- Учебник: «Английский язык», Комарова Ю.А., Ларионова И.В.
- Тема: Unit 3. Crossing Cultures
- 30.03.2022
- 450
- 8

Контрольная работа.
Специальность: Дизайн (по отраслям) группа III курс Вариант 1
Fashion design is the applied art dedicated to the design of clothing and lifestyle accessories. The first fashion designer who was not merely a dressmaker was Charles Frederick Worth (1826-1895). Before the former draper set up his fashion house in Paris, clothing design and creation was handled by largely anonymous seamstresses, and high fashion descended from styles worn at royal courts. Worth’s success was such that he was able to dictate to his customers what they should wear, instead of following their lead as earlier dressmakers had done. With his unprecedented success, his customers could attach a name and a face to his designs once they learned that they were from the House of Worth, thus starting the tradition of having the designer of a house is not only the creative head but the symbol of the brand as well. Worth’s former apprentice Paul Poiret opened his own fashion house in 1904, melding the styles of Art Nouveau and aesthetic dress with Paris fashion. His early Art Deco creations signaled the demise of the corset from female fashion.
Following in Worth’s and Poiret’s footsteps were: Patou, Vionnet, Fortuny, Lanvin, Chanel, Mainbocher, Schiaparelli, Balenciaga, and Dior. Hand in hand with clothing, haute couture accessories evolved internationally with such names as Guccio Gucci, Thierry Hermès, Judith Leiber, and others.
Questions on the text:
1) Who was the first dressmaker?
2) Where did the former draper set up his fashion house?
3) Worth’s success was such that he was able to dictate to his customers what they should wear, wasn`t it?
4) What could the customers attach once they learned that they were from the House of Worth?
5) Who were Worth’s and Poiret’s footsteps?
Task II. Complete the sentences in reported speech.
1) Mr Blake said: «The weather is cold in Moscow in February».
2) Fred said: «I invented a new computer program».
3) He said: «I will finish this paper tomorrow».
4) They said: «Don't tell her the truth! »
5) He has asked the shop assistant: «How much does it cost? »
Task III. Use the verbs in the passive.
1) A lot of new models (to launch) to the market every year.
2) Bread (make) from wheat.
3) When television (invent)?
4) This work (finish) tomorrow.
5) How many languages (speak) in Switzerland?
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Контрольная работа по прошедшим временам повышенного уровня сложности. Содержит: задание с вариантами ответа; три задания с кратким ответом; ключи к заданиям; критерии оценки.
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