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Выбранный для просмотра документ Test Unit 1 Form 7.docx

Test 1 Form 7  Unit 1    

Вставить артикли:
Denis  lives in America. It is ……very big country.
My friend lives in …….Moscow.
She is…. my pen friend.
My sister will be …..doctor.
Mary is …… happy.
I read …..interesting book.
Do you speak …. Spanish? Is it ….difficult?
It was ….their car.

2.Сопоставить по значению:
Do you need a hand?    Вы уволены.
It doesn’t matter.          
-   Вы морочите мне голову.
You are pulling my leg.  -  Это не имеет значения.
This is a top secret document.  – Вам помочь?
You are fired.               
-  Это сверхсекретный документ.

3. Перевести на английский язык:
Боюсь, что я потерял ключи.
Боюсь, что мы опоздали. Это катастрофа.
Боюсь, что я не смогу пойти в театр.
,что я забыла зонт.

4. Заполнить анкету о себе:
Family name_____________
What are you like?_________

5.Написать названия языков:
Французский, немецкий, китайский, итальянский, русский, английский.

Test 1  Unit 1    Form  7

Вставить артикли:
Denis  lives in America. It is ……very big country.
My friend lives in …….Moscow.
She is…. my pen friend.
My sister will be …..doctor.
Mary is …… happy.
I read …..interesting book.
Do you speak …. Spanish? Is it ….difficult?
It was ….their car.

2.Сопоставить по значению:
Do you need a hand?    Вы уволены.
It doesn’t matter.          
-   Вы морочите мне голову.
You are pulling my leg.  -  Это не имеет значения.
This is a top secret document.  – Вам помочь?
You are fired.               
-  Это сверхсекретный документ.

3. Перевести на английский язык:
Боюсь, что я потерял ключи.
Боюсь, что мы опоздали. Это катастрофа.
Боюсь, что я не смогу пойти в театр.
,что я забыла зонт.

4. Заполнить анкету о себе:
Family name_____________
What are you like?_________

5.Написать названия языков:
Французский, немецкий, китайский, итальянский, русский, английский.

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Выбранный для просмотра документ Test Unit 8 Form 7.docx

Test Unit 8   Form 7      V - I

1. Определите временную форму глагола и подчеркните сказуемое.

1 He used the computer yesterday.

2 I did exercises two days ago.

3 Have you ever been to London?

4 You have cleaned the room.

5 She has helped the friend.

6 We invited them a week ago.

 2. Употребите глагол в нужной форме.

1 You (go) on holidays last year.

2. Tom (lose) his key.

3 He (be) late for work yesterday.

4 Yesterday morning Tom (wake up) early

5 They (have) just lunch.

6 I (read) already the paper.
3 .Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму

1 I have been to Italy.

2 He has already read “Hamlet”.

3 We bought a piano yesterday.

4 They saw the film last weekend.

5 I have visited China twice.

6 It rained yesterday.

4. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

1 I have washed my hands.

2 They lived in Minsk five years ago.

3 Liza has lost weight.

4 We have just had dinner.

5 I enjoyed the party.

6 This house cost 35,000$ in 1980.


5. Переведите предложения.

1 Мы купили книгу вчера.

2 Мы уже купили словарь.

3 Вы когда-нибудь были в Лондоне?

4 Он был в Лондоне в прошлом месяце.

5 Он навестил   друга три дня назад.

6 Он уже навестил друга.

Test  Unit 8   Form 7   V - II

1. Определите временную форму глагола и подчеркните сказуемое.

1 He played the computer yesterday.

2 I did the plan  two days ago.

3 Have you ever been to Moscow?

4 You have cleaned the room.

5 She has seen the friend.

6 We met  them a week ago.

 2. Употребите глагол в нужной форме.

1 You (go) on holidays last year.

2. Tom (loose) his key.

3 He (be) late for work yesterday.

4 Yesterday morning Tom (get up) early

5 They (have) just lunch.

6 I (read) already the book.
3 .Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму

1 I have been to London.

2 He has already read this book.

3 We bought a piano yesterday.

4 They saw the film last weekend.

5 I have visited  Italy twice.

6 It rained 2 days ago.

4. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

1 I have washed my face.

2 They lived in Saransk five years ago.

3 Linda  has lost keys.

4 He has just had dinner.

5 I enjoyed the party.

6 This house cost 37,000$ in 1982.


5. Переведите предложения.

1 Мы купили книгу вчера.

2 Мы уже купили словарь.

3 Вы когда-нибудь были в Лондоне?

4 Он был в Москве  в прошлом году.

5 Он встретил  друга 4  дня назад.

6 Он уже  встретил друга.




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Выбранный для просмотра документ Test Unit 10 Form7.docx

Test   Unit 10  Form7

I. Fill in the gaps with  a, an,  __(no article).
1. What _______ interesting trip!
 2. What ________ beautiful city!

3. What ______ tasty food!
4. What _____ day!
5. What ______ boring film!

6. What _________ clever pupils!
II. Choose the right answer.
1. Mother Teresa was
  a)  a nun   b)  a doctor    c) a teacher

2. Bill Gates is    a)  a Scottish patriot   b) a multimillionaire   c) a great poet

3. Michael Lomonosov is   a)  Russian    b)  American   c)  English

4. The founder of the Moscow State University was

a)  Bill Gates   b) Mikhail Lomonosov   c)  Alexander Pushkin

5. Mother Teresa started her work in  a) Macedonia   b) Calcutta    c)  Seattle

6. …   got the Nobel Pease Prize. a)  Mother Teresa    b)  Bill Gates  
  c) Mikhail Lomonosov

III. Choose the right answer. 

1. What can help you read a book in a sleeping bag?

a)  a penknife    b)  a torch   c)  a tent

2. Where do people sleep in the forest?

a)  in a tent   b)   in their wellingtons  c)  in their sweaters

3. What do you need if you get lost in the forest?

a)  a penknife   b)  matches    c)  a compass

4. What do you need for your campfire?

a)  some wood & matches  b) some wood & a torch  c)  a guitar & a penknife

5. What do you do with a tent?

a)  You pick it up  b)  You put it up    c)  You take it up

IV. Use the, a, - (no article).

1. Olga lives in Russia. It is _____ very big country.
2. He can’t speak German, he’ll need ____ translator.

3. Did ____ Robin come from _____ Edinburg or from _____ London?
4. Do you speak _____ Japanese? Is it ______ difficult?
 5. We want to go to _____  Turkey next year. – Go in September.
It is ______ best time in Turkey. 6. He lives in _____ France, doesn’t he?
– Yes, this man is _____ doctor from Paris.
 V. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.   

1. Where _______ you ____________ (find) the key?
 2. He ______________  (be) in Africa last year.
 3. He _________ already ___________ (see) this film.
4. I ____________________ (see) him this week.
5. They ____________ never ___________ (meet) this man.

Test   Unit 10  Form7

I. Fill in the gaps with  a, an,  __(no article).
1. What _______ interesting trip!
 2. What ________ beautiful city!
3. What ______ tasty food!
4. What _____ day!
5. What ______ boring film!
6. What _________ clever pupils!
II. Choose the right answer.
1. Mother Teresa was
  a)  a nun   b)  a doctor    c) a teacher

2. Bill Gates is    a)  a Scottish patriot   b) a multimillionaire   c) a great poet

3. Michael Lomonosov is   a)  Russian    b)  American   c)  English

4. The founder of the Moscow State University was

a)  Bill Gates   b) Mikhail Lomonosov   c)  Alexander Pushkin

5. Mother Teresa started her work in  a) Macedonia   b) Calcutta    c)  Seattle

6. …   got the Nobel Pease Prize. a)  Mother Teresa    b)  Bill Gates  
  c) Mikhail Lomonosov

III. Choose the right answer. 

1. What can help you read a book in a sleeping bag?

a)  a penknife    b)  a torch   c)  a tent

2. Where do people sleep in the forest?

a)  in a tent   b)   in their wellingtons  c)  in their sweaters

3. What do you need if you get lost in the forest?

a)  a penknife   b)  matches    c)  a compass

4. What do you need for your campfire?

a)  some wood & matches  b) some wood & a torch  c)  a guitar & a penknife

5. What do you do with a tent?

a)  You pick it up  b)  You put it up    c)  You take it up

IV. Use the, a, - (no article).

1. Olga lives in Russia. It is _____ very big country.
2. He can’t speak German, he’ll need ____ translator.

3. Did ____ Robin come from _____ Edinburg or from _____ London?
4. Do you speak _____ Japanese? Is it ______ difficult?
 5. We want to go to _____  Turkey next year. – Go in September.
It is ______ best time in Turkey. 6. He lives in _____ France, doesn’t he?
– Yes, this man is _____ doctor from Paris.
 V. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.   

1. Where _______ you ____________ (find) the key?
 2. He ______________  (be) in Africa last year.
 3. He _________ already ___________ (see) this film.
4. I ____________________ (see) him this week.
5. They ____________ never ___________ (meet) this man.


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Выбранный для просмотра документ Test Unit 2 Form 7.docx

Test  Form 7 Unit  2
Напишите по образцу   The sofa is better than the armchair.

1. This shop is---------(bad)  than  that shop.
2. His book is --------(good)  than her book.
3. This church is-----(old)  than church.
4. This boy is -----(busy) than that boy.
5. This book is----(interesting) than that book.

2.Напишите ,что они самые- самые.

1. That is --------(beautiful) car in the shop.

2. Tom is-------(good) pupil in his class.

3. That is -----(funny) story in the book.

4. Jane is ----(short) of five girls.

5. Mr.Baker is ------(bad) driver in this town.

3. Использовать сравнительные союзы  not as…. as
This exercise is (не такое) … difficult (как) … that one.

The film was (не такой) … good (как) … the book.

My friend’s cat is (такой же) … funny (как) … those ones.

Those shoes are (такие же) … comfortable (как) … those ones.

His backpack is (такой же) … heavy (как) … yours.

4.Выбрать правильный вариант:
Is that    your \ yours    pen?
That pen is    my \ mine.
That ball  isn’t   his\ he.            
Is your dress as old as  her\ hers ?

Their flat  is as small as  our\ ours.
 Our  teacher  was as good as  their \ theirs.

5. Вставить прилагательные по смыслу  long,  hеarvy,   famours, light

Thames is not as        … as the Enisey.

Her backpack is as     ….     as  mine.

Their tent was not as   …..   as ours.

Shakespeare is as  …….      as Pushkin.

Test  Form 7 Unit  2
Напишите по образцу   The sofa is better than the armchair.

1. This shop is---------(bad)  than  that shop.
2. His book is --------(good)  than her book.
3. This church is-----(old)  than church.
4. This boy is -----(busy) than that boy.
5. This book is----(interesting) than that book.

2.Напишите ,что они самые- самые.

1. That is --------(beautiful) car in the shop.

2. Tom is-------(good) pupil in his class.

3. That is -----(funny) story in the book.

4. Jane is ----(short) of five girls.

5. Mr.Baker is ------(bad) driver in this town.

3. Использовать сравнительные союзы  not as…. as…
This exercise is (не такое) … difficult (как) … that one.

The film was (не такой) … good (как) … the book.

My friend’s cat is (такой же) … funny (как) … those ones.

Those shoes are (такие же) … comfortable (как) … those ones.

His backpack is (такой же) … heavy (как) … yours.

4.Выбрать правильный вариант:
Is that    your \ yours    pen?
That pen is    my \ mine.
That ball  isn’t   his\ he.            
Is your dress as old as  her\ hers ?

Their flat  is as small as  our\ ours.
 Our  teacher  was as good as  their \ theirs.

Вставить прилагательные по смыслу  long,  hearvy,   famours, light

Thames is not as        … as the Enisey.

Her backpack is as     ….     as  mine.

Their tent was not as   …..   as ours.

Shakespeare is as  …….      as Pushkin.








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Выбранный для просмотра документ Test Unit 3 Form 7.docx

Test 7 Form   Unit 3  

1. Answer the questions.

What can you see in Red Square?

What is Peterhof? What can you see there?

What is the biggest museum in St Petersburg?

What is the most famous garden in St Petersburg?

What is the most famous Moscow theatre?

What is the most famous St Petersburg theatre?

What can you see in the Armoury Chamber?

2. Use the or – (no article) and answer the questions.

Do more people speak ____Chinese or_____English?

Which is____largest country in the world?

Is ___Africa larger than ___Europe?

Which sea is larger____Black Sea or ____Red Sea?

Are___Himalayas or ____Alps the highest mountains in the world?

The deepest lake in the world is ____Lake Ontario, isn’t it?

Is ___caspian Sea or ___Dead Sea the saltiest in the world?

Is ____Amazon shorter than ____Nile?

Does ____Nile flow through _____Egypt or ____Iran?
__ Statue of Liberty was____gift of friendship from _____ France to __ United States.
____ deepest lake in the world is ____Lake Baikal..
 ____ Lake Erie is one of _____ five Great Lakes in ____ North America.

On our trip to _____ Spain, we crossed ____ Atlantic Ocean.

 While we were in ____ Alaska, we saw _____ Eskimo village.

 There is ___post office in ___West Street.

I had ____beautiful suntan after my holiday in ____Turkey.
  We arrived in ____ Paris on ____ third of August.

3 .Translate into English.

США больше чем Англия.

Люди в США и Англии разговаривают на английском языке.

На следующее лето моя семья поедет в Крым.

Я хочу посетить Британский музей.

Оксфорд-стрит – самая знаменитая улица в Лондоне.

Лондонский Тауэр стоит на реке Темза.
4.  Write a negative forms of the adjectives and translate into Russian.

lucky, friendly, usual, happy, comfortable, kind.

Model:     interesting   -   uninteresting

Test 7 Form Unit 3    

1. Answer the questions.

What can you see in Red Square?

What is Peterhof? What can you see there?

What is the biggest museum in St Petersburg?

What is the most famous garden in St Petersburg?

What is the most famous Moscow theatre?

What is the most famous St Petersburg theatre?

What can you see in the Armoury Chamber?

2. Use the or – (no article) and answer the questions.

Do more people speak ____Chinese or_____English?

Which is____largest country in the world?

Is ___Africa larger than ___Europe?

Which sea is larger____Black Sea or ____Red Sea?

Are___Himalayas or ____Alps the highest mountains in the world?

The deepest lake in the world is ____Lake Ontario, isn’t it?

Is ___caspian Sea or ___Dead Sea the saltiest in the world?

Is ____Amazon shorter than ____Nile?

Does ____Nile flow through _____Egypt or ____Iran?
__ Statue of Liberty was____gift of friendship from _____ France to __ United States.
____ deepest lake in the world is ____Lake Baikal..
 ____ Lake Erie is one of _____ five Great Lakes in ____ North America.

On our trip to _____ Spain, we crossed ____ Atlantic Ocean.

 While we were in ____ Alaska, we saw _____ Eskimo village.

 There is ___post office in ___West Street.

I had ____beautiful suntan after my holiday in ____Turkey.
  We arrived in ____ Paris on ____ third of August.

3 .Translate into English.

США больше чем Англия.

Люди в США и Англии разговаривают на английском языке.

На следующее лето моя семья поедет в Крым.

Я хочу посетить Британский музей.

Оксфорд-стрит – самая знаменитая улица в Лондоне.

Лондонский Тауэр стоит на реке Темза.
4.  Write a negative forms of the adjectives and translate into Russian.

lucky, friendly, usual, happy, comfortable, kind.

Model:     interesting   -   uninteresting




a.      The Statue of Liberty was _a_ gift of friendship from ____ France to _the United States.

b.     The_ deepest lake in the world is __Lake Baikal.

c.       __ Lake Erie is one of ___ five Great Lakes in _the  North America.

d.     On our trip to __ Spain, we crossed _the Atlantic Ocean.

e.      While we were in ____ Alaska, we saw __an_Eskimo village.

f.       There is _a__post office in __ West Street.

g.      I had _a__beautiful suntan after my holiday in ____Turkey.

h.      ____ Queen Elizabeth II is __a_ monarch of _____ Great Britain.

i.        _An___ Architect designs buildings.

j.        We arrived in ____ Paris on _the_ third of August.



a.      ____ Kevin lives in ____ Coronation Street. 

b.     Have you ever been to _the_ National Theatre and _the__ British Museum?

c.     ____ Manila is the capital of _the_ Philippines.

d.      There are two cinemas in our town - _the_ Regan and  _the_ Plasa.

e.      _the_ Rocky Mountains are in _the_ North America.

f.        "Where are you staying ?"  "At _the_ Intercontinental Hotel".

g.       _the_ National Gallery is in ____ Trafalgar Square in ____ London.

h.     In ____ London, _the_ Houses of Parliament are beside _the__ Thames.

i.        _the_ Panama canal joins _the_ Atlantic Ocean and _the_ Pacific Ocean.

j.    If you sail from ____ Britain to ____ Denmark you cross _the_ North Sea






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Выбранный для просмотра документ Test Unit 4 Form 7.docx

Test  (7 класс)

1.       Перевести словосочетания на английский язык :


1.       Защищать окружающую среду

2.       Ехать общественным транспортом

3.       Раскидывать мусор

4.       Перерабатывать мусор

5.       Платить штраф

6.       Животные в опасности

7.       Гринпис защищает животных

8.       Экологические проблемы

9.       Холодный климат

10.   Выключать свет

11.   Пластиковые бутылки


2.       Вставить артикль:


1.       …  sun  is … biggest star in our galaxy.

2.       …  Mercury is the closest planet  to … sun.

3.       …  Earth  and  the  planets  formed  4.600.000.000 years  ago.

4.       The  people  of  ….  world     must   help  the    animals.

5.       Factories   pollute …  atmosphere  with toxins   and  chemicals.

6.       ….  Earth  is … biggest  planet  in   …   universe.

7.       … Moon    goes   round   …  sun.



3.       Cоставить   существительные  при   помощи  суффиксa  -tion:


1.       To   inform   -  information.

2.       To  organize   -

3.       To   protect  -

4.       To  decorate   -

5.       To   examine  -

6.       To   educate   -

7.       To   collect   -

8.       To    celebrate  -




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Выбранный для просмотра документ Test Unit 5 Form 7.docx

7 класс  Unit 5

Вариант II

1.Перепишите глаголы , добавив окончание –ing

Live, stay, bite, run, win, wear, take, tie, type, visit


2.Вставьте глаголы was или were

1.       We … dancing.

2.       The dog… barking.

3.       The pupils … writing the test.

4.       Sue and Jane … walking up the hill.

5.       I … cleaning the room.

3.Составьте из слов предложения





5.Reading,a ,not,I was,magazine.


4.Переведите предложения  на русский язык.

1.I saw Jane when I was walking home.

2. When I helping my mum in the kitchen Mary came.

3.While she was cooking dinner  children were playing in the room.

4.He was walking home when he met Dave

5. They were waiting at Victoria Station when the train arrived.

6. .I was reading all day yesterday







7 класс  Unit 5

Вариант I

1.Перепишите глаголы , добавив окончание –ing



2.Вставьте глаголы was или were

1.They … playing football.

2.She … walking with her dog.

3.Tom and John … eating pizza.

4.Our teacher… telling us an interesting story.

5.I … simming in the river.

3.Составьте из слов предложения

1. campfire,were,we,making,a.



4.sitting,home,were,at,not ,they.



4.Переведите предложения  на русский язык.

1.Ann phoned while we were having dinner

2.It was raining when I got up

3.I hurt my back while I was working in the garden

4.While we were playing chess they were doing shopping.

5. When we saw Brian he was driving a taxi.

6.Kate was watching television when we arri

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 Test 7 Form Unit 6       V - I                                                                                                     
  Задание №1. Выберите наиболее подходящее по смыслу слово.

1.      English public schools are for … .

  a) the rich people      b) everybody    c) the boys

2. The school where you learn and live is a … school.

  a) state         b) boarding     c) public

3. Eton is a famous … school.

  a) boarding     b) state    c)  private 

4. Something you get if you are very clever is … .

  a) a scholarship   b) money   c) a prize 

5. At St. David’s School the lesson lasts … minutes.

  a) 35       b) 40      c) 45 

Задание №2. Переведите:

1.      The poor haven’t any money.

2.      In England there are schools for the rich.

3.      As a rule, state schools are for everybody.

4.      But what about public schools? A lot of famous people go there.

5.      The old like to sit at home and watch TV.

Задание №3. Выберите: should или shouldn’t.

1.      We … protect our planet.

   a) should        b) shouldn’t

2. You … eat a lot of sweets and cakes.

   a) should        b) shouldn’t

3. Our pupils … learn English very hard.

   a) should        b) shouldn’t

4. Children … make many mistakes in the test.

   a) should        b) shouldn’t

5. The young … listen to loud music.

   a) should        b) shouldn’t 

Задание №4. Выберите: other, another или the other.

1.       Have you got any … questions?

  a) other      b) another     c) the other

2. Give me … book. That one is torn (разорвана).

  a) other      b) another     c) the other

3. They have two best friends. One is a boy called Bill, … friend is a girl called Jill.   a) other      b) another     c) the other

4. What … exercises have you done?

  a) other      b) another     c) the other

5. Have … drink, please.

  a) other      b) another     c) the other

Test 7 Form Unit 6      V- II
Задание №1. Выберите наиболее подходящее по смыслу слово.

1.      Public schools are very … .

 a) cheap      b) non-paid      c) expensive

2. At St. David’s School pupils can choose their … .

 a) subjects   b) timetables   c) classmates

3. Everybody wears there a cool … .

 a) black suit   b) uniform    c) coat

4. Russian and Maths  are … subjects at all Russian schools.

 a) compulsory  b) optional  c) useless

5. In England there are different types of … .

 a) shops      b) schools       c) cinemas

Задание №2. Переведите:

1.I got a detention for my behaviour (поведение) at school.

2. Eton is an all-boys school.

3. Some English pupils get scholarships.

4. Children can choose their subjects.

5. There are many compulsory and optional subjects.

Задание №3. Выберите: should или shouldn’t.

1.      All people … recycle our rubbish.

  a) should           b) shouldn’t

2. Pupils … come to school on time.

  a) should            b) shouldn’t

3. My dentist says I … eat so many sweets.

  a) should            b) shouldn’t

4. Boys … bully girls.

  a) should            b) shouldn’t

5. … you wear a uniform at school?

  a) should            b) shouldn’t

Задание №4. Выберите: other, another или the other.

1.       Twelve pupils are in the classroom. Where are … pupils?

  a) other     b) another    c) the other

2. Do they live on the … side of the road?

  a) other     b) another    c) the other 

3. Would you like … cup of coffee?

  a) other      b) another    c) the other

4. Has Richard any … problems?

  a) other     b) another    c) the other

5. Mum has two nice handbags. One is brown. …bag is white.

  a) other     b) another    c) the other .


Ключи к административной проверочной работе

в 7-ом классе.

(учебник 7 класса авторов К. Кауфман, М. Кауфман)

Вариант I

Задание №1.                                          Задание №2.                                                       

1. a   2. b   3. c   4. a    5. a                      1. a      2. b      3. a      4. b      5. b

Задание №3.

3. Как правило, в государственных школах учатся все дети.

1. У бедных нет денег.       2. В Англии есть школы для богатых.

4. Но как же насчет частных школ? Много известных людей учится там.

5. Старики любят сидеть дома и смотреть телевизор.                   

 Задание №4.

1. a   2. b    3. c   4. a    5. b      

Вариант II

Задание №1.                                            Задание №2

1. с   2. а    3. b    4.a    5. b                        1. с   2. a    3. b    4. a     5. b

Задание №3.

1.      Я был наказан (получил наказание) за мое поведение в школе.

2.      Итон является школой для мальчиков.

3.      Некоторые английские ученики получают стипендию.

4.      Дети могут выбирать свои предметы.

5.      Существует много обязательных предметов и предметов по выбору.

Задание №4.

1. с    2. a    3. b     4. a     5. c



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                                            Контрольная   работа                                                                

7 Класс   Unit 7  В-2

1.Написать 3 формы глагола :

    sleep       ___           ___                                drive      _____     ______

    ___         played        ___                              ____         left        ____

    ___         ___         kept                                fly            ____       _____

    do          ___          ___                                  ____      went        ______

    ___       worked     ___                                   live        _____       _____

   sing        ___           ____                                ____      _____       danced


2. Перевести с русского на английский


  1. Вы когда-нибудь были в Лондоне?
  2. Он никогда не читал эту книгу.
  3. Я только что позвонил маме.
  4. Вы когда-нибудь видели тигра?
  5. Он никогда не был во Франции.



3. Написать  3 формы глагола










4 .Поставьте предложения в вопросительную  и отрицательную формы


1. I have been to Italy.

2. He has already read “Hamlet”.

3. I have visited China twice.

4. Liza has lost weight.

5. We have just had dinner.





                                            Контрольная   работа

                                                     7 Класс   Unit 7  В-2


1.Написать 3 формы глагола :

    sleep       ___           ___                                drive      _____     ______

    ___         played        ___                              ____         left        ____

    ___         ___         kept                                fly            ____       _____

    do          ___          ___                                  ____      went        ______

    ___       worked     ___                                   live        _____       _____

   sing        ___           ____                                ____      _____       danced


2. Перевести с русского на английский


  1. Вы когда-нибудь были в Лондоне?
  2. Он никогда не читал эту книгу.
  3. Я только что позвонил маме.
  4. Вы когда-нибудь видели тигра?
  5. Он никогда не был во Франции.



3. Написать  3 формы глагола










4 .Поставьте предложения в вопросительную  и отрицательную формы


1. I have been to Italy.

2. He has already read “Hamlet”.

3. I have visited China twice.

4. Liza has lost weight.

5. We have just had dinner.


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Выбранный для просмотра документ Test Unit 9 Form 7.docx

Test  Form 7  Unit 9                                                                                                                          

I.  Поставьте глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.


1.       I (to do) all my work yesterday.

2.       He just (to send) e-mails.

3.       She (to see) Ann today.

4.       She works at the university. She (to work) there for 15 years.

5.       We (to go) to St.Petersburg a year ago.

6.       My brother (to read) well when he (to be) four years old.
Now he is ten and he (to read) all the books at home.


II.  Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в Past Simple
или Past Perfect.


1.       When the teacher (to enter) the classroom,
the students already (to open) their books.

2.       My friend (to show) me a mobile phone
which he (to buy) the day before.

3.       The teacher (to understand) that John (not to prepare)
for the exam well enough.

4.       We (to return) from the cinema by nine o’clock.

5.       I (to do) all my work at six o’clock.

6.       She said that she (to spend) her holiday in Spain.

7.       Then he (to come) to the shelf, (to take) one book and (to begin) to read it.

8.       I just (to find) the money I was looking for.

9.       When your friend (to return) from the South? – He (to return) yesterday.

10. They (to leave) England when he (to be) a child.

11.You (to see) Peter? – I (not to see) him since last month.

III. Перевести на англ. язык

Скромный мальчик
Жадный человек
Умный босс
Властный хозяин  (master )
Трудолюбивый ученик
Ленивый ребёнок
Щедрая сестра


IV.Ответить на вопрос:

What qualities do you respect in people?

Test  Form 7  Unit 9

I.  Поставьте глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.


1.I (to do) all my work yesterday.

2.He just (to send) e-mails.

3.She (to see) Ann today.

4.She works at the university. She (to work) there for 15 years.

5.We (to go) to St.Petersburg a year ago.

6.My brother (to read) well when he (to be) four years old.
   Now he is ten and he (to read) all the books at home.


II.  Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в Past Simple
или Past Perfect.


1. When the teacher (to enter) the classroom,
the students already (to open) their books.

2. My friend (to show) me a mobile phone
which he (to buy) the day before.

3. The teacher (to understand) that John (not to prepare)
for the exam well enough.

4. We (to return) from the cinema by nine o’clock.

5. I (to do) all my work at six o’clock.

6. She said that she (to spend) her holiday in Spain.

7. Then he (to come) to the shelf, (to take) one book and (to begin) to read it.

8. I just (to find) the money I was looking for.

9. When your friend (to return) from the South? – He (to return) yesterday.

10.  They (to leave) England when he (to be) a child.

11. You (to see) Peter? – I (not to see) him since last month.

III. Перевести на англ. язык

Скромный мальчик
Жадный человек
Умный босс
Властный хозяин  (master )
Трудолюбивый ученик
Ленивый ребёнок
Щедрая сестра


IV.Ответить на вопрос:

What qualities do you respect in people?


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