Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа по английскому языку в 9 классе по теме "Let the Music begin" за 1 четверть

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 9 классе по теме "Let the Music begin" за 1 четверть

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Удалова Ирина Владимировна,

учитель иностранных языков

МБОУ СОШ №81 п. Юловский


Контрольная работа по английскому языку

в 9 классе за 1 четверть по теме «Let the Music begin»


The 9th Form «Let the Music begin»

Test 2 (Kuzovlev)

Variant 2


Variant 1

1.      Match the words to make word expressions:

2.      a folk                        a) night

3.      cultural                     b) orchestra

4.      a brass                      с) known

5.      widely                      d) events

6.      a first                        e) festival

2. Fill in the blanks with the words from the bellow.

              home         annual        choral              brass band            events             classical

1.      Britain is the country where cultural……….. are held.

2.      Our city is rich in   ... orchestras.

3.      London is the city with a long tradition of............ music.

4.      ... music as well as bards is widely popular in Wales.

5.      Eisteddfod is the ........ Festival taking place in Wales.

6.      Liverpool is well-known all over the world as the ... town of "The Beatles".

3. Read the text and decide if the statements are true (+)   or false (-).

Wolfgang Mozart

Wolfgang Mozart was a well-known Austrian composer. He was a genius. Mozart was born in Austria in seventeen-fifty six.  His father was a musician. When he was a child he began to show his wonderful talent for music. He tried to play the clavier, when he was three years old. He took a great interest in his sister’s music lesson. He heard music and tried to play it himself by ear. His father decided to teach him to play. When he was four years old he started composing his own tunes. He played them on the clavier well too. When he was six years old his father decided to take him and his sister to the big cities in Europe.

Two children gave concerts there. The audience was delighted when the small boy was playing. Mozart visited many countries with his father, playing clavier. When he was fourteen he was invited to Italy. He could not image his life without music. He composed many sonatas and symphonies in Italy. He composed tunes all the time.

At the age of twenty six he moved from his native town Salzburg to Vienna. He worked a lot. But only Italian composers were popular at theatres of Vienna at that time.

Wolfgang Mozart died in 1791. Many people know and like his music and he is popular and famous today.


1.      Mozart was born in Australia in 1756.

2.      Mozart was a very talented person.

3.      Mozart’s father was a musician.

4.      Mozart began composing music when he was three years old.

5.      Mozart heard the tune and played it himself.

6.      Mozart visited only Italy with his father.

7.      Mozart could not live without music.

8.      Mozart worked a lot and was popular at theatres of Vienna at that time.


Match  the word and its definition.

1. folk                                              

a) composed by famous composers for opera, ballet

2. martial

b) choir music that has religious background

3. spiritual

c) played with the help of  electronic instruments and steady rhythm

4. tuneless

d) music played by military bands


5. rock

e) without any melody


6. classical

f) composed many years ago and sung by people or choirs



The 9th Form «Let the Music begin»

Test 2 (Kuzovlev)

Variant 2

1.      Match the words to make word expressions:

1. an annual                   a) known

2.    cultural                     b) festival

3.    choral                       с) house

4.    well                          d) music

5.    a full                         e) events

2. Fill in the blanks  with the words from the bellow.

 lyrics          catchy          church          classical        annually        tuneful            brass             


1.      Eisteddfod  takes place in Wales…………...

2.      The north of England is called "the land of  the ……..bands.

3.      ... choirs   are famous in the central England.

4.      London is the city with a long tradition of............ music.

5.      The music I love is……..and ………...

6.      When I listen to music I try to understand the………


3. Read the text and decide if the statements are true (+)   or false (-).

Wolfgang Mozart

Wolfgang Mozart was a well-known Austrian composer. He was a genius. Mozart was born in Austria in seventeen-fifty six.  His father was a musician. When he was a child he began to show his wonderful talent for music. He tried to play the clavier, when he was three years old. He took a great interest in his sister’s music lesson. He heard music and tried to play it himself by ear. His father decided to teach him to play. When he was four years old he started composing his own tunes. He played them on the clavier well too. When he was six years old his father decided to take him and his sister to the big cities in Europe.

Two children gave concerts there. The audience was delighted when the small boy was playing. Mozart visited many countries with his father, playing clavier. When he was fourteen he was invited to Italy. He could not image his life without music. He composed many sonatas and symphonies in Italy. He composed tunes all the time.

At the age of twenty six he moved from his native town Salzburg to Vienna. He worked a lot. But only Italian composers were popular at theatres of Vienna at that time.

Wolfgang Mozart died in 1791. Many people know and like his music and he is popular and famous today.

1.   Mozart was born in Austria in 1765.

2.   Mozart wasn't a talented person.

3.   Mozart began to play the instrument when he was three years old.

4.   Mozart learnt the tune by heart for hours to play it himself.

5.   The audience enjoyed when the small boy was playing.

6.   The boy visited not many countries with his father.

7.   In Italy Mozart composed many sonatas and symphonies.

8.   Mozart worked a lot and was very popular at theatres of Vienna at that time.


4.  Match the word and its definition.

1. folk                                              

a) music played by military bands

2. tuneless

b) composed by famous composers for opera, ballet

3. martial

c) played with the help of  electronic instruments and steady rhythm

4. spiritual

d) without any melody


5. classical

e) choir music that has religious background


6. rock

f) composed many years ago and sung by people or choirs



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Данная контрольная работа составлена на лексико-грамматическом материале УМК Кузовлев В.П., Перегудова Э.Ш., Лапа Н.М. для 9 класса по теме "Let the music begin ". Работа включает:

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