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Контрольные работы за куср 5 класса по УМК " Happy English.ru" М. Кауфман, К. Кауфман

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Выбранный для просмотра документ Test 5 Form Unit 3.docx

Test   5 Form  Unit 3                                                                                              

1.Выберите правильно форму конструкции  there is / there are.

  1. ... ... a table in your dining room?

     a) Are there              b) Is there

  2. ... ... two bedrooms in my flat.

     a) There are             b) There is

  3. ... ... a sofa in his living room?

     a) Are there              b) Is there

  4. ... ... a coffee table, a chair and a big bed in that room.

     a) There are             b) There is

  5. ... ... three chairs in your kitchen?

     a) Are there              b) Is there

2.Составь и запиши предложения.

1. pens / there / ten / in the / are / bag / .
2. aren’t / pupils / there / classroom / in the / .
3. an egg / on the / there / plate / is / ?
4. on the / there / a / cat / chair / is / white / .
5. a turtle / on / there / isn’t / farm / this / .
6. at the / two / bikes / door / are / there / ?

3. Утвердительная или отрицательная формы:

There ________a sofa in the classroom.
There _____ windows  in the classroom.
There ______  lamps here.
There ________a bookcases.
There ________a bed.
There_____ books on the table.

4. Перевести на английский язык:

1. Сколько книг на столе?
2. Сколько кроватей в спальне?
3. Где кошка?
4. В доме три комнаты.
5. В квартире две лампы.
6. На кухне  большой стол.

Test   5 Form  Unit 3

1.Выберите правильно форму конструкции  there is / there are.

  1. ... ... a table in your dining room?

     a) Are there              b) Is there

  2. ... ... two bedrooms in my flat.

     a) There are             b) There is

  3. ... ... a sofa in his living room?

     a) Are there              b) Is there

  4. ... ... a coffee table, a chair and a big bed in that room.

     a) There are             b) There is

  5. ... ... three chairs in your kitchen?

     a) Are there              b) Is there

2.Составь и запиши предложения.

1. pens / there / ten / in the / are / bag / .
2. aren’t / pupils / there / classroom / in the / .
3. an egg / on the / there / plate / is / ?
4. on the / there / a / cat / chair / is / white / .
5. a turtle / on / there / isn’t / farm / this / .
6. at the / two / bikes / door / are / there / ?

3. Утвердительная или отрицательная формы:

There ________a sofa in the classroom.
There _____ windows  in the classroom.
There ______  lamps here.
There ________a bookcases.
There ________a bed.
There_____ books on the table.

4. Перевести на английский язык:

1. Сколько книг на столе?
2. Сколько кроватей в спальне?
3. Где кошка?
4. В доме три комнаты.
5. В квартире две лампы.
6. На кухне  большой стол.


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Выбранный для просмотра документ Test 5 Form Unit 6.docx

Test   5 form  Unit 6
I. Вставить глагол to be:
1. I … ten.

2. He … my Dad.

3. His name … Veselov.

4. You … my mate (одноклассник).

5. It … nice.

6. I … happy.

7. She … a student.

8. youare old.


II. Образуйте множественное число.

Tent, flat, desk, bus, pencil, witch, brush, room.


III. Исправьте ошибки.

1. They nice.

2. How old are he?

3. We are friends?

4. Where is you?

5. How many books in the bookcase?

6. There is not table in the room.


IV. Задайте вопросы, начиная с вопросительных слов.

1.  He is at school. – Where … ?

2. She is fine. – How … ?

3. He is busy. – Who … ?

4. They are funny. – Who … ?

5. Her name is Marry. – What … ?

6. I am in class 5. – What … ?

7. There are six lamps in the room. – How many…?

V. Fill in the gaps with : can, must, can’t, mustn’t.

1. Robin … travel in time.

2. Misha … speak English.

3. Nessie … fly and swim but it … walk.

4. Robin … speak Russian.

5. Misha … tell mum and dad about Robin’s secret.

6. Pafnutiy … watch TV.

7. Robin … go back only from London.

Test   5 form  Unit 6
I. Вставить глагол to be:
1. I … ten.

2. He … my Dad.

3. His name … Veselov.

4. You … my mate (одноклассник).

5. It … nice.

6. I … happy.

7. She … a student.

8. youare old.


II. Образуйте множественное число.

Tent, flat, desk, bus, pencil, witch, brush, room.


III. Исправьте ошибки.

1. They nice.

2. How old are he?

3. We are friends?

4. Where is you?

5. How many books in the bookcase?

6. There is not table in the room.


IV. Задайте вопросы, начиная с вопросительных слов.

1.  He is at school. – Where … ?

2. She is fine. – How … ?

3. He is busy. – Who … ?

4. They are funny. – Who … ?

5. Her name is Marry. – What … ?

6. I am in class 5. – What … ?

7. There are six lamps in the room. – How many…?

V. Fill in the gaps with : can, must, can’t, mustn’t.

1. Robin … travel in time.

2. Misha … speak English.

3. Nessie … fly and swim but it … walk.

4. Robin … speak Russian.

5. Misha … tell mum and dad about Robin’s secret.

6. Pafnutiy … watch TV.

7. Robin … go back only from London.




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Выбранный для просмотра документ Test 5 Form Unit 1.docx

Test  5 Form  Unit 1                                                                                           

I. Вставить притяжательное местоимение: my, your, his, her, our,
 their, its.

1. (Твой)…brother is a schoolboy.

2. This is (его)… sister.

3. (Его) …father is a cook.

4. (Их)… mother is an actress.

5. This is (наш)… father.

6. (Моя)… sister is a student.

7. This is (ваша)…mother.

8. This is (её)… son.

II.  Расставить слова в правильном порядке.

1. is, nine , she.

2. not, we, are, funny.

3. home, are, at, they?

4. Den, where, is?

5. are, who, you?

III. Заменить  подлежащее местоимением: I, you, he, she, it, we, they.

1. My mother, father and I are a small family.

2. My friend’s father and mother are doctors.

3. My brother  works in a hospital.

4. This kitten is nice.

5. My aunt is a teacher.

IV.  Задать вопрос к предложению. Начать со слова, данного в скобках.

1. The Bolshoi Theatre is in Moscow. (Where…?)

2. The capital of Russia is Moscow. (Is…?)

3. My mother is a doctor. (What…?)

4. My friends are in Minsk. (Are…?)

5. You are my friend. (Who…?)


     Test  5 Form  Unit 1

  I. Вставить притяжательное местоимение: my, your, his, her, our,
 their, its.

1. (Твой)…brother is a schoolboy.

2. This is (его)… sister.

3. (Его) …father is a cook.

4. (Их)… mother is an actress.

5. This is (наш)… father.

6. (Моя)… sister is a student.

7. This is (ваша)…mother.

8. This is (её)… son.

II.  Расставить слова в правильном порядке.

1. is, nine , she.

2. not, we, are, funny.

3. home, are, at, they?

4. Den, where, is?

5. are, who, you?

III. Заменить  подлежащее местоимением: I, you, he, she, it, we, they.

1. My mother, father and I are a small family.

2. My friend’s father and mother are doctors.

3. My brother  works in a hospital.

4. This kitten is nice.

5. My aunt is a teacher.

IV.  Задать вопрос к предложению. Начать со слова, данного в скобках.

1. The Bolshoi Theatre is in Moscow. (Where…?)

2. The capital of Russia is Moscow. (Is…?)

3. My mother is a doctor. (What…?)

4. My friends are in Minsk. (Are…?)

5. You are my friend. (Who…?)




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Выбранный для просмотра документ Test 5 Form Unit 2.docx

                                Контрольная работа 5 класс. Unit 2.                                                                  


1.       Перевести  на английский язык:
1.У нас есть собака.
2.У них  много родственников.
3. У нее большая квартира.
4. У неё нет ручки.
5.У моего друга нет друзей.
6. У нее нет компьютера.

2.       Ответить на вопрос:
1.What  lessons do you have today? They are…..

3.       Перевести на  русский язык:
1.I have got a new textbook.
2. Sveta and Sara has got a red ball.
3. Who  has got a player?
4.Have you got  a mobile phone?

4.       Составить словосочетания в притяжательном падеже:
1.  house/ Mary    -   Mary’s house
2.  computer/ Rob
3.  car/ Nick
4.  friends/ Mark  and  Rob
5.  cats / family

5.       Перевести на  английский язык :
1.Сестра мамы
2. Брат дедушки
3.Дети моей тёти

6.       4.Отец папы
5.Сын  дяди




  Контрольная работа 5 класс. Unit 2.


1.       Перевести  на английский язык:
1.У нас есть собака.
2.У них  много родственников.
3. У нее большая квартира.
4. У неё нет ручки.
5.У моего друга нет друзей.
6. У нее нет компьютера.

2.       Ответить на вопрос:
1.What  lessons do you have today? They are…..

3.         Перевести на  русский язык:
  1.I have got a new textbook.
  2. Sveta and Sara has got a red ball.
   3. Who  has got a player?
   4.Have you got  a mobile phone?

4.       Составить словосочетания в притяжательном падеже:
1.  house/ Mary    -   Mary’s house
2.  computer/ Rob
3.  car/ Nick
4.  friends/ Mark  and  Rob
5.  cats / family

5.       Перевести на  английский язык :
1.Сестра мамы
2. Брат дедушки
3.Дети моей тёти
4.Отец папы
5.Сын  дяди




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Выбранный для просмотра документ Test 5 Form Unit 7.docx

 5 класс  Unit 7
1. Образовать степени сравнения прилагательных
strong       ___        ___
nice          ___       ___
bad           ___       ___
interesting   ___     ____
hot           ___      ___
funny      ___    ___

 2.Употребите прилагательные в нужной степени.    
1) Kate is (young) than Mary.

2) John is the (clever) boy in the class.

3) Tom is (tall) than Richard.

4) London is one of the (big) cities in the world.

5) His dog is (good) than yours.

6) This mountain is the (high) in Europe.

7) Tom is the (tall) boy in the class.

 8) Jack is (rich) than Richard,
  but I don’t think he is (happy) than Richard.

3.Выбрать правильную форму прилагательного

1. The weather was not very ___ yesterday, buy it is ____today.

a) good          b) better    c) the best

2. China has got _______ population in the world.

a) a large       b) a larger      c) the largest

3. Susan is _________ person in the whole class.

a) a wonderful     b) more wonderful     c) the most wonderful

4. She has ________ job of all.

a) a difficult       b) more difficult        c) the most difficult

5. I think dogs are _________ than cats.

a) intelligent       b) more intelligent      c) the most intelligent   


4.Ответить на вопросы
Is Edinburgh the capital of Scotland?
Is Edinburgh an old or a new city?
What is the Royal Mile?
What is there  under  Edinburgh?
What  is Edinburgh famous for?


5 класс  Unit 7
1. Образовать степени сравнения прилагательных
clean      ___        ___
nice          ___       ___
good          ___       ___
famous   ___     ____
big           ___      ___
happy      ___    ___

 2.Употребите прилагательные в нужной степени.    
1) Kate is (young) than Mary.

2) John is the (clever) boy in the class.

3) Tom is (tall) than Richard.

4) London is one of the (big) cities in the world.

5) His dog is (good) than yours.

6) This mountain is the (high) in Europe.

7) Tom is the (tall) boy in the class.

 8) Jack is (rich) than Richard,
  but I don’t think he is (happy) than Richard.

3.Выбрать правильную форму прилагательного

1. The weather was not very ___ yesterday, buy it is ____today.

a) good          b) better    c) the best

2. China has got _______ population in the world.

a) a large       b) a larger      c) the largest

3. Susan is _________ person in the whole class.

a) a wonderful     b) more wonderful     c) the most wonderful

4. She has ________ job of all.

a) a difficult       b) more difficult        c) the most difficult

5. I think dogs are _________ than cats.

a) intelligent       b) more intelligent      c) the most intelligent   


4.Ответить на вопросы
Is Edinburgh the capital of Scotland?
Is Edinburgh an old or a new city?
What is the Royal Mile?
What is there  under  Edinburgh?
What  is Edinburgh famous for?













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Выбранный для просмотра документ Test Form 5 Unit 5.docx

Test  Form 5 Unit 5
1. Вставить предлоги  at, in, on, of, -
1. ___every evening Kate studies with her brother.

2.____we usually wash up____the evening.

3.I don't go to school______Saturdays and Sundays.

4.My friends usually visit their granny____Fridays.

5.____10 o'clock I'm always at school.
6. We can talk about it           the morning.

7.This film begins____Monday____ 7 o'clock.

2. Сделать предложения отрицательными:
1. I play the piano.
2. He drinks  tea at night.
3. We meet a lot of people.

She  likes meat.
I go to school at 8 oclock.
They play tennis after school.

3.Раскрыть скобки, поставив глагол в правильной форме:

1. Den (get up ) at 7 o’clock.
2. She usually ( walk) in the pakk.
3. School ( start ) at 8.30 a.m.
4. I ( like) to eat sandwich for breakfast.
5. My mother ( work)  in the shop.

4. Образовать порядковые числительные:
ten       6.  eleven
seven   7.  eight
four     8.  nine
4. two      9.  three
5. one      10. Sixteen

5. Перевести на английский язык:

1. В понедельник я играю в футбол.
2. В среду мы катаемся на велосипеде.
3. В субботу мы ходим в театр.
4. Во вторник я играю в компьютер.
5. В воскресение я отдыхаю.


Test  Form 5 Unit 5
Вставить предлоги  at, in, on, of, -
1. ___every evening Kate studies with her brother.

2.____we usually wash up____the evening.

3.I don't go to school______Saturdays and Sundays.

4.My friends usually visit their granny____Fridays.

5.____10 o'clock I'm always at school.
6. We can talk about it           the morning.

7.This film begins____Monday____ 7 o'clock.

2. Сделать предложения отрицательными:
1. I play the piano.
2. He drinks  tea at night.
3. We meet a lot of people.
4. She  likes meat.
5. I go to school at 8 o’ clock.
6. They play tennis after school.

3.Раскрыть скобки, поставив глагол в правильной форме:

1. Den (get up ) at 7 o’clock.
2. She usually ( walk) in the pakk.
3. School ( start ) at 8.30 a.m.
4. I ( like) to eat sandwich for breakfast.
5. My mother ( work)  in the shop.

4. Образовать порядковые числительные:
1. ten       6.  eleven
2. seven   7.  eight
3. four     8.  nine
4. two      9.  three
5. one      10. Sixteen

5. Перевести на английский язык:

1. В понедельник я играю в футбол.
2. В среду мы катаемся на велосипеде.
3. В субботу мы ходим в театр.
4. Во вторник я играю в компьютер.
5. В воскресение я отдыхаю.



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Выбранный для просмотра документ Test Form 5 Unit 9.docx

Test  Form 5 Unit 9
1.Choose the correct answer.
1.— Look! Mary ... after the bus.

a) is running  b) runs   c) is going to run

           I know Mary. She always ... to school late, a) comes  b) is coming   c) is going to come

           Yes. I'm sure she ... today.

a) is late   b) is going to be late   c) late

2.— My little sister usually ... early.

a) get up  b) gets up  c) is getting up

           Really? ... she ... to school?

a) does / go  b) is / going   c) does / goes

           No, she ..., but she ... mornings, a) isn't / is liking  b) isn't / likes c) doesn't / likes

3.— Can you ... the piano?

a) plays  b) playing   c) play

           No, I     but I ... the guitar.

a) can / can't   b) don't / do   c) can't / can

4. This is a very nice house. It's ... building in our town.

a) the beautifullest  b) the most beautiful c) the beautiful

... you ... in architecture?

a) do / interest   b) are / interested c) is / interesting

Yes, I ... . I want to be an architect, a) do   b) like   c) am

5. I ... a secret. Do you want to know it?

a) have got b) has got d) is got

   No,you ... tell me. It's a secret! a) must  b) needn't  d) mustn't

   But I ... to tell you. It's my secret, a) want  b) am wanting   c) wants

3. Choose the correct word.

1.My mother's father lives in Moscow. My ... is my best friend.

a) dad   b) grandpa   c) granny

2.I'm going to Canada. You are going to need your warm ...: two sweaters, a winter jacket and a warm cap.

a) rucksack  b) shirts  c) clothes

3.Where can I get my boarding card? Go to ....

a) the check-in desk  b) passport control c) security control

4.Mary has a very interesting .... She likes horse-riding.

a) secret  b) hobby   c) subject

5.I ... my birthday with family and friends. a) celebrate  b) invite  c) decorate

6.My birthday is ... 20 October.  a) at  b) in  c) on

7.... Russia it's usually cold ... December. a) in / at   b) in / in   c) in / on

8.Edinburgh is the ... of Scotland.  a) capital   b) city   c) museum

9.- What's the weather ...?  a) —   b) doing  c) like

It.... Don't forget your jacket.  a) rains  b) is raining  c) rain

10.We don't go to school on___ a) Sunday  b) Monday  c) Friday

11.Summer ... start in June. a) holidays  b) school   c)

3.Замените подлежащее на  местоимения he,she или it и закончите предложения.

1. Kate is English. -_____ is English.

2. My dad is Russian. -_____ is Russian.

3.A dog is sad. - _____ is sad.

4.His sister is a teacher. - _____ is a teacher.

5.Her brother is at home. - ____ is a driver.

6.My dog is cold. - _____ is cold.

4.Добавьте недостающие буквы, чтобы получились слова.

1._at                   7. driv_r 

2.do_                  8. _ook

3._ox                  9.  _is

4.h_me              10. you_
5.R__ssia          11._ay
6. t_acher          12. _ ngland

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Выбранный для просмотра документ Test Form 5 Unit 8.docx

EormUnit 8
1. Поставить
глаголы в скобках в the Present Simple or the Present Progressive.
1) Andy sometimes…comics. (to read)

2) We never…TV in the morning. (to watch)

3) Listen! Sandy…in the bathroom. (to sing)

4) My sister usually…in the kitchen. (to help)

5) My mother…breakfast now. (to make)

6) They often…the bathroom. (to clean)

7) Look! The boys…home. (to come)

8) Every day his grandfather…for a walk. (to go)

9) I …with my friend at the moment. (to chat)

10) Cats…mice. (to eat)

2.Поставить  глаголы в правильную форму:
1) Lisa ( to swim)  in the lake.

2)  You (to help) your brother.
3) He (to visit)  a museum?
4) Doris (to wash)   her T-shirt.

5) They ( to run)  home?
6) Henry (to listen)   to the radio?

7) The boys (to carry)  the buckets.

8) She (to hold)  the string of the kite?

9 ) We (to make) breakfast.

10) Ron and Fred (to check) the computer?

3. Образуйте Participle I данных глаголов.
sing , run, help, write, look, stay, take, pick, go, brush, sit, swim, do, play,


4. Сделать предложения отрицательными
 the sofa / Sam / is / on / not / sitting.
 Are / playing / not / the cats.
 cooking / Mother / not / my / is
 Reading / friends / her / are / not

Eorm 5  Unit 8
1. Поставить глаголы в скобках в the Present Simple or the Present Progressive.
1) Andy sometimes…comics. (to read)

2) We never…TV in the morning. (to watch)

3) Listen! Sandy…in the bathroom. (to sing)

4) My sister usually…in the kitchen. (to help)

5) My mother…breakfast now. (to make)

6) They often…the bathroom. (to clean)

7) Look! The boys…home. (to come)

8) Every day his grandfather…for a walk. (to go)

9) I …with my friend at the moment. (to chat)

10) Cats…mice. (to eat)

2.Поставить  глаголы в правильную форму:
1) Lisa ( to swim)  in the lake.

2)  You (to help) your brother.
3) He (to visit)  a museum?
4) Doris (to wash)   her T-shirt.

5) They ( to run)  home?
6) Henry (to listen)   to the radio?

7) The boys (to carry)  the buckets.

8) She (to hold)  the string of the kite?

9 ) We (to make) breakfast.

10) Ron and Fred (to check) the computer?

3. Образуйте Participle I данных глаголов.
sing , run, help, write, look, stay, take, pick, go, brush, sit, swim, do, play,


4. Сделать предложения отрицательными
 the sofa / Sam / is / on / not / sitting.
 Are / playing / not / the cats.
 cooking / Mother / not / my / is
 Reading / friends / her / are / not


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                            Test Form 5 Unit 4                                                                                    

1. Translate into Russian                                                                         
1. a queue                         6. a trolley
2. a check-in desk            7. to join              
3. a security control         8. an information board    
4. a baggage                     9. a boarding card

    5. exit                              10. Departures

2. Are these sentences true or false about you?

1.You can speak Russian.

2.You needn't write letters to your best friends.

3.You can play tennis.

4.Pupils in your school must wear shorts.

5.You must do your homework every day.

6.You mustn't help your mother at home.

7.Your teacher can't speak English.

8.Your dad can drive a car.

9.You mustn't drive a car.

10.You can go home now.

11.You needn't go to school tomorrow.

3. Complete the sentences.

1.Passengers can ... at the information desk.

2.Passengers can ... at the ticket office.

3.Passengers can ... at the currency exchange.

4.Passengers can ... in the duty-free shop.

5.Passengers can ... in the restaurant.

4. Составить отрицательные предложения и   все виды
вопросов по предложениям:

We must go to  passport control now.
He can speak English.

5. Answer the questions.

1.How many hours before a flight must a passenger be at the airport?

2.What must a passenger do at the check-in desk?

3.Where must a passenger show his / her passport?

4.What mustn't a passenger have in his hand baggage?

5.What is London's biggest airport                                  

 1. Translate into Russian                                                                         
1. a queue                         6. a trolley
2. a check-in desk            7. to join              
3. a security control         8. an information board    
4. a baggage                     9. a boarding card

    5. exit                              10. Departures

2. Are these sentences true or false about you?

1.      You can speak Russian.

2.      You needn't write letters to your best friends.

3.      You can play tennis.

4.      Pupils in your school must wear shorts.

5.      You must do your homework every day.

6.      You mustn't help your mother at home.

7.      Your teacher can't speak English.

8.      Your dad can drive a car.

9.      You mustn't drive a car.

10.  You can go home now.

11.  You needn't go to school tomorrow.

3. Complete the sentences.

1.          Passengers can ... at the information desk.

2.          Passengers can ... at the ticket office.

3.          Passengers can ... at the currency exchange.

4.          Passengers can ... in the duty-free shop.

5.          Passengers can ... in the restaurant.

4. Составить отрицательные предложения и   все виды
вопросов по предложениям:

We must go to  passport control now.
He can speak English.

5. Answer the questions.

1.How many hours before a flight must a passenger be at the airport?

2.What must a passenger do at the check-in desk?

3.Where must a passenger show his / her passport?

4.What mustn't a passenger have in his hand baggage?

5.What is London's biggest airport?




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Выбранный для просмотра документ Test Form 5 Unit 4.docx

                       Test Form 5 Unit 4                                                                                                  

1. Translate into Russian                                                                         
1. a queue                         6. a trolley
2. a check-in desk            7. to join              
3. a security control         8. an information board    
4. a baggage                     9. a boarding card

    5. exit                              10. Departures

2. Are these sentences true or false about you?

1.You can speak Russian.

2.You needn't write letters to your best friends.

3.You can play tennis.

4.Pupils in your school must wear shorts.

5.You must do your homework every day.

6.You mustn't help your mother at home.

7.Your teacher can't speak English.

8.Your dad can drive a car.

9.You mustn't drive a car.

10.You can go home now.

11.You needn't go to school tomorrow.

3. Complete the sentences.

1.Passengers can ... at the information desk.

2.Passengers can ... at the ticket office.

3.Passengers can ... at the currency exchange.

4.Passengers can ... in the duty-free shop.

5.Passengers can ... in the restaurant.

4. Составить отрицательные предложения и   все виды
вопросов по предложениям:

We must go to  passport control now.
He can speak English.

5. Answer the questions.

1.How many hours before a flight must a passenger be at the airport?

2.What must a passenger do at the check-in desk?

3.Where must a passenger show his / her passport?

4.What mustn't a passenger have in his hand baggage?

5.What is London's biggest airport                                  


                                Test Form 5 Unit 4                                                                                    


1. Translate into Russian                                                                         
1. a queue                         6. a trolley
2. a check-in desk            7. to join              
3. a security control         8. an information board    
4. a baggage                     9. a boarding card

    5. exit                              10. Departures

2. Are these sentences true or false about you?

1.You can speak Russian.

2.You needn't write letters to your best friends.

3.You can play tennis.

4.Pupils in your school must wear shorts.

5.You must do your homework every day.

6.You mustn't help your mother at home.

7.Your teacher can't speak English.

8.Your dad can drive a car.

9.You mustn't drive a car.

10.You can go home now.

11.You needn't go to school tomorrow.

3. Complete the sentences.

1.Passengers can ... at the information desk.

2.Passengers can ... at the ticket office.

3.Passengers can ... at the currency exchange.

4.Passengers can ... in the duty-free shop.

5.Passengers can ... in the restaurant.

4. Составить отрицательные предложения и   все виды
вопросов по предложениям:

We must go to  passport control now.
He can speak English.

5. Answer the questions.

1.How many hours before a flight must a passenger be at the airport?

2.What must a passenger do at the check-in desk?

3.Where must a passenger show his / her passport?

4.What mustn't a passenger have in his hand baggage?

5.What is London's biggest airport                                  


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