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Контрольная работа по английскому языку на тему "Каникулы закончились"

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Контрольные задания к учебной ситуации «Holidays are over” (Unit 1)


Вариант 2 (Обычный уровень сложности)


Задание 1. Послушайте, отметьте те утверждения, которые услышите.

1) a)  I went abroad for my summer holidays.

    b) I went abroad for my winter holidays.

2) a) Last Summer we travelled by train.

    b) Last summer we travelled by plane.

3) a) They visited a lot of wonderful places.

    b) They visited a lot of interesting places.

4) a) The children saw a lot of squares.

    b) The children see a lot of squares.

5) a) Ann did a lot of things yesterday.

    b) Ann did a lot of rooms yesterday.

6) a) Where is the hotel?

    b) Where was the hotel?

7) a) We lived near the see.

    b) We live near the sea.


Maximum result


Your result



Задание 2. Прочитайте текст и отметьте, являются ли утверждения после него верными или неверными. Если утверждение верное, обведите TRUE. Если утверждение неверное, обведите FALSE.


   For most schoolchildren, summer is the best season. They have these wonderful three-month holidays. Some children go to the countryside and visit their grandparents. Others travel abroad with their families. But many children stay in Moscow because they want to spend summer with their school friends.

   You can often see groups of happy children in Moscow in summer. They walk in the city centre, ride their bikes in big parks, eat hamburgers in McDonald’s, go to the cinema. Some girls like to spend time in big shopping centres. They don’t  buy many things, but they enjoy going from shop and looking at beautiful clothes in the shop windows. Boys don’t like shops, they prefer playing sports games like football, basketball and volleyball at sports grounds. But all children go to big shopping centres to have lunch, because you can buy cheap fast food and ice cream there.

    At weekends, parents don’t work and they want to be with their children. They take their sons and daughters to museums and cosy cafes. Some families go to their country-houses – dachas.

    In summer, children don’t have any homework, so they can play computer games or watch TV. The most popular TV programmes in this holiday time are sports, different films and cartoons. Also, teenagers spend a lot of time on the Internet, more than they do during their school year.


1)      Children stay in Moscow because of their parents.

TRUE                        FALSE

2)      Children often eat in big shopping centres.

TRUE                        FALSE

3)      At weekends parents and their children spend time together.

TRUE                        FALSE

4)      Children don’t like to watch sports, films and cartoons.

TRUE                        FALSE


Maximum result


Your result



Задание 3. Впиши в словосочетания соответствующие слова из рамки.

      hotel      letter      city      sea      abroad

1.      The capital  ________________ of the country

2.      To receive a long_______________ from the best friend

3.      To spend holidays ____________________________

4.      To decide to stay at a_________________

5.      To go to the _______________ and swim a lot

Maximum result


Your result


Задание 4. Напиши эти глаголы в прошедшем времени.

1.      run -______________________

2.      read -_____________________

3.      do -_______________________

4.      go -_______________________

5.      give - _____________________

6.      like -______________________

7.      write - ____________________

8.      stay -______________________


Maximum result


Your result



Задание 5. Выберите и обведите соответствующие глагольные формы, чтобы получились грамматически верные предложения.

1.      Yesterday morning I (drink/drank) three cups of coffee.

2.      (Is/Was) the weather dry and sunny last summer?

3.      We (ran/run) in the park in the morning now.

4.      I (see/saw) Alice at the bus stop yesterday.

5.      My brother (goes/went) abroad last May.


Maximum result


Your result



Задание 6. Напиши предложения, используя структуры asas или not soas.

1.       Charles is younger than George. ___________________________________________________

2.      Horses are stronger than mules. ___________________________________________________

3.      Pete’s house was not bigger than Kim’s house. ___________________________________________________

4.      Rex was not cleverer than Lord. ____________________________________________________

5.      Monday was hotter than Tuesday. ____________________________________________________


Maximum result


Your result



Задание 7. Соотнесите страны с их столицами.

1)    The United Kingdom                         a) Madrid

2)    France                                                b) Helsinki

3)    Finland                                               c) Moscow

4)    Spain                                                  d) Paris

5)    Italy                                                    e) London

6)    Russia                                                 f) Rome


Maximum result


Your result



Total result


Your result




Mark «2»

Mark «3»

Mark «4»

Mark «5»






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Name: __________________________________________________

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Контрольные задания к учебной ситуации «Holidays are over” (Unit 1)


Вариант 1 (Обычный уровень сложности)


Задание 1. Послушайте, отметьте те утверждения, которые услышите.

1) a)  I went abroad for my summer holidays.

    b) I went abroad for my winter holidays.

2) a) Last Summer we travelled by train.

    b) Last summer we travelled by plane.

3) a) They visited a lot of wonderful places.

    b) They visited a lot of interesting places.

4) a) The children saw a lot of squares.

    b) The children see a lot of squares.

5) a) Ann did a lot of things yesterday.

    b) Ann did a lot of rooms yesterday.

6) a) Where is the hotel?

    b) Where was the hotel?

7) a) We lived near the see.

    b) We live near the sea.


Maximum result


Your result



Задание 2. Прочитайте текст и отметьте, являются ли утверждения после него верными или неверными. Если утверждение верное, обведите TRUE. Если утверждение неверное, обведите FALSE.


   For most schoolchildren, summer is the best season. They have these wonderful three-month holidays. Some children go to the countryside and visit their grandparents. Others travel abroad with their families. But many children stay in Moscow because they want to spend summer with their school friends.

   You can often see groups of happy children in Moscow in summer. They walk in the city centre, ride their bikes in big parks, eat hamburgers in McDonald’s, go to the cinema. Some girls like to spend time in big shopping centres. They don’t  buy many things, but they enjoy going from shop and looking at beautiful clothes in the shop windows. Boys don’t like shops, they prefer playing sports games like football, basketball and volleyball at sports grounds. But all children go big shopping centres to have lunch, because you can buy cheap fast food and ice cream there.

    At weekends, parents don’t work and they want to be with their children. They take their sons and daughters to museums and cosy cafes. Some families go to their country-houses – dachas.

    In summer, children don’t have any homework, so they can play computer games or watch TV. The most popular TV programmes in this holiday time are sports, different films and cartoons. Also, teenagers spend a lot of time on the Internet, more than they do during their school year.


1)      Children buy a lot of clothes in supermarkets.

TRUE                        FALSE

2)      Boys often go to shopping centres.

TRUE                        FALSE

3)      At weekends parents and their children go to the country.

TRUE                        FALSE

4)      Children like to watch sports, films and cartoons.

TRUE                        FALSE


Maximum result


Your result



Задание 3. Впиши в словосочетания соответствующие слова из рамки.


  hotels      squares      letters      things      seas

1.      To know a lot of interesting _____________________________

2.      Warm_______________ around the country

3.      To have rooms in different ____________________________

4.      _________________ of Greek alphabet

5.      Two main _______________ of the city


Maximum result


Your result


Задание 4. Напиши эти глаголы в прошедшем времени.

1.      meet -_____________________

2.      take -_____________________

3.      begin -____________________

4.      decide -___________________

5.      see - ____________________

6.      eat -______________________

7.      have - ____________________

8.      travel -____________________


Maximum result


Your result



Задание 5. Выбери и обведи соответствующие глагольные формы, чтобы получились грамматически верные предложения.

1.      My family (travel/travelled) about Russia last summer.

2.      I don’t know when Leo Tolstoy (writes/wrote) his “Sevastopol Stories”.

3.      Last summer we (visit/visited) France.

4.      Sally (does/did) her room every day.

5.      When summer comes, Kate always (read/reads) a lot.


Maximum result


Your result



Задание 6. Напиши предложения, используя структуры asas или not soas.

1.       Fred is taller than Ben. ___________________________________________________

2.      The red car is not older than the green car. ___________________________________________________

3.      Friday was colder than Saturday. ___________________________________________________

4.      Rose Street is not longer than Apple Street. ____________________________________________________

5.      Your car is better than my car. ____________________________________________________


Maximum result


Your result



Задание 7. Соотнесите страны с их столицами.

1)    The United Kingdom                         a) Rome

2)    France                                                b) London

3)    Finland                                               c) Moscow

4)    Spain                                                  d) Paris

5)    Italy                                                    e) Helsinki

6)    Russia                                                 f) Madrid


Maximum result


Your result



Total result


Your result





Mark «2»

Mark «3»

Mark «4»

Mark «5»




















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Name: __________________________________________________

Form: ___________________________________________________

Контрольные задания к учебной ситуации «Holidays are over” (Unit 1)


Вариант 3 (Обычный уровень сложности)


Задание 1. Послушайте, отметьте те утверждения, которые услышите.

1) a)  I went abroad for my summer holidays.

    b) I went abroad for my winter holidays.

2) a) Last Summer we travelled by train.

    b) Last summer we travelled by plane.

3) a) They visited a lot of wonderful places.

    b) They visited a lot of interesting places.

4) a) The children saw a lot of squares.

    b) The children see a lot of squares.

5) a) Ann did a lot of things yesterday.

    b) Ann did a lot of rooms yesterday.

6) a) Where is the hotel?

    b) Where was the hotel?

7) a) We lived near the see.

    b) We live near the sea.


Maximum result


Your result



Задание 2. Прочитайте текст и отметьте, являются ли утверждения после него верными или неверными. Если утверждение верное, обведите TRUE. Если утверждение неверное, обведите FALSE.


   For most schoolchildren, summer is the best season. They have these wonderful three-month holidays. Some children go to the countryside and visit their grandparents. Others travel abroad with their families. But many children stay in Moscow because they want to spend summer with their school friends.

   You can often see groups of happy children in Moscow in summer. They walk in the city centre, ride their bikes in big parks, eat hamburgers in McDonald’s, go to the cinema. Some girls like to spend time in big shopping centres. They don’t  buy many things, but they enjoy going from shop and looking at beautiful clothes in the shop windows. Boys don’t like shops, they prefer playing sports games like football, basketball and volleyball at sports grounds. But all children go big shopping centres to have lunch, because you can buy cheap fast food and ice cream there.

    At weekends, parents don’t work and they want to be with their children. They take their sons and daughters to museums and cozy cafes. Some families go to their country-houses – dachas.

    In summer, children don’t have any homework, so they can play computer games or watch TV. The most popular TV programmes in this holiday time are sports, different films and cartoons. Also, teenagers spend a lot of time on the Internet, more than they do during their school year.


1)      Children don’t buy a lot of clothes in supermarkets.

TRUE                        FALSE

2)      Boys often go to shopping centres.

TRUE                        FALSE

3)      At weekends parents and their children go to the sea.

TRUE                        FALSE

4)      Children don’t like to watch sports, films and cartoons.

TRUE                        FALSE


Maximum result


Your result



Задание 3. Впиши в словосочетания соответствующие слова из рамки.


  hotels      square      abroad      things      sea

1.      A big _____________ in the city

2.      To have holidays _______________

3.      A lot of  ___________ on the table

4.      The smallest_________________ in the world

5.      The best _______________ of the city


Maximum result


Your result


Задание 4. Напиши эти глаголы в прошедшем времени.

1.      do -_____________________

2.      take -_____________________

3.      give -____________________

4.      visit -___________________

5.      go - ____________________

6.      live -______________________

7.      run - ____________________

8.      drink -____________________


Maximum result


Your result



Задание 5. Выбери и обведи соответствующие глагольные формы, чтобы получились грамматически верные предложения.

1.      Yesterday morning I (eat/ate) a sandwich.

2.      We usually (have/had) pizza for lunch now.

3.      They (go/went) to the zoo last Saturday.

4.      My weekend was really good. I (do/did) a lot of important things.

5.      They never (begin/began) their classes at nine last month.


Maximum result


Your result



Задание 6. Напиши предложения, используя структуры asas или not soas.

1.       My cat is Jim is fatter than Socks. ___________________________________________________

2.      Green Street is narrower than High Street. ___________________________________________________

3.      Gerald was not hungrier than Max. ___________________________________________________

4.      Moscow is older than St Petersburg. ____________________________________________________

5.      Here July is usually not hotter than June. ____________________________________________________


Maximum result


Your result



Задание 7. Соотнесите страны с их столицами.

1)    The United Kingdom                         a) Madrid

2)    France                                                b) Helsinki

3)    Finland                                               c) Moscow

4)    Spain                                                  d) Paris

5)    Italy                                                    e) London

6)    Russia                                                 f) Rome


Maximum result


Your result



Total result


Your result





Mark «2»

Mark «3»

Mark «4»

Mark «5»






















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Keys Variant 2

1) b

2) b

3) b

4) a

5) a

6) b

7) a

2. 1) F

    2) T

    3) T

    4) F

3. 1) city

    2) letter

    3) abroad

    4) hotel

    5) sea

4.  1) ran

     2) read

     3) did

     4) went

     5) gave

      6) liked

      7) wrote

      8) stayed

5. 1) drank

    2) Was

     3) run

     4) saw

     5) went

6. 1) Charles is not as old as George.

    2) Mules are not as strong as horses.

    3) Pete’s house was not as big as Kim’s house.

    4) rex was not as clever as Lord.

    5) Tuesday was not as hot as Monday.

7. 1) e

    2) d

    3) b

    4) a

    5) f

    6) c



Keys Variant 1

1) b

2) b

3) b

4) a

5) a

6) b

7) a

2. 1) F

    2) F

    3) T

    4) T

3. 1) things

    2) seas

    3) hotels

    4) letters

    5) squares

4.  1) met

     2) took

     3) began

     4) decided

     5) saw

      6) ate

      7) had

      8) travelled

5. 1) travelled

    2) wrote

     3) visited

     4) does

     5) reads

6. 1) Ben is not as tall as Fred.

    2) the green car is not as old as the red car.

    3) Saturday was not as cold as Friday.

    4) Rose street is not as long as Apple street.

    5) my car is not as good as your car.

7. 1) b

    2) d

    3) e

    4) f

    5) a

    6) c

Keys Variant 3

1) b

2) b

3) b

4) a

5) a

6) b

7) a

2. 1) T

    2) F

    3) F

    4) F

3. 1) square

    2) abroad

    3) things

    4) sea

    5) hottels

4.  1) did

     2) took

     3) gave

     4) visited

     5) went

      6) lived

      7) run

      8) sdrank

5. 1) ate

    2) have

     3) went

     4) did

     5) began

6. 1) Socks is not as fat as Jim.

    2) high street is not as narrow as Green street.

    3) Gerald was not as hungry as Max.

    4) st Petersburg is not as old as Moscow.

    5) July is not as hot as June.

7. 1) e

    2) d

    3) b

    4) b

    5) f

    6) c


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Данная разработка контрольной работы по английскому языку рассчитана для 5 класса за 1 раздел "Holidays are over". Проводится на 9 уроке по планированию. Контрольная работа состоит из 3 вариантов и включает в себя следующие аспекты: аудирование, чтение, лексико-грамматические задания, страноведение.

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