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Контрольная работа.
Специальность: Дизайн (по отраслям) группа Ш курс. Вариант 2
The early twentieth century: Throughout the 1920s and ‘80s, all high fashion originated in Paris. American and British fashion magazines sent editors to the Paris fashion shows. Department stores sent buyers to the Paris shows, where they purchased garments to copy. Both made-to-measure salons and ready-to-wear departments featured the latest Paris trends, adapted to the stores’ assumptions about the lifestyles and pocket books of American customers.
Post-War fashion: The fashion houses closed during occupation of Paris during World War II, and several designers including Mainbocher permanently relocated to New York. Paris recovered its primacy in the post-war era with Dior’s New Look, but Paris was never the sole arbiter of trends again.
By the early 1960s, celebrities were becoming the new Fashion icons, even though they in turn wore designs from the couturiers of the day: influential “partnerships” of celebrity and high fashion designer included Audrey Hepburn and Givenchy, and Jackie Kennedy, Oleg Cassini.
The rise of British fashion in the mid-sixties and designers such as Mary Quant and Betsey Johnson signaled the end of French dominance. Taking their cue from street fashion, these designers catered to a younger consumer and offered retailers a new source of inspiration
Questions on the text:
1) Where was all high fashion originated throughout the 1920s and ‘80s?
2) Why did American and British fashion magazines send editors to the Paris fashion show?
3) Was Paris the sole arbiter of trends again?
4) When were celebrities becoming the new Fashion icons?
5) Designers Mary Quant and Betsey Johnson catered to a younger consumer and offered retailers a new source of inspiration, didn`t they?
Task II. Complete the sentences in reported speech.
Task III. Use the verbs in the passive.
1. Moscow (to found) in 1147.
2. Football (to play) in summer.
3. Her new article (to finish) next year.
4. The letter (to receive) tomorrow.
5. That bone (to give) to her dog today.
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