Инфоурок Родная литература ТестыКонтрольно- измерительный материал по родной литературе (6класс)

Контрольно- измерительный материал по родной литературе (6класс)

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                                              Пояснительная записка

          Контрольно-измерительные материалы составлены в форме тестов  с учетом требований ФГОС, материалов УМК «Spotlight», психологических особенностей учащихся 6 класса с целью проверки  сформированности умений и навыков по видам речевой деятельности, что позволит обучающимся определить уровень усвоения языкового материала по каждой теме. Количество тестов соответствует количеству изучаемых модулей (тем). Время выполнения-45 минут.

             Каждый тест имеет 4 раздела: Vocabulary (словарный запас), Grammar (грамматика), Everyday English (повседневный английский), Reading(чтение).

Учащимся предлагается выполнить задания по заполнению пропусков, выбора правильных и неправильных утверждений, подбора словосочетаний, фраз или картинок  в разделах по выявлению знаний лексики, грамматики и фраз ежедневного употребления. В заданиях по чтению необходимо выполнить тестовые задания на основе прочитанного текста. У учащихся есть возможность увидеть слабое звено в области познания языка и сконцентрироваться, чтобы не допускать ошибок в последующих контрольных работах.

Критерии оценивания.                                                                                      .                                                                                          

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Оценка «2»

59% и менее

Оценка «3»

От 60% до 74%

Оценка «4»

 От 75% до 94%

Оценка «5»

 От 95% до 100%

























                                                                               ТЕSТ   1.


A    Write the nationalities

e.g. Germany – German


Japan - ............................................ Brazil - ............................................

Britain - ...........................................  5  Spain - ............................................

Poland - ........................................... Russia - ............................................


B Complete the sentences with the correct word.


capital twins  south mountains slim  credit nationality

wavy driving middle

e. g. Bob has got two credit cards.


7   Jane's hair is long  and ....................            12    Susan is tall and ...........with long, dark hair.

8   Rom is the.............   city of Italy.                   13    Foros  is in the ...............of Crimea.

9   Peter has got two brothers. They are........    14    In  Crimea   there are a lot of......................

10 His mother is a ..........-aged  woman.            15   "What................ is she?" "She's Canadian."

11bHave you got a .................. licence?




C   Choose the correct item.

e.g. Beth and Steve are .......... parents.

        A Annas B Anna's



16   Is this ....................... card?

        A Kates'     B Kate's

17   Jake   is ....................... son.

       A Sam's and Sue's      B Sam and Sue's

18    Whose camera is this? It's..................

         A my      B mine

19   This skateboard isn't mine. It's my ........

         A sister's         B sisters

20    These are......................books.

         A Rita's         B  Ritas'















                                                              Теsт  2



A Write as in the example

e.g.cooker 1...................... 2..................... 3........................... 4...................... 5......................


B Look at Ex. A and write the correct rooms as in the example.

e.g.There's a cooker in the kitchen.

6 ............................................................................... 9 ...............................................................................

7 ............................................................................... 10 ...............................................................................

8 ...............................................................................


C Write the words as in the example.

e.g. 2nd - second 8:20 - twenty past eight

11 12:00 ................................................................  15 5:15 ................................................................

12 1st ................................................................      16 20th ................................................................

13 1:30 ................................................................    17 10:45 ................................................................

14 12th ................................................................


D Complete the sentences with at, on or in.

e.g. My brother's birthday party is on Saturday.

18 They go to bed ....................9:00 pm.                21 Brian and Steve play football.............Mondays.

19 Janet's birthday is .............. May.                       22 I see my friends........the weekend.

20 Mum wakes up at 7 o'clock........ the morning.




E Underline the correct item.

e.g. There is a wardrobe in the bedroom.

23 There is a/an fireplace in the living room.         26 There's an/a armchair opposite the coffee table.

24 There are any/some cushions on the sofa.      27 There aren't any/a chairs in the dining room.

25 There aren't some/any paintings on the wall


F Choose the correct item.

e.g. There are two paintings ................. the wall.

         B on

28 "Where's the cat?" "She's ....................... the table."

A between B under

31 John sits ........... Pete in class. They are good


A on B next to


29 Mike sits ....................... the computer all day.

A in front of B in

32 "Where's the newspaper?" "It's ............... the


A on B behind

30 I put the flowers ........................ a vase.

A opposite B in

33 Our house is .............. the park and the cinema.

A under B between




Everyday English


G Match the questions to the responses.

e.g. Whose birthday is in winter? G

34 What's your favourite day of the week? ........           . A A quarter past one.

35 How old are you? .........                                              B Saturday!

36 What's the time please? .........                                    C It's 25th August.

37 When's your birthday? .........                                       D It's on 13th May.

38 Where do you want the lamp? .........                           E I'm twelve.

39 What's the date today? ........                                     . F On the coffee table, please.

                                                                                          G It's Bill's.

H Read the email and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).


From :Andy

To: Darren

Subject: My new neighbourhood!

Hi, Darren!

How are you? My new neighbourhood is great. There are lots of shops and cafes. I even have a sports shop right opposite my house! My Mum is very happy because there is a supermarket and a chemist's   on out street. There is  also a library next to the supermarket. I go there to read books every weekend.      It is really nice here. Why don't you  come and stay with me during the school holidays?




e.g. The email is about Andy's new neighbourhood. T

40 The email is from Darren. ........

41 Andy likes his new neighbourhood. ........

42 There are not many shops. ........

43 There is a sports shop near his house. ........

44 There isn't a supermarket. ........

45 Darren can stay at Andy's new house. ........















                                                              Form  6             Тест  3



A   Match the words

e.g. 9 traffic       A warden


1 parking .......                 B driver

2 traffic .......                    C belt

3 yellow .......                   D lights

4 zebra .......                    E crossing

5 bus .......                       F lines

6 seat ......                       G zone

7 speed.......                    H sign

8 traffic....                        I   limit



B Fill in the correct word.

 park road plane bike boat car lights left 

e.g. You can park your car here.


 9   That man is a pilot. He can fly a ...............                         

 10 Can your father sail a.............................?

 11 Always stop at the traffic ......................when   they're red.

 12 My little sister can't ride a ........................

 13 Turn...........into Green street.

 14 His brother is very young. He can't drive a............

 15 Don't run from the pavement onto the ..................



C   Complete with correct verb

 talk  ● lean  wear lookwalk


         Road Safety Instructions

• When in the car, don’t e.g. lean out of the window.


• When on the street, 16)...........................both ways before crossing.

• When on the bus, don’t 17)..............................to the driver.

• When on the bus, don’t 18)....................... out of the window.

• When going to school, 19)........................on the pavement.

• When your ride your bike, 20)....................a bicycle helmet


Everyday English


G Choose the correct response


e.g. Is there a cinema near here?                    A Not really.


21 Is it far? .........                                                                 Turn  left   and go  straight  on.

22 Excuse  me,is there a hospital  near here?                    Yes, there's one on the corner.

23 How can I get to the  chemist's?                                     Don't mention it.

24 Thank you very much.                                                     Yes. There is a big hospital  down the street.

25 Is there a cafe around here?                                           Not really.













                            Form  6                Test  4


A    Fill in the correct word.


fireworks special dish gardening flowers costumes cakedusting phone

      e.g. Everyone’s getting ready to celebrate the New Year’s Day.


1 At Halloween, we all wear strange .....................

2 Sam is doing the ………………….He loves   plants  and  flowers.

3 Can I make a ................................call?

4 She loves to watch the …………….. in the sky on  the  New  Years  Day.

5 The living room is dirty, we must do the  ……………..

6 Mum is making a …………………………. for   dinner tonight.

7 He gives his mother…………… on her birthday.

8 Mum is making   a  ………   for my birthday!



B   Underline the correct word.

     e.g. He is doing/making the decorations for the party.


 9   It’s your turn to do/make the dusting.

10  Mum is  doing/making   a special dish.

11  He doesn’t want  to do/make  the washing-up.

12   Help your dad  do/make  the shopping.




C   Underline the correct word.

      e.g. It  is/are raining today.


13 He is/are washing the car.

14 Is/Are   they watching TV?

15 We  is/are having a party.

16 Is/Are she listening to music?

17  I   is/am   eating a sandwich.



D   Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

     e.g. to/Peter/going/the/festival/is.          Peter is going to the festival.


18   is/reading/a   book /she?

19   watching/not/Susan/is/a/film.

20   the/eating/are/ sandwiches/ they.



Everyday English

E   Match the questions to the responses.


21  Would you like to include a card?                               A A dozen white roses.

22  What do you have in mind?                                        B She  is doing  the  washing- up.

23  Who  are  they  for?                                                    C On  the  morning  of  March  8th.

24 What  is  Lizzie   doing  now  ?                                    D Yes, please. I have it ready.

25 When  would  you  like  us to  send  them?                 E For  Ms  Samanta  Smith.










                                        FORM   6           Теsт  5



A   Fill in the correct word.


● board ● meet ● weekend ●drama  ● jigsaw  ● novels

e.g. Julie is fond of reading novels.


1   How often do you ...........................your friends?                                                                                                                2   Bob and Liz don't like doing ..............................puzzles.

3   Mary loves windsurfing. She tries to go every................

4    I think.................games like backgammon  are lots of fun.

5   Are you good at acting? Why not join our  ..............club.



B Match the words to make compound nouns.

 e.g.    tooth            A work

6     wind .……..      B paper

7     basket ………  C ball

8     news ………     D day

9     birth ………      E surfing

10   home ………    F brush




 Underline the correct item.


e.g. Mum is cooking/cooks at the moment.


11    Pete and I are playing/ play Scrabble at the  moment.

12    I   go/ am going to see my grandparents every  Saturday morning.

13    My sister meets/ is meeting  her friends every  afternoon.

14    George    is learning /learns  to windsurf these  days.

15    He    is not having/ doesn't have  a shower right  now.



D   Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.


e.g. Joy goes (go) jogging in the mornings.


16   I...............................(likeplaying board games.

17  "What are you doing?" "I ................ (look) at my hair in the mirror."

18   Jess...............(love)  reading. It's her favourite activity.

19   John...............( runaround in the garden at the moment.

20   Bob ............. (playbasketball on Fridays.




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