Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыКонтрольная работа за 1 семестр для 1 курса СПО

Контрольная работа за 1 семестр для 1 курса СПО

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РАССМОТРЕНО                                                                             УТВЕРЖДАЮ

на заседании ПЦК                                                                                                  Зам. директора                                         

Протокол  № 2                                                                                               _______________ Бозрова И. Г.

«15» декабря

____________ Т.В. Гунидина



для проведения итогового контроля

по дисциплине: Иностранный язык (английский)

для специальностей технического профиля

Преподаватель: Пиунова М. А.












Пояснительная записка

          Данные материалы предназначены для проведения итоговой контрольной работы за I семестр по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» для обучающихся первого  курса в учреждениях среднего профессионального образования по следующим специальностям технического профиля:

11.02.08 Средства связи с подвижными объектами

11.02.09 Многоканальные телекоммуникационные системы

11.02.10 Радиосвязь, радиовещание и телевидение

11.02.11 Сети связи и системы коммутации

11.02.14 Электронные приборы и устройства

13.02.07 Электроснабжение (по отраслям)

15.02.07Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств (по отраслям)

21.02.05 Земельно-имущественные отношения

23.02.03 Техническое обслуживание и ремонт автомобильного транспорта

27.02.05 Системы и средства диспетчерского управления

10.02.02 Информационная безопасность телекоммуникационных систем

09.02.04 Информационные системы (по отраслям)

           Основной целью проведения промежуточной аттестации является подведение итогов усвоения обучающимися учебного материала по дисциплине за первый семестр, а также контроль теоретических знаний, умений и грамматических, лексических навыков.

          Контрольная работа включает грамматические аспекты, предусмотренные  обязательным минимумом содержания основных образовательных программ, на основе рабочей программы по данной дисциплине для специальностей СПО (базовый уровень).

            Работа представлена в двух вариантах,  состоящих  из пяти заданий. Первое задание проверяет умение понимать иностранный текст и определять основную идею отдельных отрывков. Во втором задании проверяется употребление времен группы Simple в страдательном залоге, в 3-м – употребление времени Present Perfect, в 4-м и 5-м знание лексики по теме: «Жанры фильмов и тв программ».

В КОСы входят:  пояснительная записка, 2 варианта тестовых заданий, ответы к вариантам, критерии оценивания, перечень литературы. Предполагаемое время на выполнение работы – 40-45 минут.  

Данный материал адресован преподавателям иностранного языка.

Критерии оценки

Оценка «5» ставится обучающемуся, если он выполнил все три задания  (все его ответы совпали с эталоном) с одним недочетом в одном из них, что составляет 95-100%, т.е. 25-27 баллов   всей работы.

Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если объем правильно выполненных заданий составляет 75-80% (21-24 баллов) от всей работы.      

Оценка «3» ставится обучающемуся, если он сумел выполнить 50-65% (15-20 баллов) от всего объема работы.

Оценка «2» ставится обучающемуся, если он выполнил менее 50% (набрал менее 15 баллов) работы.

Перечень  использованной литературы и интернет-ресурсов

1. Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И. В. учебник  для 10 классов серии «Английский в фокусе» - Просвещение, 2015

2. Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И. В. Рабочая тетрадь  для 10 классов серии «Английский в фокусе»  - Просвещение базовый уровень, 2015.

3. Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И. В. Пособие для преподавателей, сборник тестов для 10 классов серии «Английский в фокусе» базовый уровень, 2015.

4.материалы с сайтаhttp://www.fipi.ru/

5. Wildman J. Matrix. Foundation Student’s Book – Oxford University Press, 2005

6. Wildman J. Matrix. Foundation Workbook – Oxford University Press, 2005.-234с.

7. Блох. М. Я. Практикум по английскому языку: грамматика: сборник упражнений А.Я. Лебедева, В. С. Денисова. - М.: Астрель, 2008.-238.

8. Иванова И. П. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка: учебник/И.П.Иванова, В.В. Бурлакова, Г.Г. Почепцов. - М.: Высшая школа, 2008.-312с

9. Электронный ресурс Википедия. Энциклопедия на английском языке.


1 Variant

1)  Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами АG, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1.      Circles on the Water

2.      Ancient Ancestor

3.      Different Explanations

4.      Unexpected Invention

5.      Solution to the Problem

6.      Hidden Menace

7.      Artificial Eye

8.      Significant Benefits

A. Chocolate chip cookies were actually a mistake! One day in 1903, Ruth Wakefield, while baking a batch of cookies, noticed she was out of bakers’ chocolate! As a substitute she broke some semi-sweetened chocolate into small pieces and put them in the dough. She thought that the chocolate would melt in the dough and the dough would absorb it. When she opened up the oven, she realized she had invented the tasty treat called chocolate chip cookies!

B. Computers originally began as calculators. The first calculator was made by Blaise Pascal. It only had eight buttons, and it could only do addition and subtraction. There was a set of wheels, and all of the wheels had the numbers zero through nine on them. The wheels were connected by gears and each turn of one wheel would turn the next wheel one-tenth of a turn. This machine was completed in 1642 when Blaise was twenty- one years old.

C. A helicopter has a big advantage over an airplane, especially when people might be trapped in a tight place like on a mountain, where there is not much space to land, or on the water. They are also used for rescuing people from burning buildings or from trees when there are floods. Without the helicopter as a rescue vehicle, many people would lose their lives because the rescuers would be unable to reach them if they were in a difficult area.

D. Cars have always caused air pollution. In the past, there was a lot more air pollution created by cars than there is today. In the future, there will probably be even less. Two good ways for pursuing the dream of less air pollution are cars that run on solar energy and cars that run on fuel cells. Solar energy and fuel cells don’t cause pollution because they do not give off any exhaust.

E. Reporter Rob Spence is planning to have a camera embedded in his eye socket and become a ‘bionic reporter’. Spence, who lost one of his eyes when he was young, says he has a prototype in development and that one day the replacement of even healthy eyes with bionic ones may become commonplace. ‘It seems shocking now, but it will become more and more normal,’ he said.

F. Crop circles have been appearing in fields all over the world for the past 30 years. There have been suggestions that they are made by flying saucers landing and flattening the crops, or even that they are messages left by visiting aliens. Others think they are created by microwave beams from satellites orbiting the Earth. Other more rational suggestions are that crop circles are man-made hoaxes, attempting to convince the public of extra-terrestrial life on Earth.

G. The Egyptian Pyramids have always been surrounded by mystery.

When Egyptologists began to open the tombs of the pharaohs, rumours abounded that anyone who raided them would be cursed. Many think a curse was to blame for the death of Lord Carnarvon, who funded the expedition to open King Tutankhamen’s tomb in 1923. He died of pneumonia after being bitten by a mosquito a few weeks after the tomb was opened.




2) Choose the correct variant.

1. Rugby … in the USA

a)      Was play

b)      Is played

c)      Is play

d)      Plays

2. A lot of apartment houses … in our city now.

a) Are being built

b) Build

c) Are builded

d) Being built

3. The letter … yesterday?

a) Send

b) Was sent

c) Is sent

d) Being sent

4. Four people … in a train crash.

a) Killed

b) Have been killed

c) Have

d) Is killed

5. A new supermarket … next year?

a) will… be built

b) will…build

c) will … being built

d) built

3)Fill in the gaps with the adverbs: already, ever, never, yet

1.      Has your friend __________ taken a ride on a horse?

2.      I haven’t been to St. Petersburg ___________.

3.      My parents have _________ given me a new bike. I am very happy.

4.      We have _________ lived in a tent .

4)  Match the words:

1) Alien  a) comedy

2) Laughb) adventure

3) Explorec) Musical

4) Kiss d) Science-fiction

5) Dances andmusice) romance

  5) Fill in the genre of film.

1)      A movie that makes you laugh is a ____________.

2)      A movie that makes you scream is a ____________.

3)      A movie that is exiting with lots of guns and explosions is an ____________ movie.

4)      Movies about future of space are known as _____________ films.

5)      A film made full of violence and crime is a ___________ .

2 Variant

1) Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами АG, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1. Why bother to study?

2. A degree as a proof

3. Worthless degree

4. Better before

5. The only way

6. Personalized course

7. Working and studying

8. Learning by doing


A. I think that public schools and the “ school tie” network are unfair to ordinary people. The only excuse for streaming children should be based on their academic ability and potential. In some ways the old system with an 11 plus exam and government grants was much fairer. I went to a public school in such circumstances and my parents would never have been able to pay themselves. But this window of opportunity has now been closed and I think in the long run it will simply lead to a more unequal society.

B. The best choice for me was to take a business GNVQ (General National Vocational Qualification) at a College of Further Education. The course was fairly hard academically but much broader, practical and applied than the A Level. Of course I could go on to do Business Studies at University but, honestly, I can’t wait to have a crack at starting my own business. There is no better way to learn than teaching yourself. I might make a few mistakes along the way but I am confident I’ ll succeed. When my friends eventually graduate with their nice paper degrees, I hope to be on the way to my first million!

C. Alan Sugar founded AMSTRAD (Alan Michael Sugar Trading) in 1968 at the age of 21. At its peak this electronics and computer company was worth 1.2 billion pounds. He founded many other successful businesses and for a number of years owned London Football Club, Tottenham Hotspurs. Many other enterprises followed and he became famous as the name behind one of British TV’s most popular shows — “The Apprentice”. He was Alan, then Sir Alan and now Lord Alan Sugar. Educational background? He left school at 16 and boiled and sold beetroot from a market stall.

D. I have just been offered a place to study Computer Science at Durham University — in the country. I plan afterwards to apply to the police graduate training scheme. My career goal is to fight high-tech crime which I believe is seriously damaging the global economy. Frankly there is no way of avoiding university. It will be a pain borrowing and paying back government loans. But at least I’ ll be starting out in a beautiful part of the world. I am amazed more tourists don’ t seem to know about Durham. It’s a gem.

E. I think a university degree is all about proving that you can take the pressure, meet deadlines and perform to a high standard, especially if you take a course in the humanities. Of course you absorb huge amounts of information taking a degree. But how much of it turns out to be directly relevant to the job you finally get? Developing skills in critical thinking and drawing clear conclusions from wide ranging and sometimes contradictory sources is of more importance. It doesn’t matter much what you study. A good degree tells an employer that you are a high achiever and serious about your career.

F. Paul Smith left school at 15 and worked in a clothes warehouse in Nottingham. He then took evening classes in tailoring and joined a Savile Row firm where his designs and ability were quickly noticed. At 26, and with the encouragement of his girl friend, he opened his first shop. Another 6 years passed before he was brave enough to show his menswear collection at the Paris fashion show. Sir Paul, as he is now, is worth an estimated 136 million pounds. It seems it is not a bad thing to just begin your career and study as you go along.

G. MBA is a master's degree in business administration, which attracts people from a wide range of academic disciplines. It originated in the United States, late in the 19th century — the country industrialized and companies needed scientific approaches to management. The core courses in the MBA program are designed to introduce students to various areas of business such as accounting, marketing, human resources, operations management, etc. Students in MBA programs can select a personal area and focus about one-third of their studies on it.


2)      Choose the correct variant of passive form.

1.Two men tried to sell the pictures  which…...(steal).

a) had been stolen      b) is stolen      c) stole     d) were stolen

2. Prices on gasoline…..(rise) next year.

a) are risen     b) rose        c) will rise          d)will be risen

3. Coffee…..(grow) in Kenya.

a) will grown   b) is grown            c) was grew

4. Signed certificates……(present)  them yesterday.

a) presented        b) is presented     c) were presented

5. Drinks and snacks…..(give) to everyone tomorrow evening.

a) will be given     b) gave           c) is being given       d) was gave

     3) Fill in the gaps with the adverbs: already, ever, just, never, yet, since.

1.      The pupils have read two books in English.

2.      Jim has known Sara 1993.

3.      I have……riden on the elephant.

4.      Karen has….. passed her exams.

5.      Hasn’t she come…..?

4)      Match the words:

1)      Monster                                   a) Western

2)      Wizard                                     b) Action

3)      Cowboy                                   c) Horror

4)      Explosion                                d) Cartoon

5)      A set of drawings                    e) Fantasy                                  

5) Write  the genre of films.

1)      A movie about real life is a ___________ .

2)      An ___________ film has cartoon characters.

3)      A film about lots of travelling and exciting or dangerous events is an _________ .

4)      A film about love is a _________ .

5)      An action -packed film about cowboys, horses and gunfights.__________




Answers to Variant 1

















2) 1-b           2. –a             3. –b         4. –b             5. -a

3) 1-ever       2-yet        3-already        4-never    5 for

4)  1-d      2 -a     3-b      4- e   5-c

5)1-Comedy2-Horror3-Action        4-  Sciencefiction          6-Thriller

Answers to variant 2

















2)1-a           2-d         3-b       4-c     5-a

3) 1.Already     2. Since           3. Never      4. Just       5. Yet

4)1-c  2-e     3-a    4-b    5-d

5)1-Biography              2-Animated        3- Adventure             4-Love-story                   5-Western






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