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Osman AY

Muhammed Akif HORASANLI

h t t p : / / b o o k . z a m b a k . c o m

Ibn         Musa             al-Khwarizmi

(Algorizm) (770 - 840 AD) was born in Uzbekistan. His parents migrated to Baghdad when he was a child. He is best known for introducing the mathematical concept

Algorithm, which is so named after his last name.

Al-Khwarizmi was one of the greatest mathematicians who ever lived. He was the founder of several branches and basic concepts of mathematics. He is also famous as an astronomer and geographer. He is recognized as the founder of Algebra, as he not only initiated the subject in a systematic form but also developed it to the extent of giving analytical solutions of linear and quadratic equations. The name Algebra is derived from his famous book Al-Jabr wa-al-

Muqabilah. He developed in detail trigonometric tables containing the sine functions. Al-Khwarizmi also developed the calculus of two errors, which led him to the concept of differentiation. He also refined the geometric representation of conic sections.

Understanding the Programming

Programming is instructing a computer to perform a task for you with the help of a programming language. The instructing part requires a step by step solution to the task. This step by step solution is called an algorithm after the name of AlKharizmi.

People who make computer programs are called programmers. There are usually two difficulties for computer programmers; Finding a feasible algorithm (algorithm design) and writing the program (implementation). People who use the programs are called end-users.

A computer program (software) contains a sequence of instructions for a computer. One program is usually composed of three parts:

l    Input part gets the data from an input device. Our programs, in the book, will get the data from keyboard or from a text file.

l    Process part is the hardest working part of the program. It carries out the algorithm and finds out the desired result.

l    Output part gives the result of the program. Our programs will display the result on the screen or print it into a text file.

The First C++ Program

It is time to type our first C++ program. This program is going to prompt a line of text that says "Hello World!". This program has no input and no process but only output which says "Hello world!".


PROG: C1_01hello.cpp

Understanding structure of a C++ program.

Printing a line of text.

Using comments.


#include <iostream>

All the programs in this book have been compiled with

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. You can also compile them with GNU C++ (g++) in

Linux environment, or use free

Windows IDEs like Dev-C++

(http://www.bloodshed.net) and CodeBlocks (http://www.codeblocks.org). //includes the declarations of the basic standard input-output //library in C++, and its functionality is going to be used later //in the program.

using namespace std;

//Namespaces are containers that contain the declarations of all

//the elements of the standard C++ library

int main()                 //the only function in this program.

{ cout <<"Hello world!"; //print "Hello world!". cout is

//declared in the iostream standard

//file within the std namespace

system("pause");  //Wait until user hits a key and //displays a message

     return 0;                //the main function ends properly


Hello world!Press any key to continue . . .

C++ programs consist of one or more modules. Each module performs a specific task. These modules are called functions.  The "Hello World!" program has only one module that is the main function. Any C++ program is been started to execute from the main function so each program must have this function.

Before the functions, the program has an "include" and "using namespace" part. This part declares the libraries where the C++ commands we are going to use in the program are defined.

Like each sentence ends with a period ('.'), each C++ statement ends with a semicolon character (';').

Besides the program codes, the program has some comments. C++ has two ways to insert comments into source code: Single line comment and multiple line comment. Single line comments are written behind the double slash characters ("//") and multiple line comments are enclosed between slash and asterisk ("/*") and asterisk and slash ("*/") characters. Comments are ignored by the compiler.

Breaking a Text into Multiple Lines

Use end of line "endl" or  new line 'n/' characters with in a cout statement to make a new line. 'n/' characters are inherited from C programming. We prefer to use "endl" notation. /*

PROG: C1_02hello.cpp

Using endl.


#include <iostream> using namespace std;

int main()

{ cout <<"Hello world!"<<endl; //move the cursor to the

//beginning of the next line.

cout <<"This is my C++ program."<<endl<<endl; system("pause"); return 0;


Hello world!

This is my C++ program.

Press any key to continue . . .

Flowchart of the Program “01hello”.

A flowchart is a visual representation of the algorithms. Is is made up of a few symbols: terminal, input, process, decision, output, and connector.

Include precise comments in your program to make it selfdocumentary and easy to read. Usually the reading time for programs is much more than the writing time.

cout<<“Hello ”<<endl; and

cout<<“Hello \n”; statemens print the same output.

Flowchart of the Program “03sum”

Flowchart of the Program


Basic Arithmetic

Any statement enclosed with double quotes (" ") in a cout statement is displayed directly  and any arithmetical or logical expression is evaluated and then the result is displayed. The program below shows the result of the expression 3 + 5.


PROG: C1_03sum.cpp


#include <iostream> using namespace std;

int main()

{ cout <<"5 + 3 = "<<5+3<<endl; //calculate and print the sum system("pause"); return 0;


5 + 3 = 8

Press any key to continue . . .

Getting Data from the User (Input)

Programs usually read the input data from the standard input (keyboard) or from an input file. "cin" command is used to read data from the standard input. The following program reads two integers, calculates their sum and then outputs the result.

int num1, num2, sum; declares three variables. The names of the variables are num1, num2 and sum.  A variable is a named storage location that can contain data that can be modified during program execution. This declaration specifies that those variables can contain integer values (-45, 0, 11, 37, etc.). "num1" and "num2" will be used to store the input data, and "sum" will be used to keep the sum of input values in the program.


PROG: C1_04sum.cpp

Getting data from keyboard, making sum of two integers, understanding variables, and using assignment operator.


#include <iostream> using namespace std;

int main()

{ int num1, num2, sum;     //num1, num2 and sum are three //variables type of integer.

cout<<"Enter two integers:"<<endl; cin >> num1 >> num2;  //cin reads two values for //num1 and num2.

sum = num1 + num2;   //sum gets the value of num1+num2.

cout <<"Sum is "<<sum<<endl; system("PAUSE"); return 0;


Enter two integers:

5 7

Sum is 12

Press any key to continue . . .

sum = num1 + num2; first computes the sum of the values of num1 and num2 then assigns the result to the variable sum. We have used an arithmetic operator (+) and assignment operator (=) in this statement.

Arithmetic Operators

C++ provides assigment operator and compount assignment operators(+=, -=, *=, /=, %=, >>=,

<<=, &=, ^=, |=). For example sum=sum+5 can be written as sum+=5. The assigment operator can be used for chain assignment




5 + 4 = 9



5 - 4 = 1 and 4 - 5 = -1



5 * 4 = 9

Division (integer)


15 / 3 = 5 and 12 / 5 = 2



12 % 5 = 2, 15 % 3 = 0, and 3 % 5 = 3


PROG: C1_05calculator.cpp

Demonstrating arithmetic operators. Calculating sum, difference, product, quotient, and remainder. Using (float) casting to get floating-point quotient.


#include <iostream>

processes. For example a=3; and b=3; can be written as a=b=3;

Beside the assignment and the arithmetic operators C++ has many others. The most common C++ operators are:

n assignment n arithmetic n increment and decrement n string concatenation n relational n logical n conditional n bitwise

using namespace std;

int main()

{ int num1, num2;

cout <<"Enter two integers:"; cin >> num1 >> num2;

cout <<num1 <<"+"<<num2<<"="<<num1+num2<<endl; cout <<num2 <<"+"<<num1<<"="<<num2+num1<<endl<<endl;

cout <<num1 <<"-"<<num2<<"="<<num1-num2<<endl; cout <<num2 <<"-"<<num1<<"="<<num2-num1<<endl<<endl;

The bitwise shift operators shift their first operand left (<<) or right (>>) by the number of positions the second operand specifies. Shifting one position left is equivalent to multiply the number by 2, and shifting one position right is equivalent to divide the number by 2.

(4<<3)            yields        32        and

(12>>2) yields 3.

cout <<num1 <<"*"<<num2<<"="<<num1*num2<<endl; cout <<num2 <<"*"<<num1<<"="<<num2*num1<<endl<<endl;

cout <<num1 <<"/"<<num2<<"="<<num1/num2<<endl; cout <<num1 <<"/"<<num2<<"="<<(float)num1/num2<<endl; cout <<num2 <<"/"<<num1<<"="<<num2/num1<<endl; cout <<num2 <<"/"<<num1<<"="<<(float)num2/num1<<endl<<endl;

cout <<num1 <<"%"<<num2<<"="<<num1%num2<<endl; cout <<num2 <<"%"<<num1<<"="<<num2%num1<<endl<<endl; 

system("PAUSE");    return 0;


Enter two integers:7 3













Press any key to continue . . .

Precedence of Arithmetic Operators

l Parentheses ("( )") are evaluated first. The expression in the innermost parentheses is evaluated first if the parentheses are nested.

Flowchart of the Program l After parentheses multiplication (*), division (/), and modulus (%) operators are “05calculator” evaluated. l Addition (+) and subtraction (-) are evaluated last.

l The operators with the same precedence are evaluated left to right.

3 * 5 + 2 = 17

3 * (5 + 2) = 21

5 + 3*4 - 2 = 15

6*8/4 = 12

6*(8/4) = 12

A variable is a memory place in which you can store a value and from which you can later retrieve that value. Notice that this temporary storage is used only during the execution of the program.

The following table summarizes the fundamental C++ variables.


Size in Bytes

integer variables

unsigned short int


0 to 65,535

short int


-32,768 to 32,767

unsigned int


0 to 4,294,967,295



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

unsigned long int


0 to 4,294,967,295

long int


-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

long long int


9.223.372.036.854 to


floating-point variables



1.2e-38 to 3.4e38



2.2e-308 to 1.8e308

logical variable



true or false

character variable



256 character values

Always name your variables with a great care, and explain them thoroughly.

l  Integer variables store whole numbers (-4, 3, 51, etc). Unsigned integer type variables cannot have negative values, whereas other integer type variables (signed integers) may have negative and positive values. l Floating-point variables store decimal numbers (3.5, -5,123, 4.0, etc).

l  Logical variables store the result of logical expressions and get only the values true and false. False is represented with 0 and true is represented with a positive value (usually 1) in C++. Logical expressions are usually used in decision and repetition structures to control the flow of the program.

l  Character variables are used to store characters (letters, numbers, punctuation characters, etc). Characters are enclosed with a pair of single quotes in C++, like

'a', 'B', '7', '+', etc.

The sizes of variables might be different from those shown in the table, depending on the compiler and the computer you are using. Use sizeof() operator to measure the sizes of variable types in your system. The sizeof() operator returns the number of bytes in variable or type.


PROG: C1_06sizeof.cpp

C++ variable types and their sizes in bytes


#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main()

{ cout <<"int = "<<sizeof(int)<<endl; cout <<"short int = "<<sizeof(short int)<<endl; cout <<"long int = " <<sizeof(long int)<<endl; cout << "long long int =" <<sizeof(long long int)<<endl;

cout <<"float = "<<sizeof(float)<<endl;

cout <<"double ="<<sizeof(double)<<endl; cout <<"long double ="<<sizeof(double)<<endl; cout <<"bool ="<<sizeof(bool)<<endl; cout <<"char ="<<sizeof(char)<<endl;

system("pause"); return 0;


int = 4 short int = 2 long int = 4 long long int =8 float = 4 double =8 long double =8 bool =1 char =1

Press any key to continue . . .

Exercise: Circle

Make a program to calculate area and circumference of a circle.

     Input:               radius of circle.

     Process:            area = PI*radius*radius

circumference = 2*PI*radius

     Output:            area and circumference

PI is an arithmetical constant whose approximated value is 3.14159. Add the following line at the beginning of your program to use this constant in your program:

#define PI 3.14159

Exercise: 1 or 0

Make a program that gets two numbers (let's say A and B) and then displays 1 if the first number is bigger then second one, otherwise displays 0.

     Input:                Two numbers A and B.

Process:          Comparing A and B. Use bigger than operator in the comparison (A>B).

     Output:              1 if the first number is bigger, 0 if the first number is not bigger.


There are only 1s and 0s in a computer system. Computers work with binary numbers. We can convert binary numbers into their equivalent decimal numbers that are the numbers we use in our daily life. But what about other characters, letters, punctuation marks, and special characters. How can we present them to the computers?

Character encoding (character set) tables are used to represent the characters with numbers. ASCII (1963) and EBCDIC (1964) are two international standard character sets.

ASCII (Pronounced ask-ee) is an acronym for American Standard Code for

Information Interchange. In ASCII, every letter, number, and punctuation symbol has

Like variables, constants are data storage locations. Unlike variables, constants don't change. You must initialize a constant when you create it, and you cannot assign a new value later.

Most of the common constants have already been defined in C++. For the user defined constants, there are two main techniques used to create constant values:

a.   using the  define keyword

#include <iostream> #define PI 3.14 .


b.   using the  const keyword

. . int main() const float PI = 3.14; .


Visit the  site http://www.asciitable.com to see the ASCII table.

EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) is an 8-bit character encoding (code page) used on IBM mainframe operating systems as well as IBM minicomputer operating systems. It is also employed on various non-IBM platforms such as Fujitsu-Siemens and Unisys MCP. Although it is widely used on large IBM computers, most other computers, including PCs and Macintoshes, use ASCII codes.

a corresponding number, or ASCII code. For example, the character for the number 1 has the code 49, capital letter A has the code 65, and a blank space has the code 32. This encoding system not only lets a computer store a document as a series of numbers, but also makes it possible to transfer data from one computer to another.

In an ASCII file, each alphabetic, numeric, or special character is represented with a 7-bit binary number (a string of seven 0s or 1s). 128 possible characters are defined. There are also ASCII extensions in use which utilize 8 bit codes to represent international characters in addition to the standard ASCII scheme.

cout prints the ASCII character of an ASCII code with “char” casting. The following program reads an ASCII code (an integer) and prints its character.


PROG: C1_07ascii.cpp

Displaying the ASCII character of an ASCII code.


#include <iostream> using namespace std;

int main()

{ int code; cout <<"Enter the ASCII code [between 0 and 127] "; cin >> code;

cout<<"The ASCII character of "<<code<<" is "

<<(char)code<<endl; //print the character not number

system("pause"); return 0;


Enter the ASCII code [between 0 and 127] 75

The ASCII character of 75 is K

Reading and Printing Strings

In programming, a string is an ordered series of characters. You can consider them words and sentences. They are represented with enclosed double quotes in a C++ program code, like "Hello!" or "I am learning C++".

C++ provides string class for string operations. S string class is defined in the <string> standard library. The instances of variable types are called variables, whereas the instances of classes are called objects. We are going to study classes and objects in the later chapters of this book.

cin reads only the first word of a string, and cout prints all characters of a string. The string class has its own methods (functions) for string manipulation. We are going to study string class later in this book.

The '+' is called string concatenation operator with strings and is used to concatenate two string objects. Do not confuse the string concatenation and arithmetic addition operator. Examine the following two operations.

57 + 33 is 90                                           Here '+' is addition operator.

"57" + "33" is "5733"                             Here '+' is string concatenation operator.

The following example reads name and surname of the user, and then prints a hello message. /*

PROG: c1_08string.cpp

Reading a word. Using the string data type and the string concatenation operator (+).


#include <iostream>

#include <string>                 //string library

using namespace std; int main()

{ string firstname, surname; //two objects of string class

cout << "Enter your firstname."<<endl; cin >> firstname; cout << "Enter your surname."<<endl; cin >> surname; //string concatenation cout <<"Hello "<<firstname + " " + surname<<endl; system("pause"); return 0;


Enter your firstname.


Enter your surname.


Hello Alan Smith

Press any key to continue . . .

Class and object are two main terms of Object Oriented Programming. Objects are the real elements in the program and classes are like a blueprint of the objects. Whenever we need an object we can create it from its class.

Flowchart of the Program


Initialization of Variables

You can give the initial values to the variables during the declaration in C++. The following program demonstrates how to declare different type of variables. Notice that string objects can be initialized in two ways. You may use either of them in your programs. /*

PROG: c1_09init.cpp

Initializtion of variables.


#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main()

{ string st1("I am learning ");  //st1 is been initialized to

//"I am learging "

string st2 = "C++";      //st2 is been initialized to "C++" int int1 = 8, int2 = 5; //int1 is been initialized to 8, and

//int2 to 5

float flt1 = 7.5, flt2 = 3.9; //flt1 is been initialized to

//7.5, and flt2 to 3.9

char ch1 = 'A';              //ch1 is been initialized to 'A' bool bl1 = true, bl2 = false; //bl1 is been initialized to

//true, and bl2 to false

cout<<"st1 + st2 is "<<st1 + st2<<endl;

cout<<"int1 + int2 is "<<int1 + int2<<endl; cout<<"flt1 + flt2 is "<<flt1 + flt2<<endl; cout<<"ch1 is "<<ch1<<endl; cout<<"bl1 is "<<bl1<<endl; cout<<"bl2 is "<<bl2<<endl; system("pause"); return 0;


st1 + st2 is I am learning C++

int1 + int2 is 13

flt1 + flt2 is 11.4 ch1 is A bl1 is 1 bl2 is 0

Press any key to continue . . .

Using Text Files as Input and Output

C++ provides two functions to read from a text file and to write into a text file. Those functions are ifstream() and ofstream(). Both functions are declared in the <fstream> header. ifstream opens an existing input file whereas, ofstream creates or recreates and opens the output file.

Data input and output operations on text files are performed in the same way we operated with “cin” and “cout”. ifstream() function defines an identifier to read from a file, and the name and location (path) of that file. In the same way, ofstream() function defines an identifier to write into a file, and the name and location (path) of the file. I prefer to use "fin" and "fout" identifiers in my programs fin takes the role of cin and fout takes the role of cout. After you have finished with the input and output files you should close them so that their resources become available again for the system. close() function is used to close the open files.

The following program read two integers (num1 and num2) from the file numbers.in. Computes sum, difference, product and quotient of those two numbers and then writes the result into the file numbers.out.


PROG: c1_10file.cpp

Using input and output files.


#include <fstream> using namespace std;

int main()

{ ifstream fin("numbers.in"); //open input file ofstream fout("numbers.out");//create and open output file

int num1, num2; fin >>num1 >>num2; //read two integers from the input file

//Make arithmetical calculations and write the result into

//the output file fout <<"sum is "<<num1+num2<<endl; fout <<"difference is "<<num1-num2<<endl; fout <<"product is "<<num1*num2<<endl; fout <<"integer quotient is "<<num1/num2<<endl; fout <<"floating-point quotient is "<<(float)num1/num2<<endl;

fin.close();    //close the input file fout.close();    //close the output file


system("PAUSE"); return 0; numbers.in


Flowchart of the Program



5 3


sum is 8 difference is 2 product is 15 integer quotient is 1

floating-point quotient is 1.66667



An algorithm is a set of ordered steps for solving a particular  problem. A computer program is series of instructions or statements, in a form acceptable to a computer, to cary out an algorithm. A programming language is a  human-created language that translates instructions from programmers to computers.

C++ is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language and the primary programming languages for computers of today. Any C++ program consists of modules that are called functions. The primary function of a C++ program is “main”. C++ uses cout and cin for printing and getting the data.

Operators are symbols (such as +, *, /) used to perform arithmetic, relational, logical, assignment, string, bitwise etc. operations.

A variable is a named item used to represent data that can be changed while the program is running. Like a variable, a constant is a named item but it has a fixed value that does not change.

ASCII (American Standard Code of Information Interchange) is an international code standard for representation of characters, numbers, symbols and control characters, for use in data communication and data storage. ASCII text does not include special formatting features and therefore can be exchanged and read by most computer systems.

A string is a series of alphanumeric characters of any length. Strings are  enclosed by double quotes in C++.

File processing consists of creating a file, storing data into a file, and retrieving data from a file. C++ performs file processing with ifstream() and ofstream() functions that are defined in the <string> header file.


Understanding Flowchart Programming

Flowchart is a symbolic language to express algorithms. It visually presents the solution of a specific task.You have already seen flowcharts of some sample programs in this book and you became familiar with some of the flowchart symbols.

Traditionally people begin with flowchart programming, learn the fundamental techniques of programming (such as input, output, making calculations and comparisons, decisions, repetition) and then start to write their programs with a programming language. When starting the programming directly with a programming language will face you two difficulties: learning the syntax of the programming language and learning the programming techniques.

We have started the programming directly with a programming language (C++) in this book, because the syntax of C++ is self-explanatory  and easy to understand for English speaking people.

You will find an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) flowchart programming (FCPRO) in the Web site of the book (http://book.zambak.com) where you can draw, run, trace the variables, and debug your flowcharts. FCPRO was made in C++ by Cosmin Raianu who was one of my best students from Romania.

By Using FCPRO, You Can Do The Following:

l Design your own flowcharts l Save your flowcharts to disk and open them whenever you need to. l Export your flowcharts as BMP files. l Run your flowcharts, reading the input from the user and displaying the output. l Debug your flowcharts, by stepping through them and inspecting the values of variables and expressions by using the Watches. l Compile your flowcharts into standalone Win32 Console applications. l Edit, save and open programs written in a special pseudocode. l Convert flowcharts to their corresponding pseudocode programs and vice versa. l Learn all about flowcharts, pseudocode and the way FCPro works by using the user-friendly integrated help system.

Flowchart Symbols

Terminal (Start, End)

The terminal symbol marks where the flowchar starts and where it ends. Usually a starting terminal contains the word “START” or “BEGIN”, and an ending terminal contains the word “END” or “FINISH”.

Input (Get, Read)

The input symbols are used to get data from the user. The data is stored in variables. You don’t have to declare the type of the variables in FCPro. FCPro determines the type of the variables according to the first value you assign them.

Process (Do)

A process symbol denotes that a process (arithmetic, logic, or assighment) will be carried out.

It is a decision making and branching symbol. You can control the flow of the program by means of the decision symbol. That is, you can set loops and execute either part of the program depending of the result of the logical expressin in the decision symbol.

Output (Print, Display)

An output symbol is used to print a message, values of variables and results of expressions.

Flow Line (Arrow)

Lines indicate the sequence of steps and the direction of flow.

Connector (Joining)

The connector symbol connects two parts of a flowchart. It is usually used to connect two pages of a flowchart when you are manually drawing a flowchart on paper. In FCPro, It is used to prevent an arrow intersect with a flowchart symbol for a better view.

Relational and Equality Operators tests some kind of relation between two entities. These include numerical equality and inequalities. These operators usually return true or false, depending on whether the conditional relationship between the two operands holds or not. An expression created using a relational operator forms what is known as a condition. Decision structures evaluate the conditions.

C++ Relational and Equality Operators are:

      >        :     Greater

       >=     :      Greater or Equal

      <        :     Smaller

       <=         : Smaller or Equal

       ==     :     Equal

      !=          : Not Equal


In our daily life, we often encounter many options and we have to select one. Our selections decide the way of our life. In every separation point we make our decision and go on our way. While programming,  we usually need to decide the path of the program flow according to the parameters and conditions. Actually the ability of making decision is one of the key points of intelligent programming. Thanks to control structures (decision & repetition)  we are able to evaluate the condition and select the flow path. We have 4 types of decision structures in C++: l If l If/Else l Conditional Operator (?) l Switch

The If/else statement chooses between two alternatives. This statement can be used without the else, as a simple if statement. Another decision statement, switch, creates branches for multiple alternative sections of code, depending on the value of a single variable. Finally, the conditional operator is used in specialized situations.

The if structure

The "if structure" is used to execute statement(s) only if the given condition is satisfied. The Computer evaluates the condition first, if it is true, statement is executed if not the statement is skipped and the program continues right after this conditional structure. This can be illustrated as:

The following code prints "passed" or "failed" depending on the average of the student by using two separate if structures.

if (average>60)


cout<<"passed";        //if the  average is greater than 60 //print passed.


if (average<=60)


cout<<"failed"; //if the  average is less than or equal //to 60 print failed. }

The first if structure checks whether the average is greater than 60, if so writes "passed" to the output. The second if structure checks whether the average is less than or equal to 60 if so writes "failed" to the output. 

If we have a single statement in a "if" then it can be written without braces; but if we have a compound statement to be executed we need to enclose them between braces ({ }).

The if/else structure

We can additionally specify what we want to do if the condition does not hold with

Using “if” in a Flowchart else. While the if statement lets a program decide whether a statement or block is executed, the if/else statement lets a program decide which of two statements or blocks is executed. This can be illustrated as :

Let's improve our average example. What if we have an average value less than 0? As a programmer we should always keep in mind the unexpected cases. We would be able to respond to the user that any value less than 0 is not valid.

if (average>60)

{ cout<<"Passed";

} else if (average<0)


cout<<"Wrong Input";

} else




The if/else structure above checks the first condition, if it is satisfied, prints "Passed" and skips the rest of the structure. If the first condition is not satisfied, the second condition is checked, and so on. If none of the conditions is held, the last statement is executed.

Logical Operators

Logical operators simplify nested if and if/else structures. They combine multiple logical expressions and return a single result (True or False). There are three logical operators in C++:

l ! (Not) l && (And) l || (Or)

! (Logical Not) operator has only one operand (unary operator) and returns the opposite of it. Not Operator gives true if the operand is false, and gives false if the operand is true. For example:

     !(5 > 7)          //evaluates to true.

     !true             //evaluates to false.

&& (Logical And) operator has two operands (binary operator). It returns true only if both operands are true, and returns false otherwise. So we may need this operator when we have to perform a task if two conditions are fulfilled at the same time. For example we want to determine if a given integer (num) is divisible by 3 and 7.

if ((num % 3 == 0) && (num % 7 == 0)) 

cout<<"It is divisible by 3 and 7";

|| (Logical Or) operator has two operands. It returns false if both operands are false, and returns true otherwise. It can be used in a case if at least one of two conditions has to be true to perform a task. For example we want to check if a number is divisible by 3 or 7.

if ((num % 3 == 0) || (num % 7 == 0))  cout<<"It is divisible by 3 or 7";





The Truth Table of the NOT Operator (!)

X && Y













The Truth Table of the AND

Operator (&&)

X && Y













Let's have a look how to use logical operators to determine whether a given year is a leap year. Leap years are years with an extra day (February 29); this happens almost every four years. Generally, leap years are divisible by four, but century years are special, they must also be divisible by 400. Given a year decide whether it is a leap year or not.

We know that the set of numbers divisible by 400 is a subset of the set of numbers divisible by 100. And the set of numbers divisible by 100 is a subset of numbers divisible by 4.

U = All of the years

C= Years divisible by 4

B= Years divisible by 100

A= Years divisible by 400

From the description it is clear that if the number is in the red area than it is a leap year otherwise it is not. We can describe the red area as (A or (C and (Not B)))

if (average>60)  cout<<"passed";

else cout<<"failed";

cout<<((average>60) ? "passed" : "failed");

if ((year%400==0)||((year%4==0)&&(!(year%100==0)))) cout << "Leap Year";


cout << "Not a Leap Year";

C++ provides another selective operator that can be an alternative of simple if/else. If we are choosing from two options based on a condition we can simply implement it with a conditional operator. Let's implement our "pass" "fail" example with "?".

Here condition (average > 60) is evaluated. If it is true, "passed" is written; If not, "failed' is printed.

Our leap year problem can be written as:

february=((year%400==0)||((year%100!=0)&&(year%4==0))) ? 29 : 28;

If the condition is true it is a leap year, if false it is not.

The Switch Structure

Switch allows us to select from multiple choices based on constant values. If we are to use several "if" and "else if" instructions to check constant values it is best to implement it by using switch. For example we are getting the month number from the user and printing the month name on the screen


PROG: c2_01switch.cpp

Read the order of a month and prints its name.

*/ int main()

{ int month; cout<<"enter the month number"; cin>>month; switch (month) { case 1 : cout<<"it is january";


case 2 : cout<<"it is february"; break;

case 3 : cout<<"it is march"; break;

case 4 :     cout<<"it is april"; break;

case 5 : cout<<"it is may"; break;

case 6 : cout<<"it is june"; break;

case 7 : cout<<"it is july"; break;

case 8 :     cout<<"it is august"; break;

case 9 :

cout<<"it is september"; break;

case 10 : cout<<"it is october"; break;

case 11 : cout<<"it is november"; break;

case 12 :     cout<<"it is december"; break;

default :

cout<<"wrong input";


Switch evaluates the value of expression and performs all of the instructions starting from the true case of the expression's value till the ending brace.

If none of the cases has the value of expression then instructions under default part are executed. You can have only one default statement in a switch statement block.

The break statement at the end of the case statement tells C++ to exit the switch statement. C++ does not generate an error message if you omit a break statement. However, if you omit it, C++ executes all the statements in the following case statement, even if that case is false. In nearly all circumstances, this is not what you want to do.

Sometimes we need to group the cases since we have the same operation for some values. This can be understood better by an example.  Again we are getting the month number from the user but this time printing how many days this month has to the screen. /*

PROG: c2_02months.cpp

Read the order of a month and print how many days it has.

*/ switch (month)

{ case 2 :      cout<<"it has 28 days"; break; case 4 : case 6 : case 9 : case 11: cout<<"it has 30 days"; break; default : cout<<"it is 31 days";  break;



We need decision structures in order to give direction to the program flow.

We execute or skip a statement block by using simple if statement. If the condition holds then execute, if not skip the statement block.

We choose one of two options by using an if/else structure. If the condition holds then execute statement block, if not execute statement block 2.

C++ provides us with three kinds of logical operators in order to combine simple logical expressions and construct compound complex. The C++ logical operators:

Not Operator (!) is used to get opposite of one expression.

And Operator (&&) is used to get intersection of two expressions.

Or Operator (||) is used to get union area of two expressions.

Conditional Operator (? :) can be used as an alternative of simple if /else.

Several if, if/ else structures can be expressed by a switch structure. If we have the case that an expression may have constant values, it is best to check them by a switch instead of messy if/else components.


Making decisions is a feature granted to human beings.

Loops are everywhere.

Repetition Structures (Loops)

Any computer program is executed sequentially if the programmer doesn't change the flow of the program. The sequential programs start from the first line of the program code and execute all the statements one by one until the end of the program.

There are two kinds of program flow controls: decision structures and repetition structures.

Decision structures are used to alter the normal flow of program execution         based     on           an evaluation of one or more logical expressions (condition). We have already studied decision structures       in             the          previous chapter.

Repetition structures are used to repeat a block of code either a specific number of times or while some condition remains true. For example, "Read 50 items from the input file" or "While there are more items in the input file, continue reading the input."

Executing a block of code is one of the most basic but useful tasks in programming. Many programs or Web sites that produce complex output  are really only executing a single task many times.

There are three kinds of repetition structures in C++:

l While l Do While l For

The "while" Loop

The "while loop" is the easiest repetition structure to understand for beginners. Its structure suits the most to the description stated above.

The structure is made up of a logical condition and the block of code to be repeated. First, the condition is evaluated, if it is true the statements in the block of the code are executed, and the condition is evaluated one more time. This process continues until the condition becomes false. The condition must become false at the end; otherwise we can fall into an infinitive loop. The while loop first checks the condition and then decides whether executes the statements therefore, it is called a preconditional repetition structure.

Let's make a basic program to understand the while loop. The following program prints the numbers from 1 to 10. It prints the value of a variable (that is a counter) one at a time, and repeats this process ten times. To print the numbers from 1 to 10, the variable counter is initialized to one, and its value is increased by 1 in each iteration. On the other hand, the condition "counter <= 10" checks if the counter exceeds its final value.

The key concepts of looping are, the counter, the initial value of the counter, the final value of the counter, increment or decrement factor of the counter, the condition and the statements to be executed.

The variable "counter" is our counter in this program. Since it gets only the whole numbers from 1 to 10, its type is integer. The initial value of counter is 1, the final value of counter is 10, and the increment factor of the counter is 1.

"counter <=10" is the condition of the loop. The while loop checks the condition at the header of the structure. This condition states that the statement will be executed while the counter is not bigger than 10.

"cout <<counter<<" ";"  is the statement that is executed each time in the looping process. The purpose of the program is to print the consecutive numbers from 1 to 10 thus the value of the counter must get those values one by one in each turn.

Be careful with infinitive loops. An infinitive loop executes forever without terminating. Usually incorrectly setting the termination condition or incorrectly increasing or decreasing the loop-control variables (counters) causes an infinitive loop.

"counter++" increases the value of counter by one. This statement can be written as "counter = counter + 1". C++ used this syntax at the first time. Usually programmers use only 'c' instead of "counter" as a variable name, so "c++" means increase the value of a counter “c” by one. I think, this is where the name of this programming language is comes from.


PROG: C3_01while.cpp

Printing the numbers from 1 to 10 increasing by 1.


#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main()

{ int counter = 1;         //initialize the counter to its

//starting value

                                                                                                                                 while (counter <= 10)          //continue looping until counter

//is less than its final value { cout <<counter<<" ";   //print the current value of the


                                                                                                                                            counter++;               //counter gets its next value

} system("PAUSE"); return 0;


Flowchart of the Program


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Press any key to continue . . .

Increment and Decrement Operators

C++ provides unary increment (++) and decrement (--) operators. Both operators can be used after (a++, post-increment) or before (++a, pre-increment) their operands. If the variable 'a' needs to be incremented by 1, "a++", "a=a+1", or "a+=1" can be used. The following program demonstrates the use of increment and decrement operators.


PROG: C3_02inc_dec.cpp

Demonstrating increment and decrement operators


#include <iostream> using namespace std;

int main()

{ int a=5; cout <<"initial a is "<<a<<endl; cout <<"after a++ is "<<a++<<endl; cout <<"current value of a is "<<a<<endl; cout <<"after ++a is "<<++a<<endl;

cout <<"current value of a is "<<a<<endl; cout <<"after --a is "<<--a<<endl;

system("pause"); return 0;


initial a is 5 after a++ is 5 current value of a is 6 after ++a is 7 current value of a is 7

after --a is 6

Press any key to continue . . .

Counter-Controlled and Sentinel-Controlled Repetitions

Counter-Controlled Repetition

Counter-controlled repetition uses a variable called a "counter" to control the number of times the statements will be executed. The variable counter must be initialized before the repetition and must be incremented or decremented during the repetition process. Counter-controlled repetition is called "definite repetition" because the number of repetitions is known before the loop begins executing.

The following program calculates a class average with a counter-controlled loop.


PROG: c3_04countercont.cpp

Class average with a counter-controlled loop. Make a program to calculate average of a class after an exam. There are N students in the classroom and the marks are between 1 and 5.


#include <iostream> using namespace std;

int main()

{ int N, total, mark, counter;

//Get number of the marks. cout<<"How many marks?"; cin >> N;

//Initialize the counter and total.

counter = 1; total = 0;

//Get the mark one by one and add to total. while (counter <= N)


//Get the next mark. cout <<"Enter the next mark [1..5]: "; cin >> mark; total+=mark;    //Add the new mark to total.

Flowchart of the Program “countercont”

                                                            counter++;                     //Increment the counter.

} float average = (float)total/N; //Calculate the average.

cout<<"The average is "<<average<<endl;

system ("pause"); return 0;


How many marks?5

Enter the next mark [1..5]: 4

Enter the next mark [1..5]: 5

Enter the next mark [1..5]: 3

Enter the next mark [1..5]: 4

Enter the next mark [1..5]: 5

The average is 4.2

Press any key to continue . . .

Sentinel-Controlled Repetition

In the case when users don't know the number of the repetitions in advance, a sentinel-controlled repetition can be used instead of a counter-controlled repetition. The idea of a sentinel controlled repetition is that there is a special value (the "sentinel") that is used to say when the loop is done. The sentinel value must be chosen carefully so that it cannot be confused with a legitimate value. Sentinelcontrolled repetition is called "indefinite repetition" because the number of repetitions is not known in advance.


PROG: c3_05sentinelcont.cpp

Class average with a sentinel-controlled loop. Make a program to calculate average of a class after an exam. Your program will process an arbitrary number of the marks. The marks are between 1 and 5. Use 0 as sentinel value to end the program execution.


#include <iostream> using namespace std;

int main()

{ int total, mark, nrMarks;

//Get the first mark and set the nrMarks to 1.

cout<<"Enter the first mark: "; cin >> mark; total = mark; nrMarks = 1;  //We have got one mark so far.

Flowchart of the Program “sentinelcont”

//Get the rest of the marks one by one and add to total.

while (mark != 0)//Continue if mark is not sentinel


//Get the next mark. cout <<"Enter the next mark [1..5] to finish enter 0: "; cin >> mark;


//Add the new mark to total.



//Increment the counter.


//Decrease for the sentinel.

float average = (float)total/nrMarks;//Calculate the average.

cout<<"The average is "<<average<<endl; system ("pause"); return 0;


Enter the first mark [1..5] to finish enter 0: 5

Enter the next mark [1..5] to finish enter 0: 3

Enter the next mark [1..5] to finish enter 0: 4

Enter the next mark [1..5] to finish enter 0: 5

Enter the next mark [1..5] to finish enter 0: 3

Enter the next mark [1..5] to finish enter 0: 5

Enter the next mark [1..5] to finish enter 0: 0

The average is 4.16667 Press any key to continue . . .

The "do/while" Loop

The "do/while" statement is similar to the "while" statement with an important difference: the "do/while" statement performs a test after each execution of the loop body. Therefore, the loop body is executed at least once. The "do/while" statement is

Use setprecision function to set the precision for floatingpoint values. Setprecision function is defined in the iomanip library.

#include <iomanip> .

. .

cout<<"The average is" <<setprecision(3)

<<average<<endl; .



usually preferred to design menu-driven programs.

A menu-driven program has an interface that offers the user a simple menu from which to choose an option. The opposite of menu-driven is the command-driven. There usually exists one option to exit in the menudriven programs.

Make your choice:

1.  New record

2.  Modify

3.  Delete

4.  Print

5.  Exit


PROG: c3_06dowhile.cpp

Printing the numbers from 1 to 10 increasing by 1.


#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main()

{ int counter = 1;  //initialize the counter to its

//starting value


{ cout <<counter<<" "; //print the current value of the


counter++;           //counter gets its next value

} while (counter <= 10);   //continue looping until counter

//is bigger than the final //value.

system("PAUSE"); return 0;


Flowchart of the Program

               “dowhile”                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Press any key to continue . . .

The "for" Loop

Like "while" and "do/while" the "for" loop enables you to evaluate a sequence of expressions multiple numbers of times. For loops are best when you know the number of times that the expressions are needed to be evaluated in advance (counter-controlled repetition). Syntax of “for” statement

for( initializations; condition; increment or decrement)


Statements; }

for: keyword

Initializations: You may initialize the counter and other variables here. This part is executed only once at the beginning.

Condition: Set the continuation-condition here to continue or end the loop. The condition is tested each time before the statements are executed.

Increment or decrement: You may increment or decrement the counter here. This part is executed each time after the statements have been executed.

Statements: The statements are executed each time in the loop.


PROG: c3_07for.cpp

Printing the numbers from 1 to 10 increasing by 1.


#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main()

{ int counter;

for (counter=1; counter<=10; counter++)

{ cout<<counter<<" ";


system("PAUSE"); return 0;


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Press any key to continue . . .

Example: X to the power of Y

The following program computes X raised to the power Y (XY) where X and Y are both integer numbers and Y is non-negative. X is the base (mantissa) and Y is the exponent value.

To get the result we have to multiply X, Y times. For example for X=5 and Y=3, the result will be 5*5*5. In fact, C++ provides a built-in math "power" function (double pow(double x, double y)) that calculates power of integer or floating point numbers. We are going to use it in the chapter "Functions" in this book.

The number of digits in the web page counter determines the number of nested loops needed to imitate the process. How many loops do you need for the following counter?

The following program demonstrates the break and continue statements. The continue statement causes the program skip printing 5, and the break statement causes the program to break the loop when the counter is 10.


PROG: c3_13breakcon.cpp


#include <iostream> using namespace std;

int main()

{ for(int counter=1; counter<100; counter++)

{ if (counter == 5)

                continue;           //skip 5

if (counter == 10)

                break;               //stop the looping process

cout<<counter<<" ";

} system("pause"); return 0;


1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 Press any key to continue . . .

Which loop should I use?

Loop Type

This is a good, solid looping process with applications to numerous situations.

This looping process is a good choice when you are asking a question, whose answer will determine if the loop is repeated.

This loop is a good choice when the number of repetitions is known, or can be supplied by the user.

Nested Loops

Loops can be nested inside other loops. A nested loop is a loop within a loop, an inner loop within the body of an outer one.

The way a nested loop works is that the first iteration of the outer loop triggers the inner loop, which executes to completion. Then the second iteration of the outer loop triggers the inner loop again. This repeats until the outer loop finishes.

The following program prints a number triangle to demonstrate a nested loop. The

outer loop determines the number of the lines in the triangle and the last number in the current line, and the inner loop prints a line.


PROG: c3_14nested.cpp

Printing a number triangle


#include <iostream> using namespace std;

int main()

{ int N;

Be careful choosing the counters in a nested loop. The

cout <<"How many lines in the triangle?"; Outer and inner loops must cin >> N;   have different counters in

such a structure.

      for (int i=1; i<=N; i++)       //Outer loop

{ for (int j=1; j<=i; j++)     //Inner loop

{ cout<<j<<" ";//Print the current number


          cout<<endl;                   //Go to the next line

} system("pause"); return 0;


How many lines in the triangle?5


1 2

1 2 3

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

Press any key to continue . . .

Exercise: Perfect Numbers

A perfect number is a whole number, an integer greater than zero and when you add up all of the factors less than that number, you get that number. The first two perfect numbers are 6 and 28. 1+2+3 = 6, and 1+2+4+7+14 = 28. There are 37 known perfect numbers.

Make a program that finds and prints all the prime numbers less than or equal to a given number N.


Making Loops

Decision and repetition structures are called control structures in programming. Because programmers change the flow of the execution of the program with the help of these structures.

You have already learned how to use the diamond-shaped symbol to make decisions in flowchart programming. The same diamond-shaped symbol is also used to make loops.

Pre-conditional Loops

In such a loop, first, the condition is evaluated. If the condition is true, statements in the loop body are executed and condition is evaluated again. If the condition is false, the program continues with statements after the loop.

Post-conditional Loops

In such a loop, first, statements in the loop body are executed and then the condition is evaluated. If the condition is true, statements in the loop body are executed and condition is evaluated again. If the condition is false, the program continues with statements after the loop.


A function is a group of instructions that perform a specific task and executed when it is called from any point of the program code.

So far, our programs have had only one function (main). Most of the contemporary programs which solve real life problems are much larger than the programs that we have studied. The larger the program gets; the harder it becomes to cope with it. “Function” is the solution to this problem. Dividing the problem into simpler and more specific tasks and solving each with a function makes it easier to solve.

Another advantage of functions is preventing unnecessary repetition of the code segments. Forming the code as functions allows executing the same segment several times by calling from different points of the program.

Software re-usability can be counted as another benefit of using functions. After implementing a function for a specific task (say finding max of many numbers) it can be copied and used in future programs also.

Most probably you are already familiar with functions from math studies. There are polynomial, logarithmic, exponential and many other functions. Common properties of functions are: they have some input values as parameters, they do some operation with them and produce a result value as output. Functions in programming languages have the same process.

How a Function Operates

A function takes some input values, after a series of operations and produces a result. Function will produce different results for varying input values.

The Program Flow

The evolution of programming started in a sequential structure. The program execution was starting from top going step by step downward on a straight line. Thanks to functions modular programming was developed. This made program flow jump between functions.

Program flow always starts from the main function. As any function is called all local variables are stacked, (to be able to be remembered after the execution of a function) and program flow runs the codes of the function body. The following figure describes how program flow changes:

Some Pre-defined C++ Functions

C++ provides a wide range of predefined functions. For example “cmath” library contains plenty of different math functions. Here are some of them.






Returns the absolute value of x.

cout<<abs(-5); cout<<abs(10);




Returns the smallest integer bigger than or equal to x.




Returns the biggest integer less than or equal to x.




Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of x.




Returns natural logarithm of x.




Returns logarithm (base 10) of x.




Returns x to the power y.

cout<<pow(10.0 , 3.0);



Returns the square root of x.




Returns a pseudorandom integer in [ 0 .. RAND_MAX (32767)].

cout<<rand() % 2;

0 or 1

Repetition Structures

As you may have noticed main has the same format of a function. In fact it is a special function that every program must have.

int main()

This means main has an integer type return value. The input parameters of a function are declared after the function name enclosed by parenthesis. Here main has an empty parameter list.

return 0;

return 0 is used to indicate a successful termination of the program.

The Structure of a Function

Every function consists of two parts: Function header and function body. A function header contains

l The return value type: Gives the type of data returned by function l The name of the function: The name that will be used to call the function. The same rules are applied as those applied for a variable name.

l The input parameters: Can be declared as many as needed. Separated by comas, each parameter has a variable type and name just as other variable declarations.

Function body part contains a group of statements enclosed by curly brackets.

return-value-type function-name (parameter-list) //function Header

{ statements //function Body


Each function should do only one task, but do it well. Name your functions according to their tasks. If you have a difficultly naming your function, probably it performs more than one task.

Using Functions

Let’s see the usage of functions ion an example. The following example shows the implementation of a simple makeSum program with function and without function.

The first program takes two integers (a and b) and prints to the screen the total of them (sum). The second program does the same job in a function. It can be called from anywhere in the program. 


PROG: c4_02sum.cpp

*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std;

int main()

{ int a,b,sum;

cout<<"Enter two integers :"; cin>>a>>b; sum=a+b;

cout<<"Sum is :"<<sum<<endl; system("PAUSE"); return 0;


Enter two integers :3 5

Sum is :8

Press any key to continue . . .


PROG: c4_03void.cpp

Sum of two integers with a void function without any parameters.

*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std;

void makeSum();   //function prototype, no parameters, no return int main()

{ makeSum();       //function call statement system("PAUSE"); return 0; } void makeSum()     //gets two integers and prints their sum

{ int a,b,sum; cout<<"Enter two integers :"; cin>>a>>b; sum=a+b; cout<<"Sum is :"<<sum<<endl;


Enter two integers :3 5

Sum is :8

Press any key to continue . . .

The Return Statement

Although a function can be a void type (not returning any result), they are generally used with a return value. In our previous example, function makes an operation and prints the result to the screen. A function which returns the result into main function would seem smarter. See the following program:


PROG: c4_04return.cpp

Sum of two integers with a function that reads two numbers and return their sum.

*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std;

int makeSum();      //function prototype, no parameters, return an //integer value.

int main()

{ int sum = makeSum();   //call the makeSum function cout<<sum<<endl; system("Pause"); return 0;


A function prototype declares the function name, its parameters, and its return type to the rest of the program prior to the function's actual declaration.

int makeSum()

{ int a,b; cout<<"Enter two integers :"; cin>>a>>b; return a+b;    //return a+b to the caller function(main)


The function does not write the result but it returns the sum as the result of function to “sum” variable defined in main.

The return statement has two important roles:

l Carries the result of the function. It can return anything including variables, constants even function calls provided that it evaluates to a value of the type declared in the function header. l Immediately terminates execution of function and returns to its caller.

A function may have more than one return statement. Function will terminate with any of them. See how the following function will quit with one of the return statements.

int max()

{ int a,b; cin>>a>>b; if (a>b) return a;

return b }

Passing Arguments to the Functions

As we have mentioned before, functions generally take some values as input and these are called the parameters of the function. They behave like other local variables declared in the function and are created at the beginning of the function execution and destroyed on exit. So far our examples do not take any parameters. Let’s improve our example so that it takes two integers as parameter and returns their sum.


PROG: c4_05paramter.cpp

Sum of two function with a function that has two integers as input parameters and returns their sum as a return value.


#include<iostream> using namespace std;

int makeSum(int, int);           //function prototype int main()


int a,b,sum; cout<<"Enter two integers :"; cin>>a>>b;

//call makeSum function sum = makeSum(a,b);    //a and b are actual parameters

cout<<"Sum is :"<<sum<<endl;       system("PAUSE");

return 0; } int makeSum(int x, int y) //x and y are formal parameters

{ return x+y;


Now it is more similar to our first function definition, which takes some input values, does some calculations and returns a result value.  This makeSum function can be called from anywhere in the code with any values and will return sum of the inputs.

We have an important consideration while passing arguments to the function. That is the passed arguments change their values as the variables are passed. In other word, if you want the actual parameters to remain unchanged you should prefer the pass by value; on the other hand, if you want the change to affect actual parameters, prefer pass by reference.

Pass by Value

By default C++ passes the arguments by value. In the previous example, the makeSum function passed its parameters by value. More precisely, when a variable is used to call a function, a copy of that variable is created and used during the execution of the function. All the changes are done on this copy. In return the operations done inside a function do not alter the variables that are used to call the function. Examine the following example:


PROG: c4_06byvalue.cpp

Passing an integer to a function as a value.

*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; void doubleIt(int);

int main()

{ int x=10; cout<<"Before calling the function dobuleIt, x is "<<x<<endl; doubleIt(x); cout<<"After calling the function dobuleIt, x is "<<x<<endl; system("PAUSE");

Parameters (arguments) are used to pass information back and forth between the calling and caller functions. The parameters in the function call statement is called actual parameters, and the parameters in the header of the function are called formal parameters.

When calling a function with the pass by value method, the formal parameters take the values of the actual parameters. Actual and formal parameters reside in different locations of the memory.

Variables in the Memory

The address operator (&) is a unary operator that can be used to obtain the memory address of any variable or object.

Variables in the Memory return 0; } void doubleIt(int y)

{ y=2*y; cout<<"After doubled in the function, y is "<<y<<endl;


Before calling the function dobuleIt, x is 10

After doubled in the function, y is 20 After calling the function dobuleIt, x is 10 Press any key to continue . . .

Here the doubleIt() function does not change the value of the variable used to call the function. Variable y is created as a copy of x but change on y is not applied to x.

Pass by Reference

As we have seen, values of variables passed to the function remain unchanged; however you may intend to alter the values of actual parameters as the formal parameters change. You can accomplish this by passing the variables by reference. Technically, the difference is adding an address operator (&) in front of the passed variable. Theoretically, this means: pass the actual memory address of the variable instead of a copy of it. This makes the function do all operations on the actual memory address of the variable. As a result what applied in the function automatically affects the variable passed to the function.

Now let’s implement the previous example with the pass by reference.


PROG: c4_07byreference.cpp

Passing address of an integer to a function as a value.

*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std;

void doubleIt(int &);      //doubleIt will pass an address of an //integer.

int main()

{ int x=10;

cout<<"Before calling the function dobuleIt, x is "<<x<<endl; doubleIt(x); cout<<"After calling the function dobuleIt, x is "<<x<<endl;

system("PAUSE"); return 0;


void doubleIt(int &y)

{ y=2*y; cout<<"After doubled in the function, y is "<<y<<endl;


Before calling the function dobuleIt, x is 10

After doubled in the function, y is 20 After calling the function dobuleIt, x is 20 Press any key to continue . . .

When calling a function pass by reference, the formal parameters take the addresses of actual parameters. Actual and formal parameters reside in the same locations of the memory.

All variables that are declared in a function are local to the function. They can not be referenced from outside the function (local scope). Their lifetime is the same as the activation of the function.

Parameters are like local variables (local scope, function lifetime).

Local variables have no initial values whereas parameters are assigned an initial value from the corresponding expression in the function call.

A global variable is accessible in every scope unless there is another local variable or parameter which has the same  name as the global variable.

Keep your connections simple. Avoid global variables whenever possible. If you must use global variables as input, document them thoroughly.

Scope and Lifetime

The scope of a variable is the program segment from which it can be referenced. In other words, scope rules manage when to allocate memory space for a variable and when to destroy it. A variable can be either of type local, global or static local. Local variables have function or block scope; while global variables have file scope.

Local Variables

A variable declared within a block is local to that block. Such a variable can be accessed only in that block or in blocks nested within that block. And it is known from the point it is declared. This means that the variable is not created until the declaration statement is executed and it is destroyed with the ending curly brackets of that block. This is important to remember a local variable will not hold its value between activations of its block.

When a local variable declared with the same name of a variable in outer block, the variable in the outer block is hidden until the inner block is terminated. That is to say, while executing in the inner block, compiler sees the value of innermost local variable, not the value of the identically named variable of outer block. We will analyze this on the example after studying global variables.

The same rules are applied to the function arguments as those applied to local variables. That is function argument’s scope is also local to the function and they are also destroyed on exit of function.

Global Variables

A variable declared outside of any function is a global variable and it can be accessed throughout the entire program. (Starting from the point it is declared). In other words global variables and function definitions have file scope.

Since the lifetime of global variables, starts from the point they are declared, it is best to declare them near the top of the program. However, theoretically they must be declared before they are first referenced.

Remember that if a local variable is defined with the same name, it is used in that local area not the global. Thus, although global variable can be referenced from any piece of code in the program, this requires that no local variable has the same name.

The following example illustrates the usage of local and global variables.


PROG: c4_08global.cpp using local and global variables.

*/ #include<iosteam> using namespace std;

void first(); void second();

int x = 1;    //global x int main()

{ int x = 5;       //local x of function main() cout<<"local x in outer scope of main is "<<x<<endl;

{ int x = 7; //local x special to this block cout<<"local x in inner scope of main is "<<x<<endl;

} cout<<"local x in outer scope of main is "<<x<<endl;

first();    second(); cout<<"local x in main is "<<x<<endl; system("PAUSE");      return 0;


void first()

{ int x = 25;   //local x of function first() cout<<"local x in the function first is "<<x<<endl;

} void second() {

//since second( ) does not have any local x cout<<"global x in the function second is "<<x<<endl; x=10;  //change the value of global x.


local x in outer scope of main is 5 local x in inner scope of main is 7 local x in outer scope of main is 5 local x in the function first is 25 global x in the function second is 1 local x in main is 5

Press any key to continue . . .

Static Local Variables

Static local variables are a mixture of local and global variables. They are defined like local variables,  can not be accessed from out of the block. However, they are not destroyed at the end of the block, their storage duration extends the entire program. This means a static local variable will hold its value between activations of its block. Let’s see the effect in the following example:


PROG: c4_09static.cpp

Using static local variables.

*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std;

void first()

{ int x = 25; //local x of function first() cout<<"local x in the function first is "<<x<<endl;

++x; }

void second()

{ static int x = 1; //x is initialized to 1 only on first run cout<<"This function is called "<<x<<" times "<<endl; ++x; }

int main()

{ first(); second(); cout<<"Calling functions once more"<<endl; first(); second(); system("PAUSE"); return 0;


local x in the function first is 25 This function is called 1 times Calling functions once more local x in the function first is 25 This function is called 2 times Press any key to continue . . .

This example shows the difference of local and static local variables. Compiler lost the value of local variable x and initialized to the same number when called for the second time (in function first()). However the static local variable is initialized only on the first run and it is remembered in the second run (in function second()).

Overloading Functions

Function overloading enables you to use the same name for different functions by differentiating the parameter list. The compiler chooses the right function according to the right parameter list. These functions with the same name, but are differentiated by parameter lists, are said to be overloaded functions.

In the following example we have a function “max()” which returns the maximum of 2 numbers. Another instance of this function is written with 3 inputs. That is max function with two parameters returns the max of two numbers, whereas max function with three parameters returns the max of three.


PROG: c4_10overload.cpp

Function overloading

*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std;

int max(int, int); int max(int, int, int);

int main()

{ int x,y,z; cout<<"Please enter three numbers :";

cin>>x>>y>>z; cout << "max of " << x<<" "<< y<<" "<< z<< " is:"; cout << max(x,y,z)<< endl;

system("PAUSE"); return 0;


int max(int a, int b)   //max function with two parameters

{ return (a>b ? a : b);


int max(int a, int b, int c)  //max function with three parameters

{ return max(max(a,b),c);


Please enter three numbers :3 5 2 max of 3 5 2 is:5

Press any key to continue . . .


A function is a group of statements which performs a specific task. They are beneficial in terms of dividing the problem into simpler tasks, decreasing the code repetition and software re-usability. C++, provides the programmer with a large number of predefined functions.

Related to functions we have two important subjects: the method of passing arguments into function and types of variables according to scope and lifetime.

Speaking about scope and lifetime there are three different variable types which are: local, global and static local variables. Local variables are known only in the block they are defined. Global variables can be accessed from any part of the program unless a local variable is defined with the same name. Static local variables can be accessed from their own block but they exist till the end of program. This means that each function call compiler remembers the value of static local variables from the last call.

There are two ways to pass  arguments to a function namely pass by value and pass by reference. By default, C++ uses the pass by value method for passing arguments to functions. “Pass by value” method creates a copy of the argument and does not influence the variable used to call the function. On the other hand “pass by reference” method passes the address of the variable, thus it enables altering the passed arguments value in the function.

Finally, a function can be rewritten with the same name but different parameter list. This is advantageous if the same operation with different types or amount of data is needed. This rewriting of a function is called function overloading.

A data structure is a way of storing data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently. Often a carefully chosen data structure will allow a more efficient algorithm to be used.

C++ supports two sorts of array: static arrays and dynamic arrays (vector).

The declaration of an static array slightly differs from the declaration of a single variable. It is the size of the array which is specified within square brackets following the variable name. For example, an array (a) of 10 integers can be declared as:

int a[10];

The static arrays (C-like arrays) can be initialized during the declaration.

int a[3]={1,2,3}; int b[5]={1,2}; char c[] = “abc”;

a gets (1, 2, 3), b gets (1, 2, 0,0, 0) and c gets “abc”.

Arrays and Vector Class

We have covered how to declare and use variables of various types, which can hold only one value at a time except string. We know how to declare a single char, integer, long and float values. These are big enough to implement the problems that can be handled with a small amount of memory. However we often encounter problems which need to keep a series of data. For example all marks of a student, or even all marks of all students etc. For such cases, we need a data structure that is capable to store a series of variables that are of the same type and size. 

An array is a simple data structure that allows us to declare and use a series of same type of data.

Array Declaration and Accessing Array Elements

Any array element (item) can be accessed by giving the name of the array followed by the position number of the particular element in square brackets([]). The first element in an array always has the index zero, thus, a[0] refers to the first element of the array a. The second element of the array a is a[1], the third element is a[2], and so on. That is, the index of the ith element of an array is i-1.

Vector class is a container class that represent arrays in C++. Vector class is defined in the <vector> header file. Vector is a dynamic data structure in that, its size can increase and shrink at the time. The following program declares an array of integer (a), reserves memory for 5 elements, and then assigns some numbers to the array.

//PROG: c5_01vector.cpp #include<vector> using namepace std; int main()

{ vector<int> a;    //declare a vector of integer

a.resize(5);      //allocate memory for five elements a[0]=3; a[1]=85; a[2]=-7; a[3]=5; a[4]=4; cout<<”a[1] is “<<a[1]<<endl; cout<<”a[a[0]] is “<<a[a[0]]<<endl; system(“Pause”); return 0;


a[1] is 85 a[a[0]] is 5

Press any key to continue...

Vector Manipulation

A vector can be assigned to another vector by using the assignment operator (=), and relational operators (==, <, <=, >, >=, !=) can be used to compare two vectors.

Vector Class provides some methods for handling some vector operations. Some of the Vector Class methods are listed as follows:

Returns the number of elements in the vector.

Specifies a new size for a vector.


Add an element to the end of the vector.

Returns an iterator to the first element in the vector.

Returns an iterator that points just beyond the end of the vector.

Erases a vector and copies the specified elements to the empty vector.

Reserves a minimum length of storage for a vector object.

Inserts an element or a number of elements into the vector at a specified position.

Returns a reference to the item at a specified location in the vector.

Iterator is a pointer that is used to refer a single item of a vector or                 another    STL container. In the following program segment, intArray is an integer vector and intIt is an iterator of an integer vector.

vector <int> intArray;

vector<int>::iterator intIt;

The Standard Template Library (STL), is a C++ library of container classes (vector, list, set, map, etc), algorithms (sort, find, etc), and iterators; it provides many of the basic algorithms and data structures of computer science.

Multidimensional Arrays

Arrays can have more than one dimension which are called multidimensional arrays. Suppose that we want to keep temperature statistics of a month. Each entry keeps the temperature value of one day. Assuming a month with 4 weeks of 7 days it can be illustrated as:

Vector refers to a one dimensional array, and matrix refers to a two dimensional array in computer science

          0           1           2           3           4           5           6

































Passing Arrays to Functions

There is no difference passing individual array elements to a function. They can pass as value or reference.

Static arrays and vectors behave differently while passing them to functions. Static arrays are always passed by reference, where as, vectors can be passed to functions by value or by reference. The name of a static array is the address of its first element, thus, passing it to a function, it implicitly takes the address.

The following program demonstrates passing arrays to functions.

//PROG: 05_05pass.cpp

#include<iostream> #include<vector> using namespace std;

typedef vector<int> TIntVec;     //user defined type definition void f1(int[], int);  //call by reference void f2(TIntVec);   //call by value void f3(TIntVec &);     //call by reference void print(int[], int);    //call by reference void print(TIntVec);       //call by value

//-----------------------------------------------int main()

{ int a[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; //declare and initialize a vector <int> v(a, a+5); //declare v and initialize it to a

print(a,5); print(v); f1(a, 5); f2(v); print(a, 5); print(v); f3(v); print(v); system("pause"); return 0;

} //-----------------------------------------------void f1(int a[], int n)

{ int temp = a[0]; for(int i=1; i<n; i++)

a[i-1] = a[i];

a[n-1] = temp;

} //-----------------------------------------------void f2(TIntVec a)

{ int temp = a[0]; for(int i=1; i<a.size(); i++)

Every variable must have a data type in C++. The typedef keyword is used to define new data type names to make a program more readable.

When passing a static vector to a function, you may omit the length of the vector. It can be passed as a second parameter: void f(int[], int);

When passing a static multidimensional array to a function, you must denote the length of all dimensionals except the first one. The length of the first dimension may be passed as a second parameter void f(int[][5], int);

a[i-1] = a[i];

a[a.size()-1] = temp;

} //-----------------------------------------------void f3(TIntVec &a)

{ int temp = a[0]; for(int i=1; i<a.size(); i++)

a[i-1] = a[i];

a[a.size()-1] = temp;

} //-----------------------------------------------void print(int a[], int n)

{ for (int i=0; i<n; i++)

cout<<a[i]<<" ";


} //-----------------------------------------------void print(TIntVec v)

{ for (int i=0; i<v.size(); i++)

cout<<v[i]<<" ";



1 2 3 4 5

1  2 3 4 5

2  3 4 5 1

1  2 3 4 5

2  3 4 5 1

Press any key to continue . . .

Searching Arrays

Searching arrays for a particular value is a common activity that any programmer should know how to do. Searching is especially useful with arrays. Searching is used daily on the Internet, with surfers using search engines.

C++ provides two kinds of searching: sequential searching and binary searching.

Sequential (Linear) Searching

The sequential search is best used if the array you are searching is unsorted. It compares the target value with all the elements of the array one by one starting from the first element until it finds the target value or there is no more element to compare.

The find method in the <algorithm> header file performs sequential searching.  It locates the position of the first occurrence of the target in a range that has a specified value.

The find method returns an iterator addressing the first occurrence of the target in a range. If no such value exists in the range, the iterator returns the address of the position that is one past the final element.

The following program demonstrates the find method.

//PROG: 05_06linsearch.cpp


#include<vector> #include<algorithm> using namespace std;

int main()

{ vector<int> v; vector<int>::iterator it; //it is an iterator to an int vector. v.push_back(1);




it = find(v.begin(), v.end(), 4);     //searching for 4 if (it != v.end())

cout<<"Found in the position "<<it-v.begin()<<endl;


cout<<"Not found"<<endl;

system("pause"); return 0;


Found in the position 2

Press any key to continue . . .

the pointer dereferencing operator (*) is used to get the value which is pointed by an iterator. The statement below prints the value that is pointed by the iterator it:


Binary Searching

Sometimes we need to search for a specific value in a sorted list. For example, looking up a word in a dictionary or finding a name in a phone book.. Having the information of list being sorted decreases the search algorithms complexity logarithmically. That is to say the number of comparison operations decreases to log2(N) instead of N. When performing a search in a list of 1000 items, a linear search requires 1000 comparisons in the worst case, on the other hand, a binary search requires 10 comparisons at most.

The binary_search method in the <algorithm> header file performs binary searching. It tests whether there is an element in a sorted range that is equal to a target value. If the target value is in the range binary_search method returns true, otherwise it returns false.

The following program demonstrates how to use tthe binary_search method.

//PROG: c5_07binsearch.cpp


#include<vector> #include<algorithm> using namespace std;

int main()

{ vector<int> v;




v.push_back(7); sort(v.begin(), v.end());

if(binary_search(v.begin(), v.end(), 4))



cout<<"not found."<<endl;

system("pause"); return 0; } found.

Sorting Arrays

Sorting data (arranging items in order) is one of the most important and fundamental applications. As we have seen in binary search, having sorted data facilitates the processing of information. All the words in a dictionary or the names in a phone book are sorted in alphabetical order. You can sort the files in a folder in your computer by their names, dates, types or sizes.

C++ provides the sort method to sort the vectors and other containers. The sort method is defined in the <algorithm> header file. The following statement arranges the elements of the vector into ascending order :

sort(v.begin(), v.end());

You should add a comparison criterion as a third parameter of the sort method to arrange the items in descending order: sort(v.begin(), v.end(), greater<int>());

You must add <functional> header file for greater<int>().

The following program demonstrates using the sort method.

//PROG: c5_08sort.cpp



                                                      #include<functional>       //for greater<int>()

#include<algorithm> using namespace std;

typedef vector<int> TIntVector; void print(TIntVector);

int main()

{ vector<int> v;





cout<<"The original vector: "; print(v);

     sort(v.begin(), v.end());                    //increasing order

cout<<"After sorting in ascending order: "; print(v); sort(v.begin(), v.end(), greater<int>()); //decreasing order cout<<"After sorting in descending order: "; print(v);

system("pause"); return 0; }

void print(TIntVector v)

{ for(int i=0; i<v.size(); i++)

cout<<v[i]<<" ";



The original vector: 1 13 4 7

After sorting in ascending order: 1 4 7 13 After sorting in descending order: 13 7 4 1 Press any key to continue . . .

Exercise: Selection Sort

There exist many sorting algorithms in programming. The selection sort algorithm is the most intuitive one. The idea of selection sort is rather simple: you repeatedly find the next smallest element in the array and move it to its final position in the sorted array.

Step 1: Find the minimum value in the list

Step 2: Swap it with the value in the first position

Step 3: Repeat the steps above for remainder of the list (starting at the second


Once you get a vector in ascending order, you may use the reverse method to get the vector sorted in descending order.

reverse(v.begin(), v.end());

Strings are written in double quotation marks, and characters are written in single quotation marks in C++.

int main()

{ char ch = ‘a’; string s = “Zambak”; .




String Class

Remember that a character is any symbol that can be read from the keyboard. A string is a series of characters which is stored in consecutive bytes in memory. So that any input sequence from keyboard can be expressed as a string.

C++ has a string class that is defined in the <string> header file to manipulate the strings. You have already learned how to read and print the strings with cin and cout where cout prints all the string, whereas, cin reads a one-word string. Use the getline() method to read the whole string, instead of cin. getline() gets a line of text from the input stream.

Reading and Printing Strings

The following program demonstrates how to declare, initialize, read and print the characters and strings.

//PROG: c5_09string.cpp

#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int main()

{ string s1= "Hello Word", s2, s3; cout<<"Enter a string: "; getline(cin, s2);   //reads a line of text. cout<<"Enter the same string: "; cin >> s3;   //reads only the first word.

cout<<"s1 = "<<s1<<endl; cout<<"s2 = "<<s2<<endl; cout<<"s3 = "<<s3<<endl;

system ("pause"); return 0;


Enter a string: C++ is an OOP language. Enter the same string: C++ is an OOP language. s1 = Hello Word s2 = C++ is an OOP language.

s3 = C++

Press any key to continue . . .

String Manipulation

Strings are actually the arrays of characters. Most of the vector class methods and string class methods are common. Assignment (=) and relational (==, <, <=, >, >=, !=) operators are used with strings. Strings can be passed to a function as a value or reference, and any function can return a string value.

String class has a find() and a length() method that are not available for vectors. The member function find() searches a string in a forward direction for the first occurrence of a substring that matches a specified sequence of characters. The length() member function is the same as size(). In addition the find() method, find_first_not_of(), find_first_of(), find_last_not_of(), and find_last_of() methods are available with the string class.

The following program demonstrates how to handle strings in C++.

//PROG: c5_10string.cpp


#include<string> #include<algorithm> using namespace std;

string spaces(string); int main()

{ string name;

The getline() function can be used with a delimiter to read the first part of the input stream until the delimiter. The following statement reads only the first word of the input text.

getline(cin, s, ‘ ‘);

cout<<"Your name and surname?"; getline(cin, name);

cout<<"Your name with spaces: "; cout<<spaces(name)<<endl;

int pos = name.find("ARM"); if (pos == -1)

cout<<"ARM is not in your name"<<endl;


cout<<"ARM was found at the position "<<pos<<endl;

cout<<"Your name in reverse order: "; reverse(name.begin(), name.end()); cout<<name<<endl;

system ("pause"); return 0;


//---------------------------------------------//insert a space between the characters string spaces(string s)

{ string s2; for (int i=0; i<s.length(); i++)

{ s2.push_back(s[i]); s2.push_back(' ');

} return s2;


Your name and surname?ALAN FARMER

Your name with spaces: A L A N   F A R M E R

ARM was found at the position 6

Your name in reverse order: REMRAF NALA Press any key to continue . . .

Example: Palindromes

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or any other sequence of units which has the property of reading the same in either direction. “MADAM” is a palindrome but “ADAM” is not.

Make a program that reads a text from an input file and prints the lines that are palindrome into another file.

Exercise: Names

Make a program that reads the names of the students in your classroom, and then sorts the names in alphabetical order.

                                                                                         names.in                                                            names.out

                                                                 George VICTORIA                                         Abiba JUMBA

                                                                 Lara NIKOLAEVICH                                      Baden JANNINGS

                                                                 Naif SHERIF                                                    George VICTORIA

                                                                 Baden JANNINGS                                         Lara NIKOLAEVICH

                                                                 Vanna NAYOR                                                Macarena ALFONSO

                                                                 Abiba JUMBA                                                  Naif SHERIF

                                                                 Macarena ALFONSO                                    Vanna NAYOR


An array is a container object that holds a fixed number of values of a single type. Arrays can be with one (vector), two (matrix), or more dimensionals. The length of a static array is established when the array is created. After creation, its length is fixed. The C++ vector class lets us create and manipulate dynamic arrays. Dynamic array is a data structure that can be resized and allows elements to be added or removed.

C++ supports C-style strings that are the static array of characters. However, in the C++ programming language, the string class is a standard representation for a string of text.

Vector class, string class, and STL algorithms provides plenty of vector and string manipulation methods. Some of these methods are size, resize, push_back, begin, end, assign, reverse, insert, at, sort, and find.

Instances of vector class and string class can be passed to a function in the same manner the standard variables are passed. That is, they can pass by value or they can pass by reference. On the other hand, keep in mind that, static arrays are always passed to a function by reference.

The Standard Template Library (STL) is a software library available with C++. It provides some common data structures as containers, and the methods to handle the containers as algorithms.

In computer science, sorting is the process of putting elements of a list in a certain order. Efficient sorting is important to optimize the use of other algorithms that require sorted lists to work correctly.

The act or process of finding a particular item of an array is called searching. Linear search and binary search are two well-known searching algorithms: Linear search operates by checking every element of a list one at a time in sequence until a match is found.  A faster way to search a sorted array is to use a binary search. The idea is to look at the element in the middle. If the key is equal to that, the search is finished. If the key is less than the middle element, do a binary search on the first half. If it's greater, do a binary search of the second half.

5.      (Morse Code) Morse code is a system of representing letters, numbers and punctuation marks by means of a code signal (dots and dashes) sent intermittently. It was developed by Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail in 1835. It is used as a standard code in telegraphs.

Make a program that reads a line of text containing only the upper case letters of the English alphabet, and encodes the text into Morse code. Leave a space between each morse-coded letter and three spaces each morse-coded word.

Also write a verification program that converts the morse code back into the original text.

                Sample Input      : MORSE CODE

Sample output : -- --- .-. ... .   -.-. --- -.. .

6.      (Text Justifying) Aligning text to both left and right sides and adding extra space between words as necessary is a common feature for advanced word processor programs. You are going to format a text document in this problem. Your program should justify the text on both sides, and minimize the biggest space between any two consecutive words in a line of the document.

The first line of the input file (unformatted document) has an integer number N

(1<N<=100) indicating the length of the lines in the output file (formatted document). Each line must start with a word and end with a word in the formatted document (if there is only one word in the line, you must left justify it). Skip the blank lines, don’t transfer the words from one line to another line, don’t change the order of the words in a line, and don’t concatenate the words.

You must calculate the quality point of your task after you finish it. At the beginning, the quality point is zero. If there is only one space between two consecutive words in a line, you must not change the quality point. If there are S (S>1) spaces between any two consecutive words in a line, you must increase your quality point by S*S. If there is only one word in a line, do not change the quality point. For the empty lines don’t change the quality mark. You must write the quality point at the end of the file as a separate line. The smaller the quality point is, the better it is.

                                                                          text.in                                                                 text.out

                                                20                                                                         HELLO!

                                                HELLO!                                                              MY   DEAR   STUDENTS.

MY DEAR STUDENTS.                                I            HOPE          YOU LIKE    THE   QUESTION.

                                                I HOPE YOU                                                    93



Arrays and Strings

Arrays contain a sequence of other variables. Each variable can be accessed through an index, following the syntax: ArrayName [ VariableIndex ]. The indices are natural numbers (numbered from 0). FCPRO supports only the static arrays. Arrays may have one dimension as well as two or more dimensions. Strings contain a sequence of characters. FCPRO lets you read and print strings. But doesn’t let you access the individual string elements.





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Struct (short for structure) is an aggregate data type for grouping related variables together. Structs may contain any kind of data type including other structs but not files. For example the following struct contains the related information for a person.

struct TPerson

{ string  name; string surname; int age; string phoneNumber; string address;

                                                                char gender;        //’M’ or ‘F’


A Sample TPerson

The keyword struct denotes the structure definition. Struct declares a new data-type. The identifier TPerson is the name of the structure and is used to declare the variables type of TPerson. The variables declared between the braces are the structures’ members or fields.

Unlike with an array, the data items in a struct can be of different types. Also, with a struct the data items are identified by field name, whereas with an array the data items are identified through the use of an index number.

Declaring Structs  and Accessing Members

The dot operator (.) is used to access members of structures. Each member of a structure can be used just like a normal variable, but its name will be a bit longer; name of the structure variable + ‘.’ + name of the member. Here the dot is an operator which selects a member from a structure.

Reading and Printing Structures

The following example defines a structure that is TPerson and declares a variable person type of TPerson. Then the function getData reads the members of person, and the function print displays the members of person on the screen.


PROG: c6_01person.cpp

person structure


#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct TPerson


string name; string phoneNumber; string address;


char gender; int age; long ID;

//'F' or 'M'


void getData(TPerson &); //Call by reference void print(TPerson);  //Call by value

int main()


TPerson person;   //Person is an variable type of TPerson { getData(person);  //Read the person print(person); //Print the person

system ("pause"); return 0;

} //------------------------------------------void getData(TPerson &person)

{ cout<<"Name = ?"; getline(cin, person.name); cout<<"PhoneNumber = ?"; getline(cin, person.phoneNumber);

cout<<"Address = ?";     The getline() function reads a getline(cin, person.address); line of text and stores it into a cout<<"Gender [M or F] = ?"; string variable. cin reads only cin >> person.gender;    a word. If you need to read cout<<"Age = ?";  more than a single word, use cin >> person.age;     the getline() function. cout<<"ID = ?"; cin >> person.ID;

} //------------------------------------------void print(TPerson person)

{ cout<<endl<<"Name is "<<person.name<<endl; cout<<"PhoneNumber is "<<person.phoneNumber<<endl; cout<<"Address is "<<person.address<<endl; cout<<"Age is "<<person.age<<endl; if (person.gender == 'M')

cout<<"Gender is Male"<<endl;

else cout<<"Gender isFemale"<<endl; cout<<"ID is "<<person.ID<<endl;


Name = ?Alan Black

PhoneNumber = ?505 4789822

Address = ?New Avenue Park Str. No:44

Gender [M or F] = ?M

Age = ?15

ID = ?30958070351

Name is Alan Black

PhoneNumber is 505 4789822

Address is New Avenue Park Str. No:44

Age is 15

Gender is Male

ID is -858993460

Press any key to continue . . .

Hierarchical Structures

Structures can be member of other structures. This kind of usage creates a structures tree. There are parent and child structures in a structures tree. A child structure is a member of its parent structure. TPerson is the parent structure of TStudent and TTeacher structures in the following example. Any child structure has all members of its parent and, in addition, usually has its own members as well.

An array of structures is useful for temporarily storing a sequence of structures. For example, the following program reads many points as structs and keep them temporarily in an array to calculate the maximum distance between any two points.


A structure is created using the keyword struct.There is a strong relation between structures and classes in C++. We are going to study it in the classes chapter.

A structure is a collection of one or more variables grouped together under a single name for convenient handling. The variables in a structure are called members and may have any type, including arrays or other structures.

Dot operator (‘.’) is used to access elements of a structure. Structures can be used as elements of an array and parameters of a function as well as a return value of a function.



There is no special symbols for structures in flowchart programming. FCPRO manages structures as standard variables. Whenever you use a dot operator (“.”), FCPRO understands that the identifier on the left of the operator is the name of a structure and the identifier on the right of the operator is a member of the structure.

When you are printing and assigning structures in FCPRO, you don’t have to do it member by member with a dot operator. FCPRO allows you to print and assign structures directly with their names.

Sometimes data members of a class ares called attributes, and member functions are called methods or behaviours.

There is a strong relation between structures and classes in C++. Structures and classes both are userdefined data types. Instances of these data types are known as objects, and contain data and methods to manipulate the data. Classes are used commonly in convention when you encapsulate data and methods.

Members of classes declared with the keyword class are private by default. Members of structures declared with the keyword struct are public by default.


Programming has progressed a lot in a very short time. It started with a  sequential programming in which the statements were following each other. Sequential programs are OK for basic tasks. However, solving a complex task with a sequential program is a challenging problem. With the increasing complexity of programs, programmers developed the modular programming technique after sequential Programming. A module is a sub-program (function in C++) that performs a specific task. Managing larger programs became easier with the help of modular programming. The focus of attention in modular programming is on modules (functions). It became possible for a group of programmers to work on a common project  hence the software engineering concept emerged with modular programming.

Programmers have developed a new programming technique called ObjectOriented Programming (OOP). In this technique, computer programs are made up of objects. Programmers manage complexity by managing the individual object instead of the whole program. The focus of attention in OOP is on classes. You should think about how each object will be designed and how these objects interact. Especially visual programs and the Internet programs increased the complexity of programming. OOP is the best programming technique to manage such complex programs.

Understanding Classes and Objects

We had variables and functions to manipulate variables in our programs so far. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) encapsulates variables (data) and functions (methods) into packages called classes.

A class is the formal definition of an object, and an object is an instance of a class. A class is like a blueprint. Once a class has been defined, objects of that class can be declared from that class. A builder can build a house out of a blueprint. A programmer can instantiate (create) an object out of a class.

Member Accessibility

Class member access determines if a class member is accessible by other classes. Suppose that “day” is a member of class “date”. Class member day can be declared to have one of the following levels of accessibility:public, private, or protected. l public: day can be used anywhere by any class. l private: day can be used only by the members of class date.

l protected: day can be used only by the members of class date, and the members of classes derived from class A.

Class Definition

Classes are described in a class declaration. A class declaration consists of a class header and body. The class header consists of a class keyword and the class name. The class body encapsulates the members of the class, which are the data members and member functions. Usually a class body contains only prototypes of member functions. Member functions are implemented after the class definition.

The following declaration defines a new class type TDate which has three private class members and six public member functions. The class members are year, month and day. The member functions are setYear, setMonth, setDay, getYear, getMonth, getDay, and print. Traditionally the set methods are used to alter the class members and get methods are used to retrieve the values of class members.

//PROG: c7_01class.cpp class TDate { private: int year, month, day;


void setYear(int); void setMonth(int); void setDay(int); int getYear(); int getMonth(); int getDay(); void print();

}; void TDate::setYear(int y)

{ year = y; } void TDate::setMonth(int m)

{ month = m; } void TDate::setDay(int d)

{ day = d; } int TDate::getYear()

{ return year;


int TDate::getMonth()

{ return month;

} int TDate::getDay()

{ return day;


A function prototype is a function declaration or definition that includes both the return type of the function and the types of its arguments.

The private class members (year, month, and day) are hiding from other classes. They are accessible only via the public member functions of the class. This is called data hiding. Data hiding is a characteristic of OOP.

void TDate::print()

{ cout<<day<<"/"<<month<<"/"<<year<<endl;


Reading and Printing a Class

The following program defines a class TDate and then creates an object of TDate by declaring a variable type of TDate (myDate). It demonstrates how to use public member functions to access the private class members in the main function. Please notice that, we can directly access only public members of the class. For example the statement “cout<<myDate.day;” would cause an error in your program.

//PROG: c7_02date.cpp #include <iostream> using namespace std;

class TDate          //TDate is a class.

{ private: int year, month, day;


void setYear(int); void setMonth(int); void setDay(int); int getYear(); int getMonth(); int getDay(); void print();

}; void TDate::setYear(int y)

{ year = y; } void TDate::setMonth(int m)

{ month = m; } void TDate::setDay(int d)

{ day = d; }

int TDate::getYear()

{ return year;


int TDate::getMonth()

{ return month;

} int TDate::getDay()


return day; } void TDate::print()

{ cout<<day<<"/"<<month<<"/"<<year<<endl;

} int main()


     TDate myDate;            //myDate is an object

myDate.setYear(2007); myDate.setMonth(7); myDate.setDay(12); cout<<"Year is "<<myDate.getYear()<<endl; cout<<"Month is "<<myDate.getMonth()<<endl; cout<<"Day is "<<myDate.getDay()<<endl; myDate.print(); system("pause"); return 0;


Year is 2007

Month is 7

Day is 12


Press any key to continue . . .

The Class Constructor and Initializing Class Members

A constructor is a special method on a class that initializes the class members. Constructors have the same name as their class and is executed whenever that object comes into existence. You do not specify a return type for a constructor.

The following program calculates the distance from a point to the origin. The point is been initialized to (3, 4) in the constructor function. The other functions (setX, setY, and distance) have been implemented directly in the body of the class.

//PROG: c7_04constructor.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std;

class TPoint { private:

int x, y;


TPoint(){ x=3; y=4;}     //Constructor function void setX(int xx){ x=xx;} void setY(int yy){ y=yy;} double distance()

{ return sqrt((double)x*x + y*y);



Destructors are functions with no arguments

(parameters) that are called whenever an object of the class is destroyed.

Destructors are declared with the same name as the class except that they are preceded with a "~". All the objects are destroyed when the program is over.

class TPoint { private: int x, y;


TPoint(){ x=3; y=4;}


{ cout<<”bye!”;} .



Encapsulation involves hiding data of a class and allowing access only through a public interface.

Overriding is replacing a method in a base class with a specific version in a derived class. That is, redefining a method from a parent class in a child class.

Don't confuse the concepts of overloading and overriding.

Overloading deals with multiple methods in the same class with the same name but different parameter lists.

Overriding deals with two methods, one in a parent class and one in a child class, that have the same name and same parameter lists but different operator definition.

int main()

{ TPoint p; cout <<"The distance is "<<p.distance()<<endl; system("pause"); return 0;


The distance is 5

Press any key to continue . . .

Object-Oriented Techniques

Object-oriented programming is built on three pillars: encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

a. Encapsulation and Data Hiding

OOP encloses data and the functions manipulate that data all within an object Holding the data and the related method in the same container is called encapsulation. Although classes contain both data and functions, not all of the class is accessible to other classes. Programmers let other classes access only the public methods of a class, and keep the rest of the class hidden in a private section. For example, let’s think a TV set as an object. You never need to open it to operate it, instead the remote controller or the buttons on TV are enough to operate the TV set.

b. Inheritance

New classes can be created from existing classes. This technique provides software re-usability to save time in program development. The new class inherits the data members and member functions of the existing class. The new class is called “derived class” and the existing class is called “base class”. A derived class can add new data members and member functions or its own, or override its inherited methods. Thus, a derived class is more specific than its base class.

c. Polymorphism

There are two main advantages of inheritance:  code reuse and polymorphism. C++ and other OOP languages allow objects of different types to respond differently to the same function call. This feature is called polymorphism. Derived classes override the methods of base classes in polymorphism. For example, let TRectangle and TTriangle classes be two different derived classes of the base class TShape, and let calculateArea be a method of the class TShape. The derived classes TRectangle and TTriangle override the calclateArea method to calculate their own areas.


Object-oriented programming allows classes to inherit commonly used class members and member functions from other classes. In the following example TStudent class is derived from TPerson class. Thus, TPerson is the base class, and TStudent is the derived class.

There are three types of inheritance: public, protected, and private.  Protected and private inheritance are used rarely and they are beyond the scope of this book.

In the public inheritance, public members of the base class become public members of the derived class and protected members of the base class become protected members of the derived class. Private members are not inherited. They can be accessed with the help of public methods of the base class.

The syntax for creating a derived class is simple. At the header of your class declaration, add semicolon (“:”) and  public keyword, followed by the name of the class to inherit from:

class TStudent:public TPerson //TPerson is the base class

//PROG: c7_05inheritance.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std;

class TPerson       //base class

{ protected: string nameSurname; int age; char gender; //'M' or 'F' public:

void setNameSurname(string ns){ nameSurname =ns;} void setAge(int a){ age=a;} void setGenger(char g){ gender = g;} string getNameSurname(){return nameSurname;} int getAge(){ return age;} char getGender(){ return gender;}


class TStudent:public TPerson     //public inheritance

{ private: long schoolID; int grade; string classRoom;


void setSchoolID(long id){schoolID=id;} void setGrade(int g){grade=g;} void setClass(string c){classRoom=c;} long getSchoolID(){return schoolID;} int getGrade(){return grade;} string getClass(){return classRoom;}


int main()


TPerson person; person.setNameSurname("Alan George is a"); person.setAge(17); person.setGenger('M'); cout<<person.getNameSurname()<<" "; cout<<person.getAge()<<" years old, "; if (person.getGender()=='M')


else cout<<"girl."<<endl<<endl;

TStudent student; student.setNameSurname("Maria Orwell is a"); student.setAge(16); student.setGenger('F'); student.setSchoolID(2007195); student.setGrade(10); student.setClass("B"); cout<<student.getNameSurname()<<" "; cout<<student.getAge()<<" years old, "; if (student.getGender()=='M')


else cout<<"girl."<<endl; cout<<"ScoolID is "<<student.getSchoolID()<<", "; cout<<"grade is "<<student.getGrade()<<", "; cout<<"classroom is "<<student.getClass()<<"."<<endl;

system("pause"); return 0;


Alan George is a 17 years old, boy.

Maria Orwell is a16 years old, girl.

ScoolID is 2007195, grade is 10, classroom is B. Press any key to continue . . .          


Base classes and virtual functions are key concepts in polymorphism. A virtual function is a prototype of a function preceding with the keyword virtual in the generic base class. The derived classes override those virtual functions so that the same function in different derived classes performs the same task in a specific way.

For example, in the following program, base class TShape contains the getArea virtual function. Assume that TRectangle, TTriangle and TCircle, are all derived classes from TShape.  Now the member function getArea() takes a different action depending on the shape.


PROG: c7_06polymorphism

Virtual functions, function Overriding and Polymorphism


#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std;

class TShape         //base class


protected:    //class members are protected int width, height;


virtual double getArea() {return 0;} //virtual function virtual void set(int, int){};     //virtual function


class TRectangle:public TShape    //derived class

{ public:

     double getArea()                //polymorphic function

{ return width*height;

} void set (int a, int b)      //polymorphic function

{ width = a; height = b;

} }; class TTriangle:public TShape    //derived class

{ public:

     double getArea()                //polymorphic function

{ return (double)width*height/2;


      void set (int a, int b)        //polymorphic function

{ width = a; height = b;



C++ virtual function is a member function of a class, whose functionality can be over-ridden in its derived classes. Virtual functions are usually defined with a minimal functionality.

Pure virtual functions are left without implementation. Any class that has at least one pure virtual function is called an abstract base class. You cannot create instances (objects) of abstract base classes.

virtual double getArea() = 0;

class TCircle:public TShape

{ private: double radius;


     double getArea()         //polymorphic function

{ return 3.14*radius*radius;

} void set(double r)     //polymorphic function

{ radius = r;

} };

int main()


TRectangle rec; int a, b; cout <<"Sides of the rectangle?"<<endl; cin >> a>> b; rec.set(a, b);

cout<<"Area of the rectangle is "<<rec.getArea()<<endl;

TTriangle triangle; cout <<"Base and height of the triangle?"<<endl; cin >> a >> b; triangle.set(a, b);

cout<<"Area of the triangle is "<<triangle.getArea()<<endl;

TCircle circle; double radius; cout <<"Radius of the circle:?"<<endl; cin >> radius; circle.set(radius); cout<<"Area of the circle is "<<circle.getArea()<<endl;

system("Pause"); return 0;


Sides of the rectangle?

3 5

Area of the rectangle is 15 Base and height of the triangle?

7 3

Area of the triangle is 10.5 Radius of the circle:? 1.3

Area of the circle is 5.3066

Press any key to continue . . .

Operator Overloading

Operator overloading is a specific case of polymorphism in which some or all of operators like <, +, =, or == have different implementations depending on the types of their arguments. Usually user-defined types require operator overloading. An overloaded operator is called an operator function. You declare an operator function with the keyword operator preceding the operator.

Many STL containers (set, map) and algorithms such as sort, works only after overloading less than (‘<’) operator with user-defined types.

Overloading Equal, Assignment, and Smaller Than Operators

The following program demonstrates how to overloaded ‘==’, ‘=’, and ‘<’ operators with in the class TPoint. Equal and smaller than operators return a boolean value whereas, an assignment operator returns an object.


PROG: c7_07operator.cpp

Operator overloading


#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std;

class TPoint { private:

int x, y;


TPoint (){x=0; y=0;} void set(int xx, int yy)

{ x = xx;  y = yy;


TPoint& operator = (const TPoint&); bool operator == (const TPoint&); bool operator < (const TPoint&); void print()

{ cout <<x<<" "<<y<<endl;



The          Standard   Template Library, or STL, is a C++ library of container classes (vector, list, stack, queue, set, map etc), and algorithms (sort, merge, binary search, swap,            min,         max,         next permutation etc).

Many C++ programmers prefer friend functions for operator overloading. Friend functions are functions defined outside a class (ie, not member functions), but which the class declares to be friends so that they can access the class's private members.

class TPoint { friend bool operator< (const TPoint&, const TPoint&);

private: int x, y;




. }; bool operator<(const TPoint& p1, const

TPoint& p2)

{ return (p1.x<p2.x ||

( p1.x==p2.x &&  p2.y<p2.y));

} .



TPoint& TPoint::operator =(const TPoint& p2)


x         = p2.x;

The keyword this represents

y         = p2.y; a pointer to the object itself.

return *this;

} bool TPoint::operator ==(const TPoint& p2)

{ return (x==p2.x && y==p2.y);

} bool TPoint::operator <(const TPoint& p2)


return (x<p2.x || (x==p2.x && y<p2.y));


int main()


TPoint p1, p2;



//prints “0 0”

p1.set(1, 2);

//p1 gets (1,2)

cout<< (p2<p1) <<endl;

//prints “1”, that is true

p2 = p1;

//p2 gets p1, that is (1, 2)

p2.print(); if (p1==p2)

//prints “1, 2”

cout<<"duplicated points."<<endl;

cout<< (p1<p2) <<endl; //prints “0”, that is false system("pause"); return 0;


0  0

1  1 2 duplicated points.


Press any key to continue . . .

Example: Sorting the Points

Make a program that randomly generates coordinates (x, y) of some points on the plane and prints the points starting from the most left-button point and ending with the right-up point.

STL offers some common containers and algorithms. Sorting some items is one of the most used algorithm. STL sort algorithm sorts the elements of a vector in a range.


An object is a software bundle of related data (variables) and methods (functions). In Object-Oriented Programming, software objects are often used to model the real-world objects that you find in everyday life. A class is a blueprint or prototype from which objects are created.

Encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism are three fundamental principles of OOP (Object Oriented Programming). Encapsulation is the grouping of data and the code that manipulates it into a single object. Inheritance is a way to form new classes using pre-defined objects or classes where new ones simply take over old ones' implementations and characteristics. It is intended to help the re-use of existing code with little or no modification. Polymorphism allows objects to be represented in multiple forms. Even though classes are derived or inherited from the same parent class, each derived class will have its own behavior.

Class members and member functions are not open to other classes. Private, protected and public sections determine the accessibility level of class members and methods by other classes. Public section is accessible by all other classes, protected section is accessible by derived (child) classes, and private section is not accessible by other classes. There is no accessibility restriction for friend functions and friend classes.

It's can be useful to define a meaning for an existing operator for objects of a new class. This technique is called operator overloading. The purpose of operator overloading is to make programs clearer by using conventional meanings for ‘<’, ‘==’, +, etc.

C++'s Standard Template Library (STL), standardized in 1999, solves many standard data structure and algorithm problems.

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