Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыКонтрольная работа 6 класс Starlight (1-2unit)

Контрольная работа 6 класс Starlight (1-2unit)

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A    Complete the sentences with the correct word.

 fizzy• trendy • fitness •   pedestrian • junk • bridge • road sign • measure •  imagination •  cucumber

1.   This kind of jacket is very  ................................ this season.

2.   There’s a good restaurant, a bar and a ................................ centre in this town.

3.   This monument …………… about ten meters high.

4.   You can use your  …………… to create some new dish.

5.   There were three  ................................ standing at the zebra crossing.

6.   We need a new  ................................ to cross the river.

7.   There was no  ................................ allowing parking on this part of the street.

8.                 You can have …………… salad with the meat.

9.                 …………… food is very harmful for any stomach. You should avoid it.

10.            Lemonade is a popular …………… drink among teens.

B    Underline the correct item.


1.     level (crossing/sign)

2.     road (sign/video)

3.     traffic (lights/cars)

4.     bus (lane/park)

5.     police (car/bus)

6.     A bottle of waffles/cola

7.     A bunch of cherries/bananas

8.     A bar of soup/chocolate

9.     A pot of celery/yogurt

10. A tin of soup/cereal


C    Choose the correct item.

1. You should go … the church to get there.

        A  over       B  out       C  past


2.    We can go … the hill to see the view.

        A  up           B  down    C  into



3.    What can you see … the window?

        A  towards  B  in         C   through


4.    Kelly lives … the street near the park.

        A  across     B  past      C  over


5   You may walk … the bridge here.

              A  out of B       along C       under

6.     Is there … salt in your soup?

        A  too         B  much   C  enough


7.    The meat dish is … spicy. I don’t like it much.

        A  too         B  so         C  enough


8.    Do you spend much money on … out?

        A  go           B  going   C  to go


9.    Let’s stop … lunch in this restaurant.

        A  have       B  having C  to have


10.   Unfortunately, I forgot … the window and now it is raining!

A       close  B closing     C       to close




D    Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated).




















1         Yellowstone is in America......................

2         Yellowstone is one of the national parks.             

3         Yellowstone is famous for geysers..........

4         A lot of tourists visit Yellowstone every year........  

5         Yellowstone was opened in the 16th century. ........  

6         Yellowstone is the home of eagles..........

7         Yellowstone offers different programs.                

8         Yellowstone is in the north of America.               

9         They don’t give food to animals in Yellowstone...  

10    There are no mountains in Yellowstone.              



        Everyday English


E    Choose the correct response.



  1    A: Can I help you?

        B: a Thank you.

           b I’d like a ticket to Moscow.


  2    A: Single or return?

        B: a Just a second.

           b Single, please.


  3    A: What time does it leave?

        B: a Here you are.

            B .In 15 minutes.

4      A: What would you like to drink?

        B: a Lemonade, please.

           b So that’s it.


  5    A: So that’s a cheese omelette and a cup of tea?

        B: a Right, please.

           b That’s right. Thank you.







2 variant



A    Complete the sentences with the correct word.


 dessert •   fireworks • taste•  picturesque• detached •   pavement • tunnel  • popular • speed• cuisine


1.   What is there for the …………… today? We’d like something sweet.

2.     London fruit markets are a …………… place for any visitor.

3.     The Simpsons live separately in a ................................ house.

4.     It was rather dark to go through the ................................ .

5.     The desserts in this café can suit any …………… .

6.     What national …………… do you prefer?

7.     It is better to watch …………… at night. It is more picturesque.

8.     It is a ................................ amusement park in the city.

9.     The ................................ limit on the roads is 60 km per hour.

10. The surface of the ................................ soon became very uneven.

B    Underline the correct item.


1         Shopping menu/list

2         Eating snack/habits

3         Coat/Jacket potatoes

4         A bag of crisps/tomatoes

5         A tub of chips/ice cream

6         road (crime/crossing)

7         oncoming (traffic/pavement)

8         reality (show/car)

9         hand-held (show/camera)

10    video (lane/footage)


C    Choose the correct item.

1. There is … juice in the glass.

        A  some      B  any      C  a


2.    Are there … potatoes left in the fridge?

        A  some       B  any       C  no





3.    There … not much sugar in the sugar basin.

        A  are          B  is          C   any

4.    I usually have tea with … milk.

        A  much      B  a little  C  many


5.    There is … cereal in the bowl.

   A  too many    B  too much  C any


6.     Do they … go to bed early in their family?

        A  usually   B  now     C  never


  7    George won the competition … .

        A  often       B  always C  today


  8    Charlie ... get up when it’s still dark.

        A  can         B  can’t    C  has to


  9    Drivers ... go over the speed limit.

        A  mustn’t  B  could   C  can’t


10    Children … to go to school on Sundays.

        A  don’t have to           B can..... C..... must




D    Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated)























1.In Russia any meal is finished with tea.             

2.All Russians like tea.                                        


1.In Russia any meal is finished with tea.                  

2.All Russians like tea.                                                     

3.Tea is served with cookies, candies, and cakes...  

4.Large meals are not followed by tea.                      

5.Candies may be made with wafers.                        

6.Fruit is used to cook tarts and candies.                  

7.Homemade desserts are tastier.                              

8.It is easy to cook vareniki.                                           

9.Dried fruit is used to cook compote.                        

10.Russian tea is a very heavy meal.          



Everyday English


E    Choose the correct response.


1      A: Are you ready to order?

        B: a I think we are.

           b I’d like a cup of tea.


  2    A: Can I have scrambled eggs?

        B: a Just a second.

           b Sure, no problem.


  3    A: Any side orders?

        B: a Here you are.

            b            No, thank you.


  4    A: Thank you.

        B: a You are welcome.

           b See you.


  5    A: How much are the tickets?

        B: a Thirty roubles, please.

           b That’s right.











I.                   1. Trendy   2. Fitness  3. Measure  4. Imagination  5. Pedestrians

 6. bridge  7. Road sign  8. Cucumber  9. Fast  10.fizzy

II.    1.  Crossing 2. Sign 3. Lights  4 lane  5. Car  6. Cola  7. Bananas  8. Chocolate  9. Yogurt  10. Soup

III, 1C  2A  3.C  4.A  5. C   6. C   7. A   8.B  9. C  10. C

IV. 1T  2T   3T   4. NS  5. F  6.F  7. T  8.NS   9. F  10.  F

V. 1B   2B    3B   4A    5B


2 variant

I.                   1. Dessert  2. Picturesque  3. Detached  4.tunnel  5. Taste   6. Cuisine 7. Firework  8. Popular   9. Speed  10.pavement

II.                1. List  2. Habits 3. Jackets  4.crisps 5. Ice-cream  6.crime  7. Traffic  8. Show  9.      Camera  10. Foootasge

III.             1A   2B   3B    4. B  5B   6A   7C   8.C    9A   10A

IV.            1T  2NS   3T   4. F   5.T  6 F  7.T    8.  T   9. T  10T

V.               1A   2B      3B   4A    5A                                                                                                                                                                               


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