Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКоспект учебного занятия по английскому языку "Travelling to Australia" (7 класс)

Коспект учебного занятия по английскому языку "Travelling to Australia" (7 класс)

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Even in medieval times there were stories about a large continent in the Southern Hemisphere. But Europeans had never seen it. They wondered what it was like and whether it was inhabited. They called this land terra australis incognita, or “the unknown southern land” – Australia.

            Nowadays when people speak of Australia they can mean three things: 1) Australia as a continent; 2) Australia is an island and 3) Australia as an independent country. Australia is the world’ largest island and its smallest continent.

            Australia is a land of striking differences. In the centre of the continent and in the west more than 50% of the land is desert – dry and uninhabited. There are three deserts there – the Great Sandy Desert, the Great Victoria Desert and the Gibson Desert, situated between them. Naturally very few people live there. Most of them live on narrow coasts of the east and south-east. Main cities, where people live among tall offices buildings, automobile plants and busy factories, are also situated there.

In the north-east tropical forests cover the coast. In the mountains of the south-east the snow lies for seven months of the year.

Australia is divided into six states and two territories.

New South Wales is Australia’s leading industrial state. Most people live along the east coast, and most of them are in Sydney. Sydney is also the largest city in Australia.

In Victoria most people live in the south. Melbourne is the capital of the state and the largest city. Sheep and wheat are the main products here. Citrous fruits, grapes, peaches and apricots are grown along the Murray River.

Queensland is Australia’s second largest state. Brisbane, its capital, is situated on the east coast. Queensland has long beautiful sandy beaches. Its coast is a popular place for holidaymakers. The climate along the east coast is hot and humid. It is the tropical corner of Australia. Bananas and other tropical fruits are grown here. Most of the land in the south is too dry for farming. Some of Australia’s most unproductive desert lands occupy the bigger part of the state.

The state of Western Australia is dry and inhospitable except the south-western corner of the state. Nearly all of the state’s farms, sheep stations and fruit gardens are situated there. The rest of the state is dry desert land with very few towns or lonely cattle stations.

South Australia is the third largest state. Most of South Australia’s people, farms and industry are in the south-eastern part of the state. Adelaide is the capital and the largest city. Most of South Australia is too dry for farming. Farming very much depends on irrigation or underground water. Some of Australia’s most unproductive desert lands occupy the greater part of the state. Wheat and fruit (apricots, pears, peaches, nectarines and grapes) are grown along the lower part of the Murray River.

Tasmania, the island state, is sometimes called the apple isle because it produces most of Australia’s apples. Tasmania is one of the few places in Australia that have enough rain all year. Tasmania is Australia’s leading producer of pears and berries of different kinds. Potatoes are also grown in some areas.

Northern Territory is the least populated and least developed part of Australia. Crocodiles still live in some of the swamps along the coast. Darwin is its capital and the only large settlement in the north. Alice Springs, generally called Alice or the Alice, is the only town in the south.

The capital of Australia is Canberra. The city doesn’t belong to any state. It is situated on the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), which occupies an area of 2,432 square kilometers.

hemisphere – полушарие

inhabit – населять

humid – влажный




swamp – болото

sheep stations – овцеводческие фермы

cattle stations – скотоводческие фермы

a plant – завод



1. Answer the following questions

1.      Where is Australia situated?

2.      What water bodies wash the continent?

3.      What are the three Australian deserts?

4.      What places in Australia are least populated and least developed?

5.      In what way is Australia divided?

6.      Can you name Australian states and territories? What are they?

7.      Which of the states is the leading industrial state?

8.      In what places of Australia fruit, wheat and potatoes are grown?

9.      Why do people from the south of the country often spend holidays in the north-east of Australia?

10. What city is Australia’s capital? Where is it?


2. Look at the map of Australia and say:


1)     how many countries are situated on the island;

2)     where the three Australian deserts are situated;

3)     what the name of the biggest lake on the continent is;

4)     what Australian rivers you can name; which of them you think is the most important;

5)     what mountain ranges there are on the territory of Australia;

6)     what city is the national capital;

7)     what cities are state capitals;

8)     what other cities you can find on the map of Australia.


3. Speak about Australia

·        The geographical position of the country

·        Its main states and territories

·        The main Australian cities

·        The most and least populated areas

·        Mountains and rivers in Australia

·        Things the country produces


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План-конспект урока английского языка по теме «Едем в Австралию»

в 7 классе

учителя ГУО «Прилукская СШ» Карпейко В.Е.


Тема: Путешествие по разным странам

Коммуникативная ситуация: Едем в Австралию

Тип урока: урок  формирования знаний, умений и навыков

Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в рамках обозначенной темы

Прогнозируемый результат: предполагается, что к окончанию урока учащиеся смогут осуществлять перенос знаний по теме «Путешествие в Австралию» в изменённую ситуацию

Задачи воспитания и развития учащихся:

Ø  Развивать навыки чтения;

Ø  Практиковать использование активной грамматики (Conditional I);

Ø  расширять кругозор учащихся на основе знакомства с животным миром и достопримечательностями Австралии;

Ø  способствовать овладению учащимися основными способами мыслительной деятельности (сравнение, анализ, обобщение);

Ø   воспитывать положительное и бережное отношение к дикому животному миру.


Методы: коммуникативный, интерактивный, частично-поисковый

Юхнель, Н. В. Английский язык : учеб. пособие для 7-го класса общеобразоват. учрежд. с русским языком обучения / Н. В. Юхнель,
Е. Г. Наумова. – Минск : Вышэйшая школа, 2010.;

Английский язык: учеб. для VI кл. с углубл. изучением англ. яз., лицеев, гимназий, колледжей / О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева. – 4-е изд. – М.: просвещение, 2001. – 351 с.: ил.

мультимедийный проектор; экран; карточки  для игры «На австралийском рынке»; аудиозапись звука шума на рынке для проведения игры; мультимедийная презентация;

Ход урока

Этап урока

Задача этапа

Содержание урока



Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

I.     Начало урока


Создать психологическую готовность класса к уроку

Good morning, boys and girls. I’m very glad to meet you. And I see that you are ready to start our lesson

Приветствуют учителя.

1 мин






Введение в коммуникативную

к основной деятельности на уроке

Teacher. Do you like travelling?

Why do people like travelling? Please, use the diagram. (Слайд 1 )

Which means of transport do people choose and why? 


Отвечают на вопросы, используя опору на экране.

5 мин


слайд 1



Активизировать субъективный опыт учеников, создать условия для самоопределения учащихся на деятельность и ее результат

Today we’ll speak about one
of the English-speaking countries. Answer the question: “What country is this?” (Слайд

What do you know about Australia?

Отвечают на вопросы

2 мин


слайд 2


II.     Основная часть


Cамостоятельное ознакомление с текстом с целью общего понимания.


Предтекстовый этап

As I see you know some information about Australia. Let’s learn about new facts about this wonderful country.

Look at the screen and learn to read these proper names.

Read the text and say what new things about Australia you have learned from it.

Текстовый этап

Read the text and be ready with the tasks which you can see after the text. Work in pairs.

Послетекстовый этап

Well, say, please, what new things about Australia you have learned from it.

OK, let’s check the tasks you have done.


Учатся читать имена собственные






Читают текст,

Выполняют задания



Отвечают на вопросы

15 мин


слайд 3










Раздаточный материал

Закрепление и повторение грамматической структуры

Повторить и закрепить грамматическую структуру (условные предложения 1 типа)

You know children I like traveling very much, because I can see many interesting places. If I go to Russia I will see the Kremlin; if I go to Britain probably I will see Tower Bridge.

And if you go to Australia what sights will you see?

Pupils: If I go to Australia I will see Uluru.

 When we go abroad we usually bring some souvenirs back home. What souvenirs do you usually bring back home from your travels?

Pupils: I bring magnets back home from my travels.

How do you think what souvenirs can be sold in the Australian Bush Market? What goods can we see if we get there?

 For example, if I go to the Australian Bush Market, I will see postcards with Australian sights. And what about you? What goods will you see?

 Pupils: If I go to the Australian Bush Market I will see aboriginal paintings.

Отвечают на вопросы, используя опору на экране.

Отвечают на вопросы, используя опору на экране.


Составляют предложения по образцу, используя различные названия австралийских сувениров

5 мин


слайд 4, 5




2 мин


слайд 6



3 мин

Образец условного предложения - на презентации.

Слайд 7 - картинки с названиями товаров



Развивать навыки говорения

 And now let’s go to the Australian Bush Market.

Many different tribes live in Australian deserts. They all have different languages and they don’t understand each other. They meet in the market place once a week. As they have no money, they exchange their goods. They all know only a little bit of English, so their language is very limited. They usually say something like ‘If I give you this seashell, what will you give me?’. The other dealer or trader has to say: ‘If you give me this seashell, I’ll give you a postcard’. If the first dealer likes the idea, he should say: OK. It’s a deal. If he doesn’t like the idea the answer should be: ‘No, no deal!’ Traders also have to advertise their goods, saying:’Look! It’s gorgeous!’


Choose something from these goods. Use the adjectives from the box to describe the items you have.


Make two circles, inner circle and outer circle. Stand opposite each other.

Exchange your goods with other traders. When I clap my hands, pupils in outer circle should move to the right and change the trader.


Remember: your time is limited.


Your time is over.  Count how many things and what kind of things have you got.

Задают вопросы и отвечают по образцу

10 мин


слайд 8

аудиозапись звука шума на рынке


Повторение и закрепление изученной ранее лексики

Повторить и закрепить изученную лексику

It’s fashionable among tourists to bring some exotic animals back home. Look at the screen. What Australian animals are popular among tourists?


  You see these animals are very interesting and unusual. To my mind koala is very pretty. It’s cute. Talking cockatoo is very beautiful. It’s gorgeous. What about you? Do you agree with me? Share your points of view. Express your opinions.

Pupils: I think a kangaroo is cute.

So, which animals are cute in your opinion?

What animals can we meet in Australia? As far as I’m concerned if I go to Australia, I’ll meet gorgeous brumbies. What about you? What animals will you meet?

 Высказывают своё мнение по образцу, используя новые прилагательные.

2 мин














3 мин

Слайд 9 - прилагательные ‘cute, gorgeous, naughty’, их дефиниции и образец фразы “I think koalas are pretty, they are cute.”







Слайд 10

 III.            Заключительный этап



Содействовать развитию рефлексивных навыков

You have just come back from Australia. Tell us about your impressions of the country.

It was interesting for me to know that …           

For me the most exciting fact was that …


Делятся информацией со всем классом, используя опору на экране

4 мин


Слайд 11


Подведение итогов

Подвести итоги урока

I'm very pleased with your creative work. It was a pleasure to see you all here. Good-bye.





Слайд 12



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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • discover new places, help to become more educated person, improve knowledge o...

    1 слайд

    discover new places, help to become more educated person, improve knowledge of foreign language, broaden your scope, teach people about art and culture, help to relax, meet interesting people, see world wonders

  • 2 слайд

  • 3 слайд

  • If I go to Australia I will see …
 The Great Barrier Reef Kakadu National Par...

    4 слайд

    If I go to Australia I will see …

    The Great Barrier Reef
    Kakadu National Park
    Barossa Valley
    Kings Canyon
    McКenzie Lake

  • the Sydney Opera House 12 Apostles Kangaroo Island The Sidney Harbour Bridge...

    5 слайд

    the Sydney Opera House
    12 Apostles
    Kangaroo Island
    The Sidney Harbour Bridge
    If I go to Australia I will see …

  • What souvenirs do you usually bring back home from your travels? 
I usually b...

    6 слайд

    What souvenirs do you usually bring back home from your travels?

    I usually bring … back from my travels.
    plush toys, postcards, books, magnets, badges, mugs, trinkets, posters, T-shirts, plates, spoons

  • What souvenirs will you see if you go to the Australian Bush Market?If I go t...

    7 слайд

    What souvenirs will you see if you go to the Australian Bush Market?
    If I go to the Australian Bush Market, I will see … .
    crocodile belts
    leather hats
    toy koala bears

  • A: If I give you this seashell, what will you give me? 

B: If you give me th...

    8 слайд

    A: If I give you this seashell, what will you give me?

    B: If you give me this seashell, I’ll give you a postcard.

    A: OK. It’s a deal. / No, no deal!
    gorgeous, cute, naughty, special,
    pretty, beautiful, fantastic

  • What Australian animals are popular among tourists?kangaroodingolyrebirdemuko...

    9 слайд

    What Australian animals are popular among tourists?
    I think that ... is gorgeous (cute, naughty, special,
    pretty, beautiful, fantastic, etc.)

  • bird of paradisewombat budgie Tasmanian devil    crocodile buffalo anteater k...

    10 слайд

    bird of paradise
    Tasmanian devil
    If I go to Australia, I’ll meet gorgeous brumbies

  • It was interesting for me to know that …            
For me the most exciting...

    11 слайд

    It was interesting for me to know that …
    For me the most exciting fact was that …
    You have just come back from Australia.
    Tell us about your impressions of the country.

Thank you for your work!
Good byе!

    12 слайд

    Thank you for your work!
    Good byе!

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Выбранный для просмотра документ Карточки для игры в рынок.doc






4 books on the history of Australia





10 feathers of birds of paradise



8 woolen scarves




12 seashells


10 pieces of coral reefs




2 talking cockatoos





9 CDs with local music









10 Aboriginal paintings


4 crocodile belts





4 toy koala bears






4 upside-down world maps


10 shark's teeth necklaces




AUSTMAPPC32 Australian Cities.jpg

PC57 Australia.jpgBARBM3

SOUV20PC83 Coastlines Australia.jpg


6 postcards with Australian sights









3 tortoiseshell boxes








 Buy at Art.com Buy at Art.com  Painting of Dancing Figures at Nourlangie Rock, Australia Buy at Art.com Riddle of the Bradshaws

6 rocks with X-ray paintings


2 baby kangaroos



10 didjeridoos



















5 boomerangs








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