Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыКонтроль лексико-грамматического материала 2 четверти 10 класс

Контроль лексико-грамматического материала 2 четверти 10 класс

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 Vocabulary Test to Unit 2.(10 Af-Mich)

I Match the words with their definitions

1 disciple                                               a) the holy book of Christians

2 mosque                                              b) Jewish Easter

3 rabbis                                                  c) act of crucifying

4 Mecca                                                 d) a follower of some religion

5 monks                                                  e) a place of worshiping for Muslims

6 Bible                                                     f) Jewish priest

7 Passover                                              g) the time before Christmas for Christians

8 Crucifixion                                           h) people devoted to God (live in monasteries)

9 Advent                                                  i) a place of Muslims’ pilgrimage

II Give synonyms to the words below

1) Danger    2) Justify     3)  fear and wonder    4) Disagree     5) Convict      6) Guilt-free    7) Court case      8) Deceive     9) Request    10) Be in pursuit of      11) Put to death    12) Be worth of     13) declare

III   Translate the words into  Russian.

1 accurate   2 extravagant  3 brilliant   4 cabinet   5 complexion   6 data   7 carton

8 academic    9 sympathy    10 velvet


IV  Translate it into English

1)      Проводить службу         2) Послушная паства    3) Православная церковь

4)      Слушать проповеди священников   5) Благословенье божье         6) Искать спасение             

7) Проводить обряд крещения    8)  Читать молитвы перед иконой  9) Во время великого поста


V   Give Russian equivalents for the Bible aphorisms

1) Own flesh and blood   2) Noah’s Flood    3) Don’t make yourself an idol     4) Scapegoat                                     5) An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, crash for crash        6) Manna from heaven     7) Standing joke (the talk of the town)    8) Write on the tablets       9)To cherish     10) On the wings of the wind               11) An apple of discord    12) Crown of celibacy    13)The prodigal son  14) The slaughter of children 15)Whore of Babylon (scarlet whore)

VI     What religion is this

A)      Christianity     B)  Islam    C) Judaism     D) Buddhism

1)      Men following this religion cannot be bareheaded when in the place of worship.

2)      According to this religious teaching people can achieve happiness on earth.

3)      The followers of this religion do not believe that the world was created by God.

4)      Followers of this religion eat a special type of food during their holiday.

5)      In these religions men and women usually don’t worship together.

6)      A key concept of this religion says that one of their holy men sacrificed his life for them.

7)      This religion is the youngest of the four.

8)      Followers of this religion are allowed to eat only after sunset during one of their holidays.

9)      This religion has more followers than the others.

10)   Followers of this religion try to visit the place where the creator of their religion was born.

Grammar  Test to Unit 2.(10 Af-Mich)

I Derive from the words in brackets new words to suit the sentences . Use prefixes Mis, un, dis, over, anti, pre, under, re, out

1.       If you (behave), you’ll be punished. 2. I demand absolute obedience. All (caution) have been done before hand. 3. He wasn’t glad to carry out that (pleasant) duty.  4. The teacher (lined) the importance of those courses. 5. She had to (read) the novel again. 6. Better (cook) meat than (cook) it.  7 A fairy (appeared) as suddenly as she turned up. 8. People all over the world participate in (war) demonstrations. 9. Little Liz has (grown) all her clothes.

II   Put the right preposition after phrasal verb “ carry”                                                         1)Carry … your work while I am out.    2) They carried … urgent repairs.  3) Sam tailed to carry … his test.  4) He carried … his holiday from this month into the next one.   5) He is the one who is able to carry … this job. 6) This music carries me … from my chores.

III  Choose the correct form from the brackets

1)      I could (hard/ hardly) believe in his innocence.

2)      My brother drives (fast/ fastly).

3)      She looks at him (angrily/ angry).

4)      The plane took off (high/ highly) in the sky.

5)      The major ordered to search the strangers (close/ closely).

6)      The soup smelt (delicious/ deliciously).

7)      We haven’t heard of him (late/ lately).

8)      Though he looks (ignorantly/ ignorant) he can speak French (fluent/ fluently).

9)      The convict was (right/ rightly) sentenced to ten years in prison.                                                            10 (Near/ Nearly) eighty percent of our schoolmates are keen on computer games.

11)   (In spite/ despite) its pagan roots; Lent is a (holiday/ feast)

IV  Put the adjectives and adverbs  in the proper place to make the sentences sensible. Use

Present, concerned, proper, responsible, involved, honestly, briefly, clearly, truly, really

1.       …, I’ve don’t approve this project.

2.       The newsreader … for the issue has fallen ill.

3.       The … parents came to the headmaster to solve the … situation.

4.       John … reported all the circumstances.

5.       The question … is rather simple.

6.       She explained the rules ….

7.       All that sounded rather …

8.       …, she was … concerted on this matter.

V Put the adjectives in the correct order

1.       Light, short, smart, cotton, new, summer, blue                                                     |dress

2.       Italian, modern, square, low, light, grey, metallic, nice                                        | table

3.        Heavy, cardboard, big, old, unnecessary                                                                |box

4.       Worn out, old, colorless, woolen, Brazilian, outstretched, dirty                          | sweater

5.       New, soft, round, winter, fashionable, French, splendid                                      | hat

6.       Homeless, pretty, noisy, black and white, round, awkward, bull-terrier           |puppy



1)     1d   2e   3F    4i   5h   6a   7b  8c 9g

2)     1menace  2confirm  3 awe  4  deny  5 sentence  6 innocent  7trial  8betray   9demand   10seek   11execute  12 deserve   13claim  

3)     1точный  2 расточительный  3 блестящий  4       5 цвет лица  6 данные       7 упаковка  8 учебный  9 сочувствие         10 бархат

4)     1 practice worship  2  obedient congregation  3 Orthodox church   4to listen to sermons read by priest   5 God’s blessing   6 to seek salvation  7to observe the rite /ritual  of christening  8 to pray in front of icons 9 in Lent

5)     1 плоть от плоти  2 Всемирный потоп  3 не сотвори себе кумира  4 козел отпущения  5 око за око/ зуб за зуб  6 манна небесная  7 притча во  языцех  8 писать на скрижалях  9 беречь как зеницу ока   10 на крыльях ветра  11 яблоко раздора   12 венец безбрачия   13 блудный сын  14 избиение/ убийство младенцев  15 Вавилонская блудница

6)     1b 2d 3d 4c 5b 6a 7b  8b  9a  10b

Grammar  key.

1)     1 Misbehave  2 precaution  3 unpleasant   4 underlined  5 reread   6 overcook, undercook   7 disappeared    8 antiwar   9 outgrown

2)     1 on  2 out  3 through   4 over  5 through  6 away

3)     1 hardly  2 fast  3 angrily  4 high  5 closely   6 delicious  7 lately  8 ignorant, fluently   9 rightly 10 nearly  11 despite, feast

4)     1 honestly 2 responsible  3 concerned,  present  4  briefly  5 proper  6 clearly 7 involved   8 truly, really

5)     1 smart  short new light blue summer  cotton     2 nice low  modern light square  grey  Italian  metallic   3 unnecessary  big  old  heavy  cardboard   4 dirty worn out  outstretched  old  colorless Brazilian  woolen   5 splendid fashionable  new  soft  round French  6 pretty  noisy awkward homeless  round  black and white  bull-terrier







Задание 3.

От данных слов образуйте существительные при помощи суффиксов -ment, -ant, -ness, -ist.































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