- Учебник: «Английский язык. Часть 1», Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М.
- 02.07.2018
- 5176
- 122

Test 1
1. Which of these words can come together?
A. easy difficult free short early long lunch coffee tea the first school |
B. education break age subject term uniform
2.Use say, tell, speak or talk to complete the sentences.
1.Jane can … French very well, can’t she? 2.Can you … me where Max lives? 3.Please … the truth, I want to know everything. 4.Somebody will … to the pupils about great Russian painters.5. Ann …s she is good at geography.
3.Complete the sentences. Use the words: to, of, back, into, over, out.
1.I am tired … writing dictations. 2.I do not know what happened … them yesterday. 3.Never talk … to people who are older than you. 4.He decided to go to the mountains and nobody was able to talk him … of it. 5.I have a new plan. Let’s sit down and talk it … . 6.I know a very good museum, and I’d like to talk you … going there with me.
4.Use the Verbs in right forms.
I still remember my summer holidays. In June I 1(stay) at home, 2(meet) my friends and 3(go) to different places of interest in my home town. I 4(read) some good books too. In July my parents 5(take) me to the south, to the see. It 6(be) the best part of my summer holidays.
Test 2
1.Which of these words can come together?
A. easy difficult free short early long lunch coffee tea the first school |
B. education break age subject term uniform
2.Use say, tell, speak or talk to complete the sentences.
1. My Granny often … me fairy tales.2. My friends and me like to … about the latest films. 3. Tom is very clever, he … two foreign languages.4. Ann …s she is good at geography. 5. Girls, you mustn’t … much in class.
3.Complete the sentences. Use the words: to, of, back, into, over, out.
1.Try and talk him … rereading this text. 2. Never talk … to your grandparents. 3. Are you sure … this fact? 4. Do you often write … your aunts and uncles? 5. I can’t decide anything without talking it … with you. 6. I think it is a dangerous plan. We should talk him … of it.
4.Use the Verbs in right forms.
It 1(be) the best part of my summer holidays. I 2(swim) in the sea. In August we 3(come) back home. I 4(spend) the last summer month with my grandparents in their country house. They 5(eat) some nice food in a restaurant yesterday.
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«Английский язык. Часть 1», Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М.
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