Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыКонтрольная работа Passive voice Level B

Контрольная работа Passive voice Level B

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№  1



I    Выберите форму эквивалентную данной:

1. My favourite song (поют)  now.

a) sing                        b) is sung                c)   is being sung

2. (Будет)  the translation (сделан) tomorrow?

a)will be done        b)shall be done        c) wil do

3. The anniversary of this writer (празднуется)  all over the world.

a)has been celebrated   b)have been celebrated       c)had been celebrated

4. Potatoes (выращивается) everywhere.

a)grow        b)is grown      c)are grown

5. (На) English (говорят) in at least 45 countries now.

a)is speaking       b)is being spoken    c)is spoken



II   Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.      Numerous questions were being discussed by the commission.

2.      The students are asked a lot of questions at the seminar.

3.      The work is being done now and soon it will be finished.

4.      The letter had been received by yesterday evening.

5.      This article will be discussed by the  students.

1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

6.Present Perfect   Passive                                             

7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

8.Future Perfect Passive                                                 .





III  Переведите на русский язык:

1.The  post cards will have been sent by the holiday.

2. This play has been staged for some years.

3.The house was built of stone.

4. They are being explained a new grammar rule.

5. I am being waited for.









№  2


I  Выберите форму , эквивалентную данной:

1  The student (экзаменуют). Don’t enter the room.

a)      is being examined       b) are being examined         c) is examining

2 Walt Disney’s films  (показывают)   regularly at the cinema and TV.

a)      show               b) are shown              c) is shown   

3 When they entered the study their contract (подписывался)  by the  director.

      a  ) was being signed       b) is being signed          c) was signed 

4  The work  (не закончена)    yet.

a)      has not been finished  b) had not been finished   c) is not finished    

5  The program  (будет напечатана)  by the beginning of the conference.

        a)shall have been typed  b) has been typed    c) will have been typed



II Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.All the tests have been retyped.

2.She is being taught English now.

3. This book was written by a famous  writer.

4.The house has been built this year.

5.This  translation will be done in time.


1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                           

2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

8.Future Perfect Passive                                                 .




III  Переведите на русский язык:

1.The prices will be settled.

2.He was being looked for all day long yesterday.

3. New houses have been built this year.

4. Your car is being repaired now.

5. The  article had been printed  by seven o’clock.











№ 3


I Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1.Chrismas Day (празднуют)  since Pagan times  (языческие времена).

 a) had been celebrated           b)has been celebrated       c) have been celebrated 

2. Do you like the way you  (обслуживают)?

a) are being served     b) is being served       c) serve

3. His report  (обсуждался)  when  I   came to the  meeting.

a) was discussing    b) was discussed     c) was being discussed

4. The contract  (будет подписан)   in a week.

a) will sign        b)will be signed      c) is signed

5. Festivals    (посещаются)  a lot of people.

a) are attended      b) attend     c) is attended 



II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.      I shall be called tomorrow.

2.      Dinner is being  cooked.

3.      Tickets for this film were being sold here from 12 to 14.

4.      Her name has just been mentioned.

5.       A lot of students are taught in Moscow.


1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

8.Future Perfect Passive                                                 .



III Переведите на русский язык:

1.      He was offered a new job.

2.      His report is being listened to with a great attention.

3.      The new equipment has not been delivered yet.

4.      Tickets will have booked  by out trip.

5.       He is seen here every day.












№  4


I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1. A lot  of  letters  ( посылают)  ever day.

a) is sent            b) are sent       c) have been sent

2. Films   (смотрели)   from morning till evening yesterday.

a)  were being seen     b) have been seen   c) are seen

3. The Statue of Liberty  (построили)  by the end of 1886.

a) was constructed       b) was being constructed    c) had been constructed

4. They  (дадут)  a new flat  by  the beginning of the year.

a) will give      b) will be given      c) will have been given

5. The rule  (объяснено)  very well by the teacher.

a) have been explained   b) has been explained    c) has explained



II Определите  время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.      TV-sets and radios  are produced at this plant.

2.      Their luggage has been lost.

3.      The article was being looked through by the students at that time.

4.      A very interesting job will have been recommended to him by New Year.

5.      She will be met at the station.

1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

8.Future Perfect Passive  



III  Переведите на русский язык:

1.When will the mail be delivered?

2.Abacus  (счёты)  is still being used in some parts of the world.

3. The house had not been repaired  yet when we came there.

4. Books are not sold here.

5. Dinner had been cooked by  two o’clock.













№  5


I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1 Very often grammar (преподают)  on grammar structures.

a)     teach           b )is teaching           c) is taught

2  Musicals  (исполняются)  by the  students at the holidays parties.

a)      perform        b) is performed       c) are performed

3  The car (отремонтировали)  when he returned.

a)      had been repaired     b)has been repaired    c) was being repaired

4   Dinner   (готовят)   now.

a)      is being cooked         b) was being cooked      c) is cooking

5   London  (делится)   into two parts by the river Thames.

a)      divide               b) is divided           c) is dividing



II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1 One of the oldest Cambridge Universities was founded in 1288.

2 The doctor had been sent for   before I came.

3 She has never been seen at the meeting.

4  The house is being built.

5  A new school will soon be opened in our street.


1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

8.Future Perfect Passive  



III Переведите на русский язык:

1.      The first radio station was constructed in 1890.

2.      He is usually informed at once.

3.      This question was being discussed when I entered the room.

4.      This film has been shown this year at the Festival.

5.      The report will have been prepared by the conference.












№  6


I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1. The Tower of London stands today almost unchanged since first it (был построен) in the 11th century.

a)     were built        b) is built       c) was built

2. The bike  (отремонтировали)

a)      repaired            b) was repairing         c) has been repaired

3. New proposals (рассматриваются)  by  the  committee.

       a )are being considered         b) consider      b) are considering

4. The tallest   skyscraper( небоскрёб)     (расположен) in   Chicago.

       a)was located           b)is located        c) located

5. He (спросят)  at  the lesson tomorrow.

        a) will be asked     b) is asked        c)will ask



II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.      She is helped by her friends.

2.      Whose car is being repaired now?

3.      A new play will have been staged.

4.      Our delegation has been met  today.

5.      School had been finished by them by 17.

1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

8.Future Perfect Passive  



III Переведите на русский язык:

1.      The new equipment will be tested on Monday.

2.      A totally new safety system is being installed.

3.      The temperature has been maintained at the point of 20 degrees since the beginning of the experiment.

4.      The results of the last experiment were constantly referred to   by the professor.

5.      The street has been widened.











№  7


I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1.      New computers (используются)  by them now.

a)     are used           b) are being used          c) use  

2.       This book (возьмут)   before you come.

                     a)will have been taken     b) will be taken      c)will take

       3. Nothing  (было слышно)  of him since  that time.

                      a) have been heard    b)has been heard     c) had been heard

        4. The radio  (было изобретено)  many years ago.

                        a) was invented    b) is invented    c) invent

         5. The newspapers  usually  (приносят)  in the morning.

                       a) is brought          b) were brought      c) are brought



II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.      An interesting problem was discussed at the lecture.

2.      The work was being done all the day.

3.      The report will be followed by a discussion.

4.      The letter will have been received.

5.      A new TV-set has just been  bought.


1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

8.Future Perfect Passive  



III Переведите на русский язык:

1.      The papers had been looked  through by the evening.

2.      We are given a lot of advice by our parents.

3.      She watched TV  while dinner was being prepared.

4.      The computer program  was very easy. It was learned  in a couple  of hours. 

5.      All the questions will have been discussed before he  comes.












№  8


I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1.      The plans of the next year (обсуждаются)  at the meeting.

a)      are discussed        b) are being discussed         c) are discussing 

2.      The report (готовится)  by one of the best student of the group.

a)      is being prepared    b) is preparing    c) is prepared

3.      Recently we (навестили)  by our  friends.

a)      visit           b) have been visited       c) has been visited    

4.      My sister (помогают)   to do this difficult task.

a)      is helped          b) are helped           c) helps

5.      We  (пригласят)  to his birthday’s  party after  tomorrow.

a)      invite          b) will invite       c) shall be invited 




II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.      The pop singers arrived at the airport and were welcomed by thousand of funs.

2.      The exposition was being opened when we drove up to the picture gallery.

3.      The old motorway is used by many people but it’s not very convenient, that’s why a new ring-road  is  being  built in the city.

4.      His brother was fined for exceeding  speed limit yesterday.

5.      Don’t leave your  bicycle outside. It will be stolen.


1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

8.Future Perfect Passive  



III Переведите на русский язык:

1.      It has been estimated that half of the population regard TV  as their main source of news.

2.      The document was looked for everywhere.

3.      The experiment has been carried out successfully and the results will soon be published.

4.      He is interested in history since his childhood.

5.      The new apparatus will have been installed   by  the beginning of the month.









№  9



I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1.      New houses (были построены)  this year.

a)      have been built            b) were built              c) had been built   

2.      Computers and electronic equipment (производят) in this  industrial city.

a)     are produced          b) is produced        c) produce        

3.      What subjects   (преподают)  …..  you   …..    now?

a)      teach               b) are teaching         c) are being taught

4.      Shakespeare (переводят)  into Russian more frequently(чаще)   than any other foreign writer.

a)      are translated               b) have translated      c) has been translated 

5.      The document (будет  напечатан)  by the beginning of the conference.

a)     type                 b) is typed           c) will have been typed




II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.Can you hear footsteps behind?

2. Many towns were destroyed by the earthquake  in China.

3. She has not been seen for a week already.

4. The child hopes he will be given  presents by Santa Clause.

5. I was asked a lot of questions about the future  examinations.


             1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

             2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

             3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

             4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

             5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

             6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

             7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

             8.Future Perfect Passive  



III Переведите на русский язык:

1.I am often asked about you.

2. A   new  hotel  is being built in this district.

3.Children are being  secured at schools now

4.A very interesting novel will have been recommended to him for reading.

5. Everything  has been done  since that time. 










№  10



I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1.       I am sure that this film (покажут)  by the end of the week.

a)      will be shown      b) will show     c) will have been shown

2.      This questions  (обсуждался)  when I entered  the  room.

a)      was being discussed     b) will be discussed      c) was discussed

3.      This book  (ссылались)   very often.

a)      was referred to     b) is referred to          c) will be referred  to

4.      He  (видели)   at the  laboratory today.

a)      had been seen     b) has been seen     c) will have been seen

5.       The house   (строится)   now.

a)      build     b) is being built     c) is building



II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.      The latest surgical instruments were used during this unique operation.

2.      The construction of the road was being completed  when the commission arrived.

3.      A new  research  is being carried out successfully.

4.      The papers have not  yet been sent.

5.      Have you ever been taught to play chess?


            1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

             2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

             3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

             4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

             5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

             6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

             7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

             8.Future Perfect Passive  



III Переведите на русский язык:

1.      This play has been staged for some years.

2.      He is usually translated the texts.

3.      His report is being listened to with great attention.

4.      The post cards will have been sent by the holiday.

5.      He had been examined when you came.










№  11


I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1.      Potatoes  (выращивается)  everywhere.

a)grow         b) is grown        c) are grown

    2. What subjects  (преподают) …   you … now?

         a) teach     b) are being taught    c) are teaching

    3. This work (будет сделана)  as soon as  possible.

          a) will do      b) will be done      c) will have been done

     4. The bike  (отремонтирован) .

           a) repaired       b) was repairing        c) has been repaired

      5. He   (рассказали)  this  news before he left.

           a) had been told     b) was  told      c) told



II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.      School had been finished by them  by 17.

2.      They were being examined by the teacher when I came.

3.      They were informed about the accident at once.

4.      I shall be called tomorrow.

5.      She is not helped.


           1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

             2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

             3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

             4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

             5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

             6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

             7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

             8.Future Perfect Passive  



III Переведите на русский язык:

1.      This book was written by a famous writer.

2.       English  is being spoken in  at least  45 countries now.

3.      All the texts have been typed this week.

4.      A    new film is being shown.

5.      He will be met at the airport.












№  12


I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1.      A new hotel  (строят)  in the centre  of the city.

a)      is built           b) is being built        c) has been built   

2.      The article  (перевели)  by five o’clock.

a)      had been  translated     b) was translated       c) translated

3.      He  (не видели)   today.

a)      has not been seen          b) was not seen      c) is not seen 

4.      Music    (любят)   by many  people.

a)      was loved           b) loves          c) is loved

5.      The book  ( будет обсуждена)  by us.

a)      is discussed            b) will discuss         c) will be discussed



II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.      The contract will be signed soon.

2.      The car is being repaired now.

3.      London is divided into two parts by the river Thames.

4.      A very interesting job will have been recommended to him by the end of the week.

5.      The papers had been looked through by the evening.


            1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

             2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

             3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

             4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

             5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

             6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

             7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

             8.Future Perfect Passive  




III Переведите на русский язык:

1.      The helicopter was constructed in Russia.

2.      We couldn’t  cross the river in this place. A new bridge over it was still being built.

3.      This actor is much spoken about. He is so talented.

4.      He always drives carelessly and is often stopped and fined by the police.

5.      He was made to do the room and to wash up.











№  13


I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1.      The report (будет подготовлен)  by the conference.

a)      will have been prepared    b) are prepared    c) will be prepared

2.      All necessary information  (хранится)   in the computer.

a)      is stored        b) are stored       c) was being stored

3.      They    (объясняют)  a new grammar  rule.

a)      is being explained      b) are being explained      c) are explained     

4.      The house (построили)  this year.

a)      is built          b) had been built       c) has been built

5.      He (сказали)   to come  in time.

a)      was  told       b) is told       C) is being told




II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.      They were being taught  English at that lesson.

2.      The child is taken care of.

3.      Invitations have been sent to all the old pupils to be present at the school’s anniversary.

4.      When I came home, dinner was being cooked.

5.      Do you like the way you are being served?


             1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

             2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

             3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

             4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

             5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

             6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

             7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

             8.Future Perfect Passive  



III Переведите на русский язык:

1.      A new school is being built in our district.

2.       Butter is made from milk.

3.      The new equipment has not been delivered yet.

4.      A new film was being discussed at the cinema conference.

5.      I  felt  I was being watched.










№  14



I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1.      The anniversary  of this writer (празднуется) all over the world

a)      have been celebrated   b) has been celebrated      c) had been celebrated

2.      The student  (экзаменуют). Don’t  enter  the room.

a)      are being examined     b) is being examined    c) is examining

3.      (Будет)  the translation  (сделан)  tomorrow?

a)      will be done   b) shall be done    c) will do

4.      Potatoes (выращивается)   everywhere.

a)      grow             b) are grown       c) is grown

5.      The article (будет  обсуждаться)  by the students.

a)      will discuss      b) is being discussed    c) will be discussed




II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.      She is being taught English.

2.       This picture was painted by a famous artist.

3.      Her name has just been mentioned.

4.      I  shall be called tomorrow.

5.       His  luggage has been lost.


            1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

             2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

             3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

             4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

             5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

             6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

             7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

             8.Future Perfect Passive  



III Переведите на русский язык:

1.      Meals is not sold here.

2.      When will the mail be delivered?

3.      She is offered a new job.

4.      His report is being listened to  with  great attention.

5.      The book  will have been bought by the end of the week.










№  15



I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1.      The grammar rule  (объяснено)  very well by the teacher.

a)     have been explained     b) has been explained    c) has explained

2.      A lot of letters  (посылают)    every day.

a)     are sent       b) have been sent           c) is sent

3.      The program   (будет напечатана)  by the end of the month.

a)     has been typed        b) will have been typed     c) shall have been typed

4.      Festivals  (посещаются)  by a lot of people.

a)     is attended         b) are attended      c) attend

5.      His report (обсуждался)   when I came to the meeting.

a)     was discussing       b) was discussed      c) was being discussed   




II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.      Our guests will be met at the airport.

2.      The doctor had been  sent for before I came.

3.      A new Metro line  is being  built.

4.      Our delegation has been met today.

5.      The report will be followed by a discussion.


            1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

             2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

             3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

             4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

             5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

             6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

             7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

             8.Future Perfect Passive  




III Переведите на русский язык:

1.      The street has been widened.

2.      A totally new safety system is being installed.

3.      He is usually informed at once.

4.      All information will have been prepared by the conference.

5.      A  new  school  will soon be opened in our street.









№  16



I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1.      We (пригласят)  to his birthday’s  party tomorrow.

a)      invite          b) will invite       c) shall be invited

2.      My brother  (помогают)  to do this difficult task.

a)      is helped      b) are helped       c) helps 

3.       The plans  of the next year  (обсуждаются) at the  meeting.

a)are being discussed     b) are discussing       c) are discussed

        4.  Recently we  (навестили)  by  our friends.

              a) visit              b) have been visited     c) has been visited

         5.  The report  (последует)     by a discussion.

              a) was followed       b) will be followed       c) is followed




II  Определите  время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.      The letter will have been received by tomorrow evening.

2.      An interesting problem was discussed at the lecture.

3.      A new  TV-set  has just been bought.

4.      The work was being done all the day yesterday.

5.      The top singer arrived at the airport and was welcomed by  hundreds of fans.


            1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

             2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

             3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

             4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

             5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

             6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

             7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

             8.Future Perfect Passive  




III Переведите на русский язык:

1.      All the questions will have been  discussed before he comes.

2.      The results of the last experiment were constantly referred to  by the professor.

3.      He watched TV  while dinner was being prepared.

4.      We are given a lot  of advice by our parents.

5.      His brother was fined for  exceeding speed limit yesterday.










№  17



I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1.      The document   (будет напечатан)  by the  beginning of the  conference.

a)      type       b) will have been typed          c) is typed

2.      Computers  and electronic equipment  (производят)  in this industrial city.

a)      are produced        b) produce            c) is produced  

3.      This question  (обсуждался)  when  I entered the room.

a)      will be discussed     b) was being discussed      c)was discussed

4.      He   (видели) at the  conference today.

a)had been seen      b) will have been seen    c) has been seen

       5. The house    (строится) now.

              a) build        b) is building        c) is being built



II  Определите  время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.      The exposition was being opened when we drove up to the picture gallery.

2.      Don’t leave  your bicycle outside. It will be stolen.

3.      I was asked a lot of questions at the seminar.

4.      The new apparatus   will have been installed by the beginning of the month.

5.      Children are being secured at schools now.

            1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

             2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

             3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

             4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

             5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

             6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

             7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

             8.Future Perfect Passive  



III Переведите на русский язык:

1.      He is interested in  history since his childhood

2.      The experiment has been carried out successfully and the results will soon published

3.      A new film is being shown in all cinemas now.

4.      I  had been examined when you came.

5.      This book was written by a famous  writer.











№  18



I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1.      The bike   (отремонтирован)

a)      has been repaired         b) was repairing       c) repaired

2.      The article  (перевели)  by the end of the week

a)      had been translated     b) was translated     c) translates1

3.      He  (рассказали)   this news before he left.

a)      was told       b) had been told      c) told

4.      This work    (будет сделана)     in time.

a)      will do             b) will have been done        c) will be done

5.      A new hotel  (строят)   in our street.

a)      is built       b) has been built        c) is being built


II  Определите  время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.      They were being examined by the teacher when I came in.

2.      She is not helped.

3.      The house has been built  this year.

4.      Do you like  the way you are being served?

5.      A very interesting  job will have been recommended to him by the end of the week.


            1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

             2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

             3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

             4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

             5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

             6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

             7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

             8.Future Perfect Passive  



III Переведите на русский язык:

1.      A  new film  is being discussed now.

2.       He was made to do the room and to wash up.

3.       A new bridge over the river was still being built.

4.       She is usually translated the texts.

5.       A very interesting detective story will have been recommended to him for reading.









№  19


I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1  Very often grammar (преподают)  on grammar structures.

b)     teach           b )is teaching           c) is taught

2  Musicals  (исполняются)  by the  students at the holidays parties.

b)      perform        b) is performed       c) are performed

3  The car (отремонтировали)  when he returned.

b)      had been repaired     b)has been repaired    c) was being repaired

4   Dinner   (готовят)   now.

b)      is being cooked         b) was being cooked      c) is cooking

5   London  (делится)   into two parts by the river Thames.

b)      divide               b) is divided           c) is dividing



II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1 One of the oldest Cambridge Universities was founded in 1288.

2 The doctor had been sent for before I came.

3 She has never been seen at the meeting.

4  The house is being built.

5  A new school will soon be opened in our street.


1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

8.Future Perfect Passive  



III Переведите на русский язык:

6.      The first radio station was constructed in 1890.

7.      He is usually informed at once.

8.      This question was being discussed when I entered the room.

9.      This film has been shown this year at the Festival.

10.  The report will have been prepared by the conference.












№  20


I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

3.      New computers (используются)  by them now.

b)     are used           b) are being used          c) use  

4.       This book (возьмут)   before you come.

                     a)will have been taken     b) will be taken      c)will take

       3. Nothing  (было слышно)  of him since  that time.

                      a) have been heard    b)has been heard     c) had been heard

        4. The radio  (было изобретено)  many years ago.

                        a) was invented    b) is invented    c) invent

         5. The newspapers  usually  (приносят)  in the morning.

                       a) is brought          b) were brought      c) are brought



II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

6.      An interesting problem was discussed at the lecture.

7.      The work was being done all the day.

8.      The report will be followed by a discussion.

9.      The letter will have been received.

10.  A new TV-set has just been  bought.


1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

8.Future Perfect Passive  



III Переведите на русский язык:

6.      The papers had been looked  through by the evening.

7.      We are given a lot of advice by our parents.

8.      She watched TV while dinner was being prepared.

9.      The computer program  was very easy. It was learned in a couple  of hours. 

10.  All the questions will have been discussed before he  comes.












№  21


I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

6.      New houses (были построены)  this year.

b)      have been built            b) were built              c) had been built   

7.      Computers and electronic equipment (производят) in this  industrial city.

b)     are produced          b) is produced        c) produce        

8.      What subjects   (преподают)  …..  you   …..    now?

b)      teach               b) are teaching         c) are being taught

9.      Shakespeare (переводят) into Russian more  frequently(чаще)   than any other foreign writer.

b)      are translated               b) have translated      c) has been translated 

10.  The document (будет  напечатан)  by the beginning of the conference.

b)     type                 b) is typed           c) will have been typed




II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.Can you hear footsteps behind?

2. Many towns were destroyed by the earthquake  in China.

3. She has not been seen for a week already.

4. The child  hopes he will be given  presents by Santa Clause.

5. I was asked a lot of questions about the future  examinations.


             1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

             2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

             3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

             4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

             5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

             6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

             7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

             8.Future Perfect Passive  



III Переведите на русский язык:

1.I  am often asked about you.

2. A   new  hotel  is being built in this district.

3.Children are being  secured at schools now

4 A very interesting novel will have been recommended to him for reading.

5. Everything  has been done  since that time. 










№  22


I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

2.      Potatoes  (выращивается)  everywhere.

a)grow         b) is grown        c) are grown

    2. What subjects  (преподают) …   you … now?

         a) teach     b) are being taught    c) are teaching

    3. This work (будет сделана)  as soon as  possible.

          a) will do      b) will be done      c) will have been done

     4. The bike  (отремонтирован) .

           a) repaired       b) was repairing        c) has been repaired

      5. He   (рассказали)  this  news before he left.

           a) had been told     b) was  told      c) told



II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

6.      School had been finished by them by 17.

7.      They were being examined by the teacher when I came.

8.      They were informed about the accident at once.

9.      I shall be called tomorrow.

10.  She is not helped.


           1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

             2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

             3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

             4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

             5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

             6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

             7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

             8.Future Perfect Passive  



III Переведите на русский язык:

6.      This book was written by a famous writer.

7.       English  is being spoken in at least 45 countries now.

8.      All the texts have been typed this week.

9.      A    new film is being shown.

10.  He will be met at the airport.












№  23



I Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1.Chrismas Day (празднуют)  since Pagan times  (языческие времена).

 a) had been celebrated           b)has been celebrated       c) have been celebrated 

2. Do you like the way you  (обслуживают)?

a) are being served     b) is being served       c) serve

3. His report  (обсуждался) when  I   came to the  meeting.

a) was discussing    b) was discussed     c) was being discussed

4. The contract  (будет подписан)   in a week.

a) will sign        b)will be signed      c) is signed

5. Festivals    (посещаются)  a lot of people.

a) are attended      b) attend     c) is attended 



II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

6.      I shall be called tomorrow.

7.      Dinner is being  cooked.

8.      Tickets for this film were being sold here from 12 to 14.

9.      Her name has just been mentioned.

10.   A lot of students are taught in Moscow.


1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

6.Present Perfect   Passive                                            

7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

8.Future Perfect Passive                                                 .



III Переведите на русский язык:

6.      He was offered a new job.

7.      His report is being listened to  with a great attention.

8.      The new equipment has not been delivered yet.

9.      Tickets will have booked  by out trip.

10.   He is seen here every day.











№  24


I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1. The Tower of London stands today almost unchanged since first it (был построен) in the 11th century.

b)     were built        b) is built       c) was built

2. The bike  (отремонтировали)

b)      repaired            b) was repairing         c) has been repaired

3. New proposals (рассматриваются)  by the  committee.

       a)are being considered         b) consider      b) are considering

4. The tallest  skyscraper( небоскрёб)     (расположен)  in   Chicago.

       a)was located           b)is located        c) located

5. He (спросят)  at the lesson tomorrow.

        a) will be asked     b) is asked        c)will ask



II  Определите время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

6.      She is helped by her friends.

7.      Whose car is being repaired now?

8.      A new play will have been staged.

9.      Our delegation has been met  today.

10.  School had been finished by them by 17.

1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

6.Present Perfect   Passive                                             

7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

8.Future Perfect Passive  



III Переведите на русский язык:

6.      The new equipment will be tested on Monday.

7.      A totally new safety system is being installed.

8.      The temperature has been maintained at the point of 20 degrees since the beginning of the experiment.

9.      The results of the last experiment were constantly referred to by the professor.

10.  The street has been widened.












№  25



I  Выберите форму, эквивалентную данной:

1. A lo t of  letters  ( посылают)  ever day.

a) is sent            b) are sent       c) have been sent

2. Films   (смотрели)   from morning till evening yesterday.

a)  were being seen     b) have been seen   c) are seen

3. The Statue of Liberty  (построили)  by the end of 1886.

a) was constructed       b) was being constructed    c) had been constructed

4. They  (дадут)  a new flat   by the beginning of the year.

a) will give      b) will be given      c) will have been given

5. The rule  (объяснено)  very well by the teacher.

a) have been explained   b) has been explained    c) has explained



II Определите  время, в котором употребляется сказуемое:

1.      TV-sets and radios  are produced at this plant.

2.      Their luggage has been lost.

3.      The article was being looked through by the students at that time.

4.      A very interesting job will have been recommended to him by New Year.

5.      She will be met at the station.

1.Present Simple|Indefinite Passive                          

2.Past  Simple|Indefinite Passive                                    .

3.Future Simple |Indefinite Passive                            .

4.Present Continuous|Progressive Passive                        .

5.Past Continuous|Progressive Passive

6.Present Perfect   Passive                                             

7.Past Perfect Passive                                                       .

8.Future Perfect Passive  



III  Переведите на русский язык:

1.When will the mail be delivered?

2.Abacus  (счёты)  is still being used in some parts of the world.

3. The house had not been repaired  yet when we came there.

4. Books are not sold here.

5. Dinner had been cooked by  two o’clock.






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