary”

На доске слово – «anniversary» и ученики по очереди подбегают и пишут вокруг этого слова свои слова, которые возникают у детей по ассоциации: holiday, songs, salute, flowers, dance, people, illumination. Желательно, чтобы каждый ученик написал по одному слову.

Teacher: Very good. Now make up sentences using at least 2 words.

P2: During this holiday people danced and sung many songs.

И т.д. По мере употребления слов учитель их стирает и так до последнего слова.

V этап

Teacher: Very good. And you know one of the most popular song “Moscow suburb nights” (music by V. Solovyouv-Sedoy, words by M. Matusovsky)


Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight

In the sleepy grove until dawn

How I love these nights, Moscow suburb nights

The careless of the waking sun                                     -  twice


The calm rilling stream sums to ebb and flow

Like a silver web of moonlight,

In my heart I hear singing come and go

On this wonderful summer night                                 - twice


Why this downcast look? Does the rising day

Bring us near the hour when we part?

It’s as hard to keep as to five away

All that presses upon my heart                                    - twice


Dawn is nigh and pale grow the amber lights

Let me hope, my dear, that you too

Will remember these Moscow suburb nights

And our love that has been so true                              - twice


Учащиеся под запись песни без слов поют песню на английском языке.

Teacher: Thank you very much. You have worked well today. Let’s remember what we have done at todays’s lesson

Учащиеся подводят итог урока

Teacher: Your home task for the next lesson is you are to prepare a short story about your favorite place in Moscow. Your marks for the lesson are… Good-bye, my friends.

Pupils: Good-bye

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Выбранный для просмотра документ великие изобретения.doc

МОУ «Средняя школа №1»

г.Киров Калужская область

Юрьева Е.В., Чупятова В.Е.













директоров школ города и района.
























Тема урока: «Great inventions»

Форма урока: интегрированный урок,

                           урок-презентация с использованием компьютерных технологий.

Цели урока: 1.знакомство с важными изобретениями человека, понятием Internet;

                          2. развивать способность к общению, логичность, доказательность;

                       3.формирование уважительного отношения к мнению другого                человека, потребности к высказыванию собственного мнения, совершенствование речевых навыков.

Оборудование: компьютеры, доска, книги.

Ход урока.


а) беседа T Cl

б) T: Today on the 15th of February. What problem are we discussing?

     P1: We speak about inventions

    T: Мы говорим об изобретениях.

    T: Can you imagine your life without inventions?

    P2: No, we can’t.

    T: Right you are.→ There are a lot of things which we use at home, at office, at school and everything was invented by the man.→ Let’s take this pen for example. It was invented by Ladis-lao Biro, a Hungarian artist in 1903.

    T: Do you know that?

    P3: Yes, we do.

II. T: Today we will speak about “Great inventions”.

Brainstorm: T: Let’s make the list of great inventions! (Don’t mention house-hold  


Запись на диске: (что называют ученики)

P1: a car.

P2: a telephone

P3: a camera

P4: a computer

P5: a TV-set

P6: the Internet

T: These things are common today. Prove that they are useful for you!

III. Презентация проектов по теме «Великие изобретения»

      (работа в группах)

Представитель каждой группы выступает с презентацией изобретения (машины, видеокамеры и др.); участники группы используют компьютер с хорошо подобранным дополнительным материалом, картинками по теме,отвечают на вопросы по своей теме.

Работа в режиме: G1↔P1P2P3

 T: Which do you think is the greatest inventions?

 P1: It’s a computer.

 T: Why do you think so?

 P2: I can go to Internet.

 T: Would you like to chect  it in practice?

     Вия Евгеньевна will help you.

Что нам дает использование компьюера?

IV. Учитель информатики (Чупятова В.Е.)

Работа на компьютере под руководством учителя.

 T: They are different opinions about using the computer. Let’s read them and say.

(чтение высказываний на компьютере)

 T: Which opinion do you agree or disagree with? P1→P2→P3

 T: Did you  enjoy working on computer?

 P1: It’s great!

 P2: It’s cool!

 P3: It’s OK!

V. T: In the conclusion of our lesson.

         Let’s make the rule for users of computer. Let’s paraphrase well- know proverb.

         “Eat with pleasure, drink with measure”.

На доске: Work with pleasure…

                  Play with measure…


VI. Home task: Who created computer programs?

       P1: Bill Gates.

      T: I’ll give you text about him. You must read, understand and retell this text.

VII. T: These is the bell. Stop here. I think we have nice lesson. You work very hard.

           I’ll give you only good and excellent marks.




(урок проведен в 11 классе по УМК В.П.Кузовлев.English 10-11 кл.)






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Выбранный для просмотра документ Времена группы Present Simple и Present Progressive.doc

Урок грамматики

по теме:

«Времена группы Present Simple и Present Progressive».


Задачи: 1) обучение грамматической стороне речи, учить учащихся рассказывать и расспрашивать о действиях, используя форму Present Simple и Present Progressive, ориентируясь на ситуацию (в контрасте)

              2) практиковать учащегося в устной речи и чтении.


Оборудование: доска (схема + опорный конспект по диалогу «Telephone Talk»), кассета, магнитофон, аппликационный материал по теме «My working day», раздаточный материал для чтения и письма, карточка для контроля, телефоны.

Ход урока:


I. Оргмомент.

а) Приветствие. Беседа в режиме TCl1, Р2) date- day- seasonweather.

б) сообщение темы и задач урока.

T: I see you have a lot of work today. You should plan your day. Let’s start our lesson.

    Today on the… we have our final lesson on the topic “Working day”.

    Мы говорим о рабочем дне, рассказывая о действиях в течении дня, употребляем  2 настоящих времени Present Simple и Present Progressive. Сегодня проверим, как мы употребляем глаголы, исходя из конкретной ситуации, используя эти времена.


II. Обучение фонетической стороне речи.

T: Let’s start our working day. Let’s have phonetic drill.

Работа в режиме TCl1, Р2)

Рифмовка: «Breakfast in the morning…»

TCl : А какому правилу мы должны следовать, чтоб успешно сложился день?

Рифмовки: «Early to bed…», «Mind the clock…».


III. Закрепление грамматического материала

1. T: What is the difference between two tenses? (В чем различие между временами?)

Работа по схеме времен на доске.

Грамматика в стихах по временам Present Simple и Present Progressive.


2. T: What do you do during your day?

    а) Работа в режиме TCl, P1P2P3

    б) Комментирование (Present Progressive)

3.Использование элементов пантомимы, игры «Море волнуется».

T: А как рассказать о действиях человека от 3 лица?

    Let’s watch video film and tell me about Tom’s working day.

(Комментировать Present Simple и Present Progressive, P1→P2→P3)



4. T: Dima took pictures for us. Put questions to these pictures.

Использование игры «Дотошный ученик»

Т: Представьте себе, что вы дотошные ученики. Усомнитесь, переспросите о том,  что видите на картине.


IV. Обучение аудированию. (приложение 1)

Тест на времена Present Simple и Present Progressive.

Т: Let’s have a quiz.


V. Контроль домашнего задания.

T: What have you done for today? (Drama: “Telephone Talk”- приложение 2, ОК)

Т: Как часто мы используем время (какое важнее)?

    Особенно это видно в разговоре. Чтобы легче было воспроизвести этот диалог,   мы составили О.К. (доска)

Использование кассеты.

T: Listen to the dialogue and then act out and continue. I think it will be better.

Взаимоконтроль. Работа в режиме Р1↔Р2, Р3↔Р4.


VI. Обучение чтению.

Т: Знание времен глагола облегчает понимание читаемых текстов. Сейчас у всех будет возможность проверить себя. (Check yourself). Я раздам вам тексты, вы, работая самостоятельно по описанию действий, определите Who is who?, написав имена детей над характеристикой. (приложение 3)

Работы оценить.


VII. Обучение письму (задания, дифференцированные)

G1 (сильные ученики): Activity Book, ex.7 p.389

G2 (слабые ученики): карточки (приложение 4)


VIII. Homework

T: What must we do for homework. (используя времена Present Simple и Present Progressive составьте описание картинки по плану: Who (name, age)→…often Ves/s →…is V-ing now)


IX. Подведение итогов, оценка ответов учащихся, песня «Good bye teacher…» (кассета)


Урок проведен по УМК Т.Б. Клементьевой, Б. Монк «Счастливый английский» книга 1 (6 класс)








МОУ «Средняя школа №1»

г.Киров Калужская область

Юрьева Е.В.











Урок грамматики 
по теме: 
«Времена группы Present Simple и Present Progressive».
(6 класс)
























Приложение 1




Present Simple or Present Progressive


Text 1: Jane comes home at 2 p.m.. She washes her hands and has dinner. She usually eats soup and salad. Then she helps  her mother and cleans the room.

Text 2: It is snowing. Some children are skating on the skating-rink. The boys are playing snowballs. Some boys are making a snowman. Some boys are playing hockey.

Text 3: It is morning. Jack is sitting at the table. He is having breakfast. Jack is eating a sandwich and drinking coffee.

Text 4: I usually get up at 9 o’clock. On Sundays I don’t go to school. I watch TV, read books, ski or skate.

Text 5: Ann and Pete are having English now. They are reading text, writing. The teacher is standing and asking them questions. She is speaking English.


























Приложение 2




Could I speak to:                                                              I’m afraid you can’t …


Mr. Mason                                 cook

                                             ?    cook

                                                  make a cake


Mrs. Mason                               work

V-ing                                             ?    do

V(e)s                                                  water


John                                     ?   do                                       

                                                 play football


Jane                                      ?  play football too

                                                 do homework


Kate                                     ?   do



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Выбранный для просмотра документ Живопись. Третьяковская галерея.doc

Урок- путешествие

по теме:

«Живопись. Третьяковская галерея».


Цели урока: воспитывать у учащегося чувство прекрасного, чувство   патриотизма, гордости за Россию, её прошлое и настоящее, её народ, развивать умение смотреть и видеть.

Задачи: проверить умение и навыки в чтении, монологической и диалогической речи, формировать познавательные и творческие способности учащегося, развивать самостоятельность.

Оборудование: репродукции картин, грамзаписи (П. И. Чайковского «Осенняя песня»; С. Рахманинова «Вокализ»), тексты для чтения (Reader)

План урока:

I. Оргмомент

а) беседа T → Cl (Р1, Р2) day- date- weather

б) сообщение темы и задач урока.

T: Today we have our unusual lesson. Yesterday we met our pen-friends from Britain. Today we want to make an excursion to Tretyakov Gallery for them. It one of the best-know picture galleries in Russia.

T (англичанам): Have you visited the State Tretyakov before?

English: No it is our first visit.

T: I think it’s worth visiting especially if you are fond of art. We have a guide. His name is…. Let’s enter the gallery and joint the excursion. Our guide is studying art.

II. Обучение аудированию.

Guide: Moscow is the largest cultural centre of Russia. There are more than 80 museums in Moscow. The largest museums are the Pushkin Museum of Fine Art and the State Tretyakov Gallery. The State Tretyakov Gallery is a major research, artistic, cultural and educational centre of Russia and a museum of Russian Art. Founded as a private collection in 1856 by the merchant Pavel Tretyakov, a patron of the arts it was donated as a gift to the city of Moscow in 1892. The gallery contains more than 55 thousands works, including the rich collection of ancient Russian icon painting of the 12th – 17th centuries, works of painting and sculpture of the period between the 18th to 20th centuries. In 1994 the Tretyakov Gallery opened after 10 years of restoration.

T: Will you ask questions about Tretyakov gallery?

III. Обучение построению диалога-расспроса.

Работа в режиме Guide P1,P2

P1: From what class was Pavel Tretyakov?

Guide: He was from the merchant class.

P2: What hobby did he pursue?

Guide: He collected picture.

P3: Why did he begin to collect Russian paintings?

Guide: He wanted to help poor Russian painters, to support them and to bring art to close to the people.

P4: As far as I know Andrei Rublyov is best known among the old Russian painters. Can we see his works in the Gallery?

Guide: Certainly Rublyov’s “Trinity” painted about 1427 is remarkable humanistic and reflects the soul of the Russian people.

P5: What were the first paintings of the Gallery?

Guide: Tretyakov began his collection with the works of the “Peredvizhniki” (the artist who belonged to the Association of Mobile Art Exhibition) so the Gallery has an excellent collection of the best works by Surikov, Shishkin, Vasnetsov, Kramskoy.

P6: Levitain’s landscape are known all over the world. Do you admire his canvases?

Guide: Sure. How colourful and Russian are his landscape “Golden Autumn”, “Birch Copse”, “After Rain”. How sad is his Vladimirka!

P7: Are any of  Repin works exhibited in the Gallery?

Guide: Yes, of course. Repin is a great master whose canvases reflect the history of Russia and the life of its people. For example everybody knows his picture “Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan”.

IV. Обучение говорению, беседа о Сурикове.

P8: As for me, my favorurite painter is Vasiliy Surikov. He is one of the leading representatives of the historic trend in painting. Am I right?

Guide: Yes, Surikov belongs to the trend and he depicted historical events. His paintings were a brilliant innovation in the 19th century Russian Art. Do you know any biographical details?

P9: Surikov was born in Siberia in Krosnoyarsk and traveled a great deal. He admired the works by Michelangelo.

Guide: What was the subject of Surikov’s pictures?

P10: If I am not mistaken, he turned to Russia’s past for the subjects of his canvases.

Guide: What pictures did he paint?

P11: As far as I remember they are “Boyarinya Morozova”, “Menshikov in Beriozovo”, “The Morning of the Strelets Execution”.

Guide: Look at the Surikov’s pictures. They are full of movement and very expressive. They are filled with the mood and tension of those times. The colours are bright and vivid. What do you think about Surikov’s canvases?

P12: I think they do credit to our national culture.

V. Контроль домашнего задания (диалог по картине Сурикова «Боярыня Морозова»)

For example:

·        I say … Let’s talk about the picture “Boyarinya Morozova”.

·        I’m afraid I don’t remember what historical event, the picture illustrates.

·        Oh, don’t you? I can tell.

·        Do, please.

·        With pleasure. As you know Surikov is my favourite painter. So the subject of the painting is based on the conflict between the Ruscolnics and the official church. Morozova is a Ruscolnic. She has been arrested and it being taken to prison. Look at her place. It is pale, but proud, isn’t it?

·        Really, it is. Even fanatical, isn’t it?

·        Exactly so. She is wonderful in her readiness to die for her belief.

·        What do you feel looking at the picture, I wonder?

·        I fell sad. I feel sorry for her. And you?

·        So do I. The picture impressed me greatly.

·        But it conveys the idea of strength of human spirit to me and gives much food for thought.

·        I can’t but add that the picture evokes the filling of compassion.

Guide: Стихотворение «Унылая пора» (по-русски). Именно так  можно сравнить картину Левитана со стихотворением Пушкина.

Guide предлагает вниманию репродукцию картин И.Левитана «Золотая осень», «Осенний день в Сокольниках», «Большая вода».

 Звучит «Вокализ» Рахманинова.

Учитель читает отрывок из повести К. Паустовского «Исаак Левитан» (приложение 1)

Guide: Who wants to tell this story in English for our quests? (приложение 2)

Звучит «Осенняя песня» П.И. Чайковского.

T: Let’s try to retell this story in English.


Guide: Do you like this picture?

            Do you know any names of British painters?

P1,P: I do. Constable. Turner.

VI. Обучение чтению.

Работа с учебником «Reader» стр. 189

T: Look the text through and give the names of British painters. Among them there is a landscape painter. Who painted his landscape like Levitan? Look the text through once more and give the name of this painter.

VII. Подведение итогов.

T: Thank you for such good work at our lesson. All of you work hard. I wonder how can  you explain the proverb. Life is short and art is long. Great masters created masterpieces and people admire for centuries.

T: What is the role of art in our life?

P1, P2, P3:

·        To reflect life;

·        To reflect people’s ideas and emotions;

·        To ennoble one’s heart;

·        To help understand the life better;

·        To teach us to love our Motherland, to understand our past;

·        To teach us to keep our environment clean;

·        To cause the feeling of joy, happiness, sadness, despair;

·        To learn a lot by seeing the world through other people’s eyes.

T: Try to guess: “Who is he?” (приложение 3)

Homework: S.R. p.85 (for reading), описание картины любимого художника по плану.






Приложение 2




Приложение 3



·        He is one of the best-known Russian painters. He was one of the famouse “Peredvizhniki”. He was born in the small town of Chuguev in 1844. He painted “Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan”, “Volga Boatmen”, “Unexpected Arrival”

  Who is he?

I. Repin


·        He was a talented artist an outstanding art critic and public figure. He was born in 1837 in Ostrogorsk, Voronezh Gubernia. He was the leader of the “Peredvizhniki” group. His canvases are “The Stranger”, “Moonlit Night”.

Who is he?

I. Kramskoy


·        He is one of Russia’s outstanding landscape painters. He was born in 1832, in Yelabuga a small town on the bank of the Kama River. His pictures are “Rye” where he shows the beauty of Russian countryside. “Morning in the Pine Wood”, “The Oaks”.

Who is he?

I. Shishkin

























Приложение 1


Левитан жил за городом. Он был беден, почти нищ. Он скрывался от  дачников, брал лодку, заплывал на ней в тростники на пруду и писал этюды. Особенно томительны были сумерки. Поздно вечером на балконе соседней дачи зажигали свет, и женский голос в саду пел печальный романс…Лето кончилось. Все реже был слышен голос незнакомки. Как-то в сумерки Левитан встретил у скамейки своего дома молодую женщину. Ее узкие руки белели из-под черных кружев. Мягкая туча закрыла небо. Шел редкий дождь. По-осеннему горько пахли цветы в палисадниках.

Незнакомка стояла у скамейки и пыталась раскрыть маленький зонтик, но он не раскрывался. Наконец, он поддался, и дождь зашуршал по его шелковому верху. Незнакомка медленно пошла к железно дорожной станции. Левитан не видел ее лица- оно было закрыто зонтиком. Она тоже не видела лица Левитана.…В неверном свете он различил ее бледное лицо. Оно показалось ему знакомым и красивым. Левитан вернулся в свою комнату и лег. Чадила свеча, гудел дождь…Тоска по материнской, женской любви вошла с тех пор в его сердце и не покидала до последних дней его жизни. Этой же осенью он написал «Осенний дождь в Сокольниках». Это была первая его картина, где серая и золотая осень, печальная как тогдашняя русская жизнь, как жизнь самого Левитана дышала с холста осторожной теплотой и щемила у зрителей сердце.

По дорожке Сокольнического парка, по ворохам опавшей листвы шла молодая женщина в черном - та незнакомка, чей голос Левитан никак не мог забыть.

«Осенний день в Сокольниках»- единственный пейзаж Левитана, где присутствует человек, и то фигуру человека написал Николай Чехов. После этого люди никогда не появлялись на полотнах Левитана. Их заменили леса, туманные разливы и нищие избы России, безгласные и одинокие.
























МОУ «Средняя школа №1»

г.Киров Калужская область

Юрьева Е.В.










Урок- путешествие 
по теме: 
«Живопись. Третьяковская галерея».
(9 класс)



















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Выбранный для просмотра документ Охрана окружающей среды.doc

Тема урока: «Охрана окружающей среды» (9 класс)

Форма урока: ролевая игра

                             «Welcome to our school of Health ».

Цели: 1. познавательный аспект- знакомство с различными точками зрения по вопросам охраны окружающей среды и здоровья человека;

            2. развивающий аспект- развитие способности к логическому построению    высказывания, умение выразить свое мнение корректно;

3. воспитательный аспект- формирование экологического сознания гуманного отношения к природе, умение создавать гармонию в своем микромире.

Задачи: 1. развитие умения адекватно реагировать на вопросы;

2. закрепление грамматических навыков (правильность построения вопросительных предложений);

3. развитие способности к формированию выводов из просмотренного видеоматериала.

Оформление: класс оформлен в виде конференц-зала, участники и «гости» сидят за круглым столом. На доске - плакат с изображением земного шара, фотографии иллюстрирующие деятельность учащегося школы, направленную на защиту окружающей среды (участие в озеленении территории, участие в субботниках).

Оборудование: телевизор, видеомагнитофон.

«Гости»- представители различных общественных организаций, школ здоровья:

·        Mr. Green- “Green Peace”;

·        Mr. Brown- “Friends of the Earth”;

·        Mr. Semyonov- “Ecology Department”;

·        Mr. Korolyov- “Health Department”.

Ход урока.

I. T: Уважаемые гости, друзья! Мы рады видеть Вас в нашей школе здоровья. Вы являетесь участниками конференции, посвященной  обсуждению проблем защиты окружающей среды, а также вопросов сохранения здоровья человека, которое неразрывно связано с состоянием окружающей среды. (Далее следует разъяснение каждому «гостю» их речевой задачи, выдаются карточки, где отражены предлагаемые точки зрения «гостей». «Гости» являются активными участниками полилога. Они говорят на русском языке, им помогают переводчики – двое хорошо подготовленных учащихся, которые осуществляют параллельный перевод.)

Я передаю слово первому участнику.

P1: Dear quests, you are representatives of famous organizations, which are concerned   with the problems of people’s health and the health of the nature which are closely connected. We also think it’s extremely important problem today. We suggest discussing it together.

P2: Our school is working hard and it uses special methods of teaching and bringing up children to protect their health. The motto “Movement is life” is the main strategy of our school. Only regular exercises give pupils more energy, flexibility, lightness and keep them fit, better organized and disciplined. That’s why the lessons of choreochovections are taught at our school. During every lesson we also have special exercises which are good for our bodies, backs and breasts.

P3: By the way in our district there are two big plants which put a lot of harmful gases into the air. What can be done to stop polluting the air in our district?

Mr. Brown: It’s an urgent problem all over the world. Many cities still have dirty air. We demand the states to make tougher laws against air pollution. Scientists are looking for ways to make factories cleaner.

P4: As far as I know cars are biggest air polluters aren’t they? Mr. Semyonov?

Mr. Semyonov: I quite agree with you. But we do hope this problem will be solved soon. Scientists all over the world are working to create cleaner cars using the energy from sun.

P5: I can give you an example of using clean fuel. The farmers from Illinois use fuel made of soybeans. We also can make a contribution in air protection. We can walk instead of driving or ride bikes. Every spring the pupils of our school plant trees and flowers to keep the air clean and save. What do you think about it Mr. Green?

Mr. Green: Sure, factories and cars are rather serious problem. But as far as I know your district is suffering of consequences of Chernobyl disaster. Am I right? What is the situation now? 

P6: In order to decrease the influence of radiation on the people the considerable work was done.

P7: Medical check- up of people and treatment, free of charge medicines and vitamins are provided. For example, the pupils of our school have free lunches at school and get fruits every month for free. Is it enough to keep people healthy, Mr. Brown?

Mr. Brown: However these measures are not enough. The International cooperation in this area serves the interests of people.

P8: Our district and region participates in a special Blagovest’s programme realized with the active support of many foreign countries.

P4: And everyone knows that the children of our district are sent abroad to have a rest and treatment. And over teachers of English are taking an active part in supporting this programme.

P9: We’d like to inform you that as a result of our cooperation with Norway, Kirov and Lillisand have become twin-towns. They are carrying out a health programme directed to protection children’s health. Special equipment has been bought and the children of the 3rd school are being examined. We hope to be tested too soon, won’t we Mr. Korolyov?

Mr. Korolyov: I’m sure you will Chernobyl accident taught the mankind a serious lesson. We must be careful developing our industry. What’s more, there are many sports on the ground determined with radioactive elements. I warn you to pick berries and mushrooms in our forest.

P10: And the other thing is pesticides, people use them against pests. They cause health problems.

P3: You think it’s better to eat apples with worm inside, don’t you?

P2: Probably, it would be clever. I wonder, Mr. Korolyov, if you approve of such food as chip and “3 korochkhy”. I always argue with my mum, because she doesn’t let me eat food like these. What’s your opinion, Mr. Korolyov?

Mr. Korolyov: Of course, your mother is a wise woman. What food do you think is considered to be healthy and why?

P1: I think it’s healthy to eat dairy such as milk, cottage cheese sour-cream. They provide us with protein, calcium.

P2: I’m sure, we can’t do without fruit and vegetables, they give us vitamins.  

P3: But to tell the truth I can’t live without sweets and chocolate.

(Деле следует спонтанный полилог, обсуждение гастрономических привычек, вреда и пользы от различных продуктов, культуры питания и т.п. в режиме)



P4   P3

P6: We never refuse discussing the newest diets. But what about going in for sport and harm of smoking and drinking alcohol?

(спонтанный полилог, обсуждение вреда, наносимого здоровью курением, употреблением алкогольных напитков, учащиеся выясняют друг у друга отношение к спорту)


P2: Dear friends, I think we should live in harmony with nature and people around us. We should eat healthy food, go in for sport, not smoke and drink alcohol, to keep fit.

T: But, I want you to see a peace of a film made by our students in Kirov. They would like us to give our comments after having seen it.

(просмотр видеофильма, где зафиксированы кадры различного загрязнения окружающей среды: мусор, грязь в подъездах, дымящиеся трубы котельной)

T: What can be done to improve the situation?

(фильм обсуждается всеми участниками, выводы, высказываются точки зрения, предложения, подводится итог)

P1: Dear friends, thank you for you participation in our discussion. We hope that everyone is satisfied with the results of our meeting. Hope to see you again at our school of Health!

II. Подведение итогов ролевой игры. Анализ выступлений учащихся, выставление оценок.












МОУ «Средняя школа №1»

г.Киров Калужская область

Юрьева Е.В.












окружающей среды.
( 9 класс)























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Урок контроля знаний:

«Get a pass (получи пропуск)».


Задачи: 1. обобщение и закрепление пройденного по теме: «My working day» (лексика); практика монологической и диалогической речи.

            2. закрепление основных грамматических навыков, умений (употреблять Present Simple, Present Progressive, глагол to be)

Оборудование: карточки с заданиями, оборудованные станции, рулетка, билеты с заданиями.

Ход урока:

I. Оргмомент:

а) беседа в режиме T → Cl (Р1, Р2) date- day- season – weather.

б) сообщение темы и задач урока.

T: I see you have a lot of work today. Today on the…(date) we have our final lesson on the topic “Working day” and we will finish Unit 8 and then we’ll start to learn Unit 9, for that you must pass successful exams and get a pass to Unit 9.

We have 4 stations, with different tasks for you. We split into several groups and start our lesson, I wish you good luck. First of all I need ticket- inspectors, who will help me.

Учитель выбирает контролеров на станциях, которые сдают экзамен на всех станциях и занимают места на станциях.

II. Обучение основным коммуникативным умениям. (работа в группах)

T→ Grammar Station

Задания: (for example)

·        Назовите личные и притяжательные местоимения.

·        Назовите формы глагола to be в Present Simple.

·        Назовите формы глагола to write в Present Simple.

·        Назовите три основные формы глаголов: to be, to have, to read.

·        Назовите три основные формы глаголов:1) to write; 2) to leave; 3) to know.

·        Определите время глагола в предложении: I go to school every day

·        Назовите время глагола в предложении: I am answering the question now.

·        Назовите время глагола в предложении: We were at the cinema yesterday.

·        Какие вопросительные слова вы знаете.

P1 (ticket-inspector) →G1 Station (Monologue)

Задание: рассказать о своем рабочем дне.

P2 (ticket-inspector) →G2 Station (Vocabulary)

Задание: ответить слова и выражения по теме: «My working day»

P3 (ticket-inspector) →G3 Station (Dialogue)

Задание: Ответить на вопросы и составить диалог по теме «My working day».

Урок проводится в быстром темпе, все ребята успевают ответить на вопросы, так как на всех станциях ведется непрерывная одновременная работа: один ученик отвечает на первом пункте, второй- на втором, и т.д..

III. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок по результатам ответов и выдается пропуск к занятиям по Unit 9.

Урок проведен по УМК Т.Б. Клементьевой, Б. Монк «Счастливый английский» книга 1


МОУ «Средняя школа №1»

г.Киров Калужская область

Юрьева Е.В.












Урок контроля знаний: 
«Get a pass (получи пропуск)».
(6 класс)

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