Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыКонтрольная работа для 3 класса, 1 четверть

Контрольная работа для 3 класса, 1 четверть

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3 класс

Lessons 1-22

Контрольная работа по английскому языкуV-1

1. Зачеркни лишнее слово:

1. Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, October

2. orange, potato, tomato, cucumber, carrot

3. read, write, happy, play, dance, sing

4. crocodile, fox, giraffe, bird, elephant

5. ear, neck, face, cake, nose

2. Соедини слова с транскрипцией:

corn [CJz]

fish [kPfI]

tea [fIS]

coffee [tJ]

cheese [ bAtq]

butter [kLn]

3. Пронумеруй фразы так, чтобы получился диалог:

____You are welcome.

____Here you are.

____No, thank you. But I would like a sandwich.

____Would you like some tea?

____Thank you.

4. Закончи рассказ мальчика, используя слова:

seven breakfast write together milk friends school

I am John. I am___________. I go to ____________. I can read and____________. I like cheese and_________ for___________________.

I have got a lot of _____________. We go to school __________________.

5. Вставьнужнуюформуглагола-связки: am, is, are

They______smart.You______ strong.

I _____ a pupil.He _______nine.She_______fine.We_______friends.

6. Дай краткий ответ на вопросы:

Are you a pupil? - _________________

Do you like milk?_________________

Does your friend go to school on Sundays?___________________

Do cats like fish?___________________________

Can you swim well?_________________________

7. Составь из слов предложения:

1) your, name, what, is?_____________________________________

2) you, would, some, like, juice?____________________________

3) coffee, don’t, I, like.____________________________________

4) milk, cats, like._________________________________________

5) on, he, plays, Monday, basketball.___________________________

8. Cоставь словосочетания и запиши их:









strong book










Контрольная работа по английскому языкуV-2

1. Зачеркни лишнее слово:

1. Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, October

2. apple, potato, tomato, cucumber, carrot

3. read, write, nice, play, dance, sing

4. crocodile, fox, giraffe, dog, elephant

5. ear, neck, face, girl, nose

2. Соедини слова с транскрипцией:

tea [fIS]

coffee [tJ]

corn [CJz]

fish [kPfI]

cheese [ bAtq]

butter [kLn]

3. Пронумеруй фразы так, чтобы получился диалог:

____You are welcome.

____No, thank you. But I would like a sandwich.

____Would you like some porridge?

____Thank you.

____Here you are.

4. Закончирассказдевочки, используяслова:

Write seven breakfast together cakes friends school

I am Kate. I am___________. I go to ____________. I can read and___________. I like cheese and_________ for___________________.

I have got a lot of _____________. We go to school __________________.

5. Вставьнужнуюформуглагола-связки: am, is, are

I _____ a pupil.He _______nine.They______smart.You______ strong.



Are you healthy? - _________________

Do you like apples?_________________

Does your friend go to school on Sundays?___________________

Do cats like fish?___________________________

Can you swim well?_________________________

7. Составь из слов предложения:

1) milk, cats, like._____________________________________________

2) you, would, some, like, juice?_________________________________

3) don’t, I, fish, like.___________________________________________

4) your, name, what, is?__________________________________________

5) on, he, plays, Sunday, tennis.____________________________________

8. Cоставь словосочетания и запиши их:









black book










Lessons 23-45 (II триместр)

Контрольная работа по английскому языкуV-1

1. Зачеркнилишнееслово:

1) apple, nut, cabbage, fish, carrot

2) fifteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven, seven

3) bread, breakfast, healthy, tea, head

2. Найди ответы на вопросы и соедини линией:

1) Do you go to school? a) Yes,I think I can.

2) Are you a pupil? b) No, he doesn’t.

3) Can you draw a giraffe? c) Yes, I am.

4) Where do you ski? d) In the forest.

5) Does he like apples? e) Yes, I do.

3. ПрочитайписьмоДжейнивыполнизадания:

Dear friend,

My name is Jane. I am 10. I live with my mum and dad. My birthday is on the 17th of June. What is your name? How old are you?

I have got a nice cat Kitty. My cat is black and white. Kitty likes milk and fish. I like to play with my cat. I would like to have a dog. Have you got a pet?

I can play tennis very well. But I can’t swim. I like to draw and play computer games. On Saturdays and Sundays I ride my bike in the park. What do you like to do? What can you do well?

Please write back.

Jane Hope.


1) Закончипредложение: Jane’sbirthdayis…

a) on the seventh of June.

b) on the seventeenth of July.

c) on the seventeenth of June.

2) Что умеет делать Джейн? Выбери правильный ответ:

a) She can play tennis, draw, ride a bike and swim.

b) She can play tennis, draw, ride a bike and play computer games.

c) She can play computer games, draw, ride a bike and swim.

3) Найди предложение, которое не соответствует тексту:

a) Jane has got a pet.

b) Jane would like to have a cat.

c) Jane can ride a bike.

d) Kitty is black and white.

4. Выберинужноеслово:

1) My cats are / is funny.

2) Tom likes / like winter.

3) Tim does not lives / live in a big house.

4) January is the first / second month of the year.

5) May is the second / third month of spring.

5. Напиши словами:

23 февраля ______________________________

2 мая____________________________________

8 марта___________________________________

1 апреля__________________________________

6. Напиши, когда твой день рождения и что бы ты хотел получить в подарок



Контрольная работа по английскому языку V-2

1. Зачеркнилишнееслово:

1) autumn, spring, winter, month, summer

2) first, third, fourth, birthday, second

3) December, June, January, February

2. Найди ответы на вопросы и соедини линией:

1) Do you like your school? a) Yes, I think I can.

2) Are you a pupil? b) Yes, I do.

3) Can you draw a giraffe? c) Yes, I am.

4) Where do you skate? d) No, he doesn’t.

5) Does he like fish? e) Inthepark

3. ПрочитайписьмоДжeкаивыполнизадания:

Dear friend,

My name is Jack. I am 10. I live with my mum and dad. My birthday is on the 19th of June. What is your name? How old are you?

I have got a nice cat Kitty. My cat is black and white. Kitty likes milk and fish. I like to play with my cat. I would like to have a dog. Have you got a pet?

I can play tennis very well. But I can’t swim. I like to draw and play computer games. On Saturdays and Sundays I ride my bike in the park. What do you like to do? What can you do well?

Please write back.

Jane Hope.


1) Закончипредложение: Jane’sbirthdayis…

a) on the ninth of June.

b) on the nineteenth of July.

c) on the nineteenth of June.

2) Что умеет делать Джек? Выбери правильный ответ:

a) He can play tennis, draw, ride a bike and swim.

b) He can play computer games, draw, ride a bike and swim.

c) He can play tennis, draw, ride a bike and play computer games.

3) Найди предложение, которое не соответствует тексту:

a) Jack has got a pet.

b) Jack would like to have a cat.

c) Kitty is black and white.

d) Jack can ride a bike.

4. Выберинужноеслово:

1) My friends are / is nice.

2) He likes / like winter.

3) Mary does not lives / live in a big house.

4) February is the first / second month of the year.

5) April is the second / third month of spring.

5. Напиши словами:

1 января ______________________________

2 июня____________________________________

8 марта___________________________________

3 апреля__________________________________

6. Напиши, когда твой день рождения и что бы ты хотел получить в подарок.



Lessons 45-68 (III триместр)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку V-1

1. Зачеркнилишнееслово:

1) Saturday, December, Sunday, Wednesday, Tuesday

2) first, third, twelfth, birthday, second

3) July, June, January, August

4) envelope, letter, stamp, postcard, friend

5) ears, eyes, nose, hand, mouth


1) Do you like fairy tales?________________________

2) When is your birthday?_________________________

3) Can you play badminton?_______________________

4) Where do you live? ___________________________

5) What season do you like?________________________

3. Выберинужноеслово:

1) My friend’s name ______ (are, is) Dick.

2) He _______________ (likes, like) to go to school.

3) The family does not_________ (lives, live) in a big house.

4) June is the __________ (first, third) month of summer.

5) Cockerels _______________(sing, sings) in summer.

4. Расставь слова в правильном порядке:

1) you, Moscow, do, in, live?

2) in, to walk, he, likes, the park.

3) go, they, do, where?

4) a dog, have, got, you?

5) washes, Nick, hands, his, day, every.

6. Заполнипропуски ( am / is / are ):

1) Mary _________ at school.

2) I _______happy today!

3) ________you a good pupil?

4) We________ in London.

5) ______it healthy to eat apples every day?

7. Прочитай рассказ и вставь пропущенные слова:

home, his, gets up, breakfast, face, usually, watches

Andrew lives with his mum, dad and little sister Rose. Andrew is a pupil. He goes to school every day. He_____________ at seven o’clock. He washes his________- and hands, cleans his teeth. Andrew and his dad have ____________ at 7.45 am. Andrew comes _________ at 2 pm. After lunch he does ____________ homework and plays with Rose. In the evening Andrew ____________TV or reads books.Hegoestobedat 9 pm.

8. Напишиписьмодругупопереписке:

Dear friend

I am from_____________________________________________________

I live with_____________________________________________________

My birthday is on the____________________________________________

My favourite season is ___________________________________________

I like to_______________________________. I can___________________

I have got_____________________________________________________





Контрольная работа по английскому языку V-2

1. Зачеркнилишнееслово:

1) letter, envelope, stamp, postcard, friend

2) first, third, twelfth, birthday, second

3) July, June, January, August

4) May, Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday, Tuesday

5) ears, eyes, nose, toes, mouth

2. Найдиответынавопросы, запишинужнуюбукву:

1) Do you like fairy tales?______ a)Yes, I can.

2) When is your birthday?_______ b)Spring.

3) Can you play badminton?_____ c)on the 5th of October.

4) Where do you live? _________ d) In London.

5) What season do you like?______ e) Yes, I do

3. Выбери нужное слово:

1) My dog’s names ______ (are, is) Dick and Jack.

2) Tom _______________ (likes, like) to go to school.

3) Tim does not_________ (lives, live) in a big house.

4) May is the __________ (first, third) month of spring.

5) Birds _______________(sing, sings) in spring.

4. Расставь слова в правильном порядке:

1) go, they, do, where? ________________________________________

2) in, to walk, he, likes, the park.________________________________

3) you, Moscow, do, in, live?____________________________________

4) a dog, have, got, you? _______________________________________

5) washes, Nick, hands, his, day, every. ___________________________

5. Напишикраткийответ:

1) Do you go to school? ___________________________

2) Are you healthy? _______________________________

3) Do Jim and Jill like to play?________________________

4) Does your mum play the piano?______________________

5) Is your father a doctor? ____________________________

6. Заполнипропуски ( am / is / are ):

1) Mary _________ at school.

2) I _______happy today!

3) ________you a good pupil?

4) We________ in London.

5) ______it healthy to eat apples every day?

7. Прочитай рассказ и вставь пропущенные слова:

gets up, breakfast, home, her, reads face, usually,

Mary lives with her mum, dad and little brother Bill. Mary is a student. She goes to school every day. She_____________ at seven o’clock. Then she washes her________ and hands, cleans her teeth. Mary has ____________ at 7.30 am. Mary comes _________ at 3 pm. After lunch she does ____________ homework and plays with Bill. In the evening Mary watches TV or ____________ books. She goes to bed at 9.15 pm.

8. Напишиписьмодругупопереписке:

Dear friend

I am from_____________________________________________________

I live with_____________________________________________________

My birthday is on the____________________________________________

My favourite season is ___________________________________________

I like to_______________________________. I can___________________

I have got_____________________________________________________

Please write back.

Your friend_________________________.



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