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Урок-конференция для 6-7 классов «Английские стихи в творчестве К. Чуковского и С. Маршака»

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Преподавая английский язык сегодня, важно не забывать про культуру, традиции и обычаи стран изучаемого языка. Большое значение имеет изучение литературы. На уроках в своей школе мы стараемся уделять особое внимание поэзии. Школьникам нравится читать выразительно, разучивать, разыгрывать, делать собственные переводы,  иллюстрации  стихов на иностранном языке. Большую помощь в моей работе мне оказывает  книга английских стихов и песенок Nursery rhymes. Множество стишков, потешек, считалок, поговорок, лимерик, колыбельных, исторических текстов увлекают младших школьников и доставляют огромное удовольствие  старшим ученикам. Необходимо отметить, что лучшие стихи из Nursery rhymes были переведены на русский язык выдающимися детскими писателями и переводчиками С.Маршаком и К. Чуковским. Эти переводы знакомы школьникам с самого раннего детства. Возможно поэтому, работа со стихами так заинтересовывает их.

Ниже предлагается конспект мероприятия, которое посвящено роли  Nursery rhymes в творчестве двух выдающихся детских писателей С. Маршака и К. Чуковского. Мероприятие проводилось среди учащихся 6-7 классов.

Цели мероприятия:

  1. Познакомить ребят с обычаями и традициями страны изучаемого языка через английскую поэзию
  2. Формировать интерес к стране изучаемого языка и к английскому языку как учебному предмету.
  3. Сплотить коллектив через выполнение общих дел, развивать умение работать в команде.
  4. Воспитывать у учащихся внимательность, уважение и доброжелательность друг к другу.

Предварительная подготовка: школьники заранее знакомятся с английскими стихами, читают и сравнивают переводы, выполненные известными писателями С. Маршаком и К. Чуковским,  готовят свои собственные переводы стихотворений.

Ход мероприятия

Pupil 1: Dear teachers and students. We are glad to see you on our conference. Our conference is devoted to “Nursery Rhymes in the works of Marshak and Chukovsky”.

Pupil 2: Nursery Rhymes is one of the most remarkable book  for children in English literature.  It includes hundreds of folk songs, alphabets, rhymes, tales, jingles, proverbs. These short poems help children to learn to speak, read, count, imagine or play. They also help children to know, love and understand English history and the English language.

Pupil 1: The most famous Russian writers, translators and children’s poets successfully translated Nursery Rhymes. They are Korney Chukovsky and Samuil Marshak. They translated the best English songs.  Among them are “Robin The Bobbin”, “The Crooked Man”, “Little Girl”, “Humpty Dumpty”. The translations of Marshak and Chukovsky are popular and widely published in Russia.

Pupil 2: So, the aim of our conference is to analyze English poems in translations of two famous Russian writers.

Pupil 1: The term nursery rhyme is used for "traditional" poems and songs for young children in Britain and many other countries. In the book one can find short stories that have simple vocabulary and a catchy rhyme. For example:


Rain, rain, go away,

Come again some April day,

Little Johnny wants to play.

Pupil 2: Nonsense verses take a special place in Britain’s literature and as a result in the collection of English folk poems. One of the best known is:

Hey diddle, diddle,

The cat and the fiddle.

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed to see such fun,

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Pupil 1: It is known that the first publication of nursery rhymes appeared in England in the 18th century. But some poem is more than 4 hundred years. Perhaps, one of the most famous is “Three little kittens”:

What are you doing,
my little kittens?
We are going to town,
To get us some mittens.
What, mittens for kittens!
Do kittens wear mittens?
Who ever saw little kittens
With mittens?

Pupil 2: English poems were popular among Russian poets. The first Russian poet who began to translate English Nursery rhymes was Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. He was interested in poetry from his early years. After he taught himself English he fell in love with English language and its folklore. His translations of English folk poems like “Four and twenty tailors”, “Robin the Bobbin”, “Six little mice” became classical in Russian literature for children.

Robin the Bobbin,

The big-bellied Ben,

He ate more meat

Than fourscore men;

He ate a cow,

He ate a calf,

He ate a butcher

And a half,

He ate a church,

He ate a steeple,

He ate a priest

And all the people!

A cow and a half,

An ox and a half,

A church and a steeple,

And all good people,

And yet he complained

That his stomach wasn’t full.





Робин Бобин Барабек

Скушал сорок человек,

И корову, и быка,

И кривого мясника.

И телегу, и дугу,

И метлу, и кочергу.

Скушал церковь, скушал дом,

И кузницу с кузнецом,

А потом и говорит:

«У меня живот болит».



Pupil 1: Another famous Russian writer, translator and children’s poet successfully translated Nursery rhymes. It was Samuil Marshak. He studied philosophy at the University of London and travelled a lot around Britain. He liked the English language and English poetry. He translated the best poems of English Nursery rhymes that are still popular in Russia. Among them are “Pussy cat”, “Little girl”, “Kids in a cage”, “The house that Jack built”, “Three little kittens”, “Humpty Dumpty”, “Hey Diddle Diddle”.

There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile,

He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile.

He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse, And they all lived together in a little crooked house.

Жил-был человечек кривой на мосту.

Прошел он однажды кривую версту.

И вдруг на пути меж камней мостовой

Нашел потускневший полтинник кривой.

Купил за полтинник кривую он кошку,

А кошка кривую нашла ему мышку.

И так они жили втроем понемножку, покуда не рухнул кривой их домишко.



Pupil 2: Let’s look at these two poems and their translation. We’re going to analyze them. You should find the differences and the common features of the famous translations of Marshak and Chukovsky. You have some minutes to think about it.

Pupil 1: Well, our analysis showed that Chukovsky tried to save the main sense of the poem but he could change the structure of the poem, its intonation, rhythm or even add some characters or make them absurd. He also liked to use different repetitions and catchy rhymes in his works.

Pupil 2: Marshak translated English folk songs using his excellent knowledge of Russian folklore. Most of his works have the same rhyme, intonation, sense and characters.

Pupil 1: Despite the differences the works of Chukovsky and Marshak are very popular and earn them the love of millions.

Pupil 2: We also have found that the works of Chukovsky are popular in Britain. The Englishmen know him as a translator and popularizator of the English literature. They like his tales for the absurdity and take his stories as nonsense, a native genre for them. The most favourite tale is “Telephone”. It was translated by Jamey Gambrell and is known as “classic Russian nonsense” among the British.

Pupil 1: To evoke your interest to English Nursery rhymes we have prepared some videos for you.  You’ll also see the rhyme “The crooked man”. Let’s watch and discuss them.

Pupil 2: Finally, the last part of our conference is devoted to your translations. At home you have to translate the poem “The crooked man”. Now we should listen to translations and choose the best one among them.

Pupil 1: In conclusion we would like to say that our school conference helped all of us understand the great impact of Nursery rhymes on the works and lives of Marshak and Chukovsky and many other people.












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Краткое описание документа:

"Преподавая английский язык сегодня, важно не забывать про культуру, традиции и обычаи стран изучаемого языка.

Большое значение имеет изучение литературы. На уроках в своей школе мы стараемся уделять особое внимание поэзии. Школьникам нравится читать выразительно, разучивать, разыгрывать, делать собственные переводы, иллюстрации стихов на иностранном языке.

Большую помощь в моей работе мне оказывает книга английских стихов и песенок Nursery rhymes. Множество стишков, потешек, считалок, поговорок, лимерик, колыбельных, исторических текстов увлекают младших школьников и доставляют огромное удовольствие старшим ученикам.

Необходимо отметить, что лучшие стихи из Nursery rhymes были переведены на русский язык выдающимися детскими писателями и переводчиками С.Маршаком и К. Чуковским. Эти переводы знакомы школьникам с самого раннего детства. Возможно поэтому, работа со стихами так заинтересовывает их.

Ниже предлагается конспект мероприятия, которое посвящено роли Nursery rhymes в творчестве двух выдающихся детских писателей С. Маршака и К. Чуковского. Мероприятие проводилось среди учащихся 6-7 классов.

Предварительная подготовка: школьники заранее знакомятся с английскими стихами, читают и сравнивают переводы, выполненные известными писателями С. Маршаком и К. Чуковским, готовят свои собственные переводы стихотворений.

"Ход мероприятия

"Pupil 1: Dear teachers and students. We are glad to see you on our conference. Our conference is devoted to “Nursery Rhymes in the works of Marshak and Chukovsky”.

"Pupil 2: Nursery Rhymes is one of the most remarkable book for children in English literature. It includes hundreds of folk songs, alphabets, rhymes, tales, jingles, proverbs. These short poems help children to learn to speak, read, count, imagine or play. They also help children to know, love and understand English history and the English language.

"Pupil 1: The most famous Russian writers, translators and children’s poets successfully translated Nursery Rhymes. They are Korney Chukovsky and Samuil Marshak. They translated the best English songs. Among them are “Robin The Bobbin”, “The Crooked Man”, “Little Girl”, “Humpty Dumpty”. The translations of Marshak and Chukovsky are popular and widely published in Russia.

"Pupil 2: So, the aim of our conference is to analyze English poems in translations of two famous Russian writers.

"Pupil 1: The term nursery rhyme is used for «traditional» poems and songs for young children in Britain and many other countries. In the book one can find short stories that have simple vocabulary and a catchy rhyme. For example:

"Pupil 2: Nonsense verses take a special place in Britain’s literature and as a result in the collection of English folk poems. One of the best known is:

"Pupil 1: It is known that the first publication of nursery rhymes appeared in England in the 18th century. But some poem is more than 4 hundred years. Perhaps, one of the most famous is “Three little kittens”:

"Pupil 2: English poems were popular among Russian poets. The first Russian poet who began to translate English Nursery rhymes was Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. He was interested in poetry from his early years. After he taught himself English he fell in love with English language and its folklore. His translations of English folk poems like “Four and twenty tailors”, “Robin the Bobbin”, “Six little mice” became classical in Russian literature for children.

"Pupil 2: Let’s look at these two poems and their translation. We’re going to analyze them. You should find the differences and the common features of the famous translations of Marshak and Chukovsky. You have some minutes to think about it.

"Pupil 1: Well, our analysis showed that Chukovsky tried to save the main sense of the poem but he could change the structure of the poem, its intonation, rhythm or even add some characters or make them absurd. He also liked to use different repetitions and catchy rhymes in his works.

"Pupil 2: Marshak translated English folk songs using his excellent knowledge of Russian folklore. Most of his works have the same rhyme, intonation, sense and characters.

"Pupil 1: Despite the differences the works of Chukovsky and Marshak are very popular and earn them the love of millions.

"Pupil 2: We also have found that the works of Chukovsky are popular in Britain. The Englishmen know him as a translator and popularizator of the English literature. They like his tales for the absurdity and take his stories as nonsense, a native genre for them. The most favourite tale is “Telephone”. It was translated by Jamey Gambrell and is known as “classic Russian nonsense” among the British.

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