Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа 7 класс 2 четверть

Контрольная работа 7 класс 2 четверть

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Контрольная работа за 2 четверть декабрь 2017, 7 класс

Ученика (цы)  7 «___» класса____________________________________________________________________

Всего 29 баллов

«5» - 29 - 26 баллов

«4» - 25 – 22 баллов

«3» - 21 –  15баллов

«2» - 14 - 0 баллов


1.      АудированиеБазовый уровень                                                                         (2 балла)

Listen, and decide which of the problems (1—5) Gienda Morrison, a linguist, doesn't speak about.

1. It's natural for people to have a "lingua franca".

2. Some European languages were a kind of "lingua franca" at different times.

3. People use English nowadays in different areas of our lives.

4. If your native language is dying out, you must try and keep it alive.

5. Some people dislike the fact that English is becoming the global tongue.


2.      Аудирование. Повышенный уровень.                                                                    (7 баллов)

Listen to what the boy from Norway says about his trip to some European countries, and decide which of the facts (1—7) are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).  


1. The speaker and his friends are classmates.

2. The three friends are interested in football.

3. The three friends went to Copenhagen to watch a football match.

4. It took the friends about half an hour to find the Irish pub.

5. The boys could hardly understand Danish1.

6. The boys enjoyed their trip to Europe.

7. English helped them in all European countries.















3.      Чтение. Базовый уровень.                                                                                      (4 баллов)

Read the texts (1—4) and match them with the titles (a—e). There is one title you don't have to use.

a) Fashion and Climate

b) Useful Advice

c) Not Wanted

d) Angry and Surprised

e) Positive Changes


1. After lunch the class received the news about going to the Victoria and Albert Museum with enthusiasm. I told them we were going there the following Thursday together with their biology teacher. Some of the pupils wanted to know if Miss Jackson really had to come. I understood that this teacher wasn't their favorite.

2. I soon understood that our classes with the new teacher were quite different from Mr. Florian's lessons. Every day they were becoming more and more interesting. The lessons were very informal, we could ask any question and discussed lots of problems important for us. The new teacher gave us much more than the textbook information.

3. When I began my teaching career, dad told me not to bring my pupils' works home. "It shows your poor planning, son," he said. "You'll find soon that you're busy every night. Teaching is like having a bank account. You should have new funds or you are in difficulties. Every teacher should have a fund of ready information and that means new ideas, new meetings, new discoveries,

moving around among people."

4. One morning in our geography lesson we discussed the type of dress people wore in different climatic zones: Eskimos of Alaska and their dress of animal skins, people living in the south and their thin cotton or silk clothes. Larry said that many people in the tropics put very little on and some of them just used a bit of paint here and there.

1          с

2         e

3                   b

4          а




4.      Чтение. Повышенный  уровень.                                                                             (6 баллов)

Read the text and complete it with the phrases (a—f).

a) often last longer than sixty minutes

b) like the air

c) an American linguist

d) except on very cold days

e) people create languages

f ) and it is not from Guinea

English is a Crazy  Language

Have you got any problems with English? Does it sometimes seem too difficult or illogical? Richard Lederer, (1)_______________ , writes many interesting things about his native language. Here are some

of them. Let's face it — English is a crazy language, the most lunatic of all languages. In the crazy English language, blackboards can be green or blue, and blackberries1 are green, then red and black only in the end. There is no egg in eggplant, no grape in grapefruit, and no room in mushroom, neither pine nor apple in pineapple and no ham in hamburger. In this English tongue a guinea pig is not a pig__________________(2)

Language is (3)______________________we breathe —we just use it. But when we take the time to listen to what we say, we find that hot dogs can be cold and we can do homework at school. Hours — especially rush-hours — (4)_______________ , and most bathrooms don't have any baths in them but have showers. Why is it that a king rules a kingdom but a queen doesn't rule a queendom? If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldn't the plural of booth be beeth?

If people make olive, what do they make baby oil from? If hard is the opposite of soft, why is hardly not opposite of softly? If harmless actions are the opposite of harmful actions, why are shameful behavior and shameless behavior the same? Why are pricey1 objects less expensive than priceless ones?

Why is it that the Sun or the Moon or the stars are out, they are visible2, but when the lights are out, they are invisibles? And in what other language can your nose run?

To tell the truth, all languages are a little crazy. That's because (5)_____________ , not computers. That's why six, seven, eight and nine change to sixty, seventy, eighty and ninety, but two, three, four and five do not become twonty, threety, fourty and fivety. That's why

we wear a pair of pants but, (6)___________________ not a pair of shirts. That's why when I wind up  my watch, I start it, but when I wind up5 a speech or an essay,  I end it.








5.      Лексико грамматический контроль. Базовый уровень                                  (5 баллов)

 Choose the right answer (a, b or c)

1. … Sun is shining brightly but there are … clouds in …sky.

a) the, -, the             b) the, the, the           c)the, -, -

2. Dr Clerk works in …. hospital.

a)a     b) the     c)-

3. The wind was so strong that it turned our umbrellas.

a) inside out             b)upside down            c)inside down

4. Though Boris said he hadn`t ridden his brother`s bicycle, Allan… and Boris had to explain where he had been and how he had broken his brother`s bike.

a) pushed him to the wall   b) pushed himself together     c) pulled him to pieces

5. Someone … my bike and … it.

a) has ridden, has broken        b) rode, has been breaking            c) has been riding, has broken


6. Лексико грамматический контроль. Повышенный уровень                                      (5 баллов) Put the word in capitals in the right form.

Are today`s teenagers really lazy, rude and 1) __unhelpful__________________?                                                                             

We talked to forty teenagers and their parents. They said their mother                    

was their 2)__________closest_______ friend. Several teenagers said they were not                       

happy at home, but they also said their 3) ___families______ were important                        

to them. They have many 4) __different__________ opinions. Young people have               

more__different_______________  opportunities than in the past. They have more money,                   

more chances  to get a good 5)__education_________________. 










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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в дошкольном образовании


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