Инфоурок Иностранные языки Научные работыӨлеңдер жиынтығы ағылшын тілінде

Өлеңдер жиынтығы ағылшын тілінде

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№4 бастауыш мектебі













Ағылшын тілінен бастауыш сыныптарға арналған тақпақтар жинағы


















                                                                 Орындаған: Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

                                                                                     Тенлисбаева Жибек











Арыс қаласы 2015ж





Ι . Кіріспе …………………………………………………………………………………..

ΙΙ. Тақырыптық тақпақтар:


2. Уақыт………………………………………………………………………………

3.Жыл мезгілдері………………………………………………………………

4. Табиғат…………………………………………………………………

5. Күн тәртібі………………………………………………………………

6. Достар……………………………………………………………………………...

7. Айлар……………………………………………………………………………..


9. Жануарлар………………………………………………………………….

10. Сандар……………………………………………………………………..

11. Спорт  және ойында………………………………………………………….

12. Дни недели……………………………………………………………………….

13. Праздники………………………………………………………………………..

14. Я..…………………………………………………………………………………

15. Цвета……………………………………………………………………………...

16. Стихотворения с  сопровождающими движениями…………………………..

17. Стихотворения для изучения грамматического материала…………………..

18. Прочие……………………………………………………………………………

ΙΙΙ. Список литературы……………………………………………………………………...














































Известно, что стихотворение, особенно аутентично, является важным элементом любого языка и поэтому заслуживает самого пристального внимания.

В целях реализации воспитательных и общеобразовательных задач в процессе обучения детей английскому языку использую работу над стихотворением на всех этапах обучения, т.к. это приобщает учащихся к общечеловеческим ценностям, заставляет их вдумываться в значение слов, замечать различные оттенки в их значении, учит выражать мысль различными средствами, помогает понять единство языка и мышления.

С другой стороны, очевидно, что главное в работе учителя - это стремление к тому, чтобы процесс обучения превратился из однообразного, монотонного механического заучивания и воспроизведения материала в творческую работу, творческий поиск. Думаю, никто не станет отрицать, что этому способствует работа над поэтическими произведениями, которая развивает ребёнка, прививает интерес к поэтическому слову, учит слышать красоту слова, красоту изучаемого языка.

Методические преимущества стихотворений в обучении иностранному языку: стихотворение, как один из видов речевого общения является средством более прочного усвоения и расширения лексического запаса, так как включает новые слова и выражения. В стихотворениях уже знакомая лексика встречается в новом контекстуальном окружении, что помогает в её активизации. В стихотворениях  часто встречаются имена собственные, географические названия, реалии страны изучаемого языка, поэтические слова. Это способствует развитию у школьников чувств языка, знания его стилистических особенностей. Кроме того, стихотворение – это великолепное средство повышения интереса, как к стране изучаемого языка, так и к самому языку, а так же весьма эффективный способ повторения языкового материала. Эквиритмический перевод стихотворения является одним из методических приёмов в обучении иностранному языку.

Использую как программные, так и дополнительные стихотворения для работы на уроках и во внеклассной работе.

Работу над стихотворением условно делю на несколько аспектов: лексический (содержание стихотворения); фонетический; грамматический; технический (способы запоминания содержания стихотворения); социально-лингвистический, страноведческий.

 Деление очень условно, потому что нет четких границ между этапами, один плавно    перетекает в другой.

I. Лексический аспект.

Начинаю работу над стихотворением с «мозгового штурма». Записываю на доске название стихотворения, и учащиеся дают свои ассоциативные представления.  Каждый ученик говорит одно слово – понятие, по его мнению, связанное с названием и содержанием стихотворения. Все слова записываются на доске Следующий этап работы - построение предложений относительно названия и содержания стихотворения. В менее подготовленном классе вместо составления рассказа можно предложить упражнение с множественным выбором. Во время первого прослушивания стихотворения учащиеся проверяют обоснованность своих предположений относительно содержания стихотворения.

II. Работа над фонетикой.

 Отрабатываем чтение первого четверостишья. Отрабатываем чтение первого четверостишья: звук > сочетание звуков > слово > словосочетание. Отработав отдельные трудные места, (можно новые слова написать на доске в транскрипции), повторяем первое четверостишье за диктором или за учителем.  Так отрабатывается каждое четверостишие. Настраиваю учащихся на максимально четкое произношение текста.  Использую элемент соревнования. Повторение стихотворения за диктором или за учителем. Исполнение стихотворения за диктором или за учителем.          

III. Работа над грамматической стороной стихотворения.

Как правило, все стихотворения написаны в одном грамматическом времени. На доске или в распечатке предъявляется первое четверостишье. Учащиеся заполняют пропуски в тексте (глаголы в необходимом времени). Далее, прослушивая это четверостишье,  обучающиеся проверяют правильность выполнения задания. Для поддержания на должном уровне грамматических навыков задаются все виды вопросительных предложений к каждой строчке: общий, специальный, разделительный, альтернативный. Попутно отрабатываются все остальные грамматические явления, которые присутствуют в четверостишье. Далее идет работа над грамматическими явлениями второго, третьего  четверостишья стихотворения.

IV. Работа над запоминанием.

            Существует несколько способов запоминания текста:

- «Неполная фраза». Говорю или пишу на доске начало фразы: Учащиеся по памяти заканчивают ее. Обязательно используется элемент соревнования. Класс делится на команды и по очереди восстанавливают строчки из стихотворения.

- При небольшой группе каждый ученик произносит одну и ту же строчку.  «Снежный ком». Каждый последующий ученик повторяет фразу предыдущего и добавляет свою.

- «Цепь». Каждый ученик говорит одну строчку стихотворения, и так по очереди до конца.

- Соревнование «Собери стихотворение». Класс делится на две группы. Каждая группа получает конверт с разрезанным на отдельные строчки стихотворением. Кто быстрее соберет полный текст стихотворения?

V. Социально-лингвистический, страноведческий аспект.

Исполнение стихотворения с диктором или учителем. Далее работаем над содержанием стихотворения. Задаю несколько проблемных вопросов. Для ответа на них учащиеся анализируют содержание стихотворения. Если это возможно, выявляем исторический фон стихотворения, извлекается какая-то социокультурная информация. Если упоминаются какие-то географические названия, учащиеся показывают их на карте. Все ответы необходимо доказать соответствующими предложениями из стихотворения.

На заключительных этапах работы над стихотворением:

1. Исполнение стихотворения с диктором или учителем 2. Исполнение стихотворения самостоятельно, без диктора или учителя.  3. Конкурс на лучшее исполнение стихотворения.

При работе над любым стихотворением строю работу по развитию речи: учащимся предлагается вообразить и описать место действия стихотворения, например город, дом, квартиру, где живут главные герои, описать внешность и характер действующих лиц, предположительный возраст, профессию, образ жизни, любимую пищу, одежду и т.д. 

Работа идет без предварительной подготовки. Дома можно сделать коллаж, рисунок, слайд-шоу, музыкальное сопровождение, подобрать  пословицы, выражающие основную тему стихотворения ит.д.(многим помогают родители).

  На протяжении работы всего курса работы над стихотворением существенное внимание должно уделяться организации самостоятельной работы учащихся

Заключительный урок:

Конкурс на лучшее исполнение стихотворения.

Использование стихотворных форм текста в процессе обучения иностранному языку должно быть подчинено следующим методическим принципам:

1. Материал используемых стихотворений по содержанию должен быть тесно связан с тематикой и языковым материалом учебника. Их содержание должно быть связано с жизнью и иметь воспитывающий характер.

2. Работа над стихами должна быть рассчитана на активное участие учащихся в учебном процессе.

3. Этот вид работы не должен занимать слишком много времени на уроке, иначе он станет развлечением для учащихся и будет отвлекать от усвоения другого учебного материала.

4. При организации работы над стихотворением необходимо там, где это, возможно, максимально использовать наглядность.

И так, работа над стихотворением обогащает ученика, расширяет его кругозор, приобщает к культуре страны изучаемого языка.










Learn your lessons

As well as you can.

Be tidy like Nick,

Not dirty like Dan.



Holidays are over,

No more fun,

Holidays are over,

School has begun!


 Mind the clock

And keep the rule:

Try to come

In time to school


What are little boys made of?  

What are little boys made of?

What are little boys made of?

Frogs and snails and puppy-dogs’ tails,

And that’s what little boys are made of!

    What are little girls made of?

    What are little girls made of?

    Sugar and spice and all things nice,

    And that’s what little girls are made of!





Clean the blackboard,
Clean the door,

Clean the table,
Clean the floor.



Let us try to be polite
In everything we do
Remember always to say «Please»
And don’t forget «Thank you».



Turn left, turn right,

Always love, never fight.

Come early, don’t be late,

Try to be good, don’t hate.


Six Serving Men

I have six honest serving men

They taught me all I knew

Their names are

What and Why and

When and How and

Where and Who.

I send them over land and sea

I send them East and West

But after they have worked for me

I give them all a rest.




What do you do at this time?

Now it’s six o’clock

Six o’clock six o’clock

Now it’s six o’clock

And what   do you do at six o’clock?

-          I get up.

Now it’s seven o’clock

Seven o ‘clock seven o’clock

Now it seven o’clock

And what do you do at seven o’clock?

-          I do exercises

Now it’s eight o’clock

Eight o’clock eight o’clock

Now it’s eight o’clock

And what do you do at eight o’clock?

      -  I take a shower.

What does the clock say?

It’s seven o’clock in the morning.

Get up, get up, get up!

It’s eight o’clock! It’s eight!

It’s eight! Come on! It’s late.

It’s nine o’clock in the morning

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.

It’s nine o’clock, it’s nine o’clock,

«It’s nine, it’s nine» - says the clock.

It’s ten o’clock in the evening.

Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight.

It’s ten o’clock, it’s time for bed

Say «Goodnight» and go to bed.




«Tick - tock, tick – tock»,

Ticks Tommy’s clock.

«Tick - tock, tick – tock»,

Ticks and ticks his clock.


The old year

Green for spring
And blue for summer,
As the days go by,
Gold for autumn,
White for winter,
Old year`s gone.
Good-bye!   It likes to play.





What`s the time?

What`s the time? – it`s nearly noon –
Dinner time is coming soon.
Now it`s two and now it`s three,
Now it`s four and time for tea,
And now all is done and said,
Nine o`clock and time for bed.


How many

How many seconds in a minute?
Sixty and no more in it.
How many minutes in an hour?
Sixty for sun and flower.

How many hours in a day?
Twenty-four for work and play.
How many months in a year?
Twelve the calendar makes clear.


Времена года



Autumn is yellow,

Winter is white,

Spring is green,

Summer is bright.


Spring is here,

Summer is near,

Grass is green,

So nice and clean.

Winter, spring, summer, fall-

I like spring best of all.


Spring, spring, spring!

The trees are green,

Blue skies are seen.

The grey winter, go away!

 The world looks new and gay!



In the spring, in the spring.

Sweet and fresh is everything.

Winter winds are no more blowing

In the fields all is growing.

In the spring, in the spring

Sweet and fresh is everything.






This is the season

When snowdrops bloom,

When nobody likes

To be in his room.

This is the season

When birds make their nests;

This is the season

We all like best.

Ode to spring

O spring, O spring,

You wonderful thing!

O spring, O spring,

O spring, O spring,

When the birds sing

I feel like a king!



There is no snow

The flowers are seen.

This isn’t summer,

I know it is spring!











It is winter, it is winter.

Let us skate and ski.

It is winter, it is winter.

It’s great fun for me.



Winter, win­ter, winter!

The snow is falling,

The wind is blowing,

The ground is white

All day and all night.



This is the season

When mornings are dark,

And birds do not sing

In the forest and park.

This is the season

When children ski,

And Father Frost

Brings the New Year tree


It’s winter now, so bundle up tight!

Warm mittens and caps will be just right.

Ice on the lake, snow on the ground,

Time to ski and skate all around.

Winter, spring, summer, fall-

I like winter best of all.




Boys and girls,

Hand in hand

Go to the winter land.

The snow is white,

The sky is blue.

Oh, winter,

How do you do?

    We'll make a snowman

    Big and round

    Big and round.

    We'll put the snowman

    On the ground

    On the ground.


We dance and sing

Fathers Christmas is coming in

With the bad of toys

For girls and boys.



This is the season

When snowdrops bloom,

When nobody likes

    To stay in the room.

    This is the season

    When birds make their nests.

    This is the season

    We all like best.


When it is winter-time

We go up the street,

And we make the street,

And we make the show speak

With our little feet –

“Crickle, crackle, crickle,

Crrreet, crrreet, crrreet!”



Down comes the snow

On a winter day.

I make a snowman

When I go to play.



Fun in the snow

Ho! Ho! Ho!

It's jolly in the snow.

We've made a snowman tall

Just near the garden wall

Ho! Ho! Ho!

It's jolly in the snow.


The runaway snowman

On a winter’s day

When clouds hung low,

I made a snowman

In the snow.

He stayed with  me

All the next day.

The sun came out:

He ran away.

The runaway snowman

On a winter’s day

When clouds hung low,

I made a snowman

In the snow.

He stayed with  me

All the next day.

The sun came out:

He ran away.


The snowman

Come to the garden

And play in the snow,

Make a white snowman

And help him to grow!

“What a nice snowman!”

The children will say.

“What a fine game

For a cold winter day!”




 Summer’s here!

Days are long,

And the sun is high and strong.


The summer sun shines hot and high.

Baby birds now learn to fly.

Green, green leaves and tasty fruit,

All the things are so good!

Winter, spring, summer, fall,

I like summer best of all.



This is the season

When night are short;

When children are full

Of fun and sport;

Playing, swimming

All the day

With a happy song

On a sunny day.



Summer time is       

A time for play;       

We are happy        

All the day.

The sun is shining

All day long.

The trees are full

Of birds and song.



The sky is blue.

The air is clean.

Everything is green,

Children like it to sing.



This is the season

When fruit is sweet;

This is the season

When school friends meet,

When noise and gay,

And brown in the sun,

With their books and bags

To school they run.

Down, down, down

Red, yellow, brown

Autumn leaves fall down.



It’s cold or cool

The wind is away

The leaves are falling down

And trees are grey


Put on your jacket and jeans for fall,

Now it’s cold to play football!

Leaves turn orange, red and brown,

And they all are falling down.

Winter, spring, summer, fall,

I like fall best of all!



World weather

In the North it’s snowing,

And in the South it’s hot.

In the East the wind is blowing,

And in the West it’s not.

In the South the sun is shining,

And in the West the sky is blue.

In the East it’s raining,

And in the North it’s raining too.





In the forest

When trees are green

When trees are green and forests are green,

And grass is green and long,

It’s good to walk in the forest

And listen to little birds’ song.

When trees are white and forests are while,

Because they are white and forests are white,

Because they are covered with snow,

It’s good to be out-of-doors and play,

Oh. I love it so!


Birch trees

Birch trees

The night is white,

The moon is high,

The birch trees lean

Against the sky.

The cruel winds

Have blown away

Each little leaf

Of silver gray.

O lonely trees

As white as wool…

That moonlight makes

So beautiful.


Autumn leaves.

Yellow, red and green and brown.

See the little leaves come down.

Dancing, dancing in the breeze,

Falling, falling from the trees.


 Autumn leaves 

 “Come ,little leaves,”

Says the wind one  day.

“Come over the meadows

With  me  to play.

Put on your dresses

Of  red and gold.

For    summer is gone

And the  days are cold.”       


Flowers are happy in summer.

In autumn they die and are blown away.

Dry and withered,

Their petals dance on the wind

Like little brown butterflies.




Rain, rain! Go away!
Come again another day.
Little Johnny wants to play!
Rain, rain! Go away!


Rain on the grass,

Rain on the tree,

Rain on the house,

But not on me!


Тhe rain

Тhe rain is raining all around,

It falls in field and tree,

It rains on the umbrellas here,

And on the ships at sea.


The bluebell

I am the flower of sum­mer.

I am the Bluebell.

I am blue like the sky and

My dress looks like a bell.



I like flowers that are bright,

I like flowers that are white,

I like flowers with a nice smell,

That blossom in gardens so well.


When does the wind blow?

When does the wind blow?

When do flowers grow?

Is it best to go a little slow

When streets are covered with ice and snow?



Don't Kill the World!

Don't kill the world!

Don't let the Earth down!

Do not destroy the ground!

Don't kill the world!

Don't kill the world!

Don't let the Earth die!

Help her to survive!

Don't kill the world!




Режим дня


This is the way

This is the way we wash our face,

Wash our face, wash our face,

This is the way we wash our face

At seven o’clock in the morning.

This is the way we clean our teeth,

Clean our teeth, clean our teeth,

This is the way we clean our teeth

At seven o’clock in the morning.

This is the way we comb our hair,

Comb our hair, comb our hair,

This is the way we comb our hair

At seven o’clock in the morning

This is the way we eat our breakfast,

Eat our breakfast, eat our breakfast,

This is the way we eat our breakfast

At eight o’clock in the morning.

This is the way we wash the dishes,

Wash the dishes, wash the dishes,

This is the way we wash the dishes

At nine o’clock in the morning.

This is the way we sweep the floor,

Sweep the floor, sweep the floor,

This is the way we sweep the floor

At ten o’clock in the morning.

This is the way we drink our milk,

Drink our milk, drink our milk,

This is the way we drink our milk

At eleven o’clock in the morning.

This is the way we cook our dinner,

Cook our dinner, cook our dinner,

This is the way we cook our dinner

At twelve o’clock in the morning.

This is the way we go to bed,

Go to bed, go to bed,

This is the way we go to bed

At ten o’clock in the morning.

Polly, Put the Kettle оn

Polly, put the kettle on,

Polly, put the kettle on,

Polly, put the kettle on,

We’ll all have some tea.

Suzie, take it off again,

Suzie, take it off again,

Suzie, take it off again,

We’re all going away.

Cobbler, Cobbler, Mend My Shoe

Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe,

Have it ready by half past two,

Come along and get your shoe,

It’s ready now, it’s half past two.


Do you know Mary?
Do you know Mary?
Mary who?

Mary McDonald.
Of course, I do.
Do you know her parents?

Yes, of course, I do.
I know her father
And her mother, too.
Do you know her grandparents?
Yes, of course. I do.
I know her Grandpa
And her Granny, too.


The more we get together,

the merrier we’ll be.

For my friend are your friends,

And your friends are my friends.

The more we get together, the merrier we’ll be.

The merrier, the merrier,

the happier we’ll be.







My friend

I've got a friend

We like to play,

We play together

Every day.

She always helps me

When I'm in need

For she's my friend,

Good friend indeed.


There was a boy whose name was Jim,

His friends were very good to him.

They gave him tea and cakes and jam.

And slices of delicious ham,

And chocolate with pink inside,

And little tricycle to ride.


We all love our zoo
Every day at three o’clock,
I come to the zoo.
I see my friends and we all play,
In my favourite zoo.
Chatter and Trumpet,
Karla and Tag,
Patty and Sally too.

They love me and I love them.
We all love our zoo.                                  





In the spring ,in the spring

Sweet and fresh is everything



April weather                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Rain and sunshine both together.

The sun is shining.

Flowers are blooming.

The sky is blue

And rains are few.

Without my shoes,

Without my socks

My feet touch grass

My feat touch rocks.


 Come, my children, come away

For the sun shines bright today.

Little children, come with me

Birds and trees and flowers to see!



Come, my children, come away

For the sun shines bright today.

Little children, come with me

Birds and trees and flowers to see!



Get your hats and come away,

For it is a pleasant day.





Let us make a merry ring,

Talk and laugh, and dance and sing!

Quickly, quickly come away,

For it is a pleasant day!





Thirty Days has September

Thirty days has September,

April, June and November;

All the rest have thirty-one,

Excepting February alone,

And that has twenty-eight days clear

And twenty-nine in each leap year.





Father, mother,
Sister, brother,

Hand in hand
With one another .


А happy family.

I love Mother, she loves me.

We love Daddy, yes siree.

He loves us and so you see,

We are a happy family.

I love sister, she loves me.

We love brother, yes siree;

He loves us and so you see,

We are a happy family.

My family


This is my family.


I love them every day.


Mother, father, baby, oh


Brother, sister, you can see


All the people in my family.



I have two balls, many toys,

And a brother.

And I am very, very, very



Mother is busy
From morning till night,
Keeping her family
Happy and bright.


My mother

Who said “Goodnight”

When I was a child?

My mother.

Who dressed my dolls in clothes so gay

And showed me often how to play?

My mother.

Who ran to help me when I fell

And who could funny stories tell?

My mother.

Who sits at my head when I am in bed?

My mother.

Who is so nice, who is so kind,

Another so dear you’ll never find?

My mother.



Goodnight, Father!
Goodnight. Mother!
Kiss your little son!
Goodnight, sister!
Goodnight, brother!
Goodnight, everyone!

Fond of my mother.










A hen and a clock,

Three geese in a flock.

One flew east, one flew west,

One flew over the cuckoo’s nest.    


My pet

I found a cow

I found a cow!


I found a bear!


I found a hen!


 I found a cow!

I found a bear!

I found a hen!




Watch this dog!
He can play Hopscotch!

Watch that dog!
He runs for a frog.
His name is Mark.
He likes to bark.
Watch the cat!
He runs for a rat.
His name is Nick.
He can play hide-and-seek.


My pet

I've got a pet.

It's a cat.

His name's Fred.

I love my cat.


My cat.
I love my cat.
It`s warm and fat.
My cat is grey,

The cat

Where`s the cat?
Under the hat.
Where? Where?
On the chair.

Where is the cat?
In the box.

Where? Where?
Over there.




Butterfly, butterfly
Where do you fly?
So quick and so high
In the blue, blue sky…


 The whale (КИТ)

One, two, three, four, five,

Last month I caught a whale alive.

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

Then I let it go again!

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so!

What finger did it bite?

The little on the right.


A frog

The little green frog

Jumps on a log,

Takes off his cloak

And begins to croak.



Can you swim like a fish?
Can you run like a rabbit?

Can you jump like a kangaroo?
He can, she can,
You can, they can
And I can too.

Can you sing like a bird?
Can you walk like a cat?
Can you climb like a monkey in the zoo?
He can, she can,
You can, they can
And I can too.



It’s fun to be this,

It’s fun to be that

To leap like a lamp,

To climb like a cat,

To swim like a fish

To hop like a frog

To trot like a horse

To jump like a dog.



This is a proud   cat,

This is a proud   cat.

Too proud

To catch a mouse or a rat.

Mew, mew, mew.


Little grey   mouse,

Little grey   mouse,

Where is your house?

Little   black cat,

Little   black cat,

That is my flat!



I like my Bunny.

Bears like honey.

Girls like cats.

Cats like rats.

Boys like dogs.

Storks like frogs.

Mice like cheese.

Sparrows like peas.

Owls like mice.

I like rice.

Birds like grain.

Say it all again.




Cat, cat, eat that rat!

Dog, dog, catch the frog!

Hen, hen, take my pen!

Cock, cock, break that lock!

Fox, fox, sit in that box!

Fish, fish, jump in the dish!

 Ball, ball, jump over the wall!

Bear, bear, give me a pear!

Goat, goat …….

 I love my dog 

I’ve got a dog.

His name is Jack.

His head is white,

His nose is black.

I take him out

Every day.

Such fun we have!

We run and play.

Such clever tricks

My dog can go.

I love wу dog!

He loves me too!




Ten green bottles

Ten green bottles hanging on the wall,

Ten green bottles hanging on the wall.

If one green bottle should accidentally fall

There`d be nine green bottles hanging on the wall.

Nine green bottles hanging on the wall,

Nine green bottles hanging on the wall.

If one green bottle should accidentally fall

There`d be eight green bottles hanging on the wall.

(Eight…, Seven…, Six…, Five…, Four…, Three…, Two…).



One green bottles hanging on the wall,

One green bottles hanging on the wall.

If one green bottle should accidentally fall

There`d be no green bottles hanging on the wall.

Hot cross buns

Hot cross buns,

Hot cross buns.

One a penny,

Two a penny,

Hot cross buns.

If you have no daughters

Give them to your sons.

One a penny,

Two a penny,

Hot cross buns.



 One ball, two balls,

Three balls, four.

Five balls, six balls.

On the floor.

Seven balls, eight balls,

Nine balls, ten.

On the floor!

Try again.



One, Two, Three, Four.

 Can I have a little more?

Five, six, seven, eight,

Put some candies on my plate.



One potato, two potatoes,

Three potatoes, four;

Five potatoes, six potatoes,

Seven potatoes, more!



How many fingers have I got?

Five on my right hand.

Five on my left hand.

How many fingers have I got?

Спорт и игры

Funny games

Hide-and-seek we like to play.

Oh, what fun! Oh, what fun!

Leap-frog is a pretty game.

Oh, what fun! Oh, what fun!

Do you like to play hopscotch?

Oh, yes, I do. Oh, yes, I do.

And my friend likes to play tag.

And I too, and I too.


Sport is fun for girls and boys.
It’s much better than the toys.
You can sledge and ski, and skate
And play snowballs with Kate.
          You can swim and play football,
          Hockey, tennis, basketball.
          You can jump and you can run.
          You can have a lot of run.



Дни недели

How many days has my baby to play?

Saturday, Sunday, Monday,

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,

Saturday , Sunday , Monday.






Monday's child is nice and slow

Tuesday's child is go, go, go

Wednesday's child is very funny

Thursday's child is happy and sunny

Friday's child is like a king

Saturday's child can dance and sing

Sunday's child can stand on her head

And count the ghosts under her bed!





Jingle bells

Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way.
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Hurray, it’s Christmas Day!



At the New Year Party

New Year day, happy day,

We all dance and sing and say,

“Welcome, welcome, New Year Day!”


Around the New Year party

Singing, dancing merrily,

Round the New Year tree,

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,

Round the New Year tree.

Happy New Year, my friends,

Happy New Year, today!

Let us dance hand in hand,

I will show you the way.


New Year's resolutions

I promise to be very, very good.

I promise to do the things I should.

I promise to make my bed each day.

I promise to put my things away.

I promise not to throw my socks on the floor.

I promise to put my socks in the drawer.

I promise to do my homework right.

I promise not to stay up late at night.

I promise to listen to my mom and dad.

I promise not to do anything bad.



The air is like a butterfly

With frail blue wings.

The happy earth looks at the sky

And sings



My birthday

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, dear Carmen!
Happy Birthday to you!



 Everything's been different

All the day long,
Lovely things have happened,
Nothing has gone wrong.
Nobody has scolded me,
Everyone has smiled.
Isn't it delicious
To be a birthday child?

Happy birthday 

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday, happy birthday,

Happy birthday to you!

How old are you now?

How old are you now?

Happy birthday, happy birthday

How old are you now?

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday, dear Helen!

Happy birthday to you!

Today is Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day.
Let's help Mama.

I'll make breakfast.
You make lunch.
I'll do the dishes.
You do the shopping.
Let's help Mama.
It's Mother's Day.



Make a basket

For your mother

And fill it

With flowers gay.

Then put in a card

Just to say:

Happy Mother’s Day!






I must

I mustn’t say “I can’t”.

I mustn’t say “I won’t”.

I mustn’t say “I’m not”.

I mustn’t say “I don’t”.

I mustn’t say “I will”.

I mustn’t say “I am”.

I mustn’t say “I do”.

I mustn’t say “I can”.


What do you like?

I like ice- cream.

She likes sweets.

I like cookies.

He likes cheese.

I like coffee.

She likes tea.

I love you.

Do you love me?


I like breakfast
I like milk and I like bread.
I like honey and I like eggs.
I like apples and orange too.
I like breakfast.
How about you?
I like breakfast in the morning.
I like breakfast in the morning
I like breakfast in the morning.
I like breakfast.
How about  you?


I can jump, I can run,

I can sing, I can dance,

I can swim, I can’t fly

I can climb and say goodbye.

I like

I like comics, I like hats.

I like biscuits, trees and cats.

I don't like spider, I don't like cheese.

I don't like rats or big yellow bees.


I like to skip

I like to skip,

I like to jump,

I like to run about,

I like to play,

I like to sing,

I like to laugh and shout.


My house

Let's go to my house.

Let's go today.

I'll show you all the rooms

Where we work and play.

Here is the kitchen

Where Mother cooks for me.

Here is the living room

Where I watch TV.

Here is the dining room.

We eat here every day.

And this room is my room.







I want to live.

I want to live

And not to die

 I want to laugh

And not to cry!

I want to feel

The summer sun.

I want to sing

When life is fun.

I want to live

And not to die!

I want to laugh

And not to cry!             


I don’t want

Every time I have a headache

Mama takes me to the doctor.

Every time   I have a headache

Mama takes me to the doc.

I have a headache,

I have a headache.

I don’t want to go to bed.

I have a headache,

I have a headache.

I don’t want to go to bed.

Every time I have a headache

Mama takes me to the doctor.

Every time I have a headache

Mama takes me to the doc.

I have a stomachache,

 I have a stomachache.

I don’t want to eat my lunch.

I have a stomachache,

 I have a stomachache.

I don’t want to eat my lunch.

Every time I have a headache

Mama takes me to the doctor.

Every time  I have a headache

Mama takes me to the doc.

I have a toothache,

I have a toothache.

I don’t want to clean my teeth.

I have a toothache,

I have a toothache.

I don’t want to clean my teeth.


I see

One box, one hat and one cap.

One bed and one rat.

Jam and one cup.





What are you going to do?

What are you going to do?

When you are twenty-two?

I’ll write a story,

I’ll make a plane,

I’ll teach children,

I’ll make rain.

What are you going to be

When you are twenty-three?

I’ll be a pilot,

I’ll be a doctor

I’ll be a teacher,

I’ll be a worker.

What are you going to be?

When you are twenty-three?

I’ll be in London,

I’ll be in Rome,

I’ll be in Africa,

I’ll be in home.

What are you going to do?

When you are one hundred and two?

I don’t know.

Do you?


Only one heart

I’ve got two legs

With which I walk.

I’ve got a tongue

With which I talk.

I’ve got two eyes

With which I see.

I’ve got one heart

To live and be.


W hat do we do with…?

We smell with our nose,

We see with our eyes,

We eat with our mouth

Tasty puddings and pies.

With legs and feet we walk,

With lips and tongue we talk,

And with our ears

We can hear.

What do you wear?

What do you wear on your head?

A hat.

What do you wear от your head?

A cap.

A hat and a cap.

A cap and a hat .

What do you wear on your feet?


What do you wear on feet?


Boots and shoes.

Shoes and boots.

What do you wear on your hands?


What do you wear on your hands?


Gloves and mittens.

Mittens and gloves.

Gloves and mittens.

Mittens and gloves.

What do you wear when it’s cold?

A sweater.
What do you wear when it’s cold?
A jacket.
A sweater and a jacket.
A jacket and a sweater.

A sweater and a jacket.
A jacket and a sweater.

What do you wear when it’s warm?


What do you wear when it’s warm?

A shirt.

Shorts and a shirt.

A shirt and shorts.






Red, yellow, pink and white.

Let's play ball day and night!




The bear's white.

The bird's blue.

The dog's black.

The puppy's, too.


What colour are they?

Please, tell me

What is green?

Grass is green,

So long and clean.

What is red?

Asks little Fred.

The ball is red,

Says his brother Ted.

What is grey?

Can you say?

Yes I can.

The mouse is grey.

What is white?

I want to know.

Milk is white

And so is snow.

What colour are they?

 I found   a cow!


I found a bear!


I found bear!

I found a hen!

I found a cow !






Стихотворения с сопровождающими движениями


What cant you do without …?

Without your tongue

You cannot talk.

Without your   feet

You cannot   walk.

Without your   eyes.

You cannot   see.

Without your   heart

You cannot be.



 Jump – jump, jump-

Jump far away;

And all come home

Some other day.



My eyes can see

My eyes can see,

My ears can hear,

My nose can smell,

My mouth can talk,

My head can nod,

My arms can hold,

My legs can walk

And walk and walk







You take your little hands

You take your little hands

And go clap, clap, clap;

You take your little hands

And go clap, clap, clap;

You take your little hands

And go clap, clap, clap;

Clap, clap, clap your hands

You take your little toes

And go tap, tap, tap;

You take your little toes

And go tap, tap, tap;

You take your little toes

And go tap, tap, tap;

You take your little toes

You take your little eyes

And go blink, blink, blink,

You take your little eyes

And go blink, blink, blink,

You take your little eyes

And go blink, blink, blink,

Blink, blink, blink your eyes

You take your little lips

And go kiss, kiss, kiss;

You take your little lips

And go kiss, kiss, kiss;

You take your little lips

And go kiss, kiss, kiss;

Kiss you dear Mum and Dad.



Do it

Pick up, put down, stand up, turn round

Clap left, clap right, clap up, clap down.

Look left, look right, look up, look down.

Turn round, sit down, touch something  …brown!

Point to your teacher, point to the door,

Look at the window, look at the floor,

Stand on your left leg, stand on your right.

Now sit down, touch something…white.

Put your hands and touch your toes.

Cross your fingers, hold your nose.

Bend your knees and shake your head,

Stamp your feet, touch something…red.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes,

Knees and toes, knees and toes;

Head and shoulders, knees and toes,

Eyes, ears, mouth and nose.


Hands up,

Hands down,

Hands on hips,

Sit down.

Stands up,

Hands on the sides,

Bend left,

Bend right.

Hands on hips,

One, two, three, hop!

One, two, three, stop.

Stand still!



Стихотворения для изучения грамматических явлений


The verb “to be”
I am a pupil.
You are a writer.
She is a teacher.
He is a fighter.

I've got/she/he/it has got
I am a kitten.  
I've got a mitten.
I am a giraffe.
I've got a scarf.
It is a kitten.
It has got a mitten.
It is a giraffe.
It has got a scarf.

Present Continuous
I am calling my friends
At half past three.
They are very busy,
They can't come to me:
Pete is reading a book,
Kate is learning to cook,
Pat is feeding her cat,
Jack is tidying his flat.

Present Perfect
I've been to the Zoo,
I've seen a kangaroo,
I've eaten a cake-
I'm feeling great!

Subjunctive Mood
If I were a cat – I would catch a rat.
If I were a ball – I would jump and fall.
If I were a bee – I would hide in the tree.
If I were a kangaroo – I would live in the Zoo.
I wish I could run like a dog.
I wish I could swim like a frog.
I wish I could fly like a butterfly.
I wish I could smile like a crocodile.

Passive Voice
The book was read.
The pet was fed.
The work was done.
The song was sung.
The letter was written
And sent to Great Britain.
Then it was read
And quickly sent back. January - New Year's Day


Present Simple
I live here,
You live near,
Tom lives so far
That he goes in a car




Past Simple

One two, three, four, five,
One  I caught a fish alive
Six seven, eight, nine, ten
Then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so
Which finger did it bite?
The little finger on the right.





Big Ben

Tick – Tock

This is  Big Ben.

Big Ben   is a clock

Day and night

With all its might

Big Ben the clock

Says:  Tick- Tock





Jonathan Beam

Jonathan Beam

Likes ice-cream

And he is in bed today.

He doesn’t

He doesn’t drink,

He doesn’t want to play.






Robin, Robin, what a man!

He eats as much as no one can.

He ate a lot of fish; he ate a lot of meat.

He ate a lot of   ice-cream and a sweet.

He ate a lot of   porridge and ten eggs

And all the cookies Mother had.

He drank lot of juice, he ate a  cake

Then said:”I have a stomachache”.




Shoes and boots

Shoes and boots,
Boots and shoes,
Come and blue
The size you use.
Try them on
Before you choose,
Shoes and boots,
Boots and shoes.





Список литературы

1.                  http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?rpt=simage&img_url=aev777.ucoz.ru%2Fa3bcf8c59e22.jpg&ed=1&text=%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5%20%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B6%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8&p=2

2.                  http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?ed=1&text=%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8C%20%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F%20%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8%20%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F%20%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B9&p=31&img_url=imagehost.spark-media.ru%2Fi%2FB15B8084-9E97-63AE-AF38-FA55A704D672.gif&rpt=simage

3.                  http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?ed=1&text=%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8C%20%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F%20%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8%20%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F%20%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B9&p=56&img_url=activerain.com%2Fimage_store%2Fuploads%2F2%2F2%2F9%2F9%2F8%2Far128776124689922.jpg&rpt=simage

4.                  http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?ed=1&text=%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0%20%D0%B8%20%D0%B3%D1%83%D1%81%D0%B8%20%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8%20%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F%20%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B9&p=4&img_url=900igr.net%2Fdatas%2Fzhivotnye%2FDomashnie-na-ferme.files%2F0027-027-Gusi.jpg&rpt=simage

5.                  http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?ed=1&text=%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B4%D1%8C%20%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8%20%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F%20%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B9&p=11&img_url=nature.air.ru%2Fpicture%2Fmammal%2F1-21.jpg&rpt=simage

6.                  http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?ed=1&text=%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B9%20%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B4%20%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8%20%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F%20%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B9&img_url=i038.radikal.ru%2F0912%2Fcd%2Fb7f65bb41fa8.png&rpt=simage&p=142

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87.              http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?rpt=simage&img_url=www.risingstar-academy.com%2FImages%2FHeaders%2F5%2F9.jpg&ed=1&text=%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%20%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8%20%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B9%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC%20%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B0&p=9

88.              http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?rpt=simage&img_url=www.sostav.ru%2Farticles%2Frus%2F2009%2F07.08%2Fnews%2Fimages%2F1kids5m.jpg&ed=1&text=%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5%20%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8%20%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F%20%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B9&p=30

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